14 February, 2025


Readers Who Criticised Chandrika Should Do A Comparative Study

By Mahendra De Silva

There were some very unfair comments by our readers on former president Chandrika’s article “The move to impeach and remove the Chief Justice must be denounced by all who cherish democracy” appeared in Colombo Telegraph recently.

CBK - Pic: Jon Otto Brødholt

I admit that with her progressive ideas she could have done much more to the country. But in my view she respected democracy and fair play much more than JR or Premadasa or present day dictator Rajapakse.  During her Presidency, she was criticized ruthlessly by Iqbal Athas, Lasantha and Victor Ivan and most of other media organizations.  Especially Lasantha and Victor had no mercy for her. But other than few attempts by her supporters to threaten the Journalists, there were no  large scale attacks on media.  She tolerated all the bad publicity in good spirit.  When Iqbal‘s house was once attacked there was a proper enquiry and culprits were convicted. Media was relatively free at that time.  True to her article, she respected the Judiciary. Although her appointment of Shiranee Bandaranayake, to Supreme Court was controversial, she had a legal right to do it. There were judicial decisions against her but she never tried to take revenge from Judges compared to JR or Mahinda.  Misuse of Power, corruption and interference in the judiciary was less and media was free to expose any corruption openly during her period compared to other former Presidents.

She had been arrogant at times, by having a notorious thug and Police personal under her security division. She was notorious for not keeping appointments and coming late to functions. But overall when we compared with Rajapakse, Premadasa and JR -Chandrika would definitely rank very high compared to others.

I respect Chandrika more than others mainly because she did not play communal politics, just to wing over the majority Sinhalese compared to her father or other Politicians in our country. Her views were very much progressive and she was bold enough to express them openly, although majority of her Sinhalese supporters did not appreciate it. She believed that Tamils have genuine grievances and it has to be addressed. She had a close relationship with Dr. Neelan Thrichelvam who drafted  devolution package. But unfortunately she could not implement her devolution package due to the communal politics played by UNP and JVP and some of her party supporters like Mahinda. She brought in Lakshman Kadiragamar the best Foreign Minister and Statesman Sri Lanka produced. Her foreign policy was the best Sri Lanka had after Independence. She managed to get LTTE banned in most of the European countries and America during her period. This was one of the greatest achievements in the fight against LTTE. For the first time SriLankan government managed to get LTTE cornered diplomatically thanks to the great efforts of Chandrika and Lakshman.  She thought Lakshman Kadirgamar, being a Tamil would be an ideal to be the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka.  But she could not do it because of the cheap politics played by Mahinda with the support of other Sinhalese extremists. There was an attempt on her life by Tamil Tigers; she lost her eye as a result. But her fundamental belief that Tamil grievances should be addressed and SriLanka belongs to all communities never changed. I salute her for being a Statesman rather than a shrewd politician in this regard.

Our readers who criticized Chandrika should do a comparative study of all the past and present Presidents before we condemn her. She has lot of shortcomings. But in my view out of all the Presidents we had, democracy was more respected by Chandrika than others. In this comparative scale Mahinda Rajapakse comes to the very bottom, being the most ruthless, undemocratic President we ever had.

Latest comments

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    For a decade Sunday Leader was fed and in turn it published a never ending buffet of Chandrika , most made up just to trash her image and ridicule her;It worked for those who fed the stories.

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      Chandirka set the stage for Rajapakse by her greed for power and money. All the politicians and especially the Presidents are alike!

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      I wonder with such strong Laws against Libel, why no one chose to sue the Sunday Leader. Is it not because they would have got exposed more? Gota ofcourse got LW killed before his case even started. What Justice? Otherwise Gota’s involvement on the Commossions of the MIG purchases would have been established. Shame! Gota is another Veysi Balligay Putheyk!

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    Hey, Mahendra are you doing sanath Gonathilake’s job now to this old lady?

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      MJ as the saying goes, ‘Rilauw naaki unata bima yanney naha’.

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    CBK may have been better than MR relatively speaking. It does not mean she was good for SL.

    Why waste time doing comparisons on CBK. She is history. She had her opportunity. She squandered that big time as expected.

    Sri Lanka has incredible talent. We need to free the country from these corrupt, power hungry, self serving political families.

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    She was bold enough to bring Hon Mr lakshman kadiragamr to parliament as as a minister and foolish enough to give prime minister post to mahinda rajapassa.

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      I concur. CBK was foolish to give the post of Prime Minister to our Chief of Medamulana Lavatory House!!

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      Exactly Amaraya.

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    I agree with Mahendra that Chandrika was far better than the present day thug and corrupt leader ever who lives on the poor masses.Democracy is unknown to him and if you cross his path the white van will follow. The family tree which is doing the rounds on e mail shows how well the tree is nourished.
    His level of profligacy is not practiced even in the developed west.No doubt he has done some good work where infrastrcture is concerned and named all after him even I guess toilets built.
    Sri Lanka really fell from the frying pan to the fire.I hope the masses will rise against corruption and injustice

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    Well said Sir!. She was no angel, yet she was the best of the lot. The EP is the curse. It infects people and turns them into monsters.

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      I would still say she was the worst. MR at least won the war. She did absolutely nothing!!

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    A very good balanced defence of CBK. She was no saint but she was a democrat unlike the despot Rajapaksa. She endured criticism and did not play racial politics unlike the nasty Rajapaksa. If the country is to unite to get rid of Rajapaksa then CBK is someone who could play an important role in this regard as Ranil, the JVP, Sarath Fonseka etc are a waste of space.

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    As the writer Mahendra De Silva says, let us do a comparative study of all the past and present Presidents before CBK is condemned.

