By Dayan Jayatilleka –
Nothing symbolizes more clearly the content of the current moment we are living through than the dual facts of:
(I) The Presidency of a political leader whose name was associated with the Central Bank bond scam (“maha banku hora!”) which the Auditor-General of the day said had caused an incalculably large drain of finances over an incalculable period of time and
(II) The arrest of the Aragalaya youngsters who discovered, counted, videoed and handed-over to the Police, Rs 17.5 million which they discovered at the President’s House and could have pocketed but chose not to.
Therefore, those who denounce the Aragalaya and exalt President Ranil Wickremesinghe or prefer the latter to the former, expose their ethics, morality and hypocrisy.
Annihilating the Aragalaya
Though President Ranil Wickremesinghe thinks that he can arrest the Aragalaya by arresting the Aragalaya activists, he will soon learn something that all wise leaders knew through the ages: you cannot arrest, jail, incarcerate in dungeons, execute and eliminate AN IDEA. The Aragalaya is an idea which has become a state of mind; a state of consciousness which has seized the public imagination.
The Aragalaya spirit is the spirit of resistance, of freedom, of uprising, of liberation, of change, of rebellion. It has animated a generation and permeated a people. Just as the Hartal 1953, it will enter legend; just as Paris May ’68 it marks a revolution of culture and consciousness of a generation and therefore of society, forever.
If you try to stifle it, shut it down or kill it, you will only make it grow.
Some dreadful things happened in the name of the Aragalaya (May 9th night, July 13th night) which the Aragalaya should have named and shamed, but failed to, and is paying a heavy price for. However, on balance, the Aragalaya is far more positive than negative, far more constructive than destructive, far more progressive than retrogressive, far more democratic than undemocratic, far more right than wrong, and far more good than bad.
If not for the Aragalaya, the world would only have seen the Sri Lanka which had been reduced to charity from a generous beggar in Tamil Nadu who had obviously managed his personal finances better than the Sri Lankan state had managed ours. Sri Lanka had become a pathetic place.
Our dignity was restored not by the unelected Ranil Wickremesinghe but by the Aragalaya. The world witnessed a renaissance of Sri Lankan society, of the public space, thanks to the civic resistance movement drawn from all age groups and finally, starting April 3rd 2022 on Galle Face green, by the Aragalaya. The world saw on July 9th, the people of Sri Lanka led by the youth, liberating the President’s House and then swarming up like a tsunami wave, up the steps and through the doors of the Presidential Secretariat.
The Sri Lankan story was turned into a dramatic triumph of social self-assertion by the people of the island.
Does – will–the Aragalaya story, the story of the most massive and successful popular uprising in our history, the most successful assertion of democratic-republican popular sovereignty since Independence, end with the Constitutional coup, the Constitutional equivalent of the Central Bank bond scam, and the installation in the seat of power by the reviled Rajapaksa ruling clan, of Ranil Wickremesinghe, the most unpopular and hitherto unsuccessful political leader of our lifetime?
It will cause terrible psychological damage to our collective psyche, if we permit the story to end in that manner. It would be as if we had lost the war to the Tigers. We didn’t. We write this story and it needs to be completed satisfactorily, with the people as the rebellious, victorious heroes.
Aragalaya & Terrorism
Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s rule became untenable when the day he decided on an overnight ban on chemical fertilizer, pesticide and weedicide. It was not only the economic consequences that caused the slide. It was the moral crime involved. He had won on a manifesto that pledged to make things much better and as part of that, to undertake a decade-long transition to organic agriculture. Instead, he devastated the peasantry that had voted for him in 2019 and his family for seven decades. It was a moral upending. When Gotabaya lost the moral high-ground it was inevitable he would lose his grip on power.
Ranil Wickremesinghe has made a similar blunder, committed a moral crime under less affordable circumstances. He has turned on, and cracked down on, the very Aragalaya that unintentionally but quite definitely brought him to power by removing Gotabaya Rajapaksa in a massive collective heave-ho.
Of course, this is but a large-scale version of how he double-crossed Sirisena Cooray, former UNP General-Secretary, who gave him the Prime Ministership he was himself offered in 1993. I know. I was there when it happened in 1997. He also double-crossed Karu Jayasuriya from the very moment he handsomely won the Colombo mayoralty. I was there then too, and warned Karu J that it would happen. Treachery is the trademark political ‘step-style’– as Gail Sheehy puts in ‘Passages’—of Mr. Wickremesinghe.
This time, the political and historical price will be far higher. Mr. Wickremesinghe has betrayed a mass democratic revolution, the Aragalaya, in full view of the world’s media. And he has only just got started.
