By Samanmalee Unanthenna –
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it”.
Abraham Lincoln, Inaugural Address, 1861
Several months ago, in an article I wrote, I gently chided Dr Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri for his comment that we should make up our minds to live with this regime for the next 15 years. Reading his recent interview in the Divaina dated 15th April, 2012, it is clear that Dr Dewasiri has changed his mind. He has no intention of waiting 15 years anymore; in fact, he does not want to wait even 15 months! What has happened during the last several months to have brought about this change, not just in Dr Dewasiri, but many others?
Clearly, the economic consequences of the Rajapakse regime are becoming intolerable. Apart from the favoured 1% who are profiting by the regime’s excesses, the rest of us fight on a daily basis to cope with the rising cost of living. It is not unusual to see people buying two carrots, one egg, half a loaf of bread, 100gms of sugar; more seriously, even cutting down on essential medication because that too has become a luxury we cannot afford. When Minister Bandula Gunawardene arrogantly claimed that a family can survive on Rs 7,500.00 per month a more conscientised people would have marched up the Ministry of Education and physically hurled him out on to the street.
Perhaps, all of this would have been somewhat tolerable, had the regime shown any sensitivity to the woes of the people. But what this regime has excelled in is twisting not just truth, but hard evidence to suit its agenda. Thus, the countries that abstained from voting in favour of the US resolution in Geneva, were actually supporting Sri Lanka; political activists and journalists are not being abducted but handing themselves into police stations in order to obtain a free ticket out of this country; the price of goods is rising in order to keep up with the rising incomes of people. Governor Ajit Nivaard Cabraal cites the number of SUVs on the roads of Colombo as evidence for how well the economy is doing. How out of touch can this ‘people’s government’ be?
Dr Dewasiri, in his interview is expressing the frustration many of us are feeling about the way in which this regime is getting away with such lies and the fact that they are not being called to account. The regime’s response to the education sector is a case in point. A newspaper recently reported that Minister SB Dissanayake has proclaimed that university students can now apply for loans to fund their higher education and he had mentioned several state universities as having agreed to this scheme. Why should students apply for loans for state funded education? If students are expected to repay the cost of their education through a loan scheme, that is a serious policy change. Can a Minister merely announce such a change through the media? This and other throw away comments made by the Higher Education Minister have become so commonplace as to be not even commented upon anymore. But what it indicates is just how bereft this regime is of any logic or sense. This is not funny – it is dangerous.
What is disturbing is that while the general public appears to be increasingly disgruntled with the performance of Ministers and the bureaucracy, they appear to not see that this is not a problem of individual Ministers behaving badly or stupidly: this is the nature of this regime and the buck should stop with none other than the Rajapakse siblings. Because, make no mistake. This country is being run to the dogs by none other than the Rajapakse family and their cronies. This family behaves as if the country and its people are their personal fiefdom. This is the nature of Medamulana politics. Their sole objective is nothing but their own aggrandizement and advancement. They are to put it simply, the modern day equivalent of mediaeval robber barons. It’s a combination of populism and patronage delivered with the threat of violence if anyone steps out of line. You will be looked after as long as you do not challenge the overlord. JR had a vision for the country, however misguided the vision was and the unscrupulous means he used to achieve it; similarly, Premadasa, subscribed to a particular plan that went beyond the wellbeing of his own clan. Not the Rajapakses: this is all about themselves. So what if the Ministers are ruining education, health, agriculture, the energy sector and everything else? That will make it all the more easier to sell off all these sectors to the highest bidder!
How else can we explain diverting cargo (exempted from charges) from the Colombo Port to Hambantota? Or an international airport and a Shangri-la resort in an area known for serious, periodical, water shortages and intense drought conditions? How does any of this even make economic sense? Development according to the Rajapakses is all about performance. It is not about actual improvement in people’s lives – those people who are not direct beneficiaries of the Rajapakse benevolence. Instead, development is about commissions and then providing entertainment for the masses so that they can be distracted from the fact that their own lives are steadily deteriorating. So, the Southern Highway is opened with cart races and marathons; fake ships arrive at the Hambantota port and fake planes will definitely land at the Hambantota aiport. Perhaps, fake tourists will arrive at the Shangri-la resort as well. In the meantime, crowds of people are encouraged to ‘view’ these ‘miracles’ at state expense. Indicators of development are the number of SUVs on the road, number of people taking the Southern Highway to have lunch in Galle, the number of ‘festivals’ Sri Lanka hosts per year and the number of boutique hotels and luxury resorts that are springing up around the country. All this is backed up by fake statistics that claim unemployment is down, poverty rates have declined miraculously, economic growth is unprecedented and external debt has decreased as well! With the ever friendly IMF ready to step in with another loan and to declare that the economic fundamentals are strong, this performance of development miracles is not just well funded but has international guest performers!
