By Vishwamithra –
“In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ~ Unknown
An unusual calm has settled on an otherwise chaotic landscape. The anxious are tense; the weak are in fear of the uncertain and the optimists are waiting for a brighter day. The political atmosphere is changing by the hour. Rumors tend to be more accurate than what is being spilled out by the mainstream media. Sensationalism is once again dominating the headlines. A land that was daydreaming that better days are yet ahead is waking up to a potential nightmare.
The nightmare that is threatening to disturb the sleeping is the one that one thought as an impossibility about one year ago. The chances that Ranil Wickremesinghe and United National Party (UNP) would come into form a coalition with Sajith Premadasa and the Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB) were slim to none a couple of years ago. But the pressure that Anura Kumara Dissanayake and his National People’s Power (NPP) impacting on the status quo led by a potential UNP/SJB combination is immense. That pressure has assumed a new dimension after the ‘Gahenu Eka Mitata’ (Women together) program was launched by the National People’s Power.
Nevertheless, there is no certainty that AKD as President or the NPP as a parliamentary majority would win at the next elections, whichever is held first. Those daydreamers are continuing in their wild chase of a Ranil-Gundu (Ranil’s trick). In fact, Ranil may have succeeded in such ‘trickonometry’ a couple of decades ago, in a different era, in a different setting. The social media has changed the trajectory of public opinion in a very drastic fashion. It has not only added more than a couple of measures to the alacrity in which such information and misinformation and disinformation travels, it has also changed the complexion of the game by reaching hundreds of thousands more readers and consumers of such information. At the same time, the influence of the qualitative validity of information by making it available in more than a few channels through which this information travels has turned the information technology upside down and inside out.
The Smartphone is no more a luxury; its use in day-to-day social, economic and political transactions has made newspapers, television channels and radio stations obsolete and near-archaic. Politicians cannot get away with white lies or blatant falsehoods. The worry that the non-NPP politicians are wrapped in today is somewhat akin to the painstaking journey home of the man with a sackful of snakes. If he stops half way, he will be stung by the snakes and if he takes it home his wife would be the victim (maga hitiyoth tho nasi, gedera giyoth ambuwa nasi)!
At the same time, the visible signs of a certain NPP victory could also be a part of a daydream. The old JVP (precursor of NPP) was a victim of the same exhibitionistic tendency that the NPP is adopting today. Rohana Wijeweera was the pioneer, executioner and the unfortunate victim of political exhibitionism. His mass rallies too attracted hundreds of thousands of listeners; his audiences could not be matched by the old UNP or the old SLFP. There was no person who could match Wijeweera in mob-oratory. Yet when the votes were counted, Wijeweera ended up gaining only a couple of hundreds of thousand votes, less than 5% of the total polled. Numbers, arithmetic coupled with fear of the unknown collectively claimed their victim, Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna. Both Ranil and Sajith are praying for a repetition of that history; whether they will be satisfied this time also is yet to be seen.
Yet listening to AKD these days is a therapy. Forget about his delivery and the mastery of the vernacular; the substance is way ahead of any politician who is living today. Bordering on deeply philosophical arguments, AKD has clearly captured the attention of the young, middle-aged and old, all together. His address to the youth is highly advanced not only in the narrative; the profound substance it contains surpasses any standard yet established by any living politician. By being so acutely deep, AKD succeeds in displaying his assessment of the average audience. Never doubting its sharpness and intelligence to absorb and analyze current issues, AKD drives home one singular point that he does not underestimate his audience even to a negligible extent. That in itself is a trait of a man who possesses a balanced mindset and an immense space to accommodate the common man.
Instead of trying to reach the common man through his narrow and mundane outer layer, AKD at all times attempts to reach the very core of every man and women who is listening to him. Underestimating your fellowmen is a cardinal sin. Most of our politicians fall into that inglorious lot that thinks that they are better and more prudent and equipped to understand and resolve multifaceted issues. By resorting to speaking at a higher level and in a more erudite degree, AKD renders an equal space and room to the average Appuhamy, Natarajah and Mohamed. If the common man cannot understand, he will go home and ask his daughter or son who is in the University to explain the complicated and complex issues about which AKD spoke in simpler language. His knowledge on matters grows and the admiration for AKD doubles. The simplicity of the common man is indeed more simple than simplistic.
In the same vein, one cannot understate the deviousness and mastery of electioneering skills of Ranil and his cohorts. When all the chips are down, Ranil might resort to the dirtiest of dirty tricks and try to prevail. He would rather go out of office as a ceremonial President than a defeated Presidential candidate. That is why one cannot rule out Ranil negotiating with Sajith; he might think that such a combination would deliver the Presidential election to the candidate of that combination. Ranil’s dream would be to be the candidate for President and he may offer Premiership to Sajith, that is if they prevail at the elections. Sajith might fall into Ranil’s trickonometry.
Our political culture is rotten; from top to bottom the degree to which our national character is being consumed by a disease; a disease of unconstrained greed and egocentric indulgences; that is usually the hallmark of a degenerating nation. The people have been subjected to humiliating serfdom to an elected government and the resultant effects are abhorrent. Their apathy has ultimately taken its toll; the collapse of our national economy and its pervasive feel took a stranglehold on the daily lives of our men and women. Wherever one looks, he sees degenerating values and warped definitions of comforts and luxuries. Those who are primarily responsible for the rot that set in are still at large and ironically they are equipping themselves to contest elections. Those who suffered at the hands of these dirty politicians are presumably waiting to teach them a lesson, they say. But such an action will not happen automatically; nor would it be the final solution for the countless issues that confront the people.
Ouster of the sinners should not be the last step in the process of nation building. Nation building requires much more than mere vengeance. While holding accountable those who sinned by being severely involved in the destruction of our national character and political culture is a must before taking stock of the situation prior to finding lasting solutions to the numerous problems we face, shaping the mindset of our people and prepping them for a short-term austere demeanor on the part of our brethren is an integral part of the total cognitive and mental process. Those who get elected must place the same trust in the same degree that the people placed in those who would be elected. Mutual trust cannot be foreclosed.
Deshabandu Tennakoon cannot remain our chief law enforcement officer. Convicted criminals cannot hold ministerial portfolios, nor should they be allowed to nominate themselves for parliamentary elections. A system change cannot accommodate compromises. Yes, it could be merciful when justice is meted out, but such compromises cannot be allowed to be interpreted as weak response to a national demand.
Ranil Wickremesinghe, if found guilty of being even remotely involved in the infamous ‘Bond-scam’, then he must face the consequences. The wheels of the government machinery must turn and they must turn most ruthlessly and efficiently in the direction of ‘good governance’. Equality before the law, one hundred percent accountability as well as governing transparency must be the foundation upon which new methods of government rest.
Political game-playing cannot replace inefficient and incompetent governance that has been ruling our country for the last seventy six years. Expectations are running high; demands are raising their thresholds beyond all precedent. Normalizing of bribery, weaponizing of governmental powers to punish those who hold a contra views must stop, never to commence again.
In other words, political trickonometry is no substitute, nor should it be an alternative to substandard governing principles as were manifested in the last seven decades.
*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com
kugan2 / April 15, 2024
R W should be prez and cabinets and PM goes to NPP.SJB pothuwa and others takes the back seat
Sinhala_Man / April 15, 2024
Dear kugan2
Thanks for your views. I most vehemently disagree!
After Ranil got elected legally but illegitimately, see how he’s manipulated himself into being a Dictator.
What will happen if he is actually elected legitimately? I don’t rule out the possibility. I’m a pensioner; I got Rs 2,500/= extra this month, and I feel it will be upped another 2.5 K about August, if the Presidential Election is held in October 2024. God, knows! I need the money, but the country can’t afford it. All government servants in service are getting twice that sum.
Don’t you realise that the PM has no executive power, whatsoever, although if the NPP and some of the “minority parties” obtain 113 seats in the Parliamentary Elections in 2025 they would be able to control legislation?
It is possible for Ranil to become President by manipulating the economy so cleverly that you will think that he has actually saved the economy.
