17 February, 2025


RW’s National Policy & National Council 

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Recently, President Ranil Wickremesinghe (RW) is reported to have said that the country should follow a “national policy” with National Council as the platform, and that policy should encompass a national “economic framework”, “social framework” and a “political framework”. What this triple framework would entail and what is expected from the national council in relation to these frameworks have not been made clear yet.  However, the content and objective of the economic framework could be gleaned from RW’s earlier pronouncements on transforming the economy and country to developed status and First World nation respectively, by means of an innovative export-oriented growth mechanism. Given the current financial bankruptcy and burden of debt, such a transformation would have to be funded either through massive injections of foreign investment or increased generosity from international aid agencies like IMF, WB and ADB or direct borrowing from the international credit market.  None of these options look promising given the probability of another recession threatening to engulf more than a third of world economies.

IMF predicts that world growth rate would plunge from 6% in 2021 to 3.2% in 2022 and 2.7% in 2023. Even China, which experienced an impressive 8% growth in 2021 is due to face only 3.2% in 2022 and is expected to perform worse in 2023. Average rate of inflation, which hit 8.8% last year is expected to come down slightly to 6.5% by the end of this year in response to increasing interest rates by central banks. Even so, higher interest rate alone is not sufficient to eliminate inflation, because it is now being driven from the supply side of the equation. Escalation of the war in Europe, rising nuclear tension in Taiwanese Strait, OPEC cut in oil production and frequency of environmental disasters are creating supply constraints leading to breakdown in supply chains, higher commodity prices, falling demand and low growth. 

Given this gloomy picture, dreaming of transforming Sri Lanka into an export-oriented miracle looks increasingly problematic to say the least. It is time the government concentrates more in utilizing the internal strength of the economy and create surpluses so that exports could become a contributory channel to ease domestic difficulties. A planned approach towards this goal should be undertaken, which is beyond the competence of RW’s National Council. 

The country is in this parlous state of affairs because too much resources were wasted on too many glamorous projects leaving less to flow into more productive areas. GDP figures do not reveal this mismanagement and other unlawful leakages from public wealth. Yet, increase in GDP was the only yardstick used to include Sri Lanka among the family of upper middle-income countries. What was worse, the unaccountability of those who were responsible for this misuse and were allowed to roam free and continue as political leaders furthering their economic crime. The result was financial bankruptcy, massive foreign debt, economic devastation, which ultimately forced the same yardstick to downsize the economy first to lower middle-income and now low-income status. What an achievement in reverse! At least now let us cut the cloth to fit the suit. 

RW’s triple framework is therefore necessary but requires demolition of the old ideological mold of ethnonationalist majoritarianism that shaped the current political and social frameworks, which in turn shaped the economic framework. It is the need of this demolition that shaped the essence of aragalaya’s call for systemic change. RW’s National Council is certainly not the platform to initiate that change. That council consists of rejects who RW found unfit to be in the cabinet and unsuitable to be appointed as state ministers. With factional allegiance and hidden political agendas any discussion among them on crucial would only end in dogs’ breakfast.    

The task needs a new team of leaders that should include within it men and women from the aragalaya generation too, but mandated by the voting public. RW is not only silent on this alternative, but with his short-term popularity gained through enabling a new normalcy amidst increasing poverty, has decided to eliminate the threat from aragalaya and start focusing the nation’s attention on electoral reforms instead. An obvious implication of this strategy is to give enough time for his Rajapaksa patrons to rebuild their shattered image. Mahinda’s characteristic visit to Buddhist temples to receive blessing from the saffron battalion has started.            

To come Back to the Economy, a new and realistic framework for growth and development relying primarily on the internal strength of domestic sectors is an immediate need. To put it bluntly, based on the level of development reached so far and the stock of real assets the country has, which includes basically its volume of natural resources and a literate and skilled population, an intersectoral growth plan should be designed by a team of independent economists with targets to be reached within a certain time limit. This is not to argue for a closed economy via reintroduction of the defunct ISI strategy. Instead, it is a plea for realism or pragmatism in light of the gathering clouds of a global recession, which may not disappear at least until the end of 2023 and could extend well into 2024.

The natural resources of the country, the collective synergy of its plural society with its diverse skills, experience and knowledge are the real wealth of this nation. While the first had been misused the second left underutilized.  That underutilization is primarily due to social disconnections created by the aforementioned ideology of ethnonationalist majoritarianism. Thus, RW’s three frameworks of national policy are interconnected and restructuring the economic framework alone is not sufficient to face the “polycrisis”. 

According to one academist, a staggering 45% of the population is living in poverty at the moment. This poverty cannot be driven out through IMF directed tight monetary and fiscal policies. It is the limitless rise in cost of living fed by inflation that is pushing more and more households into poverty trap. That inflation is not demand pull but supply push. The lasting solution therefore is to increase the supply of goods in the market and removing criminal profiteering by a politically connected mafia, monopolists and hoarders. That is not possible under the current political framework within which RW’s National Council is set to function.  

The spirit of aragalaya is not dead although few of its leaders and hundreds of participants are languishing in RW’s jails. A systemic change is unavoidable, and the global setting is adding a new momentum for its need. Unless RW understands this, the next phase of aragalaya may turn out to be bloody.    

