The 17-member Committee headed by Ruwan Wijewardene appointed to develop a programme to restructure the United National Party (UNP) unanimously recommended that ‘the Sinhala-Buddhist base should be strengthened within the party and towards this end a strong leadership with a Sinhala-Buddhist base should be created (Recommendation 5.1).
This is the only one under the broad recommendation ‘Working towards strengthening the religious base within the party (Recommendation 5).’
The committee, led by Wijewardene (cousin of party leader Ranil Wickremesinghe), also recommended that the party constitution should be democratized (Recommendation 1). Accordingly, they unanimously recommended that the party leadership should face an election immediately following a presidential or general election (1.1). It was also recommended that in such an election the Parliamentary Group of the party should also have the voting rights that are currently enjoyed only by the party’s Working Committee.
It was also recommended that ‘more active persons’ should hold all positions in the party (including Chairperson, General Secretary, National Organizer). The committee recommended that the party should appoint the next leadership (2.1). Under this recommendation (2.2) the Deputy Leader would be given the power to go all over the country in order to build the party organization.
To read the full report click here
Raj / May 3, 2018
It is sad that UNP is not differentiating itself from other racist parties with a true vision for the future & a broader outlook on an International scale. Instead, has resorted to the ‘frog in the well’ syndrome to keep the gullible masses happy. There seems to be no focus on pressing issues, such as, citizens’ rights, racial harmony, law & order, equal justice, as well as, long term solutions for good public services, congestion, pollution, environmental issues & rampant corruption to develop a fairer society. Aren’t there any intellectuals in the leadership who can see beyond the Sinhala Buddhist rhetoric to win elections?
UNP needs to restructure the party with intellectuals, not yobs, but the culture seems to be based on hypocrisy. If I am not mistaken, the deputy leader, Premadasa jnr has been doling out money (whose money I wonder?) for years to Buddhist temples to put up Buddha statues in every street corners, if that is the case, what more needs to be done to strengthen the Sinhala Buddhist base?
Radical Ideas / May 6, 2018
Again, the Govigama riling Elite Mafia wants the Racist Sinhala Only agenda to be the prime evil that runs everything in this shit hell hole they created with the Jewish British masters in the 1900’s. Wijewardene family is the main Mafia that owns some of the mainstream media that is in the business of creating Chaos by their Islamophobia and anti minority campaign, systematically designed to create the necessasary clashes between the population with state sponsored pogroms exploding and breaking out in midst of its false operations. Ruwan Wijewardene is quite right to propose more ideas to keep the Divide and Rule tactics working as it worked throughout the last 70 years.
Billa / May 3, 2018
No worries please ! The country is already screwed up…so it’s no big deal if these idiots drill more !
This country is in the right path to complete destruction ! Sadly…No one can help now.
Ruwan and Ramil…what do they know about ruling a nation ?
Mahinda is going to drum up for much more racist actions with all his cohort’s support.
He’s sure to come back with the arrogant death and destructive sibling the famous white van boss !
Let us have more “fun” again…
Uthungan / May 9, 2018
“Ruwan&Ranil…what do they know about ruling a nation”
The UNP ship screwed itself up with the famous “Primier stakes in 1952” following the death of Supremeo DSS which saw cunning rat SWRD B, jumping off it to plant the racist seeds of Sinhala Buddhist nationalism to screw up the country as a whole.
That screw up is still continuing and facilitating to make way for the resurgence of MaRa and his murderous brotherhood.
Mohamed Marzook - UK / May 3, 2018
The UNP is responsible for most of the rotten policies introduced in the politics in Sri Lanka. Following the earning of the wrath of the people with the withdrawal of the rice rations and food subsidies the mass rising of the people against this with the hartal of August 1952 the UNP became utterly unpopular and expected to lose the next general elections. To overcome this it masterminded the Sinhala Only policy and made it the main political issue through the resolution it passed just before the 1956 general elections. SWRD, a master of tactics himself, declared that his government will make Sinhala the only official language in twenty-four hours which rope the majority of the Sinhala comunity swollowed. And we know the severe consequnces. The UNP then opposed the Banda-Chelva Pact staging a demonstration. The pact was withdrawn. The came the UNPs Executive Presidential system and the Key Chain Importing Open Economic policy which completely ruined all the local industries, big and small, to crash. Now this report and will the UNP start the ‘Buddhist Bogey’ to regain its diminishing popularity.