    The first being JRJ, he took over the country from CBK’s mother when it was in the back woods of a closed door economy, where the masses were rummaging dustbins for food, starvation and malnutrition rampant. Unemployment the order of the day. Private Sector breathing it’s last. Barriers and queues for everything and anything. The masses had not seen TV, a Fax Machine, a Photo Copy Machine and Transport almost at a stand still, where queues for buses at main stands and bus halts a common sight. A wrist watch, a Radio/Cassette and good nice clothes other than Kerosine smelling stuff, were for the afluent only. So all what the society has today, with IT, Computer and the whole world at one’s finger tips is thanks to this man JRJ who opened the economy not for the UNP alone but for everyone, even to those Leftists, their children and others who openly criticise and blame the Open Economy. Foreign travel for even the poor, Employment to lakhs of Poor in the newly created Free Trade Zones and the creation of equal number of self employment, Better Hospital Facilities with new Private Hospitals and State Hospitals are all due to the efforts of this one man’s vision. Electricity for the Rural Poor houses and the new Factories, generated from Mahaweli and the water from the diversification for the Farmers are a few benifits to mention. Yes he created a new Constitution for the country and brought stability to governance from a weak Parliamentry system. He never tried to remain as President for ever after his two terms, although it is speculated that he wanted to go for a third term. How one can accuse him to have abused the Constitution for his personal gain, I’ll leave it for his critics to answer. If one is to state the Referandum was abuse, it is not, as it is a democratic exercise and not a Dictatorial one.

    Then we see R. Premadasa, MR’s double. Fortunately destiny stopped him as otherwise he would have been equally ruthless as MR as a Dictator. Richard De Soysa and Lasantha Wickrematunge and a host of others bear testimony for their style of rule.

    D.B. Wijeytunge harmless and also useless served as a stop gap.

    Then we come to Chandrika. A waste of Eleven Years and no angel either. Had G. G. Ponnambalam lived to tell the tale many will know who CBK is. She carries the record for sending the Country’s Economy to red, with her lavish life styles. Her involvement in Corruption, putting up a front of Transparency and Accountability reduced the country to penury. She only knew and did ‘Thiththa Kunuharapa’. I am sure she would be a suitable candidate to run the Red Light District the MR govt. intends opening. She and the mother both had the weakness to overstay their term of office but that Bugger on the way home, scuttled it.

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      I am not a party sympathizer to any in Sl, but the manner this Mr Wirkamaratne (Gamini) disgrace any leader makes me really angry.

      This Gamini ´s comments I read mostly, but he is no other than a UNP supporter and he is totally against Bandaranayake family. As a senior person he should learn to respect others – this I have not seen in her person. He should have a personal grudge against Bandaranayakes and several on SLFP… I really cant see how he is writing about RW any UNPers. Whatever they did – even 50k youth were killed in late 80ties under UNP, but not a word is being uttereda bout that…

      What is the difference between late 80ties adn under MR today ? Nothing. So long this backborneless RW is our Opposition leader, nothing can change in this coountry for the betterment of the nation.
      He is like standing on the way….

      Every one in the country wourld respect Mrs B even today, but this bugger – Gamini attacks her to the death- bringing unheard stories about all of them. Bandaranayakes are still well respected on the west and east. This I know, for sure haveing spoken with many from those countries.

      Further to this, even late Kadirgamar was criticised by this Gamini, though entire world respected him as I very well know.

      If CBK is qualified to run a Red light business, RW should join her there giving his support for the branch of GAY actitives.Both come from elite families and the could surely continue it without problems.

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        Wasnt Mrs B caught over some land fraud? I hardly think “Every one in the country wourld respect Mrs B even today”.

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          She did not know the number of zeros. hence she lost her civic rights. What respect for people who have deliberately cheated the people of this country? She promised to bring rice from the moon even, but in the end asked the people not to eat rice on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For Weddings only fifty guests one cutlet, one sandwich and a glass of water. Some believe the public still respect them.

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        Sunil here is something to make you more angry. This is not something that I have made up but something your Respectful Bandaranayakes have done. As you know the Japanese to reciprocate JRJ for his speech at San Fransisco Conference on behalf of the Japanese, Sri Lanka stood to gain the largest amount of Japanese Donations. The Peradeniya Teaching Hospital and the Sri Jayawardenepura Hospital(SJH) are some of the gifts amongst so many other Gifts. To the SJH considering JRJ’s age, the Japanese donated a suite with all the modern technology in case JRJ needed. However JRJ never used it but Kitchen Brains Mrs. B in her last stages was warded at SJH. The bed in this suite was a special one. What did your Noble Bandaranayakes do? CBK got the bed removed to their residence. For a long time the bed was not returned to the SJH and I do not know whether it has by now, unless sold to another Private Hospital?

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      So why you dont YOU – born UNPer, RW supporter talk about the corruption which was carried out by Premadasa by so called gamudawa projects where multi millions of the poor man´s funds were wasted for nothing,but to teach the poor how an aeroplane ´s inflight looks like – reiterating poor man has no chance to even get in to an aircraft.. those were the days – that UNPers wasted to the same style that the current MR thug is continueng..
      Try to leave a balanced comment, Gamini, so that readers would feel that a senior like you (probably over 70years) saying something valuable about all presidents in the past.

      For me and like minded thinkers, JRJ is the worst for all of our people´sproblems that they ve been facing president to president. Current govt is louding that they have 2/3 majority in the parliament, but they dont even think of abolishing EP though it was one of the election manifestos. In CBK´s times, there were no 2/3 majority in the parliament and country was its hype fighting against the LTTE terror. However the war was not started within MR s term for him to deserve entire credit for complete defeat of LTTERs milliatarily. All the two terms that CBK was ruling, there she tried – in her manner not once several dozens of times to find solutions for the problem, but she was not killing minded as MR really is. Today, though LTTERs are no longer existing in the Island but the big blunder how MR anhiliated thoese rebells have damaged everything -for IC, srilanka has become second lybia. As a poor country, not being able to see forward without the finanical assistance of IC, everything has become worst witn internatinal relations. People on the west feel today that srilanka is not second to late regime under Gadapi or current regime in Iran.

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        Aney paw CBK, trying so hard but not able to do anything for more than a decade. If she had 2/3, we would all be in slums by now.

