18 February, 2025


Rajapaksa Determined To Appoint A New Chief Justice And A New Prime Minister In The New Year

By Colombo Telegraph

President Mahinda Rajapaksa is determined to appoint a new Chief Justice and a new Prime Minister in the New Year the Colombo Telegraph reliably learnt.


Considering the Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne’s physical incapacity to report to office, President Mahinda Rajapaksa is expecting his resignation. Last week government spin doctors officially sent Jayaratne’s photographs to media which show his inability to attend office. The photographs were taken by a cameraman attached to the Sri Lanka Embassy in Washington, DC . The move drew a howl of protests from the Prime Minister’s family who said it did not do well for the Government and was in bad taste.

“A cabinet reshuffle is going to happen early in the New Year because once the Prime Minister resigns, the cabinet will be dissolved until the President names a new Prime Minister and cabinet of ministers”, a source close to Rajapaksa told Colombo Telegraph.

Political analysts say Supreme Court notices served on members of the Parliamentary Select Committee have united the Government and the opposition. In one voice, they have concurred that Parliament is supreme. It is likely that the impeachment motion against Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake, which was accepted by the Speaker, will  result in the her being found guilty by 7-4 votes in the PSC.

Although the Opposition Leader, Ranil Wickremesinghe, asked the Speaker to follow Anura Bandaranaike he wanted Parliament to give more time to Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake. He told the Speaker  “You should act according to the ruling given earlier by Hon. Anura Bandaranaike. We should also send these details to the courts. Someone has said that the process (regarding the impeachment motion) will end on December 8. That is a wrong concept. There are 14 allegations in the Impeachment motion and we should give at least one day per allegation and therefore it cannot be completed on the 8th. We should remember that there are other serious issues for the public such as education-sector problems, and balance of income and expenditure. Therefore, they do not expect a crisis between the judiciary and the parliament. Our stand is that we should remain with the stance taken by Hon. Anura Bandaranaike. If necessary, Mr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakse, in the capacity of the President of the Bar Association could further explain this. Our stand is that the late Anura Bandaranaike’s decision stands. There is no question about the petitions being filed in Courts. But, do not challenge our powers or do not issue notice on us. Continue to hear the cases and give the judgments. The privileges and powers of Parliament and its members should be protected by the Speaker. We do not want to lose democracy. We want to safeguard democracy. Also there should be protection for the independence of the judiciary.”

The President of the Bar Association, Wijeyadasa Rajapakse, made no objection. JVP members kept mum on the issue. TNA MP, M.A. Sumanthiran argued the MPs should honour the notice served on them by the Supreme Court.

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    This clown RW is more concerned about MP’s & Parliaments’ rights, privileges and procedures ? ?
    Remember how Wijedasa Rajapakse toe the line with CBK and try to introduce executive prime minister ship for CBK’s 3rd term ?
    if my memory serves right, he was the one who defended Rohitha Bogols when he crossed the floor for first time . in the end with the help of former CJ he opened the door for exodus . when MR was in trouble with the UNSG report he waste no time , hurriedly fax to Ban ki moon reminding him his limits as an UNSG , this time round he proposed RW to stay for another 6 years , on the wake of onslaught for the judiciary WR As the president of BASL performance was dismal to say the least, only after kandy bar association threatening , WR thought it was ok to act. if one analyses his past behavior , can we honestly say he is a genuine person as he claims to be ?

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      srilal, it is not RW but you are the clown here talking nonsense though your hat! It is due to imbeciles like you that this country is in this messy state because you are propagating sheer bullshit due to your horrible uneducatedness! As Rohana has already said the Judiciary is just as well corrupt as the legislature under the mal-administration of Rajapakshas! RW is the only politician left in the country today who adds even a semblance of sanity and logic to the politics!

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        Dear Gayan ,

        Thank you for your valuable comment and the compliments, oh i see , now i know person like me is one of the reasons for SL to be in a wholly mess like this!!
        May i kindly remind you, that i don’t represent any particular party or any particular person hence i do not go on idle worshipping for any person, period.
        talking of RW , i personally believe he is a visionary and comes top of the list when it comes to honesty, integrity, statement ship , political maturity etc etc .i also hold the view that neither 1999 election nor 2005 election he loss to his opposite numbers , in 1999 it was last minute colombo bomb blast did the magic i.e sympathy votes for CBK , 2005 election is an open secret everyone knows who the real winner was.
        But his resent behavior and actions are putting every one in the dock, to say the least it is atrocious and sickening.

        Lastly you have commented on my educational background ,pardon me i can’t recall sending you my CV , or you may have read the comment which i volunteerly declared to David B about my mental status and education background , or you may be using physic power , in any case i don’t intend to waste my time on explaining about my highest academic achievements or professional career achievements , please be my guest.
        you are more than welcome to take those as facts as I have stated to David blacker ,

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          Dear srilal, very sorry comrade, Nothing personal! And you sound a gentleman here and forgive me if your feelings were hurt!

          You are very near to truth yet seem to be distancing away from it for want of extra bit of penetration and insufficient data for real analysis. You disagree with Ranil’s recent behavior and actions. Can you please mention the specific incidents, behaviors and views and also mention your recommended behaviors, actions and stances he should have adopted? Then we can go into specifics and engage in some meaningful discussion. To make a long story short I would like to mention these facts:

          The Constitution has provisions and procedure to follow to remove a CJ or a President. And now such a situation has arisen which requires that the constitutional procedure must be followed to investigate and remove or acquit the CJ. And while such constitutional process is in progress the SC cannot prevent the parliament from following such process by issuing summons against the PSC members. It is violation of the Constitution. Also there is a precedent established by former Speaker AB. If instead of the CJ it was the Executive President himself who was impeached against and the SC were to intervene and prevented the parliament from proceeding against the President what would you say the situation would be? This hypothesis that People of this country desperately want to remove this despot but the SC can prevent the Parliament from exercising the Sovereign power of people! This CJ fiasco is such a complicated business and we still do not understand the full implications and scope of the problem. Therefore no fault whatsoever can be attributed to Ranil for the stance he took that SC cannot interfere with parliamentary affairs. Ranil as a politician has got a certain mandate and right from the Constitution and it is natural that he at all times strives to safeguard that mandate and right just as the SC is trying to protect theirs but this time spilling over to forbidden territory!

