17 September, 2024


RTI Unearths 230 Complaints Against Quack ‘Islamic’ Judges

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has released data under the Right to Information Act indicating that an enormous number of 230 complaints have been filed against Quazi judges in Sri Lanka between the years 2012-2017.

Justice Minister with Muslim MPs | File photo

The data was revealed in response to a directive of the Right to Information (RTI) Commission last month, Muslim activists told the Colombo Telegraph. The Commission comprises M Gammampila (Chair) & RTI Commissioners Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena, SG Punchihewa, Rohini Walgama and Chelvy Thiruchandran. The directive was issued following an RTI appeal filed at the Commission asking for the number and nature of complaints received against Quazi judges in the year 2016 and those ongoing as at November 2017. Also asked were certified copies of all decisions against Quazi judges in the period 2012 to 2016.

The requested information had been refused by the JSC saying that this would affect the authority and independence of the judiciary. The RTI Commission then issued an order stating that statistical data may be released under the RTI Act without prejudice being caused to the judicial institution. 

On the data now in the hands of Colombo Telegraph, the JSC has stated that, out of the 230 complaints received, 190 complaints have been ‘resolved’ by the JSC with 40 complaints ‘not resolved.’ Data as to the specific nature of the complaint and the decision taken was refused to be disclosed by the JSC. 

The functioning of Quazi courts in Sri Lanka has led to criticism by activist groups which say that a huge number of irregularities occur in the system, particularly where women are concerned. Women are traditionally not permitted to function as Quazi judges even though many writers have argued that this prohibition is against Islamic teaching.

This release of data is the first instance that the JSC has consented to give information about the disciplinary processes of judges. In some past instances, judges themselves have protested at being dismissed or disciplined without knowing the basis. It is a positive first step though the system has to be radically reformed, activists told Colombo Telegraph.        

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  • 21

    I hear in the East out of ten judges 7 are Muslims. If land issues comes before the Muslim judges, right or wrong, the judgement will be 100% in favour of Muslims.

    • 13


      “right or wrong the judgement is 100% in favor of Muslims”

      Most probably because the religion inspired very strong “Muslims 1st” concept may surpass the ethics of legal profession.

      • 11


        “Most probably because the religion inspired very strong “Muslims 1st” concept may surpass the ethics of legal profession”

        But money can beat Religion in inspiring faster and stronger than religion. Not just legal profession, tell me any position from an ordinary lavatory cleaner to political leaders in SL. Who are the leading batsmen in this game, Muslims?

        You are the dumbest hypocrite on this forum I have ever seen with limited ability to think deeper.

        • 7


          Oooh boy, you’ve taken it from extreme point.

          It’s accepted that money plays a big role in every aspect of our lives.

          But sad that you’ve failed to take into the consideration of my words “most probably & may”.

          Pls think about this story.

          A doctor advised a woman (Muslim) to stop giving birth to children as she was very weak.

          Another doctor(Muslim) blamed him (the 1st doc) for that advice.

          Isn’t a doctor a professional?

          At least rarely you may find such a character.

          Sorry, difficult to accept your charge.

          • 7


            Let me put that in simple term so you can understand, If you think religion makes people go against ethics among Muslims, I would say it is money that makes people go against ethics among Sinhalese equally.

            Take any big crimes, there will be a penny bribe taker behind the scene. So before pointing fingers at other, you better think if you are eligible to point fingers at others

            • 5

              yes of course. Sinhalese are NORMAL human beings who are mainly driven by greed to money while majority of Muslims are driven by religion based fascism while Tamils are driven by language based fascism! Your observation is right..

            • 1


              Accept the fact that people go against ethics because of money & if you’re sure that Muslim people don’t go against ethics because of money it’s good & happy news but sorry that I’m reluctant to accept it because some Muslim people earn money in unethical ways.

              But anybody whether Muslim/ Sinhala/ Tamil/ Buddhist/Hindu/Christian earn money or do things unethical because of great devotion for a religion it’s also a sad news.

              To my understanding great devotion for a religion is fear. Because of that fear they don’t open eyes to see light.

              Your finger pointing story is childish.

              Just giving an idea, never be devoted because it may make you blind.

              • 3


                “Muslim people earn money in unethical ways.” Of course, as you can see many drug cases these days.

          • 0

            Your logic needs a” revolution”.
            Your Doctor example is a sad one; professionals are also prone to bribery and corruption.

        • 4

          Fathima ,

          As a Muslim , my strongest feeling about the future of Muslims in
          Srilanka is that whatever you try to do to find a peaceful life here
          is going to be doomed , even if you decide to be a Sinhalese or Tamil !
          It’s because Tamils are lying about a Tamil issue and Sinhalese are
          lying about a Sinhala issue to their own people , so it’s not in your
          hands . They can not find peace among themselves and so no place
          for anybody else ! This will give them a chance to find a an enemy to
          turn their focus jointly on ! At the moment our country is not running
          on a principle although some efforts are being made to do so . All the
          parties are hoodwinking the general public that they can win the
          world , which is just not even an over estimate but foolhardy . That
          means they can not develop the country to suit its real needs and this
          will lead them to more and more inescapable chaos . Targeting
          Muslims will be seen one outcome as law an order loses its grip on
          such a situation . Muslims are a small community , vulnerable ones
          need to be relocated to safe locations as one precaution and some
          might even try to leave the country for good . A whole bunch of
          Sinhalese and Tamils have already left never to return and why not
          you ? The comments here prove that Muslims remain a target no
          matter how you adjust yourself !

          • 2

            whywhy, you hit the nail on the head. Very soon Sinhalese and Tamils will get together to hammer the Muslims. This will help the Sinhalese to distract the international community on the issue of granting autonomy to Tamils and will give an opportunity for Tamils to revenge the crimes committed by Muslims. US/West and Israel will back it while China/Russia/India will look the other way like what they did when Myanmar chased out Muslims.

            • 0


              All the problems for you to think deep, and we to tolerate you is just because your dad didn’t carry a rubber jimmy hat in his pocket on that day…so…sad..

              • 0

                This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

              • 0

                You seem to be obsessed with “rubber jimmy”; sometimes these leak causing “sadness”.

    • 4

      The article is not about what you say…

      • 16

        Pissadun Nizar the Islamic infidel, what is stated is correct about Muslim first. No Muslim will ever give evidence against another Muslim when the conflict is with a non Muslim. Muslim judges are not exception to that rule. Look at the verdict given by a Tamil judge in Trincomalee against the high handed action of the ultra-racist governor of eastern province. If judge was a Muslim, it would have been different. Han any Muslim politician or others have so far admitted and apologized for the crimes committed by Muslim home guards against Tamils in eastern province. When Muslims are affected they make a big noise but when Muslims are the perpetrators they go silent. This is the case all over the world.

        • 4


          You are back bro? We told you that we will call when the elections is nearing, so that you can come to show off your expertise in sticking posters on city walls…

          Is your low IQ dad still around?

          • 6

            Mohamed the Islamic infidel, a mad hatter like the namesake, stop worrying about others having a low IQ when you are displaying your low IQ by believing that the earth is flat and defending the absurdity revealed by a stupid unknown entity.

        • 3


          “Han any Muslim politician or others have so far admitted and apologized for the crimes committed by Muslim home guards against Tamils in eastern province.”

          What are these so-called “crimes”? Have you any idea about the TERROR inflicted on the Muslims of the North and East by the Tamil Terror groups, both years before and after the home guards came into existence? The worst Terror perpetrated by the LTTE Terrorists is the Ethnic Cleansing of the Entire Muslim community in the North way back in 1990 when the Muslims were given just a few hours to leave with little or no possessions. Almost 30 years later and 10 years after the end of the War, they are still Refugees. Who talks about their plight and miserable life for so long?

          Do you know that most of the home guards were Sinhalese and NOT Muslims? But, the cunning and heartless Tamil propagandists Blame the Muslim home guards for whatever acts done in the name of home guards. Learn the facts man, instead of Repeating LIES.

          • 2

            @ Muhandiram

            Were you at a hospital on coma for a long time?
            Lying according to your sharia?

            Your musulims live among Tamils earn because of Tamils but became spies to SL CARDBOARD FORCES for money.
            Is this correct ?
            You expect Tamils to worship these traitors ?
            Do you know how many Tamils lost their lives because of these Musulim spies?

            In Kattankudy mosque midnight they call prayers on loudspeakers to come and assemble with weapons then attack neighboring Tamil villages while SL CARDBOARD ARMY protect.
            This should be accepted eh????
            Where the hell your sect say about 6th prayer at midnight.

            Never heard Tamil villages near Musulims colonies was burned down ..looted by your musulim home guard thugs?

            Expect Tamil to suck fingers and watch?

            As usual, you know the truth when it comes to Musulim you hid the truth.



          • 3

            Muhandiram the Islamic infidel, wait for truth and reconciliation commission to be set up. All Islamic criminals who inflicted terror on Tamils will be frog marched before the panel. The act of terror between Tamils and Muslims was first launched by Muslim home guards in 1985, at least five years before LTTE launched its act on Muslims. As a Muslim you will always tell lies and will never admit crimes committed by Muslims on others. Kathankudi massacre took place in October 1990 one month after Veeramunai and Meeravodai massacres of over 100 Tamils by Muslim home guards in September 1990. Similarly Muslims were expelled in October 1990. You are defending the action of Muslims acting as spies to Sinhala government while condoning the killing of Christian spies to Israel government in Palestine and Lebanon and Hindu spies to Burmese government killed by Rohingya terrorists. It is due to the dastardly action of Muslims who on one hand enjoying the hospitality extended to them by Tamils and on the other hand to undercut their fight for justice, that LTTE resorted to it. These are on record and you are telling lies to hide it. Tamils are still in refugee camps similar to Palestinians and Rohingyas. Tamils are in refugee camps because Sinhala government wants to appropriate their lands. See in eastern province where Muslims went as refugees 400 years ago fleeing persecution by Portuguese and given protection by Tamils, now claiming that the lands belong to Muslims after years of breeding uncontrolled and murder and ethnic cleansing of Tamils whose ancestors welcomed the ancestors of the present day Muslims. It is you who has to learn the facts, and I am sure your brain will function rationally if you dump Koranic hatred.

            • 0

              Al-Lahfaquar – No time to read all that. Can you put in 3 lines max please? All problem is just because your low IQ dad forgetting to carry a rubber in the wallet..having to deal with a low IQ jr.

              “fleeing persecution by Portuguese and given protection by Tamils” – Muslims already returned the favor in 83 Black July. When your upper caste sidelines you, why still support Tamils?

              • 0

                This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

              • 0

                Yes you treacherous ungrateful selfish low caste converted , fake Arab South Indian refugees returned the favour by joining Sinhalese mobs in the south to loot, destroy burn Tamil homes and business establishments and kill and rape innocent Tamil civilians and them Muslim hawkers were trying to sell looted Tamil goods to the Tamil refugees in the north. In the east Muslim home guards heavily armed by the Sri Lankan armed forces and Muslim thugs/criminals who were imported into the east from Colombo by a Muslim minister , whose family migrated from Tamil Nadu , were busy killing raping looting and ethnically Hindu Tamils . You do not know the meaning of returning the favour. Most probably you thing it is backstabbing , as this all you ungrateful South Indian refugee wretches know.

