19 February, 2025


Roll Away The Rock! Roundtables For Regime-Removal

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

The principles involved are very simple. If someone makes a complete botch-up of a job they’ve been selected for, you fire them. If the botch-up they make threatens the very household or enterprise, you fire them in double-quick time, and never hire them again.

That’s one principle. There’s another that’s really a weightier one. If you just can’t live and work normally, you make a change either in your location or that of those who are making it impossible for you to live or work. In this case, the latter is the incumbent regime. If you can’t leave the country, then it must, or at the least it must leave power.

That principle gets deeper. If you’ve hired somebody or a crew for a task and that person/crew are not only making things far worse for you but is actually making it impossible to exist, then for your very survival you have to remove that person or crew.

The regime poses a fake question: this crisis is big, so who can handle it? What is the point in getting rid of us? Shouldn’t all of us work together? Shouldn’t all of you work with all of us?

That’s a trap that should be treated with the scorn it so richly deserves. The answer is that the regime is responsible in large measure for the crisis or else, if external factors common to the world were responsible for the crisis, other countries, certainly in South Asia should be as badly off as we are but are not.

There is an even simpler answer. We may not know for sure who among those contending forces in the Opposition, will be better at managing the crisis but we sure as hell know it isn’t this regime. Nothing and no one can be worse than this regime and anyone else can only be an improvement. So let us not waste time debating the respective virtues or vices of contending parties or groups. Let’s concentrate on getting rid of this present bunch as quickly as possible.

These principles manifestly hold true of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and the Rajapaksa clan. Therefore, they have to go.

But how? As Lenin once said “where to begin?” I’d urge a proliferation for a fortnight, of a number of roundtables. Let a hundred roundtable bloom!

These roundtables should not have as a priority, the debating and drafting of “recipes for the cookshops of the future” as Karl Marx famously and scornfully said. In short, no debating constitutional and economic programs. All that’s for later.

When you are in a closed space, someone has bolted the door and set the building on fire, you do not debate what you will do when you get out, as in what movie you see, food you will have and music you will dance to. You just need to break out first before the fire or the smoke kills you. If the guy is standing at the door to block your exit, you may have to throw him down stairs.

Similarly, we don’t need to debate what reforms we are going to implement, which direction we are going to turn after we break out. We are inhabiting a prison—a supermax—and we have to breakout. It is that jailbreak, Escape from Alcatraz, that we must plan.

Organizations which are above party politics, perhaps inter-religious, civic or academic forums, should bring together all non-regime political parties for a discussion. Those who do not wish to rub shoulders with rivals will not attend, and if they do not, some other civic organization should arrange an alternative event for such parties.

Roundtables should be organized for every type of activity, from workers and peasants to parents of schoolkids.

These roundtables should be organized in all parts of the country, and right down to the lane.

The objective of these roundtables should be twofold:

Firstly, to agree on specific activities of protest, resistance and pressure.

Secondly to map out strategies and slogans for accelerated transition from this regime to one that is not.

Finally, the guiding principle of operation of these roundtables should be a combination of three approaches, two of which are borrowed from current diplomacy.

1) The principle of the lowest common denominator. Don’t strive for agreement on reform agendas. Strive to get organizations to agree on the minimum they feel they can, and translate that into resistance politics and social activity.

2) A multidimensional, multitrack, “multi-vector” approach, touching all points of the compass.

3) Pluri-lateralism and mini-lateralism. That means if can’t succeed with a multilateralist approach and arrive at broad consensus or even a lowest common denominator, try to hive-off mini-coalitions of those who can agree on something, and then go into action.

Always remember the objective: removing the incumbent autocrat and the regime, centered around the ruling clan. The target is not the rival party, nor its proposals. The target is the democratic removal of the ruler and his parasitic and paralysis-inducing ruling clan.

The slogan of “the opposition must unite” is utopian. This political war will not be a conventional war of great political coalitions. It will and should be an irregular, asymmetric war; a peaceful guerrilla war; a peaceful ‘war of the whole people’.

The pattern of unity will change according to place. There will be a plurality of political participation. There will be a kaleidoscope of coalitions.

Unity will and can arise not through debating programs but through collective initiatives; united actions of resistance.

