15 January, 2025


Referendum Red Alert: Blood Tsunami, Broken Country

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

It was Ceylon Today and its sister paper Mawbima which got the most important news story of the year 2014; a story which if it proves accurate, may be the one that determines the destiny of this country. With perfect editorial judgment, the Ceylon Today issue of October 24th 2014 ran the story as its page one lead. The headline read: ‘REFERENDUM IN THE OFFING?’

The operative paragraph of reporter Rashini Mendis’ story read as follows:

“After the next Presidential Election is held early January, the government could hold a referendum to extend the life of the present Parliament by a further six years, under powers vested in the Executive, Minister of Botanical Gardens and Public Recreation, Jayaratne Herath hinted. He made this observation during an event to mark the assuming of duties of Deputy Minister of Botanical Gardens and Public Recreation, V. Radhakrishnan, yesterday.”

While this could be either kite flying or whistle blowing by the Minister, it must be taken with the utmost seriousness by the citizenry. The worst, most dangerous single political decision I have witnessed in this country in my lifetime was President Jayewardene’s decision immediately after his handsome win at the Presidential election of October 1982, to hold a Referendum instead of the scheduled parliamentary election. The sheer savagery that Sri Lanka descended to for three decades, can be traced back to that single decision which shut off the safety valves of a parliamentary election and disconnected the feedback loops that operate only in a functioning electoral democracy with a parliament that accurately reflects the balance of political forces. What was done in the name of stability and security triggered decades of bloody volatility and utter insecurity.

Black July ’83 would not have reached its scale and intensity if not for the shutting down a few months earlier, of peaceful and democratic avenues of social discontent. If not for Black July, India would not have felt compelled by Tamil Nadu agitation, to covertly support Tamil armed militancy in a massive cross-border covert campaign, the LTTE would not have grown into the formidable militia it did, the war would not have taken the scale that it did with all the human suffering it entailed.

The Referendum pre-empted the JVP’s representation in parliament, and the Government aborted Rohana Wijeweera’s legal challenge to the Referendum results by using Black July ’83 to proscribe that party on wholly trumped up charges. Driven underground the JVP chose to bloodily play the ultra-nationalist card especially when the Govt. felt compelled to accede to irresistible Indian pressure for a ceasefire and a political settlement of the Northern Question. The resultant civil war in the South paralleled that in the North, and a large part of a whole generation of young Sinhalese and Tamils were consumed horribly by the flames of fratricidal strife.

That ‘generational genocide’ can be traced back to the Referendum of December 1982. And now, here we are over three decades later, in a new century and Millennium, with a Cabinet Minister signaling in public that we may be about to return to that point of descent into darkness.

With the parliamentary path of participation and change closed off by a referendum, the actual balance of political and social opinion cannot but be displaced from the legislature to the street. This is when we shall see the unfolding of the real logic of the road building, the plan to station military camps in every district, the 2011 Gazette which permits the deployment of the military even in the case of unarmed civic disturbances, the plan to expand the armed forces reservists, the intelligence penetration of the university student community in the twin guises of security guards and leadership training, and the patronage and legitimacy accorded to the BBS.

While an admixture of the West Bank-Gaza models is adopted in the North and East, it will be the Weliweriya-Rathupassala model in the South. The trade unions and student unions led by the JVP and FSP respectively will be the target of violent suppression in the hope of provoking an ultra-left ‘Southern terrorism’ which, together with ‘Islamic jihadism’ and a ‘resurgent Tiger terrorism’ will enable the regime to motivate the armed forces to shoot the youth of all ethnicities and religions, and provide the excuse for a blanket crackdown on all forms of democratic dissent, independent mass media and the citizens right to free expression and organization. The BBS, Sinhala Ravaya and Ravana Balakaya and their temple networks will play the role of village level intelligence gathering agencies and religio-fascist paramilitary militias pitted against the JVP, FSP and workers’ and student unions.

At the top of the pyramid of a post-Referendum Sri Lanka 2015 will be the visible image of an quasi-ceremonial President Mahinda Rajapaksa, behind whose genial if intermittently testy façade will be the cartel comprising the ruling clan, its courtiers, courtesans and crony capitalists, and its multibillion dollar empire—an oligarchy secured and defended by the security agencies or ‘defense establishment’ and the Enforcer-in-Chief.