    • 4

      RTI authorities,
      Please also unearth all these list of media institutions that prevent the public being fed with the facts and ongoing political activities in this country. Going by YT video accompanying comments, one can only read biased comments and recommendations in favour of Rajapakshes.
      Latter cant be even if he would have been a saint.
      We perfectly know Rajapakshe and their behaviours have been high criminal if alone consider the occurence they are connected with in the very recent past.
      Knowing all the realities about the hidden activities of Rajapakshes in order to keep the public opinion on them them cleaner than any other citizen, particularly, regarding their court investigations and the related stuff.
      Where on earth we would read only positive comments on alleged criminals that are connected with high profile crime investigations ?
      We the srilanken expatriates live outside feel that NOTHING seems to work regarding taking actions against MEDIA institutions that vehimently stand supportive regarding the WRONGFUL information being become the GENERAL opinion of the society.
      And any law respecting society would ever the kind of abusive media institutions and their acts as being practised in the country today:

      • 1

        Under Right to Information will it be possible obtain the following judicial information
        No. of Criminal cases outstanding
        No. of Civil cases outstanding
        No.FR petitions outstanding
        No. Of Traffic cases outstanding
        No. Divorce cases outstanding
        No. labour cases outstanding.
        These may be given in chronological order and the reason for delay, if any.

    • 9

      The article is about Quazi Court judges. Please confine yourself to the subject instead of bringing in matters irrelevant to the article.

      • 9


        Yes. It is about Qazi Court Judges. They are appointed per MMDA, which the Quack Ulama claim is perfect.

        God help the innocent Sri Lankan Muslim women and girls, to gain dignity and human rights.

  • 14

    The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) ,

    RE: RTI Unearths 230 Complaints Against Quack ‘Islamic’ Judges

    “The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has released data under the Right to Information Act indicating that an enormous number of 230 complaints have been filed against Quazi judges in Sri Lanka between the years 2012-2017.”

    There is no surprise here. The quacks are holding up the MMDA reforms.

    What about the Quack ‘Islamic’ Ulama?

    What about Quack ‘Islamic’ Moulavis?

    What about the Quack ‘Islamic’ Mullahs?

    If you visit the ACJU, you will find many Quacks. They claim that women have half a brain, (contrary to evolution), women are chattel, the Earth is flat, and the Sun goes around the Earth . They do not use reason. They claim revelation is above reason,, so the Earth is flat.

    • 6


      What about the Quacks among the Buddhist clergy who have caused. and are still causing enough and more Harm and Damage to the country? No need to detail them. And, you lose no time in denouncing the Muslim clergy whose actions have NOT caused any harm to the country.

      And your last para is Nothing but your wild Imagination. Get Real man.

      • 8


        Of course there are Quacks among the Para-Sinhala Para “Buddhists” who ate an insult to the Buddha. There is one callining himself Arahant, the Dtage before attaining Buddhahood, and many Monks including other Quack Monkd are protesting.

        Then you have the Quack Csthikic Oriests and popes, who abuse children and commit many crimes, promising heaven . These Quacks used to take Indulgence Fees to get to heaven, and Martin Luther, reformed them.

        We indeed have Quacks in religion, and they give “opium”. Indeed the “Prophet” and philosopher Karl Marx said, “Religion is the opium of the masses”.

        • 1

          If you believe “Religion is the opium of the masses” then why the hell are bothering about this article and the comments? Are you trying to spread a new types of religion?

          • 4


            Quoting, “Religion is the opium of the masses”, by the “Prophet” and philosopher Karl Marx , does not mean that Amarasiri , believes in it. It is quoted because it is very pertinent to the religious ‘Quacks’, described in this article, and is part of the problem.

            Do you know why many countries have separation of state and religion?

      • 4

        @ Muhanduram


        What about requiring 4 Musulim only witnesses to prove rape?

        Do you know now there is a DNA evidence is enough to prove the rape?

        What about no contaminated diseases?

        What about marrying 8 years old girl to 60 years old man?

        You guys think others also live inside well correct?

        Just reading Buk and listen Mowlavi then think others are fools come on man this is 21st century soon man will land on the moon.


        • 4


          Neither DNA, deoxy ribo nuclei acid or RNA, ribo nuccleic acid, is revealed in the Old Testsment, Torah, New Testament, Quran, Tipitska, the Hindu Scriptures and other scriptures. So, humans did not evolve. They were created.

          Ask any Rabbai,Priest, Pope. Ulama, Mullah, Monk etc. and they will confirm that.

        • 4

          Cholan, can give one case of 60 years or less Muslim marrying a 8 years old girl, even 10 years old girl in any part of Sri Lanka? If not don’t write in these forum because you are a fabricator.

          • 5

            @ Mohamed

            We discuss here religion.

            If you need to go to India, Malaysia, and Indonesia and see about this barbaric marriages.

            What you require is a Mowlavie, one witness and baby Girl even 75 years can marry religiously.

            Here you have no guts to do because according to the law this is RAPE so police will arrest you.

            Still why the hell you talk about the marriage of 8 years old Ayesha to 50 years old Scientist during prayers at the mosque?

            In today’s modern world the place for 10 years old girl in school and education.


            • 2

              cholan, I asked you to point at least one case in Sri Lanka so why the hell are talking about India, Malaysia and Indonesia? Donkey do you know marrying girls as young as 10-12 years rampant in USA and European countries. Don’t bring examples from anti-Muslims websites as that happening here. Do you know how many Tamil girls in north given in marriage as soon as they attain puberty (10-12 years). So if you cannot point out one Muslim (Moors) case in Sri Lanka you are a fabricator and an anti-Muslim. Whoever writes here should have facts in the hand and must be able to prove.

              • 3

                Where did you get the information that girl in North marry when they are 10-12 old?
                Can you show documentary evidence to prove this?
                At this age, a Tamil girl here go to school & there is a legal age for marriage here.OK?
                Your people may marry underage girls secretly else they will be thrown into prison.
                When people indicate the wrongs in Isulam this is anti-isulam no one is anti muslims truth is you are unable to accept criticism.
                There is no legal age for marriage in Isulam another point by scientist to manipulate according to the needs, no idea how many underage marriages are happening here among musulims .Poor girls.
                In the west this underage relationship is called rape will end up in 25 years in prison. Do you know.?
                West have laws and people follow it. Even a child follow.
                He He He as usual you drag the west ..to cover up your failed teachings.
                If the west is anti-musulims they will not accept your musulim refugees ,Germany alone accepted 1.5 Million musulims in the past few years who begged at the boarder.Still they want halal food and prayer rooms once got some energy kill people on streets who provided food and lodging and security.
                These muslims flocking to infidel west because their God the only God failed to save them.
                Suppose if these countries tell them first convert to Christianity to get refugee status they are prepared to do, but the civilized west never asked like this.
                Come out from Madarasa education and read about other civilizations, religions, and cultures.I have read curan just to find out what is there also the life history of Scientist who discovered the Time Machine which will take back to the 4th century.
                Knowing is about other religion doesn’t mean you have to accept.

    • 0

      Who told you this lie? Who told you the Earth is flat in ACJU or in any other place? Who told you women have half brain? Why spreading lies?

      • 3


        “Who told you the Earth is flat in ACJU”

        The Theology and the scriptures, ACJU follow.

        Flat Earth and the Qur’an



        “Who told you women have half brain?”

        The Theology and the scriptures, ACJU follow. Women are worth half as much, and inherit half as much, and this is implied, and ACJU says MMDA is PERFECT.

        Women in Islam


        In Qur’an, surah 2:182 equates two women as substitute for one man, in matters requiring witnesses.( Does it imply half-a -brain?)

        If they party liable is mentally deficient, or weak, or unable himself to dictate, let his guardian dictate faithfully, and get two witnesses, out of your own men, and if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses, so that if one of them errs, the other can remind her. The witnesses should not refuse when they are called on (For evidence). Disdain not to reduce to writing (your contract) for a future period, whether it be small or big: it is juster in the sight of Allah, More suitable as evidence, and more convenient to prevent doubts among yourselves but if it be a transaction which ye carry out on the spot among yourselves, there is no blame on you if ye reduce it not to writing.

        • 3


          “In Qur’an, surah 2:182 equates two women as substitute for one man, in matters requiring witnesses.( Does it imply half-a -brain?)”

          Correction of typo: 2:282

          In Qur’an, surah 2:282 equates two women as substitute for one man, in matters requiring witnesses.( Does it imply half-a -brain?)

          Quran2: 282 from SAHIH INTERNATIONAL Translation

          And bring to witness two witnesses from among your men. And if there are not two men [available], then a man and two women from those whom you accept as witnesses – so that if one of the women errs, then the other can remind her. And let not the witnesses refuse when they are called upon. And do not be [too] weary to write it, whether it is small or large, for its [specified] term. That is more just in the sight of Allah and stronger as evidence and more likely to prevent doubt between you, except when it is an immediate transaction which you conduct among yourselves. For [then] there is no blame upon you if you do not write it. And take witnesses when you conclude a contract. Let no scribe be harmed or any witness. For if you do so, indeed, it is [grave] disobedience in you. And fear Allah . And Allah teaches you. And Allah is Knowing of all things.

    • 0

      Who told you this lie? Please don’t spread lies.

      • 3

        Bonggo / March 8, 2019,
        (297 Words)

        “Who told you this lie? Please don’t spread lies.”

        Inferences and implied reasons are not lies.

        What is a lie is that the Earth is spread out like a carpet, and the that women are worth half as much as men and that they are intellectually deficient, which the Ulama of the ACJU accepts, as it is in the Quran and Hadith.

        Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baaz, the former supreme religious authority of Saudi Arabia, believed the earth is flat, and so does Muslim Researcher on Astronomy Fadhel Al-Sa’d, that the Earth is flat as evidenced by Qur’anic verses and that the sun is much smaller than the Earth and revolves around it.

        the Qur’anic verses 15:19, 20:53, 43:10, 50:7, 51:48, 71:19, 78:6, 79:30, 88:20 and 91:6 all clearly state this and not a single verse in the Qur’an hint to a spherical earth.

        QURAN 2:282
        And bring to witness two witnesses from among your men. And if there are not two men [available], then a man and two women from those whom you accept as witnesses – so that if one of the women errs, then the other can remind her.

        a) Bhukari Volume 1, Book 6, Number 301 :
        Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri
        A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.” The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?” He said, “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?” They replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?” The women replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her religion.”

    • 5

      @ Amarasiri

      You have missed one point. that Scientist told his Arab Bedouins that there is no contaminated disease.

      So accepting GOD s command today Pakistani and Bangladesh Musulims refusing vaccination saying this is against Isulam.

      Latest country joining this club is Malaysia where 95% of Musluslim kids are nor vaccinated and dying and now the government is planning to make vaccination compulsory ( against Isulam ).

      The biggest joke is the so-called guardian of Isulam Saudi Bedouins make vaccination certificate compulsory ( against Isulam)to visit there to go around the black stone.

      Every word of Isulam can be manipulated according to the needs of a Musulim.


      • 3


        “So accepting GOD s command today Pakistani and Bangladesh Musulims refusing vaccination saying this is against Isulam.”