          Having said that however there is an unprecedented element to this scenario which is the present government does not possess a real mandate from people to govern or hold power. They have only a concocted majority constructed by illegal, corrupt and nefarious means and the constituents of the PSC from their side comprise rogues, lunatics, clowns, cheats-virtual culprits who must be behind bars by now in a free and fair functioning democracy! And their motive of impeachment is known to most of the people in the country-to remove that final obstacle between full-fledged despotism and hit-and-run autocracy! None of these rogues and racists are qualified even sit in judicial capacity let alone judge the CJ! Nowhere in Ranil’s stance has he recommended the government’s members in the PSC nor has admitted that PSC has judicial powers. He has only viewed the PSC as merely an investigative body who must submit their recommendations and findings to the Speaker which is the procedure laid down by the Constitution. During JR’s time they adopted a far more acceptable and reasonable mechanism in such a scenario and the panel adjudged NS reasonably and no one complained about the procedure or decision.

          The fact that this government headed by uneducated uncultured bastards does not possess the capacity or intention to conduct the proceedings of the impeachment in a reasonable and acceptable manner does not absolve Ranil from interpreting the Constitution in its established, precedential and intended meaning. It is the duty of the government to adopt a transparent policy in this process which is in par with international standards. We all understand that this whole procedure constitutes a great injustice, deformity and prejudice and to ideally handle this issue there must be a broader, combined and concerted effort than just leveling unfounded allegations against an experienced, mature and great politician like Ranil who would invariably play a major role in writing a new constitution for this country under a future government.

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          Dear gayan ,

          No hard feelings, some time it happens, any way thanks for the reply though. In your reply almost all the answers were there , any way I will tell you as I see things as an independent , at present SL is in cross roads and in a right royal mess ( turmoil from every angle) ,since you sound very erudite and conversant with the subject , I ‘m not going to waste my time in pointing out any of the issues. one has to analyze what is the root cause of this mayhem? Primarily it has got to do with the 1978 JR’s constitution; as we all know all successive leaders abused for their own benefit (only exception was Wijetunga). Under the current constitution its a childish belief to have a western type of democracy in SL , sadly RW has been and still is engaged in gentleman politics against this filthy, ultra nationalist ,down right racist , murderous , brutal, scandals bunch of criminal’s junta regime (I refuse to use the word government) . just take early 2000 RW’s government , how did he react to CBK’s stubborn action of taking of three ministries , being a gentleman he reacted very mildly (Arrival from Washington DC ),what was the reward being a gentleman , CBK dissolving RW’s parliament despite her assurance to the diplomatic community, for that crime RW and the rest of the population are paying dearly to date , this includes RW’s 2005 rightful victory been taken away by the current despot, given MR’s colorful history RW should have been politically matured enough to know what is up in the store for him , ,instead what has RW done , he has not changed any of his strategies’ and still continuing with his usual gentlemen’s politics , This is the background.
          now to talk about specific , current CJ impeachment saga , why on earth MR thought to call it a day with CJ , as we are all aware initially CJ was bidding full time for MR , and later realized, that she must draw the line as her actions were having devastating effects for generations to come , thus she started to act swiftly and consciously i.e Z score drama , Divi naguma charade , hearing the out come of Divinaguma circus ,Junta wasted no time , decision was made and that was the final despite Nimal siripala’s denial OF AN IMPEACHMENT , its said that impeachment motion was looming on the horizon , being an experienced, seasoned Politian caliber of RW should have proactively anticipated and avert any potential impeachment motion against CJ , instead Dr Jayalth Jayawardane was jumping up and down claiming UNP is more than willing to participate in any potential PSC , for me that is sheer stupidity , knowing very well of the composition of the parliament, in any committee Ruling junta is going to have the upper hand and easily outnumbering the opposition , it does not matter 4 to 3 or 11 to 4 , always end result would be majority and they will have the last laugh. As usual , stage actors did not waste any time and end result was writing The final script for the stage drama no 2 at the behest of the UNP.
          former CJ’s case was a total different ball game , though many tries to compare , it was an opposition speaker and opposition brought charges against the most corrupt CJ on genuine charges , two wrongs don’t make a right , even though AB declared SC can’t overrule the parliament , that should /would not take as gospel truth , what did RW say , he declared AB’ s ruling was the benchmark and gave his blessings again and gave the green light to go ahead with suicidal operation , MR used this sordid incident for his maximum benefit declaring opposition also backing the impeachment motion giving much needed recognitions , validity and legitimacy , more ever this is the final nail of the coffin, even international uproar has to step back as the main opposition is backing all the way from formulating to participating the kangaroo court , not ending there RW had audacity to endorse half baked AB’s ruling as the final even before consulting fellow opposition, for me this is utterly disgusting and offensive , is this just because he wants to follow the parliament procedures and protocols ? Gayan please tell me is this the best way to handle the current crisis, if you want to be an independent non partisan and to see things objectively?
          Bottom line is , RW should have known that parliament standing orders do not have judiciary powers, thus the whole circus is illegal. He should have declared, UNP will only participate in the PSC to initial QUESTIONING not for integration or cross examining , RW should have put forward similar to the following conditions and demanded , if not refusing to participate (RW ‘s open willingness to participate with PSC put Vijitha herath and R Sampanthan in a awkward situation )
          1) guarantee an open and fair hearing (Media Access )
          2) allow and respect CJ’s funder mental rights (avert brutal state media which hunting , granting her adequate time to prepare for relevant documents )
          3) follow and adhere parliament protocols (no government sponsored demonstrations etc)
          4) upon the completion of initial questioning appoint an expert panel out side parliament i.e common wealth country Judges (Malaysia has done this with the help of SL Judge )
          Gayan these are few ideas come to my mind right now , of course RW should have come up much more stern conditions and tactics to democratically to oppose this suicidal death trap , than merely washing his hands hiding behind the severely dented constitution. Hope I did not offend you !