What would be the consequences of a Referendum for the destinies of the Sri Lankan State in the world at large? It would greatly de-legitimize the regime and the system, despite a probable re-election of the President. It would lose the Sri Lankan state whatever moral high ground it may still occupy. It makes the Sri Lankan state a much easier target for external pressure and intervention. There is a straight line that led from the Referendum of December 1982 to the external intervention of 1987. Given the international campaign against Sri Lanka including in the UN, the new global trend of the crack-up of existing states, the grotesque silhouette that this Government throws up against the canvas of world opinion, a Referendum would render Sri Lanka internationally indefensible and this time around such an intervention will not prove reversible. Tamil Eelam could emerge through externally administered partition.

How then to prevent this catastrophe and its inevitable consequence of a tsunami of blood? In December 1982, the then Opposition was weakened by the inevitable defeat of a weak Opposition candidate, Hector Kobbekaduwa at the Presidential election of October ’82. Thus the first step in pre-empting a Referendum or defeating the Government at one would be to run a Presidential candidate who can electorally prove that the regime is in no position to try the gamble of a Referendum instead of a parliamentary election. This is the strategy of deterrence.

If that fails because the UNP has run Ranil Wickremesinghe against Mahinda Rajapaksa, the next step is to avoid the state of shock and debility the Opposition found itself after the Presidential election results came in, in October 1982. This is possible only with the virtually overnight substitution of the defeated candidate/leader with a dynamic UNP leadership that can galvanize the party either for a snap parliamentary election or an anti-Referendum campaign and the parliamentary election that will follow if the Government loses the referendum.

It is almost certain that if a referendum is held, the operative question of the extension of the rule of the present regime will be masked or sugarcoated with the question: “Should Sri Lanka be declared a Sinhala Buddhist state”?  This is where the fascist demagogues of the BBS will come in—to sell it to the masses. This is also where the leadership of the Opposition will count mightily. It is only an Opposition leadership with a patriotic Sinhala Buddhist profile who will be able to counter it. Doubtless the regime will arrest Anura Kumara Dissanayake and the able JVP organizers and orators before a Referendum, just as JR Jayewardene arrested Vijaya Kumaratunga on trumped up charges of being a ‘Naxalite’, before the referendum of December 1982. The figure of Ranil Wickremesinghe leading a campaign for a ‘No’ vote in a referendum in which the ‘trick’ question which precedes the operative one about the extension of the regime’s shelf life, is the declaration of Sri Lanka “as a Sinhala Buddhist state”, is a sure recipe for defeat of the Opposition and the victory of the regime at the Referendum.

Make no mistake: a Referendum would be high stakes poker. A Referendum would be an adventurist overextension which makes the regime vulnerable to political counterattack and would open the door to dramatic change. As Sir Lawrence Olivier, playing the Nazi war criminal Szell, kept asking Dustin Hoffman in ‘Marathon Man’, as he tortured him with dental surgical instruments: “Is it safe? Is it safe…Is it safe for me to get my diamonds?” If a joint opposition defeats the Government at the Referendum, it can then use that momentum to trounce the Government at a parliamentary election and take power. If President Rajapaksa has been prevailed upon to green-light an unethical, illegitimate referendum, then he will have to face the blowback of an angry and vengeful new administration which may dismantle the Presidency or place it under permanent siege– or worse still, co-operate with the international community’s intrusive investigation on accountability and command responsibility.

There is a clear pathway to defeat the Government at a referendum. The Chilean opposition did it, which opened the road to the fall of Pinochet. This required the broadest ‘Convergencia’ and ‘Concertation’ as the Chileans called it—the broadest possible convergence and coordination of political, civic and religious forces of Left, Right and Centre, irrespective of past differences, ideology, program,  and personality, united on the single issue of a call for a NO vote. But it took (i) an innovative national campaign of education and publicity (smart posters, logos, graphics including cartoons etc.) and (ii) the figure of Ricardo Lagos of the Chilean Socialist party to give moral leadership, throw down the gauntlet to General Augusto Pinochet on a nationally televised show, and pull this winning coalition together.