        There is a lot of variability in the stupidity among Muslims, just like among the Paras. Those who claim revelation is everything, as expected, are generally much stupider than those Muslims who take reason into account as well. So, Bedouins make vaccination certificate compulsory , and are using reason in addition to revelation.

        So, the Bedouins are comfortable with DNA, RNA, Antibodies etc. even though they are not in the Quran and Hadith.

        Do the words, “sphere”, “globe”, or ‘ball” appear in the Quran or Hadith, to describe the Earth?

  • 9

    So, where is the Srilankan head screaming the Human right quack. Is she there only to protect Drug barons.

  • 9

    Well everything is fake about them , their identity Moors instead of Tamils , now customs, dress , names , so why not fake judges too. Fake Judges for a fake people

    • 12


      Ha..ha… see who is talking about fakes. It is okay for you to fake the country’s history to claim separate mother land, it is okay for you to fake your real caste to claim a high caste to rule the poor low caste, it is okay for you to fake your passport and degree certificates to get asylum at the feet of Whites, It is okay for you to land in foreign lands through illegal fishing boats, It is okay for you to fake the real peaceful situation in SL to obtain petty refugee status in foreign lands, It is okay to fake your real TN identity..etc..etc.. But why call others fake ???

      Is your passport a real, if you have one..?

      • 2

        @ Amarasiri

        You have missed one point. that Scientist told his Arab Bedouins that there is no contaminated disease.

        So accepting GOD s command today Pakistani and Bangladesh Musulims refusing vaccination saying this is against Isulam.

        Latest country joining this club is Malaysia where 95% of Musluslim kids are nor vaccinated and dying and now the government is planning to make vaccination compulsory ( against Isulam ).

        The biggest joke is the so-called guardian of Isulam Saudi Bedouins make vaccination certificate compulsory ( against Isulam)to visit there to go around the black stone.

        Every word of Isulam can be manipulated according to the needs of a Musulim.


      • 2

        @ Abdul Kader

        Naanaa fake degree certificates were manufactured during Baddi Thamby^s time.
        LIES…CHEAT..CON is the exclusive brand of Muslsims all over the world.
        Even a Thief / Rapist / Murderer Musulim can swear on COLY BUK inside the mosque saying he is innocent and this will be accepted.
        Todays Malaysians are laughing about the LIES coming daily from a Taliban type leader there. No morals.???

        BTW your Arab relations begging for refugee at the feet of Western infidel carry Passport Degree certificate all Halal?

        Do you know Musulim too has caste system not only here but also India?

        Please don’t pretend.


        • 4


          How come when you guys landed in the West, you would have lost the passport, but the faked degree certificate would still be around? Isn’t a clear sign that you are migrating for greed, not even economic migration? Even worst, you guys are still portraying to the White master that SL is a bad place to live to keep your refugee statuses, which is opposite of Hala, called Haram :-)

          You killed every possible innocents regardless of what community they belong to, you destroyed education of many children and forcefully made them carry arms, you made your women the human-bombs, you disgraced and made your own community insecure to an extent many didn’t wear pottus and pretended to be Muslim when walking in Colombo streets – Aren’t you ashamed of doing all these just to get landed via a fishing boat to earn in AUD, USD and EUR?

          To summarized, historically you guys are known to destroy your own community for power and money greed of few who are self-claiming faked high caste. Now just barking from Western and Australian hide holes of refuge to show fake care for Tamils in SL.

          • 2

            @ Abdul CADER

            First, tell me why your Musulims even from Kandy is coming to the west and ask refugee status?
            What is their problem?
            All you are Kings whatever the government here.

            The international quality education was destroyed by Badudeen Nanaa who allowed musulims even with 3 simple pass to enter medical faculty, there are cases these idiots were unable to pass the 2nd MB exam and dropped out..what a disgrace?

            Tamils are shining in education not only here but all over the world today.

            Walk into any medical faculty in Russia, CIS countries, Eastern Europe you can meet 100s of Tamil students. In the west Tamils are passing the examination with colors.

            If you like to go to Dubai or Bedouin Arabia and ask for asylum they will love to give you after this post you to Yemen war field to kill Muslims young & olds.

            Musulim Indonesian forces have massacred half of the East Timor population after this , Timor got independence.
            Ever heard?
            There is a price for everything.

            • 4

              “The international quality education was destroyed by Badudeen Nanaa”

              Badudeen Nanaa only made sure the education is available to all regardless of castes, districts and class. If that doesn’t help your caste maniac mentality that thinks only northern Tamils should be doctors, you have to civilize yourself.

              When Prabakaran forcefully took the young schooling boys, and replaced the books with guns against their or parents will, where were you? You were too busy working overtime in your asylum to fund Prabakaran to destroy more lives and future of kids..

            • 4

              cholan, do you know type number one fakers are Tamils. All those refugees went with 100% fake documents. Do you know a secrets those everybody talked about but it is true. Most of the examiners were Tamils those days and they have instructed Tamils who were sitting for advanced level to put a special mark on their examination answer papers. So a Tamil who is correcting these papers put highest marks on them. this was one of the reason every time majorities are Tamil who get into the Universities and medical college. Not only fakers but low caste cheats and robbers. Okay you give the names of universities in Russia and East Europe where you get 100s of Sri Lankan Tamils.

              • 1


                There is a Tamil saying

                ….the girl who doesn’t know how to dance said the stage is not good …

                So a Tamil student obtain 2A 2B are inferior to a Mususlim student got 3 simple passes?

                What will be the quality of this musulim doctor when he started practice.?

                Education must be based on merits Baddi destroyed this.

                Before Baddy SL EDUCATION was one of the best in the world, Baddi gave teaching appointments even to paper and bottle collectors.imagine their teachings.

                If anyone is weak in education it is the duty of the government to provide facilities
                to the areas and develop but here short cuts.

                N-E has got the best schools since colonial time people they’ve used this facility.

                Yes, there are 100s of Tamil students in foreign universities not only from SL but also from Malaysia where the majority of the doctors are Tamils.

                If you don’t believe the world is FLAT google the details of universities then called and find out, you can call senate office that you wanted to talk to a student from SL OR Malaysia.

                Libiya ,Iraq ,Iran helped here only to build mosques, not schools whose fault is this?
                They could have provided state of art schools but only mosque so that teachings will take followers to the 4th century.

                The whole world today know who are fakers, cheaters, conners, and liers sorry to say
                only Musulims .

                Can you show one non-musulim support you in these forums? Never.



          • 3

            @ Abdul Kader living in 4th-century mentality.

            Anyone who goes to the west must identify them with documents.
            If there is no document he/she will be thrown into prison. This is the law.

            You believe the earth is FLAT so your brain moves backward.


            • 4

              Even my 4th century mentality doesn’t agree that we should go to Australia or Canada on a fishing boat from SL or India paying 25K USD to a trafficker. That too is after the war ended and those govts stopped giving asylum for you, and you say, “who cares their documents, we have a fishing boat that can float on any waters..”

              • 1

                @ Abdula Kader

                There are many Mususlim fish mudalaalies along East coast ..why don’t you organize a trip there to Australia where many Musulims land daily requesting refugee status? You can take 5 wives and their children.

                25K USD is a big money for you ..but not for others.

                Why your musulims are running the country of infidels? No shame?

                These Middle East musulims are going to the west and beg? No disgrace.

                Why your God is unable to save the the Musulims who pray 5 times.

                It seems all your BUK and God is fake.

                War(????) ended this is why recently a musulim cook from East tried to kidnap a 10-year-old Tamil girl in Jaffna ..luckily public caught this pedophile in time else your uneducated Mowlavi would have performed marriage according stone age LAW.




                Why not Bedouin Saudies can not accept all Kuran reading Bruders.

                • 3


                  Do you mean that 25k USD is not a big money for day time pump attendants and Credit Card skimmers by the night time? Be thankful to MR, otherwise your tiger podiyans will knock at your door when you say so :-(

                  “These Middle East musulims are going to the west and beg?” – At least the Arabs are not faking their country’s peaceful situation to land in the West. But for sure, they won’t beg or skim credit cards like you.

                  “kidnap a 10-year-old Tamil girl in Jaffna” – Are you boasting that Jaffna born Swiss Kumar was a successful kidnapper, rapist and a killer that Mowlavi could not do it? To do that to that innocent girl, that guy might have sex-starved at a gas station for years after illegally landing on a fishing boat? Just like how you scream here because of Eelam defeat? You are a lucky bugger to land in different countries without going through their airport checks.ha..ha.

        • 0

          What caste systems Muslim have? As an example give the names of caste among Moors.

      • 2

        Stick to the point and do not give irrelevant and stupid replies. Lots of people who land on boats on western foreign shores are not Tamils but Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Muslims , all claiming to be Tamils fleeing Sinhalese persecution and seeking asylum. This is a fact and not fiction. Muslims state they are ethnic Tamil Muslims fleeing Sinhalese persecution. Tamil or not a Tamil when it is advantageous and suits you. Typical selfish , treacherous hat flippers , who will sell their language race and ethnicity , and run behind another people , race and ethnicity , in the name of religion and other perceived advantages.

        • 3

          Further 90% of the Tamils fleeing and seeking asylum are accepted as refugees , in all western nations, including Australia, as they know they are fleeing persecution from Sinhalese racists , government and armed forces and fake Arab , South Indian Dravidian Tamil immigrant converts like you bad mouthing your actual origin and ethnicity in the name of Islam and your fake origin. However 99% of the Sinhalese and fake Arab Sri Lankan Muslims claiming to be Tamil , to gain asylum , are returned back to Sri Lanka, as the west knows these people are fakes , just like you . Read the recent decision by the British high court regarding a Tamil asylum seeker, fake Arab low caste Dravidian immigrant convert from South India. You people are disgusting.

          • 7

            Majority of Muslims and Sinhalese who value their identify won’t call themselves Tamils, even for a citizenship, let alone an asylum.

            “the west knows these people are fakes” – Of course, it is only you guys who are the masters and have the expertise and experience to make the West believe you are innocents.

            Making the West believe is piece of cake for your guys, when trying to fake the history of a nation and say that you weren’t brought in for tobacco plantation but you existed for over 2500 years, isn’t it?

            • 3

              @ Abdul Kadar Thambi

              He He He

              We adjust our caps according to the wind direction thus we are all dear boys to any Sinhala government. eh?

              Go to the airport and see in what language your Mususlims fill forms only in TAMIL.

              Your ancestors were all Hindu Tamils this is why you are unable to change your mother tongue.

              Go and ask a Mususlim small trader who goes to Sinhala towns, where will he sleep ..he will tell you that he sleeps at a Tamil shop to save his goods and life.

              This is the beauty of your brotherhood with Sinhalese.

              The SL Musulims in the West always LIVE with Tamils even Somalies will not accept your people though both follow Isulam.

              I can nominate your Tobacco Plantation story as the best joke of 2019.


            • 4

              Abdul Kader, please think before coming out with any statement. Tobacco plantation was started by Dutch who were in Sri Lanka in only 17th century after defeating Portuguese . When Portuguese arrived in 1495 there was Jaffna kingdom ruled by Tamils. This completely counteracts your statement that Tamils came to Sri Lanka only during the rule of Dutch. Did you know that in two sites in Mannar, 10,000 year old civilization has been found and there are several sites where potsherds have been found similar to those found in Tamil Nadu. Sri Lanka government does not want to carry out a search for the truth because it will blow out Sinhala propaganda. Before running down Tamils, please ask Sinhalese, who will say that Muslims are descendants of low caste Sinhala women cohabiting with Arab merchants and sailors. Due to your low birth, you are suffering from an inferiority complex and attacking Tamils.

