13 January, 2025


RTI Shelved To ‘Protect’ Govt.

The Right To Information bill, one of the key promises of the ‘Yahapalanaya’ regime prior to consecutive elections, has been shelved due pressure from officials and Ministers who insist that they should ‘safe guard the government’, high ranking government sources confirmed.

Maithripala Ranil W Piv Via MS's FBThe Right to information bill which was drafted and had been presented to the cabinet has not been presented, due to the need to ‘water down’ the contents, significantly impacting the essence of the Act.

The draft which was endorsed by the Cabinet was considered among the best Acts for Right to Information globally.

According to sources Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe had informed delegates from the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) at the Commonwealth meetings in Colombo few days ago that ‘some segments’ in Government are having ‘concerns’ about the ‘strength’ of the RTI draft and are calling for amendments to ‘safeguard’ the Government.

“The current draft prepared with the participation of the civil society was endorsed by the Cabinet and considered to be the 7th best RTI law if approved. It is a shame if it was watered down to suit the needs of those who are afraid of the draft.” a RTI campaigner told Colombo Telegraph.

However there were many issues pertaining to the inclusion of Non-Governmental Organisations into the category which should be compelled to provide information (NGOs receiving foreign and local funds are covered in the Cabinet approved bill). Many arms of ‘civil society’ movements and Non-Governmental Organisations were not in favour of their inclusion into the categories specified and have been silent on the delay of presenting the act.

Latest comments

  • 14

    No no no. I will not permit RTI because then my brother Kumarasinghe will not be able to rob the people with impunity.

    • 5

      The People of Sri Lanka,

      RE: RTI Shelved To ‘Protect’ Govt.

      “The Right To Information bill, one of the key promises of the ‘Yahapalanaya’ regime prior to consecutive elections, has been shelved due pressure from officials and Ministers who insist that they should ‘safe guard the government’, high ranking government sources confirmed.”

      Why do you want to know? This becomes a Distraction?

      Let the the Priests, Monks and Ulama, do their things.

      Let the Politicians and their cronies, do their things,

      You do your things.

      In the meantime, you will be screwed, by the Politicians, Priests, Monks and Ulama.

    • 2

      It is not just MARA but the yahapalanaya is no different.

      Look at the appointments

      1 SLT
      2 SLPA
      3 SLIC
      4 LITRO
      5 SL Ambassador in UK
      6 defeated candidates via national list
      7 Developmet Lotteries Board
      8 Sri Lankan Airlines

      The present election system allows you to help your buddies.

      Only way out is truly independent commissions. But politicians will never allow that to happen.

      • 0

        do we have any enough good men and women to run foreign offices ?

        If you guys criticise each bit, nothing will go good for anything.

        Just making criticisms can not help anyone. Just in a country almost every 2 nd is far from just getting what good governance means, needs time to make them clear with examples. That is what it will take long.
        Else, buruwanse gonwahanase (GOmannapila) can paint the nation almost anything what they think is right. People are so gawky and fools as showed in the elections.

        OVER 300 001 in colomobo were pro political idiots for no reasons.

        They would easily let Gotabaya to rape them.
        Gottabya to go radically against Wanathamulla people is no concern to anyone butothers feel he is made magician to do wonders.
        No matter whitevanning could disspaear any human units of the nation.Rajapkashe are very sure – that they will have to land in jails. SO they would do anything and everything to protect thei bums right at this moment.

        There will be no rise of the man – even if entire folks will back him in rallies. People in elections would NOT choose the murderers again. Basta

  • 14

    However there were many issues pertaining to the inclusion of Non Governmental Organisations into the category which should be compelled to provide information. Many arms of ‘civil society’ movements and Non-Governmental Organisations were not in favour of their inclusion into the categories specified and have been silent on the delay of presenting the act.

    I think this is an excellent move. NGO such as BBS will need to reveal who funds their activities.

    Its in public interest their funding sources are known.

  • 8


    What are these bozos so afraid of, if they are not guilty of nefarious activities and/or have all sorts of skeletons in cupboards they do not want revealed?

    Let’s have this bill passed if MR2 wants to prove their mettle – although, judging from the actions of Maithripala, we won’t be holding our breath!

  • 12

    “According to sources Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe had informed delegates from the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) at the Commonwealth meetings in Colombo few days ago that ‘some segments’ in Government are having ‘concerns’ about the ‘strength’ of the RTI draft and are calling for amendments to ‘safeguard’ the Government.”

    More bullshit from Wijedasa Rajapakse, who should be replaced ASAP if our Judiciary is to function without interference.

    He must be paranoid about his involvement in that Avant Garde fiasco that seems to have faded into the background.

    • 2

      @ Libra

      Exactly! Those “some segments” with “concerns” must be all those who have much to lose if the RTI bill is passed with appropriate “strength”, so they (read Wijedasa and other crooks) are calling for amendments to ‘safeguard’” themselves.

  • 7

    What is so secretive? All the news and info about frauds and crimes are available in the media. RTI is not going to do magic. If the President, PM and cabinet are honest they have nothing to worry about RTI. RTI will only strengthen the position of Govt. WR’s photos are in the media. Can RTI stop this? Kumarsinghe’s madness is well known What can RTI do. President will have to answer to a future govt. why he neglected his duties, if wanted to be ashamed. Either way RTI will be effective whether passed as law or not.

  • 4

    Seats getting hot for MS and RW judging by their reactions to public opinion on their governance. RTI is essential to show credibility of govt: This what they promised during elections.Why shelve it?

  • 2

    increasingly, it looks like same sh*t in a different pot.

    • 1

      It is the same shit with a different set of flies !!!

  • 1

    Nothing is coming out other than Thirukkai Vaal (Stingray tail) Katta Sambol.

    I do not know when everybody has a file on other what kind of information is this?

  • 0

    Needs to be shelved to safe guard the government….why? Does it engage in some shady deals that if brought to limelight would jeopardize its existence? If one or two ministers found to break the law, they would be punished, that would not result in a collapse of the entire government. What this withdrawal indicates is there has been enough happening involving a good number of ministers and officials that sufficiently enough to bring down the government if voters found out the details of these affairs- that is a big back flip of this group’s stance which came to power promising they were to restore the democratic values. MR’s camp would be laughing.

    Keep water down to a level where it might make to 70th best in the world, then there can be a fair chance of being legislated. The only excuse we would hear for the changes would be that the draft at its current form puts the national security at risk. And, no doubt majority of us will believe it as we are smart patriots. A long way to go!

  • 2

    “RTI Shelved To ‘Protect’ Govt.”

    There is an ambiguity. Is it to protect the past government at present and in the near future or to protect both the past and present governments ?

    What is the official information with regards to the religion of the following as their info I gathered gives ambiguity :

    1. MR & Namal Ra( Theravada Buddhism )
    2. GR, BR, & CR ( Buddhism )
    3. Gnanasara ( Budharahita-Somarama Buddhism & not Buddhism from Bodhi Gaya, India )
    4. Shiranthi Ra ( not Roman Catholic but Catholic )

  • 0

    Of course the government needs protection. All governments since independence needed protection. Can’t blame them, they have so many skeletons in their cupboards that needs hiding.

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