Latest comments

  • 13

    Another ‘Gamey Baiya’ showing his two cents worth.

  • 10

    ROFL, country of mad people

    • 8

      “This country, to be precise the part of the country politically called the “Sinhala South”, lives to accept Sinners from high posts as heroes and heroines.” said Kusal Perera recently, and we should agree with his wisdom.

      The Sinhala Buddhist citizenry has become morally corrupt as he says.

      Mahinda will become the president again, will conduct a referendum, win it, extend the parliament, and the consequences will follow:

      I am not sure what these consequences will be.

  • 3

    I think it is Dr Dayan who is flying a kite on Galle Face Green.

    Normally it was the Diaspora and the Sinhala Buddhist Basher Brigade’s forte to call our great majority , idiots and dumb asses.

    Simply because they support a President who has been looking after them reasonably well, after Nanthikadal..

    Would our inhabitants elect the President to keep the crooks in the current Parliament and give them a another six year free ride.

    Come to think of it, even the UNP might campaign to get it over the line,

    Otherwise how can Ranil receive Parliamentary freebees and free trips to London for Conservative Conferences.

    • 7

      K.A Sumanasekera

      “I think it is Dr Dayan who is flying a kite on Galle Face Green.”

      Where according to Dayan’s previous typing Professor Peter Schalk held his hands and warned him that his name was on LTTE’s hit list.

      I have no means of confirming this sweeping claim with Professor Peter Schalk.

      • 3

        Dear Native,

        Ask the Reverend, Suren or even Rudrakumaran…

        • 8

          K.A Sumanasekera

          “Ask the Reverend, Suren or even Rudrakumaran…”

          I will ask them why were they driving you mad? Were they or were you born mad?

  • 7

    Ayyo Daya you are such a politically immature. Ceylon today and mawbima is run by Teran Alles who is a secret friend of Mahinda. Obviously they know what mahinda intend to do

    • 2

      Dont worry, the days ahead of us will glass clear show us how the popularity of the incumbent will fall down by people awareness as no other times in the past. Alone the arguments in the line of unconstitutional facts that have now been made it very clear by JVP, fomer CJ, UNP will surely make the majority folks well aware that the bugger wants nothing to be stuck in power grabbing and eroding all kind of values on this society if people enjoyed them sofar to be vanished.

      These men akin to use condoms have nothing but to utter this way bringing all kind of predictions would not have an effect on the majority but they themselves will be marginalised from the society. Rajeewa and DJ the MR Self Proclaimed on his experiences will earn nothing but people s agony, disagrrements that you the CT readers will experience soon.

      Gone are the days that the very same folks can be made enterlly fools but this time it will show that many that disagree with UNPrs will join hands with JVPers… I myself never supported lanken politics but I love to join the opposition by spreading all me desparities against the brutal Rajapakshes that have been destroying lanken society today.

  • 9

    I have real fears that this government will try ‘ANYTHING’ however low or devious to stay in power. I am glad Dr.Dayan has taken up the issue of a referendum to extend the life of the present parliament being held.The amber light is on!

    MR is trickier than ‘Tricky’ Dick and can stoop even lower as demonstrated in a multitude of instance.

    Dayan was right in calling MR’s a Teflon Presidency before, but he is wrong now calling him a “Quasi-ceremonial” President. He gets what he wants done through his circle of minions and boot lickers. He is THE puppetter/director of the great tragi-comedy being enacted in Sri Lanka.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 6

      Spot on Dr.Rajasingham Narendran!

      An increasingly desperate clan will do desperate things. Agree there is no limit to how low they can sink. And sink they will.

      Life without power is an utter impossibility for the Clan, cronies & henchmen.

      So much for “Mahinda Chintanaya”!

      What is worse is, we might end up installing a new set of liars & thieves again. Once the the Clan is sent home at long last.

      That way, we can keep repeating the same cycle eery 12 years. Like we’ve always done since 1948.

      What a country we live in.