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, Western Australia

Latest comments

  • 26

    Ranils focus is to extend his opportunitical gift as President as much as possible. This opportunity is granted by Rajapaksas with the help of West, not by people, not by his management skills, not by his talents or not by his characteristics. The current Global economic and enviornment crisis are man made crisis. The two main political parties that governed this country are owned by few families and they are from majority community and both use the religion and language of the majority as a factor in deciding the power. Their focus was mainly about two families own this country and keeping majority community under the influence of religion and race. The people not bothered about rule of law or justice to all or the development of the country. So far, there is no political leader who can challenge the need of rule of law and justice to all. For example, when the supreme court sentenced a military personal who massacred innocent people and then that murderer was released on Presidential pardon, not a single political leader even Ranil Wickramasingha or Sajith Premadasa or Anura or Vasideva or any Maha sangha raised their voice against that decision. So, national policy and National council is a time playing game and not to deal with the economic crisis.

    • 12

      Bondscam Ranil’s Cabinet of crooks and clowns is being supported by IMF deals and Paris Club Common Frameworks. But Erik Solheim being made Advisor for environment takes the CAKE!
      Soleheim was forced to quit the UN Environmental Agency after excess travel and rule breaking which led to withholding of funds by various governments from the UN not long ago ! What a circus! Now Soleheim is back to push UNDP’s Kanni Wignaraja’s Debt for Nature Swaps (DFNS), funded by Big and corrupt oil companies like Shell Gas using Climate Hypocrisy to force Sri Lanka to waste foreign exchange on expensive Green wash projects and buying duty free electric cars, boats and yatches for corrupt politicians. What a circus of Diasporic Corruption!
      The Divide and Rule agenda with US puppet RW with Hybrid Economic Shocks, biowar with Sena Capillar and Covid 19, and of course lets not forget the hybrid war 2019 ISIS claimed Easter attacks staged by SOF and CIA! Long live the Miracle of Modayas!.

      • 4

        “It is time the government concentrates more in utilizing the internal strength of the economy and create surpluses so that exports could become a contributory channel to ease domestic difficulties. “
        That is exactly what the government is doing, or is the author unable to see this due to his thick anti-RW glasses? How else does the author think a bankrupt country pays for essential fuel and food? RW has been doing far better than Gota with the same resources. Isn’t a little objectivity in order?


        • 5

          Both Unp and Jvp were cornered in order to grab power by mlechcha Rajapakshes, ironically very Rajapakshes had to kneel down before Unp leader to survive as of today. 😉😉😉😉😉

          • 3

            I thought that petrol and diesel are still going with the queues. It is clear that whatever the size of the debt problem is, it has been solved to some extent thanks to the present govt.
            Why does the media not say a single word in favor of the current government? There you will see who is behind the “media mafia” of this fallen country.
            I myself spoke to people from different walks of life about their own views on the current situation. About 99% were fearless to attack the Rajapakse thugs and openly share their anger. The media still covers it for some hidden reasons. What could be behind it… who could be behind it? Why can’t the media be authentic and pro-people?

        • 7

          Today the sun is out after 3 days of rain. We must thank Ranil for getting the sun to shine !

          You are such a bum kisser of Ranil ! Can you point to one decision or action which Ranil solely thought and actioned ? There are hundreds of economists in the country who are also working on our crisis. Why credit everything to one man like a mental slave ?

          Yes Ranil is using our own resources to go for funerals in UK and Japan .

          Does he think that these countries are so easily fooled like our people ? They all know Ranil has no mandate, he is a devious character, and that he is a man out of his depth in economics.

          • 5

            deepthi silva: “Bum kisser” OR “Bum Sucker”? That grand old party “UNP” was brought to the state of “Bum Sucker” by no other person than Ranil W.

            Remember when this “Despot” – Ranil convened the UNP “Working Committee” to change its Constitution to enable him to be the “Life Long” Leader, a “Protest” was organized by the UNPeers in front of Siri Kotha. How did “Myna” MR get the UDA road construction team to cut open the road and prevented the protest march? That was even before the 2015 elections.

            Some of the “Bum Suckers” have conveniently forgotten that “BOND” between Ranil – the “CROOK” and “Mayna” – MR the “Mafia Boss”.

          • 5

            Dear DS,

            Ranil may have been wrong in many ways in the past, but he has managed the current wretched situation left by Gotabaya. # There I respect RW more than other leaders. If AKD or DA became president and achieved those levels, I have no prejudice, but I respect them. But I am sure that RW is the only leader to balance the things left by politicians like dogs and no one else. That’s great talent. Especially in a country where more than 95% are corrupt and stupid.
            . But if you’re not yet a Rajapaksa dog bum kisser, you’ll be blind forever. I don’t support any politician in Sri Lanka, but I am sad that our poor people are falling into the clutches of real criminals born from that Mlechcha family. I am speechless today, unable to see that no karmic reward is still in effect today.