I have submitted two comments here:
There is no guarantee that they will be published.
Panini Edirisinhe
kugan2 / April 15, 2024
When Gotta announced any one can come and take over,no one didn’t come forward, people were cueing up for days to get the gas /fuel how many of them died
All These present candidates didn’t come forward apart from RW it’s not perfect at least go forward.
We have seen the power vested to this exe prez at least we knows RW Gotta Sira Mahindra etc
When we elected we cut kiri baths don’t knows the character NPP could be same but these are my take am not expert..
People would say IMF but these are the guys were shouting against IMF
Then manipulating we would negotiate for what
Sinhala_Man / April 16, 2024
Dear kugan2,
I know that I’m out of my depth here. But let me make two important observations about how AKD came forward:
Firstly, he was willing only to take over only as a strictly Acting President.
Secondly, he was not going to bribe the other 222 Members of Parliament in any way. I know that there were two stages to the election:
A. To become Gota’s Prime Minister. To get to be that, the person offered the position had to accept Gota’s offer, after Mahinda Rajapaksa resigned as Prime Minister. This preceded his election as President, and had nothing to do, technically, with his later election as President. But it helped him know that he could manipulate.
B. To be the President, there was an election. Three candidates came forward. Ranil Wickremasinghe, Dullas Alahapperuma, and Anura Kumara Dissanayake. Only Members of Parliament – most of them thoroughly discredited – voted (was it by secet ballot? I can’t remember,). Ranil was supported even by this man convicted of murder:
Sinhala_Man / April 16, 2024
Ranil didn’t care how he attained his goal, and now he will be even more ruthless in gulling our people into voting for him. Heaven help our hapless citizens the day after he gets elected.
I usually think out my comments very carefully; I have written this quickly. It may be that I’ve got something wrong. I appeal to other readers to correct me were necessary.
I’m not a politician. At 75 years of age, I’m about 4 months older than Ranil; never been outside Asia. My sole profession has been teaching English. I don’t know how to cheat, and for over two thirds of my life I have resided in Bandarawela, Uva Province. Now in this old house built by my father 58 years ago.
Who are you, anonymous Kugan2? We have not the foggiest notion. A Tamil-sounding name, but you may be any ethnicity, and may be a hired scrivener for Ranil.
Humbler citizens than me will not be protesting, since they lack the sophistication that comes from knowing a world language well.
Panini Edirisinhe, (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela.
Douglas / April 19, 2024
Dear S-M: I would like to give a RECIPE for the NPP:
1. Get the Presidential Election first.
2. NPP will surely win even with a slim majority, perhaps 2-3 million.
3 . Then after affirming as President (AKD) must work with the present Cabinet.
4. AKD -the President must propose to Cabinet to bring a motion in Parliament to withdraw all CIVIC RIGHTS of all convicted of bringing in the economic failure resulting in bankruptcy along with all others (1) Who were made to pay compensation to Easter Sunday Attack and (2) All the Police Officers who violated human rights and made to pay compensation from their funds -(e.g Present IGP).
5. If the Cabinet (present) rejects it, DISSOLVE the Parliament declare a Parliamentary Election and tell the PEOPLE what he tried to do legally but the present Ministers didn’t allow it.
6. NPP is sure to get that “2/3rd” Majority to implement the rest of the agenda of NPP that would contain in a manifesto.
Sinhala_Man / April 20, 2024
Yes, Douglas, I rather think that is the way that it will pan out.
AKD will make a wonderful President; I have spent many hours listening to him. I don’t think that he will be President for anything more than ten years. Actually it may well be for a much shorter period, because his sincere intention is to abolish the position.
What will he do after the Presidency is abolished? I wouldn’t want to guess. He has said that he will always be a politician, but will not be the leader after ushering in a new constitution.
He has already been a Member of Parliament for close upon 24 years! I’m sure that he must be looking forward to handing over to somebody else.
Panini Edirisinhe
nimal fernando / April 16, 2024
“R W should be prez and cabinets and PM goes to NPP.SJB pothuwa and others takes the back seat”
Ranil had the right mix of corruption and shamelessness to work under the dictates of the Rajapakses ……… the others put preconditions that were not acceptable to the Rajapakses. Let us for once, have some courage to face even 2 year old true history.
Let AKD be the president and Ranil be the PM without the homage/adulation/perks. See how that works for a change.
Ranil the crook wants everybody to come and work with him ……… but under him ……. at his command.
Let Ranil the crook work under a honest man, AKD …… and see how that works.
We have tried everything under the sun with disastrous results ….. why not, one more but a different try?
It’s a itty bitty weenie tiny little bit unfair to ask AKD to apologise for Wijayweera’s stupidity …….. without asking Ranil to apologize for his own stupidity (Gonawala Sunil’s JP-dom, Sotthi Upali’s post in the UNP etc.)
Apologies should stop there …….. if Lankans start apologizing for their stupidities …….. there won’t be an end in sight.
Sinhala_Man / April 20, 2024
But, nimal, he has apologised! Please listen to this ten year old apology.
The video is of 13 minutes 50 seconds duration. Twenty-eight seconds into it, Saroj Pathirana asks him if he asks forgiveness for what was done during the period of terror about 35 years ago. සමාව ඉල්ලනවද? (i.e. “Do you ask forgiveness?). AKD’s response: අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම (Definitely). Again at 13:30, he says this: සමාව ඉල්ලන sitinawada? (“Do you await forgiveness?”)
Please listen. I don’t have Sinhala typing on my computer. I have been assisted here by Google Translate. It may be that you, or “ලීලාගේමල්ලි” (leelagemalli) could fine-tune that. I have asked him to listen to this many times.
If he refuses to oblige, don’t you think that it should be told him much more rudely? Please think of the best wording, nimal.
Panini Edirisinhe
Cicero / April 15, 2024
Well written as usual. AKD does not appeal to Nataraja and Mohamed. That is a problem for the NPP. Also, NPP does not rule out the IMF. If so, is RW the natural person to deal with the IMF, a US dominated institution more likely to keep RW in power. There are two ways of getting out of this mess. One is through integration into the global financial and trade system that is neoliberal. For this, RW is the obvious choice and not AKD who professes to be a socialist but the No Plan Party has no economic program. The other is to look inwards like Malaysia did during the Asian Economic Crisis under Mahathir Mohamed. At the time, Indonesia got help from the IMF. Malaysia did not. Malaysia pulled out of the crisis by shutting itself from outside economies and developing its resources. It got out as well as Indonesia did. Is this a choice for us? Will the country accept this choice which is not the well trodden path? AKD has not indicated what choice he will make. That is the problem. Anyway, Vishwa, why does the Mahavamsa Moron carry a sack of snakes on his back? He must relinquish such habits and other myths about descent from the fornication with a lion. Perhaps, we can make progress then.
SJ / April 15, 2024
See here. There is a Mohamed to whom AKD appeals.
Cicero / April 15, 2024
But, he is not in SL
SJ / April 16, 2024
But he is a Mohamed all the same
Ajith / April 15, 2024
Your Comparison between Ranil and AKD particularly dealing with IMF. IMF had opened further to increase the debt level. Ranils only choice is IMF but nothing to minimise the corruption or improving the resources or productivity of the resources. Ranil wants to keep all the criminals, corrupted politicians in his cabinet and protect all those who brought bankruptcy in order get into the power rather than creating country free from racism, fundamentalism and corruption. We need someone to change the political culture, but wants to keep the system that is beneficial to the whole country. If Ranil comes into power there is a possibility that Rajapaksas will come back again with racism and Fundamentalism.
Cicero / April 16, 2024
I agree Ajith. But, there is nothing yet to show that JVP has eschewed Sinhala Buddhist hegemony. The old slogan that under socialism, there would be such progress that there would be no communalism is what is doled out. There is nothing to show conclusively that the old anti-Tamil stances of the JVP have ended. Why cannot they make such an announcement? Many Tamils will then remain silent and vote for the JVP when elections come, provided they have an economic program too. The IMF also wants to end corruption. So, implementing an IMF program requires an end to corruption. The slogan of ending corruption by itself is not enough. There must be a definite plan as to this too.
