By Rajan Philips –
President Wickremesinghe is being described as a “Hobbled President”, on account of his parliamentary IOUs to the Rajapaksas. In its editorial last week, titled, “Hobbled President and jumbo administration,” the Sunday Island suggested that “until he is constitutionally enabled to dissolve parliament early next year, President Wickremesinghe will remain hobbled.” I would argue that President Wickremesinghe finds himself hobbled not only because of Rajapaksa antics, but also because of his own cynical ploys and the self-serving choices he has been making.
To put it bluntly, President Wickremesinghe will not dissolve parliament even when he is enabled to do as early as next year (after March 2023), simply because dissolving parliament now will not help his case to extend his tenure as President beyond November 2025. There is no question that he means well when he speaks of progressive political reforms and a process of economic recovery that will keep moving forward until its total fruition in 2048. One might even grant that other than Ranil Wickremesinghe there is no one else in the current parliament who is capable of articulating a comprehensive diagnosis of the country’s ills and suggesting remedial measures for them. Granted, Champika Ranawaka could be an exception, but he has more political enemies than personal friends.
Fatal Flaws
As for Ranil Wickremesinghe, there are fatal flaws in his premises and in the trajectory that he is projecting. First, even as his visioning is sweeping in its scope it is bereft of realistic and demonstrably achievable goals and targets. A reason for this, and therein is the second flaw, is that he is quintessentially a one man band. Not merely by virtue of his being the lone National List MP for the UNP, but also seemingly to the manner born. His public and political life over 45 years amply attests to this. For all his sweeping vistas he cannot cultivate durable loyalty even among those who politically agree with him.
The third and the biggest flaw, in my view, is his insatiable presidential ambition. It would be far fetched to suggest that when Ranil Wickremesinghe decided to become the UNP’s sole national list MP in parliament he was already scheming to succeed Gotabaya Rajapaksa. However, when chips started falling and Gota’s short lived presidency foundered through incompetence, and the chance opened for him to become a crisis Prime Minister, it is reasonable to suggest, Mr. Wickremesinghe’s (widely believed) ‘long-game’ mind started ticking.
Everything that Ranil Wickremesinghe has been doing after he became Acting President has been geared to realizing a single-minded objective of his: to remain President till November 2025 and to be elected President thereafter for one full term, for one last hurrah. The same singlemindedness, to contest the 2019 presidential election, coloured Mr. Wickremesinghe’s entire tenure as yahapalanaya Prime Minister from 2015 to 2019. Yahapalanaya is now water under a broken bridge, but what Mr. Wickremesinghe is doing now or, more pertinently, what he is not doing now, is what is before us for analysing the inconsistencies between his words and actions, and the clever obfuscation of his true intentions.
Let us take Mr. Wickremesinghe at his word that he accepted Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s offer of crisis premiership and then became acting president only for the sake of the country and that his all-party government intentions are genuine. Then why did he not involve the opposition MPs in all the arrangements he made with Gotabaya Rajapaksa from the beginning, when Gotabaya Rajapaksa was agreeable to practically everything except resigning as President prematurely? Whatever arrangement the two men made between them backfired and Rajapaksa was forced to resign within two months of Ranil Wickremesinghe becoming Prime Minister.
After Gotabaya Rajapaksa left, there was nothing to stop Ranil Wickremesinghe, as acting President, from reaching out to the opposition MPs rather than to the SLPP. At that point Mr. Wickremesinghe owed nothing to any of the Rajapaksas, but he owed everything to the Aragalaya protesters. Wickremesinghe then did an about turn. He abandoned the protesters and gravitated to the Rajapaksas.
Aragalaya was able to get rid of an elected president, but it has since been smothered by an unelected interim president. Over 3000 aragalaya protesters have been arrested according to a statement by Champika Ranawaka. President Wickremesinghe made a show & tell of not extending the emergency rule beyond its first month, but then he silently gave the green light for arrests to continue under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, which everyone was made to believe was at the point of being rescinded by the Rajapaksa Administration.
