By Kumar David –
The utterance of a voice long suppressed
No doubt about it, cerulean has trumped viridescent, again, in the Sinhala heartland, the blues even comfortably winning Kandy District which the greens had hoped to bag. In the Tamil north, Rajapakse and his factotum Douglas have been given the thrashing of their lives in a TNA landslide like never before in our electoral history – over 80% of the vote. The Tamils have in an emotional sense affirmed war crimes accusations, they have also rejected the Sinhala State; there is no other interpretation for this result. Of course this is not a tribunal, but it is of political significance. There is a dangerous bifurcation of the country which will not diminish till the Gota-Mahinda regime is driven out. Let’s grow up and get real; there is nothing this regime will not do, if it can get away with it, to sink the new NPC-TNA Administration; the survival of dictatorship is predicated on snuffing out independent power centres. Call me a pessimist if you will; on this topic I am. Nevertheless, I have inserted the caveat, “if it can get away with it”, to concede that until CHOGM is done with, inflicting injury on the NPC will be restrained since Singh, Cameron and Abbot may pull out.
The statement from Navi Pillai’s office said: “We categorically deny the High Commissioner ever uttered a single word about the statue of Prime Minister D.S. Senanayake at any point during her visit to Sri Lanka, let alone asking the President to remove it. This claim is without a shred of truth”. This is beyond belief; extraordinary, unprecedented in global diplomacy. Are certain people of clinically unsound mind? My editor, understandably, cannot publish names if I utter them.
Don’t waste time with semantics like does Thamil Arasu imply a separatist agenda or does anyone have the right to praise Vellupillai Prabaharan in public; pointless discourses initiated by those who are unwilling to look at realities. And reality is, how will the NPC Administration, an occupying military of alien ethnicity, and a crude, cruel and corrupt government, co-exist. The next phase in the political game will be dominated by this imbroglio. If Sinhalese people continue to flock to the Gota-Mahinda agenda, as they seem to be, anything is possible in the coming years, an extreme scenario would be the resurgence of Eelam (meaning separatist) trends among Tamil youth. Paradoxically, Gota may be midwife to that which VP and the LTTE could not deliver.
The TNA can thank Gotabahaya’s army for a landslide election victory. The blatant involvement of the army in election violence and refusal of the police to intervene indicates that Mahinda has lost control Gota, or Gota has lost control of the military. I have been saying this for months. It is time others with access to information, follow-up; I don’t have insider data to choose between the options. Since the credibility of the CM and NPC Administration is crucially dependent on their capacity to overcome Colombo’s hostility and get on with their job and their ability to have the army confined to barracks, a standoff with this power crazed regime seems unavoidable.
For the record, and in passing, let me say a few sentences about my position on the LTTE. I do not agree with Chief Minister Wigneswaran’s reported characterisation of VP as a hero. I see VP as both a committed Tamil nationalist as well as a terrorist, at least to the extent the Sinhala army too indulged in extensive terrorism. Dichotomy is common among petty-bourgeois nationalists and rebels across the world in the last 100 years. I also hold that secession is detrimental because it will lead to chaos and create more problems than it solves. Readers will observe that my judgement has nothing to do with nationalism or the swell of patriotic pride; it’s to do with the greatest good of the largest number of people. However, none of this implies that I deny that the Tamils are oppressed.
It is not Tamil rights is particular but democracy in general that I prioritise. If Vigneswaran and the TNA-NPC Administration can help bugger an authoritarian regime, they are my allies; if they screw up their tactics so badly that the regime can use them to prolong its authoritarian lifespan, then they are a bothersome nuisance. The Tamil problem is a subordinate issue in the generality of the national democratic revolution.