            • 5

              His recent delegation was not even filled with 7 people, but Mahinda Balla flew with his bum kissers, staying there as if you were injected with eternal anesthesia. why is that ?
              Also, how shameless dog of the nation, aka, Mahinda Balla enjoyed a royal-like hotel accomadation in Bologne/Italy last year, it was not a big problem for you like slaves… However, Ranil and his group risked it for Sri Lanka, where Rajapaksa was destroyed. . All the recent visits by RW have brought in more than any leader in the recent past.

              • 4

                Dear “leelagemalli”,
                Language, please, language!
                Mahinda Rajapaksa is a human; please don’t insult canines by calling him “Balla“. I have been telling you this, even when we agreed on most issues.
                Can’t you stay away from imagery like“bum-kissing“, – unless you mean it literally.
                What did Ranil bring, from where?
                Liz Truss’s government is crumbling:
                But she’s not trying to use PTA laws. The use of such laws here is supported mainly by expats like you, who are such personal cowards that you won’t reveal your identities.
                This is what you have done to yourself, “leelagemalli“. You are sounding more and more a mental retard. However, my opinion of you as a decent, kindly man in personal relations remains.

                • 3

                  That means love only for selected issues… right?

                  JVP/NPP sl is not new to politics. , by today he should be able to answer the questions that come their way. #
                  If they are enjoying their crowds like school kids, they won’t get a single mile from the last vote. You die-hard NPP supporters should do something to open their eyes.

                  Leelagamelli is a stupid idiot, an oxymoron, intelligent, no intelligence, not grown up enough to see it right – all these are according to a man called PANINI EDIRISNHA, aka NIC hunter or a CT commenting gossip king.

                  I’ll be kind to everyone because we really don’t know what you’re looking for, maybe not you. If someone opposes your thoughts, you make every effort to become a personal guide or to be like the previous teacher. Don’t you know that we are not in a classroom Mr. Edirisinghe?

                  • 2

                    Stop talking rubbish “leelagemalli!
                    I don’t indulge in salacious gossip. Find examples if you can. You may find one or two efforts at humour, including awareness of sexual innuendo, but nothing outrageous.
                    I have NEVER asked anybody for NIC numbers, although I freely give my own (and CT has NEVER objected) in an effort to convince people that I am real.
                    I haven’t asked Dr Ameer Ali for such details, although he’s told me that he knows this area because his father was the Principal of the Muslim M.V. in Gurutalawa from 1960 to 1970, overlapping the years that Rajan Hoole and I were in the S. Thomas’ College on the opposite side of the road. This information is totally irrelevant to readers of CT, and I give it because of what you have said, and neither of them would make attempts to shroud such knowledge from the World.
                    Obviously, some details people like to be kept private.
                    Do people think that you’re telling the truth (as you know it)? Yes! Because I keep asserting your honesty.
                    I also think that you must be good at your work. Scientific knowledge of some areas – excellent. But intelligence????

                • 3

                  Dear Readers,

                  My kind request to the sensitive CT reviewers.
                  Please discuss who is “mentally disabled”, SM or LM? This schizophrenia threatens us all today.
                  I can continue to respect him as a man who knows nothing beyond his gossip if his bold but inconsistent opinions on anything contrary to the topics addressed in this forum are nonetheless decency. This sick man has no choice but to hang with CT. How sad ?

                  CT to you. Please again warn this abusive SM not to use CT for his gossip and hate texts.

                  There are plenty of good readers who constantly find texts like the Bandarawela man repulsive.

          • 7

            deepthi silva

            Well said however have you had time to fact check everything you have typed above?

            “They all know Ranil has no mandate, …,”

            What does the constitutional law says?
            If he hasn’t got mandate why aren’t the legal eagles taking him to courts and sack him from his job like they did to Mahinda in 2018? Where do you keep your brain that is of course if you have one? Any chance you are related to Dayan, Wimal, Weerasekera, Udaya, Channa, ………? If you are then you have a very good chance of getting a job in the cabinet.

            “he is a devious character”

            Of course he is, after all he is a long standing politician. What else do you expect from a politician?
            It appears you have a crush on him, he is only 73 years old.

            • 3

              Vedda , must you bring everything down to suggesting a sex angel or to say anyone opposed to ranil is a fool ?

              May be this why ranil and his team is so hated in the country ? They have nothing to show but keep saying they are clever, a little learning and a little English has sent them mad !

              Vedda Your hatred and bias is so obvious ! You argue like a proctor that Ranil has a mandate. If you say that , would you also agree that Mahinda and PA has a better mandate ! Will you also deny that Gota too has a mandate.

              Mandate is not permanent Vedda, they have all lost it.

              Remember those who oppose Ranil are not necessarily for MR or Vimal or such person. For people like you, to oppose someone ,you must be an agent of another.
              How low is your mentality

              • 4

                deepthi silva

                I am not a legally trained crook to argue both ways when opportunity demands.
                You haven’t answered my question ““What does the constitutional law says?” about the replacing of a president who ran away or chased away from his seat (believed to have won LTTE single handedly, with 6.9 Million support base).

                In Mahinda’s case his premiership solely depended on parliamentary majority, which he failed to muster. As I said earlier please avoid sitting on your brain.

                “How low is your mentality”

                Though I am bit thick I don’t sit on my brain.