Already his Cabinet Ministers are talking about “terrorism” and “terrorists” lurking in or hiding behind the Aragalaya. This is not just stuff and nonsense; it is very dangerous stuff. “Terrorism” is the organized and intentional use of lethal violence for political purpose, against unarmed, non-combatant civilians.
Not every armed struggle is terrorism or contains terrorism, though in Sri Lanka it notoriously did—and in any case there was no armed activity in the Aragalaya or in support of it.
Homicide or manslaughter by a mob as on the afternoon/night of May 9th, though a heinous crime which must be punished by the full force of the normal law, is not terrorism.
There was and is no “terrorism” within, alongside or behind the Aragalaya.
Ranil’s Rancid Right Regime
President Wickremesinghe has inherited the burdens of the Rajapaksa-created economic crisis, and cannot be sympathized with for his predicament because he was chosen by the soon-to-be deposed autocrat Gotabaya Rajapaksa as PM and more conspicuously, was voted in by the Rajapaksa-dominated ruling SLPP parliamentarians, as the President.
The economic recovery is deadlocked not only by the obvious problems of the chicken-and-the egg, IMF and the creditors conundrum. It is deadlocked even tighter now, by President Ranil’s choices and actions. He should have stepped down and made way for a political leader with some mass base, who could have made a fresh start and had a better shot at managing the crisis. Since Sajith Premadasa bravely ran against Gotabaya Rajapaksa in November 2019 and lost by only 10%, missing the magic 50% mark by only 8%, he would have been the logical first option.
Instead, Mr. Wickremesinghe discredited himself by being the Rajapaksa’s man in the race, thereby reinforcing the impression of continuity rather than discontinuity with the ancien regime, the Old Guard. He therefore causes the forfeiture of the global wave of support we could have obtained and can still obtain as the country where the young people rose up and threw out an autocrat.
Ranil does more damage than even this, by cracking down on the Aragalaya activists and being seen as the repressive unpopular ruler he is. Why should world opinion bail out a country with that kind of narrative; that kind of story? Where’s the catharsis? Where’s the bounce? Where’s the happy ending?
Aragalaya Unfinished
For this story to end with a real catharsis, the unfinished Aragalaya must be taken to a logical conclusion, with a generational shift from the 70-something Establishment. The Aragalaya was not meant to and cannot be allowed to end with the installation of an unelected leader who becomes or reveals himself as an autocrat overnight.
Ranil is trying to kill the Aragalaya by repression, suffocation. He must not be allowed to. That is not how this great story must end; must go into the continuous chronicle of this island’s history.
That is why “RANIL RESIGN!” must resonate and resound in the final phase of the great national liberation struggle for freedom and democracy in our lifetimes: the Aragalaya!
The Aragalaya LIVES!
SarathP / July 29, 2022
Fully agree. Ranil must go. In any case, what can he do surrounded by doddering old men, already with senile dementia?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 30, 2022
Dayan, there is no doubt that Ranil is a failed politician and has allowed those around him to swindle. If he is booted out who is the alternative. Ranil has come to this position by quirk of fate (astrologers say that his horoscope is powerful till October). Ranil took the prime minister post when others rejected it, and deposing of Gota was not expected at that time. Sajith has also proved that he has failed being labelled as Sevalaya by people. There is also fraud charge against him and he is enjoying the loot swindled by his late father. I will take a safe bet that if Aragalaya people succeed in getting Ranil thrown out, Basil will succeed as president and will be the final winner in this. I asked Tamil MPs to vote for Ranil, not because Ranil is going to do wonders to Tamils, but since Sinhala elite, Buddhist priests and masses are against him, there will be lawlessness leading to bloodshed and anarchy, and also Ranil will play double game toying with China thus annoying India. Unrest in country where security forces are unable or unwilling to control, coupled with Chinese involvement in aragalaya (may even arm JVP), is a sure panacea for Indian military intervention.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 30, 2022
Dayan what I have been saying appears to come true. Did you hear that a Chinese ship purportedly to do research is nearing Hambantota. Whom do the Chinese trying to bluff. This ship is nothing but carrying men and material of war nature. Why did the Chinese not do this when all powerful Gota was in command and doing it now. This shows that Ranil is playing double game, thinking that Chinese will checkmate any pressure exerted by Indians. This is foolish as the country will go into flames. Also aragalaya will be intense as Sinhala elites, Buddhist priests and masses are against, leading to chaos. There is allegation that some Tamil MPs received money from Ranil and voted for him and counter allegation that some Tamil MPs received money from Dulles and voted for him. Those Tamil MPs who voted for Ranil has done the correct thing, because this produce chaos in the country leading to Indian military intervention, without which Tamils will not get anything. Tamils should act wisely unlike in 1987, when the chance was botched.
old codger / July 31, 2022
Dr. G,
“but since Sinhala elite, Buddhist priests …..are against him”
Exactly. If a leader isn’t popular with the monks, we should back the guy. After all, it is the same monks who persuaded the voters to elect the Rajapaksas.