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          Dear srilal, indeed those are the painful realities, missed opportunities and the gentlemanly politics too that we the thinking citizens of this country have to lament and be proud of too. Even though the JR’s constitution as you said has rendered this country to this situation I would rather argue that the despotic mutilation of same including the discarding and non-functioning of various Commissions in the 1978 Constitution has caused this situation. Had only the Election Commission functioned properly this illegal regime would have been dead and buried long ago!

          There may not exist a 100% accurate, timely, efficient and correct politician or human being on this earth and Ranil is no exception. As you said ideally I too would be very glad had Ranil acted more prudently in those and these critical moments of the history and present of this country. But what else can we do other than stick with the one whom we have chosen and trusted? Despite whatever pardonable shortcomings Ranil is the only one we can reasonably, logically and decently rely on to usher in an era of sanity, democracy and prosperity. Mine is not a tenacious view but a desperate last ditched hope against all the contradictions, contra-traditions, violations and human rights denials-the whole country is being stripped of all the basic rights to live. Whenever I ask myself who can replace Ranil I get no answer! Sajith, Karu, SF or anyone else? Hopeless! So we stick with the one we have. My aspiration is that we all must strive to establish a system of governance wherein no single leader or a select few are superior, powerful, influential and wield and usurp Sovereignty from people but a system that is reasonable, foolproof, agreeable to most and capably handling all or most of the issues and aspirations of the general public is set up to be guided by in governance.

          I think that the valuable recommendations you have suggested have already been raised by Ranil, UNP and others concerned. They may not have been worded the same way as you did but essentially these prerequisites have been demanded by them. The Latimer House reference covers all these things you have mentioned. These donkeys in the parliament do not know anything about Latimer Agreement other than kangaroo governance but when Ranil mentions it he means a whole scenario of relevance, practice, international custom and tradition and the line along which Ranil wants to and would operate. Unfortunately the people who criticize Ranil do not talk or educate the people of these globally accepted standards to handle these situations because they do not understand and not familiar with these advanced methods of governance in the world. Their sole escape route is to pound the UNP and its leader for everything which demands the intervention of the citizen as the sole and all powerful entity holding the Sovereignty. It is thousand fold effective empowering the people by educating them of their inalienable fundamental rights and Sovereignty which would result in more and more resistance to the despotic regime than throwing zero sum criticisms against Ranil. Having said that it is alright to discuss and criticize Ranil or anybody in the manner you did in the manner immediately preceding to this comment because there we are discussing the real issues and facts and trying to find correct answers to same. Those correct answers must be sane, logical, people friendly and sustainable; those answers must reflect concerns not only of the present generations but the generations upon generations yet to be born. In no way have you offended me in the presentation of your last comment and I fervently hope and encourage anybody that this is the way issues must be presented and discussed so that we can contribute factual views against factual issues without compromising our dignity and humanity! Wrong question and statement begets a wrong answer and comment, right question begets a right answer!

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      Sri lanka’s democracy is in tatters and ALL international aid donors who are interested in the country’s well being should give aid for a massive VOTER EDUCATION CAMPAIGN to educate the people on the need to elect decent politicians rather than crooks and thugs to parliament who then sign impeachment motions at the behest of the biggest thug Mahinda Rajapassa who is Asia;s Gaddhafi!

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        James Bond says:

        “ALL international aid donors who are interested in the country’s well being should give aid for a massive VOTER EDUCATION CAMPAIGN to educate the people”

        Oh please, how long do you need the voters to learn about their rights and responsibilities as voters and citizens?

        Do you think you can teach irredeemably stupid people the essence and practice of democracy?

        Come on get real.

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    Ranil is not a clown as you think. He is the only statesman in sri lanka politics. Judiciary is no better than politicians in sri lanka.

    CJ refusing to take oath in front of PSC was wrong. They should change all the contempt law and people should have the freedom to criticize judgments like in usa. Do not forget same judges sent sarath fonseka to jail. Sarath N Silva sent SB Disanayake to Jail because He said that he is not going to accept balu thindu from suprem court. We all know all most his decisions were balu thindus. This should not have happened in a democratic country.

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      Many those who cant grasp the depth of the problem that the country is facing today- evasively accuse of RW- that is not at all fair.

      I am sympathizer to neither of the parties in SL. When reading all these being away from SL, I feel, the bunch that all abusive politics promote today did the same job being on the opposition earlier (Kehelmala, SB, Rajitha and almost everyone that crossed over to strengthen the hand of brutally corrupted MR).

      Accusing RW is very easy- but the vaccuum that the opposition faced has lot to do with those ABUSIVE politicians than RW^s politics. Those are the opportunists by birth- that just changed their side- just trying to fill the pockets.

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      The reason why RW sided with the government on this issue abandoning his duty as the Leader of Opposition became clear when the UNP convention was held two days ago. He got the government protection to the maximum to keep the UNP rebels who were after his blood away and secure a term of leadership for another six years.
      The Buddha has advised King Udeni that one loves one’s life most, and therefore there is nothing wrong in his Queen’s admission that it is her life which she loves most in this world. RW has proven the Buddha correct.
      For people of Sri Lanka who seek a just and a righteous society, RW will be a poor deliverer. He, like anyone else in this world, gives the top priority to his own safety and looks at the safety of others only after he has been securely protected. There is nothing wrong in an ordinary man doing so, but not a man holding a position on behalf of people. Hence, given into this narrow and selfish leaning, he should not have sought public office as either Leader of Opposition or as he has now vowed future Presidency of the country. Real heroes are those who are ready to die with a sword in hand as was demonstrated by Ruler Tipu Sultan of Sri Rangapatnam State who fought to his death against the mighty British in 1797. By doing so, he earned respect of not only his people, but also his enemy, the British.
      According to the above report, when RW had advocated defying and confronting SC and JVP remaining silent, it was only the legal luminary MA Sumanthiran who had spoken real sense in the legislature on that issue.
      RW will never be able to have this black mark erased from the annals of his political life. What a pitiful end for a leader who claims that he is a democrat and a master of statesmanship!