            • 2

              “What does the constitutional law says?
              If he hasn’t got mandate why aren’t the legal eagles taking him to courts ..”
              You are treading a very fine line. Be VERY careful. There are moral arbiters who take anything favourable to Ranil as a personal insult.🤣🤣

              • 3

                Please, for your own sanity, don’t mention that Wasantha Samarasingha of the incorruptible JVP has been implicated in the Thilini Piumali saga.

                • 1

                  old codger

                  He was all over news about two/three weeks ago.
                  I stop listening to Politicians when they preach morality, human rights, nepotism, right and wrong, …..
                  I must have missed this news.

                  Where is nimal fernando?

          • 0

            “We must thank Ranil for getting the sun to shine !”
            Rubbish. Everyone knows that Mahinda saved the country. That’s why the sun shines.

        • 5

          The queues have disappeared because people no longer have money to buy commodities, especially milk powder (LM is so out of touch with reality that he once asked why people don’t buy liquid milk) and cooking gas.
          Vehicles used for private running are pumping in less than their QR quota. One three-wheeler guy in Colombo told me that when they have got their weekly 5 litres the pump-operators top up their tanks, charging a higher price. I don’t know whether this is true; likely to be – when supplies are limited and there is a commercial need, the springing up of black-markets is inevitable. It is easy to get petrol out of a motor-bike. I could also start a “side-business”, except that I’m not into such activity.
          Please explain: “Jvp were cornered”. Also you say that “99% attacked the Rajapaksas.” There has to be a limit to exaggeration, dear LM.

    • 13

      Dear Ajith,
      Some political leaders
      may stick their necks out when there are definite plans for elections. “Political leaders” are rarely free to speak their minds, because politics is such a complex game.
      Guys who write articles here, like Dr Ameer Ali in Perth can not only write freely, but, at his age, he has no political ambitions. There are many others, like Harsha Gunasena, Kumar David, etc, who also speak their minds. I have written a few articles myself, but I’m not in the same class.
      However, I leave nobody in any doubt as to what my feelings are. That Presidential Pardon was disgusting. There are some other commenters like that who are also like that. Many are anonymous, unfortunately. However, almost everybody knows who SJ is, for instance. But I have no idea who Native Vedda is.
      Those who have ruined the country are Sinhalese, without a doubt. Why? Because only they could possibly be “National Leaders”. We’ve got to have somebody young. Shanakiyan Rasamanikkam?
      Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)

      • 12

        ‘But I have no idea who Native Vedda is.’
        I can assure you Sinhala_Man he is neither a Veddah nor Pol Pot. What does it matter who he is? What he writes is more important than who he is.

        • 6


          “I can assure you Sinhala_Man he is neither a Veddah nor Pol Pot.”

          Why do you think so?
          The Pol Pot Avatar is to impress SJ who was an admirer of Pol Pot, Abimael Guzmán, …etc, I was told.

          • 5

            I had to check this one about Guzmán.
            A Peruvian professor of Philosophy who founded the Shining Path guerilla group and died in prison last year.
            His bête noire, Fujimori, is also an octogenarian who is also in jail, although he had helped his country achieve a degree of prosperity.
            How NV knows so much is remarkable. And that so knowledgeable a man has so much time to devote to educating us is remarkable.
            The typos are inevitable , given the number of comments he makes, they shouldn’t cause us much concern.
            You, Native are hereby judged fit by me to enter heaven. However, may that be, many years from now. We need you to educate our people.
            Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

        • 3

          It is the nature of some south asians. They are more interested in the person than the message being sent by him or her.

      • 10

        “However, almost everybody knows who SJ is, for instance.”

        Really, SM?
        I dont.
        What makes you think everybody knows?
        And how do YOU, for instance?
        And, what is more, WHY do you?
        Presumably, people on CT use pseudonyms for a reason. And one should respect this.

        And their use not only gives them a certain freedom of expression, but also permits us to have — perhaps, of course — a better idea of what they really think and feel about something.

        Why should one labour to penetrate the veil & not only find out who they really are, but also expose them to the “general public”.

        Until recently, SJ was just someone whose thoughts on CT I appreciated, but since your recent declaration that he is a retired, Pera university prof in engineering, I have been wondering if he is someone I knew many years ago.
        And I dont WANT to be distracted by that!

        In the little time left to people of our generation, how can you spend any of it tracking down identities of people who wish to remain anonymous?

        You even accused me once of hiding behind my own name in the belief that CTers would think
        it a pseudonym. And that this brought me great amusement.
        Whereas, on the contrary, it is the name by which I have been known all my life, using my married name only for a few official documents & purposes. (At work here, I was always addressed as Miss F… ).

        I have never understood your switching between real & pseudo, yourself.

        • 5

          MF. After my sobering experience with the guy you are talking about, I came to know that the Man is an egomaniac. He truly believes that the gamut of CT contributors rotates around him. He writes in Bold letters peeping into individual characters. He believes the world of CT has nothing better to do except to follow him to the latrine. (Now I am in the train on my way to Bandarawela from Colombo, etc.). I really admired Mr. Edwin Rodrigo who I thought to be an honest genuine contributor and a gentleman sans any agendae. I think he got pissed off with the CT Crowd.

          • 5

            ‘He writes in Bold letters peeping into individual characters.’
            …and tells us what the time is!