All this hides the sad truth that our economy today is surviving due to foreign remittances; women in the Middle East doing menial work and getting abused and battered in the process and to a lesser extent young men in Korea doing jobs that no one else wants. This is what the Central Bank and the IMF can claim as strong economic fundamentals! And our gratitude is such that the state steps in actively to protect alleged perpetrators of rape and sexual abuse of women in the Middle East. It doesn’t matter what the women have to put up with – just keep the remittances rolling in! Isn’t it ironic that this most patriarchal of regimes is dependent on women’s labour to keep itself going? So, the recent publication of the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment, showcasing ‘strong’ women of Sri Lanka, lauds the First Lady for her supportive role in this performance, but naturally does not even mention the tens of thousands of women whose sweat and blood bankroll the Rajapakse regime.
Mahinda Rajapakse has been recently compared to Abraham Lincoln in the wake of the nationalistic fervour that was whipped up during the time of the Geneva resolution. It would be good for His Excellency to remember the words of Lincoln who proclaimed that citizens have the right to not just to vote out a government, but if necessary “dismember and overthrow” it. The excesses of this regime are beginning to tell and the legendary patience and passivity of the Sri Lankan citizen is slowly but surely showing signs of wear and tear. Dr Dewasiri’s recent interview is a good indicator of this change.
This piece was written prior to the incidents at Dambulla; however, what happened in Dambulla and its fall out is yet another reflection of the growing chaos unleashed by the Rajapakse regime. Having unleashed, fuelled, nurtured and protected, Sinhala Buddhism nationalist forces to the maximum, this regime has no response to the ugliness of what occurred in Dambulla. After all, if it speaks out against the religious bigotry of the Sinhala Buddhists as exemplified by the Chief Prelate of the Dambulla temple and his supporters, it will antagonise its most ardent and passionate supporters. The regime’s Sinhala Buddhist nationalism is the ONLY factor that is providing it with some cheap popularity at the moment. Any indication that it is not willing to stand by its racist credentials will complete the growing disillusionment and anger that is growing against the Rajapakse regime. At the same time, having antagonoised a section of the international community and aligning itself with ‘alternative’ global powers with supposedly similar concerns about US and European ‘neo-colonialism’ the Rajapakse regime is in grave danger of antagonising yet more foreign nations after this latest fiasco. That this government is rapidly earning pariah status internationally should surprise no one. The term ‘hoisted by your own petard’ comes to mind. However, the tragedy is the heavy cost of the Rajapakse misrule on this country and its people. This regime is spiraling out of control and its dragging us all down with it.
Gowrie / April 27, 2012
Very good article. Only the first sentence of Abraham Lincoln’s words on civilian’s rights applies to “His Excellency” Rajapakshe. “//This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it”// That’s exactly what Rajapakshe family and their goons think that they are the only people inhabit in that beleaguered island and that it belongs to them and they will do anything what they want with it. If you stand in their way, they will get rid of you with no hesitation. People like Mervin Silva, A Crook, A Thug lives in musky world of thuggery and publicly admits to have killed Lasantha Wickramadunge,comes forward to finish you off. This country is in such a bad shape even a regime change might not do anything to the Sinhalese. I am not talking about the Tamils because no regime change will make a damn bit difference to the Tamils.
Rohan / April 28, 2012
I can’t take it anymore. I don’t think MAX Silva would have let go this kind of articles. Now, I am keen to find out what colur shirt he wore in that Dambulla demonstration. Just to put a face to the name.
gamini / April 28, 2012
Except for a couple of immature unintelligent comments, the rest, majority have applauded the writer Samanmalee Unanthanna for the brilliant write up. She has based her summary on the evidence of one Dr. Nimal Ranjith Dewasiri who have had faith in MR, that he will deliver as many others who came back to the country to help him sort issues in their respective fields of expertise. However it is not only Dr. Dewasiri who had abandonned MR but there are a few more that I know, but I do not intend to humiliate them by mentioning their names here, where all have gone back utterly dissappointed of MR’s inaction of not paying hede to their advice. There are a few lackeys like Sajin Vass, Nevard Cabral, Mervyn Silva, Wimal Weerawansa, to mention a few, who appear to be indispensible for MR, for his surviavl.