Folly of the Sinhalese electorate
It is foolish to run away from facts. The Rajapakse Regime (RR) retains its hold on the Sinhala mind; it is corrupt, cynical and brutal; the electorate knows this, thoroughly, but still desires to ingratiate itself with the regime and gave it a sizable majority. It is not possible to say when the addiction will end. If Hitler had won the war, adulation of the Fuhrer would have persisted for generations, so Nietzschean scepticism about the nature of man is in order. One must not abandon hope or the fight, but marinate it with a healthy dose of realism. The tiger cannot change its stripes or the leopard its spots. Can RR be anything but what it is? I think do-gooders who appeal to President and government to practice pluralism and reconciliation are naïve. If RR is unlikely change, it is up to the Sinhalese people to grasp the nettle and send it packing. Will they; if so, when? I have no idea, and certainly no time soon. Lanka faces a long hard grind ahead.
My friends on the left write with assurance; here is a typical letter from a few days ago which I quote at some length because the writer is an influential but independent player on the left.
“Though chauvinists in the regime use racist slogans on election platforms in the South they have to temporarily tone down their ultra-racism. Gota, Champika and Wimal seem to be going through a crisis. Liberals and leftist in the government are in a happy mood in this situation, but neither did anything useful during the visit of the General Secretary of HR (UN) or anything constructive regarding the TNA Manifesto. Vasu’s comments were utterly negative and predicted that the Manifesto would provoke the South. At the same time in a Ravaya interview he attacked Gota and other racists so as to make Mahinda look better.
“The Welivariya incident clearly shows this government does not care about the people. It only protects investors and capital. People understood, in one incident, more than in a hundred of your study-classes, that the army is not their saviour. Neither the UPFA-left nor the racists offered any comments on this incident.
“Living costs are rising by the day. They tax daily-needs goods again and again. They may win the PC’s in the South due to UNP weakness and low polling, but actually there is a big political leadership crisis in the country. A spontaneous uprising is coming. People do not care for any of the present political leaders. You are correct to pressure Jayampathy and others to criticise the leadership and put forward a common minimum left programme. The Communist Party, the JVP and JVP-breakaway group are also in the same boat”.
Readers may not agree with the entirety of the flow of this argument and think it typical of the star-gazing that leftists indulge in. However, the points that this piece raises are not moon-shine. The nation’s state is truly parlous, even if “spontaneous uprising” is wishful thinking. I do not see a gathering storm on the Southern horizon, nor has the Cherry Orchard yet been felled.
What next for the Tamils?
What the TNA must not do under any circumstances is capitulate to the pressure of the rump-LTTE Tamil diaspora – TGTL or whatever it calls itself. The TNA must dig in and firmly affirm that it will remain faithful to the Manifesto on which it was elected. This will be trouble enough, without taking on board the rantings of LTTE-rump loonies. The TNA has now established beyond doubt that the in-country leadership is at the helm of the Tamil people and it must not allow the tail to wag the dog. The Tamil diaspora has helped and can continue to help in the development of the North and the East, it can play a constructive role; this is the relationship that has to be nurtured.
The one issue on which Wigneswaran and the NPC cannot retreat is demilitarisation in some form and guise; this is non-negotiable for the people and for the TNA too unless it wants to lose all credibility. For Gotabaya and the army, it is a red-line that cannot be crossed. How is Mahinda going to make the tactical retreat that he must?
The Tamils should rejoice that their emotions about war crimines has at last found voice; they had to wait four years for this opportunity, but history, like the mills of god, grinds slowly and unlike the said mills, it does not grind particularly fine. If the Tamils are allowed autonomy, in deeds even if not in Constitutional words, to live freely in their traditional homelands and to prosper, they will have to forget and forgive a lot. That’s the price of reconciliation from the Tamil side. My correspondent is right that Gota and the chauvinists must be marginalised first, then Mahinda, because one leg of his three legged stool would have fallen. I am reading quite a lot into the possibilities of the NP-PC elections, but working together the TNA and Sinhalese democrats can deliver a lot.
Bensen Burner / September 29, 2013
Very Good and well said.Bensen
Fathima Fukushima / September 29, 2013
TNA rides the TIGER again!
Rajash / September 29, 2013
TNA will soon ride the Lion too
Fathima Fukushima / September 29, 2013
Lion poo!