Radical Ideas / May 8, 2018
Marzook, first of all, to know what’s going on, one needs to identify the workings of the system, its drivers, its agents, the deep state members and the real owners of the land ( the British/US Jews) …. when you know the pipeline how it functions, you know how UNP, SLFP and all the other creatures who call themselves as Sinhalese led political parties who directly comes under the command of the Govigama Elite Mafia (the agents of the Zionist system) runs the show. As you have said, the Banda/Chelva pact, Indo/Lanka agreement and other so called solution driven projects have one thing in common….they all been used as propaganda tools and have never been allowed to take off the ground and never to function to solve anything. Its a deception and a game played by the Govi Mafia. First they propose such solutions through one of the two mainstream parties (UNP or SLFP) with a proposition and opposition formula. Example…SLFP might propose a solution with a secretly agreed/planned opposition from UNP scuttling the whole thing. Thus, the people never get any good from any of these parties. But, they fakely maintain the so called Democracy which is a Wolf in a sheep’s clothing. Govi mafia rules to eternity by manipulating the minds of people, duping them to keep the belief in the “Democratic” system the people think its truly what it meant working for the betterment of the populace. Govigama Elites are secret Jews.
thrishu / May 4, 2018
LOL! All the UNP worshippers who had been here hitherto are now hating UNP guts except the few that think RW is a disaster. At last the green cabbages have realized that they would not get past the gate post without the majority, Sinhala Buddhist, votes. Well, this is one of those robbing tricks that the bank robbing party would not be able to do ………i.e. how to rob Sinhala Buddhist votes by masquerading as a party loyal to the culture of the majority.
Mama Sinhalam / May 4, 2018
We are back to the future. The old smoke-screen of nationalism and religious fanaticism is aroused to hide the ineptitude of politicians on both sides. The politics is confined to who can beat the Sinhala-Buddhist drum louder than the other. There are no policies. There is no answer to corruption as behind the smokescreen both parties can steal from the public coffers. The great Buddhist sangha will continue to have their benz cars and will be pleased with the contribution that they are making to Buddhism. The Sinhala peasantt will lose his last amude while the Sinhala politician will enjoy the proceeds of deception. So, we begin another cycle of mayhem. The message is that the UNP will have to outdo MR and his cohorts. Where will this take us but to a continuation of old schisms and enmities.
John / May 4, 2018
Sri Lanka is the country of SINHLA-BUDDHISTS.
It’s time to ban all the ethnic minority parties, they are threat to Sri Lanka’s Sinhala-Buddhist character. Sri Lanka is better off without Tamil language and 1slam.
Minorities must be loyal and obedient to their provider-carer-protecter-native Sinhala-Buddhists.
Native Vedda / May 4, 2018
Johnny Baby
“Minorities must be loyal and obedient to their provider-carer-protecter-native Sinhala-Buddhists.”
There’s a very fine line between one person’s reality and another person’s fantasy.
-Conor Oberst
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / May 4, 2018
and Tamil Eelam is the land of all Tamils . Hindu Christian and Muslim( excluding the Taliban/Wahhabi fanatics), where all including the Sinhalese who want to live there live in equality peace and harmony
Raja Senanayake / May 4, 2018
I have no problem with the statement that Sri Lanka is the country of the Sinhala Buddhists as long as the other religions are allowed freedom of religion and there is no State discrimination against Christians or other minorities.I even don’t mind the State showing favor to Buddhists as long as the minorities are not deprived of their religious rights. I am a Christian and only insist on my rights to the practice of my religion. This involves collective worship since Christianity is not an individualist religion. So it involves the freedom of the churches to practice worship. I believe we have now reached a modus vivendi although the right to preach the religion to non-Christians is not accepted. It is unfortunately not possible to compromise on it since Jesus specifically asked his disciples to spread the faith to others. But it was only to preach and make converts only of those who accept it and not others.In the days of Jesus it involved preaching in street corners. But with modern inventions of the radio and television it includes these modes as well. Jesus said many are called but only a few are chosen. So there is no prospect that the whole world will ever be converted to Christianity. Jesus only envisaged only the preaching of the Gospel to the whole world and then the end of the world would come. Today this expectation of Jesus is largely fulfilled as the Gospel is preached throughout the world in multiple languages.The expectation of Jesus is largely achieved with the use of the radio and television to preach the word of God throughout the world. So preachers are waiting for the end of the world. But Jesus said no man will know that not even he but only the father. So lets carry on as usual. Raja.
