By H. L. D. Mahindapala –
Despite all the hot air pumped to float the UNHRC Resolution A/HRC/30/L. 29 its future is not guaranteed as the stormy atmospherics which seem to be gathering over the horizon are putting a heavy strain on the stability of the Siri-Wicky regime and, more importantly, its ability to deliver the truck load of promises contained in the Resolution, mainly to win applause from abroad. Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is carrying the heavy load, seems to be driven by a self-motivated compulsion to implement the grand reformist plan in the Resolution. Right now he is engaged in some fancy footwork to market his underhand attempt to feed defenders of the nation as dinner to the foreign judicial piranhas. Though Wickremesinghe is putting on a brave front he too is not sure of the consequences of the far-reaching and complex reforms proposed in the Resolution. And among other things, he appears to be groping in the dark not knowing how to put things together, or how to hold the centre together as various component parts of the centre are finding it uneasy to cohabit even for the next two-year – the time limit he has placed on his proposed “national government.”
To begin with, the political, legal and logistical mechanisms needed to kick start the implementation of the Resolution L. 29 will take a considerable time. It is going to be a costly process, financially and politically. Like the unfulfilled and unattainable transformation promised in the “100-days” there is a great deal of airy-fairy expectations waiting to come out of the paper on which they were written. Right now the Resolution L. 29 is floating like a pie in the sky for the simple reason that no one has the foggiest idea about the methodologies needed to implement the Resolution, or the extent to which the foreign judges will override the powers of local judges, or show where it is going to end once the Pandora’s Box sent from Geneva is opened. Some speculative pessimists believe that it is possible for the end to come before the beginning.
The operational aspects are so humongous that there are serious doubts about the chances of the Siri-Wicky duo implementing the Resolution L. 29 to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. If the Siri-Wicky duo can do the trick they will go down in history as the biggest reformers ever. But the Resolution itself contains all the inter-twining and intractable complexities of gigantic proportions that each one of them has the potential to be a roadblock to bring the process to a grinding halt. Questions will rise all the way. For instance, will the Siri-Wicky duo have the skill, the know-how and the political capacity to bring a closure to the international and domestic problems that they seek to resolve through the implementation of the Resolution? Is the Resolution going to be the panacea that will take the nation over the hill? Or will it create more problems than the existing ones and drag the nation into a deeper quagmire? In fact, there are those who now predict that even the fake “national government“, which is tasked with the mission of seeing it through, will soon cease to be “national” or even a “government”. If that happens Resolution L. 29 will go down with it.
That, of course, is a saga of its own which has to be dealt separately. My concern right now is different. I am concerned about the Resolution itself and some of its contents which will have serious consequences both to the UNHRC and the Sri Lanka. The ramifications of UNHRC Resolution run in several directions. However, in clause after clause, the Resolution L.29 repeats the overall objectives. It emphasises the necessity to pursue 1) truth-seeking; 2) justice; 3) reparations and (4) and non-recurrence of the violence that led to the violations of human rights. These four objectives are written into Resolution L. 29 as the main goals that should be achieved by both the national and international signatories.
The greater share of achieving these goals is put on the shoulders of Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) not only as a co-sponsor but also as the main party responsible for its implementation. In general, all other parties too are expected to act collectively to get at the truth, deliver justice and reparations and prevent the recurrence of the violence that led to the violation of human rights of all communities. One thing is certain : these four main goals can be achieved only if the full range of crimes are investigated.
Of the four goals listed in the Resolution finding the truth is the first and primary requirement for the resolution /achievement of the other three goals. But this cannot be achieved if in a 33-year-old war (from May 1976 – May 2009) investigations are confined to a selected phase, ignoring the totality of the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during full length of “the longest running war in Asia.” It was a war launched by the Tamil leadership to break up the nation into two ethnic entities. The appropriate date that marks the beginning of political violence that led to the Vadukoddai War (a.k.a. Eelam War) is May 14, 1976 when the Tamil leadership passed the Vadukoddai Resolution urging the Tamil youth to take up arms until they achieve Eelam. It was, for all intents and purposes, a declaration of war in which the Tamil leadership decided to take up arms against the democratically elected state. This was also the first time that a Sri Lankan community officially declared war to dismember the nation. The escalation of violence began after the Tamil leadership endorsed and legitimized violence as a means of achieving Eelam.
So the investigation of the violence that led to the violations of human rights should begin from May 14, 1976 when the Tamil leadership legitimized an armed conflict as a means of achieving Eelam. The war declared by the Tamil leadership dragged on needlessly for 33 years, despite direct interventions by India and the international community to end it. However, the focus is confined to the last few weeks / months of the war. Selecting arbitrarily one fragment of “the longest running war in Asia” cannot lead to the discovery of the full truth. Only the investigation of the full range of crimes committed during the war can yield the truth. Besides, the four objectives highlighted in the Resolution demands a comprehensive survey of the crimes committed by all the combatants in the war and this cannot be achieved by limiting the investigations to a period that would exclude one or the other combatant.
The necessity to cover the full range of the violations and abuses of human rights is recognized clearly in the Resolution. Operational clause 7 states: “7. Encourages the Government of Sri Lanka to reform its domestic law to ensure that it can implement effectively its own commitments, the recommendations made in the report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, as well as the recommendations of the report of the Office of the High Commissioner, including by allowing for, in a manner consistent with its international obligations, the trial and punishment of those most responsible for the full range of crimes (emphasis mine) under the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations relevant to violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law, including during the period covered by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission;”
Clearly, no period is excluded in the Resolution. Nor has any state /combatant involved in the war in Sri Lanka been excluded, though only GOSL and the LTTE have been named. This means that the Resolution is open for the investigation of “the full range of crimes committed by all combatants. The incremental escalation of violence that began with the passing of the Vadukoddai Resolution on May 14. 1976 too demands that the “full range of crimes” must be included to arrive at the whole truth. Only an investigation covering the “full range of crimes” committed throughout the Vadukoddai War can lead to a comprehensive understanding of the truth. Greater the comprehensiveness greater the truth / meaning.
Any attempt to limit “the full range of crimes” would distort the history, pervert the meaning and take us further away from the truth. For instance, it could lead to the false conclusion that violations of human rights occurred only in the last weeks of a 33-year-old war. Besides, to confine investigations only to the last weeks would be a calculated move designed to exclude a guilty party or two who played critical roles in the 33-year-old war. A noticeable feature of the anti-Sri Lankan resolutions / commentaries / reports at the UNHRC and other fora has been to put the blame on GOSL and paint it as the guilty party with, of course, passing and partial references to the LTTE. The fundamental flaw in Resolution L. 29 is that, unlike the other previous resolutions, the GOSL too has gone out of the way to voluntarily accept guilt almost in toto. This is a bizarre situation. One has to go to the magic realism in Gabriel Garcia Marquez to find a parallel situation. In one of his masterpieces a man goes in search of his lost donkey only to find it standing patiently in a queue in front of the slaughter house, implying that the donkey has voluntarily given himself up to be slaughtered. In all respects the Siri-Wicky government has been acting as the miserable donkey standing in front of the UNHRC slaughterhouse waiting to be cut and chopped into marketable pieces.
Another factor that distorts the ground reality is that, in the remaining ruins of the post-war period, the only combatants that are left to face the charges of violations of human rights are those in the GOSL. The LTTTers mentioned are either dead or have escaped into foreign countries – countries which are accusing Sri Lanka of violating human rights. But if “the full range of crimes”mentioned in Resolution L. 29 is to be investigated then a) the UNHRC, b) the proposed hybrid judicial mechanism and c) the GOSL will have to broaden the scope and bring to book all involved parties. The “full range of crimes” should include all combatants in the battlefields and those who provided material assistance to the Tamil Tiger terrorists in various capacities. So the focus should fall on all three combatants in the battle fields : 1. Sri Lankan security forces, 2. LTTE and 3. the IPKF. None of these combatants can be excluded. But the Resolution which insists on investigating “the full range of crimes” has left out the IPKF and focused only the GOSL and the LTTE.