Although many have commmended the article, there is nothing mentioned by any, as for a way forward to steer this country, suggesting some kind of proposal or a replacement for MR. It is my firm belief for a person as MR can never be trusted or reformed, judging from his track record of dishonesty, insincerety and ungentlemenly behaviour. Therefore the scenario seems equally bad as a solution to the vexed Ethnic problem for us to get out of this impasse. As for the credit paid to him for overcoming the LTTE War, I’ll reserve my comments for the time being, as there is a mired of evidence to the contrary of intriguing forces in the whole exercise where a number of outside influences had a hand. Be that as it may, as an alternate, like the saying that a home grown solution should be found for the Ethnic Problem, the solution of finding an alternate Leader in place of MR to take this country forward, to establish an Independent Judiciary, Independent Police Force and a Law and Order System where equality will be dispensed to all and sundry irrespective of position and political party status, with discipline has to be a person found from the present Political firmament. The reason is a known devil is better than an unknown angel who possibly will be worse than MR. The replacement the society looks for, is in order to establish the above named Independent Institutions and to take the country forward with a sound economic policy that would usher a better future for all the citizens of this country and not for a selected few or for the benifit of the first family and their offspring only.
The alternate person selected should be educated, mature, understanding, sincere, honest, not a Rogue, acceptable for both Local and International Fora, who could represent this country with stature and personality to project the image of this country and not a village bumpkin, claiming to have grassroot connection as the present leader. It must be also remembered that there are no perfect persons either as humans are mortals and not Gods who are supposed to be infallible. There may be a few short comings but if the above mentioned qualities are found, it would suffice for the moment. I know the proposal would stir a hornest nest, but I kindly request for all to bear and give an ear before arriving at a decesion. There is no purpose in replacing MR with another from the UNP for another set of sycophants to bleed this country as it had always happened as the majority from all the Political parties have been at the game of swindling. This is very evident where the UNP under Ranil Wickremasinghe was replaced installing CBK who promised to usher Transparency and Accountability because the majority UNP Ministers were corrupt. CBK was replaced with MR and today the entire corrupt set of the UNP Ministers are back in the saddle under MR, ironically leaving out those who pointed the corruption in the UNP. What rationale? What Justice? Yet the sycophants will cheer the corrupt of the UNP then, presently under MR as long as they sing hoosanas to MR. What a mockery we are making of ourselves?
I honestly do not have any Political affiliation and neither do I aspire for postion or power, although I have had very close relatives of family and friends holding high office in successive govts. both UNP and SLFP from the time of Independence. Myself being a fifth generation, direct descendant of one of the signatories to the 1815 convention, I have no inhibitions whatsoever to point a wrong to any, with the contempt it deserves. I have heard of the great betrayal, the charge leveled at the signatories of the 1815 Convention by some Historians, Professionals and Academics, as if it could have been avoided. Sadly these critics are the very descendants of the antecedents who lived in the coastal belts of this country being occupied by the Ducth, the Portuguese under a longer period than us, whereas we have been only under the British for a much shorter duration. These critics not only have annexed Portuguese names but some of them even the Christian and Catholic faith. Therefore this holier than thou attitude, pointing the finger at others is a common trait of this Nation.