For all his talk about youth parliament, endless promises about committees and fundamental reforms, he never did anything either directly or through emissaries to positively engage the protesters. Instead, he sent the police and the army to expel them from occupied public places, while promising to set up special zones for protesting. This is a new development for urban planning – from zoning for land use to zoning for protests. The UDA, which the Rajapaksas had under the Defence Secretary (i.e., Gota), can now look after Colombo’s protest zones. And stage fake protests at state expense.
All of this invariably led to Mr. Wickremesinghe relying on Basil Rajapaksa and his SLPP contingent to secure victory in the parliamentary vote to elect an interim president. Mr. Wickremesinghe won quite handily with 134 votes. But he lost his credibility for the umpteenth time. Basil Rajapaksa is now collecting his IOUs with interest. He wanted SLPPers appointed as State Ministers before he left for the US, his home away from home. President Wickremesinghe had to and did oblige, appointing State Ministers including MPs who are convicted felons. The appointment of 37 state ministers flies in the face of all the President’s lofty promises and lecturing about political reform. This political hypocrisy at home is not going unnoticed abroad, at the IMF, among Sri Lanka’s creditors, and at the UNHRC which has started yet another session on Sri Lanka.
Stand tall or stay hobbled
The power of dissolving is the ultimate weapon a Prime Minister has over all MPs in a parliamentary system. This is not a power that should be granted to the President in a presidential system, or a semi-presidential system like Sri Lanka. But in Sri Lanka the President has restricted powers to dissolve and there is no better time to use it than now. Since Mr. Wickremesinghe’s election by parliament as Interim President, the SLPP has gone through a few splits and the current number of Basil Rajapaksa loyalists is said to be around 100. That is, the SLPP does not command majority support in parliament anymore.
If Mr. Wickremesinghe wants to dissolve parliament before March 2023, he could get the support of all non-Basil-SLPP MPs to support a resolution for dissolving parliament. He will not do it because it will upset his personal calculations to remain as long as President, not so much to salvage Sri Lanka as to keep his options open to be a presidential candidate in 2024. Like Trump in the US, but not so obnoxiously. On the other hand, if he chooses to continue his reliance on Basil, via Zoom to USA, he will not get the support of opposition MPs to do anything positive in parliament.
The only way President Wickremesinghe can get non-SLPP support in parliament is by committing to dissolve parliament after an agreed upon interval – say between six months to a year. The JVP and the SJB have been saying this all along. And the only way Mr. Wickremesinghe can restore his credibility in the country is by announcing that he will not continue as President after the remainder of the term that he inherited from Gotabaya Rajapaksa is over in November 2024.
Two years (2022 to 2024) are more than enough for the President to finalize agreements with the IMF and external creditors. The actual working out of these agreements will take much longer, easily beyond 2029 – the time until which Mr. Wickremesinghe would like to be President. Long durations have been the experience of other countries that have taken the IMF route out of bankruptcy. On the political front, the immediate requirement is to implement electoral reforms. The President could and should work with all the parties in parliament to pass electoral reform legislation, bills for which have been presented to parliament many times over, and some of which were stymied by the yahapalanaya government when RW was PM.
Now he is talking through his presidential hat that he will go the people in a referendum to implement electoral reform if parliament doesn’t act within two months. Really? Here is the President’s ‘Catch 22’ conundrum. If he commits to dissolving parliament soon after electoral reforms, he shouldn’t have any difficulty in getting parliament on side to pass electoral reforms. If he really wants a referendum, it should be about changes to the presidential system. A referendum question on the presidency could and should be put to the people at the next parliamentary election, and the new parliament can act on the people’s verdict after the election. This is the opportunity for Ranil Wickremesinghe to stand tall, selflessly serve as President, and leave with dignity. The alternative is to remain hobbled by Basil until he is forced out like Gota.
Dinuk / September 18, 2022
The US-backed and brokered Ranil Rajapakse regime is miss-firing..badely!
Aragalaya will be back this time without the CIA puppet-masters and Chaos strategists hopefully!
The Human Rights hypocrisy circus in Geneva called the UNHRC to distract from the IMF Colonial Club of Paris and Washington Consensus attempt to take use Debt Colonialism and Default for the west to re-colonize strategic Lanka is also back-firing.