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    Gamini what are you talking.You are praising JR for his open economic policies and lambasting Chandrika.Have you forgotten the fact that JR’s wrong foreign policy wreck havoc in this country.He is tilt towards west while socialist form of government ruling our neighboring countries such as India,Pakistan JR went with elephant calf to meet President Ronald Regan thinking that USA would help us to eradicate Tamil terrorism here which remain in its infancy stage.Those fools in the JR government thought and publicly proclaimed that USA will come to our assistant in case India become hostile to our country.What happen USA wanted us to solve our problem with India amicably.India didn’t want a Government tilt towards west as its neighbor and start to train all terrorist groups establishing camps in India.ROW was given the full task to destabilize Srilankan Government.Then they supplied arms inteligence and provided funds to wage war against Srilanka.Srimavos foreign policy was the best and Gamini can you remember Indian government headed by Indira Gandi handover the terrorist Like Kuttamani and about 18 terrorist to Srilankan government.That was the relation ship we had with India at that time.JR though people say he was very cunning and diplomatic he lacks foresight and wisdom that this country needed and country bled for more than 30 years for his un successful bid to tilt towards west and get their assistance to counter the Tamil terrorism.His open economic policies ruined all most all the industries in the country.To day even a pencil is not made in this country it is being imported from China or India.Economy has to be opened to an extent where our own industries are protected even in USA where open economy is practised it import cars from Japan provided Japan too buy cars made in USA. That is how they protect their own industries.As the writer said, Chandrikas decision to Bring Kadarigamer as the foreign minister was one of the best decision she made in her period of governing.It was sad that she failed to make him the priminister at that time due to people like Mahinda.JVP was the only party that supported her decision.Chandrika did lot of bad thing when compared to this despot she looks an angel.

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      Lion, I concede JR’s Foreign Policy was based on frankness. He wanted to develop Sri Lanka where all would benifit and he relied heavily on the West for support at time of need. JRJ is from the old school, where he obviously believed that the World Leaders especially the West, which we think will uphold Truth, Honesty and Justice will support us. He never bargained for the West to be corrupt as they have been, in not to have intervened in our case as the US have been eyeing India and China for business for a long time. Infact the US today not only have helped to create corrupt political leaderships in most countries for their advantege, but are working hand in glove underneath to mislead the masses in these countries to believe they are our adversaries.

      As for your comment on Industries alleging our Pencil market having to close due to cheap imports, these are the pluses and minuses in free trade polcies. But if you see the gains, the whole country has made to improve in living standards in every field from the ’70s to the ’80s, you will see the difference. It is unfortunate that we have been bogged down with trivialities on many fronts due to ill educated entering the Legislature and ruining life for all in this country. We have lost our priorities completely. Imagine the present Political Leadership allowing Racing Cars duty free and spending scarce resources on Space exploration, where as half the population does not have a proper meal for a day? Imagine the monies wasted on Grandiose projects that have no immediate return for the society but to boost the egoes of Corrupt Leaders, to be advertised on large bill boards, all over the country side, yet again spending millions of public funds that benifit a few in the Advertising and Printing Industry, marketing the Mugs of these Corrupt Leaders? It has become such an eyesore and the day the shift occours all these cutouts will be destroyed with the person.

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        One very good point is missing about Kadirgamar on your comment. And the last part of Lion´s – you have not replied anything ? why is that because you dont like Kadirgamar personally? I have read several times you passing personal stuff agianst KG.

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      Gaminis sees only the chocolate side of the RW and JRJ.

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        Sunil, you have said a mouthful. Why are your idols not having a chocolate side? The reason is because they are corrupt to the core and have syphonned public funds for personal use, where as RW and JRJ has done it for the masses including yourr ilk to benifit. The problem is all of you enjoy the benifits but have no gratitude. A society without gratitude will never prosper.

  • 0

    ok guys..
    Do you guys think CBK did not have a hand in the killings of the following persons:

    a. GG Ponnambalam
    b. Rohana Kumara – Jounalist
    c. Sivaram- Tharaki

    I dont see CBK as a saint and she did a miserable job in the war front with that nondy-General who was her uncle and although MR killed 40,000 and a war criminal – he had a vision to end the war.

    She had Sanath Gunathileka as media sec and toy boy and Sana was to plan too many attacks on media and Bookiepala during BCCSL elections etc.

    She was a miserable and faile charactor too.

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    Life is too short to waste time on matching socks. :)
    As always a new broom sweeps clean no regrets. ;)

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    Chandrika was generally Ok. She was a moderate ruler by Sri Lankan standards. Her biggest mistake was dissolving the UNP govt and allowing this thug to creep in.

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      I knew you would say that.

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      Safa come to think of it, it has it’s good side also. Did not the corrupt of the UNP like Keheliya, Rajitha, Lakshman Yapa, Gonstan, Lokuge, et al get exposed and purged from the UNP?

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    Any type of comparative study of CBK politics want give us, She is no longer altanative POLICY for Execautive Power for FUTURE DEMOCRACY OF SRI LANKA.
    Of cause due to the her political commitent of SLFP and MP she has undergone personal anony as Assinisation of Father, Our country great Leader SWRD Babadarake,Late Husband Vijay Kuramrantung and Lost Her Eye sight by LTTE-terroiast attack.I have perosnal sympathy for her past NOT HER POLICIES, SHE HAD BEEN PRATICE BY 11 YERAS OF RULING OF SRI LANKA.

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    CBK’s own mother said “Chandrika pissu natanava.” If even 10% of Victor Ivan’s book on her is correct CBK is an avalangu kaasiyak (worthless money). She is a disgrace to her father’s name.

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      Her father had a good name?

      The bugger was a racist opportunist politician who was the root cause of all the troubles and strife the country faced for over 50 years. No leader of Sri Lanka has a good name, with the possible exception of DS Senanayake.

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    A very balanced article written by mahendra.As an insider to her Govt I am privy to most what she did and did not do during her tenure.Her pet subject was Education.She brought education reforms to schools, universities and vocational education though they were not pursuide with vigor by the two year period of UNP and the present Govt since 2005.To motivate the educational personnel teachers’ salaries were almost doubled,Teacher Service,Principal’s service,Teacher educator’s service was created to bring professionalism to the education sector.The most boast about infrastructure development was designed during her term in the document VISION 21st century.Hambantota port was her brainchild,it was first to be a bunkering facility later to be developed into a port.Nelum Pokuna ,Western Province performing Arts theater on Stanly Wijesundera Mv, District cultural centres,district science and technology parks, district sports complexes were all done during her tenure.Road development was in the pipe line only to be implemented. The war expenditure did not expedite most of these projects.Among the many mistakes she made was to avoid projecting her image with giant size cutouts as is happening today.

