19 February, 2025


Running With The Hare & Hunting With The hounds

By Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

The title of this piece should, in fact, read, “You shouldn’t be able to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds” because that would be more appropriate given what I am about to say. However, since most editors don’t want long titles to the articles they accept for publication.

On several previous occasions I have drawn attention to the “insurance buyers” within the higher ranks, of the current government.

The most recent was the son of one of the most useless Prime Ministers it has been our misfortune to have been saddled with. This man, now a Minister of some description in the coalition government, admitted that he was a close associate of a major drug dealer, a Pakistani, accused (and never apprehended and prosecuted!) for attempting to smuggle out of the Port of Colombo something like 260 kgs of heroin. The paper trail of the ultimate in hard drugs being moved out of the Port without demurrage being charged led straight to the PM’s office and his chief functionary who was the signing authority for the exemption.  There were then ready admissions, bred of the absolute impunity of those who thought they were going to exercise their authority over us “ordinary” Sri Lankans forever, that the drug dealer of international standing was not only a frequent mealtime guest at the Prime Minister’s residence but had funded the then-P.M’s son’s provincial election campaign, leading to his capturing the largest number of votes.

All of the above appears to have been swept under the increasingly accommodating rug, developed for that purpose by the MR2 (Maithripala/Ranil) government.

Let me be blunt: particularly those of us who placed themselves at significant risk for being critical of the MR 1 (Mahinda Rajapaksa) government did not do so in order to have that lot replaced by a twin in the matter of moral, ethical and principled conduct or lack thereof.

There are several members of the current government, ensconced in its hierarchy, and their hangers-on, who sucked up to the Rajapaksas and their buddies as if there was to be no tomorrow. Where they sit in the scheme of things today hardly needs emphasis but needs repetition.  They and their friends who were bosom buddies of and launderers of dirty money for the previous regime are being clasped to the bosom of the MR2 lot. I am not about to suggest the motivation for all of this because you’d have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to know what is going on in broad daylight, if there is such a thing in politics!

The singular lack of anything resembling ethics, principles or morality by the current bunch is something to behold! What is even more disgusting is the fact that the level of impunity displayed in this regard is beginning to rival that of their predecessors, even if minus the white vans (for the moment at least!)

I do not think that either of the leadership team – Maithri and Ranil – can be unaware of what is going on: they have become a part of the problem and not the solution.  Let me reiterate, neither of them is deaf, dumb and blind politically or in any other way that is relevant to what is under discussion.

They have become participants in a web of corruption which can hardly be distinguished from that of their predecessors.  The details might be different, but the whole is already giving clear signs of moving towards being identical.

On a lighter note, I am informed that a man with extremely close links to the previous corrupt regime, particularly through his entry into the luxury automobile business, is rumoured to be preparing to trade a couple of Lambhorginis currently sitting in his care in an Arabian Gulf country, for some kind of monopoly in the matter of manufacturing vehicles, probably to be supplied to the Sri Lankan government.  The “upside” of that story is contained in a theory that the tuk-tuk drivers of this country might soon be replacing the (unwittingly) humourous slogans on their three-wheelers with Lambhorgini, Maserati or Ferrari logos. For those expressing incredibility at this sort of scenario, I would suggest re-visiting the famous story of 260 kg shipment of heroin in which the office of a Prime Minister played a very interesting role.  And I use the word “interesting” as in “May you live in interesting times!”

There are a large number of people in this country who voted out a violent and corrupt regime who did not, in so doing, intend to have them replaced by their kissing cousins complete with “get out of jail free” cards.

To repeat, we got rid of the previous set of thieves and murderers NOT to have them replaced by their kissing cousins and if that means launching another campaign to get rid of another corrupt regime, so be it! After all, to paraphrase a famous historical figure, “we have nothing to lose but our (new) chains!”

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  • 4

    Mr Poorten, You think your mate Kandy Kirra will get the ass too, tomorrow,, together with the Yahapalana big ass rogue and cheat, Galleon from f Bloemendhal ?….Will the Mahanayakas of your diocese put in a good word to both Bodhi Sira ( MR 2 ?) and Batalanda Ranil to save them ?….You give me the impression that Yahapalana suckers have exchanged Galangal for Bird Chillies…. How cool…..14 of the 25 Districts are under the poverty line…. Are you in one of them?..Galleon and Dr Ranil have added 200 Billion to our National Debt in just 2 years….But nothing to show for it, except 99 Car permits to half wits in Kotte, including Dr Ranil’s blue eyed boys, young Sene and Alfonso Bastian,,not forgetting the 11 Billion to Dr Ranil’s mate, Mahendran’s Family Trust…. And 9 Billion hole in the poor EPF members cash pool , who are mainly Dalits….But those most talked about 24 K Gold thoroughbreds which MR 1 ( Right? ) supposed to have imported, turned out to be miniature ponies in some rich dude’s vault….. Wonder whether the same dude has those 12 Cylinder Lambos too, in the Vault ?…

    • 10

      Sumaney, oh Sumaney
      When will you EVER realise that writing disjointed, incomprehensible crap does not an “intellectual” make?

      • 1

        Mr Poorten, Pigs might fly if Sumane, Maxi Moron, Srinath Gunaratnam and et al would ever see it right. These men are inherited their styles as nothing can help them further. Basta.

