15 January, 2025


Ranjan Says His Comments Were Distorted – Gnanasara Implies Child Sex Abuse In Temples Must Be Overlooked

Ranjan Ramanayake yesterday lodged a complaint with the Mirihana Police against racist music producer Iraj Weeraratne claiming comments he made regarding crimes committed by a group of ‘robed individuals’ have been distorted by Iraj to make it sound as if Ranjan is defaming the entire Buddha Saasana and all Buddhist monks.


Ranjan’s comments last week incurred the wrath of some Buddhist monks and the Joint Opposition but his comments hardly come as a surprise when repeated reports have been published and aired by local media on arrests of Buddhist monks who have been found guilty of committing grave child sex abuse. Among arrested monks are those who have been found guilty of sexually abusing young boys and monks as well as young girls – in some cases the underage victims had been impregnated.

Ranjan’s complaint to the Police comes after his meeting with Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on Wednesday, during which Ramanayake said he was strictly advised by the PM to refrain from stating the word ‘sagharathnaya’ when levelling such grave accusations.

He however claimed he stands by his statement and went on to further state he was told by former Chairman of National AIDS Control Programme – Dr. Nimal Edirisinghe that during his tenure, seven out of nine child monks who were subjected to grave sexual abuse were HIV positive.

Galagoda Atte Gnanasara however chooses to remain in complete denial of these crimes and even went so far as to condone such crimes earlier this week when he said Ranjan has no right to question what goes on behind closed doors of monasteries.

“What right does he have to go probe about what happens in sangha waasas?” he questioned and went on to warn the PM to make sure that he keeps his ‘dogs’ tied up.

Last week, partaking in an interview with a controversial Sri Lankan Youtuber, Ranjan levelled grave accusations including sexual abuse of children, against a certain segment of Buddhist monks, whom he described as ‘robed individuals’. He went on to state these robed individuals have not only abused children but also consume alcohol and smoke marjijuana right in the comfort of their monasteries. He added that it’s such abused child monks who go on to ‘call for blood’ while being clad in saffron robes and repeat the cycle of abuse.

Latest comments

  • 24

    Regardless of one’s colour, creed, caste, class, race, rank, religion, Muslim-ness, etc they must be given the highest punishment in the country if they have hurt children. This kind of abuse make them homos when they grow up, and the abused becomes the abuser, and so the cycle continues.
    Authorities must regulate and keep an eye on orphanages, schools, Madrasas, school vans/buses, playgrounds, private tuition classes, etc.
    Recently Muslim Kati court made the underage victim girl marry her abuser in Kandy.
    Young Muslim children are subjugated to utter barbaric circumcision and FGM which make them terrorists.

    • 21

      This is about Buddhist monks

      • 20

        John and AH,

        This is about Horney Buddhist monks.

    • 33


      Thanks for exposing these robed perverts. All the so-called Para-Sinhala Buddhist ministers will not tell the truth.

      What a shame. They won’t tell the truth.


      The country needs leaders who can tell the truth, instead of prostrating to these sex starved imbecile monks.

      This monk says that their feelings are hurt. The victims say, their asses are hurt.

      • 4

        ‘Para Demalu’ and ‘Para Muslims’ from Hindusthan got the chance to live in this paradise island belong to ‘Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo’ because of compassion and tolerance of Buddhist Monks and Sinhala Buddhists. Native Sinhalayo made a blunder by not chasing out ‘Para Demalu’ and “Para Muslims’ from this country after British left.

        Portuguese, Dutch and British ‘Parayas’ should be cursed for bringing gar*age from Malabar, dumping them in the land of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo and disappearing. These ‘Para’ rotten lot will never allow Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo’ to live in peace. First ‘Para Demalu’ started massacring Sinhalayo and now ‘Para Muslims’ are following ‘Para Demalu’.

        • 8

          So much anger, so much hatred…sigh

        • 4


          Go home.

      • 27

        Fully agree Amarasiri.

        What is even more alarming was the manner RR was “lectured to” by the clergy as was shown on YouTube.

        So we now have several layers of “untouchables ” in society to whom the Law shall not apply. Where in the name of the devil is this country heading?

        Truth be told, it is paying a very heavy price for having very foolish men govern it.

      • 0

        That’s a good one.

    • 28


      There is absolutely no need to apologize to the robed monks when you told the truth .