If the Resolution is implemented in a partisan way to grant impunity to any single party then it loses its validity as an instrument of serving justice and fairness to all victims of the Vadukoddai War. The universal principles of human rights should be applied evenly across the board and all parties, without exception, should be investigated and held accountable. The co-sponsors of the Resolution has referred to only GOSL and the LTTE by name. But if, as stated in the Resolution, “the full range of crimes under the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations relevant to violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law” are to be investigated then it is imperative that the UNHRC, judges, prosecutors and investigators must include the third party, India, which played a decisive role in initiating, promoting, harbouring, training, financing, motivating, arming and exporting Tamil terrorists to destabilize Sri Lanka. India not only gave material assistance to Tamil Tiger terrorism violating international humanitarian law and international law dealing with sovereign states but also committed gross war crimes and crimes against humanity when its forces were operating in the North and the East. The silence of the UNHRC reports and the resolutions on these grave violations of human rights questions not only the impartiality of this UN instrumentality but also the commitment to human rights of those sponsoring the UNHRC Resolution.
Investigating “the full range of crimes”, as stated in the Resolution, makes it obligatory to place India on the same footing as the other two. If all three combatants are investigated for crimes against humanity and war crimes then it is possible to consider the Resolution as a viable mechanism to get at the truth, provide justice and achieve reconciliation. But when every word in the Resolution is written in to try only two parties and leave a major player like India out what are the possibilities of arriving at the truth or achieving reasonable justice? It is imperative that the investigators, prosecutor/s, and judges should investigate the role of India because, according to operative clause 4 of the Resolution, the Government of Sri Lanka, the primary implementer, is committed to “undertake a comprehensive approach to dealing with the past”, which means that no single party can be excluded. India has been a key player in all phases of terrorism – past and present — in Sri Lanka. Removing India from the Sri Lankan crisis is like removing Hanuman from the Mahabaratha : the Indian destroyer that set fire to the whole of Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan crisis would not have dragged on so long, nor would there have been grave violations of human rights if India, with its high moral postures in the international stage, allowed Sri Lanka to solve its own problems. India came in the guise of a problem-solver but ended up as the destructive Hanumanic force that worsened the conditions for all Sri Lankans.
In one of the side sessions held at the UNHRC in 2012, presided by Mahinda Samarasinghe, I spoke focusing on the negative and destructive role of India. Samarasinghe cut in to say that India came in at our invitation. That is true. But we didn’t invite India to violate human rights of Sri Lankans. We invited India to eliminate the fascist terror and protect human rights. The Hanumanic role of India must be factored in at every stage by those seeking the truth and justice for the Sri Lankan victims. If UNHRC is serious about its commitment to human rights then India should not be allowed to avoid its responsibilities and obligations under international humanitarian law and international law. Those charged with implementing the UNHRC resolution cannot ignore it either, because one of the four conditions stipulated in the Resolution is to take measures for “the non-recurrence” of the violations of human rights. Documented historical records prove that it is the unwarranted intervention of India in Sri Lanka’s internal affairs that led to the escalation of violence to an unprecedented scale. Besides, only India can guarantee that there will be no recurrence of the violence it exported to Sri Lanka. The failure of the UNHRC Resolution to name India as one of three parties involved in violations of human rights undermines its credibility to be an instrument committed to find the truth. Truth, justice, reparations and non-recurrence of violence highlighted in the UNHRC Resolution cannot be achieved by allowing India to get away scot free.
President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickremesinghe have sold the nation down the river by admitting primary guilt and even inviting foreigners to come over and punish the Sri Lankans who defended the nation. But they have never raised the violations committed by India on Sri Lankan soil in any fora. They have been denigrating President Mahinda Rajapakse and his forces as guilty parties who should pay the price for saving the nation. But they have never raised the issue of India not only failing to save the nation from the terrorism they exported to Sri Lanka but also their war crimes and crimes against Sri Lanka victims. For instance, on one occasion the subhuman IPKF raided the Jaffna hospital and slaughtered surgeons, doctors, nurses and patients purely on suspicion of harbouring LTTE cadres. If India is excluded from investigation who is it who will be liable to pay reparations for the victims of Indian atrocities?
Looking at the Indian role from any angle it is abundantly clear that the investigators and prosecutors cannot get anywhere near the truth without investigating the role of India in the past. To proceed with the investigations without including India will be an exercise in futility and absurdity. Only the investigation of the role of India will, as stated in the same clause 4 of the Resolution, “help to advance accountability for serious crimes by all sides (repeat, “by all sides”) and to achieve reconciliation.” The total responsibility of implementing the provisions of the Resolution “fully and credibly” falls on the broad shoulders of the UNHRC, GOSL and the investigators, prosecutors and the judges . The co-sponsors of the Resolution cannot pussy foot around with the unambiguously stated provision of the Resolution to investigate “the full range of crimes”. In clause 4 this is elaborated to emphasize : “ if implemented fully and credibly, will help to advance accountability for serious crimes by all sides (emphasis mine) and to achieve reconciliation.”
So will the co-sponsors and UNHRC conduct a “fully and credibly” valid investigation covering “the full range of crimes .. by all sides”? Or will they drag only the Sri Lankan forces and others in the chain of command before the proposed hybrid court? Both America and Sri Lanka, the co-sponsors, state in the Resolution emphatically that it is “the responsibility of States (plural, which include India) to comply with their relevant obligations to prosecute those responsible for gross violations of human rights and serious violations of international humanitarian law constituting crimes under international law, with a view to ending impunity.” So why was India not included in the Resolution?
It also states in the preamble: “Recognizing that the investigation into alleged serious violations and abuses of human rights and related crimes in Sri Lanka requested in Human Rights Resolution 25/1 was necessitated by the absence of a credible national process of accountability.” If the UNHRC is motivated to investigate Sri Lanka by the absence of a credible national process of accountability how come it has not moved to investigate India because of its “absence of a credible national process of accountability”. India should have been investigated by India not only with regard to Sri Lanka but also for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Bangladesh, Kashmir, the sacred Golden Temple of the Sikhs in Amritsar?
Morality in the international community depends of the quantum of power a nation can muster to violate human rights. America poses as the most moral nation – it even wins Nobel Peace prizes for peace — because there is no power on earth to take it to an international tribunal. And even if an international court passes judgement against it ( example: ICJ’s judgment on America’s covert war against Nicaragua ) America can kick that into the wastepaper basket without any fear of repercussions. Will Prince Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein summon a special session of UNHRC and pass a resolution against America for bombing the hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, or for supplying cluster bombs to the Saudis who use them mercilessly against the Yemeni civilians?
India too is in that privileged class. UNHRC has allowed India, which killed, raped, and abused human rights of Sri Lankans, to get away with impunity? The female suicide-bomber who killed Rajiv Gandhi is known as a rape victim of the IPKF. This reflects the intensity of anti-Indian feelings in Jaffna. The Siri-Wicky regime and TNA go on bended to India and exonerates India of all the crimes committed on Sri Lankan soil. But it vilifies Mahinda Rajapakse the leader who saved Sri Lanka from its subhuman terrorist monsters exported to Sri Lanka. What is worse, the Siri-Wicky regime, which has no substantial achievements to its name, is screaming from rooftops that their invitation to foreigners to take over the judiciary with powers to punish the Sri Lankans as their greatest victory. India, on the contrary, will not let any mother’s son to touch any of their forces who had served the nation.
The silence of the so-called human rights activists on India’s criminal conduct too speaks of their hypocrisy. Why hasn’t Paki Saravanamuttu or Jehan (Pacha) Perera invited Radhika Coomaraswamy to deliver one of her sermons on human rights? Will they eve join hands and demand that the IPKF soldiers who had committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in Sri Lanka should be brought before the imported court and tried? Or will all these human rights activists go back to their high living now that they are assured that India will be exempted from any charges and ONLY the Sri Lankan defenders who fought to save the human rights of all Sri Lankan will be brought to trial?
Gobba / October 8, 2015
[Edited out] Is it so frightening for you to come to Mother Lanka and face the music ????
John / October 8, 2015
You spent 2/3 of your article to include India in any such probe.
Do you accept any resolution / probe if India is also included along side Sri Lanka ?
(of course LTTE is no longer there , so no point in including them)
John / October 8, 2015
HLD, If you are brave enough to come down & reply , let’s argue.
John / October 8, 2015
you say,
(1) “My concern right now is different. I am concerned about the Resolution itself and some of its contents which will have serious consequences both to the UNHRC and the Sri Lanka”
You Love UNHRC as much as Sri Lanka & try to protect UNHRC ? am I right ?
(2) “But the Resolution which insists on investigating “the full range of crimes” has left out the IPKF and focused only the GOSL and the LTTE.”
You love LTTE as much as Sri Lanka & try to protect or concerned of LTTE ? am I right ?