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        A reader, what the hellish bullshit you are talking? You got only 300 odd votes against RW’s 4000 plus votes and you maggot chirp in and repeat your stereotyped, hackneyed, worn out and decrepit record daily dribbled by your Sirasa media whore! You are surely a stranded reporter from headless Sirasa media whore! Ask these questions from yourself now: Where is your mush hyped ground-level support, the grass-root level masses gathering by the thousands and encircling the Sirikotha and chasing the “shameless” Ranil? What happened to your petition to Obama to unseat Ranil? Is Ranil so powerful now that you have to petition Obama to shake him? Is your good for nothing backboneless shameless Ranil so powerful that even Mahinda Rajapaksha accedes to his requests and provides him with protection against enemies like you? What could you do to Ranil with all your Sirasa falsification Gajabinna, daily mudslinging coupled with government media whores dustbin-mouthed wankers like CA Chandraprema, Hadu Samarasinghe and UPFA politicians etc.? RW has nailed you useless fuckers and now you have to kneel down to him and accept him as the one and only victor and conqueror in UNP!

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          Oh Silva, mind your language first.

          I am glad that RW became the leader of UNP for 6 more years without facing elections every year so that he will not have to seek protection from the government against those rowdy UNPers who are being led, as you say, by Sirasa.

          But his speech in Parliament is totally uncalled for at this hour because it is being used by the Govt to carry on its onslaught against CJ.

          Hardcore UNPers excepting, the rest will abandon RW on this issue.

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        To reader and others alike, what convoluted Logic? RW has sided with the Law in the CJ’s issue, because he was given protection by the govt. to extend his term of office? On an earlier occaision the govt. closed the road down Siri Kotha way, yet again to help RW. Reader can you say who the people who voted, 4978 a 94% are? Is it the STF who gave guard? or is it MR’s supporters and not the UNP Balamandalayas of the Country. This is like how Tiran Alles said that the Leader of the Opposition receives Rs. 89 million per annum. Then MR need not do anything but reveal to the masses how corrupt Ranil is and he will lose all support, including ours that the entire UNP will be absorped into the MR govt. thereafter?

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        Reader, can you post your recommended speech in short that RW should have made in the parliament instead of the one he did? I am serious and don’t blame me afterwards!

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          Silva, I don’t want to be smart, but my undergraduate son says that if he were the Leader of Opposition, he would have drawn the attention of the Speaker to the failure of PSC to observe the Principles of Natural Justice and therefore its opening gates for others to interfere in the supremacy of the Parliament. So, it is better for Parliament to put its house in order before it accuses others of trying to decry its supremacy.

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        A reader et al,

        you are posting the sentiments of your undergraduate son without contributing your own sentiments!#? All right. He is at the beginning of his learning curve and it is good that you consult him to gain a perception as to what the perceptions of the modern generation are. Ranil is on the other hand a seasoned politician and gone through virtually all the situations, contingencies, crises, defeats, victories and deadlocks etc. and yet as far as right thinking and reasonable UNPers are concerned he is still the leader the party can depend on. Certain issues and statements cannot be judged by the mere face value and appearance but requires deeper insight and also the passage of time too. This CJ fiasco is the direct consequence of the politicization of the Judiciary and resultant damage caused to UNP. This began with the former maggot CJ giving illegal and politically motivated harmful judgments against UNP justifying the pole vaulting of UNP MPs to the government allegiance purportedly to reinforce the hands of the President but in truth out of the greed for various bribes, perks and privileges running into millions of rupees in value and impunity and protection conferred on them by the regime. This situation coupled with the role played by the equally corrupt print and electronic media which also derived relative benefits and advantages from the regime for the dirty works they do on behalf of the regime against UNP virtually assassinated the opposition UNP. However despite all these illegal, anti-democratic and all powerful Executive President-centered-and-perpetrated assaults and influences Ranil Wickramasinghe has survived and protected UNP from total obliteration. All these incessant problems and conflicts within and outside the party are but outward manifestations of the calculated and heavily sponsored conspiracies by the regime perpetrated to ensure their continued yet corrupt despotic regime. When you look at what happened in the past you can clearly see how much the judges had been regime oriented in their decisions against the UNP. In fact had it not for this CJ crisis today the just concluded UNP convention where the tenure of the UNP leader was extended for 6 years would not have been conducted because the proxies planted in the UNP by the regime would have obtained a court order prohibiting its conduct on politically concocted reasons. If Ranil extended overwhelming support to Judiciary and then a deterred regime gave in and withdrew the impeachment everybody would forget everything and continue their subjugated existence under the despot. But look at what is going to happen now! Ranil did not say he is black or white but demanded that due process must be followed to handle this situation. If you carefully analyzed his comments and speeches you can better understand his correct stance. Almost the whole of judiciary have now understood that there is not an iota of hope or tomorrow by being partial towards the regime and that it is now time to rise, revolt, confront, attack and decide against the regime and its illegal undemocratic operations and maneuvers. This they have understood by walking into a confrontation and crisis with the regime. This is the lesson Ranil want them to learn. If the regime is heading for a disastrous confrontation and defeat do you mean to say that Ranil should protect the government instead of further misleading the government into the pitfall? They now say that if they appoint an acting CJ they would boycott and reject him! This is a marvelous development in a country subjugated by a Hitler type despot! Moreover they are threatening that if the regime goes ahead with the kangaroo courts they would cause total paralysis of the whole justice dispensation system in the country. Don’t you see how the things are now gradually falling in place and apart against the regime? The support and blessings of the UNP and Ranil would definitely be extended to this cause at the right time. The case filed by the President of BASL, the UNP MP, is one such move; it definitely had the seal of Ranil but which Ranil does not run around claiming credit for. This is not a fight Ranil alone can fight. He cannot do anything if others do not rally around and perform their role. Take a cue from the Arab Spring. They are not heavily burdened or conditioned by leader-centeredness but rather people are the spring, the force and the weapon. It is the people that are sovereign-you and me-and not these bloody politicians, the Executive, the Judiciary or the Legislature which are mere tools of the exercise of the Sovereign power of people. It is this Sovereignty that must use the resources-Ranil, UNP, Trade Unions, the Religious Leaders, the Professionals, the Disenchanted, the Bereaved, the Law Abiding, the Human Rights and Bodies established for promotion, the International Players, the UN etc. etc. You all desperately want to send this regime to hell but you don’t know how to obtain the support of the opposition leader! This is primitive and kindergarten stuff! How can you defeat MARA regime like this? You try to peel off the skin of Ranil, attach all the defamatory qualifiers to him and yet want to defeat this regime! What do you hope to achieve? Get real and be professional than this! Even a betel seller has “marketing” talents than this, we need every bit of support we can hang on to!!!!!!!!