Let’s roll away the rock under which this country is buried. Let’s end this regime which is ending us as a society. Let’s collectively exorcize the demon possessing our island.

Latest comments

  • 18

    There is no argument that this regime should go and it should not come back again. Rajapaksa family regime is a disaster and there is not a single one is different to other. They are common on corruption, bribes, violence.I particularly warn that Tamil political parties should not go for an agreement with them with their promises. They will never ever honest or they will never change. I doubt that other political parties or opposition parties promising to give something and later changing.

    • 15

      We can not afford just to chase them away and begin afresh from scratch.
      The stolen loot has to be recovered by all means.
      Even if half of the money can be recovered, it can take care of our immediate needs such as fuel, gas, medicines, paper, fertilizer, coal, and the rest.
      Why are we going abeging to Bangladesh etc, when the stolen loot can take care of everything.

      • 10

        Dayan, Srilanka has surrendered to India. This is US game plan with Indian concurrence to wean off Chinese influence, being enacted by their agent Basil. Do you think that India and US will keep quiet when anyone is trying to change the government. If situation goes out of control, where Srilankan armed forces refuse or unable to put down uprising, Basil will not hesitate to call Indian troops. Wait and see, one by one anti-Indian and US elements in the government will be weeded out, others in the government and some opposition members will threatened and bought over to support government. Very soon pro-Chinese Mahinda will be replaced as prime minister by a US friendly person like Ranil. India has asked TNA not to give trouble to the government and will be forced to support it, if any attempt to topple it in parliament takes place.

        • 11

          “This is US game plan”

          I can assure you the USA is not that capable ………. however capable they are at subterfuge the capabilities do not extend to controlling 6.9 million minds. That capability exclusively rests within the unique talents of only one nation: Lanka.

          Lankans brought this upon themselves …….. even the writer of this piece Dayan, supported Gota at some stage ……… helped relive Mahinda’s constipation to break wind: Mahinda Sulanga. Ah! the fire and fury on the Nugegoda stage!

          Do ye see any Lankan ever taking responsibility? ……..They always have excuses and alternate stories to tell. Dr Jana-priya now is the time to go in front of the Barbarians at the Gates of Gota’s house and check how Priya you are with the Jana. ….. Sunil, even a hmm, uh? Just say boo we’ll know you’re in there somewhere.

          Success has many fathers; failure is an orphan.

          “Basil will not hesitate to call Indian troops”

          Stuff the Lankan armed forces, they are no LTTE; they will run at the first sight of superior forces ………. but the people are so enraged, will India risk another Ukraine and undertake/risk a scorched earth operation? The LTTE proved, the Indians are made of putty.

          • 14

            nimal fernando

            “This is US game plan”

            This is Dr’s diagnosis.
            You can safely ignore it.
            You can also ignore him.

            • 2


              • 1

                To those stupid Tamil fellows attacking me hiding under false names, within 24 hours of what I have said, things are moving in that direction. There is news that two planes with Indian troops have landed in Katunayake, to take control of the airport, and to whisk away Rajapakses, if there arises a threat to their lives. Also it is said that a ship with 4000 Indian soldiers are on the way to Colombo, to take Colombo under control if situation worsens. Just because these Tamil pundits do not have the foresight and intelligence to analyse things and come to logical conclusion, they should consider me to be in their same level. Big guns like Sajith Premadasa, Maithripala Sirisena and Champaka Ramanayake are all in hiding, knowing very well that if they act funny, they will be arrested for committing crime in the past.

                • 5

                  Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam

                  “….. There is news that two planes with Indian troops have landed in Katunayake, to take control of the airport, and to whisk away Rajapakses, …. “

                  If you believe this you will believe anything.
                  You are supposed to be an educated person hence everyone in this forum expects you to contribute intellectually, not unconfirmed tittle tattle, fake news.

                  We already have an educated Silly man in this forum. Therefore we do not want you to crowd out ….

                  Why you people especially the EDUCATED Tamils get wound up so quickly? Something wrong in their DNA?

                  • 0

                    Native, what can be more funny , the number of troops who supposedly arrived is not even enough tò protect the Indian embassies and staff. I do remember the same was repeatedly told during 83 riots, and Indians did come but after every thing was over.