(A leaf from Thalaivar’s last moments)
Rajash / September 29, 2013
yup the lion will poo when TNA ride the lion
Siva Sankaran Sarma / September 29, 2013
The last lot to try and ride the lion got mauled so badly that their remnants are still crying and howling in pain, more than 4 years later :D
Rajash / September 29, 2013
yes …the lions are still poo ppoing….
Rajash / September 30, 2013
You are poo pooing your shit all over CT.
Fathima Fukushima / September 29, 2013
Rajafucksa’s grease devil army is already riding the tigresses!
Citizen / September 29, 2013
Well written.
upul / September 29, 2013
What if- Yes , What if the North turns out to be another Singapore with direct investment from India, EU and other parts of the world in the next 20 years.
Will it be treated as a part of Sri Lanka or will everything be done to thwart its development?
Just a thought!
Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah / September 29, 2013
“…..or will everything be done to thwart its development?”
Upul, It’s more than “just a thought”, in my mind, it’s a worry!
ilyasfazly / September 29, 2013
Usha, why worry on something that’s not started yet ( i mean , upul’s theory of devolopment)instead why don’t you and the diaspora support such a cause and see it into fruition.
Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah / September 29, 2013
Dear ityasfazly,
I fully support the TNA cause and its federal manifesto. For me if that paves the way for a federal system as the Tamil people overwhelmingly want and true economic, social, cultural and political development gets underway without any interference and political meddling, and a ‘Singapore or Dubai’ really emerges, I’ll be more than happy. I am ready to see it to fruition and willing to drop my separatist plea! But can you assure me a federal system is in the offing, where is the guarantee that will come to fruition?
Compromise I will if its for the good of the North and East But there’s no compromise on my stand for an International Independent investigation!
ilyasfazly / September 30, 2013
Usha, how about working with the current opportunity at hand and on the lines of the 13th amnd. do you think a federal system on paper is the requisite ? The World will recognise the goodwill and the good work for the tamils by the tamils and federal system will fall in line in the future.. the ruling cannot rule forver. so this may be the opportunity to buils up a strong society sans hatred,greed or separatism.
This Country is blessed with seasons all round,most of it lands are green and fertile, water in abdundance but unfortunately in the wrong hands of Governance, oppostion and opportunists.!
let’s try and change this for a future Generation. Regarsd.
ilyasfazly / September 29, 2013
This is what should be done by the tamils and its folk living outside foe the last twenty years. use the monies and the talent to build up another Singapore or Dubai. If development starts in earnest and goodwill, of course, within an unitary state , the south will be forced to look into and tow the line without any hindrance, lest they fall foul with the EU and Western countries.
Now that an election has been held in a democratic manner and won more in a democratic manner by the tamils should ride the wave instead trying to put the proverbial ‘ spoke in the ring ‘.
Some statements made in the immediate aftermath of the election by the old guard, is disturbing and worrisome.
You can’t afford another thirty years of mayhem…there will be no humanity left to fight for.
Hela / September 29, 2013
North or NPC is subordinate to Sri Lanka state. Therefore FDI has to be directed through Sri Lanka state.
North can be developed to the level of Singapore only if NPC and Northern Tamils, their diaspora loonies (KD terminology) move away from the exclusivist, mono ethnic thinking.
Read the recent SC judgement. ‘This land belongs to all of us to live in harmony’.
Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah / September 29, 2013
Dear Hela
What do you mean by: “Therefore FDI has to be directed through Sri Lanka state.”
It will be good if you can also first change your closed, narrow minded way of thinking that has dominated Sinhala chauvinist politics resulting in inevitable separatist sentiments – in a free market economy your attitude stinks! I would love the whole island North and South, East and West to be allowed to prosper – that means investments must flow without restriction and interference!
JULAMPITIYE AMARAYA / September 29, 2013
I am a Sri Lankan [Buddhist, Sinhalese.] Who do not believe and approve any FDI should go through Sri Lankan state,
I mean not through any ministry or Authority.