    • 4

      When you say “He gets what he wants done through his circle of minions and boot lickers. He is THE puppetter/director of the great tragi-comedy being enacted in Sri Lanka. ” would you be including in the “circle of minions and bootlickers” those who took all-paid holidays at State expense and drum-beated to collect funding to support the regime for almost four years?

    • 1

      Never mind the Referendum, look in Gota’s desk – right-hand side, bottom drawer – and you will see the glorious plans, A, B and X that will probably decide our immediate fortunes.

      But, like that legendary military quote, ‘all plans change once the first shots are fired’ so we shall have to wait and see…..

  • 5

    If it is bad for Tamils, it must be good for SL.

    • 2


      You said it hunny. Tamils (which includes Muslims) and Sinhalese are from different planets and tha is we consider each other aliens.

  • 5

    Despite Dr Dayan’s spin, there will be a referendum after the Presidential election.

    But it will be for the inhabitants to kick out the crooks, and betrayers of the new found freedom of the nation .and anti Sinhala Buddhists who parade as Human Right Protectors..

    It will be Rajapaksa Vs the Opposition Election for the inhabitants to chose wisely, who they want to represent them.

    Despite a few SLFP MPs even the UNP new members who are not tainted must have got the jitters of the next Parliamentary Election.

    Grape Vines in Kurundu Watta are predicting a mass exodus of UNP MPs to Rajapaksa Party at the Budget Vote.

    And Meryn and his son are hoping to get nominations from his old Boss who is in constant touch according to Mervyn’s most recent Meet the Press, which is very rare at present…

    • 2

      A referendum for the Tamils of the North and East to decide for themselves their future. They are not concerned about the presidency.

  • 1

    When times are hard and intelligence is elusive, a little imagination and conjecture can do wonders for a barren mind. ‘General’ Dayan (like our old friend, the grand old Duke of York) takes us up to the top of the hill and brings us down again – happily, in time for Sunday lunch. But Sunday lunch is sacred and we must not waste too much time on something that Head Gardner Herath let slip. If we are to expend valuable thinking time, let’s try to work out what Gota’s Plan X is. Now that will be a breakthrough.

    Cookie has done a nice ‘mas ismoru’ that goes perfectly with my ice-cold glass (or three) of Lion stout – and there’ll be no referendum needed for that.

  • 7

    Black July ’83 would not have reached its scale and intensity if not for the shutting down a few months earlier, of peaceful and democratic avenues of social discontent. If not for Black July, India would not have felt compelled by Tamil Nadu agitation, to covertly support Tamil armed militancy in a massive cross-border covert campaign,

    Well, I one would presume J.N. Dixit, HC for India during 83 would be a better authority on this subject than DJ here. Dixit is also a former Foreign Secretary of India.

    In his book “Assignment Colombo”, Dixit mentions 2 things.

    First, Indira Gandhi “began to give support to Sri Lankan Tamil parties and Tamil militant groups from 1980 onwards” (page 15).

    Secondly, “there were media reports confirming the fact that from 1981 onwards India had provided training, weaponry and logistical support to Tamil militant groups” (page 23).

    It would appear 3 things converge in 1981. The fist was the Tamil arse itch about a non existent “Tamil homeland” that no one in Sri Lanka consented.

    Appointment of one of the most dumbest member of the Nehru dynasty as PM of India and MGR in TN.

    Thirdly it was Yankee Dickie reaching out to USA after a decade of excessive Socialist misrule that has demolished the economy.

    Tamils in TULF had access to Indira Ghandi. They had completely conned her to believing their version of events. The TULF Tamils conned MGR too. Indira position tipped when USA setup VoA station in the Eastern province of Sri Lanka. The Indians were paranoid thinking it was for spying on their nuclear facilities in South India.

    There is absolutely nothing Sri Lankan govt could have done to prevent these TULF Tamils declaring war and making sure it happens.

    • 3

      You are right on the money.

      It was Mrs G who f….d us big time.

      Innocent Tamils as well as hundreds of thousands Sinhalese and Muslim inhabitants who lost the lives of their loved ones, property and freedom must never forget it.