      If you apologize, that is because of duress. Have guts man. Show all the data if the abusing monks.Galileo told the truth that the Heliocentric model of the solar system is correct and that the the Earth moves, as shown by Copernicus. It was the Church that apologized after 350 years.

      Expose the f@@@@@@ monks.

      • 19

        You are absolutely correct!

        Ranjan should never apologize, take a backward step or waver in anyway.

        Truth needs to be told “in your face.” ……. if you don’t waver people eventually come round to see the truth for want it is.

        For far too long “religious figures” have had an unquestioned free-ride ……. not only in Lanka but all over the world.

        I think the 3rd highest person in the Catholic church is in jail in Australia for child abuse.

        Why should Lankan monks have a free ride to do as they please? ………. I’m sure there are many good/decent monks and they should not fear but come forth and support Ranajn’s initiative.

        Focus light onto dark-places ………. blinding-bright-light ……….. the whole society will be better for it ……..

  • 20

    Percentage of the priests we can consider as “Sangha Rathnaya” is extremely low nowadays in Sri Lanka. Fortunately still there are a very pious priests including Galkande Dhammarathana, Beligala Meemure Dhammawansha, Ududumbara Kashyapa Theros. Unfortunately they don’t make big noise because they are real Buddhist priests follow the Dhamma of Lord Buddha. Among many Devadaththas they are real gems. All we see on the political stage are just men who wear yellow robes purely for their own benefit. Buddha predicted this type of people will distort the real Dhamma, and will destroy the Sangha sasana, then Abhuddhassa period will come. No one can do anything about this. Only thing we can do is listen to the pious priests and find your own salvation. Buddha Dharma is not only for Buddhists, it is a universal phenomenon. Anyone who has wisdom (not education) can understand it. Even though what Ranjan says is totally true nothing can be done to prevent it.

    • 12


      “Percentage of priests(monks) we can call “Sangha Rathnaya” is quite low in Sri Lanka”.

      The percentage of monks we can call horney is quite high, attested by the many abuse reports, as well as the statement by Monk Ganasara that what happens in the temples stays in the temple.

      This is Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhism” in a nutshell. Of course, there are other characteristics such as racism, castism, riot-ism.

      Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhism “ is an insult to Buddhism and to the Buddha.

  • 30

    Who said Muslims are destroying Buddhism!

    Buddhists are slowly killing Buddhism by their denial of abuses.

    Now, Buddhists has gone to the next level – politics, money, and violence.

    Goodbye Buddhism!


  • 5

    The timing is suspicious and questionable. This comes at a time Sinhala- Buddhists are being attacked by the anti-Sinhala-Buddhist minister’s proxies who wrote a half a page of homo filth insulting Buddha and Sangha, filmed a homo-trany drama in front of Buddhists’ most sacred place in Kandy, made radio dramas by replacing Buddhist verses with filthy words, etc. The Rumor is the master mind behind Yahapalana retarded government has lined up many more attacks on Sinhala-Buddhist before the people of southern Sri Lanka reject him for good.

    • 2

      these Portuguese murderers who collaborated With British murderers to kill Sinhala Buddhists children, women and men for last 30 years, now talk for “rights of Buddhists children.” IT is the same thing that Western Christian men and women who massacred millions of children in Syria said “We invaded Syria to protect you.”

  • 20

    Ranjan’s religion is irrelevant when he brings out a serious criminal act of a segment of the clergy. A friend from Canada once told me in a temple run by Sri Lankan Sinhalese (monks from SL), has many girl friends ( the women who attend the temple). All I see is that they are human too and is capable of vices. The problem is that no one wants to address it and save the children and the religion itself. Sad state of affairs.

    Wonder why ATHANA did not fast unto death to get these children saved hypocrisy

  • 12

    Monks , Priests and Ulemmas are responsible for disharmony among
    communities and for spreading complete ignorance of the value of
    being a world citizen in this twenty first century and for taking the
    people into stone age stories . Sinhala Buddhists have a greater
    responsibility as the majority of the country to check what their
    Monks and Temples are up to , in the name of Buddhism ! Why Politics
    for Monks ? And active politics ? To the extent of forming parties or
    becoming members of legislature ? On this issue Sinhalese had been
    silent for far too long . They are now all over interfering in everyday
    life of the people ! IS THIS NOT TOO MUCH ? WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO

  • 1

    Comments were not distorted. He implied exactly that. Ranjan is a LIAR not suitable for Parliamentarian or a Leader. He was holding file folder and he talked about the court case in England too. Now Ranjan says HE IS A LIAR.

