15 February, 2025


Ratwatte Starts Another Shootout At W15 Boutique Hotel In Kandy

In a repeat of history, Prisons Minister Lohan Ratwatte has been involved in a shooting incident over the new year, that has been covered up by the government. The Minister and SJB parliamentarian S.M. Marikkar were hosted at the W15 boutique hotel in Hanthana, Kandy by the hotel owner Hisham ‘Hardy’ Jamaldeen, on 29th December 2020.

Marikkar, his wife and two children were dining with Jamaldeen’s family at the hotel, when the Prisons Minister joined them with his ex-wife and son. While the children of the three families were away playing, an argument erupted among the adults. At one point, Ratwatte boasted that he had released thousands of people from prison and was going to release Duminda Silva next.

At this point, Marikkar laughed, and said there is no way Dilith Jayaweera would allow Silva to be released. Ratwatte, who was after several drinks, was enraged. “Are you saying I can’t handle Dilith? he shouted? Marikkar told the minister not to get angry, that everyone has to accept that Dilith Jayaweera is the man in charge and he would never let Silva get out of jail. Furious, Rawatte got up and screamed at Marikkar. “Dilith is in charge? I’ll show you who is in charge.”

The Prisons Minister then pulled out his pistol and started firing into the air, terrifying everyone present. The children cried and ran away to hide. Ratwatte’s bodyguards burst into the dining area with their weapons drawn. They were confused but did nothing to stop the minister from firing into the sky, as terrified hotel guests ran away from the shooting into their rooms.

Marikkar left his wife and children and fled back to his hotel room. Jamaldeen sat frozen while his German wife, Bella, came to her senses and tried to get him to get up and flee with her. The prisons minister glared at her and stopped her. “Why are you running? Don’t be scared. There’s nothing to be scared of,” he mocked her.

“Please don’t hurt us,” Bella begged the Minister. “I’m not going to hurt you,” Ratwatte replied. “I am just showing that piece of shit who is in charge. Come, you can help me,” he beckoned for Bella and Marikkar’s wife to join him.

Ratwatte forced Jamaldeen’s and Marikkar’s wife each to hold his pistol, as Jamaldeen sat in stunned silence. “It’s easy,” the minister said, aiming their hands into the sky and firing multiple shots as the women looked away in terror. The Minister’s son tried to calm the other children, explaining that Ratwatte always shoots when he is angry, and saying it was like fireworks and no one ever got hurt.

Hardy Jamaldeen finally opened his mouth and reminded Ratwatte that they were not alone. There were two families of tourists present who had fled into their rooms when the shooting started. Jamaldeen pleaded with the minister to make peace with Marikkar, while he tried to prevent the hotel guests and staff from calling the police or publicizing the incident.

Eventually, Marikkar came out of his room to check on his wife and children. With Hardy Jamaldeen’s mediation, the two reconciled. The hotelier told the minister and opposition MP that they are all on the same side, and the incident becoming public would be politically damaging for Marikkar, who as an SJB MP has lobbied hard to prevent the opposition from giving publicity to a lot of the activities of controversial businessmen.

In an attempt to make amends, Ratwatte invited the Marikkar and Jamaldeen families to have lunch at his home in Kandy the following day, on 30th December. The three men agreed to meet the following day, and Ratwatte left the hotel. Soon after the minister had left, Jamaldeen apologized to the two families of hotel guests, an Indian family and a local family, and waived their hotel bills in exchange for their silence about the incident.

The following day, there was tension in the Marikkar and Jamaldeen families on whether to attend the luncheon at Ratwatte’s residence. Bella Jamaldeen insisted that they must go, fearing that the violent and angry Ratwatte could be offended against them and retaliate if they failed to turn up. She was worried in particular about the damage another incident could have on the reputation of the hotel.

S.M. Marikkar was similarly keen to go, worried that Ratwatte could leak a distorted version of the incident and damage him politically. However, Marikkar’s wife was still traumatized and worried about the effect the previous day’s events would have on the children. She won the day and the Marikkar family refrained from attending the lunch at the Ratwatte residence.

After the two couples parted ways, Jamaldeen recounted the incident to his father, Northwestern Province Governor A.J.M. Muzammil, a key fundraiser for President Gotabaya Rajapaksa among the Muslim community. Muzammil contacted S.M. Marikkar and asked him to put the incident behind him, explaining that if the events were exposed it would cause serious damage to everyone involved.