India, Iran and China and the other sovereign state creditors are set to tell the Paris Club and IMF and the Vulture Funds like BlackRock that they represent to take a hike! The Euro-American Empire is finished but they are trying every game in the book to re-boot Debt Colonialism!
old codger / September 18, 2022
“One might even grant that other than Ranil Wickremesinghe there is no one else in the current parliament who is capable of articulating a comprehensive diagnosis of the country’s ills and suggesting remedial measures for them.”
For daring to write the above, poor Rajan will probably be severely berated by many axe-grinders on this long-suffering website.
Since he has already revealed it, I suppose no zealots will demand his identity.
“President Wickremesinghe made a show & tell of not extending the emergency rule beyond its first month, but then he silently gave the green light for arrests to continue under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, ” This is what many see as duplicity or hypocrisy. But it is simply a single-minded pursuit of what he sees as political stability, in which there is no space for endless strikes/ disruptions of normal life. It is also visible in the way he appointed dozens of purported “state ministers”, but drags his heels on actually giving them anything to do.
“After Gotabaya Rajapaksa left, there was nothing to stop Ranil Wickremesinghe, as acting President, from reaching out to the opposition MPs rather than to the SLPP.”
In my opinion, the Opposition shot itself in the foot by demanding impracticable conditions for joining the government.
SJ / September 19, 2022
“Since he has already revealed it, I suppose no zealots will demand his identity.”
How are you sure that the name and photo as real? Anything can be faked these days.
We need a verifiable passport number and an NIC, desirably Sri Lankan.
I will go further to demand a sworn and witnessed affidavit that it is his and only his identity and no one else’s (+ Help me God etc.)
Sinhala_Man / September 20, 2022
Dear SJ,
Many of your comments are brilliant and provide us with insights (in just a few words) where others (like me!) would take multiple comments to impart – and then nobody reads them. May you provide us those comments for many decades (or even centuries) to come.
However, beware of asking for too much! Have you not heard that “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.”
Interesting there is a Sri Lankan SJ also there, with Simon Gregory Perera in front.
Panini Edirisinhe
Sinhala_Man / September 20, 2022
Dear old codger,
Why I write out your full pseudonym is because it makes for clarity. Imagine the the confusion of somebody coming to this site for the first time.
Who are these zealots? Why don’t you name them?
Why should Rajan’s identity be demanded, when we’re all quite sure who he is? If I wish to demand anything of him I would email him. [edited out]
Rajan’s message to Ranil is very clear. He could do something for a short time, and then he should allow the adults among our population of 22 million to decide who should lead them. We used to respect you so much, but see, how you have become Ranil’s lackey whose words we dare not take at face value.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
old codger / September 20, 2022
“We used to respect you so much, “
As a teacher of the King’s English, surely you know that only Charlie refers to himself in the plural?
leelagemalli / September 20, 2022
Why is that u/ Mr SM thought to respect ” OC” more/ is he a Saibaba or someone like that?.
He is just another well-read srilanken citizen. Is nt he ? Just look/ how “Simon” got upset by my rebuke yesterday? .
Hope not he ended up in an ICU.
Unfortunately not many on CT make effort to respect the facts.
Not only sinhala Buddhist sick people but also Christians are no different
if they spent their adolescence in sl Just curious to know it from u / I love OC for his intelligent comments to CT. If he would nt be on CT/ I dont think I would get back to CT. 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
old codger / September 20, 2022
I don’t consider myself extra intelligent. Intelligence is a tool, just like a screwdriver. Some people can’t use a screwdriver, and some don’t use their intelligence. Let’s not be too hard on either category. But thanks anyway.
Champa / September 18, 2022
What would happen to Sri Lanka if there was WWIII?