  • 21

    All Buddhist priests should be punished the same way catholic priest are dealt with in other countries.
    Law should come before anything else. We know that the president has no principles. Wants to rule till he dies. He will lose his deposit if he contests again. Gnanasiri should never have been released from jail.

    • 7

      you mean like catholic priests who have the protection of the higher cardinals and are never prosecuted.

      • 2

        Umberto you speak rubbish. There are several csthlic priests now in jail for the same offense. ‘Higher Cardinals’ elsewhere haven’t the power to meddle with the Law.

  • 3

    Vishawamithra , our regular educator of Good Governance and the Governors , told us to look in Srikotha archives ,to find that Shining Star whom Vishwa reckons is the best in the UNP and a sure Thing for the President..

    It saved a lot of my valuable time going to Srikotha, , which would have denied me of my Golf time..
    Thanks CT.
    Also thanks for picking that beautiful photo where the hair even looks real.

    I am sure the Muslim Community who are backing Dr Ranil must be thrilled, after Dr Ranil cleared Ranjan to acrry out his hard hitting camainging.

    Vellala Party TNA boss already said he saved Dr Ranil and his Muslim alliance yet again even as late as last week by defeating Anura Kumar’s NCM.
    Because the TNA Boss does not want a Sinhala Buddhist as the President or PM.

    With this formidable combination behind the UNP, no wonder Vishwamithra saw Stars at Srikotha besides Dr Ranil…

    Wonder what our commentators here from the Bible Belt have to say about Ranjana Ramanayaka whom my Elders tell me is a devoted Christian/ Catholic…

    • 13

      You sick man Sumanasekera

      Your greatest contribution to CT and this forum would be to stay silent.

  • 8

    Chompa, how many pansalas have you visited? Where do you get the best nirvanam? Who has the best enduarance? Who gives you the proper guidance? Have you gone to Gnanasara to obtain his blessings? Murutettuwa bugger is now old otherwise he looked after the nurses and made them to attain nirvavam. Any way Chompa, get your blood tested. Chompa, Lanka is never short of such Mongols.

    • 2

      This Nathan is a bigoted crack pot who uses some of the foulest filth on this site to insult Buddhists .

  • 6

    Ranjith are you another avatar of Moda Blind HLD? Your thinking are in the same frequency. Same cultural background. Same gene, Same history. Same language. Same warped, rabid, distorted thinking. I am sure you are a sucker living on dole in some foreign country.

  • 6

    gnasaras statement only serves to confirm ranjans accusations
    ranils worry is how it will affect elections not whether it is right or wrong

  • 6

    Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on Wednesday, during which Ramanayake said he was strictly advised by the PM to refrain from stating the word ‘sagharathnaya’ when levelling such grave accusations.//////

    When there was a abaya case burka black dress of ( muslim dress code ) it was put in correction suitable for country
    When there is monks cases ( Buddhist teaching etiquette) why there is no attention advice to ranjan is good but no correction policy for monk. the future predictor in this case is improper approach. No one asking for punishment, but to.send a messages of encouragement, correction, and direction fitted to their standard.

  • 12

    The one and only solution is giving permission for marriage ,for those monks,nuns and others.(clergies are more dangerous than normal forks). most clergies are GAL Kaarayo.

  • 1

    Meka thamai Lankawa:

    A visit to Colombo to meet a politician by a group of villagers from Moragollagama was thrown into chaos when their leader found out the hard way that he did not possess the proper attire to meet with the minister.

    The group concerned had left their village in the evening to reach Colombo for the politician’s appointment the following morning. After arriving in Colombo, they

    entered the restrooms to change out of their casual-wear into a formal attire for the appointment.

    To everyone’s amazement the leader of the group had pulled out a long white satin underskirt from his bag instead of the white national dress all the males in the group were supposed to wear.

    It was then that the group leader realised the faux pas that had taken place and that his wife’s packing skills had landed him in a whole load of trouble. He was seen returning to his village on the next bus whilst his group went to meet the politician as planned.

  • 1

    The saying in English “Discretion is the better part of valour” goes to people like Ranjan. He learnt this quite humbly on his knees the other day in Kandy.