      • 3

        K.A Sumanasekera

        “It was Mrs G who f….d us big time.”

        She didn’t want to ***k you. However when clever Yankee Dick asked for it she couldn’t refuse the request.

        It seems MR, Gota and few others are asking for the same thing. Modi will not disappoint you. Hindia may find it difficult to kick Pakistan or China wheres Sri Lanka is the easy target and readily available whipping boy when it needed to send a message.

        Remember Chola, Pandya,….. Maha,IPKF and their baby, VP.

        • 1

          Dear Native,

          Any Hindian in his/her right mind wouldn’t want to f…k us up again, as long as Rajapaksas are around.

          If the UNP, TNA and Diaspora Troika sneak in with the Elite, Anglican and Vellala vote, worse thing would be possible, when one looks at what their Western backers have done to once great nations in the Middle East.

          And Hindians wouldn’t even have to force it.

          The UNP leader will bend over voluntarily.

          You are on the money, in at least one thing.

          Hindians wouldn’t mess with Chinese ever again.

          Because the Jawans got their asses whipped big time, even in the sixties by the great Chinese , according to My Elders.

          • 3

            K.A Sumanasekera

            “Because the Jawans got their asses whipped big time, even in the sixties by the great Chinese , according to My Elders.”

            Watch your own bump when Chinese zhang (Treasure Fleet) arrive bearing gifts. You should by now have known about Zheng He and Vira Alakeshwara (A Descendant of South Indian Kallathoni).

            Chinese a nuclear-powered submarine Changzheng 2 supposed to have docked at Colombo harbour. Vira Gotabaya Rajapaksa was summoned to New Delhi Hindian Dharbar for friendly bollocking.

            Here is the story:

            India conveys concern at China presence in Sri Lanka

            October 26, 2014

            India has expressed serious concern to Sri Lanka over China’s increasing military presence on the island, it is reliably learnt.

            Official sources in New Delhi told The Hindu that Sri Lankan Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s India visit last week was for a meeting in this connection. The Defence Secretary, who is the brother of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, met National Security Adviser (NSA) Ajit Doval and Defence Minister Arun Jaitley. “The meeting was held to raise the issue of a Chinese submarine calling at a Sri Lankan port last month. It is of serious concern to India’s national security,” said a senior official, who requested anonymity.

            Changzheng 2, a nuclear-powered submarine, docked at the Colombo International Container Terminals Ltd on September 15. It was the first such submarine to visit Sri Lanka, the Sunday Times reported. Before its arrival, two Chinese naval vessels had docked in Colombo from September 7 to 13, it said.

            China and Sri Lanka have strong ties, with China investing heavily in infrastructure projects on the island. China is also its vocal supporter at the Human Rights Council, where 23 countries voted in favour of an international inquiry into Sri Lanka’s rights record in 2014. India had abstained.


            Whenever Hindia has problem with its other neighbours you are rest assured an orgy of kick ass, to get this island in line with Hindian foreign policy objective.

            Even my Elders find it difficult to figure out what Hindian Foreign Policy Objectives are.

            Have you any idea?

            • 0

              What are Hindhian agenda?

              only one, nothing else;below himalayas to kanyakumari as one land, anyone who is against this, bihari babu chankayas with south indian blocks automatically be “carte blanche”

  • 2

    The Theatre of Cruelty (Théâtre de la Cruauté) is a form of theatre developed by Antonin Artaud. It is …..a means by which actors assault the senses of the audience, and allow them to feel the unexpressed emotions of the subconscious – Wikipedia

    This is how politicians act when they speak. The masses do not realize that they are a part of the play and are victims of the actors.

    MR’s thinking is ‘If JR can do it why can’t I?’. This really is the final act in the play.

  • 4

    If this obscene referendum were to take place, the entire opposition should resign and demand elections to fill the vacancies. The parties should refuse to appoint replacements. In practice, only the JVP and TNA would do this. The Eunuch in Chief will be content to be surrounded by his catamites and continue to enjoy his freebies.

  • 7

    “While an admixture of the West Bank-Gaza models is adopted in the North and East, it will be the Weliweriya-Rathupassala model in the South.”