As YOU SAY AND they say,
everybody FORGOT what happened to the East Kokakadicholai prowns farm, and how many millions of $ paid from peoples money,
because of idiotic politicians and Foolish Defence Authority decisions.
Government did not publish any news or reports on that incidents or on payments to the Sri Lankan Publics and kept in the dark.
If any FDI comes to do any project, they should adhere to the Laws of the country { As Iliyas said, within an unitary state].
With an advantage to the People of that Provinces.
not to fill the coffers of bullies of governance.
Without paying any Cent to Governing Vultures, Who looking for Bribes and Other perks from the Investors and Businessmen.
With out any interferences from political middlemen and governing thugs.
manisekaran / September 29, 2013
What you ask is indirect meddling in the affairs of NPC when the already termite eaten 13A is not sufficient enough to address even 5 % of the aspirations of Tamils. So let the people of North know, what measures will be provided by Central to the periphery in the event of progress in NPC through international help. Unless federalism is paved way to provinces and measures are in constitution like in India through well established state-central relationship, independent bodies like planning commission and financial commission, five year plans, I think other important players in IC will not come forward to help anyone there. Second do you really believe the CJ verdict is impartial and fair?
Senguttuvan / September 29, 2013
“This is beyond belief; extra-ordinary, unprecedented in global diplomacy” But, dear Prof. David, that is the Rajapakse hallmark.
They came deception, stay there on deception and paid the LTTE to deceive the Tamil Nation. And add to that half a million UNP votes sabotaged by JVP-inspired Grama Sevakas who ensured poll cards did not reach potential UNP voters. And the wimpish Ranil “lost” by 175,000 votes. The Rajkapakses are known as congenital liars in India and much of the international community. In India even their signed documents are suspect.
Not only “the Nation’s state is parlous” its economy, that totters on in borrowed money is worse. Unborn generations are already mortgaged to the WB/IMF. It is not many Govts where the Central Bank places long-term borrowings on the Credit side. And Mr Koshi Mathai sings praises of the MR’s regime’s running of its finances – in flattering terms.
If the Rupee is allowed to float on its own strength you will see the US$ parity at near Rs.175-200, is the view of even Central Bankers.
What will come as the Northern Crisis (not vasanthaya) is not merely the thought of de-militarisation of a pampered army to necessary levels but the relationship between the elected NPC and an unwanted army-man Governor. The real face of the Rajapakses vis-à-vis the Tamil Nation will be seen from December onwards – after our CHOGM guests have gone home. But then CHOGM itself is in the balance. Mr. Khurshid, due in the next fortnight, will reveal whether CHOGM is on stream or not. And Mr. Khurshid is part of a team of a Govt that is sliding itself on the way out. One cannot fault him to try make Sri Lanka an issue in which Sonia Gandhi’s Congress shows herself to the Indian voter (and more specifically to JJ and Karunanidhi in TN) as having won in the Island. If that happens – at whose expense? Oh! those terrible injuns??
Navin / September 29, 2013
I think KD is of clinically unsound mind when he says that we should not waste time questioning why the much acclaimed retired judge who is now the chief minister of Northern province got on stage and praised Vellupillai Prabaharan in order to get elected to office.
Furthermore, he scorns at Sinhala electorate for electing Rajapakse for he is corrupt, brutal and so forth. The fact Rajapakse liberated Sinhalese from 30 years of terrorism is of little significance to him. However, he praises the Tamil electorate for voting in a man who was weak (insane?) enough to praise a mass murder who held most of “his” electorate as a human shield!
To KD, when the secretary of defense lies and smacks at UNHRC the man is of clinically unsound mind but when the chief minister of Northern province does the same it should be brushed under the carpet!
Hela / September 29, 2013
This is a problem all Tamil leftists face (just like their Sinhala counterparts).
KD says, “Readers will observe that my judgement has nothing to do with nationalism or the swell of patriotic pride; it’s to do with the greatest good of the largest number of people. However, none of this implies that I deny that the Tamils are oppressed”. However, his analysis doesn’t show any indication that his type of Tamils or Tamil leftists have “greatest good of the largest number of (Sri Lankan) people” in their mind.