Mohamed Marzook UK / April 15, 2024
Anura and the NPP have by now won the hearts of the people and are certain of winning any elections due. on their own. As their policies and ways for the people too are very much different from those of the failed traditional and/or breakaway parties they cannot and will not join any of them. It will be a President from the NPP and a NPP Govt.
Sinhala_Man / April 16, 2024
Very well said, Ajit & clearly identified Mohamed Marzook UK.
SJ / April 17, 2024
No passport or identity card number!
Sinhala_Man / April 17, 2024
Dear SJ,
I realised that when I made that comment. Thanks for the riposte. That completes the challenge that I’m posing to readers to think.
I know very clearly who you are, and so do many others. But you have stridently objected when I revealed it newcomers.
However, I’ve begun to wonder what the ultimate reason for life is. The only person here who thinks he knows is “davidthe good“ (no comment by him on this page, yet!), but there are to many holes in his argument. He has decided a priori that there is God who must be served. At least in his case, he says that it is only “experientially” true for him. And he seems, personally, to be a decent guy, but one who then supports (thankfully in words only) the massacres being perpetrated by Israel.
I have scrolled down, and find other comments by “Mohamed Marzook UK“. They are consistent with the persona that I have given him.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela
SJ / April 17, 2024
Just remember that CT policy allows absolute anonymity.
It is honourable to play by the rules and good to respect the right of of people to do so.
leelagemalli / April 19, 2024
“Just remember that CT policy allows absolute anonymity”
Exactly true. What matters is the content of the comment.
I don’t understand his zero tolerance for anonymity. Also, it should be discussed why most commentators tend to remain anonymous.
SM is exposing even personal detials of some, as JVP did during the brutal period of 89-92. It is public secret, that extra-judicial killings and persecutions of a hidden nature are generally in the genes of Sri Lankans.
SM is a good man NO DOUBT about that, committed to breaking the night and writing comments, however, he should also be able to think reasonably. I wish him a long and healthy life, but his thinking is unique to him. Prolonged isolation may be the root cause leading pathological effects in him.
For some reason, it only suits his thoughts that SM does not respect CT’s guidelines.
Society is diverse. There are different types of thought bearers. The same is the mirror image of the Janata Vimukthi Peramuna in general.
How can Sri Lankans dream of electoral victory without realizing that they are not homogenous in their thoughts and minds?
davidthegood / April 18, 2024
Sinhala_Man, Thank you for trying an honest assessment about what I say. Life is precious and I dont believe any should be massacred. But we all will die in one way or another, so it is not possible to have eternal life unless resurrected with the correct group after death.. If people are killed as terrorists I truly believe their inevitable early end is better or they will kill more people. Death should not be an issue for anyone who believes that Jesus rose again and has witnesses to that with an empty tomb. That is not nirvana disappearance as the same Jesus appeared to those who knew him before death. We cannot vanish.
leelagemalli / April 19, 2024
To me it is childish to praise anyone who says “NPP is the only force”, we should discuss it broadly.
I dont expect it from a senior citizen of this country continously mislead the masses without proper guidance. This is why I am forced to think repeately that some of our boomers are really naive.
We should not fall in the same pit once fallen.
It is time to compare GOTABAYA-VIYATHMAGA and AKD-INTERLLECTUALS. Just university degrees would not help walk the talk, however they shoudl come with experiences.
This is no jokes, it is for the benefit of very nation. No doubt, after JVP-NPP collecting their experience further, they can rule this country next, but in current context, they should give chances to those really have the substance to do so.
We fought a brutal civil war, but we also need to fight against ecomic hardships ushering a good era for our poor people. We should not elect anyone that could jeopardise any of the IMF recommedations that have guided this country from GOTA s destruction.
Douglas / April 20, 2024
Dear LM: “…they should give chances to those really have the substance to do so”.
Please name those with that “substance” you seem to know.
old codger / April 17, 2024
“clearly identified Mohamed Marzook UK.”
How do you know that’s his real name?
leelagemalli / April 19, 2024
Dear OC,
Naivity is healable if the person would start respecting facts.
This is self evident to me. Long time ago, I left country for EUROPE. THere I had the island average mentality not knowing that other religious beliefs and life styles should also be respected. This was because my paternal relatives were well connected with Late Rev. Dr. Walpola Rahula thero. Anyways, having learnt many other nationatlieis coming from asia, africa, latin america and north america and all other continents of the planet, I truly experienced how people could change towards poistiivity.
Having said all tehse, I think my thinking nature was truly unique to me also ascending from my childhood.
However some though call themselves self-scholars or make every effort to get on only with recognized ones, hero-worshiping round the clock, they would not grow out of their circles.
Is not this not the reality of many of our boomers and X gezers in our country ? During my last trip to lanka (Nov 2023), having argued with a close relative, I thought, It costed me hours to convince that a CT scan could help a heart patient and his family, if the patient would be cooperate. People s psyche is irresversably conditioned by myths and mystics in south asian region.
Native Vedda / April 16, 2024
Mohamed Marzook UK
“Anura and the NPP have by now won the hearts of the people and are certain of winning any elections due. on their own.”
AKD might have won the hearts and minds of the voters it is not clear if he has won their votes. We will have to wait and see.
Some Voters see through his veneer.
AKD is unlikely to get large chunk of Tamil Speaking people’s votes.
His message to them is he is clear, and bit arrogant, he is not willing to restructure the state in its entirety, he would still retain the nasty, corrupt, racist, …… bureaucracy, police, armed forces, legal system, .and political system …. with the same attitude towards people …. yet promised to sprinkle miracles.
He has lot to answer, …….
Sinhala_Man / April 16, 2024
Dear Mohamed Marzook UK,
AKD will get the votes of those Tamil-speakers whose hearts he has won. Will you come to Lanka to cast your vote? Other countries make arrangements to vote from abroad. Lanka has made no such effort.
Many Tamil-speaking voters will want to cast a vote for a Tamil-speaker. (Sad, we’re not one community.). They could make a Tamil-speaker their FIRST choice. They have a right to protest. They could cast a PREFERENCE vote for AKD. In seven previous Presidential elections, Preferences didn’t have to be counted. Close to the election most voters know who the front runners are. In 2019, I knew that my vote for AKD was not going to matter. When that is the case, one casts a Preference vote. No political party advocates it, and only a few voters even know that such a system exists.
There is a probability that such votes will become spoilt votes unless care is taken to find out how to mark the ballot paper. It’s not rocket science, but unfortunately few bother to digest, even if the instructions are given to them. Later, they will remain blissfully unaware that they have spoilt their vote.
whywhy / April 18, 2024
S M ,
Dear S M , your last line . I personally knew , in the last election ,
some Sinhala Buddhists as a family , went to polling station just
to Spoil their votes . Knowingly At this point , I would like to
make you aware in case you are not , that Buddha Himself was an
Atheist according to some scholars . Buddha didn’t create a
Buddhism and he never wanted anyone else to do that . It is same
with Sinhala Hindu Festival . Do you see what an empty society
could be doing with its own life ? Spoiling one’s own life and that of
other’s .
Sinhala_Man / April 20, 2024
Yes, dear whywhy,
There were spoilt votes at the Presidential Election (where confused voters would have spoilt their votes unwittingly.)
There were even more spoilt votes at the Parliamentary Election that followed in November 2020. I would attribute that to the work of Sepal Amarasinghe. It was “leelagemalli” who first persuaded me to listen to the guy. This was before he found my now 17-year Dialog mobile number, which was WhatsApp activated (incidentally, I cancelled my then 15 year-old Mobitel number number about 3 months ago) and contacted me on Christmas Day 2020. I’ve just looked at that letter. He was getting disillusioned with Sepal Amarasinghe in his first email to me.