    Ah, this didn’t occur when celebrating thy “victory” my son? I thought you were claiming is all is well in the north and the only thing missing was your suggestion for Douglas (the epitome of democracy and liberal thinking) to be the CM????

    This referendum news is NO NEWS to average people like us, I expected something like this. Why give up the 2/3 majority ? The fact that you seem so surprised, well you are a POLITICAL SCIENTIST….. !

    The opposition has got some life after Uva, but time is short for the presidential election. They would have had a lot more time to organise if your dear Sajith had the b*** to contest the election in the Southern Province for the CM (well if yours and his claim of popularity is true) but he got scared, why I wonder !!
    It take more than donating plastic chairs and roofing sheets to contest for the CM post (regardless of the what the Sajith media might say).

    As for Sajith, well he has a fake LSE degree, a man not honest in small things cannot be honest in big things (not that this is a small matter lying about a degree you don’t have.)

    • 2

      “As for Sajith, well he has a fake LSE degree, a man not honest in small things cannot be honest in big things (not that this is a small matter lying about a degree you don’t have.) “

      well it’s not the fake LSE Degree , there are many more skeletons in sajith’s cupboard , have you heard a story called ” treasure hunting ” ?, sajith is another MR and he is a total fake character.

  • 4

    This is not the referendum that Dayan needs to be worried about. Just as one day the Sinhalese masses woke up on a morning in March to find out that the international investigation that Gothabaya promised to never let happen, is in fact happening, there will come a day when they wake up to the news that the UN is going to conduct an independence referendum in the NE. Of course, Gothabaya is already claiming that he will never let a referendum happen, but he has no credibility. After all, this is the same guy who told the BBC: “there will never be an international investigation – take it from me – I will not allow it”!!!

  • 2

    Yes. There is a real threat of a referendum if Mahinda wins because he knows that through next Parliamentary election he cannot get 2/3 majority he has now.
    Dr.Jayathilake! I mentioned a year or so ago in a comment to an article in CT about the threat of a referendum. After that I think UNP leaders informed of this threat to Ranil and he raised this issue in parliament to which the governemnt said it was not planning to hold a referendum to extend the life of the present Parliament.

    Now the threat is bigger As such the only way to prevent it is to invite Chandrika to contest as the common candidate because Ranil is not incapable of defeating Mahinda.

  • 2

    If ” Tamil Elam could emerge through externally administered partition ” let’s have a Referendum

  • 3

    Dayan, you have written that

    “the real logic of the road building, the plan to station military camps in every district, the 2011 Gazette which permits the deployment of the military even in the case of unarmed civic disturbances, the plan to expand the armed forces reservists, the intelligence penetration of the university student community in the twin guises of security guards and leadership training”

    This militarism is very disturbing. It is clear preparation for using the military against the civilian population (again). What can be done about it?

  • 1

    Are we going to advance further up or going to stuck and stay here? It was a long thirty years ago JR invented the method to extend the Parliament without a general election, but with a poll of referendum. After having had grown up to all these levels so far, is it Dayan saying that we don’t have the brain to do that without even a referendum? We do not have to hire even a polling firm to know what the people thinking. We know it, they want the Kings parliament extended. Even Vellala K.A. Sumanasekara knows how to do that. What is the big deal here?

    Dayan is certainly not fling kite. He is carrying Pantham for his masters. What is he trying to achieve here, if the people think that the King come back and cancel the General Election, at least the ones who have Kudu vase, Dr.Mervyn Silva as their MPs may not vote for King. This is going to be perceived as dangerous, after Uva election. But if you tell those people that the General Election will be there. They are not in a mood to believe that. So the best idea is to full the people how the UNHRC was fooled in 2009. Dayan and King said in 2009, the Tamils problem going to solved with 13+. Hearing that, they all voted in favor of the Royal Government. It’s the trick Dayan is playing here. For his master, first, Dayan wants to fool the “Sinhala Buddhist” with a 13+. That is the referendum to extend the parliament. Once they listen to this and become fools, they will vote for the government. Then Dayan and the King will be playing the rest of the game they are playing. A drama of Divorce!