              • 5


                Bro shouldn’t you be packing tea at the factory till we call you during the elections to stick some posters on the city walls? See, history is a too tough subject for your IQ. Just be patient we will arrange a pappa baldi and a brush to show your expertise when the time comes…

                • 1

                  Abdul Kader the Islamic infidel, how can a person who believes in the Koran which says that earth in flat have anything other than a low IQ. Naturally Muslims are behaving like mad fellows by worshiping an inanimate object.

          • 3

            the majority of tamil refugees are drug pushers

            • 4

              @Leslie, And Credit Card skimmers

            • 3

              @ Leslie

              There are so many SL Tamils in Dubai he he he but there are 6000 SL Buddhists are in prison in Dubai alone according to the SL Dubai Consulate.
              What about other towns and countries?

              Go to the airport during Karachi-Pakistan flight the majority of passengers are drug pushers and buyers and wholesale experts are Buddhists.



              • 4

                cholan, even in Saudi Arabia Tamils get caught making kassipu and sell in Riyadh. Only punishment was keep them in jail for few months and deport (Saudis don’t behead for this case like killing, raping or drug)

                Just Google, “sri lankan tamils and fraud”, and enjoy the serp listing…

        • 5

          “Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Muslims , all claiming to be Tamils fleeing Sinhalese persecution and seeking asylum”

          There might be few isolated cases for sure. But what is the percentage of Sinhalese and Muslims compared to Tamils? How many such people among those illegal fishing boats that capsized or captured by the border-guards?

          Ever since the war started, you guys started to sell your properties for a song to pay the traffickers, and now blame Muslims for buying them at cheaper prices as if they forced you to sell at those prices.

          “treacherous hat flippers” ? You know better who among you were that who are enjoying luxury lives with govt support, position and protection destroying your mother-land investment and dream. But they did something good for all of us to eradicate terrorism, the route you chose to achieve your land greed.

          • 3

            @ Abdul Kader

            Nanaa how many Mususlims can afford to pay for a return ticket to the west?

            To migrate you need determination and courage to face challenges.

            Tamils work hard and make money.

            Do you know that now world-famous SIM card brands LYCA and LEBARA are owned by Tamils in the UK? Today you can see these logos all over the world.

            This is possible only by hard work not by 5 times prayers

            Unfortunately, you follow teachings and verses that is taking back you to the 4th century. Sorry, it is your fault.


            • 4


              “To migrate you need determination and courage to face challenges”

              You have to migrate illegally to show your determination, courage and hard work, not for us. We are rich here, and create number of job opportunities for others too.

            • 6

              “Nanaa how many Mususlims can afford to pay for a return ticket to the west?” – As if you went there by a flight…he..he

              • 1


                All SL Tamils went to the west on the camel.


              • 3

                How many Muslims from various countries in middle east and north Africa have sought asylum in the west migrating illegally by boat and aircraft, while condemning the west when living in their countries and begging west to allow them to come to live in Europe. Muslims are indulging in drug trade and are in contention with Caribbeans, leading to killings in the streets of Europe.

                • 5

                  Al-Lahfaquar – so you are that poster sticking low IQ boy pretending to be a Sinhala with boiling blood hearing about fishing boat stories? Okay, speak Sinhala and prove now…he..he

      • 2

        Even the Government is a fake under cover of reality.

  • 4

    Look at all of them, a typical cross section and representation of the island’s so called Sri Lanakn Muslim Moors population . All looking like typical Tamil Dravidians that they really are but yet keep on denying this obvious truth and fact and claim to be Arabs/Moors.

    • 7

      You should have that in your blood.
      Please never judge from the appearence of a person. Body languages in such a discourse cant reveal you much.

    • 2

      Yes yes the Eastern Province Muslins look like Dravidian like Kamalasan, Ajith, Prasanth, Surya etc :)

      • 3

        Is Vadivelu from Northern Province then?

      • 2

        95% of them look the same not only in the east but throught the country. North , South, East , West, Central and in Colombo , as they are descended from Hindu Dravidian Tamil converts to Islam. Only around 5% of them due to the slight mixing of some western Asian and other blood look a bit different but still look quite Dravidian.

      • 2

        @ Bonggo

        Also, they wear Arab dress but talk in Tamil outside and at home he he he

        Kattankudy, Eravur, Maruthamunai, Valachenai, Kalmunai, Potuvil, Akaraipatru, Mutur ,Kiliveddi etc., etc are all pure Tamil names before the arrival of Portuguese only Tamil lived here but today Tamils are outsiders. This is how the population of Tamils change.


    • 7


      Even if you take those guys sitting and mix with your counter-parts in Tamil Nadu, you can still differentiate them. Can we do that with Jaffna Tamils? No, because those are your ancestors in TN with the same look and features, tried to help you achieve a branch of Tamil Nadu in SL. We, the Muslims got together with Sinhalese and destroyed that dream is the fury you show here.

      Obviously, it is you who deny that you were brought in for tobacco farming by the colonial masters from TN, to claim fake 2500 existence without even 11% population for all that number of years to get a piece of land and call it “branch of HQ mother land, TN here.

      • 4

        He He He
        My toes are again laughing about your historical knowledge and your patriotism.
        The population today is :
        70,2 % Buddhists
        12,6 % Hindus
        9.7% Musulims
        7,4 % Christians
        So so Criminal Wijaya landed with 700 thugs and started to rape Vedda women thus population rose to 70.2% today. Is this your Madarasa Maths?
        During the 40s between Negombo to Puttalam, there were 200 Tamils schools but not today who studied here and what happened to them?
        Even Sinhala people in this area talk Tamil at home.
        During later part of 18th century, census in Anuradhapura stated PEOPLE HERE SPEAK TAMIL ….where are they? Vanished?
        After independent when Polanaruwa was a jungle one Buddhist Ayotulla visited here and found people who spoke in Tamil where are they.?
        So-called Kandy Sinhalese today are descendants of Tamils speaking Manawadus from South India .before few centuries who later embraced Buddhism and married Sinhala women.
        Most of Sinhalese in western coastal areas came originally from today’s Kerala then the Tamil Chera Kingdom.
        No do you know how the Tamil population is less?
        BTW your forefathers also came to work in tobacco ( haram) plantation thus you all here speak Tamil at home or mother language is Tamil.? I can’t stop laughing.
        He He He your patriotism always exposed during Pakistan- SL cricket match.
        If you are for united SL why your Buddhist bruders attacked you ..burn your house and loot?
        If you have time go to Polanaruwa and see Hindu Temples and Tamil stone books all came with your colonial masters ????
        FYI Polanaruwa was built by Tamils and Anuradhapura was ruled by Tamils over 40 years, not after the arrival of your colonial masters.
        This is the problem with your Madarasa education Mowlavies…Ulammahs who are living in stone age can’t even sign but make modern Hadish.
        Finally, can you explain how come with your so-called with Arab lineage you all speak in Tamil at home?

        • 7


          You may write essays, books or even stories – But fact remains that you were brought in for tobacco plantation no matter how hard you try to spread your faked history, and no matter how many PHds you employ to find gaps in history and fake the opportunities, the fact remains.

          Your University of Tigers education did not teach you right logics on “How 2500 years and still 11%”. Take my tip here, if someone asks you the same question, you could tell them that your religion castrates all males except one in any generation so we are still tiny for 2500 years..at least this would look funny and they won’t ask you again..Ha..ha..my funny guy..

          • 4

            @ Abdul KADER

            nanaa your jokes are like:

            1.one guy spoke in YouTube that Kattankudy is an Arabic name.

            2.other joker says Adams Peak ( name given by British) belongs to

            Europeans landed here only after 14th century but your TOBACCAO planatation is a real joke you are wellcome to crack amouny your friends.

            Listen SL shape was not like here 2000 years ago and many Tsunamies engulfed the land and people often.
            Major part of Manner was lost like this .

            But with your Madarsa education you cannot understand in fact SL musulim who were once Tamil Hindus and majority of Sinhala population should be added to Tamil population .

            Once again for your carrot brain there were no Muslsims in N-E before 14th century ,even in Dondara there was a Hindu Temple noted by Portuguse sailors .

            Kataragama Hindu temple is in a Sinhala heart land how come?
            Tamils lived here.

            Nainaateevu Vihara is mentioned in 2000 years old Tamil classics he he he you talk about tobacco plantation.he he he

            So many wars in the past even a loss of 1000 people would have affected the present population .

            Mahavamsa is a comic book without any scientific or historical proof.

            So Tamil speaking Musulims here all came from Bedouin Arabia ?


            • 6


              “Nainaateevu Vihara is mentioned in 2000 years old Tamil classics” – Is that how your University of Tigers brainwashed you guys to grab a land and call it Eelam? Had that land grabbing war continued for few more years, you would have called the temple of the sacred tooth relic also once yours :-) Because you have many Phd holder busy finding gaps in history to squeeze in Uni of Tiger version there.

              Is there no end to the Lying? Tholkapiyam never mentions anything of Tamils of Sri Lanka while Mahabaratha refers to the Sinhalese as natives of SL.

              Jaffna soil is best for tobacco farming, which was started by Portuguese but the Dutch expanded farming in 18th century since it was very lucrative business at the time. As they did not have irrigation expertise among Sinhalese, Dutch brought Vellalas and other lower caste people from Tamil Nadu to enhance their well irrigation. So you are forefather is one of them.

              You should be grateful to the Dutch more than Prabakaran for grabbing Sinhalese land and registering them for you. And then introducing “Tesawallami” to protect the lands they offered you. Sinhalese are victims of yours, and they would have never thought post-colonial nationalism would raise up from nowhere among Tamils, and fight for homeland.

              Thank you

              • 3

                @ Abdul Kader

                Are you an SL Musulim or Pakistani or Memon / Borah?

                2000 years old Tamil Buddhist classic MANIMEKALAI written by Tamil Buddhist monk mention again and again about Nainaatheeve.

                So no Tamils live here before 18th century ..what a great history discovery.???

                This was colonized by Tamil spoken Arabs and Adams Peak is belong to

                This country was ruled by Portugal, Dutch and British and they have recorded every event still available to read.

                You live in the 4th century and still refuse to accept this is the 21st century but use the internet and Google ( CEO is a Tamil from TN) both invented by JEWS thus you are against Isulam.

                We can not awake pretends who pretends to be sleeping eg: Mususlims .

                I can’t stop laughing.


                • 6


                  “CEO is a Tamil from TN” – Of course Tamils of TN are talented and smarter than your lot. If not, you wouldn’t have some music to play at your functions and weddings, women to wear sarees or vetis for you, a literature to call it Tamil. Problem is, with all that borrowed culture, you deny your ancestry from TN, why?

                  On the other hand, for the sake of saying, say your 2500 existence is true, what have you done and created to call it your own and not from Tamil Nadu? Human-bombs? Cyanide pills?

                  • 2

                    @ Abdul KADER

                    in your Madarasa educated knowledge, TN people are smarter and talented.
                    He He He

                    Why coly koran give the idea of the flat earth? any proof?