Nathan / July 31, 2022
“The Aragalaya is an idea which has become a state of mind; a state of consciousness which has seized the public imagination”.
If only Dayan would curb his craving to outshine others, he could easily have a lot more followers.
Aragalaya gives us a chance to adapt a course correction. Let us grab it
leelagemalli / July 31, 2022
1/As we know now we are tight on our foreign exchange reserves. If the government can’t afford the fees we have to pay for our imports, then the government can’t import any more oil. I think the current government should be given at least 6 months to do something, if it doesn’t work, if the result is not visible, they should be kicked out like the Rajapaksa-criminals were thrown.
If it gets worse, including the entire structure. Even train travel will be restricted. The consequences will be a total lockdown before our eyes. Who will suffer the most? Our people are suffering without proper income. Those below the poverty line of around 40% or 50% will suffer the most. Do we expect it to happen again? Their condition is like “man fell from the tree”. People lost their jobs due to the COVID lockdown. All this looks better to you than commenters like me joining you on this platform.
In today’s context, I don’t think that even Anura Kumara or Sajith will get proper magical solutions to please the people. They are not powerful with foreign relations. Anura has no simple knowledge of external affairs. Sajith is no different to Mahinda Rajapaksa, who licks the balls of crooked monks and misleads future victories.
leelagemalli / July 31, 2022
In a famine, rural dwellers will definitely survive, but urbanites and daily wage laborers will die on the streets. No matter what is said or done, rural people can feed urban people because Sri Lankan villagers are not as poor as they seem. They have everything like jackfruit, del fruit, cassava etc. The struggle was started with intelligent intentions but ended in abduction by the sons of Bali who were in the vanguard. Finally, my friend Pathum Connor was also arrested without any valid reason. Sri Lankan society was extremely heterogeneous and filled with more toxic people than those with heart. Struggle became the lifeline of daily wage earners in Colombo. Seeing those old buildings vandalized by the so-called activists, I stopped sympathizing. Most of the youth who did so were destructive. Saw them swimming in the swimming pool like monkeys. Those undergraduates expected what the world would think of us ?Even very poor African men and women criticized the actions. How are they role models for the youth?
old codger / July 29, 2022
“The Aragalaya spirit is the spirit of resistance, of freedom, of uprising, of liberation, of change, of rebellion. It has animated a generation and permeated a people. Just as the Hartal 1953, it will enter legend; just as Paris May ’68 it marks a revolution of culture and consciousness of a generation and therefore of society, forever.”
What pompous and empty verbosity from the inventor, not so long ago, of “Nugegoda Man” (not heard of for a while now). Also, I believe, the guy who said “Mahinda is a country, not a person”.
Many of the Aragalaya participants are genuine, but they are ill served by tirades from persons with vested interests. Still, what a relief that the long-suffering Mervyn De Silva wasn’t dragged in this time!
Sinhala_Man / July 30, 2022
Dear old codger,
I try to avoid posting comments below articles by this “spotted and inconstant man”, the son of Mervyn De Silva.
I haven’t really read this article of his; I probably will because he has the ability to make a plausible case, whatever his brief.
I have read your warning to me elsewhere that we may end up not being a country, but being a chaotic region ravaged by War Lords.
However, Ranil is already showing himself to be so unscrupulous that he will be even worse than nine Warring Lords.
I have placed as many as ten carefully written comments below this rather poor article:
nimal fernando / July 31, 2022
You guys have lived your entire lives in self-deception …….. know nothing about human nature ……….
You guys write tomes, theses in Shakespearean language cause you’ve been taught a language sans developing ye critical-thinking ……. too focused on the correctness of language than the correctness/validity of content
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
E = MC*2 ……. that’s a simple expression of ultimate sophistication.
Try to get a Lankan who has been taught a language as a tool to overcome insecurity ………. to express his/her ideas in a distilled clear simple manner …… than taking the opportunity to express/display his/her expertise/skill in the language …… is like trying to get EE to like the Tamils/minorities.
There are only 2 universal truths expressed by man ……. one in words, one in action.
“Life has not been devised by morality: it wants deception, it lives on deception.” – Nietzsche ……… And then he asks “Don’t you know it?”