“Tamils are oppressed” is a fallacy. The correct classification is Tamil working class & peasantry are oppressed just as the working class of Sinhala, Muslim & other communities. Two violent uprising among Sinhala youth didn’t occur by accident and those conditions that were the catalysts for such uprisings still persist. On the other hand the elite classes of all communities thrive (the increasing disparity of wealth tells that story).
Communal minded political forces such as TNA cannot deliver to such oppressed people other than may be re-instating the Vellala spremacy over Northern Tamils.
What KD and such Tamil leftists do is bonding the oppressed Tamils further into the mono ethnic, Tamil racist cess pit represented by outfits like TNA (it is no accident TNA leadership brought the arch terrorist VP back to life).
That’s why I stated at the conclusion of NPC elections that democracy won though people/country lost.
Vibhushana / September 29, 2013
Hey there Santa,
You really need to get your finger out of your bum hole and peddle something that is authentic to “socialist” ideals you want to potray.
You know and I know, cateist TNA intentions are furthest from an altruist intentions of socialism. Neither you, TNA nor the messiah you both follow that is SJV have anything to do with “equality and dignity” for all, is there? You are a fraud and so is your TNA isnt it really?
Fathima Fukushima / September 29, 2013
Well said! :)
Without land powers these losers are just dreaming.
A sinking loser will even cling on to a straw.
Vibhushana / September 29, 2013
He is so clueless Fathima.
Thiru / September 29, 2013
“The blatant involvement of the army in election violence and refusal of the police to intervene indicates that Mahinda has lost control Gota, or Gota has lost control of the military.”
I agree with quite a lot of what David says, but I dispute what he says as above. They are working together rather well: Alleged war crimes and genocide is the cement holding all of them together.
They are working on the basis that war crimes will never be substantiated as they have destroyed virtually all the physical evidence on the ground.
Getaberiya / September 29, 2013
There’s more genocide to come. Their greed for prime land cannot be sated. Pettah,Maradana,grandpass,Aluthkade,
Panchikawatte, Dematogoda, maligawatte .All muslim dominated areas will have to be razed.the Goons have to be fed with blood and goods. The ground has already been prepared .With disinformation To wit,the muslims have become a threat to the sinhala buddhist race, armed muslim terrorism has to be stopped. Central theatre has been already razed. The rulers know that the sinhala buddhist will never be able to raise an economically independent democratic state. Hence the decision to convert it to service the perversions of western tourists. Srilankans will sacrifice their children and they themselves will live out their lives wiping the arses of tourists.
Percy Jilmart / September 29, 2013
…and the RajaPassas’ will get played in the passa if they swollen headedly try to act like a super power and thumb their noses at India and the West. :-D
Hela / September 29, 2013
In fact many so called mighty in the world are still baffled (when you read writings of well known columnists of The Economist, other US & UK mainstream publications and of course the Indians), by the way the government & it’s people of a tiny island in the Indian Ocean could withstand the huge pressure and ferocious attacks directed at it by the mightiest in the world in concert (USA, EU & India).
There are enough material available for a serious student of international relations to study about the ‘Sri Lanka case’…..how it aligned disparaging forces to completely defeat an insugency, how it defeated imperialist forces behind ‘peace and cohabitation with terror of CFA fame’, R2P, ‘(un)civil society, (I)NGO etc. How it is still holding out against manipulations of international institutions by the world’s most powerful.
This reminds me the advise given to US Senate Foreign Relations Committe by two researchers re US policy towards Sri Lanka in the aftermath of the defeat of LTTE terrorists. US state department did not take that advise (may be blinded by their arrogance or due to false advise given by Robert Blake). It has proven to be costly to them so far.