(3) “UNHRC has allowed India, which killed, raped, and abused human rights of Sri Lankans, to get away with impunity? The female suicide-bomber who killed Rajiv Gandhi is known as a rape victim of the IPKF”
You accuse IPKF of HR violations as any other LTTE supporter ; if you accuse IPKF which had a brief stay of some 03 years in war zone of HR violations , isn’t it indirect acceptance of the same by Sri Lankan forces which got involved in war for decades ???
Native Vedda / October 8, 2015
HLDM types:
“Will they eve join hands and demand that the IPKF soldiers who had committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in Sri Lanka should be brought before the imported court and tried?”
Of course we must IPKF should be investigated and charged.
Then of course Dayan who supported the IPKF and urged more war mongerng should be charged as well.
The question is are we interested in truth, justice, and closure or scoring point.
As far as I am concerned any investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity should cover the period from 5th April 1971 to date.
Could you let HLDM know that war crimes didnt start with IPKF and didn’t end with it.
Eusense / October 9, 2015
Not only India every element that had anything to do with the terror war should be probed. This should include; Tony Blair, Macrae, Adle Balasingham, Cameron, Tutu, Sooka, Tamil Nadu politicians, every Tamil who supported the LTTE terror group monetarily or in any other form are some examples.
John / October 9, 2015
I was replying to HLDM on his writings only, no more no less.
As a matter of fact there could be many , who should be tried, but this guy HLDM promoting his own politics & doesn’t look independent or fair by all.
On the other hand can we expect any better writing from Former Sunday Observer Editor, who wrote garbage, bullshit during Premadasa regime , knowing very well how Premadasa gave money & weapons to LTTE & gave them another life after after being almost knocked down for good by IPKF.
HLDM had another friend at that time in his Sunday Observer , “Anuruddha Thilakasiri” aka DJ
Native Vedda / October 10, 2015
Nuisance the stupid (I)
“This should include; Tony Blair, Macrae, Adle Balasingham, Cameron, Tutu, Sooka, Tamil Nadu politicians, every Tamil who supported the LTTE terror group monetarily or in any other form are some examples.”
And all the former and present members and supporters of JVP, UNP/SLFP hit squad, members of armed forces, political leaders who not only encouraged the killing of innocent people but kept silent or turned a blind eye while war crimes had been committed by various participants, …….. . Let us investigate war crimes that were committed from 5th April 1971 to date.
CHAND / October 9, 2015
Is it fair to say that ADELA BALASINGHAM,RUDRA , INDIA (IPKF) and similar parties also must be brought in for many cases? Did V.P. personally supervise Rudra’s education in the USA ? Just because he is in NY as an LTTE lawyer and PM in exile of the LTTE, is he immune from prosecution?
samuel Dodankotuwa / October 8, 2015
This man [Edited out]has no right to add anything about the resoultion – since the man et al has been promoting nationalism in the country, being an asylum seeker in Australia – I am very against Australia or any other countries to have offered the kind of men – greener pastures – since it is basically against he humanity. [edited out]
Eusense / October 9, 2015
Really? This man “has no right” to say anything??
Where are the human rights you guys are talking about?
Sincho / October 11, 2015
This is an another example to prove that you have no brains to get it.
Why should we hear from a man of the kind such critics on LANKEN burning issues. Man and Dayan Jayathilaka are connected with their pvt agendas of revengeful sort to attack the current rulers. That is merely the truth. See, none of the analyses that Dayan or this man made ended near to the realities that the country faced to this date.
sama / October 11, 2015
pLEASE check it for me – you should be sensing anatomical changes – a tail that may be growing at this age of yours. You are absolutely a subhuman that may have no common feeling about anythign but adding your thoughts fooling us further.
Don Quixote / October 8, 2015
[Edited out]
Off The Wall / October 8, 2015
When will you learn H.L.D.? Everything is a farce. The LTTE fighting for the liberation of Tamils was a farce. The SL government fighting a just war was a farce. The NGO/HR/Civil Society cabal fighting for human rights was a farce. The IPKF fighting to restore peace was a farce. The diaspora Tigers fighting against genocide and war crimes is a farce. The UN probing Sri Lanka for war crimes is a farce. UNHRC, UNCHR, OHCHR, A/HRC/30/L.29 are all bullshit. The whole Geneva thing is nothing but geopolitics. Are you so naive to think the Siri-Wicky regime suddenly fell from the sky?
Paul / October 8, 2015
Well said OTW, one of the wisest posts I have read. Realpolitik wins in the end.
Eusense / October 9, 2015
Well said???
Eusense / October 9, 2015
You are right! Most of what your farces are farces!
Many Tamils who write here says LTTE terrorism had nothing to do with liberation of Tamils and wants to distance them selves from the LTTE. Where do you stand?
Waltzing Matilda / October 8, 2015
Sumanapala, you say that “The Siri-Wicky regime and TNA go on bended to India and exonerates India of all the crimes committed on Sri Lankan soil. But it vilifies Mahinda Rajapakse the leader who saved Sri Lanka from its subhuman terrorist monsters exported to Sri Lanka.”
Have you conveniently forgotten that MR “is the leader who saved….those subhuman terrorist monsters..” like Karuna, KP, Pillayan, etc., and stashed away all that terrorist gold for his and his family’s consumption?
Is the memory lapse due to the oncoming dementia or are you simply being at your hypocritical worst???
Get a grip!
mike / October 8, 2015
[Edited out]
dcn / October 8, 2015
[Edited out]
Spring Koha / October 8, 2015
Good people, it is springtime again in the antipodes, and the sap is rising, especially with the sarong lifting Sage of Lanka now unhappily esconsed down under.Old habits die hard, and he will continue to put his two cents worth up for consideration. Still free speech must not be stifled. So, let us look at a couple of his assertions.
“””So the investigation of the violence that led to the violations of human rights should begin from May 14, 1976”””
HLD, that date I would say should be Friday April 5th 1956 when an innocent Tamil Negombo Kachcheri clerk was assaulted by a drunken policeman oathing the words ‘demala pakoo’. For no reason except that the poor man was Tamil. Those of us who witnessed the incident realised then the hopeless shape of things to come. The government of the day could not plead ignorance, and, in any case, that was about the time the minorities were starting to be treated as expendable. The government of 1957, as with all others that followed, simply held to keeping the Sinhala-Buddhist voter happy, and to hell with rest.
“””Removing India from the Sri Lankan crisis is like removing Hanuman from theMahabaratha”””
Whoa! Didn’t we the Sinhalese and our Tamil brethren come from the same Mother India? Notwithstanding the bestiality that gave rise to the Sinhalese race.
“””President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickremesinghe have sold the nation down the river by admitting primary guilt and even inviting foreigners to come over and punish the Sri Lankans who defended the nation.”””
So how did this all come about? For six long years the Liberator King, his family, his brothers, and his thug acolytes buggered about (1) without any attempt to resolve the serious allegations that were made re the last phases of the war (2) making no genuine attempts to bring reconciliation, and resolve valid issues that continued to make life a misery for the beleaguered Tamil community (3) making NO efforts to curb the virulent forces that were allowed to roam the country spreading ethnic and religious hatred, and terrorising helpless communities. The list could go on….but I think that informed readers would know the story.
“””America poses as the most moral nation”””
You don’t say! Now we know why the land of the free and the brave is the preferred bolt hole of the Rajapakses. Green card, dual nationality…nice work if you can get.
Keep sending in your tosh HLD, free speech is still just that, free.
Remember what we used to say; those who can will act, and for the others there’s always free speech.
sach / October 8, 2015
sinhala people are not from india
Siva / October 8, 2015
You seem to be an uneducated person. At least learn some basic general knowledge. To begin with, read your Sinhala history book.
sach / October 8, 2015
what is the sinhala hisory book? Sinhala people have a lot of books? what book do tamils have?
The people who formed Sinhala nation may have migrated but the sinhala nation was never imported but built in SL. That is why there is nothing called sinhala in india, while everything related to sinhala nation is in SL from our letters, books, poems, art, everything
Suresh / October 8, 2015
The Sri Lankan High Commissioner to India says 75 per cent of the Sinhala race originated from India.
Lankan envoy’s Sinhala remarks trigger a storm in Tamil Nadu
Now whom to believe, Sach or the High Commissioner?
sach / October 8, 2015
real history and yes high commissioner is bad at that
Now tell me a single tamil thing that can be called local? :) the reality is tamil heritage in SL is non existent..
You speak a foreign language, culturally dependant on a foreign land, nothing to call ur own..