The opposition MP seems to have agreed, and story has since been buried. (By AW Suranimala)

Latest comments

  • 104

    Why didn’t the Police arrest Lohan Ratwatte, the thug? Why didn’t the President remove him from being a Minister? Why didn’t the speaker censure Lohan for acting recklessly in a public place, this is not the first time he went drunk to Ruwanwalisaya. Don’t forget Muslim attack in Kandy. Is this the Vyathmaga leading to Sawbagya Dakma. Nandasena FAIL, Gotabaya FAIL, Speaker FAIL, Police FAIL, Mahinda as PM FAIL, SLPP FAIL.

    • 78

      Are you a fool to ask these questions? Do you know that how many abductions, murders, shootings were happened without police arrest or investigations? It is a group of thugs who were elected by Buddhist Sinhala to govern this nation. Gotabaya’s achievement so far is to release those murders and criminals from jail and put non-criminals in the jail.

    • 6

      Was a complaint made to the police?
      There is no promise that the police would arrest the culprit.
      The problem is elsewhere, and we can figure out where.
      The criminal knows that the victim is too scared to take the matter to the police.

    • 10

      Dear Buddhist 01.
      anyone with some sanity would agree with Harin Fernando.
      If GOTABAYA would take his life to the very same manner he did it with others sofar. … we have no other option to stand against GOTABAYA and their junta regime in UNHRC.

  • 48

    Sounds like a one of those old Hollywood gangster movies. Is Lester James Peries still alive to make the film or Tissa Abeysekara ?

    • 4


      Lester passed away in 2018
      You could ask your fellow racist film maker Sarath Weerasekera (Gamani) to make the film.

  • 36

    Lankan life seems to be shame on skin and flesh but their (bogus) pride is on the bone. Their daily activity is similar to the pigs wallow in the cesspool. I could not form any opinion of innocence on any the three men gathered there.
    Did Ratwatte carried his gun with him to a family get-together expecting that Marikaar may misunderstand the dinning hall in the hotel to Parliament corridor?

  • 30

    Now the South Indian Teledramas (dubbed in Sinhala) are enacted by the Peoples’ Representative elected “By” the People “Of” the People and “For” the People of Sri Lanka. The “ACTORS”, What a Bunch of Unruly, Unscrupulous “Bastards” we have got as “Legislators” both on the side of the Government and the Opposition, their “Leaders” included? Shame…….Shame…..

    • 1


      I understand your anxiety about degradation of cultural products.
      Forget the philistines.
      Now can you not ask the prize winning director Sarath Weerasekera to produce more films of your liking rather than repeatedly dwelling in his thankless task of parroting his brand of racism, 13thA, UNHRC, ……………… ?
      Bear with me if I am wrong.

  • 39

    It’s well known among his circles that he’s wasted over the years and now cannot stand more than a drink or two at a time. He goes totally out of control and creates mini riots like what he did today. He should be fired right away and the investigation into the killing of 10 political opponents in the 2001 General Elections in Kandy should be reopened:


  • 15

    The tooth relics have power stop the blood shed,if it’s Kaduganawa it may have been different,
    Are we.heading for Somalia or Afghanistan
    Still allowed to carry the firearms we are still .celebrating killings of Balachandran and our Ranavirous how they gives biscuits

  • 27

    While condemning Lohan Ratwatta , Marikkar should not have exposed himself in this public restaurant and he as opposition MP need to live exemplary life standard,

  • 30

    This country is run by thugs, goons, felons, and war criminals. The problems is they stick to their old habits and cannot break out of it. This man’s guns should be confiscated, and he should be in jail. I fail to understand why these Muslim gentleman want to hang out with someone who murdered some of their own and never paid for it.

  • 17

    This guy is a problem. Unfortunately, his buddies from TCK will protect him from prosecution. Including the victims.

  • 9

    They are all on the same side!

    So lame of common men to take sides and blame each other.

    Wonder what Dilith thinks about the whole thing and that’s all that matters.

  • 16

    This is how these thugs behave with official pistols, no investigations, no accountability for used bullets, if it was done by a cop, he needs to write the incidence completing many books. Is this is vistas of prosperity and splendor ??