Jim softy / September 29, 2013
when I read the Articles published IN CT, I understand that Tamils don’t have any claims to Sri Lanka. WE don’t deny that Tamils are new to Sri Lanka (Tamils are in Sri Lanka for 800 years). Yet, the present situation was created by your beloved Colonial masters. Otherwise, Jafanpatan was Sinhale. Tamil – kallathonis and Colonial masters made the difference.
In my opinion, Mahinda Rajapakse is not working AT ALL like a LION. Listen how he responded to the AL-JAZEERA interview. He did not defend Sinhala people and the Sinhala Buddhist civilization at all. The way he talked he is not at all a lion. I don’t think he at least knows Sinhala – history. At least you tamils lie in order to establish a Tamil – history in Sinhale.
Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah / September 29, 2013
Kumar can’t get TGTE’s name right – It’s an absolute pretense, Rajapakse may be a an out and out Lion but Kumar is a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing, not to be trusted as a Tamil ally. Don’t get enamoured by his supposedly pro-NPC stand, I am not saying it for his ‘LTTE rump’ pronouncements, but note his choice of words in the following and read between the lines in his other comments:
“I also hold that secession is detrimental because it will lead to chaos and create more problems than it solves. Readers will observe that my judgement has nothing to do with nationalism or the swell of patriotic pride; it’s to do with the greatest good of the largest number of people. However, none of this implies that I deny that the Tamils are oppressed.
It is not Tamil rights in particular but democracy in general that I prioritise. If Wigneswaran and the TNA-NPC Administration can help dislodge an authoritarian regime, they are my allies; if they screw up their tactics so badly that the regime can use them to prolong its authoritarian lifespan, then they are a bothersome nuisance. The Tamil problem is a subordinate issue in the generality of the national democratic revolution.”
ilyasfazly / September 29, 2013
Usha, for the past thirty years the LTTE, and the TGTE & Co and its cohorts have been wanting make an eelam or whatever just to please themselves and thier business and improve wealth. never have you or the kind given a geniuine thought into the good will,welfare, health and humanity of the innocent lay tamils to whom you show the world as concerned.
Atleast, now that the elections are held and won… true yours’ true colors and get out of the shell.
Frankly, the ordinary tamil will be better off with a southern rule if you people stop shouting and behave like a ‘ jack in the box ‘.
as the great lincoln said.. ‘ you can fool some people all the time but you can’t foll all the people all the time ‘.
Fathima Fukushima / September 29, 2013
If Tamils are better off with southern rule they would have voted for UNP or UPFA.
But they didn’t!
What are you talking?
Now send the grease devils to Ananthi and other 88,999 Tamil war widows’ houses at night in undies. Typical Rajafucksa tactics.
Poor Tamil women. :(
Even Navi Pillai was not safe from these jerks. Mervin was trying to “marry” her south African style!!
Probono Publico / September 30, 2013
and in the meantime you were playing with your self looking at anime’ you sick pervert!
Fathima Fukushima / September 29, 2013
Usha got it right.
He is just handing over 89,000 Tamil war widows to Rajafucksa’s grease devil army.
Uthungan / September 29, 2013
Even if you read KD’s comments repeatedly and try to commit them to memory and think hard, you would never understand the the meaning of ‘pretense’ in the first place because of political rut that you are comfortable to be in.
Don Quixote / September 30, 2013
Talk about going round in circles beating about the bush and saying nothing yet using up so many words !
” Are certain people of clinically unsound mind? My editor, understandably, cannot publish names if I utter them.” – rubbish the very names are mentioned in the next para…simply lacks a backbone to “bell the cat”.
” I see VP as both a committed Tamil nationalist as well as a terrorist, at least to the extent the Sinhala army too indulged in extensive terrorism. ” …talk about doublespeak wow !
Abhaya Premawardena / September 30, 2013
kumar david has lost his marbles . no doubt about it
nandan / October 2, 2013
Please allow the two comunities to understand each other and respect each other before getting into contestus issues. Some people try to implement five star democracy in a country which had 30 years of terror. South has a genuine fear of LTTE diaspora in the west and some countries in the west. That is why they protect Rajapaksha who is the only lader not to allow the western countries to play and experiment in this country. Once that threat is gone Rajapaksha will not be required.
kali / October 2, 2013
You are not ruthless enough in putting MR and his cronies in their place and their CV reads as follows .
