8 September, 2024


Refer Sri Lanka To International Criminal Court: TGTE Tells UNHRC

Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) has urged the United Nations to refer Sri Lanka to International Criminal Court (ICC) or to establish a similar international judicial mechanism for investigation and prosecution of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed against the Tamil people by the Sri Lankan State.

Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran - PM – TGTE

Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran – PM – TGTE

“We firmly believe that neither a domestic mechanism nor a hybrid mechanism will meet out justice to the Tamil people” said the Prime Minister of Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran.

“The call by the new Sri Lankan government for a domestic or hybrid mechanism to replace any international judicial process is an attempt to deflect the call for the referral to ICC and to delay any meaningful actions on accountability. Efforts to establish a domestic Truth and Reconciliation Commission is another diversionary tactic to protect those committed international crimes against Tamils.” he said.

Issuing a statement today the TGTE said; “The current situation in Sri Lanka constitutes an ongoing ‘threat to the peace’ under Chapter 7 Article 39 because there has been absolutely no accountability for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

1) The Sri Lankan State is not ethnically neutral: In fact, most of the serious crimes in question were perpetrated by the state apparatus. For example: ‘Between September 2008 and 19 May 2009, the Sri Lankan Army advanced its military campaign into the Vanni using large-scale and widespread shelling, causing large numbers of civilian deaths.’ Report of the UN Secretary-General’s Panel of Experts on Sri Lanka, 31 March 2011.

2) The Sri Lankan judiciary is not ethnically neutral: From the mass killings of Tamils starting in 1958 to date, justice has not been served. The courts have proved inadequate and successive governments have appointed ineffective inquiries under international pressure that have not once led to the punishment of perpetrators. (Amnesty International, ‘Twenty Years of Make Believe: Sri Lanka’s Commissions of Inquiry,’ 11 June 2009).

3) There is no political will in Sri Lanka to provide justice for the Tamils.

“The domestic 2010 Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) has not delivered Justice to Tamils: ‘…the LLRC is deeply flawed, does not meet international standards for an effective accountability mechanism.’ UN Secretary General’s Panel of Expert’s Report on Accountability in Sri Lanka (March 31, 2011).

“The involvement of the international community in overseeing a domestic inquiry also ended up in failure, when the International Independent Group of Eminent Persons (IIGEP) resigned in March 2008. (Human Rights Watch – Sri Lanka: Domestic Inquiry into Abuses a Smokescreen – October 27, 2009).

“‘International monitoring of an internal investigation is a waste of time’ noted a memorandum handed over to the UN last week by the Jaffna University Professors in Sri Lanka.

“It is important to note that, change of guard in Sri Lanka will not result in the change of institutionalized impunity. Even though the President has been changed, the political environment vis-à-vis Tamils, has not changed.

“Almost all the leaders of the current Government were leaders of previous governments when repeated killings of Tamils in large numbers took place and these leaders not only failed to protect the Tamils but blocked any attempts to bring the perpetrators to justice.

“Importantly, the current President Mr. Sirisena is potentially culpable for crimes committed while he served as the acting Defense Minister during the period at the end of the war, when large number of Tamils were killed. According the Economist Magazine edition on January 3rd, 2015 ‘Sirisena is hardly a beacon of hope for the Tamils: he was acting as defense minister in the nightmarish final fortnight of the war.’

“Additionally, the presences of several former military personal, including the military commander at the end of the war General Fonseka, are in senior positions in the current government. This along with current president’s potential culpability will have serious effect on neutrality and effectiveness of any domestic or hybrid mechanisms.

“The fact is that the military apparatus from the war is still intact and the Tamil areas in the North-East are heavily militarized, creating deep fear among Tamils, so it is unlikely that victims / witnesses will come forward before a domestic or hybrid tribunal.

“To Highlight the Urgency of this referral TGTE have initiated a one Million Signature Campaign to get worldwide support from different nationalities. The appeal is to be translated in 15 languages.”

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  • 18

    Did this guy find his “law degree” in a box of Coco Pops? :D

    • 15

      Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran – PM – TGTE

      Why it is only one-sided? Tamil Double Standards? Muslims and Other citizens don’t count?

      Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) has urged the United Nations to refer Sri Lanka to International Criminal Court (ICC) or to establish a similar international judicial mechanism for investigation and prosecution of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed against the Tamil people by the Sri Lankan State.

