Sri Lanka asks states what action they would take if confronted with the threat of re-grouping terror networks in their countries
Exercising the right to reply on statements made regarding the arrest and detention of Balendran Jeyakumari, and the incidents in Killinochchi last week, Sri Lanka asked the member states at the 25th Session of the Human Rights Council on 26 March 2014 how their respective countries would react if there was a credible threat of re-grouping terror networks and if they would remain passive bystanders or take proactive action to ensure terror networks were kept at bay.
Detailing the circumstances which led to the arrest of Jeyakumari, Sri Lanka, said the performance of this investigative action “should not be portrayed as selective, singling out of these individuals” and deplored attempts on the part of “interested parties to stigmatise the action of law enforcement authorities as an infringement when they were merely carrying out duties for purposes of national security”. Sri Lanka also stated that as there was “credible evidence of resurgence and revival of LTTE activity in Sri Lanka, masquerading these activities in the garb of human rights, impeded the legitimate exercise of protecting the citizens of the country from terrorism and protecting their right to life”.
Elaborating on the arrest, Sri Lanka pointed out that the recovery of an arms cache, evidence on attempts to reorganise and rearm the terrorist outfit, LTTE, and a shooting incident involving a LTTE terrorist named K. P. Selvanayagam a.k.a Gobi who was found in the residence of Jeyakumari and who had shot at Police officials and escaped, still remains at large. It was also noted that Jeyakumari’s daughter who was also at the scene, had been handed over to Probation and Childcare Services following magisterial orders.
Referring to the detention of Ruki Fernando and Father Praveen, after they were found to be visiting the scene of the crime and the residence of Gobi, the fleeing suspect, Sri Lanka observed that it provided sufficient need for an investigation to be launched into the nature of their involvement of these individuals with the main suspect. They were both released after due judicial process.
While appealing to the member states not to impede Sri Lanka’s quest to ensure that no resurgence of terrorism takes place in the country by misinformation and the wrongful portrayal and misrepresentation of facts, Sri Lanka reiterated that it would continue to maintain vigilance in the face of credible evidence on the resurgence of terrorist activities by the LTTE and would not be deterred in its bid to safeguard its citizens from the scourge of terrorism.
Thiru / March 27, 2014
Pathological liars keep going again, and again, and again!
The more they lie, the more the inconsistencies that can be found by honest people of the world: Remember the inconsistent lies of Mahinda, his secretary and the UN rep on troop numbers in the North!
Mass murderers that the Sri Lankan leaders are can go on with their lies until they have absolutely no credibility left: They are not far from it.
Let the UN get on with the business of punishing the war criminals, mass- murders and genocidiares of Sri Lanka and bring justice to long suffering Tamils.
Let the UN usher in peace, democracy and equitable solution to the ethnic problem that has plagued the island since independence in 1948.
Liberal One / March 27, 2014
Ethnic issue was resolved in 2009 except the new one trying to be created using UN and powerful nations.
Native Vedda / March 27, 2014
Liberal One
“Ethnic issue was resolved in 2009 except the new one trying to be created using UN and powerful nations.”
What was the ethnic issue and how was it resolved?
Liberal One / March 27, 2014
Ethnic issue was Tamil nationalists refusing to live under one country from the day the British left. Why, do you know about any other ethnic issue?
Rohan / March 27, 2014
British forced them to live as one country by force. Why should they live as one after British left?
Native Vedda / March 28, 2014
“Why should they live as one after British left?”
Because both Tamils and their Sinhala/Buddhist brethren are simply stupid. The British lump all stupids together in one stupid country which they created for the serene joy of Sinhala/Buddhist.
Amarasiri / March 27, 2014
SR Has liars,
“Re-Grouping LTTE: “What Action Member States Would Take If Confronted With Threat Of Re-Grouping Terror Networks In Their Countries”: Asks Sri Lanka”
Question: “What Action CITIZENS Would Take If Confronted With Threat Of DISCRIMINATION AND ABUSE BY REGIME Networks In Their Countries”: Asks CITIZENS?
1. America, Revolution. Kick the regime out.
2. France, Revolution. Kick the regime out.
3. Russia, Revolution. Kick the regime out.
4. Algeria Revolution. Kick the regime out.
What is Sri Lanka Waiting for, after kicking the Terrorist LTTE V. Prabakaran was destroyed?
1. America, Revolution. Kick the regime out.
wathie / March 27, 2014
Jihad, that’s the action.
Ben Hurling / March 27, 2014
“Pathological liars”? True.
And you are one of them. You would spin the story a thosand times.
Your only intention is Tamil Ealam. The utopic dream of all Tamil ethno-nationalist racists.
Your concern for war crimes is so totally fake. In fact, you do not give a damn about innocent lives or child soldiers.