Pandaram / October 9, 2015
Ha ha ha LOL!
So you are correct and the high commissioner is wrong.
Spring Koha / October 8, 2015
Adey, adey adey….Sach, watch what you write.
The answer to your question………. Sinhala people have a lot of books? what book do tamils have? Sach, Repeat after me…..
The Sinhalese thugs burned all the Tamil books.
The Sinhalese thugs burned all the Tamil books.
The Sinhalese thugs burned all the Tamil books.
The Sinhalese thugs burned all the Tamil books.
Sach, you have a short memory, Uh!
sach / October 8, 2015
there are books in any library, even u donated to buy books for library in jaffna..:)
books are the products of a culture, what do u have? none..
we have mahavamsa, dipavamsha, chulavamsa, dathuwamsa, etc to record or history what our kings did, what our stupas are, what our ancestors built and what are tanks are….what have u got?
we have sinhala written on the biggest cultural heritage in SL..sigirya..what do u have?
we know each and every place related to our history…we know where our religious text books were written in the island, our every important cultural and historical event is related to this island…what have u got?
our ancestors fought the protugese, and wrote parangi hatana, fought the dutch and wrote landesi hatana, fought the english and wrote ingirisi hatana…what have u got? NOTHING!
even the oldest cultural artifact in Jaffna, kathurugoda belongs to Sinhala :)
and the so called tamils temple nallur was built by a sinhala king….LOL….
You know why everything that is sinhala is related to this island while nothing tamil is related to here? because this is the sinhala nijaboomi….something low caste tamils could not bear
Native Vedda / October 9, 2015
sachoooooooooooo the Stupid II
“even the oldest cultural artifact in Jaffna, kathurugoda belongs to Sinhala :)”
Since 1995.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / October 10, 2015
The entire history of We Thamizh in Sri Lanka was recorded in those two ruled exercise books in Jaffna Library and nowhwere else :D Oh, except on :D
Pau / October 9, 2015
Sinhalese people have a lot of books and what to Tamils have! Don’t make me laugh. Tamil is one of the oldest languages in the world and is the only living ancient classical language. It is a mother to many languages, including Sinhalese and greatly enriched other languages. Around 35% to 40% of present day Sinhalese language is of Tamil origin. Its grammar syntax and lexicon is purely based on Tamil and not on Sanskrit or Pali. According to Dr. C.E. Godakmubara, the Sinhala Grammar Sidathsangarawa was based on the Tamil Grammar Virasolium in the 11th A.D. The term ‘Sihala (Lion in Pali) is seen for the first time in Sri Lankan sources in the Dipa Vamsa (4-5 A.D.) and in that chronicle, that term occurs only once, and in that cryptic verse it is stated that the Island was known as ‘Sinhala’ on account of the Lion – “Lanka Dipo Ayam ahu sihena sihalaitu”. In the Mahavamsa the term ‘Sihala’ – occurs only twice. In the epic Ramayana 420 B.C., this island was known as Lanka much earlier.
Take all the Tamil origin words from Sinhalese, there will be no Sinhalese language.
The eminent Sinhala civilian and historian, the late Dr. Paul E. Peiris, following his excavations of a part of the site of Kantharodai, the earliest capital of the kings of Jaffna, notes, “It stands to reason that a country which is only about 20 miles from South India, would have been seen by Indian fishermen every morning as they sailed out to catch fish.
I believe North Ceylon was a flourishing settlement long before Vijaya was born”. In similar vein, are his remarks on the ancestral Hindu kovils of Ceylon, “Long before the arrival of Vijaya, there were in Lanka five recognized Iswerams of Siva, which claimed adoration and veneration of all India.
These were Thirukketheseeweram near Mantai (Mannar), Munneswram dominating Salawata (Chilaw), Thirukonesweram near the great bay of Kottiyar (Trincomalee). Nakulesweram, in close proximity to the Kankesanturai harbour and Chandresweram close to Hambantota harbour. The last mentioned kovil is unfortunately no more. It has gone to ruins due to lack of patronage and neglect. The situation of these temples close to ports, cannot be the result of accident or caprice but was probably determined by the concourse of a wealthy mercantile population whose religious wants called for attention”.
Apart from the above-mentioned kovils, there are, in the deep South, a shrire for Lord Murukan at Kathirkamam and a shrine for Lord Vishnu at Devi Nuwara from ancient days. Buddhists and Hindus visit these kovils daily for worship.
There are kovils from ancient days in Kandy, testifying to a high concentration of Hindus in the Central part of Lanka. The temple for Nath (Siva), according to H.W. Codrington, is over 600 years old. The other temples, being for Murukan, Vishnu and Goddess Pattini, Robert Knox was of the view that Maha Fsala Perahera in Kandy was celebrated from ancient times exclusively in honour of the Hindu deities. The Tooth Relic was taken in the Perahera for the first time during the reign of King Kirthi Sri Raja Singha at the request of the Siamese Monk Upali, to give a Buddhist touch to the festival. That practice was later stopped. These days only the empty casket is mounted on the elephant.
It may not be incorrect to assume that in the hoary past, Lanka was, from North to South, East to West and the Central highlands the homeland of Tamils of the Hindu faith. With the arrival of Arahat Mahinda, thousands of Tamils of the Hindu faith embraced Buddhism. Though 80 generations have rolled by, these converts have not given up their Tamil Hindu culture and practices. They still indulge in prayers and rituals.
As even as late as the 6th century A.D., there was no Sinhala language, the Great Chronicles were written in the Pali language. Monk Maha Nama hatched the Vijaya myth to dub the Buddhist converts as Aryans, projecting them as descendants of Bengalis.
Maha Nama did not know that the Bengalis were Mongoloid Dravidians. The average Sinhala man will decline to believe that prince Siddhartha, as a Nepalese, was not an Aryan. No king of Lanka during the 200 years history of Lanka, claimed that he was of Aryan Dynasty
There were no Sinhalese in Lanka or in any part of the world until the Dipa Vamsa for the first time, referred to the descendants of Tamil (Hindus) who embraced Buddhism in 246 B.C. as Sihala on account of the Lion (no relevance). There is no culture called Sinhala culture. It is the Tamil culture that is projected as Sinhala culture. The 14th day of April is observed as New Year, day only by the Tamils and Sinhala people throughout the world.
This fact is strong evidence that the Sinhala people inherited this practice from their Tamil ancestors who embraced Buddhism in 246 B.C. It is stupid to deny that fact. When there was no Sinhala language in Lanka or in any part of the world before 8th A.D., it is thuggery to claim that there were Sinhala people in Lanka prior to the 8th century A.D. Just as the descendants of Tamils who embraced Buddhism in 246 B.C. claim they are Arya Sinhalese; Tamils of the Western Coast, from Ragama to Kalpitiya, after adopting Sinhala as their mother tongue, (after the introduction of free education) claim thy are Arya Sinhalese. In Sri Lanka any person who adopts Sinhala as mother tongue ipso facto is an Aryan.
That is Sri Lankan logic, Yes, in Sri Lanka a leopard can change its spots Any Tamil who speaks Sinhalese and any Tamil who coverts to Islam becomes a Moor and of Arab descent
Pandaram / October 9, 2015
No need of all these information. There are only a very few stupids like Sach who will not understand any thing. His response here with angry outbursts shows how much hurt he is.
Let the poor fellow cool down, LOL
Siva Sankaran Sarma / October 10, 2015
We Thamizh and our fairy tales :D If the Grimms were still around they’d have enough material to put together several special We Thamizh collections :D
sach / October 9, 2015
LOL then tell me a single Tamil cultural thing related to SL?
Native Vedda / October 9, 2015
sachooooooooooooooooo stupid the (II)
“LOL then tell me a single Tamil cultural thing related to SL?”
Every thing you claim Sinhala came from south India, including Buddhism, Sinhala Grammar, Natum, Kavun, Cinema, archetecture, trade and guilds, mundu, saree, art, Ayurveda, litrature and drama, ………….. and your genetics as well.
Suresh / October 8, 2015
According to the Mahavamsa, the Sinhalese are criminal convicts who were exiled from India (Bengal/Orissa). Their boat came and landed in the Veddha country called Lanka.
According to Jaffna Tamil vellala elites like GG Ponnambalam, the Sinhalese (especially low-country) are nothing but low caste South Indian (Kerala, Tamil Nadu & Andara) converts.