      Transnational Government of Muslim Sri Lanka (TGMSL) has urged the United Nations to refer LTTE and its successor TGTE to International Criminal Court (ICC) or to establish a similar international judicial mechanism for investigation and prosecution of war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and genocide committed against the Muslim people by the LTTE and its successor TGTE.

      It has been over 24 years since expulsion and ethnic cleansing of Muslims by LTTE and its successor TGTE.

      Expulsion of Muslims from the Northern province by LTTE


      The expulsion of the Muslims from the Northern province was an act of ethnic cleansing[1] carried out by the Tamil militant Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) organization in October 1990. In order to achieve their goal of creating a mono ethnic Tamil state[citation needed] (dead/fake links)[2][3] in the North Sri Lanka, the LTTE forcibly expelled the 72,000 strong Muslim population from the Northern Province.[4]

      22nd Anniversary of Northern Muslim Expulsion by LTTE
      Posted by Administrator on 2 November 2012, 12:30 pm


    • 3

      From Yale FYI
      but then I suppose for guys like you it wouldn’t mean a thing because what he says is unpalatable

      • 3

        I didn’t realise Southern Methodist “University” had become a part of Yale :D I guess they forgot to do the press release. Wait, are you lying again? :D

  • 6

    Be patient Prime Minister.

    Your mate Ranil has already dispatched his mate to Geneva to organize the logistics..

  • 7

    anyone has a right to daydreaming including Dayan Jayathilake.

  • 8

    Rudra, you pathetic lowlife creature back again talking crap. War crime court or UN does not give a shit about Tamil Eelam, can your tiny brain, understand.
    Nor do we the real Eelam any more crap from you. We want Eelam. You should either mobilize the patriotic Eelam Tamils for the next Eelam war. Our war was won by not some good for nothing war crime courts. But by our heroic black tigers who blew up Sinhala Army, Navy and bus loads of genocidal Sinhalas. But look at you on the mirror and decide whether you can lead the heroic Tamil army . Which glorious black tiger would want to blow himself for the sake of Great Tamil Eelam. Our great Thalaivar led by example . where is your cynide capsule. You are a traitor of Tamil Eelam. Thalaivar left no traitor of Eelam to walk on this earth, No will we.

    • 5

      Thalaivar ‘forgot’ his capsule

      • 2

        I think R has manged to achieve his goal in provoking the racists and demonstrate Sri Lanka is a polarized country and the smaller nation needs to be protected from the likes of you who happen to be a majority within the majority

    • 0

      You are so predictable!

  • 6

    01:Rather than stating history, can the PM/TGTE state as to what they consider as the solution for the Tamils problem in Sri Lanka.

    02: Why don’t the PM/TGTE go to Jaffna and get more than a million signatures from the Tamils over there. Worldwide support from Tamil diaspora( mostly with foreign passports) will not solve our problems?

    • 5

      Good suggestion, I agree. This is how Tamil diaspora can bring credibility to their claims and actions.

      Tamils of Sri Lanka (north and the East) should have the say on this subject as they are the one who were under oppression both from the military and the LTTE.

    • 0

      Can you please arrange for that or suggest a way for that….please…quick enough… for them without being arrested or harassed…
      thank you..!

  • 6


    • 1

      True. The thirst of the Tamil Terrorist Diaspora is the All-Tamil Elaam. Fortunately, the hunger of the Sri Lankans can only be satisfied by BBQed the Tamil terrorists. Well done, please.

  • 4

    Some may say you are a diaspora not a NRT

  • 8

    Diashora’s are getting agitated they can sense coming colors not good, so make much noise as possible now.

    People who were happy at all the short coming of the previous government find that they have nothing more to point fingers. So now the approach has changed. Before long diashora tactics will be exposed.

    Is this guy a prime minster of some kind of church or a kovil ?

    Diashora – Apita Epa !

  • 5

    War Crimes in Sri Lanka was certainly not one-sided. Until we make a conscious effort in assimilating the various communities, we’ll never find peace. The Civil Service, The forces and Public Services etc. are chock-a-block with Sinhala-Buddhists only while there are more better qualified but from other communities remaining unemployed or migrating abroad. It should be made a criminal offence to discriminate or to incite racial hatred and violence. When our military comprises of Tamils, Muslims and Burghers, besides the Sinhala-Buddhists, reflecting our society at large, we’d be on our way to Utopia.