For you this is just a means to reach Tamil Ealam. You are a “HR Con-Master”.
NAK / March 27, 2014
You have not exposed the supposed lies and inconsistencies!
The people of the world have now found out about the lies and they now don’t buy the likes of CH4!
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 27, 2014
The counter question:
Why is the government mollycoddling terrorist outfits like the Bodu Bala Sena and the Sinhala Ravaya? They are already organised to create religious dissension in Sri Lanka.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Banda / March 27, 2014
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran,
I can show you a number of real terrorist outfits that the government either mollycoddle or ignore for a long time. Everyone knows that Wahhabi and Salafi groups organised by ACJU had killed and maimed many Sufi Muslims and burned over 150 of their houses and damaged many of their mosques throughout the country. Pitty, I haven’t seen you name ACJU as a ‘terrorist outfit’.
In my opinion, BBS in particular understand the existential challenges Sinhala Buddhists in Sri Lanka are facing today. As I see it, BBS conducts an awareness campaign for Sinhala Buddhists to avoid a future bloodbath that may arise as a result of Wahhabi action as happening in many a country where they have become the majority. BBS lectures may be a kind of harangue which is quite acceptable to Buddhists. In fact, I consider it a repetition of the famous ‘Panadura wadaya’ that brought Col Olcott to Sri Lanka.
SR and RB highlights unfair and unreasonable activities that affect Sinhala Buddhists. Dubious Law college examination results is just one of them. Using virgin forest reserve to settle Muslims is another. What must be mentioned however is, not one person had been killed or maimed by their action to date. So, why do you want to categorize BBS and etc as ‘terrorist outfits’?
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 27, 2014
Dear Banda,
I have no objections to all extremist outfits being banned, including the Muslim ones you mention, after above board court proceedings. The question again is why the government has not prosecuted them under the PTA?
I have demanded for long that there should be laws against hate speech and actions.
Further, why have members of the BBS including those garbed in yellow robes, who have been seen and captured on video, participating in vandalism and acts of terror not been prosecuted yet? Why hasn’t the yellow robed one leading the BBS not being arrested for threatening that he will physically tear apart a Muslim cabinet minister? Isn’t it as bad as threatening to blow anyone with a bomb or a suicide bomber.
If there are suspicions about the law college admissions, let someone who is skilled to do so and can be trusted by everyone, conduct an inquiry and recommend remedies. The only thing I know for a fact that Muslims are taking to higher education in much larger numbers than before and hence they are likely to be enter institutions of higher learning in larger numbers. What makes me wary is that the same sort of game was played against the Tamils when the original standardisation scheme was introduced. Further, why should the Sinhala Ravaya led by yellow robed men, be involved
In leading these protests? Have they taken up the baton from Cyril Mathew? Is it because the Minister of Justice is a Muslim. Is every minister from a minority community to be suspected of interfering and sabotaging a system in favour of his community? Is this what the Sinhala Ministers do too? If this is case, if so, let employ some suddas to be our President and Ministers!
Let what is sauce for the gander be sauce for the goose too?
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Banda / March 28, 2014
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran,
Let me first take up your question, “Why hasn’t the yellow robed one leading the BBS not being arrested for threatening that he will physically tear apart a Muslim cabinet minister”.
As I see it, you have grabbed the wrong end of the stick here. If asked a traditional Sinhala teacher whether the phrase means what you think, he’ll answer negative. I am not a Sinhala scholar, but I know enough Sinhala idioms and colloquial expressions through life experience to say that it does not mean what you say.
What the monk said in verbatim is: “parayawa patta paturugahanawa”. Its colloquial expression used in villages in harangue like speeches and to warn minors when parents and elders are very annoyed.
Now, to translate it word by word first, let me first say ‘paraya’ is a noun and ‘parayawa’ is the subjective noun. It’s the short term for ‘paradeshakkaraya’ – meaning a one who is castigated as belong to a foreign country. True enough, ‘paturugahanawa’ means peeling or slicing to pieces completely. “patta” means small pieces. The expression when taken together however is a ‘gami wahara’, or a village colloquial that give out a different meaning to when taken each word separately.
Actually, we villages very seldom use the word ‘paturugahanawa’ for a tree let alone a man. I have never come across one saying “parayawa patta paturugahanawa” or “parayawa patta paturugahanda onaa” even in short stories if he/she wanted to cut him into pieces.
When one points a man and says “patta paturugahanawa”, it literally means he will be taken apart through criticism. In the case of children it is a threat to reprimand him. I have heard villages often threaten their children saying “paturugahanada onaa” or “patta paturugahanawa makawa mama” in worse cases, but they have never even bothered to touch them.
So, to expect the government to prosecute the monk for what he said is absurd. It would be thrown out of court as the joke of the century. But a racists can always translate it the way he likes just the way Thambiah tried to rewrite our history.