I have witnessed the early Independence era and upto the present times of governance. The country moving from a Agricultural Economy to a mixed Industrial State with an open Economy. There is the good side and a bad side to all the governments that we have had. Starting with the UNP under an Agricultural Economy where tens of thousands of families were allocated land under Colonisation schemes in the NCP were given to the landless from Gampaha, Mirigama, Veyangoda and other places were not for the rich. The Socialist policies of the SLFP as much as they helped some of the downtrodden, mainly the party supporters to climb the social ladder, but in general created a lot of dissension and enmity among the society. It is for this reason, although the UNP was a Capitalist Policy Party had the largest voter base to include the poor, in preference to the SLFP that boasted of as a Political Party only for the poor. Although the SLFP played up to the sentiments of the poor, attacking the rich, they never could form a govt. on their own without coalition support. The country faced elections periodically and the fortunes were swung to both sides. The resultant was the development process was hindered and the country suffered as the economy was tossed between two Policies. A closed door Economy from ’70 to ’77 was rejected en masse by the masses. Thereafter although the Open Economy introdueced under the UNP in ’77 was severly condemned by the SLFP led UPFA, after deriving benifits of the Open Economic system to have the best of IT, Travel, Communication, Foreign Education for the offspring, better housing, good roads, newer vehicles etc. today all parties including the Revolutioneries of the JVP having sacrificed many a youth at the altar of Revolution, are very much into Crony Capitalism as their counterparts in China and Russia are. While the bickering between the two main political parties were on, the minorities were neglected of the positions they once held in the system in the early post Independence era, were trying to regain their lost grond. The promises for their appeals were never honoured by the successive govts. of the majority. The thirty year war that resulted was the outcome, that have affected everyone in this society who are yet remaining and all those who have senselessly died or killed in battle. If we had saner consel and recognised all citizens of this country as equals, when the Tamil Intelligentia gave shoulder to the freedom struggle falling behind the not so qualified Sinhalese leaders then, what lenghths we would have moved today? Call it whatever, the society was fragmented between the two main Political parties where families and friends were torn assunder.
This article is not complete if I do not mention two incidents of how educated respectable citizens decide in forming govts. and opinions. There was one party known to me who have been ardent supporters of the SLFP Socialist policies from the inception. When the UNP govt. was ousted in ’94 when I asked this person for reasons other than for corruption, where there was money made by many, irrespective of party and the lives lost of the rebels and some opponents, had this as an answer. ‘Look here Gamini, when the UNP comes to power there is no youth to find in the village to pluck even a coconut or to get any work done in the property’. Why? They have all gone for employment out and overseas. Now these are some of the people whose hearts bled for the poor of this country who voted to form govts. Then I had another friend a Professor of a University who was involved in field work for projects and during the JVP insurrection of ’88/’89 he used to tell me how his students used to faint at work as they have not had proper meals and how he used to help them with financial assistance. He used to justify the JVP cause pointing the corruption and waste of funds spent on the Mahaweli Scheme. This same Proffessor had come on TV in support of MR in 2005 for Presidential Elections. I presume he is happy today that corruption is a thing in the past and we have a set of Lily Whites in governance. What Hypocrisy such resorted to, to achieve position and power for personal gain as these individuals living amongst us? I fail to fathom their convictions and commitment. For many it is not the Principles that matter, but position, perks and recogniton in the system to be felt important in the eyes of the circle of friends and relations.
Coming back to the issue of selecting an individual in place of MR as the Leader, the fingers of one hand are too many, as there arn’t that number to propose from the present political firmament. SF was placed as a candidate and many believed with the confidence of his contribution of this so called war victory, that he would be the deal candidate. But it was not to be, may be providence played a part retaining power with the devil himself for another term. Besides SF is no Angel and he was in cahoots with the present set up, committing all the villany with extra judicial killings and further he has no track record of having run a country succesfully. Then there is Sajith Premadasa the only son of R Premadasa. I need not elaborate his credentials on Human Rights and his Private Treasury run at the ‘Sucharitha’ with his earstwhile collegue and friend Sirisena Cooray whom he did not trust to elect as the PM knowing what his fate would have been. The son Sajith, no experience but has been coerced by the business tycoons and sycophants to challenge MR taking the leadership of the UNP. Karu Jayasooriya is nothing but an also ran with no great potential of leadership, likely to cave under pressure.