Panini Edirisinhe
whywhy / April 17, 2024
M M UK ,
If you watched many of AKD speeches made on many of his platforms ,
you should have noticed one thing that takes you to many centuries
back where Moses , Jesus and Muhammad all initiated but left without
seeing an end ! He thinks , the public is not compassionate anymore ,
they are just like firewood , No sense of feelings of any kind anymore ,
etc , etc and such a bragging putting the blame on the system and the
76 year corrupt ruling as usual . And the main point worthy to look at
here is , His Determination and the Responsibility To Correct This
Situation and Make it a Better Country . Now my stand is , as a concerned
citizen ,
NO . 1 . Where in a Democracy , A Leader of a Nation is , expected to
Correct His Citizens ? You are coming to serve their needs or
Correct them ?
2 . As I already stated , Where is Moses World , Where is Jesus
World , Where is Muhammad World and Where is Buddha
World that Preached Morals , Ethics , Compassion etc , etc
For AKD to Re-Invent them ?
leelagemalli / April 19, 2024
Dear WW,
Thanks for the valuable thoughts that brought me back to my past experiences. Normal CT reviewers will never see that. If everything was easy to implement, I have no doubt, CBK and GG could have achieved a lot more in creating and introducing new reforms in various sectors of this country where they have stakes.
As you and I know, it has been futile time and time again. It means that there should be structural changes in many other areas including education, health, social, administration and various other areas, not limited to the loans taken. Any incoming government should agree to formulate national policies in all major areas of the island. That should be the first step above all.
Elections in this country are conducted without working to improve the general awareness of the voters themselves.
Is it worth doing so ?
leelagemalli / April 19, 2024
If the patient continues to be ill,until the proper etiology will be known, and nothing will help him or her to recover easily.
. Likewise, the mainstream media should recognize and acknowledge our failure by conducting extensive round-the-clock discussions.
Unfortunately, this goes unnoticed in the main domain media in this country, which I closely study is completely disgusting and biased.
There should be an assessment of the general thinking of the people before joining the next election in order to use the vote to get relatively good politicians into parliament.
Easy blame game proctagonist, AKD is impractical in Sri Lankan politics.
It is similarly to the etiology of a terminal cancer patient which is more complex. Perhpas lanken politics is even more complex.
It will always be easy to blame and blame the rulers. It is done by AKD led group, similar to any teenager who questions why poor countries struggle to eradicate their corruption, misbehavior. It is all connected with proper implementation of law and order, self-discipline, school education, trust and knowledge and various other multifactorial factors.
Sinhala_Man / April 20, 2024
Yes, whywhy,
I agree that, rather unusually for a politician, AKD, is a moralist who upbraids and attempts to correct the public.
It may be that he should not do that, but I respect him all the more for that. However, he also emphasises that he himself is not a superman.
Incidentally, this is Tilvin Silva’s explanation of 88 to 90.
He’s an older man than AKD: there’s no Wikipedia entry for him, so I don’t know exactly how old he is. I can’t now find the YouTube in which he explains his life. I will tell you by and by. He’s more important in the JVP than most people realise.
Panini Edirisinhe
Naman / April 15, 2024
RW, Is keeping the Nation in a “suspense”. How could one explain this person who lost all the UNP seats at the last parliamentary election became the PM first and then as President. He has PROVIDED safety to those who brought our Economy crashing down. Those ones who were hiding from the angry civilians ARE now Walking around freely and still spending the Tax Payers money. The outcome of the SL Elections may be influenced by China on one side & India [+US]on the other side. Had the Sinhala Buddhists been SENSIBLE /REASONABLE/ HONEST in the way they had treated the Tamil speaking SL citizens from the time of Independence, we would not be in this pathetic state– where cheating / hoodwinking/low morality etc etc are prevailing. It is time to include the Tamils in the true liberation of the the Isle.
Alpha / April 15, 2024
When voting, I would like to have the choice “NONE OF THE ABOVE”
The parliament including the NPP members are huge drain on the economy. The least that the NPP members could have done is to publicly refrain from taking some of the monetary benefits during this crisis.
Sinhala_Man / April 16, 2024
Dear Alpha,
I don’t understand what you’re saying.
When you go into the booth where you mark your ballot paper, you are free to write what you want to. There was a move by this man, Sepal Amarasinghe to popularise such irresponsibility in 2020:
He had got the idea from elsewhere:
I consider this a silly thing to do, the lazy person’s option. Nobody can stop you.
If I feel that all are bad, I will still conscientiously work out who is the least bad, and vote for him/her.
Regarding your other observation: What are the “monetary benefits” that the NPP members availed themselves of?
We certainly have a “chronic” monetary crisis! “publicly refrain”? Do you mean that they should have taken the unspecified benefits “secretly“.
Please write sense!
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)
Sinhala_Man / April 17, 2024
Dear Alpha,
Now that my previous comment is to be seen, may I ask you this simple question. Please respond to it.
Let’s forget about your reservations about the NPP. When we don’t even knowwho will be contesting, how can you say that you will not vote for any of them?
But, of course, you’ve been one step ahead of me, as readers will realise from the Wikipedia entry on the subject that I have already given you. What Alpha is advocating is that the ballot paper should always have a space where this dummy candidate is displayed. You want to create a situation in which more than half the voters will vote “NOTA”, which will then mean sabotaging the entire electoral process.
I’ve been seriously wondering how we can get people to cast Preferential Votes, as allowed by our present system for marking ballot papers. To get people to understand that is difficult enough. Do you seriously think that you can sell this idea to our voters, especially when your campaign manager is a self-serving clown like Sepal Amarasinghe.
No, you’d be much better off voting NPP. And please tell us what monetary benefits have come the way of the MPs of the NPP. Why not follow up on this news item?
I’m quite sure that the three NPP members of Parliament are not among them.
Panini Edirisinhe
LankaScot / April 18, 2024
Hello Alpha,
It’s simple don’t Vote – same as “NONE OF THE ABOVE”.
Best regards
Tony / April 15, 2024
Stop wasting media space on political disaster Christian RW anymore. Illegal
parliamentarian turned illegal president.
Born failure RW has been in politics for decades and still morons want more of him. Remember, his presidency is a gift from his best friend MR for being a clown opposition leader for 25 years.
More than 100 years ago, Great Anagarika Dharmapala warned indiginiouse Sinhala Buddhists of missionary schools brain washed kalu-suddha barstards’ cunning political tricks.
Since bogus 1948 independence, Church controls Sri Lankan politics behind the scene. Notice where political leaders were educated at and more are queued up.
Cicero / April 15, 2024
Tony stop carrying snakes on your back. RW went to Royal where he learnt Trigonometry and Trickonometry. He also learnt it from his uncle Tricky Dick.Why blame church schools? Mrs B went to one but most others went to state schools. Don Carolis “Ananagarika” Dharmapala wanted to be reborn as a Brahmin in India. He spread so much of hatred that he undermined Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Sinhala Buddhism is a greater threat than church schools. The recovery of Buddhism that preaches loving kindness is so needed for us to develop, not the spewing of uninformed hatred. The Sinhala Buddhists are not indigenous. Buddhism is foreign to the island, The Sinhalayas also came from India. The Karawas pretend to be Kauravas when they are really fisherfolk who migrated from India. The Salagamas were imported from India to peel cinnamon.. So just give up this indigenous bit. Even if ingenious, it does not represent the truth.
Sinhala_Man / April 17, 2024
Dear Cicero,
I hope that this doesn’t come as too unpleasant a shock to you, but Anagarika Dharmapla (horrible racist!) had all his education in Missionary Schools. One sometimes doesn’t know what to believe, and what not to believe, but in this instance, I think that what you’re told is correct. His penultimate school was my alma mater, S. Thomas’ College. But more has to be said!
Not only that (Wikipedia, Sinhala entry) but also this more or less agree:
I feel that the English Wikipedia has got the order of the schools almost right, but it doesn’t mention the Baptist School in Dematagoda, probably his very first school. Googling hasn’t produced satisfactory results, but please have a go at it yourself, Cicero.