        • 9

          ‘I have never understood your switching between real & pseudo, yourself’
          Could it be a hitherto undiscovered form of Schizophrenia? Another first for the Land like no Other.

          • 3

            Oh dear, Paul,
            So that’s your diagnosis. Schizophrenia!
            Does it cause you major problems?
            Do I hurt anybody as a result?

          • 2

            Paul. It was simply to highlight the difference between Boys and Men.

        • 3

          Dear Manel,

          ” I have never understood your switching between real & pseudo, yourself.,,” .
          I believe you are not alone , to me what matters should be it s content. 😉

        • 2

          I think that I will have to email you.
          I know that you are a person of great refinement and a high sense of honour. Unfortunately, destiny has been cruel to you, and you sometimes do a few things unaware of what you are doing.
          Best regards,


      • 8

        Dear Panini Edirisinhe,
        “Those who have ruined the country are Sinhalese”
        I don’t agree with the above statement. The country was ruined not only by few Sinhalese leaders but also the Tamil and Muslim political eaders also contributed to that but the fact is that once it comes to governance you expect that the rulers should focus on the rule of law, justice to all and unbiased to race, religion, gender etc. Similarly you expect the same from each ministers, member of parliament etc.
        There is a reason for many people want to anonymous because they are afraid to their life, not because they have done any wrongs but to avoid the consequences.

        • 5

          Yes, Ajith,
          I think that at the end of the day, the fact is that a Sinhalese like me is safer than others. There are risks in saying the things that I do (and I speak in fluent Sinhalese to almost every stranger who is not in a hurry to get about their business), but I think that it is a relief not to be bothered about consequences. I can’t help feeling that my now good friend, “leelagemalli” exaggerates the danger to him; most of his good intentions get wasted, I feel, because he cannot freely exchange ideas with “real Lankans”.
          But yes, I possibly push him too far. It is for each of you to decide how much to reveal.
          Your opening sentence of disagreement is a healthy one. See how effectively my self-abnegation has pushed you there!
          Seriously, it is best for each of us to influence the politicians in the social group that each of us belongs to, and not overdo criticism of other groups.
          Panini Edirisinhe

      • 8


        “But I have no idea who Native Vedda is”

        There are about 7 billion problems for us to worry about, forget Vedda whose Elders believe he is a good for nothing fellow.

      • 4

        SR is good, but he is not mature at all. So is Hirunika. I exchanged many things with him. And I appreciate his and her strengths. But the Sri Lankan media should not shoot all of them just because they spread blatant lies about some politicians, and some should not fall for the tricks that some are spreading. Naive people don’t care what is big, but easily get caught.

        • 0

          Who is “SR”, dear LM?

          • 4

            SR – Shanakiyan Rasamanikkam

          • 5

            Thanks, “leelagemalli”,
            Yes, Shanakiyan’s a great guy, and one of brightest hopes for the future.
            I know that I will soon be gone, but there will still be “Sinhalese” people who I hope will have a Universal Outlook!
            There’s an eight year old, Kimaya Peiris, who is described as “Sinhalese” but probably knows little of our language. Possibly knows more Mandarin Chinese! I can’t say that I’m comfortable with the result, but what to do?
            I’m very glad that you retain your mastery of Sinhalese, but don’t expect it of everyone. It would be nice if we all remained in Lanka. Perhaps a man like Shanakiyan could unite us so that we could all claim to be Lankans.

            • 3

              I emailed LM two days ago; I might as well, let others also know, but with this warning.
              I have very little income. The richer people here think that I know very little English, and although I do get inquiries from some (who have heard that I’m approachable), who want to do the IELTS Exam to go to some white country, their knowledge of English is close to zero. But their expectations know no bounds. I apprise them of the real position and refuse to do what the average tuition master does; milk them giving “Spoken English with Grammar”.
              Some people have a special aptitude for languages; I don’t.
              The Kimaya Peiris referred to above is my elder granddaughter. Three years ago, my daughter relocated to Colombo and put Kimaya, and sister, in a Sinhalese Medium Class in a school which had the other two media. It didn’t work. And remember this: I don’t make decisions about their education. That is the privilege of the parents of the kids.

            • 2

              I asked LM to keep all this to himself, fearing that it may give the impression that I’m posher than I am. We, as a family, have made tremendous sacrifices for education.
              I have worked in two Muslim countries, and visited Kuala Lumpur four years ago, for just two weeks. Expenses borne by my son-in-law. I liked all those societies, but I’d have liked to visit “a Western Country” for variety. I deeply appreciate German music; Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart, now a few others. My fibre optic internet connection gives lots of data, even on the smallest SLT package. With good equipment (my only luxury) I keep discovering new works.
              Kimaya’s “Sound of Music”; I’m happy, but part of me that wants something like this:
              This is Engelbert Humperdinck’s Hansel Und Gretel – with E. Gruberova, B. Fassbaender, Georg Solti sung in the original German with English subtitles.
              “leelagemalli” could follow in German. About five years ago, I downloaded all this – a different production – and put it with other music on a One Terabyte external HDD. I gifted this to the family, but I fear that it remains unsampled!