                    SL and so-called today Indian subcontinent were once connected according to the scientists,

                    This connection broke due to continental drift and Tsunamis

                    Also once all over Asian followed Hinduism, Musulims in this regions were all converted.
                    Ask any Pakistani or Bangladesh guys they will say my grandfather was a Hindu.
                    This is why though you pray 5 times daily Arbs treat you all as Shits knowing very well you all converted to isulam.

                    So Tamils in today’s South India might have walked and settled here centuries ago and Kuweni certainly should be a Tamil Hindu Queen.

                    BTW any mention about Tsunami, Continental drift in your Coly Buk?

                    You Madarsa educated guys can’t understand this

                    Again my question how on earth Musulims live in this country speak Tamil at home ? Why you are unable to answer this question.

                    We like to know how musulims speak Tamil landed here.

                    A PERSON WHO SPEAKS TAMIL AT HOME IS A TAMIL full stop.


                    • 3


                      “A PERSON WHO SPEAKS TAMIL AT HOME IS A TAMIL” – Are you so proud to call us Tamils? We are not so. So those who speak English at home are British?

                      When I took a drink yesterday, I didn’t want any byte because of you, a loosu paya.. :-)

                  • 2

                    Abdul Kader,

                    Your name suggests that you are not a real Muslim. Like Amare, you might have come to know something about Islam. But you are apparently a Sinhala Buddhist Modaya, with IQ 79. This makes Cholan, probably, to believe your inability see the Human Evolution, Earth and countries’ land evolution with free & open scientific mind because your Madarasa’s forceful education has made you to believe, “one Morning Allah created all with Adam and Eve”.(No evolution)

                    Sinhalese are more related TN Tamils than Ceylon Tamils. Ceylon Tamils are more related Bengalese, than Sinhalese. This is DNA finding. Now drop out your Wijeya Lion cup, whose tooth is still preserved in a golden Case, in Vishnu temple in Kandy. What the DNA saying is, one time north and south of Ceylon was 100% TN blood. One time (during Kalinga war) Bengali Refugee landed in North and mixed Northern TN relatives. By time passes the Bengali DNA spread from north to south too, the perfect 100% TN DNA holders until lately. But the process was too slow and faced stall when the language barrier started to appeared in medieval time (after 6th AD). So now, for discussion purpose, Sinhalese are more related to TN and Tamils are more related to Bengalis, by DNA evidences. Sinhalese talk like Tamils. Write like Tamils, Eat like Tamils. Dress like Tamils. Treat the caste differences like Tamils (Bengali or other Aryan Races have different caste system, where Brahmins are the Chief. This start to vanishes from TN through Northern Ceylon, gradually and when it reached Sinhalese, they have no Brahmins at all.) Sinhalese are Tamils, went away from Tamil language about 200-300 years before Malayalees left Tamil Language. There are New solid archeological and linguistic proves are released by German Researchers, trying to prove Tamil started about 3500 years ago. Read it in Google. But I just want to tell you something you cannot read in google.

                    • 3


                      “But you are apparently a Sinhala Buddhist Modaya, with IQ 79”

                      Then for sure, IQ levels of Tamils must be unimaginably low to worshiped Prabakaran as their Supreme Leader, and LTTE as your legitimate government while a Sinhalese, MR took your Supreme Leader for a ride by bribing him to deprive you guys of your franchise, and won the war, killed your Supreme Leader, and you’re back in square one.

                      1. Should I praise your IQ for trusting VP will achieve your Eelam?
                      2. Do people with better IQ fund an Eelam like project which was an obvious unachievable?
                      3. You sacrificed your assets, children, lives to a war monger, was your IQ on leave then?
                      4. You saved your money in terrorist controlled, illegal LTTE Bank in Killinochchi – IQ ??
                      5. You pay more than 25k USD/head to a trafficker to travel through Mediterranean waves to reach Canada on an overloaded small rusty fishing boat – Didn’t your better IQ tell it was wrong?

                      Tamils in TN are very talented, largely educated and best brains of India are in TN, all Indians accept this fact. But Bengalis are arrogant unhygienic dumb people by nature. What you say is correct, your DNA could be Bengalis.

                  • 3

                    The very old Tamil name for one sexually transmitted disease is called Mekalai. This starts to spread from women’s genital area, as patches. This name is identical with Manimekhala (Manimekalai – means ruby covering). That is the jewel women wear stand covering that area (; I would guess it started as an attraction during dances). As the disease mimicked the ruby jewel, eventually, the disease got the name from Jewel. But the women’s name never got mixed up with the disease because it had the adjective Mani- the ruby – in front of it. But the Jewel and disease need not to take that prefix, so they don’t. When Buddhism and Jainism came to TN, they started put choke hold on Dance, music, and even on Tamil poems, which made Tamils to give up the Sangam liturgical culture. The works and poem written in Tamil after that was mainly about Religions and, if else, about masters and Kings.
                    Then why did I come with these details?

                    The name Manimekala is a pure Tamil product eventually made to feel ordinated from other Languages or even from Buddhism. Remember, Buddhism was against prostitution or that kind of sexually provoking dresses. The word Manimekala is against the Buddhist Fundamental ideology. So how Manimekhala did became Buddhist goddess? When did Buddhists establish them as navigational experts leaving aside Tamils? Try to answer to those questions reading the Wiki and bring it to us to discussion.
                    PS: Please note the common prefix of goddess name Manimekhala and the Island, goddess Manimekhala come to preach, Manipalawam(Nainativu-Naga dupiva). Interestingly, she has been flying in the sky like Mahanama’ Buddha and she the granddaughter of the dancer (prostitute) from TN. Her name connects her with the family profession too.
                    Abdul Kader, as you are a Sinhala Buddhist, even if your IQ is 79, understanding this Buddhist story is a piece of cake.

        • 3

          So if Sinhalese become Tamils again, your Tamil problem will be solved I guess?

    • 5


      Moors, Muslims. Sinhala, Tamil etc. are all Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, confirmed by genetics.

      Many came from Southern and Eastern India., with a sprinkling from other Para lands. Still they all are homo sapiens with 46 chromosomes.

      • 3

        Sri Lankan Tamils and Sinhalese have eastern Indian( Bengali ) ancestry in them. 29% amongst Sri Lankan Tamils and 25% amongst the Sinhalese but Sri Lankan Muslims are all from South India, with around 5% of them having some Arab or other western Asian or North Indian blood in them. Sri Lankan Tamils are largely descended from the indigenous Dravidian Naga and Yakka , whereas the Sinhalese are largely descended from South Indian immigrant Tamil Dravidians. Modern Kerala was also part of the ancient Tamil country and was speaking Tamil until a few centuries ago.

        • 3


          Sinhala, Tamils, Muslims are Paras from India. Only Native Veddah Aethho are Natives.

          Original Article | Published: 07 November 2013

          Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations


          Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.

        • 2


          “Sri Lankan Tamils are largely descended from the indigenous Dravidian Naga and Yakka” – Reality is, you are mostly Tanjore Tamil slaves brought by dutch to work in cinnamon gardens in the Western province, and tobacco farms in Jaffna.

          Tamils are 18th century settlers, thanks to the Dutch, and king Rajasinghe for invitng Dutch here. Please don’t fake history or twist it to suit your needs.

          • 2

            @ ghk

            I enjoy your jokes.

            Kings Rajasinghe had signed the documents with British in TAMIL.

            His descendants are still living in TN and receive a pension from the British government.

            You guys think EARTH IS FLAT and no CONTAMINATED DISEASES. so your brain only thinks backward.

            Tell me again how on earth Musulims live SL Talk in Tamil at home all over the country?
            The ancestors of the scientist were Tamils.???

            There was no Arab alphabet before 6th century but we have 5000 years old Tamil literature.

            If you all Muslims speak Urdu or Arabic here no problem, Tamils can live in peace.

            Do you believe the earth is FLAT according to your God then all modern science is a joke .


  • 12

    It is utterly stupid to expect these Quazi’s, who obviously looks down upon women, thinks they have no rights, and should be subservient to men, will do the right thing by Sri Lankan Muslim women, and give them the basic rights, and privileges, enjoyed by all other Sri Lankan women. This article shows just how backward, and imperfect this Quazi system is. They obviously follow the Saudi/Wahabi system and do not want women to be empowered, and able to function without a man. It is time the government did the right thing, and gave Muslim women, equal rights, just like other women do in this multi-religious country. We are not Saudi, and we are far more forward thinking than they are, and we are capable of settling this issue without Saudi, or even Taliban thinking. These Quazi judges are a disgrace to the country, and should not be allowed to derail the efforts to give Muslim women their deserved rights.

    • 3


      Well stated.

      This is a human rights and fairness issue.

      The Ulama interpret based on the Quran and Hadith that

      1. Women are chattel
      2. They are like goats and need to be tied or chaperoned or owned
      3. The can’t think and their rpsvidence is worth half of that of a man. ( Implied: women have half a brain, So need two women to make one brain)

  • 4

    Dear Amara,,, your accusations are unfounded, Hadith that says about half brain is not general one. Earth flat is not there,, it is your creation. but, suns runs in its own axis is there. Please listen to Dr Zakir Naik for all details on this issue. your half baked Islamic knowledge is as dangerous as Mullah’s or some monk’s .. You should not speak until you know about them in full. first do a research not from shiekh google but from valid source..

    • 5

      @ Lankan but support Pakistan team when they play cricket.

      Zakir Naik (concerted Hindu still carry Naik) a wanted terrorist by India and Bangladesh hiding in Malaysia recently lectured to Malays there saying:

      “Isulam allowed marrying a 10 years girl.”

      Will you give your 10 years daughter to 60 yrs man?

      After this joker landed in Malaysia ..Musulims students stop eating at school canteen with non musulims….shaking hand with non musulims is haram they will go to hell…also Halal trolly at supermarkets for Musulims..soon halal toilet..halal taxi..halal cinema but no halal money ..what sort of joke are these? Is this your Isulam taught to barbaric Arabs ?

      How many Hadiths are true? Why they divide by 3 parts?

      Even today Big Mullah of Mecca Mosque says the earth is FLAT is he a joker or?

      This is 21st century no place for 4th-century comics.


      • 6


        This 21st century why cant monks marry barring marital satisfaction marry a 10 year a next question this notion can be cleared, the priority is how can you wait without marrying

        • 4

          @ rbh

          To this day there is no news in SL or any Asian countries a non musulim married a 10 years old girl.

          This is not a marriage but RAPE .

          In Malaysia fanatic clergies permit 11 years old Malay Musulim girls to marry 50 years old man saying this is allowed in Coly Buk.
          Are these idiots have brain or shit inside their heads.?

          Bloody old Arabs fly to India especially Hyderabad and Indonesia to marry 10 years musulim kids use them then say Talak and vanish.

          Here so these girls give births 100s of b*****d musulims babies

          Asian and African maids going to Bedouin Arabia while 13 years faked age for 18 systematically used by these Arab animals then ditch them inside pit or lucky ones return home with carrying another b*****d musulim product.

          What beautiful Isulam?