Please refer Amarasiri’s comments in the other thread (I’m Not An Enemy Of The Sinhala People: Wiggie) for more details.
sach / October 8, 2015
To begin with anyone who learns history from Amarasiri is insane.
Mahavamsa is the history of sinhala nation which is tremendously accurate when compared with the rest of the historical records in the subcontinent. For example when people in some uncivilised parts of South India indulge in mythical stories like kumari kandam, mahavamsa is surprisingly accurate.
Mahavamsa though has mythical parts in some stories about origin, it is not hard to understand why some hindu believers tend to concern that sinhalese also religiously hold it. That may be due to vulgar hindu scripts that degrade women.
GG Ponnambalam a low caste Tamil who was one of the bu++ hurt tamil policitians who cannot stomack the fact that this is the sinhala nation and that it is the sinhala people who formed the civilisation here and going mad after obvious lack of anything tamil, he started abusing mahavamsa and sinhala people.
This is discussed in Jane Russel’s book on communal politics in SL in early 40s and why Tamil low castes started abusing mahavamsa.
And now veteran historian Raj Somadeva has found startling evidence on how Sinhala nation has existed and much older than we think. Well it is understandable because Tamils have nothing to show as theirs in this country….so degrading what is sinhala is the only method..
And about wiggie, well he cant hate sinhalese, his grand children are half sinhalese.
Suresh / October 8, 2015
So you accept that mahavamsa is accurate. Good!
The Mahavamsa says Sinhala people (so called because of Sinhabahu) came from Sinhapura (India) but you are saying Sinhala did not come from India. Are you OK?
Just because there is nothing called sinhala in india today you think Sinhala did not come from India. Have you not heard about thousands of lost civilizations, lost tribes, lost languages, lost cultures, etc. When Sinhabahu was the king of Sinhapura, there was something called Sinhala in India. Just like India lost Buddhism, it also lost several tribes. Sinhala was one of those.
If you believe Mahavamsa is accurate, then you have to also believe in what is said in it.
BTW, the historian Raj Somadeva is just another big JOKER. The startling evidence what he says he has found is bull crap. Also, the genetic studies proves what GG Ponnambalam said is true, more than 50% of the Sinhala gene is South Indian.
sach / October 8, 2015
read it again, sanskrit name holder…I said when compared with all the historical records from subcontinent Mahavamsa is amazingly accurate..
And that the stories about origin are just myth….which has probably sounded logical to a 5AD people…..You take the origin story as a fact because you are brought to believe in vulgar hindu scriptures…
really? sinhala was in India…LOL….just because tamil’s cultural heritage is NULL in SL the only thing…tamil low castes can do to feel better is saying sinhala was in India…Sinhala was NEVER in india…Evolution of everything sinhala from our letters to modern sinhala and our DNA relationship to vaddhas and our ancient worship rituals is NOTHING found in SL….how much you try..i am sorry to say…Sinhala is Sri Lanka and it is the sinhala people’s nijaboomi..
Why did that mahabharata or something accepted that SL is Sinhala? I can give a list of Hindu scriptures that call SL the Sinhala people’s island…
Even today in Telugu people call SL as Sinhaladesam….you know why? Even the cholas called SL as Sinhala…why? where were you? Invisible?
Raj Somadeva is a historian, a professional in this sphere unlike self proclaimed tamil historians who hide when inquired about their ‘facts’ …LOL
Wow is GG low caste a DNA analyst now? he has known that very early ne…
SL is close to SI and people migrated and joined the sinhala nation….and nothing else…between I think GG is a tamil from a TN tribal area..look at his, his sons and grand sons faces…even a dog wont eat after looking at it.
Pandaram / October 9, 2015
Ha ha ha
So the beginning chapters of the mahavamsa where it is said sinhalese are criminal convicts exiled from India is wrong where as everything else in the mahavamsa is accurate,
When you want to eat even a crocodile becomes a iguana. LOL
Pandaram / October 9, 2015
As someone said above, according to genetic studies more than 50% sinhala population is having South Indian genes. Most of them are South Indian converts.
Now, please tell us from which TN tribal area your ancestors came here and got converted.
Native Vedda / October 9, 2015
sachoooooooooooo the Stupid II
“Even today in Telugu people call SL as Sinhaladesam”
This island was known by many names through out the history:
Until 1972 this island was officially known as Ceylon, the British renamed when they colonised this land. The name of this island had changed over the period of time.
According to a number of Sanskrit Pandits, the mythical land Lanka was located between Madagascar and Indonesia.
Even now tea is being sold as Ceylon, not Sinhala Tea nor Sinhala/Buddhist tea.
Most appropriate name would have been Land of Stupid.
What is the real difference between you and a knife?
Native Vedda / October 9, 2015
sachooooooooooooo the stupid (II)
“I said when compared with all the historical records from subcontinent Mahavamsa is amazingly accurate..”
Mahawamsa is amazing, just that. Its Mahanama’s version of an erotic story, or science fiction for humen were created by cross breeding beauty and a beast, an advanced form of genetic engineering, …. incestuous relation of brother and sister, son killing his father, ……..
Native Vedda / October 8, 2015
sachooooooooooooo the stupid II
“Mahavamsa is the history of sinhala nation which is tremendously accurate when compared with the rest of the historical records in the subcontinent.”
Mahawansa was compiled in Pali language and only recently was translated into Sinhala.
Dipavamsa compiled in Pali language and only recently was translated into Sinhala.
Culavamsa compiled in Pali language and only recently was translated into Sinhala.
Why were these Sinhla history books written in Pali and not in Sinhla?
What id the difference between you and a knief?
sach / October 9, 2015
Idiot….the pali scriptures were written by Sinhalese in sinhala land and preserved among sinhala people. …
So shall i give u a list of hindu scriptures that talk about sinhala Lanka…..
chronicles were written in pali and not sinhala LOL idiot they are our historical heritage and they used the sinhala letters then…
Native Vedda / October 9, 2015
sachoooooooooo the stupid II
“the pali scriptures were written by Sinhalese in sinhala land and preserved among sinhala people.”
It seems the author was not versed in Sinhala, he wrote whatever had come into his mind, spiced it up with bestiality, incestuous relation, parricide,………..
Why would a Sinhalese write the history of Sinhala Land in a foreign dead language, unless he wants to hide it from Sinhalese.
The existence of Mahawamsa was not known to Sinhalese, hence there was no need among the Sinhalese to preserve it. George Turnour unearthed Mahawamsa and studied it for years.
Native Vedda / October 8, 2015
sachooooooooooo the stupid II
“This is discussed in Jane Russel’s book on communal politics in SL in early 40s and why Tamil low castes started abusing mahavamsa.”
Could you cite the chapter and verse if you have a copy of the book.
The communal politics didn’t start in 1940’s or with G G Ponna but much much earlier on in 1910s. If you care to look at other books you will definitely note what the Homeless one (Anagarika Dharmapala) was preaching to the Sinhala people and the subsequent riots in 1915. G G Ponna was only 14 years of age when the riots against Muslims took place in 1915.
What is the difference between you and a knief?
sach / October 9, 2015
You know today…muslims threaten a Hindu kovil not to do their vel festival and not to bring that close to their mosque….Same thing happened to us. They threatened our people back then not to do perahara in front of mosque and the then sinhalese gave a fitting reply..
So 1915 hasn’t anything to do with sinhalese, it was the muslim racism that caused this…and they havent changed a bit..And before 1915, North of SL was full of caste violence…….
Of course communal politics didnt start in 1940s…and no, not in 1910..In 1910 Tamils held upper hand in SL politics as the apparchied SA. And when SL got the universal suffrage sh1t hit the fan..because the power hungry greedy tamil politicians realised they are gonna lose power and power balance in SL would come to a more equitable status along with its demographics.
That is why in 1922 , the year which we got universal suffrage tamil leaders started talking about a separate country…
Dharmapala left SL in 1905 and was in India and never returned. Dharmapala is the leader of a down trodden people who had been robbed of their rightful homeland…And a defender of Buddhism at a time buddhism needs one…
knife? There is no difference between me and a knife when I want to stab the ultra racist tamil tribals…:)
Native Vedda / October 9, 2015
sachoooooooooooo the Stupid II
“Dharmapala left SL in 1905 and was in India and never returned.”
Dharmapala left Buddha Gaya for Ceylon in 1912.
In 1913 Anagarika Dharmapala left Ceylon for Honolulu and
returned to Ceylon at the end of the year.
He was in Ceylon between 1927 and 1933.