                • 0

                  Pretty good for a 1st April piece.
                  So you have a sense of humor, or is it someone else’s idea?

            • 6

              “We may not know for sure who among those contending forces in the Opposition, will be better at managing the crisis but we sure as hell know it isn’t this regime.”
              Only Ranil has the brains to lead the effort. But then, who will be ambassador in Russia? We sure as hell know it isn’t this writer.

              • 5

                old codger

                Please jog your memory
                Do you remember who wrote the following excerpt:

                {Overall the speeches were of high political quality, with progressive veterans Podi Appuhamy, Vasu, and Dinesh giving classic performances. The younger stars, Wimal Weerawansa, a pure Jacobin orator and Udaya Gammanpila, seemingly softer and more humorous, if you ignore the glint in his eye, turned in superb performances. The seniormost speaker, Dinesh Gunawardena spoke last and appropriately evoked anti-UNP memories not only of 1956 but more emphatically of 1960, in which there were two elections, the first won by the UNP and the second by the SLFP under a new leadership which could bring out the votes.

                The Nugegoda meeting seemed to me the birth of a national-democratic movement and the launch of a national-democratic struggle to establish a national-democratic government. It was profoundly democratic in that it refused to accept the legitimacy of a Government which had neither won an election nor obtained the confidence of the majority of the Parliament. It was democratic also in that it sought to question the appointment of the leader of the opposition by a President who installed an unelected Prime Minister and Government. Finally it was democratic as it sought to rectify the anomaly of 5.8 million voters (and the 58% of the 74 % majority of the population)
                going unrepresented in the power equation}

                The Rising: Nugegoda Feb 18th

              • 2

                Hello I have been commenting here since 2011 much before you started here I guess. It is my original name and I too hold doctorate. So don’t assume yourself. Yes india will do to avert whatever the crisis in neighbourhood. Isn’t it incapacity of people in this land give opportunity for others ? Everything engineered by India is just far fetched imagination.

                • 0

                  mani, just pray that we do not turn into such “grumpy old men”. I wonder whether the reported planes and ship arrived. After telling this to my elderly mom hoping to relieve some of her anxiety, she now keeps calling me every few hours, to say there is no Indian soldiers yet patrolling the streets. I should have known better.

              • 2

                old codger

                “…….. who will be ambassador in Russia?”

                Is Sirisena still interested in the old floating iron mass he was desperate to pay $150 Million?

                • 2

                  “Is Sirisena still interested in the old floating iron mass he was desperate to pay $150 Million?”
                  No chance.
                  I hear the Ukrainians have put it out of its misery.

                • 1

                  India has always played a role in good faith with its neighbour, very lenient with Sinhalese. Hope a new chapter is dawn there where amicable mutual respect and good will flourish for ever

          • 3

            Well said.

            • 2


              Where you’ve been all these years?
              Good to hear from you.

              Whatever the Sultanate of Delhi decides please advise/request them to respect people’s life, their dignity, human rights, livelihood, …… We do not want to see another Kalyani (Kelani) River and Mullivaaikkal filled with corpse and blood.

              Take care.
              By the way when the going get tough if your long lost Sinhala speaking cousins turn up at your shores will you take good care of them?
              They have become orphaned in supposed to be their land.

              • 2

                I am fine.NV. I regularly read all articles and follow all the comments. I don’t comment these days though I know this is the direction this silly land will lead to, from the way they behaved from war days and after. Hope you are good too.

          • 4

            Nimal.F we indeed are blessed people from a unique country. How fortunate are we?? What can I say other than DHAN SEPHADA. I never watvh social media for real news but was curious to watch the public reaction, psychology, thinking, emotions and behavior, especially some of those 6.9 million. You are absolutely right saying Lankans never take responsibility for their stupidity and sins

        • 5

          Common , India has no other job than meddling on these stupid masses! In fact srilanka’s stupid fear of India since independence caused numerous problem for you! Both Sinhalese and tamils there hate india while don’t accept your own faults. Malaysia and Singapore lives peacefully managing their affair, does India interfere there ?