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      Sunila, Lasantha W. is hated by those whom he exposed for parading as Paragons of Virtue. CBK’s Sourbone qualifications and her interest of Education was such that the number of unemployed graduates had reached dizzy heights of over forty thousand. Thanks to RW during the two years from 2003 to 2005 the money that he was able to save for the ‘Yowun Senankaya’ was busted giving these Unemplyed Graduates employment for a while. Yes I concede she got Tara De Mel to regulate Education Policy but how much of it was implemented, as they were running contrary to their archaic policies that ruined education in the first place? Sunila I have nothing personal against her, she being closely related to me, yet I have to speak of the Truth which I uphold at any cost.

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        Gamini, please speak to the school teachers. May be those days, you were a refugee in the UK. As you said, you lived in the Uk for several years, even you are a dual citizen today. From what you write to this forum, I dont even thing that you could be good enough to become a refugee on a western country. CBK´s govt did a lot to educational reforms at school levels. I knnow this from many of the relatvies that worked then as school teachers. During her days, thre were not many malpractices reported with Alevel papers or any other exams.
        Very same bunch of ministers (SB, GL, keheliya, Oral paitient Rajitha and others) who are under MR were then with her. So all these ministers destroy the country today sitting under MR. Those were the ones that did not support CBK with her proposals for the lanken ethnic problem. As she thought, if a federal governing system was introduced to the country, all problems would have solved by today. Any right thinking would feel – federal system would fit to our small island as it is the case with Germany.

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          “federal system would fit to our small island as it is the case with Germany.” hmm, what a great knowledge.

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          Yes federalism could fit to our country if this is functioning well in switzerland and Germany, why not with ours.

          Federalism Definition:
          A system of government which has created, by written agreement, a central and national government to which it has distributed specified legislative (law-making) powers, and called the federal government, and regional governments (or sometimes called provinces or states) governments to which is distributed other, specified legislative powers.

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          Sunil, I do not mind you holding anyone’s candle, as that is your choice. But people can not hide behind sheep’s clothing. You say that Education was without blemish under CBK. Anything but, I can cite many but I will pose you one incident to know the level. Find out how Richard Pathirana’s son entered medical faculty? If you do not know, my advice is keep quiet. I know truth hurts. What I have said of anyone are facts and not something made up by myself, even where Lakshman Kadiragamar is concerned. As for you alleging I was a Refugee in the West, I certainly was not, but I do not know whether you are?

          You claim that I do not respect others whom I have criticised. Well ‘Respect’ is something that one has to earn and can not be demanded. You further claim that I must be a UNPer as I have not mentioned anything against the UNP and RW for the JVP youth killed in the ’80s. Why what about the Youth of equal number killed in the ’70s under your Bandaranayake’s after using them to come to power? According to you and the JVP sympathisers, only talk of the JVP Youth who died. What about the number of others whom the JVP killed? It was not for nothing the JVP died because it is they who first started to terrorise by killing unarmed civillians? As for the popularity of the Bandaranayake’s, why the voters richly paid them? The UNP too have been corrupt rigging elections, but the elections where the Bandaranayakes were totally routed were conducted by them. So you can not blame the UNP.

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      Madam Sunila Mendis,
      So you say, every other thing was her pet subject and everything, even Nelum Pokuna was designed during her term and she had them all in the pipe line for 11 years. Don’t talk bunkum.

      Of all those designs there exist this ugly pears and beams of her dreamed presidential palace that cost over a billion rupees just for the foundation. Walk along the nicely done new walkways toward hospital road, you cannot miss that ugly icon of your hero’s rule.

      And you have the naive to say, “The war expenditure did not expedite most of these projects.” What war; she had sudu nelum and peace thavalam by avalams.

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      Our people´s memories are very short. This is a now known to the average. Going back to the insurgency period – 89 in the country where over 50k of our youth went missing – in and out of universities, more on rural and remote areas – just putting the blame on the JVP, then the party was not democratic – how many of the youth were burned down on tyre pyres. These were the brutal days in our history – must worst than what Ltters perpetrated. Introduction of open economic policies under JRJ should be praised, but he had not set limitations – latter have paved the way to the distruction of the society today. Under MrsB there were era where local products were given its due place. Today, letting all the items to flow into the country- what have we achieved ? I have tamil friends that they repeatedly appreciated the economic policies under Mrs B. They went on saying that nothern folk could become even self sufficient in that era. If the country wen on with her policies at least to further years, country could have achieved a better status by now. Sure, open economic policies should be introduced to the country, but it should work according to step by step principle. This is what Indians have implemented to their system.

      Today, even the ballpoint pen is being imported to srilanka – small products that the locals could easiyl produced under – made in srilanka HAS long been disappeared.

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        I can remeber the local products of Mrs B’s time. JR put them in their due place, the trash bin.

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    I agree with Mahendra de Silva’s views for the most part.

    on the economic development front I do not see any divergent view, though the policies then were not as aggressive as they are now and did not just make the people as helpless as they do now.

    Ideologically I think both are committed to neo liberal principles.

    On the minority issues, Chandrika BV’s policies were much more progressive, and I agree that the NGO sector went after her in a fashion that was counter productive.

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    Merely castigating CBK will only help MR in the long run. Whatever her faults are, she must also be drawn into the anti-MR struggle. We need EVERYBODY- Ranil, CBK, SF, TNA, Muslim parties, Indian Tamil parties, SLFP dissidents, Left parties, JVP, Frontline Socialist Party, NSSP and others. CBK has a big role to play in catalysing dissent in the SLFP. A breakaway group from the SLFP is essential for the downfall of the MR regime, as much as the Lalith-Gamini-DUNF split led to the downfall of the Premadasa regime. There are no angels in this game but there is one DEVIL and that is MR.

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      well said sandamalee , i could not agree more with you.


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      Think of all that illogical logic that brought them together last time and what put them apart and then do your arithmetic right whether they can win in the future. I doubt it, my lady.

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      Even if she is drawn into an anti-MR struggle, she will eventually try to play a double game. That is her nature.

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    Do you mean she was the lesser of the two evils? She was corrupt. Only difference was , the present one has 568 family members(probably all with out o levels) robbing the country . With Chandrika it was a few so obviously the amount was less. She was in efficient as well. What did she do for us ? Other than lying about her qualifications?
    She is the one who laid the foundation for the present thuggery, and thievery .Can you remember the wayameba elections?
    In short 568 of Bandaranayake would have been better? Only thing is I doubt if the Bandaranayakes would be able to find 568 uneducated greedy family members.