Pandaram / October 9, 2015
The biggest joke is these recently arrived South Indians like Sach who after getting converted to Sinhala-Buddhist is claiming all the ancient Sri Lankan heritage. HA HA HA LOL!
Ram / October 10, 2015
Isn’t it strange then that he shares his genetic footprint with the Veddahs, and the Tamils, (both Jaffna and Upcountry), do NOT. You must also believe that the earth is flat.
sach / October 8, 2015
shall i give you a list of hindu scriptures that call SL as Sinhala country…:'( ada pavam……
Native Vedda / October 9, 2015
sachoooooooooooooo the stupid II
“shall i give you a list of hindu scriptures that call SL as Sinhala country”
Yes please.
Naykapandaram / October 10, 2015
Dear SUCH,
You believe is Mahawamsa as best history, as such the same Mahawamsa says that Vijeya visited Sri Lanaka along with six Hindu priests the Pramana as referred by Mahawamsa, the head of the Pramanas was one UPAN-TISSA;he advises the Vijeya and others to worship 5 Siva temples famous by the name PANJA EASWARAM even then before setting out for their objective visit to the island. They did worshiped these PANJA EASWARAM Temples and one famous Archaeologist/Historian by the name of PAUL PIERIES was able establish these PANJA EASWARAM temples are intact in late 1930s and are truly intact still! Naguleswaram in the North, Thiruketheaswram of North West, Thirukoneaswawram, of North East, Muneaswaram of West and Thondeaswram of south. Mahawamsa claims that the priest UPAN-TISSA insisted that the troupe visit “PANJA TISSAWA”
for the worship to be successful. Still Mahawamsa is far from true History PAUL PIERIES said.
Mr. Such you say Raj Somadeva is a true professional and he doesn’t lie regarding Archaeological Findings, true, but you Such a stupid you lied about his interpretation of more than 10,000 years old artifacts shows how native people shifted from hunting to agriculture in adverse periods using Balangoda Caves, he never attributed or implicated any ethnic community to his valuable findings – you are Sach Stupid lair wanted to prove your self by lies!
Native Vedda / October 8, 2015
sachoooooooooooooooooooooooo the stupid I
“sinhala people are not from india”
Are they from Mars, Crypton, Planet of Apes, beyond Super Mario Galaxy, …………. Black hole planet, ………….Nebula
What is the difference between you and a knife?
sach / October 8, 2015
Sorry bu++ hurt tamil…go and worship the elephant
Pandaram / October 8, 2015
Do you know another secret? Buddha was actually born in Sri Lanka.
sach / October 8, 2015
why dear? did you get hurt? I am sorry you have no tamil heritage in SL. I am sad so called tamil culture in SL is nothing but a totally foreign import…I am sad you share nothing with the soil of this country….
So i will pity you..
Pandaram / October 9, 2015
First of all who told you that mahavamsa is Sinhala history?
If it is Sinhala history then why is it written in an Indian language (Pali) that the Sinhalese cannot read and understand. It should have been written in Sinhala, why Pali?
Can you tell me where in Mahavamsa it says lt is Sinhala history?
Native Vedda / October 9, 2015
“Can you tell me where in Mahavamsa it says lt is Sinhala history?”
You should not ask questions as easy as yours for sachoooooo the stupid (II) will disappear for while and in her place Nuisance the stupid (I) will endlessly repeat the same old typing.
Either both are one and same person or have employed the same script writer.
Sinhala_Man / October 8, 2015
Thanks for your comments Spring Koha, although I don’t know how you can find the time to read all the rubbish that the likes of HLD M. spew out. It’s time we began to live our lives after all “poli-ticking” that we’ve been forced to take a close look at, owing to the antics of the Rajapaksas.
I know that I’ve got to phase out the time spent on the computer. Solution: blacklist people like HLD and Daya K. and don’t read any of their dreadful writing. Obviously the obverse is also true; we’ve got to read the comments of a few independent bloggers whom we’ve now learnt to trust.
Spring Koha / October 9, 2015
Thank You for your kind and encouraging words. It is indeed a challenge to sift the real from the rubbish. The thing is that some of the rubbish can be dangerous and it is our duty to test and challenge. I set myself one hour a day, but sometimes I over-run…what to do? The other advantage I have is that most of what I write is from experience – I survived from the forties till now, and I listened carefully to people who recalled first-hand, their experiences from the last century. In my formative years, at Lake House, I learnt the art of speed reading. That helps to quickly sort the wheat from the chaff.
Sinhala_Man – May the ink your pen never run dry!
Non PhD / October 8, 2015
HLDM, You haven’t changed your foxy character.
You want India to reject the UNHCR report even at this stage. Report includes both GOSL and LTTE.
IPKF was called in with hidden agenda by GOSL. IPKF was part of the GOSL.
If you are talking about Vadukoddai resolution then you have to go back to 1947 to 1975 era.
So far has any of the GOSL in power implemented the JR- Rajiv pact ?
Why has not Rajapakse regime who got the help of India to win the war never implemented
the JR – RAJIV pact from 2009 to 2014. ?
Two of the Rajapakse brothers are part of the Sinhalese Diaspora or not ?
soma / October 8, 2015
A great write – up. Worthy of the basis of our presentation to the “hybrid court” when it sits. Sir, you have covered only India in the above – attributable to understandable limitations. Hope to see an installment on the role of the Tamil diaspora and the TNA in providing material assistance and political leadership throughout the conflict and “accountability” on their part.
All stakeholders should be made to understand that justice to one side of this long war will leave this country in an irrecoverable mess and main victims will be the innocent Tamils, again.
Vetmahadeva / October 8, 2015
Dear Soma
“Hope to see an installment on the role of the Tamil diaspora and the TNA in providing material assistance and political leadership throughout the conflict and “accountability” on their part”
To achieve this first let the mission on L.29 resolution begin, but you are praising the writer HLD Mahipala who embarks on broadening the period of investigation, with a hope of disembarking whole process Truth finding mission by present government – that is how MAHINDHA-PALA WORKS NOW. Truth Finding cannot be restricted by period restrictions or personal or organisational restrictions.
Rupathy / October 8, 2015
Sri Lanka’s real dilemma is to comply with the resolution or not. But when over 65% of Sri Lanka’s export revenue are coming from UK, US, EU countries who along with SL co-sponsored resolution is not an easy choice to disregard the resolution.
Not following through with the co-sponsored resolution will have following 2 outcome.
1: A country who can not keep it’s promises or sponsored promises.
2: Unofficial import restriction into those countries by not being able to join any new Free Trade Agreements ( TransPacific TPP and TransAtlanc TTIP )
Given the above scenario SL have to think of their future generation.
Embrace the commitments of the resolution or stay secluded.
eusense / October 9, 2015
There are many ways for SL to get around by beating around the bush rather than complying with this resolution. First the US is now half hearted about all this as MR regime is gone. SL needs to give the UNHRC a verbal report in 2017 and a written report in 2019. This it self is time for a drag. In 2016 the US administration is going to change too. Also, summoning leaders like Tony Blair, Cameron to investigate LTTE activities in the UK, is not going to sit well with those folks in the UK. And this can cause an incomplete investigation. There are many other loop holes SL can use to delay and make such investigation void.
Vibhushana / October 8, 2015
The “best practice” with any kind of struggle is to wrap things up in a 25-30 year time frame.
If the struggle is delayed any longer the costs begin to exceed any benefits. So 2001 was the year it should have been wrapped up. This coincides perfectly with 2002 CFA.
The tipping point was year 2006. Its all downhill after this. So far it has taken 9 years longer than it should have. The more they delay the more costs will keep adding up eating into the benefits.
Vetmahadeva / October 8, 2015
Hi Vibhushana
What about 1958, 1962, 1976, 1977, 1983 communal riots?
Amarasiri / October 8, 2015
H. L. D. Mahindapala
RE: Reasons For Rejecting UNHRC Resolution On Sri Lanka
1. Cannot protect Criminals and Traitors to the Armed Forces and to the Country.
Those criminals should have followed the Geneva Convention. They elected not to.
Remember, Sri Lanka is signatory to the Geneva convention, but some of the Para-Sinhala may not agree to that.
jansee / October 8, 2015
I am not so much amused by your sermon but I am perhaps dumbfounded at the shameless person you are. For one, you keep on harping that the report cites or rather narrows the period of investigation whereas you believe that it should extend from the period the Tamils pronounced their intent of what you call a “war” against the state.