  • 2

    DJ has woken up from a deep dose of MR (cocktail)anesthetic that took a while to recover from. Slowly but surely he is recovering.I wish him a speedy recovery.

    Desperate people do desperate things.

    All I can say/see, is what VP didn’t achieve, MR/GR/BR/BBS/JHU Will make sure it happens.

    You can always rely on Sinhala Buddhist fascism,even if no Tamil/Tamil Speaking Muslims/and like minded Sinhala speaking wants Separation these out fits will assure/drive them to one.

  • 0

    While explaining how some one flew kytes or blew a whistle about something that will be happening, KA Sumanasekara confirmed it, DJ himself expressed his fears about the future. but, he did not talk about the positive side of that.

    IF the govt thinks it is going to work for Sinhale, it is up to the govt to handle it carefully.

  • 1

    The easiest way to stop a referendum is to put the Opposition Presidential Candidate in power. Since he would not have the majority in the Parliament he would not go for a referendum! Why not propose this in your next article?

  • 1

    ……because Ranil is incapable of defeating Mahinda

  • 1


    while reading some articles and comments on CT, I recently felt, that we are like the one loaded on to a bullock cart of the driver – who is mad as no times in the fast. Longer this bullock cart driver is the leader of the nation – worst will be the consquences. Finanical experts like Dr. Harsha Silva clearly pointed out that there are loans that have never been captured by the statistics being shown in the budget report. This is like showing nangi and giving akka …. at night Daniel and on day light Megel. These idiots in power has driven the country to ruins by today, but manipulated statistics shown by them contained on sukiri bola wage. dewal.

    Only God can make a decision for the future of the nation since poor of the poor are caught by draconian Rajapakshe agenda/tactics to this day

  • 3

    DR DJ,

    Let me remind you the days when you exuberantly defended the post-war triumphalism. You insensitively pointed your fingers at Nathikaddal when many Tamils tried to warn you about exercising exuberant triumphalism. You labelled those who were critical of the MR regime in Sri Lanka as Domestic Diasporas. Moreover, you exclaimed that the Sinhala have prevailed over the Tamils! You did all these while you self-proclaim you as a Political Scientist!

    The 18th Amendment was rushed through hastily; the parliament was not given any opportunity to debate the bill. It was bulldozed through the system and it was totally undemocratic and inimical to the interest of the nation. Only opposition parliamentarian who made vigorous objection to 18th A was Sumanthiran. You, as a Political Scientist, were totally silent, and what is more preposterous that you served as an Ambassador to France after the 18th A was enacted and as such you endorsed it fully.

    It is evident that you are susceptible to rapacity in the form of delectable government posts. Your current mild objections to the regime is basically pathetic and miniscule. You should have pre-empted this situation when it passed through the 18th A and passing successive budgets with heavy military spending. It is not as if many did not warn you; many people of considerable repute challenged you publically and you dismissed them as if it to say that you knew it all!

    As I said many times before, only salvation for Sri Lanka is the UN Investigation of war crimes and crimes against humanity. This is the only aspect that will keep the world community focussed on SL.

    • 0

      Would Dr DJ respond???

  • 1

    Dr.Dayan Jayatilleka.

    Why don’t you join Ven.Athureliya Rathana Thero to rescue Sri Lanka from the corrupt government.

    Ven.Rathana Thero along with JHU is sacrificing all the perks, bribes and other benefits given to them by Rajapakses in order to make a voice for a just society. Many other organizations, visionaries, intellectuals are joining him to change the constitution.

    Therefore you should join him and make your voice more herd among the populace in all corners of the country and you cannot do it alone.

    Therefore use JHU as a spring board to spread your message across all communities.

    Sri Lanka is passing through a crucial period and it needs more help and support from people like you.

  • 2


    As a DR you know all about plaigirism. Rashini Medis should be punished for Plaigirism. If I remember correctly it was Mr.Sarath Silva who floated the idea of the Referendum to confirm MRs presidency for a third term prior to seeking a third term not after.
    The credit is due to Sarath Silva not to Rashini Mendis.

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