They were offered a job by the Racist Sinhalese Electorate and they have not let the Electorate down and they have performed as expected. So their Job is secure and MR is a President for Life if allowed to continue. But there are outside forces that are arrayed against him and March 2014 is when his power base will start to crumble.
The Fuk U Shiamas , Jim Sootys, and 20 million others like them can line the Bandaranayake Airport and say good bye to President Mahintha for ever.
Utterance of a voice long suppressed
1) First of all a few corrections:
Rajapakse is not riding a Lion. He is a Lion and the following confirms it.
“Sinhabahu or (“Lion-arms”), was the son of a Vanga princess and a lion. He killed his father and became king of Vanga. His son Vijaya would emigrate to Lanka and become the progenitor of the Sinhala people.”
2) No doubt about it, cerulean has trumped viridescent, again, in the Sinhala heartland, the blues even comfortably winning Kandy District which the greens had hoped to bag.
*** Who cares what happened in the South. Whether MR won or not is irrelevant and Immaterial in the current context. If anything his endorsement by the Sinhala Electorate makes the creation of a state within a state that much easier although a Separate Nation is the preferred option.
3) In the Tamil north, Rajapakse and his factotum Douglas have been given the thrashing of their lives in a TNA landslide like never before in our electoral history – over 80% of the vote. The Tamils have in an emotional sense affirmed war crimes accusations, they have also rejected the Sinhala State; there is no other interpretation for this result.
*** The above was expected but the 14% MR got was achieved through rigging.
4) The people of Eelam were the decision makers and that decision has political significance and that is not appealable and the Tribunal therefore does not come in to this.
5) The TNA can thank Gotabahaya’s army for a landslide election victory. The blatant involvement of the army in election violence and refusal of the police to intervene indicates that Mahinda has lost control Gota, or Gota has lost control of the military. I have been saying this for months. It is time others with access to information, follow-up; I don’t have insider data to choose between the options. Since the credibility of the CM and NPC Administration is crucially dependent on their capacity to overcome Colombo’s hostility and get on with their job and their ability to have the army confined to barracks, a standoff with this power crazed regime seems unavoidable.
*** The above is already evident as CM has already served notice by refusing to be sworn in by Racist Chandrasri.
6) For the record, and in passing, let me say a few sentences about my position on the LTTE. I do not agree with Chief Minister Wigneswaran’s reported characterisation of VP as a hero. I see VP as both a committed Tamil nationalist as well as a terrorist, at least to the extent the Sinhala army too indulged in extensive terrorism. Dichotomy is common among petty-bourgeois nationalists and rebels across the world in the last 100 years. I also hold that secession is detrimental because it will lead to chaos and create more problems than it solves. Readers will observe that my judgement has nothing to do with nationalism or the swell of patriotic pride; it’s to do with the greatest good of the largest number of people. However, none of this implies that I deny that the Tamils are oppressed.
*** Prof I totally and utterly disagree with you on the above.
Thank your lucky stars that you were not contesting the elections and if you did and uttered the same words about VP you would have lost your deposit. Whether you like it or not the Legacy of VP will be with us for a very long time and you ignore that at your peril as Mr.Sambanthan found out to his cost.
I disagree with you when you say VP was a terrorists and for me he was a Freedom Fighter ( from Sinhalese Tyranny) just like Yitzak Shamir and Menachim Begin of Israel who later became Prime Ministers.
I also disagree with the following “I also hold that secession is detrimental because it will lead to chaos and create more problems than it solves.” as this is not a CHOICE but NECESSITY so don’t confuse the two.
7) It is not Tamil rights is particular but democracy in general that I prioritise. If Vigneswaran and the TNA-NPC Administration can help bugger an authoritarian regime, they are my allies; if they screw up their tactics so badly that the regime can use them to prolong its authoritarian lifespan, then they are a bothersome nuisance. The Tamil problem is a subordinate issue in the generality of the national democratic revolution.