            • 2

              Dear LM, and all others,
              I’ve listened to the entire “Hansel und Gretel”, not with the closest attention since I know it quite well, and there are chores to be done. The production is very good; may be better than the version that I gave my daughter. However, some of you may be confused about the composer. Let me explain:
              That refers to a British singer named Arnold George Dorsey; now aged 86. He adopted the ” Humperdinck” name in 1965.
              This is the composer of the children’s opera:

              This was meant for an audience of children, above the age of six, I’d say. The music is quite catchy, but as I’ve already said, I wouldn’t throw all this at kids who have never heard Western Classical Music.
              I would start with this:
              The (slow) second movement is irresistible. Thirty minutes in all.
              At age two, Kimaya found this (same version) fascinating:
              The composer: Soviet Russian:
              This music was meant to help children learn what the wind instruments are. Twenty-eight minutes. Too many operate with racial stereotypes, and we didn’t ever like the Stalinist era. So, it’s good to remember that this delightful piece was composed during that period.

  • 8

    “The country is in this parlous state of affairs because too much resources were wasted on too many glamorous projects leaving less to flow into more productive areas.”
    The most ‘glamourous’ project was the 30-year war initiated by the first executive president and loyally sustained by every president that followed.
    Some of the other glamour jobs have proved to be profitable, and are likely to give a helping hand in a few years. It will be useful to check where the bulk of the foreign credit went, especially those owing to private lenders in Europe and N. America. Is not consumerism mostly to blame for the crisis, after the war effort of course?
    There is a more immediate factor that is somehow disregarded of late by the pundits. The impact of the OVER-REACTION to COVID19 both globally and locally curtailed foreign exchange entering the country for a good part of years 2020, 2021 and into the early part of 2022.
    What has any of this to do with RW?
    Is what is beyond RW’s competence within the competence of any other including the JVP, unless it has a solid alternative that will avoid all the pitfalls of the past?
    All the doomsday prophesies of the author will apply to any government be it led by RW or another.

  • 11

    “The country is in this parlous state of affairs because too much resources were wasted on too many glamorous projects leaving less to flow into more productive areas”
    The current SL situation nicely summarised in one sentence. The white elephant projects were carried out because the EGO of Rajapaksas + to get HUGE commissions that has been stashed throughout the rest of the world—Uganda Dubai Maldives Seychelles etc. RW is enjoying being the President courtesy of Rajapaksas as well as defence forces.

  • 10

    Tamils too should support the SYSTEM CHANGE demanded by the Aragalaya Movement [AM]. The Change has to come in the form of implementing a new constitution that has been approved solely by the Public.

  • 11

    The PROBLEM is for the citizens of SL is that though they are NOT with Ranil Rajapaksas but the Indian Government along with the West are with him. QUAD finds it is easy for them to deal with the crooked than with the RIGHTEOUS in SL. Aragalaya movement should be a JOINT effort of all the Races/Religions to establish a GoSL that does not allow
    1) unscrupulous parliamentarians to rob the Central Bank
    2) Waste the Tax money & hard earned foreign currency
    3) Bribery in any form especially bribing the voters
    We hope the that God will open his/her eyes and GRANT the wishes of the Aragalaya Movement.

  • 4

    Only way out for the country is to socialize all of its money and assets. This involves Sajith+Anura ; JVP-SJB Combo, to implement the essential National policy. No other way around it.

    Ranil and Rajapaksa being drunk with power and/or stupidness, are using force to crush dissenting voices.

    Ranil cannot see any other way other than outmoded capitalism via horded Rajapaksa money that should have belonged to the people.

    Rajapaksa himself will attempt to be the benevolent Godfather yet again, doling out 10% of the horded national money most magnanimously.

    People won’t buy the Ranil-Rajapaksa duo ever again. They have suffered too much and are angry. They feel foolish that they have been foolish for so long.

    • 9

      RTF. Chinhalas are born swindlers. Under the British Raj, they were kept under check. After Independence all hell broke loose.

    • 7

      ramona therese fernando

      “People won’t buy the Ranil-Rajapaksa duo ever again. They have suffered too much and are angry.”

      You must be joking.
      The rulers are Sadists psychopaths and people are masochists.

      • 1

        “The rulers are Sadists psychopaths and people are masochists.”
        I thought I have the copyright on the above.

        • 3

          old codger

          “I thought I have the copyright on the above.”

          Oh dear.
          I have been using this quote in D B S Jeyaraj’s journals almost from 2007. It could be a coincidence, accident, ….

          • 2

            Great minds think/write alike. 🙂

            • 2


    • 0


    • 3

      ‘People won’t buy the Ranil-Rajapaksa duo ever again. They have suffered too much and are angry. They feel foolish that they have been foolish for so long.’
      RTF I am not certain that this is so. Our people are idiots with very short memories. They continue to do what they have always done i.e. to treat all leaders as kings. Throw them out when they are oppressive and re-install them a few years later.
      Personalities and a full stomach are more important to our people than the ideas of a parliamentary democracy or a secular republic or anything like that. Look at the Aragalaya, as soon as some petrol, electricity, medicine and the essentials of life appeared, it dissolved. Where are all the high minded and noble ideas they had?
      I think the Rajapaksas will be back in some form or another. Perhaps Namal, who might claim he is untainted by his elders, when the only untainted Rajapaksa is Eric!