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          Silva, CJ has done a lot of injustices but she now realises that what she did has followed her with total retribution. The current issue is not whether CJ is good or bad; the current issue is whether the Rule of Law is bent and Principles of Natural Justice is twisted for the benefit of the regime. If RW does not rise against it, next time it will be he who would be subject to this type of arbitrary punishment. After RW, who will be in the line: Silva, you and me.

          If we can fight it now, we are safe. All I said was that RW will not deliver us from the imminent danger. Unfortunately, you have missed the point.

          So, no need for arguing about RW now. History will decide where he would be in this game.

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      You must be dreaming! Ranil is a shameless scoundrel of the highest order – he should have resigned or been forced to resign as the leader of UNP long ago given his dismal performance at elections. Any performance based review would make it clear that”
      1. Ranil is long past the sell by date and his shelf life has expired
      2. in the context it absolute knavery to extend his term for another 6 years.
      3. It is absolute knavery to be collaborating with Rajapassa – the most corrupt and brutal regime in Sri lankan history – on the impeachment of the CJ and the Kangaroo court process and other matters in order to cling to leadership of the UNP.
      4. Ranil is as responsible as is the Rajapassa dictatorship for the current destruction of democracy and governance institutions in Lanka today.

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        James Bond, not RW but you et al are the scoundrels who have been grating along in these forums but never could do anything to justify your deviation or cause! If I were you I would just walk towards a rail track and jump against a running train because the 300:4000 defeat was simply humiliating when compared to your inflated falsehoods claimed against Ranil!

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      Dear Rohana, you’ve got a point. When Sarath Silva ( the most corrupt CJ of all times) was playing havoc, mocking the sanctity and the respect of the judiciary there was no way he could be punished. This is not about Shirani Bandaranayake. She is also responsible for this mess that she and the country is in. We should worry why there are no measures to check and balance the activities of a CJ when the need arises. Sadly the era of reason, intelligent discourse, rational argument and looking at the larger fate of democracy is gone. This is why Ranil looks like a clown to some people. If Sarath Silva whose acts are too dirty to be repeated was in this mess the same people will say that the the oopsite of what they say today. THis is because with all the media hype the present CJ has been inflated as an icon for justice. Oh, what short memories people in this country have! Its always about persons and personalities. Never about the country, justice or democracy.

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        Exactly Kanchana! Your type of intelligent persons are very rare these days and that is the reason for this mess in the country.

      • 0

        well said!!

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    CJ is corrupt she should go home and rest. If parliament is above the Supreme Court, what is she trying to do?

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      How do you know?

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        Oh, you should be related to the former tea taster – nonetheless works as current ambassador to the US today ? This alone proves the wisdom of the current leader.

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        This is what happened when uneducated people vote and send corrupt ones to parliament and Supreme Court

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    Yes as the leader of the opposition and getting a paycheck of 86 Million rupees per year, Ranil W. surely should protect his club membership. Where else on earth he could get this much payroll…
    Similarly from the Police/security officer turnrd speaker, to grade 9 school drop out as Minister of housing, to house boy turned social affairs minister, and the rest of the 222 members have to protect the parliament club paradise for their own survival.

    Parliament is the biggest white elephent with under educated Ministers not only getting summa pay but all the ministries they run are running at Billions of rupees losses to the country and it’s people.

    Today the headlines…..CPC loosing 100 Billion rupees….What is the minister doing …after charging some of the highest rates from consumer in South East Asia. They could have paid FREE PAYROLL FOR ALL CPC WORKERS FREE PAY FOR TWENTY FIVE YEARS WITH THIS LOST MONEY.

    If MARA Three brothers could allocate, disburse and execute 50% of the budget…..the rest of the 50% could be allocated maximum among 10 Ministers……Then why we need a 225 member parliament. Aren’t most of these are PIN PADI karayas.

    One MP (Tiran Alles) says that most of the ministers and MP’S HAVE NOT SPOKEN A SINGLE WORD IN THE PARLIAMENT FOR THE LAST 2 OR MORE YEARS….Is this the state of our parliament…. Surely that’s why these Alibabas worship MARA.

    Who is Ranil Wickremasinghe…..He is a spent force. If he is smart enough….he could be used as a Mole, a dummy , a decoy or a spy wichever he prefers to others.

    I feel sorry for UNP for having RW for 6 more years…How old is he…. can he walk 6 miles every day to meet people and give speeches without people falling asleep for six more years. OMG.