Sinhala_Man / April 17, 2024
I always knew that the guy had studied at S. Thomas’ (then at Mutwal), but then he’s been to the present Royal College (then The Colombo Academy run by the established Anglican Church) later. Sinhalese and English Wikipedia articles agree on that.
Let’s leave my schooling out of it – it’ll merely complicate matters.
The most sensible thing to do is to entrust the country to the old boy of Thambuttegama Central.
I’ve not been there; but what of that? Find me a guy who knows “everything”, and you have found a crook.
Panini Edirisinhe, born, according to my Birth Certificate (which is in Sinhalese, but bears my father’s signature in, English), in St Thomas’ Preparatory School, Bandarawela
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / April 18, 2024
Panini, Royal was never run by Anglican church. It was started by Rev. Marsh in back verandah of St,Paul’s church in Wolvendhal in 1835. Despite this, it was never to be a christian school. It was named Hill street Academy and not St. Paul’s College. In 1836 it moved to a house in Messenger street and remained there for few years. Rev Marsh had been recalled to Christian College Kotte. On a petition by citizens of Colombo as the fees were not affordable to many, Government took it over, and since then had been a non denominational government school. It was named Colombo Academy, then briefly changed to Queen’s college and back to Colombo Academy. From there it moved to San Sebastian Hill and named Royal College in 1881.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / April 18, 2024
It then moved to Thurstan Road where current University stands and finally in 1923 to present location. It had been under British government for 113 years and to their credit, at no time the government changed it to a christian school, nor brought any symbol of Christianity into the school.. It continued to be a secular school after independence, but sadly in the last few years, the secular nature is being lost. Buddhist shrine room has been established and a Bo tree has been planted, and Buddha statues placed in various sites.
davidthegood / April 19, 2024
Dr.GS, The original seed sown for Royal College by Rev. Marsh was from christianity and seeds reproduce after their kind. This can never be erased from Royal College which has had deposits from other family born christians too like Ranil. It therfore has good onset. All others too have contributed a great deal
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / April 19, 2024
During my 14 years of association with Royal college, it was secular. With transition of government language policy in 1964, some of the work was done in Sinhala. Other than that there was no religious or ethnic interference. In my batch, Buddhists were 40%, Christians 30%, Hindus 20% and Muslims 10%. From 1959 batch, it started changing to 60% Buddhist and now it could be 80% Buddhist. The present building was constructed during British rule in 1923. Other than Victorian architecture seen in front entrance to the hall, can you show me any vestige of Christian symbol in the school. Royal College was endowed to all communities by British, and for Buddhists to hijack it is not fair. Most of the older generation want Royal to be secular, but most of the younger generation are not in favour of status quo ante.
davidthegood / April 18, 2024
Cicero, You could not have said it better. “Sinhala Buddhism is a greater threat than church schools and they are not indigenous” SB have no accountability to any higher authority. The British gave us, not only education for all the illiterate but also roads on which to travel safely. The British were givers regardless of castes which they never had and our current nikayas will never get rid of castes from this nation. Church schools too had unmarried priests as teachers who gave dedicated services to the students regardless of their religions. Jaffna gained excellent schools run by the British at that time
Native Vedda / April 16, 2024
“More than 100 years ago, Great Anagarika Dharmapala warned indiginiouse Sinhala Buddhists of missionary schools brain washed kalu-suddha barstards’ cunning political tricks.”
The greatest public racist of all, Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala started a new identity and a religion for the Sinhalese and Buddhists, the Protestant Buddhism. Then went to India and hid himself from White rulers.
What a shame.
“Church controls Sri Lankan politics behind the scene.”
It is saffronistas who control the Sri Lankan politics.
You need to see an Optician urgently.
LankaScot / April 16, 2024
Hello Native,
I don’t know much about Anagarika Dharmapala, however I know a little bit about his associates – Blavatsky and Olcott. Blavatsky was an out and out fraud and Olcott her dupe. Their cultist Theosophical Society with its attempts to encapsulate all religions was a front for Blavatsky’s fraudulent Seances (money making Schemes) and mystical events (using Stage Magic and other tricks). Her escapades are well known and debunked. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-unmasking-of-the-19th-centurys-seance-queen
Why Olcott is still revered in Sri Lanka mystifies me. Of course it could be due to indoctrination in Schools.
Best regards
old codger / April 17, 2024
“Why Olcott is still revered in Sri Lanka mystifies me.”
Never mind Olcott, I think he wanted to genuinely improve the lot of the Buddhists, who were marginalised. But his translator Dharmapala created Sinhala Buddhism. The man’s writings are shocking, reeking as they do of racist venom. At that time, this might have been acceptable, but how can modern students be exposed to such fascism?
Native Vedda / April 17, 2024
old codger
“But his translator Dharmapala created Sinhala Buddhism.”
He was a great admirer of Germany and Japan.
His followers also have the same kind of tendency, racism, fascism, …. murderous rage. Asgiria blessed Gota (the natural born fascist) if he chose to be a leader of proud nation of fascists.
SJ / April 17, 2024
The Wikipedia note on Olcott identifies some of his contributions.
Seem enough for him to be well regarded.
The Wikipedia note on Blavatsky is extensive and gives another side to the story as well.
The Theosophical Society I remember was linked with the founding of the Indian National Congress.
I am no admirer of any of them, but could the link by LS be a little too harsh on Mme B’s work, especially in South Asia.
LankaScot / April 18, 2024
Hello SJ,
As I said before Olcott was Blavatsky’s dupe. Their forays into Hinduism and Buddhism were part of the scheme for Theosophy to incorporate all Religions. Dharmapala broke with Olcott precisely for this reason. Although I put Jung and Blavatsky in the same category for using Stage Magic to give credence to their views, Blavatsky was an opportunist fraud that used the populist interest in the “Occult” to further her Wealth. Even the Sherlock Holmes author Arthur Conan Doyle was taken in by Spritualists etc – https://www.thecuriousreader.in/features/arthur-conan-doyle-and-sherlock-holmes/
Look at how many people apart from Conan Doyle were taken in by “The Cottingley Fairies” – https://www.faena.com/aleph/the-day-a-conan-doyle-affirmed-the-existence-of-fairies In her 90s Elsie Wright confessed how they made the photographs – “Elsie said following her confession, “The joke was to last two hours, and it has lasted 70 years.”
I have always been a supporter of Anti Imperialist Nationalist movements, however Balvatsky’s Theosophical Society was not one.
Best regards
SJ / April 18, 2024
Theosophical Society per se was not an anti colonial outfit, but somehow it was linked to the founding of the INC.
Annie Besant too was in it: President of the Theosophical Society in 1907 and founder of the Home Rule League.
Would not Dharmapala breaking with Olcott for the said reason point to his parochial mindset?
LankaScot / April 19, 2024
Hello SJ,
Annie Besant was an enigmatic woman, in favour of Irish Home Rule, against Mysogeny, a Freemason and a supporter of Indian (and Sri Lankan) Independence, but she was never an Atheist. Don’t tell DTG, but she also wrote a very good book against Christianity and her reasons for breaking with the Faith. If you read her 1897 book on “The Ancient Wisdom” you will see the many contradictions in her outlook and her previous assertion of “Atheism”. And surely you cannot take her book “Occult Chemistry” seriously?
I think Dharmapala broke with Theosophy because it was inclusive of Hinduism, which Buddhism had rejected 2500 years ago. He called Theosophy a “Protestant Buddhism”. I have just started to read Obeyesekere’s books (thanks to Native for the suggestions) on Dharmapala and Buddhism in Sri Lanka, which I hope will give me some context regarding the resurgence of Modern Buddhism in Sri Lanka (I hope).
Best regards
Native Vedda / April 18, 2024
“I don’t know much about Anagarika Dharmapala,”
Professor Gananath Obeyesekere wrote a psychoanalytical paper on Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala titled:
Personal Identity and Cultural Crisis The Case of Anagarika Dharmapala of Sri Lanka
Published In
The Biographical Process
The Studies in the History and Psychology of Religion
Edited by Frank Reynolds and Donald Capps
Interesting Analysis, every Sinhala/Buddhist should read it as many times as possible, the rest need to read it just ones.