          • 0

            “India has no other job than meddling on these stupid masses! “
            Good to know. Then, what is India doing in Nepal and Bhutan? Sorry, the people there may be not as silly as you, the wise one, may declare.
            Thanks for admitting that “Both Sinhalese and Tamils there hate India”
            You are only partly right. Many Tamils have been persuaded to forget their fun days with IPKF (1987-90) by their media and their leaders.
            There are some who do bring up memories of those lovely days when they discuss the nice Indian poachers in the waters off Jaffna.
            The only fault of the Tamils is to still trust the likes of the TNA who stooge their Indian masters.
            “Malaysia and Singapore lives peacefully managing their affair, does India interfere there?”
            It did have a go in Fiji but unsuccessfully.
            One meddles if one has a chance to get away with it.
            India burned its fingers once here and kept quiet for 12 years and then messed up the Peace Talks and did the dirty on the Tamils in 2008-9.
            It is slightly luckier this time round– for how long I am unsure.

        • 1

          “…Srilanka has surrendered to India. This is US game plan with Indian concurrence to wean off Chinese influence, being enacted by their agent Basil. Do you think that India and US will keep quiet when anyone is trying to change the government.”
          They will not keep quiet, but that does not mean that they will have their way.
          Did the US have its way in most recently Afghanistan? Will it in Ukraine?
          I doubt if China will bother, because the duo will be digging their own graves if they have not learned from their placing the GG regime in power.

  • 13

    Lanka is again going into “lock down”, when every other country is gradually coming out of restrictions. MR told all staff under his ministries to work from home to save fuel. The truth is, when you are bankrupt what work do anyone have other than warming chairs. Also there is no fuel, no public transport, no food , no electricity, which inadvertently is same as LOCK DOWN.There was one retard here in CT 24/7 calling Covid /vaccines as fake and lock down, a US conspiracy. Regardless failed and bankrupt Silly Lanka is now locked out.

    • 3

      Two things happened after few hours of typing. A massive protest broke out in front of Sir Fail’ s private residence ending up many getting injured and hospitalized and now there is curfew in most part of city. I wrote bankruptcy lock down now it’s Rajapaksa lockout. I mentioned Perceived US Covid vaccine conspiracy and here we have doctor,s diagnosis. Now rest of the retards will be back accusing US for organizing yesterday protest

      • 3


        The man who was overjoyed to see a bunch of like minded racists gather at Nugegoda some 7 years ago as if they were demanding to establish democracy, was missing last night at Mirihana Protest.

        Could anyone explain Dayan’s absence from Mirihana.
        Was he among the guests at Sangari La rubbing shoulder with bad and the very bad? Namal, Mahinda, Gota, Kamala, Shavendra …. were among the guest.

        • 3

          Native, amazing you could remind us of his article word to word.. Sadly Lanka is full of hypocrites including voters, politicians, religious heads,( including Ranjith) prelates ( see the number of theros paying visit aftermath) , so called intellectuals, media …. No one really cares for the starving public.

  • 6

    Yes certainly. But what you suggest is a process of too great a complexity for our Lankan heads. In the end we will let the incumbents sell us body and soul to warring Russian Rubles, as the incumbents are now placing the only thing we have left, our tea, on Russian Crypto……. actually they previously placed Lankan money of the hardworking suffering Masses on the mighty US$$$ offshore accounts (and whilst now poor Lankans are escaping Motherland due to lack of money to buy food, rich ones are running back to ensure they get their dues before the regime topples). Therefore, we need Divine Help. We need to pray. 🙏 We need to pray hard to all the Gods, Devas, Angels and blessed Saints, to unravel and settle this situation of horrendous entangled complexity. 🙏🙏🙏

    • 14

      What nonsense are you talking. Divine help! Which divine help are you talking about?
      They say God helps those who help themselves.
      Now is the time. We have to get on our feet and demand for our rights.
      We have to take our country back from the clutches of the criminals we have chosen as our leaders.
      This is not a colonial regime, we voted these animals in, we can as well demand for their removal and arrest for ruining our country.
      This is a democracy, the people wield the power.
      Open your eyes woman. Don’t be a downtrodden slave all your life. Learn to put things in perspective. Demand for your rights.

      • 5


        Agreed 100% !!!

        • 0

          Agree with what? The one below from HT?
          What nonsense are you talking. “

    • 0

      Pray the innocent departed poor souls in war, you may get reprieve from their curse

      • 0

        Add to the list the IPKF victims.