  • 6

    This is an election year. Politicians play all sort of games irrespective of any political party. Srilanka is a completely different political culture after independenece. Since 75% of the population are Sinhala Buddhists and politicians knew well that they have to exploite them through Buddhism. If you study well all of the Sinhalese Buddhist leadership are happily changed their religion from Buddhism to Christianity during the foregin rulers and then converted back to Buddhism after independence. They are not genuine Buddhists and their lifestyle is completely different to Buddhist teachings or principles. We all know Buddhism came from India and still 95% of Sinhalese think that it is from this island. As long as Sinhalese do not understand the truth, politicians will cheat them with lies and myths.

  • 10

    Nosey you are wrong friend. My reference is only about bad Sinhala Buddhists who are insulting Buddha and ruining Buddhism. Good Buddhists are my heroes. So please get rid of your confusion. I am in fact a follower of Buddhism and thus so upset by these rouges using Buddhism to their nefarious activities.

  • 11

    How can the Asgiriya monks summon Ranjan to the temple and ask for explanation. Ranjan is not Buddhist. Maha Sanga is not a judicial organ. I think the religious institutions are trying to interfere with the power of the government. This is a very bad precedent. Ranjan should not have gone to meet the prelate and make any apologies.

    • 1

      Saman Thirimanna
      What bad precedent? Asgiriy Chapter Buddhist monks should have done that long time ago. Maha Sangha didn’t ask explanations. They ordered Ranjan to apologize and he did. When the Sangha community is maliciously attacked by a …………, it is the duty of the highest Buddhist authority to stop it. They could have done it to Mangala too.
      Anyway, Sinhalese Buddhists will never vote any UNP MP again.

    • 0

      Saman Thirimanne has written a real eye opener full of great sense.

  • 2

    They say in Tamil “Poonaikku parantha Kiliyai pidichchu piranththiddai koduththa Kathai”. That is, catching the parrot struggling to escape from cat and gave to the kite.
    Buddhism is protected by constitution. Ranjan, who already ran into lawless Lankawe’s Justice System and BASL, now has run into Kandy Ayatollahs. Those pussies (Steve’s word), who don’t have guts to challenge Ranjan in a court of law, forced him coercively apologies to them for having talked about their leadership to crimes. This is how in Lankawe all other religions are traded equal. In the Western style administration, one school’s principal may death other school principal. But that Principal or his staff, if they want to deal with the teacher of other school, they still have to go through the principal of that school. Those who know to sing only” Sangham Saranam “are forcing all to surrender without knowing the level. Even the Comedy Cardinal, after Easter Sunday, talked to Muslims leaders, Talked with Buddhist leaders, talked with PM and EP. Talked with Christian community; But he never took on Muslim Mass.
    It was known the Appuhamies have been renting their Podi Menikes to Europeans’ house work.
    Buddharakkitha Thero murdered SRWD by his fatal attraction to Sirimavo,(at least that was the defense in SRWD’s murder case).
    Lankawe army has earned the name as one of the notorious “Rapist Army” in the world. Unlimited Tamil women raped, murdered, forced sterilized & then, silenced by Rapist Army jackboot. Even the UNHRC is not willing to take up the protection of Tamil women.
    There is one million young women are rented to Arabians at a time these days. The earnings they bring home, by their hard toil, are just some pennies for Biryani & arrack for their men and the Jihadism for their kids.

  • 1

    Lankawe’s fastest growing business for some time is sex trade. It seems universities with their ragging and the temple with their tortures, are bring in up needed managers to the highly needed profession.
    “Beach Boys” is a term coined in Lankawe.
    All after 2009, Chinese, Thai, Russian, Indonesian girls were flocking Colombo streets. Still there is at least one news piece every day in Colombo media that police having raided a massage parlor for wrong side of Business. Having slept with high end girls is a needed moral qualification for being minister. Raping and murdering tourist is accepted to down even in PS. Up to Hakeem, many were subdued by Old Royals by these favors. Cinema actresses were publicly sent to Geneva to entertain those carry out rowdiness in Geneva on behalf of government.
    Country is 174 out of 179 in media safety (Now changed); One in 19 world’s money laundering heavens. Rapist Army is one 21 countries use rape as weapon; 2 1/2 million active workers out of the country. Sex is the fastest growing trade. Tourism is at the lowest. Colombo is the hub for gold smuggling to India. Country (Jaffna) export hub of additive drugs. Jihadism is approved by PSC in exchange for commission money. Even Ajith Nivard cabal is saying CB cannot get out of its debts. Incumbent Governor is struggling to run away from CB. Exchange rate is making rupee equal to bathroom tissue. Now Ranil is censuring Ranjan for accusing Buddhist monks for their kinky, perverted behaviors. In other words, their influence in the election process has grown bad to worse from wherever Old Royals left. Old Royals were planning to remove the Asgiriya Ayatollahs. They closed the Dalada Maligawa tourists’ roads and using for car race.
    During the Yahapalanaya time, in the name of democratization, the parrot is caught and given to kite.