          • 2


            The jumping to other stories how can people waite without marring who is deciding then marrying young or we can talk about it. When monks dont marry female losing husbands now the world has 7 % more woman than men even 99 years it worth marring, world statistics in the life-expectancy. and same sex marriage you are frightened talk about it, only noticing 10 yrs marriage without investigation

          • 3


            ‘To this day there is no news in SL or any Asian countries a non musulim married a 10 years old girl’.

            You lying, racist Tamil scum, child marriage exists all over India. Of course you with you head down a toilet can pretend you were not aware.


    • 3


      A combination of verses and individual verses can be interpreted using reason to come to the conclusion that.

      References from the Quran were given in an earlier post, in this thread.

      The Earth is flat, spread out like a carpet Is the word, round, sphere, globe or ball found in the Quran to describe the Earth?

      The women’s evidence is worth half as much, and need two women witnesses for each man witness.

      There is support in the Hadith as well. This was the 7th Century Arabia viewpoint, that got into theUthman Codex, 22 years after Prophet Mohamed(Pbuh), and he never got a chance to review and edit for accuracy and errors.

      Ulama, Naik and others are now trying to fit the 7th Century Arabian square peg into the 21st Century round hole.

      To fit, Quran and Hadith of the 7th Century must be reformed, just like the Christians and Jews did.
      This is what the Greeks and the Catholic Church had to do with the Geocentric model of the solar system.

      Reform means that keep the good ones and throw out the bad ones, ideas , practices etc.

    • 3

      Lankan , March 8, 2019
      Part 1

      (298 Words)
      International Women’s Day.

      1. “Dear Amara,,, your accusations are unfounded, Hadith that says about half brain is not general one. Earth flat is not there,, it is your creation. but, suns runs in its own axis is there. “

      a) Half -a -brain is implied, even though stated as such.


      And bring to witness two witnesses from among your men. And if there are not two men [available], then a man and two women from those whom you accept as witnesses – so that if one of the women errs, then the other can remind her. And let not the witnesses refuse when they are called upon..

      b) Bhukari Volume 1, Book 6, Number 301 :

      Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri

      Once Allah’s Apostle went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) o ‘Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, “O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women).” They asked, “Why is it so, O Allah’s Apostle ?” He replied, “You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.” The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?” He said, “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?” They replied in the affirmative.

      He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?” The women replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her religion.”

    • 3


      “In Qur’an, surah 2:182 equates two women as substitute for one man, in matters requiring witnesses.( Does it imply half-a -brain?)”

      Correction of typo: 2:282

      In Qur’an, surah 2:282 equates two women as substitute for one man, in matters requiring witnesses.( Does it imply half-a -brain?)

      Quran2: 282 from SAHIH INTERNATIONAL Translation

      And bring to witness two witnesses from among your men. And if there are not two men [available], then a man and two women from those whom you accept as witnesses – so that if one of the women errs, then the other can remind her. And let not the witnesses refuse when they are called upon. And do not be [too] weary to write it, whether it is small or large, for its [specified] term. That is more just in the sight of Allah and stronger as evidence and more likely to prevent doubt between you, except when it is an immediate transaction which you conduct among yourselves. For [then] there is no blame upon you if you do not write it. And take witnesses when you conclude a contract. Let no scribe be harmed or any witness. For if you do so, indeed, it is [grave] disobedience in you. And fear Allah . And Allah teaches you. And Allah is Knowing of all things.

    • 3

      Lankan , March 8, 2019

      Part 2: Flat Earth Implied.
      (298 Words)

      1. “Dear Amara,,, your accusations are unfounded, Hadith that says about half brain is not general one. Earth flat is not there,, it is your creation. but, suns runs in its own axis is there. “

      Women have half-a-brain was implied in the Quran and Hadith, and the Ulama will use this to justify MMDA, and say it is perfect, per religion of Islam. The Sri Lankan and other Non-Arabian Peninsula women MUST take the position that this applied ONLY to 7th Century ARABIAN women during the time of Prophet Mohamed, (and NOT to ALL NON-ARABIAN Women, ) as they lacked intellect at that time.

      Bhukari Volume 1, Book 6, Number 301 :

      Quran 12:2 says:
      Indeed We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an so that you may apply reason.

      2. “Earth flat is not there,, it is your creation. but, suns runs in its own axis is there. “
      Flat Earth and the Qur’an

      The Theology and the scriptures, and Hadith ACJU follow indicate Flat Earth, spread out like a carpet.

      The flat Earth, of the 7th Century Arabs, is clearly implied. Why did they not use the words ball, sphere, round, or other shape? The 7th Century Arabs did not have words to describe the shape, and settled on spread out like a carpet?


      The figure of the Earth is the size and shape of the Earth in geodesy. Its specific meaning depends on the way it is used and the precision with which the Earth’s size and shape is to be defined. While the sphere is a close approximation of the true figure of the Earth and satisfactory for many purposes

      Flat Earth and the Qur’an

      3. https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Flat_Earth_and_the_Quran

      4. https://www.skeptical-science.com/religion/quran-state-earth-flat/

    • 3

      Lankan , March 8, 2019
      Part 3: Flat Earth Implied
      (283 Words)

      “Earth flat is not there,, it is your creation. but, suns runs in its own axis is there. Please listen to Dr Zakir Naik for all details on this issue. your half baked Islamic knowledge is as dangerous as Mullah’s or some monk’s ..”

      The Earth is flat is implied, by spread out like a carpet.


      Qur’an 2:22 – firashan (thing spread to sit or lie upon)

      [He] who made for you the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling and sent down from the sky, rain and brought forth thereby fruits as provision for you. So do not attribute to Allah equals while you know [that there is nothing similar to Him].

      Qur’an 15:19 – madad (extend, stretch out)
      And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance.

      Qur’an 20:53 – mahdan (bed)
      He Who has, made for you the earth like a carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads (and channels); and has sent down water from the sky.” With it have We produced diverse pairs of plants each separate from the others.

      Qur’an 43:10 – mahdan (bed)
      (Yea, the same that) has made for you the earth (like a carpet) spread out, and has made for you roads (and channels) therein, in order that ye may find guidance (on the way);

      Qur’an 50:7 – madad (expand, stretch out)
      And the earth- We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and produced therein every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs)-

    • 3

      Lankan , March 8, 2019

      Part 4: Continued : Flat-Spread Out Earth Implied
      (278 Words)

      Qur’an 51:48 – farasha (spread out) mahidoon (spreaders)
      And the earth have We laid out, how gracious is the Spreader (thereof)!

      Qur’an 71:19 – bisaatan (carpet)
      And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out),

      Qur’an 78:6-7 – mihadan (bed)
      Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, And the mountains as pegs?

      Qur’an 79:30 – daha (spread out or ostrich egg?)
      Literal: And the earth/Planet Earth after that He stretched/spread it.

      Qur’an 51:48 – farasha (spread out) mahidoon (spreaders)
      And the earth have We laid out, how gracious is the Spreader (thereof)!

      Qur’an 71:19 – bisaatan (carpet)
      And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out),

      Qur’an 78:6-7 – mihadan (bed)
      Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, And the mountains as pegs?

      Qur’an 79:30 – daha (spread out or ostrich egg?)

      Literal: And the earth/Planet Earth after that He stretched/spread it.
      Word by word:
      • وَٱلْأَرْضَ
      • وَ – wa – and
      • ٱلْ – al – the
      • أَرْضَ – ard – Earth
      • feminine in Arabic
      • بَعْدَ – ba’ada – after
      • ذَٰلِكَ – dhalika – that
      • دَحَىٰهَآ
      • دَحَىٰ – dahaa – (he) spread
      • verb [14]
      • هَآ – ha – her
      • or “it” in the English translation, referring to the Earth.

      دَحَىٰهَآ is a verb with a suffixed pronoun, so it cannot mean a noun “ostrich egg”. In the apologist interpretation the verb would have to mean “he made it in a shape of an ostrich egg”. It is absurd to think that such a little word could mean something so complex.

    • 3

      Lankan , March 8, 2019

      Continued from Part 4

      Part 5: Continued : Flat-Spread Out Earth Implied : 7th Century Arab Worldview
      (251 Words)

      It depends on where one is born and taught.

      The هَا (-ha) suffix pronoun meaning literally “her” is also repeated in the surrounding verses as a literary device:

      So the -ha in 79:30 is a pronoun as well as in other verses and the pronoun is completely missing in the translation “ostrich egg”.

      The Arabic words for “flat” or “level” or “straight shaped” are “sawi” and “almustavi”. There is not a single place in Quran where there is any indication of the earth being “flat” or “straight shaped”. The word “faraash” in 2:22, 51:48; the word “wasia” in 4:97, 29:56, 30:10; the word “mahd” in 20:53, 43:10, 78:6; the word “basaat” in 71:19; the word “suttihat” in 88:20; and the word “tahaaha” in 91:6, all may mean, “to spread”, “to expand” or “to extend” with slight differences in their connotations but none signify the earth being straight-shaped or flat

      Tafsirs on the verse 79:30

      The tafsirs explain that this verse describes the Earth to be flat.

      and after that He spread out the earth He made it flat for it had been created before the heaven but without having been spread out;
      Tanwir Al-Miqbas:

      (And after that He spread the earth) even then He spread it on the water; it is also said: 2,000 years after that He spread it on the water,

      Tanwir Al-Miqbas

    • 3

      Lankan , March 8, 2019

      Continued from Part 5

      Part 6: Continued : Flat-Spread Out Earth Implied : 7th Century Arab Worldview
      (289 Words)

      Qur’an 22:61, 31:29, & 39:5 – night and day merging / overlapping

      22:61: That is because Allah merges night into day, and He merges day into night, and verily it is Allah Who hears and sees (all things).

      31:29: Seest thou not that Allah merges Night into Day and he merges Day into Night; that He has subjected the sun, and the moon (to his Law), each running its course for a term appointed; and that Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do?

      39:5 He created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night: He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law): Each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power – He Who forgives again and again?

      Muslims sometimes claim “Merging here means that the night slowly and gradually changes to day and vice versa. This phenomenon can only take place if the earth is spherical. If the earth was flat, there would have been a sudden change from night to day and from day to night.”

      This claim is false. Consider that everyone who has ever believed in a flat Earth was aware of the gradual transition from night to day. The gradual shift from day to night and vice versa would still happen on a flat earth model. The only difference is that the flat earth model would be lit up at the same time, there would be no timezones just the same night and day for everyone.

    • 3

      Lankan , March 8, 2019

      Continued from Part 6

      Part 7: Continued : Flat-Spread Out Earth Implied : Motion of the Sun and the Moon 7th Century Arab Worldview
      (296 Words)

      Lankan says: “Earth flat is not there,, it is your creation. but, suns runs in its own axis is there. Please listen to Dr Zakir Naik for all details on this issue. your half baked Islamic knowledge is as dangerous as Mullah’s or some monk’s .”

      In addition, these verses, as well as others, erroneously refer to night and day as two active entities. They are in fact simply the times when, for an observer on the surface of the Earth, they are on the sunlit or shadowed side of the planet as it rotates upon its axis. The night does not “overlap” or “wrap” around the day because there is only light, and darkness is nothing but the absence of light. The Qur’an could hardly be more wrong here. A less bad description would be to say that the Earth passes through night and day. Moreover, attempts to interpret 39:5 as the rotation of the Earth require contradictory shifts in the meaning of the words halfway through the sentence, as explained in a more detailed discussion of 39:5 on the page Geocentrism and the Qur’an.