Diogenes of Sinope best known for holding a lantern (or candle) to the faces of the citizens of Athens claiming he was searching for an honest man.
If ye want to understand what’s happening in Lanka in the ultimate sophistication of simplicity ……… look no further
nimal fernando / July 31, 2022
Dunno where devout Sinhala-Buddhists like EE go in search of the font of their faith: their Mecca ……. like the other great devout Sinhala-Buddhists Mahinda, Ranil, ……… Tirupati Temple?
Recently spent a whole starry night ……. sitting/walking …… in places where Diogenes would’ve sat/walked all those yonks ago …….. I’ve been to my very own Mecca/Tirupati …….. paid my dues/respect
Native, do you even have a clue what it does to a man?
I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive. :))
Sinhala_Man / August 3, 2022
The above comment was one of those poking fun at you that I submitted on Monday, the 1st.
I know that you enjoy getting these insulting ripostes.
There was a gremlin in the system that day, and what I (and also others, I feel) just didn’t stick in the website. I thought that its modus operandi had changed.
Sinhala_Man / August 3, 2022
Dear nimal fernando,
Not only do you masquerade under a cowardly pseudonym, but you attempt to impress us with the wealth that enables you to globe-trot. Some of it is amusing, but it is essentially in bad taste. See how you tried to impress us here:
I didn’t want to burden people too much with your rash over-confidence on the weighty subject of how “scones” should be pronounced, but now see how serious subject this is:
Before you start insulting the poor village English teachers of Lanka, please study cataclysmic events like this.
What’s to be done? Fellows like me don’t use the language of Shakespeare but we do try to find out certain things like this:
The history of scones – turns out to be an advertisement for manufacturers of “cream”; nothing has been said about the jam having to be strawberry.
This is longer;
This second page deals really with cream.
Yes, we read all that, and it makes the pangs of hunger that we suffer quite unbearable.
And that is what will lead to the success of the Aragalaya.
Native Vedda / July 30, 2022
nimal fernando
I have been invited to a protest strategy meeting.
Whats your advice?
Like you and other (upper)middle class armchair pundits stay at home or attend the meeting and contribute (part some wisdom) to the discussion constructively?
Please let me have some ideas so that I can pass them on to the protesters as if I came up with great strategy.
Why don’t you persuade SJ to help them formulate a big march according to his Red Book?
nimal fernando / August 3, 2022
“Mahinda Rajapaksa has no right to live anymore, he should be publicly killed to appease the anger of the people today.” — leelagemalli
People are begining to think your way, Native! …… Violence is the only language Lankan “power” understands. One night of burning on May 9th has more significance than 1000 days of peaceful Aragalaya. …….. All kudos to you for being the first to realise it. :)) …….. Human/world history is a good guide.
“Some got tattoed Rajapakshe penis on their chests” — leelagemalli :)))
The poor sod EE, has the tattoo on his forehead ……. the way the Rajapakses control him, Ranil now has it up his exhaust pipe. …….. and poor Ranil fans can’t tattoo his on their chests because he hasn’t one.
Lanka is in more trouble than you might think ……. with Ranil, even the once thriving, tattooing-business is in as much trouble as tourism and farming ……..
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet
Amrit Muttukumaru / July 30, 2022
old codger
“The Presidency of a political leader whose name was associated with the Central Bank bond scam (“maha banku hora!”) which the Auditor-General of the day said had caused an incalculably large drain of finances over an incalculable period of time”
1) You have been stridently critical of any reference to an ‘egregious bond scam’.
2) Are you now SATISFIED it was ‘EGREGIOUS’ since the “Auditor-General of the day” is purported to have said it “had caused an incalculably large drain of finances over an incalculable period of time”?
Amrit Muttukumaru
old codger / July 31, 2022
I have indeed been strident critical about this alleged bond scam, because none of those who use it as a stick to beat RW has provided solid figures to prove their accusations. And that includes you. It is sad that you now hide behind this Auditor General. Has even he provided any evidence? I would think his opinion is more an indication of the quality of the “Generals” we have in this country than anything else. You might remember that the Supreme Court decided that any provable loss is not more than 360 million annually. Peanuts, as they say.
Amrit Muttukumaru / August 3, 2022
old codger
1) I am amazed that you continue to deny the ‘egregious bond scam’ despite NOT DISPUTING Dayan Jayatilleka’s assertion: “the Auditor-General of the day said had caused an incalculably large drain of finances over an incalculable period of time”.
2) Do you know the implications of “incalculably large” and “incalculable period of time”?
3) With due respect to the ‘Supreme Court’, do you really believe they know more about matters such as the ‘bond scam’ than the ‘Auditor-General’?