  • 4

    Dr. Dayan, You wind up by saying, lets roll away the rock of burial. It will expose an empty tomb and a resurrected, ascended, glorified Jesus, who was clearly crucified and dead when put in tomb. All the unbelieving corrupt murderers too were exposed then and defeated too.

  • 3

    If a government can guarantee the security of the country and that there will be no repetition of Easter style bomb attacks and keep certain bad elements at bay, I will stay in total darkness even 18 hours per day. I will stand in line for Petrol even 8 hours at a stretch or better yet even travel on a bullock cart if that is what it takes.

    I will skip two meals per day and live on a meal a day. As soldiers we are very accustomed to make such sacrifices for the nation.

    Even Native Veddha said he will grow Manyokka and eat Manyokka all 3 meals per day 24/7 and all 365 days. We will make such sacrifices because we are patriots.

    • 11

      Lt. Shamal the child molester
      If by now you have not figured out who orchestrated the Easter Bombings, then you truly are the Tanakola Eating Type.
      Besides, if they truly did bring the war to an end for the love of the citizens, then why steal from the public coffers till the last penny.
      If you were really a frontline soldier, then you would know that it was SF and only SF who steered for victory.
      Your type of soldiers were there to lick ass, just as you are doing now and perhaps rape innocent women and kill small children.
      Don’t show your pathetic face on CT again, your heros will get whats coming for them, you better run as far as you can, pathetic scumbag.

      • 2

        Gota s fake public perception is exposed to the world by last night protest march held by just people.
        He will have to resign soon..

        We are sorry to see a young man was caught by a gun shot/ real face of the murderer will be seen to the nation soon.🐃😉🐕😎

    • 1

      Nimal.F we indeed are blessed people from a unique country. How fortunate are we?? What can I say other than DHAN SEPHADA. I never watvh social media for real news but was curious to watch the public reaction, psychology, thinking, emotions and behavior, especially some of those 6.9 million. You are absolutely right saying Lankans never take responsibility for their stupidity and sins.

    • 0

      Hello army deserter Retarded Silva, where were you ??? MIA for sometime.. Why not try facing the mob like the one yesterday instead of sitting elsewhere comfortably and typing your empty heroics.

    • 3

      Reginald Shameless Perera

      “Even Native Veddha said he will grow Manyokka and eat Manyokka all 3 meals per day 24/7 and all 365 days. We will make such sacrifices because we are patriots.”

      Don’t get me wrong I am not a patriot, especially a fake one like you and Dayan.
      Man I have to live/survive/exist therefore I have to eat.
      Manyoka does help us do exactly that.

      Have you been invited to a party at Sangari La when the people were protesting opposite Gota’s house? The entire clan was seen partying at that hotel until 12 Midnight. Is it true?

  • 3

    “…to map out strategies and slogans for accelerated transition from this regime to one that is not.”
    Will ‘one that is not’ ‘this regime” be a good regime– say as good as ‘Good Governance’?
    A change has to be driven by a vision shared by the masses that enable the change. ‘Anyone other than this’ is a call for disaster.
    Can we begin work on a common minimum programme that will have maximum public support rather than work with a cluster of hidden agendas.?

  • 3

    The power outage in Sri Lanka is a total farce. There is no such economic crisis in Sri Lanka. It was all invented by the Rajapaksas. Now, the government is contemplating switching off street lights!!!! It is so suspicious.
    The Rajapaksas have signed suspicious, secret agreements (ETCA?) with India. Now, Indian Ministers even interfere with hospital operations in Sri Lanka. This is so weird.
    There are some ‘predictions’ that there will be a change in the government in April. We all know the source of such ‘predictions’. Only one person has to say, others follow.
    Knowing the Rajapaksas, there is a high possibility of paid-mob attacks on Buddhist temples, churches or houses to incite countrywide massive riots. I don’t see any other way for them to ‘change their OWN government’ and ‘one Rajapaksa to replace the other’. Then, there are ‘deliberately provoked’ angry Sinhalese in every corner of the street. In addition, there is some kind of sabotage in every vital sector in Sri Lanka. Food, gas, oil, vegetables, energy, milk powder, etc. Rajapaksa cohorts are behind them. What are they planning to do in a pre-planned power blackout?
    Anything can happen. Life matters! Stay at home!! Don’t be provoked!!!!!