It is rather shameful that Sri Lanka could not or did not want to investigate credibly all those years of abuse and misuse, preferring to sweep them under the carpet and deny justice to the victims. You mean to say you all are such eunuchs that you did not even have your own capability to conduct such investigations in a transparent and credible manner that it now warrants a foreign body to come and sweep the house off the dirt? Such peasantry have to succumb to even paripu drops.
You are a liar, and a pathetic one at that, a convenient liar. The “war” between the Sinhalese and Tamils started almost immediately after independence. All the various forms and times of aggression against defenseless minority by using thugs and the might of force against even those resorting to passive resistance naturally has a limit. It was premised on this defence that VR was taken. There is a limit to patience and although Prabhakaran did not win the war, he really wagged the shit out of you people. And the regime could not have won the war alone. It had to go begging to many countries to get help to defeat a localised LTTE. Even the India you so ungratefully vilify was the one which helped Lanka win the war against LTTE, so said your uncle Mahinda Rajapakse.
Your racing pulse wonders how many of your uncles will be made to answer the horrific charges looming over their heads. Let the heads roll so that SL will be cleansed of the filth and baggage that has prevented it to be a “clean” country. And you or the regime in SL cannot be allowed alone to handle this because of the past history of shadow plays that necessitate some form of foreign involvement has become necessary. Instead of blaming that it had come to this, just admit that you are one of those guys who had forced Lanka to shoot its own foot. And why you have to worry, it is not your head that is hanging in the balance. Your uncle MR had bravely and heroically declared that he is ever willing to sit on the electric chair.
There is widespread knowledge and annoyance of the excesses of the IPKF soldiers and I appreciate your passionate concern that they should have been investigated. But what an imbecile you are? Should it not have been the SL state that should have done this and taken forward the initiative to answer for their excesses against SL’s own citizens? Instead, your uncle built a monument for them right near the parliament and had a pompous ceremony to pat them on the back. So, what are you shouting about now?
I honestly want SL to move forward and become a great country with all the races living in peace and happiness but I doubt that will happen so long as cockroaches like you and Dayan hang around for the and around the fringes. Foreign intervention became necessary because of smug like you who neither let people live nor die. It was a courageous and even the right decision for the present govt to co-sponsor the UNHRC resolution as if to show the world that it represents ALL Sri Lankans. Vowed adversaries have given up their die-hard positions and sought a middle-ground to take this initiative forward on a joint basis. In this initiative, there should be no room for spoilers and racists like you and Dayan, and that includes those from the Tamils and Muslims, too. Sure, there will be hiccups along the way, but that first step taken in the UNHRC in jointly sponsoring the resolution gives a lot of us hope, a hope that is important and necessary. Sri Lanka has bled for far too long.
confu tao / October 8, 2015
Crap again from this joker. Flawed and clouded analysis from a decaying mind. Don’t bother to read, it is dull, full of sh..t and pathetic.
Vetmahadeva / October 8, 2015
Dear Mahipala,
/////”However, in clause after clause, the Resolution L.29 repeats the overall objectives. It emphasises the necessity to pursue 1) truth-seeking; 2) justice; 3) reparations and (4) and non-recurrence of the violence that led to the violations of human rights. These four objectives are written into Resolution L. 29 as the main goals that should be achieved by both the national and international signatories”//////.
You cannot a curse a Responsible Government, to be failure and go fishing in the disturbed pond, if you are really concerned about the Nation of your birth.
////”Of the four goals listed in the Resolution finding the truth is the first and primary requirement for the resolution /achievement of the other three goals. But this cannot be achieved if in a 33-year-old war (from May 1976 – May 2009) investigations are confined to a selected phase, ignoring the totality of the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during full length of “the longest running war in Asia.” It was a war launched by the Tamil leadership to break up the nation into two ethnic entities. The appropriate date that marks the beginning of political violence that led to the Vadukoddai War (a.k.a. Eelam War) is May 14, 1976 when the Tamil leadership passed the Vadukoddai Resolution urging the Tamil youth to take up arms until they achieve Eelam. It was, for all intents and purposes, a declaration of war in which the Tamil leadership decided to take up arms against the democratically elected state. This was also the first time that a Sri Lankan community officially declared war to dismember the nation. The escalation of violence began after the Tamil leadership endorsed and legitimized violence as a means of achieving Eelam. So the investigation of the violence that led to the violations of human rights should begin from May 14, 1976 when the Tamil leadership legitimized an armed conflict as a means of achieving Eelam. The war declared by the Tamil leadership dragged on needlessly for 33 years, despite direct interventions by India and the international community to end it.”///////
Of course The Truth Finding Mission cannot ignore the onset of war, it cannot the obliterate the facts that led to the Tamil leadership to the separatist resolution as well, Truth Finding cannot be date framed for it is to be a Truth, because it goes back to UNTRUTH. SO LET US OPEN UP THE TRUTH WHO STARTED UP THE WAR AND PROTRACTED IT FROM 1976 to 2009 the period you mentioned.
1. Failing to arrest Veluppilai Prabaharan and his accomplices when they were having dinner of hoppers at Amirthalingam’s house, immediately or later following gunning down Alfred Duraippah, at Ponnalai. 2. Failing to apply a return ambush at Kadju Farm Murungan Mannar Road when Veluppilai Prabaharan and his accomplices ambushed a radio-car with few CID officers at the same farm, despite of its close proximity to Thalldi Army Camp, Mannar one of the biggest then existed. 3. Bringing an abrupt halt to the Vadamarachchy Operation Liberation in May 1987, when General Denzil Kobbekaduwa and Brig. Wimalasundra’s battalion have managed to isolate the civilians from rest of the fighting groups including Veluppilai Prabaharan and LTTE, and thus for failing to arrest or shoot down the most wanted people of the law by then and failing to avoid catastrophe in succeeding years by that abrupt halt of Operation Liberation 4. Failing to uphold the Sovereignty of Democratic Socialistic Republic of Sri Lanka, which is uttermost responsibility of a Responsible Government at the most required time, by halting the Operation Liberation at a crucial juncture at the behest of India another Sovereign Independent Nation (Could have finished the job swiftly said in above 3. and then sign the agreement) 5. By the action said in above 4 the Responsible Government of Sri Lanka (here in after referred to as RGOSL) wasted an opportunity to tear the Indian Super Power attitude and its’ face mask for the betterment Regional Independent Nations’ Sovereignty; worst of all RGOSL allowed Veluppilai Prabaharan to be carried off to Delhi by an Indian Helicopter from the shores of Sri Lanka, then to return by same means instead of to Colombo on both occasions – with ulterior motives unveiled later as a war. 6. By the actions above said 3 and 4 of RGOSL, the siege by the LTTE as well as by other groups over the entire population lived in the North and East of Sri Lanka and over the defense installations there in were allowed to recommence swiftly, though unfortunately for entire Sri Lanka population. 7. By agreeing to sign and signing an accord at the behest of India, the treacherous act described in above 4, was repeated, and the entire population lived in the North and East was exposed to the atrocities of Indian Peace Keeping Force, and to the crony groups ENDLF, EPRLF, TELO, PLOT, and the worst to the war against LTTE, and the atrocities of LLTE as well. This is an absolute failure, and abandoning the responsibility of the RGOSL, and its constituent Defense Forces to protect and saving its own population from external forces and miseries. More than 20,000 people perished apart from permanently inflicted trauma and despair of war on the living people. Though RGOSL, failed to compensate or compassionate towards that IPKF war affected people, India did only compensate for lose life and property. 8. In the Alambil Jungle, though IPKF have managed again to trap the, Veluppilai Prabaharan and LTTE far, far away from the civilians, again RGOSL, failed to give the necessary shooting orders in time to IPKF, Thus the RGOSL, failed, again to prevent the mayhem all that have been done by LTTE from there on and failed to protect the people, to which the accord was signed RGOSL, claimed. 9. Though the prime aim should have been to eradicate the LTTE and its terrorist activities, Government of Sri Lanka, acted invariably constantly in series of contradicting manner, funding, providing arms and ammunition, at the same time the security forces had been engaged in war with the same group, keeping the state of commotion afloat, totally disrupted of day to day life people of unabated. 10. as such in above 9. RGOSL, connived with LTTE, exposed very able, dedicated, members of defense forces who were very capable of segregating the civilians from terrorists and terrorism to be targets of LTTE and to be killed by same LTTE; to name a few, General Dezil Kobbekaduwa, Wimalratne, Clarence Wiyewardene and Brig. Wimalasundra. Similarly political rivalry also connived with LTTE to get rid of one or the other and not only succeeded in devil dared political maneuvering but also in propagating a maneuvered suspicion among gullible that the Tamil civilians, are against the State as well its leaders through LTTE. In one of those political killing, main informer to LTTE was a former cabinet of minister famous for highhandedness. 11. As such, pursuing the above action said in 10 the both political parties using the name Government of Sri Lanka deliberately closed the pathways for natural integration between the two major ethnic communities. 12. An action plan with a notion of Sinhala Buddhist Nation, was allowed to spread intentionally, hence the above said 10, and thus 11 took its own course to polarize the Sri Lankan society and pushing the Tamil civilians towards LTTE further and further. 13. LTTE on its part, as grown in stature in indisputable terms locally and internationally, staked claim as sole representatives of Tamil people, and to be attractive to that impression conducted series attacks on border villages, monasteries and suicide bombarding in civilian predominant places, such as Railways, Bus-Stand etc. Even their own brethren were killed in spree. 14. The grown stature of LTTE, as above inducted themselves to carry out suicide bombarding of economically important places of RGOSL, such as Central Bank, etc. 15. RGOSL by its own actions tabulated all above, concocted state of concede to carry out ostentatious cosmopolitan decorated Peace Talks for deception, with off tracking LTTE, and then entered into a ceasefire agreement (CFA) thus pushing the ordinary Tamil civilians towards LTTE and made them to keep Himalayan Trust on LTTE for their unresolved issues 16. Having constructed a full-fledged war, as an action plan, RGOSL using planes, artillery and mortar bombarded civilian targets on the pretext of LTTE targets, within its own territory. 17. From above all, it is abundantly clear that GOSL wanted a situation mass of population going behind LTTE, and did achieve it, rather than attracting the people of the land towards its rulers RGOSL 18. It is also abundantly clear that the above tabulated series of actions by the so called RGOSL were in line with, meticulously constructing a situation prolonging and culminating to be equivalent of 1971 and 1989, Machiavellians and Machiavellianism massacre, outside North and East of the country for the reasons described in above 12.