  • 13

    National Councils and National Policy Framework, eh? What about Islandwide Wi-Fi connectivity, denim jeans for all, chewing gum instead of betel chew, Volkswagen car plants and the Knowledge Hub of Asia? Is the author as dim as he sounds or is he just throwing ideas around? Ranil has been in the game for fifty years and has been elected prime minister of the cattle herd on many occasions. He knows his fantasy stories go down well just before elections, never to be heard of ever after. No one is gutsy enough to hold him to his promises; except the brave warriors; intelligent and educated youth who sincerely committed themselves for the genuine upliftment of the nation while the lotus eating, apathetic herds lay munching their regurgitated grist as only ruminants do. It is high time that the herds support to the hilt, the youth who want a genuine system change, not by casting votes at notoriously useless elections where crooks are given nominations but by a mass uprising like the Satyagraha that toppled the British Raj. There seems to be no other way.

    • 6

      I heard RW say with my own ears at an Election Rally at Manikkinna that the Volkswagen Company was awaiting for his accession to commence manufacturing their vehicle at their plant in Horana. He also promised at the same rally if people elect him first thing in his agenda is to scrap the Colombo Port City Project with the Chinese.

      • 2

        In the present context there is no other option but to give it time. No one but war dead politicians can have a good agenda for the future of this culturally battered country.

        Unfortunately, it became fodder for Mahinda Rajapaksa, the leader who ruled the country during the last phase of the long war in the country. His and his family’s political presence was inflated by the media. Its major consequences are in front of many people’s eyes today.

        After WW 2 and how it was managed by Germany and how our stupid leaders have done it since 2009 is completely different. Totally against human dignity.

        Many among the common classes today have not seen the danger before the nation economically.
        The reality is that the country’s media giants do not seem to have the least sympathy for the public. They focus on their own selfish gains.
        Yesterday I was watching that great movie “Newspapers” and I got to know the difficulties faced by good journalists in this country. Headline news is completely controlled by media owners and their shareholders. They don’t care about influence.


        • 3

          If the media bubble only bursts, evil politicians will lose their grip on the nation for decades to come. Therefore, priority should be given to hastening the bursting of the bubble.

          That is what the media can do if it takes the first step of telling the truth to the nation every day.
          It should not be forgotten that the grievances of the people should be given the highest priority. Namal Baby and his father and uncles have to explain to the nation again and again how they looted the state. People’s naivety and stupidity have always made way for cruel politicians to keep them in their grip. If this nation wants a big change, the people want a big change. Then the truth must be repeatedly injected into the general and that can only be done collectively. Impartial media should stand up against their imperialism. The owners of the media’s sinful tactics should be ostracized from this society.

          • 5

            My Friend LM: “Namal Baby and his father………have to explain to the nation……how they looted the state”. What? Do you expect these bastards, looters, and criminals to admit they looted and explain it? Rubbish!

            What we must do is give a mandate to a political party that pledges to put these “CRIMINALS” behind bars after bringing them before a “Special Tribunal” and concluding the cases within a “Specified” period. Would you expect that to be done by “Sajith & Co.? Already NPP has declared it and recently it said that would be “PRIORITY No.1”. Isn’t that a better and “RELIABLE” assurance than from Sajith and his SJB?

            • 3

              Dear Simon,
              I’m glad that your affection for “Friend LM” remains.
              When all this politicking is done and dusted, we must be there to be kind to a man whose only fault is lack of intelligence.
              Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

              • 8

                Yes yes Mr Edirisinha, every one is already clear who is lack of intelligence. They just keep quiet because they still respect you.

                • 6

                  Nothing to do with respect. You can’t argue with someone who drags you down to his level. 🤣🤣

                  • 6

                    I am not a hero worshiper. If I see something wrong,

                    I should have the freedom SM has in my ability to express myself. If you don’t understand simple things, how can you see a change in Sri Lankan society? It proves to me why our Sri Lankans are stagnant behind the slave dominated society. You may be good at talking about the family trees of some people you know, but you’re not very good at coming up with a constructive argument.

                    • 1

                      Dear “leelagemalli”,
                      I don’t have such great ambitions
                      for myself. I’m just a supporter of a certain political party. If we persuade people to tolerate cultural pluralism, I’ll be happy.
                      I would certainly not try to introduce children here to opera sung in German! One European language would suffice, which is why I’m happy enough to see Kimaya and Annaya growing up with English and Chinese (also some Malay). It is not by choice that the family got landed in Malaysia. My son-in-law worked in Lanka for Dialog, but was asked to work for Axiata. As for my daughter, she began working for HSBC Bank at age 19, and was with them for twelve years, the last four as Branch Manager. When the children came, she retired to raise them. Sacrifices, you see!
                      You’re free to express yourself, but when I see that you have been taken in by what you don’t understand, and start admiring abusers of Human Rights, I shall continue to point it out.
                      Right now you certainly overlook all the faults of “Batalanda Ranil” and then deny that you “hero-worship” the guy.
                      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

                  • 4


                    We the neutral commenters on CT, see much in common in you two (you are SIMON and your Siamese twin brother by the username “sinhala_man”).