Having said that, I fully agree with you that not just hate speeches but race and religion based parties should have been banned during the British Raj’s time. If the British had done that the first Sinhala-Tamil riot would never have taken place in Nawalapitiya in 1939. Our history doesn’t say we had race riots or religious riots. We fought to expel the plunderers and invaders not non -Buddhists. That was the trait of One God followers. What more proof for our religious harmony than our line of ‘Wadduga’ kings who were Tamils and whose wives remained Hindus.
Division based on race and religion has been the master plan by the British Raj to control us ever since they stepped into our country. British didn’t defeat us at war. They used the race card to divide our last kingdom and capitulate it. Master racists are their descendants. When a single Bangladesh was killed in East Ham, London by arsonists in 1970s, skinheads marched to streets to promote it by shouting ‘Enoch, Enoch, one down and million to go’. And Enoch Powel is a white supremacist whereas Cyril Mathew is a defender of Buddhists and Buddhism. Anyway, those were the days that average English openly displayed their prejudices against coloureds. I myself have seen shop windows that said ‘NO DOGS, NO CATS and NO BLACKS’ in London. But I have never seen any prosecution against those advertisers. Today, its bigots that rule there. I hear it’s a regular habit in the UK for BNP thugs to write degrading graffiti on mosque walls. Few show piece court cases are there to show culprits are punished but such cases are very few and far between.
Anyway, I agree with you that not just hate speeches but race and religion based parties should be banned. As for your question on why BBS is not prosecuted, the answer I suppose is the same reason why ACJU was not prosecuted for all that religious harassment, arson, vandalism and etc they are doing against their own minority sect.
Lapatiya / March 27, 2014
“Re-Grouping LTTE: “What Action Member States Would Take If Confronted With Threat Of Re-Grouping Terror Networks In Their Countries”: Asks Sri Lanka”
This is very simple. Member States can take following Action/s
1. Ban all the media and Start a “humanitarian operation” like in Srilanka and kill everybody including Children and civilians.
2. Select some Laptop Journalists and send to the areas to report the war affairs and others can write patriotic stories while in the A/C rooms.
3. Electronic and other media’s should start praising “Humanitarian operation while organizing live debates. State head/President should be able to bang his chest by both hands in public gathering saying first Mawbima, second mawbima, thired Mawbima and so on and last also Mawbima.
4. There should be a special arrangements for Gold recovered in battle field and to bring them safely to the presidents house. (State heads should not be worried about the accountability of such Assets as no Patriotic person will ever questioned about those Assets)
5. Member States should create many Patriotic Movements to help the Humanitarian Operation and if they lacks of such Patriots they can Import them from Srilanka.(anybody who is spending public funds more than 100,000 Rs.as electricity bill can be considered as Patriot)
6. While the Humanitarian operation going on Member States should hold all the elections throughout the year while changing the constitution the way the head of the States needs.
7. Brother of the State Head can Order weapons including MIG’s at the high price because nobody wants be a Deshadrohiya by questioning such purchases.
8. Those Member States should find a suitable name for their killer forces like “Rana Viruwo” in Srilanka.`
9. Those member countries should find a way of getting blessed for their Ranaviru forces and if they lack of such priests they can Order Srilankan boss to supply them as Srilanka has plenty of them like BBS, Rawana Balaya, Sinhala Rawaya, Nil Manel Movement etc.
10. Head of the Member State should be able to deny bluntly any atrocities done by his Ranaviru forces.
11. Heads of Member States should consult Srilankan War hero, if they are uncertain about how to conduct a War affairs.
12. Heads of Member States should find a way to Jail the Military command after the war.
13. Arrange to celebrate War Victory every month if possible like Srilanka.
14. If there is no actual terrorists, member states can create a fake terrorists movements and arrest all the human rights activists and others charging harboring unidentified terrorist irrespective of their ages.
List is very long and and if the Heads of the member states need more classified information, they can consult an American citizen, Grease Piya.
mechanic / March 27, 2014
These buggers want us believe all Tamil tiger terrorists have become mere cats now. What a joke.
Fathima Fukushima / March 27, 2014
Very good.
Match BS with BS.
At last GOSL has some brains. When will LTTE demand Tamil Elam from NPC traitors.
Can’t wait.
Negro Gobi escaped in the darkness of the night.
Rajash / March 27, 2014
The GOSL is planting and discovering arms cache in the NE and creating some shooting incidence and cry LTTE is re grouping.
Is the Rajapakse Govt cockey and thinking of the unthinkable to unleash terror in the Western Cities, using their paid agents and blame it on the Tamil Diaspora.
Rajan Walpola / March 27, 2014
Raj (jara)
Are you are telling us you Die-Ass-Pooras innocent and saints?