Raja Senanayake / May 4, 2018
Let the Sinhala Buddhists first live and practice their faith and they will then attract others to the religion.That is the only lasting way to convert others to one’s religion for history shows that whatever is of lasting value to mankind will not perish and disappear.
Sinhala_Man / May 5, 2018
Raja, that may be a good working hypothesis, but that last bit is self-contradictory.
Once disappeared – gone! We will never know how much of value was wiped out among Native Americans, for instance. Christianity and Islam tend to destroy all else that exists, and now we find Mahawamsa-Buddhism and Wiratho of Burma trying to do the same.
Re. you earlier comment: I think readers would do well to sample some of the stuff on God T.V. Pure Donald Trumpish balderdash. All sorts of Zionist theories, which would shock even Jews, propagated by Christians.
Read up a bit about Jaffna College – the corruption within Christian Churches is amazing; but I agree, not as terrifying as Mahawansaism.
Kugan / May 4, 2018
Yes true of colour now the man don’t have even a qualification to go to USA but lottery immigration helped him to have US citizen he will gives up his if they offer them a Pres candidate
In the name of Buddha look at the atrocities you all will be saved for Chinese and Indians but they let you all have to have your pansals and dansals
K.Anaga / May 5, 2018
The so called Provider/Carer/Protector should leave the minorities alone and I am sure they will look after themselves well and provide for the Sinhales too to live without wants. Unfortunately lord Buddha was a HINDU and to do away with Hinduism would mean you have to do away with lord Buddha’s philosophy too.
Bruz / May 4, 2018
Just happened to read an article @ Financial Times.Lanka…
Couldn’t stop sharing this with our fellow readers..for the fact that it carries a very important and striking facts about our leaders and politics of our nation.
CT: please permit our friends to read this peace of article. Thank you !
Sinhala_Man / May 5, 2018
Yes, that Harsha gunasena article to which Bruz has directed us is excellent, and clearly shows us that:
“In early 20th century what was important was caste and not race.”
And the statistical comparison with India is also telling. They’ve had a multitude of “minority leaders”, we have had almost none.
Bruz / May 5, 2018
Thank you CT for allowing our fellow readers to share the FT write up.
Sinhala _Man: Thank you so much for reading the piece written by Harsha Gunasena.
I’m so worried about my country which is becoming so racially biased unlike ever before..
Why can’t we get more civilized and follow the Indian way , eradicating caste, creed, race and religion …and live in amicable peace ?
Our so called leaders are becoming more and more hard line racists and encouraging racial divide just for the sake of getting cheap (may be not cheap anymore !) political mileage.
They just do not realize the damage they are doing to the nation and the people !
Shame on these politicians who are supposed to rule over all the communities without any discrimination whats so ever. Why blame minority Tamils for asking permission for self rule ?
Either you treat us all the same way or allow us to look after ourselves.
Minorities will not tolerate any more step motherly treatment by any government.
All the governments after independence thing that they are only ruling the Sinhalese and Tamils or Muslims are not the citizens of Sri Lanaka !
Just pathetic to think about !!
Harishchandra / May 4, 2018
Let us welcome the next leader of the UNP who will most certainly take over the reins when Ranil decides it is time for him to leave. Ruwan will be a much better leader than Ranil with more access to the feelings of the downtrodden.
dayal / May 5, 2018
ruvan.. you are correct..how much minority votes you have already collected in the past, that is not enough. you collect their votes and ignore them or set up thugs against them a la carte 1977, 1983. but minorities think you are better than the blue party which is worse. anyway, going by race and religion you can sometimes win..but SL will remain backward.. SL buddhists wont’ trust you or your cousin. we
cannot catch up with malasia/thailand for another century…even african countries will move forward. do you want only political power and not DEVELOPMENT AND THIS THE POLICY OF THE BLUE PARTY.
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / May 8, 2018
Only a Thomian will ever come to safeguard the Sinhalese nation from Evil predators.
Earlier in the 40s it was DS, then when the Tamil hooligans led by SJV were running amok, SW came to put them in their bloody place. And now, Ruwan putha has identified the true priorities of his political party.
Esto Per Petua!!
Steve / May 11, 2018
Ruwan putha St. Thomas’s is not a Buddhist school. So what is RS Perera talking about?