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    CBK got down this medical doctor Tara as Edu expert because Tara was providing her with used clothe whenCBK was hiding in London after Vijaya kumara was killed.

    That Tara did not know what the hell she waa doing to education. Any respectable person will not accept a job that he or she does not even ABC of it.

    Tara or Tara’s mother cannot rescue education mess by plasters. It is a massive job that must be done with a proper national development policy with Anagarika Dharmapala type educational dedication.

    CBK appointed handsome Tamil Vasantha Kumara as BBC agent because he was handsome.

    She appointed so many catchers like that to responsible important positions not knowing how she ruined the country by such acts.

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      I couldn’t agree with you more.

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        You and your ilk would only lick the asses of MR and current rulers not seeing the country is under MR is already in a mess. This means you all would make the avenues for their way of governance- no matter the poorest of the poor would not get what they are entitled to as the citizens of the country- but support the marauders to abuse states funds for their wasteful activities- it is said srilanken air carrier will have to be broken down by 2016. All these are because of pragmatic measures taken by your guru – MR.

        Leela do us a favour, if you cant see anything suppotive to us – who are struggling against under the current regime, please dont try to whitewash being blinded further. Just avoid leaving your so called walwataram.

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          Your type of negative forecasts, I’ve seen ever since the beginning of Eelam War 1V. By now, they were all proved wrong one after the other.

          I forgot, I lick nobodies ass my dear, indeed I whack NGO asses regularly. But some chose to kiss mine for I write the truth only. You can follow them if you can’t stand the truth.

          If I stop writing here I am sure you’d feel bored reading all that monotonous hereseys and lies, wouldn’t you?

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    Merely castigating CBK will only help MR in the long run. Whatever her faults are, she must also be drawn into the anti-MR struggle. We need EVERYBODY- Ranil, CBK, SF, TNA, Muslim parties, Indian Tamil parties, SLFP dissidents, Left parties, JVP, Frontline Socialist Party, NSSP and others. CBK has a role to play in catalysing dissent in the SLFP. A breakaway group from the SLFP is essential for the downfall of the MR regime, as much as the Lalith-Gamini-DUNF split led to the downfall of the Premadasa regime. There are no angels in this game but there is one DEVIL and that is MR.

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    By saying Shiranee Bandaranayake’s appointment to Supreme Court was just a controversial one, this writer evades the most significant accusation against her. That is; it was a political appointment with a long term aim to ram CBK’s ideology.

    Victor and Lasantha not just criticized her on hearsay stories but published facts and challenged her to file civil action and claim damages if she could. But she didn’t why? There were not just ‘few attempts by her supporters to threaten the Journalists’ but many a beating and maiming like the one that her goons had done many times to Lasantha.

    It was an open secret at the time that CBK’s personal bodyguard Baddegane Sanjiva and his infamous gang had planned and murdered many opponents like the editor of a Sinhala Tabloid (Satana?), Rohana Kumara. In short, it’s not that ‘she tolerated all the bad publicity in good spirit’, she just didn’t have the mass support to muzzle the judiciary. She tried it in a different way by planting her protégé that inexperienced and unsuitable lady to SC.

    It may be that ‘CBK offer to Pirapakaran 10 years to rule the North and East’ and promoting ‘Federal’ and now ‘13A’ is an evidence to prove that she had ‘not play communal politics’. In the minds of the majority however, that 10 year offer to Pirapakaran is an idiotic one. But why hadn’t CBK implemented ‘13A’ during her rule should be answered if the writer wants to insist on his claim that CBK had ‘not play communal politics’.

    On the same breath, is it not absurd to assume that opposing ‘Federal’ and ‘13A’ is playing ‘communal politics’? We oppose ‘Federal’ and ‘13A’ for we think it is divisive and not suitable for a non homogeneous and a small country like Sri Lanka. Norway has a unitary constitution; so does many other countries. So, why is it bad for us to be unitary?

    In our opinion, unnecessary powers to provinces and dilution of powers of the parliament will ultimately lead to division of this country. If so, it s our democratic political right to oppose ‘13A’ as much as it’s ones right to support‘federalism’.

    In my opinion, it is LTEE that played ‘communal politics’ by chasing Muslims out of N & E not Sinhala parties. And TNA played ‘communal politics’ by becoming a proxy to LTTE. By claiming N & E a Tamil Bantu land does not TNA is displaying its ‘communal politics’ even now.

    Right now, the majority in Colombo is Tamil. But no Sinhala man or woman object to their stay. No Sinhala or Sinhala Buddhist political party want any district in the south to be reserved for Sinhalas only. Yet this writer talks about Sinhalese extremists.

    It is unfair to accuse Sinhalas as extremists because they talk of their history and religion. The fact that Tamil history, artifacts, monuments and even heroes like Weera Pandiya Katta Boman are all in India is no fault of Sinhalas.

    Likes of this writer talk about Tamil grievances and Sinhalese extremism but they never list the difficulties that Tamils face because one is born a Tamil. I say, Tamils face no such difficulties; indeed they have more rights in Sri Lanka than anywhere in the world. Not just Tamils, Sinhalas and Muslims also face similar difficulties in life.

    It is obvious that most Tamil commentators here interpret Tamil grievance as an aspiration for Eelam. This government knows that LTTE proxies and their backers are now planning to achieve that aspiration (Eelam) through Bantu land concept.

    Last and not the least, whether CBK is progressive or more democratic or played fairer than JR, Premadasa and Rajapakse is a matter of opinion where he/she stand to scrutinize it. The fact of the matter is she was the President of Sri Lanka for eleven years, hence the question one has to ponder is whether she left a better or worse country than she took over.

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    Gamini, when you are to choose light black devil out of a bunch of black devils, i agree with Mahendra on his evaluation.What is the use of JR’s economic policies when he is the sole body responsible for tarnishing the law & order of our country, harassing anti UNPiers after 77 election in mass scale, 82 black july under his JSS trademark,Hitting working class when protesing in Fort with cycle chains through thugs arranged from Colombo harbour sadly Athulathmudali is not in to raify my claim who was the shipping Minister then, openly declaring to citizens of SL that you should provide your protection ,creating all island thug groups like sunil Ranjan Jayakody, Piyasiris,Mathews,Adikharis,Pauls etc.etc., shamelessly admitting as pointless studing History, At Kalawana by election & Presidential election mocking Muttuwegama & Colvin over their caste & surnames…list goes on.