    • 1


      While you are worrying about the massage parlors in Wellala Gardens and elsewhere in Colombo, AVVA boys are going berserk in Jaffana.
      I just heard on Lankan News that one Boy was shot dead by Dr Ranil’s Yahapalana Police.
      I don’t think it will go down well with the other boys and girls there..

      Dr Ranil’s Yahapalana Police didn’t shoot any Muslim boys even before or after Ibrahims and Zaharan Boys descended on Colombo , Negambo and Batticolao
      Why then is this rush to shoot the AVVA Boys ?.

      Your Vellala Party Boss praised Dr Ranil and boasted that Abraham and Him saved Dr Ranil again, after Dr Ranil was cornered with his Muslim Cabal after Easter Sunday…
      And Dr Ranil’s Yahapalana police shoots Sampathar’s Boys in Jaffna…

  • 4

    Sinhala voters do not get mislead by the apology given by Gonja. This guy passed that comment deliberately as part of the campaign funded by Evangelists to tarnish the image of Buddhist monks and Sinhala Buddhists. Never ever cast your vote to this moron.

    • 2

      ” Sinhala voters do not get mislead by the apology given by Gonja ”

      You are right Blind Eagle. It is unlike the Modas take a different route this time cheated by Ranjan, from their original path that they have been going from 1948. No redemption of resurrection for this Sinhala Mass.

  • 0

    1002-% agreed.?

  • 1

    Ranjan made him a real man just by bullying some bhikkus. Excellent leadership skills.

  • 2

    Of course abuse is there in the Sangha. But abuse in the Catholic Church is far worse. Readers may do their own research and compare the numbers. The way this article is presented is entirely out of context. One is led to believe that the Sangha is the sole perpetrator of such abuse. The problem is not with the Sangha, it is with the fact that in this organization men have limited access to females. You have a similar environment in all-boys/girls schools and in prison. There is a strong tendency towards homosexual behavior. In conservative Islamic countries, the tendency is extremely strong, not just among the religious leaders, but among the general populace. There is a solution to this problem and that is to allow the monks, especially the younger ones, to interact more with females.

  • 2

    [Sinhala voters do not get mislead by the apology given by Gonja. ]

    Blind Eagle, who cares? Truth that matters. First let your monks to disprove what he said instead of trying to find fault with him. It does not matter who he is, all what matters is what he said. Of course I know he just cant be a Sinhala, like Mahintha and Family, or even HLD, they are all Porthukesu karayas. But now they are Sri Lankan residence anyway, and thus have the say. Those who live in Lanka have more say instead of Blind or HLD who are suddhas bum suckers. Come on Ranjan, stand firm and we, all fair thinking people, are with you. You are the only one who is trying to do something good to Lankan Buddhism. What is the point protecting if you dont practice. Hang Blind.

  • 6

    The entire conversation is on Buddhism not the CRIME or the VICTIMS. Why shoot the messenger?? It is irrelevant whether a Buddhist monk, a moulavi, poosari or a Christian priest who abuses the children. It’s the crime that matters and the greater impact on the victims and the society as a whole.

    Shame on you Champs, you trying to fly the Buddhist flag when some of the clergy is accused of abuse. Your issue is not that there is ABUSE IN THE MONESTRIES, But Ranjan being a Christian pointed it out. What if it was Champika Ranawake ( who will never do it as he will lose the votes of your kind) saying that wouldn’t you praise the mama’s a hero hypocrisy.

  • 3

    Also follow the EPSTEIN news in the US. Another child abuse and trafficking matter

    Someone pointed out these kind of rumours are published by CIA supporters and Jews etc. In Epsteins case they have a hunch the guy was Mossad and have information on prominent figures in abusing children.

  • 1

    Ranajn Learned the blame game from his religion. But, Almighty Buddha explained those things in a different perspective. None of those bhikkus are enlightened beings.

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