The latest in the Ukraine conflict is, Ukraine ‘gaining’ its territories. Well, Ukraine has to keep on ‘scoring’ to get more US funding and weapons. My attention was drawn to what PM Modi had told President Putin. “Now is not the time for war”. Well, well, well, it is not him talking. I think warning bells are ringing for Russia. I think NATO led by the US is getting ready for a war. How will they start it? I have no idea. I believe that Ukraine is already in possession of long range HIMARS. As appears, Eastern and Southern Ukraine too will play a pivotal role in a war against Russia. As for the battlefront in Ukraine, I think Russia is bidding for time. On an earlier occasion, Mr. Putin said that ICBM “Sarmat” will be deployed by December. President Biden is taking pains to provoke Russia to use nuclear or chemical weapons in Ukraine. Maybe that will provide them a reason to attack Crimea and Russia. I don’t know. It is a known fact that US Presidents can easily increase their ratings by engaging in wars.
SJ / September 18, 2022
“What would happen to Sri Lanka if there was WWIII?”
There was no WWIII, hence nothing would happen.
leelagemalli / September 18, 2022
It is interesting to see that some people are yet involved in thinking of wars.
Sinhala_Man / September 20, 2022
We don’t want wars. Eight minutes only here. Let all readers listen to these words in Russian.
I find that I can understand what Gorby is saying, from the English subtitles.
Submitted from the Province of the Veddas. Remember that Wasanth Mudalige (a Vedda) is from here. Lanka belongs to people like him.
Panini Edirisinhe
Champa / September 19, 2022
WWIII is imminent. I see all the signs. The most important question is, who will start it? Biden, Putin or Jinping? Anyway, it is not their fault. Western scientists have finally admitted that the earth is spinning faster than before. Why? Because the earth is meant to be repositioned. The North Pole is drifting towards the east. In the past, there had been land under the North Pole and my ancestors lived there. They are immortal. I am not a prophesier. I have written evidence to prove what I say. My only question is, why is it happening at this time? The repositioning of the earth has something to do with Buddha. There is no Buddha now. As a result of earth’s repositioning, a place in Sri Lanka, which has some connections with Buddha, is meant to be activated. The repositioning of the earth can occur either by a violent jolt, presumably caused by ICBMs which will submerge the entire Western world or smoothly. In any case, Russia plays a big role in this. Why am I interested? My immortal ancestors have left clues in Russia. As I said in March this year, Russia will emerge as the winner of WWIII.
Champa / September 19, 2022
According to Al Jazeera, 28 countries have provided weapons to Ukraine, out of which, 25 are NATO countries. What is ironic is, all these 25 countries, except Canada, will be submerged in water as a result of WWIII. Canada will be saved as there is land under Canada which has some connections with my ancestors while all the other countries have water under their countries. In any case, I am confident that Mr. Putin will not attack Canada. Is there any way to resolve the crisis in Ukraine? The following article will provide the answer.
As mentioned in March, this is my solution to resolve the crisis in Ukraine.
1) A Proclamation of Neutrality by the Ukrainian Parliament,
2) a new MINSK PROTOCOL-III recognizing Donbass, Kherson and Crimea as regions under Russia (based on historical rights, of course), and,
3) “East-West Peace Treaty” to avoid WWIII.
In any case, all weapons of mass destruction; nuclear, chemical, biological & conventional are meant to be destroyed. That means, all the countries that have manufactured and amassed WMD will be destroyed by WMD. “අවි ගත්තෝ අවියෙන්ම නැසෙති! Those who take up arms, will die by arms!”
old codger / September 19, 2022
“Canada will be saved as there is land under Canada which has some connections with my ancestors while all the other countries have water under their countries”
Poor Champa will soon be taken away to a padded cell by men in white suits. We wish her well.
leelagemalli / September 20, 2022
OC /
I have the feeling Champa or the like are eagerly waiting for WWIII//else who on earth as a srilanken would ever think of a war at this highly critical stage of the nation.
Our fall is as yet clear to sinhala Buddhist s.
leelagemalli / September 21, 2022
our fall is not at all clear to sinhala buddhists dominated nation.