      Geocentrism and the Qur’an


      Geocentrism simply is the notion that the Earth is the (immovable) centre of our universe, thus all celestial bodies move around it. The ancient Greeks and the Europeans of the middle ages thought that the celestial bodies (the sun, the moon and the 5 known planets) all moved in celestial spheres around a spherical Earth. It should be noted that even though not all geocentrists are flat-Earthers, invariably all flat-earthers seem to be geocentrists.

    • 3

      Lankan , March 8, 2019

      Continued from Part 7

      Part 8: Continued : Flat-Spread Out Earth Implied : Motion of the Sun and the Moon 7th Century Arab Worldview
      (299 Words)

      Lankan says: “Earth flat is not there,, it is your creation. but, suns runs in its own axis is there. “Please listen to Dr Zakir Naik for all details on this issue. your half baked Islamic knowledge is as dangerous as Mullah’s or some monk’s .”

      The Qur’an says that both the sun and the moon swim / float in a rounded course, or perhaps in a celestial sphere or hemisphere (a ‘falak’ in the Arabic[1]). It seems that Allah brings the sun from the east, it goes high above the Earth and ends after sunset with the Sun going to a resting place. All this took place around an Earth that was spread out and had a firmament of seven heavens built without pillars that can be seen above it. This was a common belief in the region at that time and can be found earlier with the Babylonians, ancient Hebrews, the Assyrians and other cultures in the region.

      Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baaz, the former supreme religious authority of Saudi Arabia, believed the earth is flat, and so does Muslim Researcher on Astronomy Fadhel Al-Sa’d, who declared in a televised debate aired on Iraqi Al-Fayhaa TV (October 31, 2007) that the Earth is flat as evidenced by Qur’anic verses and that the sun is much smaller than the Earth and revolves around it.

      As devout Muslims, they have good reason to conclude the Earth is flat; the Qur’anic verses 15:19, 20:53, 43:10, 50:7, 51:48, 71:19, 78:6, 79:30, 88:20 and 91:6 all clearly state this and not a single verse in the Qur’an hint to a spherical earth.

    • 3

      Lankan , March 8, 2019

      Continued from Part 8: Dr Zakir Naik and his errors

      Part 9: Continued : Flat-Spread Out Earth Implied : Motion of the Sun and the Moon 7th Century Arab Worldview
      (294 Words)

      Lankan says: “Earth flat is not there,, it is your creation. but, suns runs in its own axis is there. “Please listen to Dr Zakir Naik for all details on this issue. your half baked Islamic knowledge is as dangerous as Mullah’s or some monk’s .”

      Taken from Zekeriya Kazvinî’s “Acaib-ül Mahlûkat” (The Wonders of Creation). Translated into Turkish from Arabic. Istanbul: ca. 1553.

      This map depicts “a traditional Islamic projection of the world as a flat disk surrounded by the sundering seas which are restrained by the encircling mountains of Qaf”.
      File:Flat Earth The Wonders of Creation.jpg


      Stupidest Muslim (Dr Naik) Vs Neil Tyson – How ideology can ruin intellectual power


      Truth Seeker
      Published on Nov 10, 2014

      This is not a debate between some Muslim and Neil Tyson. But this video shows the thinking of some very well educated 21’st century Muslim (I don’t know he is ignorant, stupid or dishonest. But he is one for sure) and Neil Tyson speaking in a lecture about how Muslims intellectual power ruined by an ideology.

      Dr. Zakir Naik says, “There is no proof that humans evolved from apes” . Let’s see the data.

      Ken Miller on Human Evolution-Humans Evolved from the Great Apes


      Published on Feb 14, 2007

      Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.

    • 3

      Lankan , March 8, 2019

      Continued from Part 9: Dr Zakir Naik and his errors

      Is the Earth Flat or not from the Quran

      Part 10 : Continued : Flat-Spread Out Earth Implied : Motion of the Sun and the Moon 7th Century Arab Worldview
      (296 Words)

      Lankan says: “Earth flat is not there,, it is your creation. but, suns runs in its own axis is there. “Please listen to Dr Zakir Naik for all details on this issue. your half baked Islamic knowledge is as dangerous as Mullah’s or some monk’s .”

      Does the sun set in a murky pool in Qur’an 18:86?

      Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it [as if] setting in a spring of dark mud.

      Memri TV Project Iraq TV debate Is the Earth Flat? Al Fayhaa TV Iraq October 31, 2007


      Bukhari Hadith: Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421 :
      Narrated by Abu Dhar

      The Prophet asked me at Sunset, “Do you know where the Sun goes (at the time of Sunset)?” I replied, “Allah and His Apostle know better.” He said, “It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: “And the Sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing.” (36.38)

    • 3

      Lankan , March 8, 2019

      Part 10 : Continued from Part 9: Dr Zakir Naik and his errors
      (298 Words)

      Is the Earth Flat or not from the Quran? Implied?

      Flat-Spread Out Earth Implied : Direction of Prayer, Fasting during the month of Ramadan, Motion of the Sun and the Moon 7th Century Arab Worldview

      Lankan says: “Earth flat is not there,, it is your creation. but, suns runs in its own axis is there. “Please listen to Dr Zakir Naik for all details on this issue. your half baked Islamic knowledge is as dangerous as Mullah’s or some monk’s .”

      “ You should not speak until you know about them in full. first do a research not from shiekh google but from valid source..”

      Yes, valid original sources are from the Uthman Codex, Quran and Sahih Bukhari Hadith, and geography, and reason.

      1. Direction of Payer, Quibla, towards Mecca. This implies a spread out Earth, like a carpet. In a spherical Earth this is meaningless, as those in London, New York and Los Angeles, and the Arctic and Antarctic, need to pray at an angle, to get the direction correct towards Mecca, as Mecca is supposed to be the center.

      2. Ramadan Fasting for 30 days from sunrise to sunset. This works well in a spread out, flat earth model, where the sun rises and sets about the same time on different parts of the earth, It does not work well for a spherical earth, because the daylight hours vary based on the seasons and the latitude. Those within the Arctic and Astatic circles, will not be able to follow sunrise and sunset. So, the Ulama’s solution is tp follow the closest country that has sufficient daylight.

      3. “but from valid source” Quran and Sahih Bukhari Hadith.

  • 8

    I know a certaiin Quazi (the word Quazi in slang is pronounced as “Kaaliyaar” meaning in Tamil the one who makes it empty or finishes it off), so this particular Kaaliyaar acted according to the Tamil version of the word. During mediation in a disputed marriage between both parties, if this Quazi lost his cool, he will vent his anger at one or both parties in – raw filth -, his vulgar language is of such high standard, which will make the Mariyakade Choppe, (if he were living today) look an Amateur in the use of obscene language. I don’t deny the fact that there are decent, learned and good mannered Quazis available in the Island.

  • 3

    Yes yes the Eastern Province Muslins look like Dravidian like Kamalasan, Ajith, Prasanth, Surya etc :)

  • 0

    Who in their right mind appoints Hommanpila to such a body A racist. Plus all members are anti Muslim who not a single Muslim in it

  • 7

    230 is just a number, it has no statistical significance unless it is compared with complaint rates for Sinhalese and Tamil judges who deal with divorce cases. This article is making 230 complaints look like a big deal without giving a reference point, without giving a date range as to when these complaints are accumulated.

    • 1

      RTI Unearths 230 Complaints Against Quack ‘Islamic’ Judges

      Do you say there are investigations against 230 Tamil & Sinhala Judges or Justices?

      Man that is a pretty big number!

      The News is about MMDA. You may want to compare “Qualied Muslim Judges: Tamil and Sinhala Judges”. But when I read through the comments, I get feeling that Qualified Muslim Judges don’t make any difference from Quack Islamic Judges. If you want to deny that please go ahead say your points.

  • 1

    ” On the data now in the hands of Colombo Telegraph, the JSC has stated that, out of the 230 complaints received, 190 complaints have been ‘resolved’ by the JSC with 40 complaints ‘not resolved.’ Data as to the specific nature of the complaint and the decision taken was refused to be disclosed by the JSC. “

    What does CT means 190 cases solved? No nobody knows what was the situation about the women caught in between this two party game. It appears to me that this process of reviewing the Quazi Quacks is lame duck process. Practical operation of it is a Sadukudu between the Sinhala Jury Only JDC and ACJU lead Quacks.
    ஆண்டவன் கடவுளை காப்பாதுவராக! (Praying Allah Save the God!)

  • 3

    Every one is screaming. All the muslims have published a photograph saying that we care about muslim women. It is just part of the cheating game by politicians. They are not going to change the Islamic teachings.

    • 3


      “What are Islamic teachings”?
      What are the interpretations of the Ulama?

      1. One man = Two women? Because they lack intellect?

      2. The Earth is spread out ( like a carpet)?

      Is it the Ulsma who lack intellect, because they do not use reason, per Islamic Scholar Ibn Rushd, aka Averroes?

  • 8

    I have told many times in this forum about this. Not only Muslim judges, even Muslim Lawyers will side with the Muslim side if his/her client happens to be non-Muslim.

    Not only that, even if the warring parties happen to be two Sinhalese and one were to select a Muslim Lawyer, the lawyer will betray his own client for money because the only a way a Muslim can benefit is by doing so.

    There is one infamous Muslim lawyer in Hultsdorp called Razmara Abdeen who is famous for this.

    • 2

      Razmara Abdeen is a happy – go – lucky eating drinking Muslim bugger. He is a cut above the rest. Don’t blame him.

    • 0

      There is one infamous Muslim lawyer in Hultsdorp called Razmara Abdeen who is famous for this.

      The first option to address is murder cases like Rathgama Businessmen Murder: 05 Police officer barred from overseas travel then others if muslim businessman or tamil business what cover up scenarios is brought to light.

  • 3

    The plethora of “Universities” in the Eastern Province, from the early 1990s, produces poor quality Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Teachers and other professionals. This is what happens when the system produces
    quantity rather than quality. In the Colombo area patients – both in Govt hospitals and private – are very worried to be treated by a younger Muslim doctor – particularly one who has passed out of a EP University.
    There is a marked difference in the quality of Doctors etc. from Colombo, Kandy and the South.


    • 10

      A.D.J. Perera

      Are those Colombo, Kandy, Southern produced Doctors performing brain surgery and heart transplant?

    • 7


      Don’t let your imagination run riot.

      There is Only One University in the Eastern Province which has a Medical Faculty. That is the Eastern University in Batticaloa. The Medical Faculty was established in 2006 – NOT in 1990s as you claimed. The first batch of Doctors passed out in 2013 and since then, only around 200 Doctors have passed out. How many of them are Muslims? I don’t have the exact number but I am sure it can’t be that many as most are likely to be Tamils.

      So, most of the Muslim Doctors from local universities are likely to be from universities outside the East.

      “In the Colombo area patients – both in Govt hospitals and private – are very worried to be treated by a younger Muslim doctor – particularly one who has passed out of a EP University.”

      How ridiculous! Patients checking on the bio-data of Doctors treating them and the Universities they passed out from? Whatever you don’t have, you certainly have an extremely fertile Imagination, man.