Did you saints collect money for last 35 odd years to provide irrigation system to feed northern Tamils? Good!!!!!!!!!! I was badly mistaken for last 30 odd years on tamil terrorism in Sri Lanka.
Native Vedda / March 30, 2014
Rajan Walpola
“if you son GOat Preba is like a minister of SL, so why did you fund him with your hard earned toile cleaning money for 30 odd years? For fun???? is it.”
For the same reasons as to why Premadasa and MR funded VP.
Whats wrong with toilet cleaning?
You probably never knew the joy of a “honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay” as you continue to send your women folks to medieval middle east kingdoms which keeps you out of work and in serene joy by raping your own young daughters.
Liberal One / March 27, 2014
Yeah yeah tamil separatists have never resorted to violence. Ranasinghe Premadasa and Gamini Dissanayake getting killed by bombs are also planned actions of the Sri Lankan government.
mechanic / March 28, 2014
Tamil separatists have become mere pussy cats. My foot.
Tamil from the North / March 28, 2014
85 Sinhalese poor men were wiped out on the orders of Premadasa, Ranjan Wijeratna and few other goons, Jaffna Library was burnt to the ground by this low life Gamini Dissanayake & Cyril Matthew. What treatment do they deserve for their actions?
Banda / March 28, 2014
I was told that it was Gamini’s people who set fire to Jaffna Library, but they didn’t tell me he knew about it before hand. But I can assure you that Cyril Matthew has absolutely nothing to do with it.
I do not know where you get these ideas from for one thing though we all have skeletons in the cupboard. Its time we all try to forget the past for the sake of future.
Tamil from the North / March 28, 2014
I meant 85,000 Sinhalese men……..sorry.
Maveeran / March 28, 2014
The verdict has been given by the UN towards reconciliation, but why are these Sinha-lame inbreds crying about it now. Liberal one the abused child of a sinha-lame man and his brothers alongside, walpola and mechanic better go rub some thala dhel on Mahinda’s back.
Naga / March 28, 2014
Sri Lanka should not allow any resurrection of LTTE.
Sri Lanka should put behind bars all those Tamil politicians tacitly involved in resurrecting the armed struggle. That should include all those TNA politicians like Ananthi(wife of former LTTE leader Eililan),Sritharan MP,and other Northern Provincial Council members like Sivajilingam. That list should also include Kuthirai Kajendran and Gajendrakumar Pnnambalam.
Journalist Jeyaraj has described in a recent article how Ananthi’s husband Elilan killed in cold blood a young mother with two children who was trying to escape from the battle ground. Jeyaraj lists various other atrocities committed by Elilan. Now this LTTE killer’s wife has become a champion human rights defender.
Pakshe / March 28, 2014
The only way to prevent the resurgence of the LTTE is to have a very strong democratic government with a very strong regional council working hand in hand to up lift the population in a transparent manner. Where there is no pandering and no unfair demands given into for political expediency as happened in the past. A strong ethical military with officers who understand and practice ethical standards while maintaining a strong presence in the north and east. These are the hall marks of what should be done. BUT they are unpalatable to both sides. The Ealimist wants to exploit whatever space they are given to achieve their selfish goals while the thuggish louts who pass off Sinhala leaders violate every norm of good governance that ever existed. And we ask the above question like utter buffoons. If there is ever a resurgence of the LTTE it will be squarely our own damn fault collectively.
Palmsquirrell / March 29, 2014
Phenotypically Prabakaran could easily pass of as a Sinhalese minister type.
Rajan Walpola / March 29, 2014
My Dead Squeel
Well.well, if you son GOat Preba is like a minister of SL, so why did you fund him with your hard earned toile cleaning money for 30 odd years? For fun???? is it.
Include Bis-hope Parrippu also to your list. He is also well known saint sent by Heaven. My foot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jay Pathbey / May 26, 2014
Thiru says “Let the UN usher in peace, democracy and equitable solution to the ethnic problem that has plagued the island since independence in 1948”
Yes Thiru the US has solved all the problems in world. UN is bunch of pen pushers writing volumes and volumes of useless documents that none of the powerful countries give a hoot to. What has UN achieved for the Palestinians. How many resolutions has the UN brought against Israel. You are being very naïve or other. Being an LTTE lover one can understand your disillusionment.
Native Vedda / May 26, 2014
Jay Pathetic
“UN is bunch of pen pushers writing volumes and volumes of useless documents that none of the powerful countries give a hoot to.”
Since becoming the only powerful country in this world Sri Lanka should take the initiative (under MR, the most powerful leadership)to shake the UN and reconstruct in its own Dharmishta image.
Being a resident of US you have tremendous advantage in helping MR. Recommend MR to sack all his pen pushing diplomats serving at UN missions.
I wish you well.