  • 8

    It is public knowledge that the LTTE had a massive logistic network that extorted money from the Tamil diaspora no only to fund the war but to upkeep themselves in foreign lands. Towards that end one needs to whip up the feelings and keep the propaganda on in the western world that Tamils in Sri Lanka are subjected war crimes, genocide and whatever sensational words there can be in the lexicography. More refugees you can rope in to the western world more money into their kitty.

    Any fool knows that the role of the TGTE is to fill the void of the LTTE ans continue to extort in the name of “generous contributions towards cause”.

    Don’t keep on saying that their is no justice in Sri Lanka when Sri Lankan Judiciary has the record of convicting the killers of Krishanthi Coomaraswamy and their appeals dismissed. Come my dear Rudra publish credible evidence and not made up video clips to the Attorney General’s office in the President Maithripala Sirisena’s government. I bet my bottom dollar that if you can produce evidence, there would be a high profile prosecution. Just making sweeping statements is neither here nor there.

    • 2

      Common Sense

      Can you produce the Common Sense Pamphlet of Sri Lanka? We already had the Common Candidate.


      Common Sense (pamphlet

      Common Sense[1] is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775–76 that inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for independence from Great Britain in the summer of 1776. The pamphlet explained the advantages of and the need for immediate independence in clear, simple language. It was published anonymously on January 10, 1776, at the beginning of the American Revolution and became an immediate sensation. It was sold and distributed widely and read aloud at taverns and meeting places.

      Washington had it read to all his troops, which at the time had surrounded the British army in Boston. In proportion to the population of the colonies at that time (2.5 million), it had the largest sale and circulation of any book published in American history.[2] As of 2006, it remains the all-time best selling American title.[3]

      Common Sense presented the American colonists with an argument for freedom from British rule at a time when the question of whether or not to seek independence was the central issue of the day. Paine wrote and reasoned in a style that common people understood. Forgoing the philosophical and Latin references used by Enlightenment era writers, he structured Common Sense as if it were a sermon, and relied on Biblical references to make his case to the people.[4] He connected independence with common dissenting Protestant beliefs as a means to present a distinctly American political identity.[5] Historian Gordon S. Wood described Common Sense as “the most incendiary and popular pamphlet of the entire revolutionary era”.[6]

      • 3

        Are we to infer that the rhetoric that Rudra & Co forever saying is the the equivalent of Common Sense of Thomas Paine? It is my humble opinion that the assertions of Rudra & Co is no where near the sayings of great American writers who made history.

        The point I wish to make here is that Rudra & Co chants a slogan to keep a spirit alive mainly because to keep the financial network of extortion alive. what I forgot to mention is that they fund the political campaigns of politicians in the adopted country so that the adopted country is hostile to Sri Lanka and becomes sympathetic to the “cause” to bring in more and more of their kith and kin to the adopted land, which in turn would fatten their purse.

        It is also observed that as per the news item Rudra wants the entire country to be accused of and does not wish to identify individual war criminals.

  • 7

    I would also like to add,

    Tamil Diaspora started becoming a non factor as soon as the PC elections were held in the North. MARA was not a visionary to use that for his advantage. This “Kovil” Prime Minister and rest of the Tamil Diaspora will become completely irrelevant come June when the parliamentary elections are held countrywide.

    All this hullabulla now is to be a cry baby in front of the international communities dwindling support.

    By the end of 2015 if the Tamil diaspora need to get engaged they will have to stop bickering and will have to talk to the elected government. However at that point of time no one will give much shit about Tamil Diashora. India will take a lead role to ensure minority rights are safe guarded. Muslims who were chased away from the north will be resettled. A credible reconciliation process will be in place. Much of the Tamil land would have been returned, all political prisoners will be released.

    What the Tamil Diashora will be left with is to negotiate the terms of their repatriation from their adopted countries.

    Citizenship fee should be increased to around Rs. 3 million provided parents are born in Sri Lanka, that should rule out 3rd generation of Tamils who are alien to Sri Lanka.

    In simple words traitors should not be given citizenship.

    That time we will say Diashora – Apita Epa !

  • 6

    Ok, if Tamils are wrong and no innocent person was killed by the srilankan forces, why the government is trying so hard to stop UN report – why don’t you trust UN , they are neutral. Why can’t you allow the report to be presented and challenge afterword’s , because the report is true and the killing is true. If LTTE is guilty, let UN punish them. I do not think by shouting loud you can achiever anything. Tamils are not asking to go separate, they want justice, they want their land, they want their stolen gold, sand, trees, vehicles and many more thing which they can not get through internal mechanism – internal reports never did anything in the past. There is a fact, if you hit a dog at any part of the body, it will only raise its leg, some people comment here are like that.