      • 1

        Mr Poorten,

        even if the dog’s tail would have been put in a bamboo sheath, it cant be straightened. The same theory is applicable to lanken s in general. Not just former PM’s son but also the sons, and former president himself allowed Negombo drug kin pin-Nimal Lanza to be released just for the same reason. They these illfated politicians would not really care about the mournings of drug consuming youth today, instead of block the flows in to the country, they would rather just show their half hearted reactions.
        Only hope for me would be, if Field marshal Fonseka together with former army senior would be appointed as special executives to go vehemently against the drug traffickers regardless of the their contacts with former senior politcians, then we can see it further. I cant keep hopes on the current wishy washy govt would ever go for such bold actions. We the folks should be free from crimes and drug trafficking then only we can see it forward as a nation.
        Drug menace is becoming a threat to lanken day today life today. I know mothers whose son had long been caught by it in COlombo. These mothers have repeatedly been blamed by their family circles not to have failed in raising those sons. But that though could be with some, but there are also families monthers did everyting to their only sons, but draggon of drugs caught their sons for some reasons. So soceity should stop put the blame on the mothers of those families whose sons have become drug addicts to this day.

      • 2


        I realy like your writing style.

        Your s idiosyncratic to you. Actually, the terms that have been used in Novels have been used in your write ups. That sounds really nice. Complements to you.
        Greetings from Germany.

      • 1

        Not you just, but almost everyone is becoming clear today and in full agreement with you when reading the following:

        “I do not think that either of the leadership team – Maithri and Ranil – can be unaware of what is going on: they have become a part of the problem and not the solution. Let me reiterate, neither of them is deaf, dumb and blind politically or in any other way that is relevant to what is under discussion ” .

  • 2

    The situation has gotten more confusing because some of the hares are actually hounds in hare clothing! The hounds are so filthily well fed, they do not have the appetite to hunt. The hounds in hare clothing (running with the hare) know this.

  • 4

    It is an intellectual “take “. mate….. …..Anyway looks like the Mahanayakas in your Diocese have been successful…… .Sira has canned the Cabinet Reshuffle,, according to LcNews ……..Apparently “Chin” “Chin” Nona lead Yahapalana committee has come down on Sira like a ton of bricks to save Galleon ……….Do you know who this Chin Chin Nona is….

    • 6

      Sumaney, oh Sumaney:
      Repetition constitutes confirmation of your terminal condition, I’m afraid.

  • 4

    I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. Our incestuous political milieu simply play musical chairs with us. The common unwritten promise that runs through each of our political parties is ‘screw the people; serve yourself well in office’. Until the day comes when we get a better class of politician who serve the people rather than themselves, we will just go round in circles. WE the People get stuffed, and the egregious bastards ride off in to the sunset with our national loot.

    • 4

      Spring Koha,
      Disenchanted? you are not alone because America and Britain your economic masters are crumbling too and the people feel the same. Only Trump has an answer you won’t like it and I don’t mind it because we are Artifical Intelligence guys.(or how else would he enjoy twitter)
      A little bit of history. to refresh the mind to say how you get there from the motherland.
      (perhaps you have an ounce of Gujarati DNA I suppose so)
      From Yobs to Nabob until 1947 now it’s Navalokayo/Loka kapankarayo in the hybrid version of the pirates of the world with patchwork language, patchwork constitution and patchwork Anglican. Aren’t the Sinhalese a mirror of the yobs their master? Many a working class British spending several months on holiday in the south side of Lanka agree that they feel they still rule the roost there and Lanka is a comedy.
      The Yobs of England and Wales tied up with the Catholics of Europe and defeated the Dutch Republic’s VOC.- piracy because they lost all 3 wars near China (silk and tea for gold and silver from the Americas) and took over the world of trade after the wind assisted the Lilliput’s to defeat Gulliver.
      Yobs first arrived in the east courtesy-( Jan Huyghen van Linschoten (1563 – 8 February 1611) was a Dutch merchant, trader and historian- he published it in several European languages) Both Dutch and English &Welsh arrived at India of today 1600.

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  • 0

    Sri Lankans have experimented with all sorts of mainstream politicians and their designated parties over many decades and have repeatedly been frustrated with their choices. The political class has been proven to be unreliable, untrustworthy and wholly inadequate in addressing people’s welfare and general well-being as a society. No amount of bleating about who is better will alter these stubborn historic facts. The people should rise above politics and form a solidarity along common issues such as cost of living, health services, education etc and ensure that politicians are permanently sidelined and eventually made irrelevant….

  • 0

    Only way to have better government is to impose minimum educational standards for those who want to act as the peoples’ representatives in parliament. This rule should also apply to those appointed from the National List. Minimum qualification should be at least a bachelor’s degree. Public declaration of assets should be another condition, which exists on paper, but is not currently enforced.

    But those “Ata Pass” M.P.s will never allow this kind of legislation as it will disqualify them all from enjoying the powers and perks of politicians.

    Therefore, civil society should start a campaign to insist that only educated persons be eligible stand for elections to parliament to look after the interests of the country and its people.

    • 1

      Estate Labourer:
      While yours might seem like a “quick fix” for our problem, your description itself describes the impossibility of having the uneducated morons current deciding on our destiny change the rules and sacking themselves!
      The problem is not that of inadequate academic education. It is one of the abandonment of principle, ethics or morality and the only road to achieving a return to democracy and decency in this country is for a broad coalition of like-minded people putting pressure on the powers-that-be to effect such change.

      • 0

        Hear Hear

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