4) Further engagement with you on the ‘egregious bond scam’ is unproductive and hence a sheer waste of time.
Amrit Muttukumaru
leelagemalli / July 31, 2022
Not only the incoherent Dayana Weerawansa (nee Jayathilaka), but the so-called Janata movie star (how did Sinhaya promote his performance on screen, full of Sinhalese rather than our minorities?) Jackson Anthony also dared to call Mahinda “Budhu Le Viya”.
“Related to the Lord Buddha” etc. was to bully the nation for the sake of votes. Our people, I mean our people, regardless of their academic positions, are like cattle. They are not used to cross-examination. It has pushed them to a precipice today.
Our people are just like raped women – raped women never say a single word again as their dignity is completely violated. Likewise, our common people have been made eternal fools. Media crooks and blood-sucking politicians like the Rajapaksas have worked hard to reap the harvest.
….because of their poor perception or cognitive disorders they fell deep. Evil and cruel political thugs reaped the harvest. For me, as i feel, I ALWAYS glanced, Mahinda Rajapakshes is pretending to be someone, who is made by srilanken media. His true nature is a high criminal, perhaps with more criminal energies than even multi murderers in prison cells.
leelagemalli / July 31, 2022
Mahinda Rajapaksa has no right to live anymore, he should be publicly killed to appease the anger of the people today. Dayan and Wimal Burua also no longer have the right to live.
The sadu sadu effect is the target knowing that our people are eternal fools. Tatooed monks guided rajapakshes ballige puthas and that then misled the nation. Some got tattoed Rajapakshe penis on their chests, because people thought, Rajapkshes are saviours of the nation..
Despite raping and killing their loved ones in broad daylight, our people’s nature is as such that they never directly speak a word against most of the criminals they know.
In retrospect, is it unnecessary to remind you and others how MBBS doctors, university professors and even other so-called Sri Lankan professionals drank the “hand-mixed syrup” introduced by Schizophrenia?
The British put it very clearly, “We may give you freedom, but we have serious doubts about you handling it yourself.” That is why it took till 1972 to be completely free from the British. Professor Kovor has made it very clear that as a social psychologist you can be a doctor, a university professor, but at the end of the day, your mentality does not allow you to think about it properly.
Ajith / July 29, 2022
Now people have a duty to Protect Sinhalese youth from the Ranil_Mahinda dictatorship. If people fail to protect them now, dictators will win and thousands of your children have to sacrifice their lives and their future. This is what happened in 1989-90. Lasantha was murdered after calling him as LTTE supporter. Once again the same group now try to do it again. Do you want to continue to suffer in the hands Fundamentalists forever?
Today, Mahinda said that he has to run away from the country after he who saved the country from LTTE? But hid not tell why He resigned from his post and why his brother ran away from the country after saving this country from LTTE. Is it you who chased your brother?
Sinhala_Man / July 30, 2022
Dear Ajith,
We’re all essentially human beings , aren’t we? However, you identify as a Tamil, don’t you?
Thanks for your wonderful thought, and your serious concern for Sinhalese Youth. These participants of the Aragalaya are genuine, and idealistic, but they are essentially the cream of the Sinhalese youth. They are untouched by racism, but they’re not like an old fellow like me who is painfully conscious of the reality of racial differences. Please see what I have just told old codger, and let me know what you think of all the comments that I have placed below the bitter “Open Letter” by Dr. Senthil Nadarajah.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of Bandarawela, who is consciously anti-racist.
Ajith / July 30, 2022
Dear Sinhala-Man,
Yes. We are essentially human beings and I am happy to identify me as a Tamil speaking Sri Lankan. Sri Lanka is my mother land.
I don’t know anything about the participants of the Aragalaya to comment on them but their thoughts and what they are brought through the protest are necesarry and urgent changes to the country to create a peaceful, unbiased administration and to remove the barriers in the name of fake patriotism and racism.
I didn’t have time now to concentrate on your comments on the article of Senthil nada and I will have a look later.
Thanks for your invite.
Sinhala_Man / July 31, 2022
Dear Ajith,
Many thanks for responding, although when I look at my wording it sounds as though I imagine that I had a right to make such a request of you. Reading comments on the Senthil Nada article would be a taxing exercise.
After writing all those comments (and monitoring many YouTubes) I was very tired, but expecting immediate dramatic political developments. It looks as though Ranil is overplaying his cards, as shankar has said below.
Regarding how we identify ourselves, yes, citizenship is something objective; classification thereafter is arbitrary, although I have on occasion been ordered by officials serving the State to declare my religion and my supposed ethnicity. It’s not often that I have got away with claiming not to know either. Fortunately one is never formally asked for “caste”, but the feeling seems to persist among some that such a classification really exists.