Champa / September 21, 2022
Little more about WWIII. President Biden has stated that US troops will fight Taiwan’s war against China (in different words). As usual, the White House has distanced itself from the President and announced that his opinion is not the official US policy. I think President Biden cannot keep secrets. It is clear that, in the event of an invasion by China, US troops will land in Taiwan and attack China. When will it happen? It is important to know. Because, then, US troops will enter Ukraine too. What will Russia do? Hard to tell. The latest news is, four oblasts, namely; DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporizhzhya are scheduled to hold referenda to join Russia this week. I don’t think Ukraine has any legitimate reason to oppose Mr. Putin’s determination to protect Russians and Russophones in Eastern Ukraine (92.7%) and Southern Ukraine (84.5%). The Kyiv administration’s failure to implement Minsk Agreements seems to have cost Ukraine dearly.
Sinhala_Man / September 20, 2022
You see, in two lines SJ says so much.
That’s what I meant when I said that he’s brilliant. It is for the reader to work out have valid the observation is; but the observation is given effortlessly in so few words.
RBH59 / September 18, 2022
The past president fix him as president to deal with world power. And he need the 134 parliamentarian voted for him to be in the president. And he floating and to be drowned he loosen from the president due none voted from the public. Presently his actions does not inspire public dream to become more. &
Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today form his experience, presently the accomplish is his working care is to gets the credit for his president. His face reading shows he is not satisfied with appointments that he is distributing.
SJ / September 18, 2022
“The past president fix him as president to deal with world power.”
You got the story wrong.
The past president fixed him as PM.
People chased him out. He did what was legally allowed and made him acting president.
Who made him president?
The parliament.
How did it happen?
Because two people before him refused the PM post.
Had one of them agreed, there is no guarantee that he would have been elected president, but it would not have been RW by any means.
We can be a little less personal in such matters.
RBH59 / September 19, 2022
You are correct how can they 2 get the PM post They are all ruling with continues management financial disaster And failed to take elementary mismanagement and pay attention to the parliamentarian sided to pohotuwa like Ranil is doing now.
Ajith / September 19, 2022
“Because two people before him refused the PM post.”
It is a complete lie. The President did not accept their conditions.
SJ / September 19, 2022
Did they or did not they refuse?
To call it a lie is a huge lie– completeness apart.
Sinhala_Man / September 20, 2022
Thanks, Ajith, for stating what really matters.
After deliberately confusing honest straightforward people they then say insulting things about people who can’t use the language of aliens (I mean English). What is in parenthesis was inserted there so that even the least sophisticated understand what I mean.
You know that there’s a Sinhalese Section in Colombo Telegraph. Please look at my comments there. They’re in English.
I forgot to refer people who are there to this article. Please do that for me, Ajith.
Old fellows like me need help.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela
SJ / September 20, 2022
I agree that you desperately need help.
old codger / September 20, 2022
You have not published your ID no. Therefore, you do not exist.
SJ / September 20, 2022
Can’t I help the way God does– even those who deny His existence?
leelagemalli / September 20, 2022
May I ask what kind of help ?
Greetings from Central Europe
SJ / September 20, 2022
I offer help to the needy, but do not discuss personal matters in public.
leelagemalli / September 21, 2022
Mr SJ,
this is exactly the point. Why do some fail to see the line between private and public? No doubt this is a public forum.
leelagemalli / September 21, 2022
This is what I thought was essential to rebuilding our society. We are a war-torn nation. The level of degradation in our society cannot be estimated. Regardless of race, religion or whatever, people today care less about facts, truth, law and order and dignity of life.
Why is infrastructure development necessary, forgetting human development projects altogether?
Just think, those who are supposed to be role models (sinhala buddhist monks) are coming forward against the increase in electricity bills. Surprisingly, everyone else is silent. How our nation can ever be persuaded on a common issue is far-fetched.
Ajith / September 21, 2022
Most of the comments in this forum are from Old People. When I say old people, they are over 60 years but some may not agree with me. Old age is not a bad thing in this life. Some need help at some point based on their physcial and mental status.
I quickly read your comments and they are fine to me.
Naman / September 18, 2022
‘ Forcing out’ of Ranil as the legally (?) appointed President is not going to be easy as the current military set up + Avant Guard employees are there to make sure the Aragalaya movement etc do not raise their heads. The QUAD countries too prefer him to any other such as JVP-NPP combination.
Ajith / September 18, 2022
“The QUAD countries too prefer him to any other such as JVP-NPP combination.”