*** You are wrong again on the above as the order of Priority is Tamil Rights First.
As in a Democracy Majority wins and that means Tamils will never win.
As for you wish that TNA-NPC Administration can help bugger an authoritarian regime I will say to you you are expecting too much from TNA.
You can not bugger a Bugger ( MR)
8) Folly of the Sinhalese electorate:
The Sinhalese electorate are not fools they know what they want.
The love for MR is not addiction but infatuation.
9) What next for the Tamils?
What the TNA must not do under any circumstances is capitulate to the pressure of the rump-LTTE Tamil diaspora – TGTL or whatever it calls itself. The TNA must dig in and firmly affirm that it will remain faithful to the Manifesto on which it was elected.
*** I have already addressed this and if you ignore what VP stood for you will bite the dust at the next election. Even after rigging TNA got 86% and that was by putting forward LTTE policies . Be proud because what we ask for is not unreasonable and have some self confidence
10) This will be trouble enough, without taking on board the rantings of LTTE-rump loonies. The TNA has now established beyond doubt that the in-country leadership is at the helm of the Tamil people and it must not allow the tail to wag the dog. The Tamil diaspora has helped and can continue to help in the development of the North and the East, it can play a constructive role; this is the relationship that has to be nurtured.
If what you say above is true then read what happened to Mr.Sambanthan and Sitharthan ( when they both opposed VP in earlier eletions ) and also more recently how well Ananthi (LLTE Blood runs in her body) performed and how badly Ananthasangari ( who is anti LTTE and Pro MR) performed.
Grow up Prof. Be your own man we don’t owe any one anything
11) The one issue on which Wigneswaran and the NPC cannot retreat is demilitarisation in some form and guise; this is non-negotiable for the people and for the TNA too unless it wants to lose all credibility. For Gotabaya and the army, it is a red-line that cannot be crossed. How is Mahinda going to make the tactical retreat that he must?.
I agree with the above and I will tell you what is going to happen.
CM will order the Army to barracks and if MR refuses then India will be brought in and MR knows and understands Indian Pressure. So don’t worry MR will succumb to pressure as Mr.Vasan ( Indian Union Minister) confirmed.
12) The Tamils should rejoice that their emotions about war crimines has at last found voice; they had to wait four years for this opportunity, but history, like the mills of god, grinds slowly and unlike the said mills, it does not grind particularly fine. If the Tamils are allowed autonomy, in deeds even if not in Constitutional words, to live freely in their traditional homelands and to prosper, they will have to forget and forgive a lot. That’s the price of reconciliation from the Tamil side. My correspondent is right that Gota and the chauvinists must be marginalised first, then Mahinda, because one leg of his three legged stool would have fallen. I am reading quite a lot into the possibilities of the NP-PC elections, but working together the TNA and Sinhalese democrats can deliver a lot.
There are no Sinhalese Democrats who will give you anything willingly but we will get to the Promised Land as there is the will from the International Community.
It took 7 long years to bring Milosevic to the Hague and we will take MR there as Accountability is a Pre Requisite to Reconciliation.
Navartne Herath / October 2, 2013
I reckon many people love to write about Srilanka, they studied in Srilanka, they lived in Srilanka with Sinhalese for decades, Thanks to British rule, Tamils got many A grade schools in Jaffna. They are using that language skills to write against the current democratically elected rulers,there was a time more than 50% of white color jobs belongs to Tamils.
Still more than 50% of Tamils are living outside the NE but still they are not happy. MR is president because majority of them are Sinhalese not Tamils. As per the NPC election results, all Sinhalese will not let down MR.
Please think about present situation, there were problems to all people now country is developing. Also we can develop if not disturbed.
Please united to develop our motherland.
Don’t forget Srilanka is still better than Tamil-Nadu.
CW / October 2, 2013
All I can say is that the learned Professor has opened a can of worms with his “leftist” views.