    • 2

      Oh, it could be islandwide riots against the government and attacks on government buildings by paid-mobs forcing Gotabhaya to resign, something similar to the protests in 1987 against the then President. It will have nothing to do with the JVP, but the ‘JVP Spring’ will ultimately be credited to them. Basil, India and the US may be behind it. Fake patriots’ protest against Basil is all fake.Their script may have been written by Basil himself. I have seen it before. They tried it earlier too.
      Stay calm, Sinhalese! Don’t be provoked!

      • 12

        The ability to deny the obvious truth is a trait akin to psychopaths and lunatics.
        It won’t be long, the bitter end is coming.
        People like you have been the problem all along. A lot of our people were mindless savages like you until recently when the reality on the ground forced them to open their minds.
        Now they are the biggest agitators for the removal and elimination of the entire Rajapaksa clan and their ass lickers.
        Your problem is a deep-rooted childhood issue, it cannot be solved in this lifetime, and at this rate, you will not get a human life for a long long time to come.
        In the meantime enjoy your journey down the slope of samsara to the depths of suffering.
        Continue to write the most meaningless jibber-jabber to console yourself that you are doing something positive.

        • 2

          Human Touch , this is the self claimed righteous person standing in the middle looking at the rights and wrongs, blaming Dr. Shaffi of doing 8000 abortions of fatherless children. Then there is uncle Tony who is the real father of some those.

          • 3

            I think this pandemonium is a result of not only what was done to Dr. Shafi, but what we have done to so many others, in blind faith.
            If this doesn’t open the eyes of the myth-believing, illogical, irrational, fake religious addicts (hypocrites), I don’t know what will…

        • 3

          “The ability to deny the obvious truth is a trait akin to psychopaths and lunatics.”
          Haven’t you noticed that it’s April 1st ?

          • 3

            Yes indeed.
            But for the likes of Champa, Soma, EE and for that Reginald clown, it is April 1st everyday.

          • 0

            OC , Add ex murderer but current state minister Duminda . D to that elite list. He told media on April 1 soon he will be exporting power to Singapore.

            • 0

              Beg your pardon: “ex murderer”?
              Is such a category possible?

          • 0

            You have missed out on a few more April 1st stories on these pages, like the Indian armed forces arriving here.

      • 5


        You’re trying to give credit to the Rajapaksas – that they have some beef and macho in them to incite riots for their benefit? That’s a hoot! That’s some hope! They will go with some dignity, I hope.

        They really thought that they could roll the money of the hard-working suffering Masses onto alternate monetary systems. That was their downfall. They had no idea how to conscientious work the country money for the benefit of their citizens. No, they thought Oligarchy was the only way out of hard-work. They surrounded themselves with sycophants of the same mindset as them, believing that they had some special craft and insight over all others in the globe. And how fast those sycophants will abandon them now!

        • 3

          Yes, the sycophants will abandon them, but we know them all, the sycophants, the ass lickers, the hanger-on’s, etc, we will not forget who they are.
          Will hunt them down just as we will hunt down their masters.
          I trust the time is right to reverse the Rajapaksa disaster.

  • 3

    Old Rowdy King & Hitler King’s end, looks like, will be by the hand of the 6.9 Million voters. Thero de Silva, Harsha, Ranil, Valaiththodam………. must be exported to Siberia, to prevent them cheating the Modayas and taking advantage of the situation.

  • 1

    Stop being intellectual bullshit and bitch Dayan. Why don’t you acknowledge Sinhalese are incapable of running a decent governance! 13 IMF bail out, yet no lesson learnt

  • 0

    How many decades have the people been voting various criminals into power?
    Nothing really changes and the same nonsense continues (freemasons stealing from and oppressing real humanity).
    Real change will occur, when humanity wakes up and there is a world wide ‘tare and freemason’ inquisition, where each and every single one of them is identified, captured and taken out of positions of power an influence. They will either be jailed or given the death penalty (depending on their rank and crimes committed).
    All of this has been revealed by Mark Alan King and his gematria research, but also many others who have sacrificed decades of their lives researching the real truth from various angles, and suffered much ridicule in the process.

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