LankaScot / April 19, 2024
Hello Native,
I found a book by the author called the Buddha in Sri Lanka. I have also found the one you referenced.I will read both shortly. Thank you and
Best regards
Native Vedda / April 19, 2024
I am happy that you have found the book.
Prof Gananath Obeyesekere is an intellectually honest giant.
His work should be made compulsory for schools.
Naturally Lester dislikes him.
Pandi Kutti / April 16, 2024
Antonio, first of all your name is not indigenous but belongs to the Iberian Peninsula or to Italy. Indigenous Chingkallams ! Must be hallucinating and high on Ganja. The Chingkallams are not indigenous, and their ancestors migrated from Indian and the vast majority from ancient Thamizh South India. As for the Great Homeless Dharmapala, he was born a Christian and belongs to one of these recently Chingkallized South Indian Thamizh origin, so called low born castes e.g., the Karawa, Salagama or Durawa or something similar.
Pandi Kutti / April 16, 2024
The biggest joke is, him claiming that the Chingkallams were Aryans when the vast overwhelming majority of them definitely are not. Definitely not him, even the so-called Aryan looking ones, are not Aryan but descended from upper caste or aristocratic South Indian immigrants, who carry a lot of Western Eurasian DNA or as a result of hanky panky by their female ancestors with their European colonial rulers. As for Buddhism he never preached actual Buddhism but some form of racist ethno-religious intolerant form of fascism, packaged as Buddhism, laying the foundation to ruin and bankrupt the island in the name of Chingkalla Buddhism.
LankaScot / April 17, 2024
Hello Pandi Kutti,
My name is originally French, my probable (namesake) ancestor was one of the leaders of The First Crusade. Does that make me a French Islamophobic Racist (please don’t say yes).
Best regards
Pandi Kutti / April 17, 2024
Lanka Scot Amava so your ancestor was a Norman( ancient French speaking Viking and French mixtures from Normandy. Is your name Rollo?
LankaScot / April 18, 2024
Hello Pandi Kutti,
Very close, you know your history😎. In view of SJ’s warning I will give you another clue. We were from Brittany not Normandy and although they both have Norman (Viking) ancestry, the Bretons also have a substantial amount of Welsh/Celtic ancestry. I was on a Norwegian Drilling Rig back in the 70s and I nearly bumped into one of the Norwegian Geologists in the Gangway. He apologised in Norwegian and started to talk to me. Although I could catch the gist of what he said my Norwegian was very limited. He saw my puzzled look and then said in English “you’re not Norwegian are you?” Later on when we were all in the Galley having a meal one of my colleagues remarked that I could easily have been the Norwegian Geologist’s brother.
Best regards
Pandi Kutti / April 19, 2024
Normandy speaks Norman or Norman French which is mutually intelligible with modern French and Norman French was used in England during medieval times due to Norman rule until English replaced it. The native language of Brittany or the original language was a Celtic language called Breton, closely related to Cornish and Welsh but now French has more or less replaced it. The Celtic Bretons and ancient pre–Anglo Saxon Britian had close connection, this how the island got its name Britain. Brittany was called Little Britain and Modern UK Great Britian by the Romans. Even now due to this Norman French influence you get French origin and Anglo Saxon at times Viking origin words in English. Lots of English around York and the northwest coast have Viking ancestry even many Scottish. This why you get family names like Swanson, Stevenson Anderson and if I am correct many of the outer Scottish islands like Shetland, Orkney were settled by Vikings and some of them until a few centuries ago were speaking a form of Norse and not Gaelic. French origin word Migraine English or Anglo-Saxon Headache. French Poultry English Fowl. Can give more.
Pandi Kutti / April 19, 2024
Now coming to what lying Jester stated this is what I googled and found the latest studies. Thamizh is the least Sanskrit influenced out of all Indian languages and can do away with most of it and mind you Sanskrit has also lots of Thamizh/Dravidian borrowed vocabulary.
SJ / April 19, 2024
You are safe as long as no Muslim link is not detected.
Pandi Kutti / April 20, 2024
Thamizh hating Chava Thaatha and we are safe from your nasty spiteful comments as long as we do not defend the Thamizh or make any pro Thamizh comments.
SJ / April 17, 2024
Did I not warn you?
Pandi Kutti / April 20, 2024
” LS did I not warn you?” about what? That you are a self-hating Thamizh?
leelagemalli / April 16, 2024
“Born failure RW has been in politics for decades and still the idiots want more from him. Mind you, his presidency is a gift from his best friend MR for 25 years as a comic opposition leader.”
Thanks to RW people can celebrate Sinhala Tamil New Year in 2024.. He might have been not the best politician, however, in today s context, there is noone living to compare his knowledge and talents to win the hearts and minds of international community and give some saline to this nation. I am not at all UNP sympathiser, nor am I a party supporter. If AKD risked his life in that dangerous moment, I would have turned to support AKD for sure.
No matter what anyone says or does, RW risked his life for the nation to bring about normalcy. Rajapakshe clan the manner they destroyed this nation is similar to tsunami debris in December 2004. Those who know it know well, no arguments would further be necessary.
Mahendra Rajapaksa or some such fake patriots misled Tony’s kind of polburua forever (unfortuatnely the majority) to live out their hidden fantasies on corpses. It is clear to everyone today about the great crimes of the Rajapaksa. Innocent Christians became the easy prey to the power grab by the Rajapaksa beasts. People were fooled into that game plan.
Sinhala_Man / April 16, 2024
Dear “leelagemalli”,
I was delighted that you directed us to this almost 3 hour YouTube:
I had seen about two minutes of it, but it was your comment, the penultimate here,
that led to my seeing all of it. I almost succeeded in getting a comment in there, below Ravi Perera’s article, but by the time I got it ready, comments had closed. This is my YouTube comment:
“This was an excellent discussion. All spoke intelligently. I was particularly impressed by how intently Sunil Handunetti paid attention to what the others were saying.
“Yes, the steady stand taken by the NPP is what would impress even the most impartial listener. Actually, during the past nine years or so, I have become, by now – especially after the Aragalaya – a most convinced supporter of the NPP”
My sincere thanks to you for directing me there. My only regret is that those CT readers who don’t know Sinhalese will not understand how deep this video went.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)
Sinhala_Man / April 16, 2024
With regard to what you have said in your comment here, you have said this:
If AKD risked his life in that dangerous moment, I would have turned to support AKD for sure.”
At all times, AKD was willing to take on responsibility for leading the nation. However, he didn’t make the extravagant promises that Ranil made to obtain the support of sufficient MPs. He received only the three votes of his Party.
Doesn’t it also strike you that it is AKD who is risking his life now by NOT joining up with Ranil?
How much real risk was Ranil taking at any time after becoming the President?
I have persuaded myself that there has been a change of heart on your part, and that you are now willing to understand what NPP leaders are saying. I don’t expect you to become a supporter of the NPP, just listen rationally and with understanding.
Ruchira / April 16, 2024
So, it turns out that Dr. W.A. Wijewardena’s “Ranilnomics” are nothing but “Trickonometry” at the end – long live Vishwamithra.
Pundit / April 16, 2024
The master of deceit, the head honcho by default. Will this be his last hurrah- we sincerely hope so.
Raj-UK / April 16, 2024
What exactly is ‘Gahenu Eka Mitata’? We had ‘Mahinda Chintanaya’, ‘Yahapalanaya’, etc, etc & now this. Actually, it’s taking the piss.
The way Vishvermitra goes on about AKD, probably makes him blush. I agree AKD appears to be better than the average yob politician but going on & on about his charismatic style actually puts me off AKD & the NPP altogether. I can assume AKD at heart is a communist (otherwise why would he lead a communist party which still venerates its murderous leader?) & its sheer hypocrisy that a man who promises law & order & banging up corrupt politicians who ruined the country when he is the leader of a former terrorist organisation which was responsible for large scale destruction & murder of even innocent people.