Still Mahinda Rajapaksha will be culprit for reasons he Chaired the final National Security Council prior to his visit to Jordan, just before the ending the war!
Vanguard / October 8, 2015
“For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit.”
― Noam Chomsky, Imperial Ambitions: Conversations on the Post-9/11 World
tags: crime, double-standards, hypocrisy, politics, power, war-crime
Noam Chomsky is an American. Maybe not.
Saman / October 8, 2015
[Edited out]
jen / October 8, 2015
you rejected yourself from Sri lanka and went to Australia. Why do you keep rejecting when some thing good or better is happening to Sri Lanka.
you better keep your gab shut and enjoy the Dole and Stay in Australia or you might get your self REJECTED from there as well.
Please take care of your self
curtis hellfire / October 8, 2015
Please correct me if I am wrong.
But didn’t Pres Premadasa supply arms to the LTTE, so that they could fight a proxy war on behalf of the Government of Sri Lanka against the Beastial IPKF thus forcing them to Leave. The very same IPKF that the previous Gvt had invited into Sri Lanka as a peacekeeping force. That begs the question how many Indian Soldiers were killed by the LTTE with weapons supplied By the Government of Sri Lanka ?
Those actions would have even impressed Machiavelli !!!!!!!
And then we wonder why the rest of the International Community doesn’t trust us one Iota.
Perhaps there should be an Investigation into these actions!!!!! By an International body !!!!! Fancy some interesting skeletons would tumble out of the closet!!!!!!!
Justin / October 8, 2015
Reconciliation is vital for implementing UNHRC resolution.
The truth will set people free. The main untruth that prevents reconciliation are;
1. The war was a civil war with armed uprising of oppressed Tamil people as in the UN report. The war was not a “terrorist war” as falsely told to the Sinhalese.
2. Tamil problem is a political problem that should have been resolved politicfally and not militarily.
3. Tamils are indigenous people like the Sinhalese with the right of self determination
maalumiris / October 8, 2015
I think I like it better if it reads like this
1. The war was a civil war with an anarchic section of Tamils setting themselves up as Sole Representatives by the simple mechanism of eliminating all other Tamil voices to the contrary. Coercing a population held in by fear, using forced conscription, suicide bombings and child soldiers. All bearing the generally-accepted hallmarks of Terrorism by which name it came to be identified.
2. Tamil problem is a political problem that should have been resolved politically and not militarily. Sadly, the Above-mentioned “Sole Representatives” gathered funds from expatriate sympathisers and started a full-scale war against the State instead of plugging away at a Political Solution.
3. Tamils are indigenous people like the Sinhalese with the right of having the same amount of self determination that the Sinhalese do.
sach / October 8, 2015
” Tamils are indigenous people like the Sinhalese with the right of having the same amount of self determination that the Sinhalese do.’
LOL”this is like calling the tamil migrants in south africa are the same as africans in south africa..
mel / October 9, 2015
What a load of mad idiotic comments !!! Seriously if that is how Eelamists think there is no hope. True there are some contradictions in the turn of phrase on a couple of points in the article, but the gist of it is the truth. Strange how people hate to hear the truth. The Tamil opposition leader during JRJ’s tenure sealed the fate of Tamils by going round the world sniping at the Sinhala majority wanting to eliminate the Sinhala nation, and aroused the Tamil youth to take arms. On the other hand Indira Gandhi who resented JRJ leaning towards America, supported and fostered the Tamil eelamists training them on Indian soil and supplying them with arms. No one can deny that. After assassinating the Jaffna Mayor Duraiappa, Prabhakaran ran off to India to take refuge. His father was an Indian ……… etc, etc, etc.
Mallaiyuran / October 9, 2015
Mahindhapala calling somebody donkey! Well that seems to ge good start. He did not deny any charges his government did. UNP was in the opposition. Letting that Old Royal facing the charges appears to be a donkey submitting for cutting its head. This [Edited out] has deficiency of understanding who is got caught and who is saving. This is how they retuned back to Sir.on Ramanathan right after he got DS out of the prison. The exact game of nasty Sinhala Intellectualism.
1915 when the English people investigated about the communal trouble, they found the fault on Sinhala Intellectuals and put them in prison. We all support Manidhapala’s call for comprehensive investigation. That is where the genocide can be proved. That is where the call for separation will have to accosted by IC.
The Old Royal was in the power. That time Mahnihapala’s brian was really out of order. He wrote many things, but nothing about whom has to be investigated, by whom and for what. The only people that time asking for comprehensive investigation are Diaspora Tamils. He knows now the resolution is passed and accepted by UNHRC.
Mahidhapala’s comma brain forgets things. 18th amendment was not passed by an elected democratic government. It was accused, by Sinhalese, passed by a bought out majority. It is clear that Old Royals did not have legitimacy. But, for the records, Mahindhapala has to wait until the investigations of corruptions results come out. With that, Mahindhapala will understand that fight was not against the duly elected government.
Mahindhapala is not aware that there is 6th amendment to the constitution. This was passed after the Vaddukkaodai Convention. Nobody was punished as started an armed struggle by Vaddukoddai Convention, before the 6th amendment. But the 6th Amendment was passed. Even after passing that no one has been charged under that. In that case, Mahindhapala himself is not sure what kind of investigation he is asking for.Vaddukkodai Convention was passed under all existed legal regulation. Nobody was punished until now by Lanakwe. But this 6th Amendment is declared by International Commission of Jurist as illegal amendment. The real donkey Mahindhapala waited all these time and now inviting ICC to investigate the Vaddukkodai Convention. The war crime acquisition is out on the sky clouding over Lankawe. Isn’t it this donkey is the one stretching its head out to have it cut by International Community?
I do not know what kind of magic or ” black art” he doing to get a democratically elected government in lankawe from the freedom days? Is there any people in the world elect a government to have their votes disenfranchised? Say, just for some joke, Tamils did that. If so, isn’t that it means that they were trying to get out the government and be independent?
This donkey does not have any idea of what is UNHRC, what is war crime, what is genocide, when a state of of people have the right to fight for freedom. Just because many are writing to news media this donkey too braying
Jayasingha / October 9, 2015
All next of kin of Sinhala, Tamil & Muslim people who died or victims who were injured from bomb explosions and suicide bombs of the LTTE must give evidence at the Sri Lanka / Hybrid inquiry to get apologies from LTTE leadership and compensation for these crimes against humanity.