You’re right. We speak certain languages. That relates to how we were brought up. Will complete later.
justice / July 29, 2022
It is corruption which ruined Sri Lanka. Firstly, we need a fool proof method of eliminating corruption. Only then, can we dream on.
The former/even now bribe/demanders/takers are still in the government. When Gotabaya returns, they will be energized.
Naman / July 29, 2022
There would have been no need for the 2022 Aragalaya if the Sinhala Majority had not treated the Tamils Satyagraha at Galle Face Green in 1950s very badly. SL was taken over by the Sinhala Buddhists Fundamentalists ever since independence had been the cause of 30 year civil war. It’s utmost importance to sort out the ethnic issue NOW.
One can not build a strong foundation for economic recovery without ethnic & religious Harmony. Meritocracy and honesty should play a big role from now on. The crooked needs to be placed behind bars
Svenson / July 30, 2022
There is no such thing as ‘Sinhala-Buddhist fundamentalism’ but there is political Buddhism.
Have a look at Tamil-Hindu fundamentalism which gave rise to:
– caste discrimination, the barring of low caste Tamils from temples in Jaffna
– Suicide bombers and child soldiers
– The depiction of Prabhakaran as a Hindu God, Surya Devan
– The justification of bomb attacks and massacres as well as ethnic cleansing of Tamil speaking Muslims from the north of the island
– The murder of Buddhist monks, including novices
– Attacks on Buddhist places of worship and iconoclasm
Tamil-Hindu fundamentalism is not a new phenomenon. Study the history of Sri Lanka and you will see that it is the main reason for political Buddhism to exist. Centuries of Tamil Hindu invasions and attacks led to the binding of Sinhalese consciousness to Buddhism.
Native Vedda / July 30, 2022
What did give rise, 1958, 1961, 1971, 1977, 1987-1991, 30 years, …… and produce brilliant murderers, thugs, crooks, ….. and a bunch of Saffron Clad racists, ………….. and very stupid people?
Native Vedda / July 30, 2022
What did give rise, 1958, 1961, 1971, 1977, 1987-1991, 30 years, …… and produce brilliant murderers, thugs, crooks, ….. and a bunch of Saffron Clad racists, ………….. and very stupid people?
And by the way how did Sri Lanka find itself bankrupt, …..a failed state and begging from Bangladesh, Hindia, ….. and Tamil Nadu has come forward to feed you stupid people (the Sinhala/Buddhists). Sinhala/Buddhism helps to protect crooks, murderers, and allow the crooks to retain unlimited power.
a14455 / July 29, 2022
[Edited out]
There are these pimps for the SJB and there are also pimps for the JVP here. do that really believe they have any solution? I certainly don’t think so.
If Premadasa cared a lick he would get to gether with Ranil and form an all party govt and wait for the next election. No instead of that they are trying to get the power now by poking the hornets nest.
I hope president Ranil unlike the Rajapaksas (who cut and ran) would take stern action.
Sinhala_Man / July 30, 2022
Dear a14455,
What you say would be possible if Ranil holds elections ASAP, which in this case is practical after dissolution in February 2023.
I’m conscious of what you will counter to my argument: that early elections will best suit the NPP.
a14455 / July 31, 2022
Why Feb 2023 ? Why not the end of the term. and Dont worry about the JVP . they will struggle to get 6%
lankan100 / July 29, 2022
Don’t Blame Ranil, Edcuate your citizen, not to expect free from government. Sharpen your(citzens) skills to be marketable workforce to the current technolocy world. Indians from deep villages ( less than 23 miles from Srilanka) coming to US in millions and earning millions as Developers ,wheras youth in srilanka trained to join military ( the only option to find job).
Naman / July 30, 2022
Ranil W could stay on ONLY
If he and the PM appoints cabinet ministers who are very capable and clean from all parties.
Justice post given to Sumanthiran
Law and order to Sarath Fonseka
Regional business development & Reconciliation to Shanakkian RR
Finance to Harsha de Silva /Eran Wickremaratne
C V Wigneswaran can be given a cabinet post
SJ / July 30, 2022
You seem unsure where CVV will fit in.
Don’t worry, many are in the same boat.
He is desperate, and will take anything that comes his way.
Sinhala_Man / July 30, 2022
Yes, Naman, that would be satisfactory, and no effort to gerrymander with the constitution.
If these guys are sincere in this, the NPP ought to stay out of the equation for now, and be fairly flexible about dates.