  • 6

    American Citizen Rudra, first of all for standing in front of a Tiger Flag in a country where LTTE is banned you have to be taken into custody by the American Judicial system. Secondly LTTE diaspora leaders have to be referred to International Criminal court for killing civilians. Of course if the above two are done, then SL can be referred to International Criminal Court. The rule of law should be applied to everyone equally.

  • 6

    This PM has no government to govern so he is writing shit.
    PM – tell one by one the UN will do ok.
    What is next PM. Some lollies for you,
    Such a foolish org. Just close it down and let the elected Tamil representatives represent the Tamil people. It is high time Tamils let this joker know that he should stop this nonsense.

    • 4

      This Prime Minister is not even a Citizen of Sri Lanka to call himself the PM.

      • 1

        He is not PM of Sri Lanka. He is a PM of dreamland. where Micky Mouse and Cooky monster big bird all live.

  • 3

    Hilarious article.

    Equally funny comments.

  • 7

    The Jaffna Tamil man is the curse and bane of all Tamils in Sri Lanka.
    The Jaffna Tamil man finds it difficult to live in peace with
    themselves and/or with the rest. The Jaffna Tamil man is the curse and
    bane of ALL tamils ,regardless of where else in the world they live.
    They may have left Jaffna but Jaffna has not left them!
    Terrorist Prabaharan is dead and gone & so are his kin. And, buried with him is Tamil Eelam and all the rot that goes with it! And in this process they have now lost their homeland Jaffna and deservingly so.
    Let the people ,whether they be Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims or anybody else, live in peace which is what they want.The peoples want just ONE homeland -A UNITED SRI LANKA!!
    The Jaffna Tamils followed Prabaharan like a heard of buffaloes – even the educated and elite- and therein lies the pinch for them!!

  • 2

    Increasingly polarized country. We see effigy burning of moderate TNA leaders from one side and attempts to bring the racially minded Rajapakse back into power by the extremists of the other end of the country.
    We do we end at the end. Why cannot people understand the concepts like tolerance, mutual respect, protecting human rights and so on.Let us establish the place of the newly elected government first. Give them some breathing space. The genocidal resolution has added fuel to the growing extremism in South and it was completely unnecessary. Wiggie and TNA should understand the ground realities. They should give up their Shylock like attitude and find the moderate path to resolve this issue.
    First thing we need is a wider intellectual debate about this ethnic issue. Historical backgrounds to its development and injustices faced by all communities. The recently concluded election gave several platforms for similar political debates over electronic media and why not using them to make public aware about the pertaining issues form an intellectual point of view with the participation of learned individuals from all ethnicities..
    The extermists like Rajapakse clan and TGTE can only thrive in a misinformed society trumpeting their short sighted rhetorics. When public become mature about the realistic issues these people will be thrown to the dust bin of the history.

    • 1


      “The genocidal resolution has added fuel to the growing extremism in South and it was completely unnecessary.”

      The South or the North does not need extra fuel, both parts burn anyway. These two people the stupid Sinhalese and stupid Tamils rage on 24/07/52 basis. Hence why should genocide fuel extremism as if this country never had a history of war, riots, war crimes, crimes against humanity, human rights violation, election violence, ………… ?

      “When public become mature about the realistic issues these people will be thrown to the dust bin of the history.”

      This island is truly blessed with constant supply of bigots and racists, new and improved ones. Therefore the question of maturity does not arise. Be realistic.

  • 2

    …..to continue further, the brains behind the TGTE ARE THE SAME GUYS
    who were the LTTE, who hit upon this ruse to blindside the Governments
    crack down on LTTE activities in the different countries, to CONTINUE
    their illegal activities to extort money from the Tamil diaspora TO ENRICH THEMSELVES! They did this under the LTTE flag THEN,and NOW under the TGTE flag – a scam and ruse which is the bottom line to enrich themselves! Their cause may be for a doubly DEAD CAUSE but then the foolish follow them ,again,like a heard of buffalos. The Sri Lanka
    Govt MUST EXPOSE this ruse to the different Govt’s, to get them SHUT THIS DAMN SCAM/RUSE, which is what it really is!!!

  • 0


  • 0

    Srilangans activities to tamilnadu is purely illegal

  • 0

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  • 0

    Tamil elam my elam..

  • 0

    Tamil ellam my ellam

  • 0

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