    He could be more useful to society if he could be hired as a clown or a santa claus during festive season. I don’t see any other profession for him ….other than Mr. constant Looser. Pray that the party members and the supporters to have patience to tolerate to see and hear him talk for 6 more years.

    His collegue Anura Bandaranayake….another grade 10 school drop out. What Anura knows about LAW for Ranil to take lessons from…other than both are suitable for one purpose……..

    MR has bumped into the WRONG HOLE this time with the CJ impeachment.
    His astrological time has placed not the CJ but for HIS exit from his dream CROWN Araliya Gaha Mandiraya.

    All his dirty deals will be revealed to public including BLACK MONEY AND OFF SHORE ACCOUNTS.

    From fraudulentely collapsing the Golden Key Conglomerate due to Lalith Kotalawela been a UNP supporter, and to get his revenge and to get his all assets from DIVINEGUMA fund to Black market money invested in the Stock market and off shore accounts will be revealed to the public.

    When all these are taking place Ranil and all the rest of 225 parliament Thakkadi Hora Guhawa (Parliament Thieve’s Den) is silent and covering each other.

    This is the state of Sri Lanka today.

    Good luck
    Suba Anagathayak…..Rata Kapan.

    • 0

      Mahela, go to hell you stupid loser. Your nonsense deserves no comments!

      • 0

        Give me your point….why….why…

        • 0

          Mahela, Please read the above comment posted by Silva. I share the same sentiments and would answer why I so commented to your views.

    • 0

      Mahela, I understand your frustration. You don’t need to have a PhD to be a politician. Mrs B ,DS , Premadasa did not have PhD’s but they were good leaders. How is learned GL Peris doing ? he is a total failure.
      Anura did not have a Law degree but he consulted all the reputed constitutional lawyers and gave the historical verdict against dirty sarath n silva,s order.
      Supreme court can not dictate to parliament that is what Ranil is saying. Reason for impeachment hearing may be wrong but process is according to the constitution. why cant she face it like previous cj’s and show that she is not at fault. He did not say to impeach her, in fact he ask more time for her. It is easy to blame Ranil for everything. I hope you are not a Sirasa fan :)

      • 0

        GLP is total failure since he is with bunch of thieves. Now under MR he has been a caricature – not having the sole power over the foreign ministry though he is the head. I dont think that GLP agreed sending former soldiers should have to be posted to the diplomatic missions following the war; cant be that he decided to appoint today^s lanken Ambassador to the us; cant be it was his idea to open diplomatic missions in unheard african countries.All these have lot to do with hambanthota planners.

        In the previous govt GLP was one of the architects of the devolution package though majority of the people in the country cant grasp it . Devolution the power into regions is the best – if anyone would love seeing the country should be developed.

        • 0

          Yes I totally agree with you that we should have the Devolution of Power.

          Since we have nine provinces…..in order for better efficiency, we could RE-DEMARKATE INTO FOUR OR FIVE PROVINCES.

          This is long over due and will help improve economy tremendously.

          But both Govt. and the people doesn’t understand this….although many have travelled to USA and seen the developments on states.

          Less Central Govt. (in Sri Lanka it’s Parliament) and more administrative powers given to provinces will definetely help both economy, social, education and employment issues.

          It’s time for change….and change for good.

      • 0

        First of all I honestly tell you that I am NOT a Sirasa fan…more over I am a…y from SL. I just got liking to this whole new impeachment business and got interest in it and was following it thereafter.

        I am not a Lawyer either. Only thing I started to read news and was trying to analyse the developments on a honest non partisan manner. Here’s what I found and please correct if I am wrong.

        No the process is not according to the constitution. The reasons are follows.

        1) One of the five Govt.ministers who handed over the Motion to Speaker openly said in public that this impeachment against CJ was
        not for anything else…but to punish her on Divineguma Bill. Also Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha said the reason he did not sign the impeachment was, he was not allowed to see the charges…..ie. so we could suspect if the rest of the 117 who nsigned ever saw those charges, and signed blindly.

        2) Before handing any impeachment motion to CJ… CJ is being notified … about the charges and for him/her to come up with some kind of valid reasons against those charges….which never happened here.

        3)Before handing over the impeachment to SPEAKER (even before taking the signatures) , a select committee go through those charges… do indepth study ,research, back ground checks, interviews and a whole lot of tests to make sure that those charges are relevant,valid, reasonable and in par with the constitution…..which we did not see here happened…..which is against the constitution.

        4)Normally the accused…ie. the CJ normally given six weeks to answer….where as here she was given only one week, which is against the constitution.

        5)Two of the seven Govt. select committee members have had to face charges in court making them invalid to be in PSC ….and by including them in this PSC, Govt. went against the constitution.

        6) On the first imp. hearing…c

      • 0

        Sorry Rohana…something happened in the cmputer…

        let me continue……..

        6)On the first CJ IMP. hearing she asked extra time to gather more information and mind you she planned to interview over 700 witnesses….but she was denied and gave only one week and to give in writing if she does not have time….again going against the constitution.

        7) Final and the most important one is that MR. Kamal Nissanka- LLB (Read CT newsletter under… On Removal of Judges) found an important script written by Prof. H.L.De Silva who wrote that a CJ impeachment hearing should be carried out first by SC and only if found CJ guilty should be forwarded to PSC…..so there is a big difference now and the whole parliament is confused.

        I think the whole business of impeachment in SL is a mess……
        For instant since Govt. has a mojority in the parliament, how can it justify representing a 7:4 majority in an impeachment of a chief judge. Surely this favours the Govt. naturally….which is WRONG.
        Here we are not talking about election….but to give a genuine judgment….correct….I hope you understand my point.