    JR created most notorious Premadasa & the current constituion for all selfish,opportunitistic forth coming presidents to perform devil dances, his economic policy in no way relieve him of his blunders & sins done to SL & her citizens.

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      Yohan,JRJ had two things on his hands.A vision and a two third majority.
      He had enough experience on what to expect and from whom, the obstacles in putting his plans into use.Please do not forget that Ravi Jayawardana
      was taken to fourth floor during the insurgency 0f JVP 1971.UNP was forced to learn thuggery,only by SLFP led coalition at that era.UNP before that,was a reasonably decent party of respectable voters.You will
      never prove that left is of non violent mentality.There was a price for
      the dreams of UNP under JRJ which he more than willingly paid for the
      benefit of everybody,left or right.Neither CBK nor Mahinda were any kind
      of admirers of JRJ vision but thick exploiters of his vision.

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      Yohan, I am indeed sorry for people like you who are partially blind unable to see reality. For your information with all your distortions not knowing the History of Political Violence in this country, there in no point in me filling space here. But as for you discarding what JRJ introduced, if not for him we will not be interacting through this medium if not for him, being Computer literate. So just do not look up and spit.

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    To all these people who sing praises for the madam . REf to Victor Ivan’s book CHAURA RAJINI . She could have sued him if these facts reported in his bok were not true . DID She do that ??? why ? Your guess is good as mine .The Sinhala sufer from that dreaded disease Amnesia. To Quote Prabahkaran ” THe Sinhala only can remember for week only ” prophetic words. !

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      I wonder why the great journalist – Viktor utters a word today- but sitting as if kimbula kirimati gilala wage… even if the whitevaning and all other thug related activities have become to the climax as under no other previous leaders. Even under Premadasa, there was a limit. But today, the same group of idiots- the so called ministers that were with CBK – then not allowing her to pass anything but to stay as just ministers – are with MR to continue their kind of perpetrations. So, only some will realize this – becuase most of the lanken today are brainwashed by state media – asif MR could be a born god to solve their problems. Even if he grab poor mans funds for rasing car import or even any other pvt events, nothing would come from the BURU folks whose IQ is said to be lower than 70… That could be the regime´s target as it is the case for any totalitarian government. MR has achieved this lvels to by using all tactics. Dissidents will have even worst time ahead.

      But as history proves, premadasa could not continue his way of brutal acts – karmaya will take care of the rulers soon. We will have a the patience :(

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        sorry, – it should be why Viktor does not utter a word today- just observing at the very manner that crminal MR regime is destorying the nation.

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        This is just waffling without answering the question as to why Victor Ivan could have been sued in a court of law and CBK did not do that,if what Victor Ivan did invent the stories given in the book .

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          I have read somewhere from a commentator on a different thread that, there are more of kumudunies and Leelas in our society today than any other supporting folks. SO in such an atmosphere, it will be like playing a violin for deaf elephants even to add any good points to this thread. It is pathetic that our people SEE only one side. So long your kind of people remain as the majority – every crminal killers can rise up easily under a criminal head like MR. Hope the country would not face any more tsunami to punish the nation again – if it would be the case, no foreign countries will donate anything for the sake of our poor folk. All because of the greatness that MR and thugs have clearly indicated by killing the innociet civilians at the very of the war, not hundreds but thousands – have not made any proper estimates yet – perhaps the depth of the graves will reveal what is hidden sofar in the near future. Forensic scientists from scotland with the approval of UN will start the work in the future.

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          All that come out from grave digging so far are bombs, bombs and bombs and nothing but bombs. May be, all those dead terras must have transformed to bombs.

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          Leela, since you mention that all one finds in digging are LTTE bombs, have you ever wondered why the LTTE buried all their bombs and weapons if they were to fight a war? For one to understand should have brains!

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    Quote=“Readers Who Criticised Chandrika Should Do A Comparative Study- Mahindra De Silva “Unquote

    Comparative study- “Mahindra’s 1cd candela Pandama” is fading in its glory never to see the light of day again.

    People Like You are the Reason We Have Middle Fingers.

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    Just because Victor Ivan was not sued for his book of defamation on Chandrika, it does not conclude that he is right in all his allegations. As Sunil rightly pointed out Victor could have written thousands of books on corruption, nepotism, misuse of power happening today. But he still praises Mahinda Rajapakse and company. That shows how genuine he is in his revelation on Chandrika. We do not say that Chandrika is a saint. But crust of my argument is that she is the better of all the devils we had as Presidents.
    JR once said that with all the executive powers he could do everything except making a man into women. He was the culprit and architecture of this sinful all mighty powers granted to a human being in the form of Presidency. Even you and I take up this position, we would be tempted to misuse power, appoint our friends and relatives to top position and to ensure that all your relatives and friends are treated first before even thinking of serving general public. Therefore person taking over the Presidency under the SriLankan constitution, should be a Statesman, or have great qualities to rise above human temptations. We will not find any politician in SriLanka of that nature. That is the reason we have to do a comparative analysis to determine who had the character and qualities to reduce the temptation of the position. Just imagine, Mervin Silva, Wimal Weerawansa or even SF getting this position. The solution is to change the presidential system or powers vested with the presidency as soon as possible. The way things are happening very soon judiciary will be under President. We will be a dictatorial state like North Korea, Cuba or Iran.

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      We have been reading comments of leela.
      – always trying to show the nice side of the politics that MR has been playing having being able to leberated the country from Ltters millitarily. She is overwelmed by road construction and other chinese investments in the country today. But she cant see anything wrong about HAVING no rule of law, or deterioration of democratic values inthe country today ;even if every second is whitevanned she would just look the incident saying nothing, because as it is the case with rural masses only fed by state media. Leela is beyond halluzinated by MR´s magical powers. Latter is named after according to her – MR´s foresight and he is very intelligent for Leela´s analysis.

      We have been reading also comments of Kumuduni

      – Kumuduni is doing the same JOB as Leela, She is always very like blinded to the doings of MR; overwelmed with MR´s politics. No matter mervins, weeraswanshe or anyone could leave any uncivilised note destroying the nation, most importantly, that coule halm entire youth if they would listen them, she would only see the good side of those named ministers.

      We have been reading ALMOST everyday comments added by Gamini too.