The only person this society whether one likes it or not, the option is Ranil Wickremasinghe. I know the mere mention of his name is anathema for some. According to the critics, he is the TRAITOR who gave to the LTTE Tamils, a one third of the land mass and two thirds of the sea front after signing the CFA after he assumed office as PM in 2003 February. When questioned from these critics if so the reason why, VP did not elect RW and settled the issue for good, they have no answer. Further RW was lambasted prior to the Presidential Election in November 2005 by Sripathi, Mangala, Jeyaraj et al, that RW is the one who had signed agreements with VP. Today there is evidence unfolding to the contrary that it is none other than MR who has had Agreements with VP to be elected as President in 2005 and the critics are mum totally. RW is responsible as Jr. Minister Education to have commenced the Tertiary Education that have immensely benigited the youth of this country to find employment. Besides when CBK had run the country’s economy for the first time in the history of this country in 2002 to negative growth, it was RW’s sagacious policies that helped to turn the economy back to black from red in two years. Therefater when RW was promised aid for further development of the country by the whole world body, only that he was unseated by CBK, a blunder she regrets having accepted later, at the expense of many a life and denied opportunity for the whole society. RW on his return had taken a longer time to travel to Colombo from the Airport than his flight from the US. The reason had beem due to the crowds. Yet again he was accused of having lost an anopportunity by those corrupt in the UNP and his critics for not having staged a drama walking to the Temple Trees to oust CBK. Had RW resorted to such foolish act, today RW is history. The reason, the Forces to quell the crowds would have taken action resulting in a few deaths and these so called critics would have then blamed RW for the greed of his position that he had sacrificed innocent civilians and would have seen to his stepping down from Party leadership. Today he is termed as a week leader. I wonder! If he has survived many an attempt to unseat him and lastly a secret ballot in preference to show of hands, thinking the critics will have the better of him RW has established order and discipline to some extent. There are some who question as to why he did not supress corruption in the UNP under his leadership? When you see the numbers of the corrupt UNPers who have crossed over, what would have happened to RW if he had attempted to punish any? Would have there been a govt. for him to run? In hind sight I begin to believe the 18th amendment is a good prospect, provided it is in the right hands of a person in the calibre of RW who has no reason to rob public funds or groom an offspring to crown, unlike MR where he uses the powers for self aggrandisement, where as RW will use the powers to govern the country for the betterment of the people.
Another canard that RW is accused of is of Batlanda. There are many JVPers smarting still of the missed opportunity of capturing power, not by the ballot but by the Bullet. Many a JVPer, having escaped to foreign soil, today in these blogs they go on hammering RW on Batalanda. Afterall they had an opportunity when CBK appointed a Commission of Inquiry on Batalanda. If these individuals are so certain, why did they not take that opportunity if they had evidence. RW was tried and exonerated by a Commission of Presidential Inquiry and not like MR when he was accused of embezzling Tsunami Funds in a Private Account without helping the victims, he never went before any Court or a Commission of Inquiry, but relied on his old friend CJ Sarath N Silva to prevent the Police from probing the matter. It is still fresh in the minds of many of this Nation, what the country experienced in ’88/’89 under the JVP, the ruthless killing of so many innocents in addition to the killing of families of the Police and the Forces including the Officers althogh the JVP have been drolling over the Forces today. The choice is right before this nation, a way out for everyone in this country and not only for a selected few. However if the masses are to cut their noses, just to spite their faces there is nothing much we could do, people writing reams about it. Good Luck Sri Lanka! I weep for thee.
Denzil Washington / April 29, 2012
I told once before Max went to China to re-charge his batteries. After the re-charge he started boasting about his comments @ Colombotelegraph & the Chinese said you are never going back to SL. You stay here & sort out our political dissidents! But I have a feeling he left some clones in our midst & keep a watchful eye.
suz / April 29, 2012
suz alwayas enjoy the temporary thrill of MR CRITCISM by comment and articles.regime will not change by elections soon.attitudinal plitical anger hardly releaf by opinion start politics from you home then come to neighbour and finally rule the country or be a adviser to mr regime.suz care of bad, good and ugly.
The last dinasaur / April 27, 2012
Good article.. The writer must be in exile..
Clifford / April 27, 2012
Excellent piece of writing. The problem is whether Rajapakses understands it????????
Hasantha Gunaweera / April 29, 2012
i think there is no issue in understanding, it is willingness and ability to be accountable…
Paul / April 27, 2012
The same sentiments are expressed by the people every day though not openly for fear of abduction by white vans, and this piece of writing will certainly be embraced by the conscientious readers.Thanks for a good job.
hansan / April 27, 2012
Worst thing is that non of them can understand a word of these Otherwise you think any fool will try to Stop the white Vans, Thugs,Bribary and Curruption to at least minimam and save his name, And tell the Hench men and the family members enough is enough. But unfotunatly they think one man show must be the best.
suz / April 27, 2012
suz do not like to criticize madamulana politics.they are the best to rule this country.suz voted to unp in jr period what happened kehalwaata politics acquired the victory and lead the unp in to hell.suz feel MR is a real political circuit breaker in high technique.kehalwatta still active with 50,000rs to temples with the speach leading anti opposition.the best real oppsition leader in asia mr ranil knows what mahinda does is matter what economy in srilanka we vote the battle winner.