        I could only say we in SL only have party politics…..
        All my generations including me are strong UNP’s…what ever happens we stand by UNP……but poor Ranil by biting somebody’s dead rope…here it’s Anura Bandaranaike’s ….and I herd about AB in College (senior to us)…and I cannot agree with you as to how far Anura B. consulted Cons. Lawyers to come up with his theory …..because as to Prof. H.L.de Silva it is INCORRECT…..fell into the same hole. The point I want to say is nobody has read or ungerstood the constitution well other than few senior Judges…and Prof.H.L.De Silva is one of them.
        After all with AB’s…judgment in parliament….still sarath N. Silva survived the impeachment…..due to Madam CBK…

        I feel sympathy for Ranil for taking all the blame…..but people like me at this stage of the CJ impeachment trial expected him as the opposition leader, he should have looked into the Justice, the honesty, the validity, or the real reason behind this impeachment. This is more humane and gentlemanly.
        Simply because the law says to hang every murderer….you don’t follow it other than to find out the reason behind that murder….

        Anyway I am sorry for instigating RW but purely on rage against the unjust impeachment brought against CJ…and hope RW and the readers …like you will understand me.


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    Can we blame Ranil for saying that the line between the powers of court and the powers of parliament should be clarly drawn and observed? I am puzzled about this.

    In 2001, when that rogue Silva was impeached, why did’nt Weliamuna say all these things that he is saying now about the impeachment, then? I tried to find a single article by him on those lines and could’nt do so. So one thing is said by these people now and another thing said by them when Sarath Silva was impeached! Does the correctness of the impeachment procedure depend on the character of the Chief Justice in issue??!!

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      fazeela jameel, that is the critical point in this whole episode. Former maggot CJ was a nuisance, an abuser, a bush-fucker and they all wanted to chase him away whereas this lady though initially had dealings with the Rajapakshas later turned against them and also showed some quality of independence and integrity and therefore they desperately want to keep her in the office as a valiant fighter and a protector for them against the Rajapaksha juggernaut. But out of their desperation and lack of understanding about the constitutional matters they are attacking the wrong person RW for all of their ignorance.

  • 0

    Most of the comments are very personal and abusive.This is a cross section of the SL society.What is at stake now is the balnce of power of the three arms of the State.It is the oppressive and abusive president who brought SL State to this sorry state.RW is no saint .We saw how he got his term of party leadership extended to 6 years.Those in Diyawannawa went their through ballot rigging and killing and maiming their opponents.Are these lawmakers suitable to pass judgment on the CJ who has maintained her position.If she compromised her position MR would have made her a millionair.We salute the CJ for her bravery against all ods and keep her head held high.Her colleagues in the Judiciary should emulate her and keep their pride and integrity untouched.

    • 0

      She should be unique by her Education – I read somewhere, she is the first to have completed a PhD in law. So, her behaviours in this regard should be varied from any other lawyers that re common in law fields in SL today.

      • 0

        Andre, please be sure of you facts before you spout. This lady is NOT the first in the Faculty to get a PhD in Law. Before her was GL PEIRIS who is now reduced to a joke. Before him there were others though my memory fails me.

        So this should teach us the value of talking of those who have PhD’s in law!

        • 0

          I am really sorry for that- I just read somewhere only. I will add them to this in next days – as references.

    • 0

      Yes, that is the exactly the mirror image of the current regime.

      Some accuse of the previous regime that may have sowed the seeds paying the way to grow more of criminals to date – lawlessness since FORMER CJ – is awarded as the most corrupted CJ in the history allowing idiots to behave as they is correct.

      I think – though not hope- our societies will rather reach their levels like in Pakistan than trying to develop to the western style civilised societies.

      Just alone the lawmakers^s comments in the parliament lately to his own colleague – Rosy senanayake is beyond abusive levels. How can you expect general public to behave civilized. If a country is named civilized – whose politicians also behave with much more respponsible and polite – PERHAPS, we dont need to take examples from the west – but from our history of the parliament.. Several decades ago, we had civilized members got elected to the parliament. Even if they used abusive, uncivilized, impolite words while holding their speeches or debates- they were then punished for their failures. but today, it seems finding – CIVILIZED ones in the society instead of uncivilized is a big problem.
      So we will soon end up – country – society almost not far from PAKISTAN, EGYPT and like minded ones.

  • 0

    People who post comments here, are believed to be above average as the majority of our inhabitants do not posses English lannguage skills.

    Yet , besides throwing brick bats at each other based on silly political affiliations,,nearly all do not show any interest in the motherland.

    In five years Srilanka will be a medium income nation.

    In ten years , Srilanka will be a force to reckon with among South Asian countries as far as Econmic activities are concerned.

    The economic progress since the demise of the Separatists, has been phenominal.

    Besides tremendous kudos from rating agencies, business journals and other authorities in the West who are watcing developing econmies and future oppotunities for their investors, the World Bank seems to have high regards for Srilanka, going by the assertions of their CEO who spent a week in the country.

    Without naming names,the conglomorate of organizations who are hell bent on stoping Srilankan progress, for obvious reasons is starkly evident to anyone who cares to read and watch media with an open mind.

    Starting with the failed attempt to roll the Prez, with an unholy alliance of extremist on both wings,there has been a string of campaigns, by some of the most privileged sectors of the motherland to derail the progress and bring havoc and unrest, with the hope of regime change.

    Under these crcumstances ,Mr Ranil Wickremasinghe’s support to thwart this latest attemt by the CJ and her cheer squad is most welcome and well recieved by the great majority of the inhabitant population,

    These inhabitants who are mainly the rural poor who have been sidelined since indipendance, know that this is the only opportunity to carry on the development program that has been put in place and lift their living standards to give children a better life.

    • 0

      Please explain how we are becoming a medium income nation when day by day our purchasing power is going down, prices are going up, budget deficit is going up. Tax payers have to bear the burden of losses from Mihin Air, Sri Lankan, Hambantota Port, Ports Authority, CEB, Petcon etc. Have you read the COPE report?