      – Gamini is anti MR but he is almost like siamese twins of RW. As no other commentators, he loves RW and the related UNPers – just because RW is uncorrupt and gentle person. FOr sure, he is. Mostly, If one would just put comments praising RW, gamini is ready to offer them evn his heart. Very recently, I read on another thread, that he is inspired in RW just because of RW`S conduct in lanken politics. Can anybody of srilanka ever make this statment? This is the mental set of Gamini.
      I still remember, in late 80ties, RW was minister of education for the country, we had students unrest at Peradeniya and other universities, he was not better than a puppet – I hate SB as a minister of education in the current govt, but RW was not even bit better compared to filthy mouthed SB. Anyway, now RW should be matured in politics – but he is currently the most calm and quiet opposition leader in the region. He just takes times to think so no matter the nation is suffereing under MR´s all tactics even selling state properties for his family´s benefits.

      So we have got all these peoples -leelas, kumudunis and Gaminis in our population today not forgetting that these are the majority making up the voting force of this country. But sad thing is None of them seem to feel the hour of need. I would say, if we had a better OPPOSITION with powerful heads to fight against MR´s undemocratic acts, we the folks can achieve our goals. To maintain a democracy in a state, we also need a powerful OPPOSITION – latter is DEADLY missing for this critical stage of srilanken politics. So WHAT WE GET TO SEE IS DAY TO ANOTHER THAT the rulers continuing abuse the nation easily.

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        Sofia, reference your allegation that I am pro Ranil and the UNP, well I am not sitting on the fence as you are, to jump to the winnng side. I haved critisised the UNP having corrupt Ministers who have robbed this Nation as much as the present lot led by MR. By the way most of those UNPers who are Corrupt, whom MR followers hated are Ministers under MR. They were vociferous critics of MR when they were in the UNP, with the only difference that all are Corrupt and today all the SLFP stalwarts have to stomach them and suffer in silence for the perks offered to them over the Senior SLFP members.

        I am no Siamese twin of RW. If any can point him to be corrupt, I have said before, that I will treat RW with the contempt he deserves. Sofia, so what can I do if he is not corrupt? For that matter even you endorse the fact that RW is not corrupt and is gentle. So what more? You are talking of a Strong Opposition. You heap blame on RW that the present Opposition is weak. How did the Opposition become weak? If only the UNP had strong willed Uncorrupt members, Yes the Opposition would have been Strong still. Unfortunately although wild accusations are thrown at some UNP members remaining in the UNP as corrupt, as in the case of Ravi Karunanayake, I doubt very much. If there is any truth, MR by now would have done the needful to have Ravi Karunanayake sitting with the rest of the UNP cross overs or dealt with for corruption. I know RK personally and he has been tainted unfairly by the Corrupt themselves and people of your ilk not knowing facts are singing the Chorus for the Corrupt. It is under these trying conditions that you critics of RW are accusing him of as a Weak Leader. Do you know that RW is successfully building the UNP with Honest Young Educated and in the process if any is found wanting or not adhereing to party discipline is removed. So have patience. Just because the society decided to hoist MR thinking he is better than RW and now some of you have found that he is a HUMBUG, there are still some who believe in MR. I think by the time RW has revamped the UNP the society would have come to know their own folly, to yearn for a swift transfer of power. Any attempt now to unseat MR will cost lives and further the sufference of the masses for their own seeking is not enough and should suffer further, for all to really feel the need for change. So Sofia brace till then.

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        The price RW is paying for being clean and adamantly gentle is unbearably huge and therefore very costly to the nation.That is not
        to say that he must be unclean and corrupt.Cleanliness and gentleness alone are not the criteria for the job.The courage he exhibited to withstand the storms that wiped out so many MPs from
        the party,was not displayed against MR govt, is my frustration of him.As a leader he must be clean and risk taking for the kind of
        job he’s so desperate to win without any meaningful effort.AS simple
        as that.

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          Whywhy, it is not RW who paid for MR to ruin this country. It is the public of this country who paid MR. Therefore let the Public reap the benifits from MR till it really hurts. There is no hurry. Pandering this society will not pay, as the society has no gratitude. Why blame RW? Finally the answer is with the public, so let them answer. See the number still who hails MR in this society? They still have not learned. So what is the hurry?

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        Unlike me, gamini lives in the UK hence he has no ground touch on Sri Lanka matters. I bet he just reads the press and perhaps watches some news clips and dip in to hallucinations before he write comments. I, on the other hand, live among people in a village in Sri Lanka. Not just that, I regularly visits temples, funerals, dana and etc during the day and night, and talk to them. So, I know what I am talking about. But I don’t know where you live even to understand what I am saying.

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          Leela,there are people whose bodies are in Srilanka but the souls
          are in the west and the same is the case of Srilankans living in
          many parts of the globe.That’s how Swiss Bank operates for people
          whose bodies others can see in Danas,Pinkamas and Funerals in
          srilanka and their money elsewhere.The best example is Tamil diaspora whose heart and soul is in the north and east while the
          bodies are overseas.Come on Leela darling be kind to what your
          heart is murmuring.

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          I have shared you this before too.. I have left the country two decades ago. But as one of the commentators made it clear.. I belong to the category, I am by soul in SL. But I do study almost every issue that is being currently addressed in the country.

          Unlike you – Leela, I am well aware that Gamini should be living in the country thought he had earlier been in the UK. I have been reading comments posted to CT for the last 12 months or longer. So having closely studied them, it should be that Gamini is living in SL.

          I am more into Gamini s than yours because of the fact the manne rthat he examines whatever the matters that re being addressed get closer to the reality. U seem to be very bias to the bunch of the thieves that are currently abusing the STUPID nation.

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    Gamini,after JRJ nothing much happened in the UNP except a brief power
    sharing between RP and DBW.CBK was forced on to the job at the cost of
    Gamini’s life and the UNP.And since then the UNP keeps steadily losing
    This is not happening on its own and very clearly we all know it is made to happen.Are you saying UNP doesn’t have any responsibility at all to stop this and fight back?It’s the failure to fight back that has kept this MR in power.Do you really believe that there’s no real urgency to find a way out as quickly as possible? It is not always about coming back to power by any means but the trend set by JRJ for the head to stay in power only for two terms which is now extended to three,has become a kind of “MUST” application.All three presidents except RP&DBW easily held on to the full.When you ask me what’s the hurry,it makes me feel like,if not now, when? Or if not now,never.