What about Sri Lankan people?
SJ / September 18, 2022
“The QUAD countries too prefer him”
Then you should be loving him.
Why do you bother about the ‘stupid’ Sri Lankan people?
cugan / September 18, 2022
Why this “kola weri “either let us go on our way, or put the house in order, serve the people equally with respect regardless
SJ / September 18, 2022
Had we gone our way, what would we have done with Thalaivar’s kolai veri?
cugan / September 18, 2022
Not all the Tamils endorsed VP, but most of them victims of atrocities committed by SB
SJ / September 19, 2022
Nor did all the Sinhalese endorse the crimes committed in their name and that of the country.
A killer is a killer.
When one loses count numbers mean nothing. (It is something like 100 times infinity is the same as infinity.)
If you denounce any kind of crime, do not make exceptions and excuses based on your loyalties.
Grow up.
cugan / September 19, 2022
Exactly correct “A killer is killer “back in the areana now, after all had some few air trips ,Ali is taking orders and keep the thick blood to flow,
All these yellow brigades eager to gives plenty blessing again with zero to hero (run away soldier, prez)
“Grow up” doing in it from 1956,but adament
Sinhala_Man / September 20, 2022
Dear SJ,
Thanks for telling the Tamil community that. I, for one, hated the War, but since I could suggest no alternative, I didn’t take it further, and (for instance) demonstrate against the Eelam Wars.
I’m disappointed that nobody has LIKED your comment, but 8 have so far DISLIKED it. I’m leaving the tally as it is, but will return to LIKE it. To me, this underlines the polarisation of Lankan society.
We must do all that we can to build trust between the communities in Lanka.
Ajith / September 18, 2022
” what would we have done with Thalaivar’s kolai veri?”
We join “Rajapaksas kolai veri” to massacre thousands of Tamil civilians.
SJ / September 19, 2022
See response to C above.
Naman / September 18, 2022
Ajith, the power play between powerful countries usually take place not in their own countries but in someone else’s. Be it Sri Lanka/Ukraine/Yemen/Taiwan DOES NOT matter to them. Arms manufacturers want wars in order to develop more smarter and more capable ones to inflict greater damage on the opponents.
Ajith / September 19, 2022
You are right the powerful countries play their power play not in their own but others like SL. But Sri Lankan politicians play their own power game using racism and fundamentalism. If they give up the racism and buddhist Fundamentalism it is not possible for the powerful nations to play their games. Do the country need arms to to share the power?
Naman / September 18, 2022
Regular multiple UNHCR sessions have not been fruitful for Tamil speaking SL citizens seeking justice to killing fields in North and East of SL.
GoSL takes cover by saying that they will sort out the Human rights issues by internal mechanisms. This hasn’t happened so far and it’s never going to happen as well
SJ / September 18, 2022
Then why are Tamil leaders raising the hopes of the Tamil public?
SJ / September 18, 2022
I think that it is time that CT put a cap on soothsaying, like not more than one prophesy a month and not more than one in a text.
Could also a betting desk be opened in CT, and guys with a caged budgerigar be reserved a space for fair competition?
old codger / September 18, 2022
“guys with a caged budgerigar be reserved a space for fair competition?”
You really must avoid cryptic comments, which some might take literally.
SJ / September 19, 2022
Do not be a spoilsport.
That is where fun is.
SJ / September 19, 2022
I realize that quite a few are taking your advice to me literally.
old codger / September 19, 2022
Didn’t I tell you?
SJ / September 19, 2022
I console myself that it offers us an impressive an empty head count.
Naman / September 18, 2022
Raising the hopes and creating fear in the voting public is all about getting elected in the elections. In all the Presidential Elections the Tamil speaking citizens are forced to select the less EVIL candidate. There is NO real Sinhala STATESMAN in SL for TSC of SL to select
SJ / September 19, 2022
Our core problem has little to do with others.
Sectarian Tamil leaders have used sectarian Sinhalese leaders as excuses to plug the same lies time after time, as you say to get elected.
Should we not talk about it?
தீதும் நன்றும் பிறர் தர வாரா (Bad and good do not come from others) Purananuru.