    • 0

      Sumnasekara you must be day dreaming. Everything looks good on project papers assumptions and anticipations. But Let me know apart from roads what this government has done since the war was won.

  • 0

    I generally do not wish ill to others. But seeing the villainy committed by these ruthless, they richly deserve it. DMJ, the PM, may he live long and suffer in this condition for the foul mouth and his misdeeds committed. Hopefully MR too shoud end up like DMJ and should not have an easy and peaceful exit. There sufference should be an eye openner to the public as a warning. Similarly Mahinda Wijesekara is repenting at leisure.

    • 0

      – Sad…. how lankens are upto today.. I would not wish even enemies to suffer by health problems.

      I dont wish, but we ll see it how MR would end up soon. History has shown all these – needless to say anything about Karma.

    • 0


  • 0

    All should unite to get rid of the Executive Presideny then all these problems will be automatically resolved.

    • 0

      Are you dreaming ? Resolving of all problems once EP is abolished – can be thinkable for a nation whose average are educated. Ours is unfortunately a nation that would not grasp things easily. Said to e a nation with high literacy rate – but their deeds prove – can easily be manipulative – dont want to see beyond. see, how they react these days even if MR shoot the masses borad daylight – donkey masses would continue bending their heads as if it is the case in north korean folks.

  • 0

    Former postmaster and veteran politician, one of the old school SLFPers with a commitment to pro-poor policies, unpretentious and straightforward. Fair well Prime Minister! Inning well played!!!!.

    • 0

      The son of the caretaker of Sir T.B. Panabokke’s residence at Gampola. Gave them hell during 70-77. Now this Poor man turned Ultra Rich Capitalist is the Owner of Ambuluwawa Resort, where Billions of Rupees have been spent, from where God only knows. Now wants the son to be installed in his place. Not bad for someone who had nothing, just doing politics to be Rich? Yes, certainly a good innings?

      • 0

        You sound to be like a book in SL, how come you are well aware to all this bits. Regardless of what is being what is being discussed, you bring all the pedegrees of the met people… niyamai… King of Opaduwa…

      • 0

        Well the fact that he had spent millions on his son’s wedding invitations alone gave away the fact that his integrity has been compromised. Still, he was one of the better ones.

        • 0

          Besides being a Rogue who amassed public funds to the tune of billions, he was also a thug during his day leading mobs, attacking people. As Senguttuvan says he terrorised many a wealthy Tamil family and extorted money. He nearly paid with his life being thrashed and stabbed, being hospitalised in critical condition. But the bugger pulled through. Now he must be remembering his meteoric rise from rags to riches and how he made that wealth. So Bedrock, how can he be a better one?

          Ann, it is not irrelevant, to know the pedegree of people especially the Public figures with my span of age. It is not Opadupa, but being vigillent and knowledgeble. Take care!

      • 0

        Dont worry Gamini, Ann, myself and several of us are great fans of you. I respect seniors like you.. I like your comments- most of the time, no matter what kind of politics you would support – so long being against to the current thugs – that re popular as uneducated, uncultured rascals.

        Only thing that I cant see is among the seniors- if we had great seniors in the country that can work help opening the eyes of the masses – because I believe educated seniors can WELL contribute their own experience in rebuilding the nation. My opinion is even if there are more seniors alike you in our society, but their voices stay silent duet to GREAT fears – freedom of speech in SL today -as read lately on an another thread is much less than in Burma (Dictatorship).

  • 0

    Gamini (Dec 03) Dimu – the Hero of 1977 and 7/83 in Gampola – is unlikely to voluntarily quit his Throne even if his health condition comes to that of Prof Stephen Hawking. How he was made PM despite Police complaints against him of HR rights against Tamils surprised me.
    His open racketeering as Minister of Agriculture in CBKs Govt in 1994 together with that semi-literate Gangoda who ran the Fertilizer Corpn should have made him through the door, if decency was around. The most comical incident was when he threatened to jump out of the upstairs of Temple Trees and commit suicide if he was not made PM. Later he is said to have pleaded with MR to make him PM and said he has even got a suit made for the occasion. What the office of PM has become from the sublime days of DS, SWRD, Dudley, Mrs B and JRJ??? The decline in the country was directly proportionate to the decline of our standards and the image of the country in the eyes of the people and the world.


    • 0

      Sure, name one prominent minister from 77 till 2012 that didn’t scam? For that matter how about an Indian or Pakistani minister who’s clean?? We in modern Asia have to pick the lesser evil. Viewing our past with rose tinted glasses is a exercise in futility. “DS, SWRD, Dudley, Mrs B and JRJ” also stole in one way or the other They only did with a bit class/polish.

      • 0

        Barney, Dudley afetr his demise had only a few hundred rupees in his bank account. JRJ has written most of his properties to the Public Trustee. There were Ministers as M.D. Banda, U.B. Wanninayake, Dr. Ranjith Atapattu, Gamini Jayasuriya who were honest men. Can you compare these Rogues with them?

  • 0

    Bedrock Barney – Ever heard of the Hon. Lal Bahadur Shashtri, one time Indian PM, who died in Tashken (USSR) under mysterious circumstances.
    You will learn he was one of the most honest men in Indian and Asian politics – who lived and died poor. His family is till poor but his name is remembered in venerable terms even today. Most Indian Ministers now are absolute rogues – no different to our lot. As to Pakistan – that’s another story.

    To Gamini’s list one must add the name of Dr. W. Dahanayake – who came to the UNP from the SLFP.


  • 0


    You would make a better Opposition Leader than RW ! Even SP could have put forwarded these conditions.Now Latimer House rules koheda?

    RW never confronted/took on any government on any issue,does not inspire,has no desire to become the government.He is in full comfort zone running his little kingdom.

    • 0

      cheers lament !

  • 0

    Ranil W is an ass no brains a fact known from College days that is why he talks of parlimentary previledges while the UNP is crumbling enjoying a massive pay check this useless man must be removed from politics

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