      • 3

        In 1961, the then obstetrician of Batticaloa hospital, famously said that “Muslim women ‘menstruate only once” – at ‘onset of puberty’.
        After puberty, they are/were given in marriage and then commence a continuous cycle of child bearing until onset of early menopause or illness and/or death – as they ‘could not’ be treated by male doctors. Immunisation of children was unheard of as was ‘family planning’.
        Untrained women attended child births – trained state midwives were shunned – and, perinatal, infant and child mortality rates were high. Most births were unregistered and true figures are/were unknown.

        • 4


          From where did you get this CRAP?

          In the 1960’s and before, there were fewer hospitals and Doctors, not only in the East but also throughout the country. Most women, whether Sinhalese, Tamil or Muslim, gave birth at home with the help of elderly women in the family or mid wife. In fact, child birth was no big deal as it is today with pregnant women making monthly visits to the Doctor very regularly, without fail.

          So, if what you have written is true, it applied to all, whether Muslim or non-Muslim.

          Also, don’t forget, there were local vedhamahattayas who did a tremendous job in curing the sick with herbal medicine which was free from any side effects like today’s drugs marketed by the Pharma Mafia.

          • 3

            This is known to all doctors who worked at Batticaloa and Kattankudy hospitals in the sixties.
            Chenkalady had the world’s highest Fertility Rate at that time.
            But, infant mortality too was very high.

            • 3


              Do you know in which year the Maternity Wards in the Batticaloa and Kattankudy hospitals were established?

              Can you tell what was Chenkalady’s Fertility Rate at that time and which city in the world had the next highest Fertility Rate? Please don’t forget to indicate the year and the source for your information.

      • 0

        Muhandiram: Muslims are more focused on praying five times a day. I think they want to go prays during the lectures or the school classes too. They like business because that is what Mohommad did.

    • 3

      A.D.J. Perera,

      “In the Colombo area patients – both in Govt hospitals and private – are very worried to be treated by a younger Muslim doctor”

      Aren’t they worried about patients dying while doctors striking for better schools for their kids or car permits? And why the rich and the politicians fly to Singapore for a flu if WP doctors are too good? SL has only few good consultant doctors who became so good not by local MBBS but by experience and foreign studies.

  • 2

    Where is those CRAPPY – Western human right organizations that are funded with Drug money. There Are there only to exploit and weak countries and for these. Even in the west, women are for sexual exploitation. those women exploited by males of the broken family or those who are ugly and can not find a man are feminist. In Srilanka also stupid Sri lankan educated women go for those craps.

  • 4

    It is International Women’s Day.
    News – blogs & TV shows, show women of Pakistan, Indonesia and other nations with sizable Muslim populations out on the streets demanding equality with men.
    Only Muslim women in Sri Lanka are keeping mum.
    They have been subjugated/subdued/brain washed by years of treatment as ‘child-bearing machines’ only.
    Even women of Saudi Arabia are slowly regaining their rights as humans firstly & as females secondly.
    The Quazi courts are bastions of male supremacy suppressing the Birthrights of female Homo Sapiens.

  • 2


    International Womens Day celebrations world wide.

  • 6


    You have let your imagination run riot. Do you know how the Quazi system works? Of course, not perfectly. But, did you care to think about other systems in the country and how they work, be it the Political system and governance, the judiciary, the legislature and everything that has been introduced to make life better for us, the poor citizens? Even the much talked about 19th Amendment is receiving a lot of flak for the manner it has been manipulated when it was passed, to suit some vested interests. Did you ever think about these things which affect ALL of us regardless of whether we are Sinhalese, Tamils or Muslims? But, you have time to worry about the Quazi system which affects less than 5% of the population!

    It seems, the simplest thing today for the likes of you is to attack Islam and Muslims based on your ill-informed perceptions. The Quazi system, as practiced in Sri Lanka is, like all other systems, certainly not perfect but the reason for that is not so much the system perse but the people who administer the system. Those behind administering the system are very much Sri Lankans and follow the Sri Lankan way of doing things. So, unless and until the people change, things will remain the same. By all means change the system as far as necessary and possible but DON’T expect results till the people change.

  • 7

    There is a very strong school of thought that QUAZI Courts and QUAZI judges are not performing their duties impartially. This has been a perennial issue where the relevant authorities have always turned a blind eye.
    It is high time that the Judicial Services Commission took cognizance of this and acts on all such complaints and strip QUAZI judges found to have favored one party against another. They should be punished too. Even though there would not be any proof that a BRIBE changed hands, the fact that BLATANT one sided judgments are delivered that amounts to CORRUPTION.
    That said what about WRONG JUDGMENTS being delivered by the normal courts?
    There are many anomalies within the Magistrate’s, District, High Courts and even the Appeal Courts where judgments favoring one side have been delivered.
    In is ONLY the Supreme Court that the citizens of this country still hold close to their hearts as the final place that they could find solace.
    My questions are:
    What happens if the Supreme Court turns down judgments delivered by lower courts?
    Does that mean that the lower courts have not done their jobs within the law?
    If such a judgment is delivered by the Supreme Court, turning down judgments by the lower courts does the litigant have any solace?
    Can he or she go to the JSC with the SC judgment and file a complaint against the judges of the lower courts?
    Would the JSC initiate an inquiry armed with the SC judgment and take disciplinary action against the judges of the lower courts that delivered wrong / biased judgments?
    If there is proof (A SC judgment in hand) would the JSC review all ORDERS/JUDGMENTS delivered by that particular judge?
    If the judge is found to have ERRED would he be taken to task?
    Is there such a mechanism in our COUNTRY’S judicial system?

    • 1

      “There is a very strong school of thought that QUAZI Courts and QUAZI judges are not performing their duties impartially. This has been a perennial issue where the relevant authorities have always turned a blind eye”

      very true

  • 4

    Between 2007 and 2012, 230 complaints, enormous by any yard-sticks, have been filed against Lankan Quazi judges.
    The author of this article had to squeeze the data off the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) under the Right to Information Act.
    The Lankan Quazi judges receive instructions from All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU), the apex men-only religious body of Islamic theologians that provides religious and community leadership to the Sri Lankan Muslim Community.
    PS: The MPs in the photo dare not take a step without ACJU approval.
    For its survival, ACJU holds fast to MMDA1950 ‘As is Where is’.
    MMDA (Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act) violates Fundamental Rights and Human Rights. The misogynic tilt is well known.
    The Minister of Justice Ms Thalatha Atukorale must act NOW.

    • 5


      What you have written is childish, perfectly fitting your name, Pillai, which means Child.

      • 3

        Fake Arab South Indian origin Dravidian Thullukan , we know that you are silly. Pillai is a caste name, amongst Tamils and some Malayali ( whose ancestors originated from Tamil Nadu) . They are a subsect of the Vellalar and just like the Mudaliars are considered to be upper Vellalar. Sinhalese Govigamma with names ending Pilli or Mudali are descended from these Tamil Vellalar groups. Eg the late Athulath Mudali , ironically a well known nasty anti Tamil . Another famous anti Tamil the former president of Sri Lanka J R Jayawardene is a direct descendant of Thambi Mudaliar and immigrant from Tamil Nadu. The famous Indian play back singer Chitra, belongs to the Pillai community from Kerala. Pillai is also a common name is Kerala and this name commands a lot of respect , as they are from ruling clans. A generation or two ago nearly all Vellalar names amongst the Jaffna Tamils ended with the suffix Pillai or Mudaliar. Traditionally if your name ended with the suffix Pillai or Mudaliar everyone knew that you belong to a upper Vellalar family. The Saiva Pillais are almost Brahmin in their culture . Many Sri Lankan Muslims have Tamil Muslim caste names as their family names. Eg. Marrikar/Marrikayar ( the former Indian president and the father of Indian space/atomic science the late Abdul Kalam belonged to the Tamil Muslim Marrikar community ) , Lebbai, Rawther, Kayalar, Thambi, proving the immigrant South Indian Tamil origin of the Sri Lankan Muslims. Other than the Muslims from North and East who now speak Jaffna or Batticaloa Tamil dialects , the Tamil dialect spoken amongst the 72% of Sri Lankan Muslims living in the south is a form of Indian Tamil dialect , that has been given a Muslim flavour, again proving their South Indian origin. Then again you are so ignorant brainwashed by your elite and Mullah to believe that you are some sort of Arab( sic) and to hate your own Tamil heritage , origin and to worship everything Arab including Arab coca .

        • 4

          Pillai may be a caste, but isn’t it also a Tamil word which means “Child”?

          I don’t want to waste any time with the rest of your BORING Rigmarole you Tamil Muddaal.

          • 1

            Yes only waste time on your Mullah’s stupid preaching , and not on anything intelligent. Further you converted immigrant low castes from Tamil Nadu , do not want to hear anything about your actual origin , that conflicts or dispels your Arab origin fairy tale that your local Mullah and politician has drummed into your pea size low caste converted brain.

            • 0

              Who will waste time with a Lying Visaran with an Indian name and who keeps Repeating the same thing over and over again? Get lost, you Clueless Hate-filled Visaran.

  • 4

    Why worry about religions when religions doesn’t worry about humans. Most crimes are perpetrated under the guise of religions. More people have died over fights on religion than the world wars. A moratorium should be brought in line to stop construction of Temples, Churches, Mosques, Pansalas etc for next 10 years. The monies thus saved should be used to build houses for the ‘Gods’ Children”
    There is a Tamil saying .”Makkal Kurale Mahesan Kural’ Meaning “Peoples voice is gods voice.”

    • 1

      K. Anaga

      Very rightly said. Religions are the bane of world society. Not one religion has done any good for mankind. We are still the same humans we were before any of the religions came into being. Hinduism is said to be between 10,000 and 30,000 years old. Buddhism is 2,500 plus years old. Christianity is 2020 odd years old and Islam is about 1,400 years old.
      What GOOD has any of these religions done? SWEET NOTHING!
      We are still, rogues, burglars, rapists, murderers, child molesters, etc etc, If we are not these words should have been expunged form our vocabulary, but NO!. They are still words often read and heard in the print and video/audio media.\
      And we call ourselves religious!
      What Bloody nonsense!
      The audacity of the whole thing is that everyone beginning from our corrupt politicians, to the teachers, and everyone else are aspiring to go to heaven — If there is one.
      Bullshit! there is NO heaven or hell!

    • 3

      K.Anaga ,

      “Why worry about religions when religions doesn’t worry about humans”

      When man evolved and his intellect increased compared to the other primates, he invented God and Religions to serve man. Now it has been turned upside down by the Priests, Monks, Ulama, and other religions leaders, so that man has to serve both the religious leaders and God, irrespective of whether there is one God, 300 mullion Gods or no Gods.

  • 3

    Just a few months back, news like this would have brought a plethora of comments from activists.
    Their silence now is deafening.
    Who silenced them? Sorry no prizes!

    • 3

      K.Pillai ,

      “Who silenced them?”

      Wahhabi Salafi Mafia who takes instructor from Satan, per prescient Hadith of Najd?

      Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted


      How to debate with the so-called Wahhabi-Salafiyyah

      For decades Wahhabi scholars and in particular Saudi grand muftis have enjoyed the benefits of the historical pact between the founder of Saudi regime with the founder of the Wahhabi sect.


      Wahhabism is drawing an upside down picture of Islam, taking the Saudi monarchical theocracy to a new level of idiocracy.

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