But, Naman, you are an optimist! Shanakiyan and Ranil working together! Shanakiyan must say “yes”; then the challenge will be for Ranil to show us that he’s better than we imagine him.
Kanapathy Varunan / July 30, 2022
CV be given the ministry of truth and reconciliation.
Ashan / July 30, 2022
It looks like the World Bank is not willing to just hand over the aid we desperately need. We cannot blame them, they have seen how corrupt and unreliable our leaders are, and how they ruled this country to the ground. How can you expect them to trust any leader in this country? No one has earned the respect, and dependability, that our leadership must show. We are at the mercy of these international groups, and the Rajapaksa’s showed their arrogance when we were questioned about the human rights violations, refusing to cooperate with these groups, and accusing the western nations of interfering in this country. The Rajapaksa’s also implemented racist policies against the Muslims, and now the Arab nations have reasons to not help out.
The country is now suffering the consequences of the Rajapaksa actions. No more arrogance, no more blame on western nations, and no more ignoring the demands of the human rights groups. We have no leg to stand on, we have failed as a country, and if we want to survive, we have to be humble, as we are at the mercy of all those we arrogantly dismissed. Pride goes before a fall, and the Rajapaksa family along with others still in power, are responsible for the downfall of this nation.
ramona therese fernando / July 30, 2022
World Bank & IMF seemed to have denied Ranil’s beggings for loans, grants, and debt-forgiveness. They are asking for structural reforms. Imagine Ranil and co. trying to collect taxes from the Elite? They would rather Secede the country and collect the payment, and/or merge with India via land-bridge, than pay elevated taxes towards a government that caused the destruction in the first place. China is pointing back to the West for loan forgiveness.
Only party that can handle the needed structural reforms for the good of the Sovereignty is the Marxist one : JVP_FSP_NPP. Lankans will be more organically accepting of them, knowing the hard road ahead. Marxism (in its modern form), will have at least have that respectable look, where even the Elite will resignedly pay their dues for the better of their Motherland…..Ranil and co. untrusted. Capitalistic West will heave a sigh of relief that the China risk is out of the picture, and give us the necessary loans, grants, and debt-forgiveness to build up from scratch. Sajith coalition (interchangeable with Marxist parties) will be most welcome to seal the deals.
ramona therese fernando / July 30, 2022
But if Ranil can show he is separate from R’s and the Pohottuwas, dissolves parliament and gets rid of them, then country can have some hope. We should give him another month. Otherwise Aragalaya must rise up, whatever contempt and torture is heaped upon them – this time in the millions!
a14455 / July 30, 2022
Smoking the devil’s lettuce again are we RTF ?
What makes you think the JVP or whatever they call themselves now can handle an economy like this? Previous experience? or your delusion. The JVP would be lucky if they get 6% no one trusts them other than the naive fools living overseas and the kids in the Aragalaya
ramona therese fernando / July 31, 2022
Did any of the regimes ever handle an economy like ours properly? One or two socialist ones tried, but were beaten down severely by the Lankan Elite aping colonial capitalists……now Chinese. What a culmination of Lankan greed + idiocy. So smoke your lettuce and remain delusional.
Yeah, and some of us living overseas, due to continous economic misery in our Motherland, see a far wider picture and can compare and contrast. And Sri Lankan Elite remain shamefully economically grasping. Our Youth with little potential for progress in the Motherland, suffer the greatest.
RBH59 / July 30, 2022
Ranil is trying to kill the Aragalaya by repression, suffocation.
Suppression generates injuries and imortions
Late N. Mandela ended up serving 27 years in prison, In 1991, Nelson Mandela was elected the president.
chiv / July 30, 2022
What Aragalaya achieved ( definitely not over yet) is unthinkable and once considered impossible. What none of our opposition, politicians, comrades, supporters, parties, election, judiciary, media, Maha Sanga, constitution ……. could’t, was achieved by spirited, determined youth of our failed nation within first 100 days. 1) force Gotha to not just to resign but leave country 2) Mahinda to resign, 3) Basil to resign,(last two would have followed Gotha if not for vigil and court order) 4) cabinet without Rajapaksas 4) international exposure, never seen before 5) expose the Mafia family and their true character 6) make the whole world aware of corruption, crime, nepotism, and racism 7) possible amendment of Presidency 8) unite all communities for a worthy cause. 8) Put fear in every politician’s mind 9)Ranil was considered a spent force and never a target but he decided to become one . 10) Aragalaya is not over. It’s like a wave replaced by a newer and stronger one. The coming protest has to be nation wide, so that no barrier can stop the Tsunami wave. 11) Aragalaya will never be over because the alternate will be govt subjugation. The protesting youth knows it well. Like in any struggle , tactical break to reinforce, is vital for success. 12) As long bankruptcy and starvation exist Aragalaya will be alive. It’s more about survival than principles. 10) the public needs to understand, more this struggle continue the situation will get ugly. They have no choice other than being part of it / Aragalaya, if not it will be Myanmar or North Korea.