Considering the current Presidential hopefuls, I would give AKD the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to the NPP, it’s only the rhetoric & nothing substantial.. As the BeeGees used to sing, ”it’s only words & words are all I have to steal your heart away”
leelagemalli / April 19, 2024
These are just rhetorics that lead to the deception of the same social groups.
The truth is that Dr. Harini Amarasuriya was not present in the delegation sent to India recently.
Big why ?
And JVP senior , Tilney de Silva has publicly said that some men have been turned into women.
They draw a true dichotomy between “masculine” and “feminine” where one is incompatible with the other. AKD-led groups do not publicly display broad thinking.
Had she been among them in recent trip to INDIA, she would have argued properly as a former senior lecturer in sociology.
Her thoughts are truly progressive and multi-faceted. Whether she is NPP or not, I respect her from the start. However, some JVP fronts seem to be misleading her. In fact her explanations about AKD s recent visit to India were based on just hypothetical thoughts. THat damaged her credibility to some extent.
Naman / April 16, 2024
For RW, To become elected as President of SL in the forthcoming election with the backing of Rajapaksas should be utterly shameful.
The Victory thus obtained will stink far and wide. To succeed with the backing of only the
“Aragalayakarayo “ would be the correct way to do it. RW should accept any wrong doings of the past and come clean BYditching the TOXIC baggage (Rajapaksas and their promoters). If RW can not do it he should leave to the leadership of AKD.
Mohamed Marzook UK / April 16, 2024
The mindset of the average Tamil person still remains as conditioned by the old-guard Tamil poltical leadership which wants to continue retaining the leadership for itself. This leadership keeps the Tamil people away from addressisng their minds to the real issues of life that is wanted at present. AKD and NPP do not want to conduct their politics by misleading the Tamil people just making adjustments on the same old issues that are not valid now. The NPP Govt will ensure that the issues of life of the people will be addressed equally as will be done with the life of the other people in the country. It is through this approach the Tamil people will be brought out of the old mindset.
Pandi Kutti / April 17, 2024
What about the mindset of the South Indian origin Sri Lankan Muslims? Can you please make a comment about them too. At least we Thamizh know who we are and do not pretend to be anything or anyone else. Arab, Aryan, Camel or Hyena, when there is very little Arab, Aryan, Camel or Hyena. Mindset of the immigrant South Indian Thamizh origin so called Sri Lankan Muslim or Moor, has now been conditioned and brainwashed by wedge politics. Starting from the time of the British and later earnestly and deliberately by all Chingkalla led governments since independence, aided and abetted by a very opportunistic, selfish and self-centered Muslim elite, with a fairy tale that they are all descended from Arabs, and they are not Thamizh and being a Muslim is an ethnic and not a religious identity, and not the truth that they are ethnic Thamizh of recent South Indian immigrant origin whose religion is Islam
Pandi Kutti / April 17, 2024
If there is any Arab or any other origin in them, it is only minor and confined to a few hundred families amongst them and even these people are of predominantly Thamizh Dravidian origin. Even genetic studies of Sri Lanan Muslims have now confirmed this truth, but just like the way the Chingkallams have been brainwashed from small to think that they are truly indigenous and Aryans, the so called Sri Lankan Moors or Muslims, even the educated ones living in the west like you have been brainwashed from small by the Chingkalla Sri Lankan state, their elite and politicians, that they are all descended from Arabs and to hate their actual Thamizh origin and ethnicity, despite speaking Thamizh, looking the vast overwhelming majority looking like a Thamizh and a generation ago following South Indian Thamizh Islamic customs. Now pathetically aided and abetted by the Sri Lankan state and wedge politics to divide and rule the island’s Thamizh in the name of religion, caste, region and origin are trying to pathetically look, dress and behave like Gulf Arabs, despite most having typical South Indian Dravidian looks and faces and distance themselves from their actual Thamizh ethnicity and culture.
Pandi Kutti / April 17, 2024
Creating lots of havoc, which only benefits the Chingkallams and their corrupt selfish opportunistic elite. This is the reason the island’s Muslims were deliberately allowed to study either in English or Chingkalla medium too, by the Chingkalla Sri Lankan state, especially during Badruddin Mohammeds time, to wean and distance them away from their Thamizh identity and the Thamizh Muslims in the east, who only arrived a few centuries ago as refugees to the east claiming to be Thamizh, encouraged to Arabize and radicalize themselves in the name of Arabism and Islam, for the same reason, to the Chingkallams can use them as a tool to divide and rule and dispossess the native eastern Thamizh and the Thamizh Veddah who are the true owners of the east of their land. Why don’t you first try to change your brainwashed anti Thamizh mindset and the mindset of the rest of the island’s Muslims? Anti Thamizh when in reality you are actually Thamizh who follow Islam. Just like the way I am a Thamizh who follows Christianity. After all we both are Thamizh and people of the book. I think you know what I mean. This is the biggest joke and irony. Now I await to be rudely abused as the truth hurts, Mohamed Marzook from UK, but that’s OK I can cop it.
Ajith / April 18, 2024
Mohamed Marzook,
Before you talk about the average Tamil person, you should talk about the mindset of the average Muslim person or average Sinhalese person. The average Tamil person is the most affected person in this island the average Muslim and average Sinhalese person over the seven or eight decades. Tamils have to think carefully about supporting NPP, because of the past.
Tamils are at least thinking of supporting LTTE but I am sure 90% of the Muslim Community are far away from supporting NPP. Can you assure that 90% of the population support for NPP? I understand that Anura assured that he will bring those who are involved or helped for Easter Bombing but can he assure that he will do the same to those who involved in the massacre of civilians and those who murdered who are surrendered or handed over during the last phase of the war?
SJ / April 16, 2024
“Rohana Wijeweera was the pioneer, executioner and the unfortunate victim of political exhibitionism.”
The author seems to specialize in gaffes.
There have been many party politicians with oratorical skills and mass appeal before and after Wijeweera.
He was least of all a victim of these skills.
Planning and implementing a rebellion is least of all an exercise in exhibitionism
Buddhist1 / April 17, 2024
Bond Scam would never have happened without Ranil’s blessings given to Ravi Karunanayake. Even today, Ravi is seen around Ranil.
If Ranil truly wants to save the country and does not have an ego, why won’t he allow Sajith to contest the Presidential election and help him win by forming a coalition with SJB? At the General Election, UNP and SJB can contest under a common symbol that is not SJB’s or UNP’s, become the Prime Minister with the Finance Minister title, and do the magic that he says he has to save the country.
All I have seen up to now is that Ranil has only paved the way for borrowing more and has not been able to conclude the negotiations for debt restructuring or reducing the cost of living. He has reached nothing other than splitting other political parties. His biggest achievements are protecting the rogues and appointing a human rights violator as IGP.
shankar / April 17, 2024
I agree with the author that UNP and SJB will get together in a coalition.After all it was not so long ago that they were one party the UNP.Now what about the SLPP? Whom will they sajit or put up their own candidate?I think they will also want to support sajit but will he reject them?I don’t think so.
Sinhala_Man / April 18, 2024
Dear Cicero,
Part A
The Sinhala Wikipedia has details that the English version doesn’t have. Most importantly, it gives the years when Dharmapala studied in the various school. According to this, he was 7+ when he first went to school.
I’ve got Google Translate to put that into English; this is the result. Pretty good.
He was educated at the Baptist Sinhalese School from 1872-74, St. Benedict’s College from 1874-76, Kotte Christian College from 1876-78, and St. Thomas’ College from 1878-83.[2] The education from these schools was a Christian missionary.
Sinhala_Man / April 18, 2024
Part B
I’ve got a message for Ruchira. When dealing with Leonard Woolf’s Lankan novel, he said that he didn’t have facilities to type in Sinhala. The rather poor film was named බැද්දේගම, Beddegama. I copied that from the film itself. I contrasted that with the name of my father’s village, Baddegama, on the banks of the Gin Ganga – බද්දේගම. Even just now, it took a bit of searching, but I got the Sinhala spelling by copy pasting from the Internet. You may not be able to read Sinhala, but I hope that you can see the difference in spelling.