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      I agree with Gamini to some extent, but as you yourself raise the question -if not now when? is the question bother me repeatedly.

      Very correct that the bunch of the ministers then being on the opposition, are today being with MR keep continuing their abuses. These so called ministers – Kehelmal, SB, the oral patient- Rajitha and the others are not better than the Rajapakshes. I dont think that GL could be corrupt as they are because he is a highly academic person. I watched a youtub video in which Kehelmal as media man of the ruling regime was behaving very biased as the time Mervin son was about to catch by the police lately.

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        It’s not that I totally disagree with Gamini.Most of what he says
        are agreeable most of the time.But in the case of Ranil’s responsibility as the leader of UNP and the opposition Gamini is
        too kind to Ranil.I too have reasons to be like Gamini towards
        Ranil but that all personal.If you only can take a look at how it
        was possible for Tories with Liberals to topple the Labour in the UK you will have some good picture as to how it works.How many top
        Tory heads rolled among themselves to get to where they are today?
        Not only Ranil has lost enough,the worst is the readiness to lose
        more.Winners are doing everything not to lose while losers doing
        superbly well to maintain their achievement.Take a look at this
        judiciary impeachment thing,are they not taking a risk,the UPFA?
        They are. Didn’t they release Fonseka with his horns pulled out
        and hands cuffed? Unless you made life difficult for UPFA you are
        doomed is,my position.

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          I dont think that he will loose more. Now masses who respect the rulers are becoming clearer who is to be voted next time or even before. Except ones like Leelas or Kumudunis but there are masses that hail the uncorupted behaviour and gentlenss/politeness/dignity/respect and and.. Uncorupted behaviours together with all other civilized features of a leader is the basics that unfortuntaley, the incumbent president and his golayos (cabinet) are lacking. This is becoming clear hour to hour those who blindly supported the masses.

          Today, killer minded, thug minded ones can do anything while the respectful people stay silent. Not being able to get on with uncivilized ministered and their henchmen. As it is becoming clear ours is worst than in Burma. Brumians enjoy their freedom of expression, while ours are compelled to stay silent – because everyone loves to their own life.

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          It is almost like – if you see pissu ballo (Dogs infected with rabies), you always try to be away from them. Sure, RW has to react accordingly, he does – but given int he context, he cant change the persons behaviour which has been almost common to the average of the country. It is like if you are compelled to run a market in pettah mannig market. So people and everything there is in chaos – RW is not to be put the blame for the situation that prevails int he country today. He is human and he works for a system while the rulers supported by the majority of stupid folks in the country ( similar to the average in SOMALIA) work not according to law. I dont need to add any examples to this here, because you will have them when reading the articles to CT and other forums the most updates.

          Just now I happened to listen to a YOUTUBE video – Mervin ( the most unapprorpraiate person) criticizes the current CJ as if he is given god powers.


          Dr Shirani Bandaranayake is a well educated lawyer. Mervin ^s filth will cause many to change the mind sets. This we will see soon.

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    Ha ha seems like CBK wants to return to power, otherwise articles like this wont pop up suddenly. For me she is no better. She must in secret envy MR for bringing 18th amendmnt, which she couldnt do in her lifetime.
    She faqed up our judiciary, economy, war, administration and governance. A corrupt woman. Anybody interested read choura rajina abt her. She is a criminal.

    And for destroying my country, FAQ u

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      She has reiterated that she would NOT. So please be calm.

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    She came to power using the tears and the suffering of the people, especially the ones who were victimized by 1989 JVP and state terror. She marketed her presidential campaign on the tears of the women who lost their sons, husbands, brothers. She even marketed the death of her very own husband. In 1993 she showed keeness to punish the culprits of Suriyakanda massacre. She declared she will bring justice to all who were victimized in 88-89. But did we see that in her 11 year period? The ones ill famous for the state terror, Nanda Mathews, Pra ppl became a part of her government. She shamelessly joined with the killers of the victims.

    Chandrika didnt play communal politics in the initial stages of her rule, but later on she too played the communal politics for her political advantage. She joined with the JVP when it had the poisonous Wimal weerawansa. She is one of the architects of the Ali-Koti hawula propaganda. She made a vey empty apology towards 1983 victims but never punished the culprits.

    Most of the military operations in late 90s, were conducted to enhance her image in south when her popularity was waning. The army was forced to go for militaary operations in accordance with elections. Many soldiers died invanely in those poorly conducted operaions desinged for the sole purpose of showing CBK is winning the war.

    The writer has forgotten how CBK appointed Nalin Silva as chief justice. He was not suitable for the job and there were many accusations against him . His appointment was questioned both locally and internationally. She did that to enhance her influence on judiciary. She did destroyed our judiciary. MR is continuing it.

    The only good thing about her period was Lakshman Kathiragamar. If our foreign service had its brightest time during chandrika regime, it was thanks to Kathiragamar.

    There were many scandals during her time, channel 4, emirates agreement,Prima etc. She used state madia for her propaganda shamelessly. Baddegana Sanjeewa ,Ponnambalam, Rohana Kumara murder cases had her hand in them. Harassing Anoja weerasinghe, Rookantha, Chandralekha was done by PSD under her orders. Baddegana Sanjeewa was a thug who were responsilbe for many crimes during her period again under CBK’s rule.
    I still remember how she spent public funds of this poor country for her fancies. Many say 2005 election was the least violent one in SL, that was because CBK was not invoved in it. The economy during her period was in such a bad shape that SL had negative GDP growth rate for the first time. She is such a shameless woman. I cant believe how any1 can sing praise of her.

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      Sach, excellent. This chap Baddegana Sanjeeva was one of Sirisena Cooray’s golayas, who was used to kill so many innocent people during R. Premadasa’s time. When CBK took office in ’94 as promised she opened many a murder that took place under RP. Srimani Athulathmudali being a Minister in the CBK govt., Lalith’s murder was reopened and Sirisena Cooray was placed under house arrest. Then suddenly Sirisena Cooray was allowed to leave to Australia and the next was that all the underworld characters in Baddegana Sanjeeva’s group working for CBK. That was the end of the case. So you can imagine as to what happened with a bottomless pit as CBK?

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