  • 10

    This Lohan thug is the one who ordered the killing of Mr. Kumar Ponnambalam.

    • 0

      No, it was his brother Chanuka. (According to Rumours)

      Indeed a good deed. Revenge for killing Gamini Dissanayake

      • 2

        RAVI PERERA, revenge for killing for Gamini D?

      • 5

        Hey Ravi Perera, I have read some of your racist tirades in other areas and can assess what you meant by your comment. Firstly a mutt like you need to understand, Gamini and Athulathmudali were two racist low lives who promoted racist pogroms towards the minorities. Secondly, Gamini and that scumbag Cyril Matthew burnt the iconic Jaffna Library and the entire Jaffna town with the help of two hundred racist drunken thug cops, thirdly Gamini and Lalith were killed by Premadasa supporters. A lowlife mutt like you will never understand the pain that was inflicted upon the innocent civilians by these racists from the south. Kumar had nothing to do with the killing. Kumar was killed many years after these low lives were killed due to the rift with CBK, but I can safely say that CBK had nothing to do with it but her relative Lohan who had a hand in it. So go and shut the f’k up. Don’t come back here squealing like a dying cat, we are not in Sri Lanka for you to bully us anymore. We will give you back as good as we get or even more. So try it asshole. Sri Lanka is not for racists anymore.

  • 3

    This is aqurrel among friends under the influence of liqur. I don’t take this seriously

  • 16

    What kind of politicians do we have? A Minister goes out in response to an invitation to dinner at a hotel with a loaded pistol in his pocket and accompanied by his ex-wife no less (This has me baffled!). He has drinks, gets into an argument with an opposition politician who is also present, loses his temper, and starts firing his pistol into the air scaring everyone around!

    The opposition politician gets scared, runs away to his hotel room, leaving his wife and children behind! Did he hide in the closet or under the bed? The women did not or could not run away. The police never arrive on the scene or make any inquiries even later on. This incident exposes the true caliber of our politicians, whichever side they may be on. I am ashamed to call myself a Sri Lankan.

  • 5

    I watch Derana Telekatha “Sangeethae” on a daily basis but did not believe that Ministers and their sons run riot with their weapons. Now I totally believe the story behind these Teledramas.

  • 3


    Lester passed away in 2018
    You could ask your fellow racist film maker Sarath Weerasekera (Gamani) to make the film.

  • 4

    So now we know what a coward Marikkar is ! Leaving his children and wife in danger while he runs away to hide and save his own neck. And if everybody was made to take a wow of silence (together with pay offs) how did the story get to the newspapers ??? Very clever, eh?

  • 8

    Lohan Ratwatte was convicted of murder but released. Played a major role in the parliamentary uprising where a mixture of chillipowder was thrown at the speaker.He is a thug and a curse the Kandyans have chosen to put up with by electing him to parliament depite his violent record over and over again.

    • 3

      I think Lohan’s mother or aunty was my English teacher at St Paul’s collage Kandy.She was a very decent and a kind person and once she invited us the boys scouts to her house which was situated palla Mahiyawa,across a paddy field owned by them for a chip a job and we and our burgher friends were well treated by her kindness,while there we met Lohan’s father Anuradah and he had another brother who had something to do with temple close to St Paul’s church, who was a class mate of my brother in law at TCK.I just can’t believe that that he has become this naughty, should have learned to do rock’n roll and western style dancing,insteaded of getting intoxicated. .

  • 2

    Hard to believe that the tough talking , chest thumping Mr. Marikkar had actually fled the scene leaving his wife and child at the mercy of an intoxicated gunslinger . What a pathetic little man .

    • 1

      What is more disgusting is , this pretentious “hard” talking Chameleon
      Marikar’s double life ! It all look like school speech competition winners
      playing the same stuff as MPs ! The one who is capable of blasting off an
      opponent wins a slot in the parliament , cabinet of ministers and finally
      somebody to be reckoned with ? So , this is intelligence , this is wisdom
      and this is patriotism ? Ultimately the purpose of becoming a Law Maker ?
      I recently watched Swarnawahini Rathu Ira debate . Mahindananda and
      Harin could not beat their Friendship warmth in order to engage in
      meaningful opposition vs government debate for the people ! Priority was
      to their personal proximity and they even were nearly disclosing that
      they were in a drama to please their foolish supporters ! Chameleons !

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