Thilak Dissanayake / April 27, 2012
Briliant!Who is this writer? She speaks for the silent millions. She and Tissaranee Gunasekera are fearless fighters for decency in Lanka. We all have to decide if we are to watch Sri Lanka go down like this.
Thilak Dissanayake / April 27, 2012
Briliant!Who is this writer? She speaks for the silent millions. Revolutionary conditions are unfolding.
kamal nissanka / April 27, 2012
Regime change is not easy. In Sri Lanka there are regular elections. A strong and and united opposition is a must.
Samanmlee / April 28, 2012
Superb article! Sadly , either falls on deaf ears. This regime won’t change till poverty levels of ordinary people are so bad that they would take to the streets rather than starve at home.
Saman / April 28, 2012
Superb article! Sadly , either falls on deaf ears. This regime won’t change till poverty levels of ordinary people are so bad that they would take to the streets rather than starve at home.
sarath perera / April 28, 2012
An excellent article.It would be great if a sinhala version also be published to address sinhala readers to enlighten them.
leonveton / April 28, 2012
A writer with great foresight.
Bodinayaka / April 28, 2012
So JR and Premadasa had a vision? LOL. Where were you those days lady? and those comments lined up. I’m not here to whitewash Rajapaksha Brothers but who do you think will fit the shoes? Ranil and his clang? The JVP brothers? Other break away groups? What is the solution. Give us solutions without just mumbling .
Jim Hardy / April 28, 2012
Yes the article is fine with truths, We need action from Masses not be deceived with bogus elections periodically.
We are fed up with the system as well as these two capitalist parties UNP & UPFA.
NAK / April 28, 2012
Writing…Great!! Content…Rubbish!!!
What a load of Rubbish! The writer must be suffering from upcountry RADALA insomnia and sounds pretty jelous of southern development.
If the situation is as bad as the writer try to make us believe,why was there a big ha ho about the increase in vehilcle import taxes? people want to buy vehicles on empty stomachs?
The biggest among many lies in this article is the lie about Hambanthota port exemption of charges. Hambanthota port has not exempted any handling or operating charges but have granted concessions to importers to off set any addtional costs they have to incur.It was reported this morning that there are at least six ships waiting out side the colombo habour unable to off load their cargo of vehicles due lack of parking space within the colombo port. Each day of delay costs thousands of dollars which eventually will be passed on to the consumer while losing valueable foreign exchange earned by our women labouring in the mid east.
The people of the south,especially in Hambanthota will not appreciate this writers damning of the region for eternity for shortage of water and prolonged drought conditions. These projects will need water and there will be additional projects like Uma Oya to bring water to Hambanthota and thereby bringing relief to the people of the area.
Only a cussed ignorant can say the things the writer has written,apart from the few who shower praises to the writer in this website, great majority of this country can see,feel and enjoy the freedom and development that was brought upon in the past few years. No amount of howling by the two legged wolves is not going to change that.
seruvila senarath / April 28, 2012
@ N A K
NAK / May 5, 2012
Atleast I have brain to sit on. You seem to have none!!
Who protest? UNP? JVP?
DAS / April 28, 2012
A good article.
But the writer has ignored the present state of Human Rights, Rule of Law, the wastage,corruption and state enterprises run by unqualified managers which are loosing billios and thus are the direct cause of rise in the cost of living,which affects the majority of citizens.
Hambantota Port is a White Elephant drainig billions of peoples’ money.
A concerned citizen / April 28, 2012
We are cursed to be ruled by a family, none of them well educated and cultured, but cunningly came to power, duping the ignorant masses.
There was a report recently that our MaRa was invloved in a murder case during the time UNP was inpower and it was Ranil who helped MaRa to get out of that case.
MaRa while contesting for President first time bribed Velu(through Basil & Sajin Vass) to prevent Tamils voting in that election and even then managed to win only with a margin of votes.
Having come to power, MaRa, with help from powerful nations destroyed
Velu (a fool), and his group, but in the process killing thousands of innocent civlians–women, children and elderly.
Having won the war he used the victory to dupe the masses and again
came to power but his win was questionable.
He used the power to change the constitution illegaly with an Amendment 18, taking full powers,over Judiciary, Election and Public Service Commissions. Every public servant nowadays are mere slaves
carrying out illegal orders fro MaRa and his siblings.
When will this curse go away?