As for pronunciation – the rational thing to do is to use the International Phonetic Alphabet.
I can do something with it, but I rather fear that you will be bowled over. Now, in many instances, YouTube will help you out.
Sinhala_Man / April 18, 2024
Part C
The pronunciation of Proper Nouns can be a huge problem. My maternal grandfather had a pretty straightforward name: Charles Edward de Silva Wikramananayake. But the spelling! old codger may have something to say. But his eldest son was given the names Edward (no problem!) Beauchamp: to find this, after discarding many, took me almost half an hour:
That video is 1 minute, 2 seconds. They’ve got real persons to pronounce the name in real situations, and eaves-dropped,
There are about six different pronunciations given there. The last, which you will find at 58 seconds is the one that my granduncle used.
Panini Edirisinhe
LankaScot / April 19, 2024
Hello SM,
Beauchamp is a French name which literally means beautiful (or pleasant) fields. The famous avenue in Paris Champs-Élysées is translated as the Elysian Fields. French pronunciation is impossible for US Americans, very difficult for English speakers, and a little easier for Scots. Even Queen Elizabeth, who spoke and understood French, had a poor French accent (in my opinion). King Charles’ French accent is terrible . I used to wind-up my French colleagues by telling them “Je voudrais être français”.
How did your Grandfather end up with a French name?
Best regards
LankaScot / April 19, 2024
If you ever get the chance to watch the excellent TV Series “Outlander” the heroine is also called Beauchamp but in England the name has become Beecham.
Best regards
Marlon / April 19, 2024
Is this an experiment to see how life would be if all inhabitants of the earth are self-righteous geriatric mentals?
gamini / April 19, 2024
Reading the stupid article by an ardent Ranil Critic and the comments of most who are also anti Ranil Wickremasinghe can have their say till the Presidential Election is over. These anti Ranil Wickremasinghe Pundits can have their say now, but Ranil Wickremasinghe will have his way, in spite of all the negative predictions, come the Presidential Election.
Human Touch / April 19, 2024
Have you ever considered why some countries remain less developed than others? I believe the primary reason lies in how the citizens of these countries elect their leaders. When comparing two modes of choosing leaders, you’ll notice that in countries like ours, decisions are often driven by emotions rather than the critical and rational thinking prevalent in more advanced societies.Currently, Sri Lanka is performing commendably on the global stage under the leadership of Ranil Wickremesinghe. Communal tensions are at their lowest, tourist arrivals have hit record highs, the daily lives of citizens have largely normalized, the rule of law is effectively maintained, economic challenges have been skillfully navigated, and the rupee has strengthened in value. Given that all these achievements have been realized within approximately two years, one must question the necessity of changing a system that is evidently functioning well.
leelagemalli / April 19, 2024
HT and all other rational thinkers,
Let me tell you, I am really happy that law and order has acted swiftly against the thug Muslim shopkeeper who shouted at a black tourist in Colombo 3 days ago. We have never seen such massive developments in recent times. Our people do not care that they develop to certain distinct levels. They continue their assault on RW. I think people should open their eyes and see what kind of nation we have become.
Besides, srialnka is not being destroyed by the leaders alone but by its people and mlechcha media whores.
Unfortunately, I don’t know why there is no legal way on earth to show that the main stream media (both visual and print media) in Sri Lanka continue to perpetrate this offense.
Can anybody of you please give this the highest priority and discuss is further ?That is where we should primarily focus on before going to hold elections.
Otherwise, either people are misled at large or would create another episode similar to GOTA-VIYATHMAGA’ s fate. Do we have further time to play with the lives of the youth that dream of a better future ?
old codger / April 19, 2024
You can’t expect logical thinking from our voters. What they see is high prices of everything compared to three years ago. The leader is Ranil. So, in their opinion, he is responsible. When the NPP comes along and promises lower prices, that’s who they’ll vote for. I think RW should have never taken power, and should have let the voters have a taste of what bankruptcy really means.
Some things never change.
LankaScot / April 19, 2024
Hello Human Touch,
You must live in a different Sri Lanka from me. I came to live here in Central Province on the 1st quarter of 2021 during the Covid Lock-down. Despite the problems with Fuel, Gas and the enforced Electricity Cuts people still had enough money to make ends meet (barely). I have seen the situation here get progressively worse, with no improvement in the Employment available. Businesses here have either closed down, changed to smaller premises or reduced staff. Daily rates for labourers are still around 2000 Rupees. The depreciation in the Rupee to US Dollar rate had a drastic effect on prices. Over a month or so we saw a doubling of the prices of most commodities. When the Government says that Inflation has come down it doesn’t mean that prices have fallen. It means that the rate of increase has slowed. The IMF and the Government know that the workers and small farmers will pay the price to take the Country out of Bankruptcy. On another note “Communal tensions are at their lowest”- not in the Colombo Telegraph Comments section😎, and what’s a “Tourist”
Best regards
shankar / April 20, 2024
human touch “Have you ever considered why some countries remain less developed than others?”
very interesting question human touch.You are a female aren’t you btw?.An astute one too.There may be several factors as to why some countries are more developed than others.I give a list here but don’t take it as in the order of preference by me.
1.natural resources.-some counties indeed have this advantage.We don’t.
https://www.cruxinvestor.com/posts/top-mining-countries-in-the-world-2024#:~:text=The%20top%20mining%20jurisdictions%20in,Africa%2C%20and%20the%20United%20States. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/mineral-production-by-country
2.human resources.The intelligence,hardworking ethics,honesty etc.
3.leadership which you touched on.Our founding fathers died trajically when DS fell off his horse and SWRD was killed by a mad monk.Sirimavo was a stupid woman unlike her daughter chandrika who was intelligent.JRJ created the LTTE due to the fact that he did not have the guts to control the armed forces.Once you get scared of the men with arms you unofficially abdicate the throne.Yu have to always show to them that they are having the arms only with the permission of the people
shankar / April 20, 2024
So another point for less development is when you allow the armed forces to directly or indirectly take over.Premedasa was very development oriented but was also tragically killed.Lalith and gamini had a lot of potential,very clever fellows with untimely deaths.We are also killing any potential leaders with our restrictions of 2 terms.Should be at least 3 terms for us to get some long term benefit out of a good leader.2 terms may be okay for a developed country but not for ours.mahthir and lee kuan yew could not have done much in 10years.maybe put a good foundation only not built the house.
4.corruption you will see that this plays a big part in development .Click on 2023.
5. competitiveness.The index below has only a few countries and our is not there,but you can see that US is more competive than china and china is more competitive than india and china is now become more competive than japan and is now its greatest threat.ASchina’s living standards go up japan’s will go down.Germany and china neck to neck here.Germany also in trouble but not as much as japan.
there may be many other factors i have missed here but the direction is what matters.
shankar / April 20, 2024
good governance means trying to make a country much better in all of these.
Premedasa was very development oriented but was also tragically killed.Lalith and gamini had a lot of potential,very clever fellows with untimely deaths.We are also killing any potential leaders with our restrictions of 2 terms.Should be at least 3 terms for us to get some long term benefit out of a good leader.2 terms may be okay for a developed country but not for ours.mahthir and lee kuan yew could not have done much in 10years.maybe put a good foundation only not built the house.
4.corruption you will see that this plays a big part in development .Click on 2023.
5. competitiveness.The index below has only a few countries and our is not there,but you can see that US is more competive than china and china is more competitive than india and china is now become more competive than japan and is now its greatest threat.ASchina’s living standards go up japan’s will go down.Germany and china neck to neck here.Germany also in trouble but not as much as japan.
there may be many other factors i have missed here but the direction is what matters.
good governance means trying to make a country much better in all of these.
ramona therese fernando / April 20, 2024
Trickonometry indeed! Elections have been rigged throughout!