chiv / July 30, 2022
According to Lanka’s official report July inflation is > 60 %. In that food is 91 % and transport is 143 %. According to actual statistics, inflation was above 60 % prior to commencement of Aragalaya. Current Inflation is closer or above 100%, food and transport are in the range of 150 to 250 %. Right now we are in top 5 highest inflation rate after Venezuela, Sudan, Lebanon and Syria. Myanmar and N.Korea are between 55 and 60 %. For comparison , In March 2020 ours was between 5.5 and 6.5%. Today U.S is between 9 and 10 %. Thanks to Rajapaksa Economics.
Gus / July 30, 2022
There are “persons” who post here that:
(1) SL is not bankrupt it is merely restructuring its loans and the consensus amongst the past and potential lenders and the IMF is that SL is bankrupt including that it has defaulted on loans and need food aid to feed its citizens.
(2) That the LTTE are terrorists whereas now I am watching youtube and reading posts FROM SINHALAS that the LTTE were indeed patriots who whose motive was to defeat the CORRUPT AND BARBARIC sinhala governance of SL
(3) Say Tamilnadu is toilet nadu when it exports IT professionals and other professionals all over the world, when sinhalas export toilet cleaners/
(4) The parlous state of sinhala economy is that and island SL imports fish even before the current bankruptcy =when it is surrounded by seas!
(5) the sinhalas and the rogues in saffron robes buddhist monks have SCREWED up the country because of their LACK OF ANY INTELLIGENCE in their brains
Sinhala_Man / July 30, 2022
Our youth are organizing:
This is a two minute video in Sinhala that has come out two hours ago. (The time now is 12.45 pm)
No, I can’t locate it now, although I made a comment there. But see the 25 minute video which I will put at the bottom.
These 14 minutes have come an hour after the 2 minute video. Another young man, Lahiru Weerasekera, speaking in Sinhala:
Great! We seem to have a future. Brace yourself for one more huge push, so that all will be over with that.
These 25 minutes also by Lahiru W.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of Bandarawela
Sinhala_Man / July 30, 2022
The time is 8.05 pm.
This is the latest from Ranil Wickremasinghe:
It is of the utmost importance that these sanctimonious arguments of this hypocrite should be countered. This is 17 minutes in Sinhala directed at villagers now. The first comment had come in only 47 minutes ago,and there are seventeen as of now. I’m tired, I leave it to others to tackle this.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela
shankar / July 30, 2022
if during august ranil does not substantially reduce the queues he will be gone before end of aug.
I hope when i say gone not permanently dead brutally battered to death as that other SLPP guy.
It would pain me a lot as a fellow royalist to see that happen.ranil see whether you can sort out the queues by august or fuck off.You are risking your life now.In one of my earlier comments i mentioned you were risking your house before it was partially burned and to do a shit analysis(when will the shit hit the fan) with a swot analysis, otherwise your house may go.Now i fear if you stubborn donkey don’t do it your life might go.We from july 83 experience know best.
Black Lankan / July 30, 2022
Ranil simply has no place in SL to hold any position, for that matter. Since 2015 he totally lost his credibility. In 2018 he sabotaged MY3 and created another chaos. That led to Mahintha evil came in for a while, of course shamelessly. Then with peoples support Ranil got his lost chair from Mahinta. In 2019 he and his party was just kicked out 100%. Then how can he come in. It is just manipulation, opportunism and of course shamelessness. He has no qualification at all now to become the president. All know that he is brought in by Mahinthas to protect their misdeeds once again. If he is an extra ordinary honest, decent, capable politician then even if we brought in through back door it may be ok. But not this total loser, no way. Now the world too wants him to go and world knows that he has no place in SL politics.
Kanapathy Varunan / July 30, 2022
CV be given the ministry of truth and reconciliation.
Nathan / July 31, 2022
Truth – Maybe.
Reconciliation – No.
Sinhala_Man / August 3, 2022
Dear Nathan,
I responded to this observation of yours on Monday, the 1st, but it looked as though there was a gremlin on the website, and the comment just disappeared. I thought that CT would have changed the way comments were being handled.
All seems back to normal now, but a number of comments by many would have been lost.
I had said that your observation on Wiggy was apt; I also spoke about what a wonderful guy young Shanakiyan is.