Buddhist1 / September 19, 2022
The only way out is to wait until the 22nd amendment to the constitution is approved. At that point, SJB, SLFP, JVP and the Dulles group should join hands and claim to have the majority in the Parliament. When this happens there will be a few SLPP clean guys who will join this group and will push SLPP to the opposition. With this group joining hands and with a few SLPP guys supporting it will not be difficult to show 113 votes. Sajith at that point can become the PM and go for a referendum to extend the life of the Parliament until 2027. This new government can then have a small cabinet of a total of fewer than 30 ministers.
Sinhala_Man / September 20, 2022
Dear Buddhist1,
You always comment with good intentions. But lots of things will go wrong unless we conduct a Parliamentary Election soon. Think about how much went wrong after JR’s 1982 Referendum.
Face facts. Voters made mistakes in November 2019 and August 2020. The reasonable and rational thing to do would be to have a Parliamentary Election in early 2023.
For some commenters, the fact that the NPP will improve their representation will seem to be the main reason. After all, I’ve said that I will vote for the NPP.
leelagemalli / September 21, 2022
Mr. SM, I agree with you. Mr. Buddhist is doing a good job. I was a little worried about not hearing from him for the past few weeks. Now I’m glad he’s back.
Velu / September 19, 2022
SJ, you seems to think that you are the smartest AH, in CT. You seems to show that you know everything about the minorities treatment by the successive SL governments after the independence. Govt after Govt has been at Genva and wherever they go with begging bowls they are treating the minorities fairly. Except for Paks and some the authoritarian depots believe this crap.Stop your amusing comments and write some factual things.
SJ / September 19, 2022
Don’t be a spoilsport.
When you amuse unintentionally, how can I resist a good laugh.
Facts are for people who respect them.
Ajith / September 19, 2022
Where are the facts?
SJ / September 19, 2022
Did you not read?
Reserved for those who respect them
Native Vedda / September 20, 2022
“you seems to think that you are the smartest AH”
You are not convinced. Why?
I think you should start respecting facts only from Xinhua News Agency or its sister news media.
Please forget the following quotes because there is no way we would be able to use them:
“Comment Is Free, but Facts Are Sacred” – C P Scott.
“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” – Evelyn Beatrice Hall (Or Voltaire)
SJ / September 20, 2022
“Stop your amusing comments and write some factual things.”
Cannot one quote Voltaire in response to the words of un-wisdom above?
Jambu / September 19, 2022
So I think the Hindus’ and the Moslems are being pitted against each other in the UK. This would not be the first time this was done.
SJ / September 19, 2022
I am sure that you are not a Muslim.
SJ / September 20, 2022
In case the owner(s) of red thumbs do not know:
Only old colonials used the word Moslem to refer to Muslims.
cugan / September 20, 2022
In cricket India beat Pakistan and Indians celebrated just because most of the Indians are Hindus
Native Vedda / September 20, 2022
“So I think the Hindus’ and the Moslems are being pitted against each other in the UK.”
By doing so who is going to benefit from conflict, riots, ….. and how?
Naman / September 20, 2022
The Tamils started taking arms only after many years of suffering under Ethno nationalists -Sinhala Buddhist Rulers. Tamils were free targets to be raped tortured and killed by Sinhala Army/Thugs & even the clergy. No tribes or ethnic group could tolerate this sort of subjugation for a long period.
So the LTTE was born as a result of STATE SPONSORED TERRORISM. The Sinhala forces were able to suppress the warriors of Eelam with the rest of the world support. It is sad that there is no resolution to the Ethnic issue yet. Tamils too want NORMAL law and order established in the NEW SL.
SJ / September 20, 2022
You are addressing people who do not contest the context.
My concerns concern where taking to arms has done to the Tamils as well as other nationalities.
Are you not troubled by the number of innocent victims of internecine warfare encouraged by the patron saints further north.
About cruelty to Muslims?
About Sinhala civilian targets?
Above all, the plight of the minorities as a whole?
True, LTTE was born as a result of STATE SPONSORED TERRORISM.
But it became a menace as bad as STATE SPONSORED TERRORIS.