                    You both are of the same opinion about the current situation. we are compelled to see how one-sided you both are. #

                    However, you should allow us to share ours and others own ideas. I have never attacked anyone for their opinion on the current situation in Sri Lanka. Since we are so opposed to your opinion, is it fair to say “due to lack of our intelligence”? I have not heard it yet from my mentors in Europe.
                    Sinhala_man is caught by ridicule due to his failure to think them in a big picture. He does not seem to know “tolerance and integrity on other’s thoughts and minds “. I don’t mind people taking drugs or alcohol if they want to, I don’t mind having “Lindalanga social discussions” as scheduled, I don’t mind some people being addicted to digging up commenters’ “personal details”. . Individuals are unique to them. Everything around us is relative. However, most of us don’t care about the facts, they make every effort to increase their inclination towards CT. Never mind that they advertise “unnecessary details” in bold.

                    • 1

                      You’ve been relating all sorts of stories about the JVP forcing cannibalism on Police families; stories which are far-fetched, and cannot be substantiated, presente as real happenings. And then you say that you have not attacked opinions on the current situation! I’ll be telling you what I knew of the JVP (which I disapproved of until about ten years ago) from 1971 to the present.
                      In a sense the “Hansel und Gretel” that I have provided a link to is also about attempted cannibalism, but it is story that we all read as kids, and evil is convincingly defeated. The terrible poverty that was seen in 19th Century Europe is also vividly portrayed here.

    • 1

      Lasantha Pethiyagoda,

      Your points are 100% agreeable & acceptable. Keep up that good & useful work!

  • 2

    LP is convinced that there is no other way re National Policy and Councils than to have a mass uprising like the Satyagraha that toppled the British Raj. Are you going to call out the whole nation to stand for some minutes on the roads outside these citizen’s homes, to show solidarity with aragalaya protestors, at a given fixed time for system change, to prevent robbing of our national wealth which belongs to all the citizens, and not the family.

    • 0

      DTG. That is a grand idea. If I remember it I put the same idea like banging pots and pans standing in front of their dwellings.

  • 3

    “Where did the foreign credits go?” How come you failed to mention about Intl. Airport in Hambantota, the Hambantota port, the Lotus tower, may be the Port city too?, all the Highways linking Colombo with southern and central parts of the country (most of them not used by larger percentage of the general public). Are these not glamorous projects for you? The country is struggling to pay the interests particularly for these projects. Lately your identity has been exposed as a retired engineering prof? but for me you are a reincarnation of Eagle Eye. Some time back I decided to refrain from commenting on the amusements, but your comments about glamorous projects changed my mind.

  • 2

    Dr. Amir Ali:

    RW’s triple framework is therefore necessary but requires demolition of the old ideological mold of ethnonationalist majoritarianism that shaped the current political and social frameworks, which in turn shaped the economic framework.

    Ranil Evil:

    “Taking children to protest demonstrations should be stopped. They are taking children to protests, not because they cannot be left alone at home, but to be used as a human shield, similar to what Prabhakaran did. The Police should be instructed to prevent such incidents from happening. If this is to continue, everyone will bring their children to protests and even university students will bring children.”

  • 1

    Ranil Evil, who is fearing to witness in thier trophy videos truth of the Rapist Army carrying truckloads of women fighters, nude, raped and murdered, playing game in the UNHRC resolution, that he is going to locally reconcile the two communities. But here he has warned the Protesting Sinhala Parents, that if they bring children to protest, what happened to Leader Prabhakaran & Tamil parents will happen to them also. (Prabhakaran’s child was seen in the war front, lonely, after the parents were missing. Army was seen in a trophy video, giving tea biscuits and tea to Balachandran. Later, it was said, at Karuna’s advice, Hitler ordered the Rapist Army to shoot the child.) By associating Sinhala Community’s deed to leader Pirapaharan, most hated Tamil, the Ranil Evil is hoping to discourage Sinhala Parents from participating in protests. He is saying that soon, watching them, University students are also going to bring Children to protest.

  • 2

    Come on man; K. M. P. Rajaratne, R.G. Senanayake, Cyril Mathew, Don Stephen, Solomon West…. are nowhere to be seen as equivalents to Evil Emperor. What a wicked, malicious, evil Sinhala Buddhist talk! He is trying to make the Sinhala parents feel very awkward about themselves because they are imitating their most hateable enemy, leader Prabhakaran. Protest is a very rare event carried out with all three communities’ acceptance and association. But Tamils presence was minimal because the rapist Army is deployed 2:1 in some Northern Tamils area, so they are not comfortable physically participating in the protests. But Tamil MPs, Tamil Unions, Tamil political groups & Tamil Diaspora have been supporting the protest in all the ways possible for them. So, the Evil Emperor wants to split the two communities, so he is trying to convince the Sinhala parents that they are losing their dignity, highness by willfully copying Parai Demulos’ cheap & crooked ways. If anything, near to what the Evil describing has happened, Sinhala parents can (or cannot) feel ashamed of them; that is up to them. But in reality, Tamil parents were forced to hand over their children to the Rapist army (so they are protesting North East to find out the whereabouts of their children who are involuntarily missing).

  • 2

    Sinhala Parents bring their children with them to the protest sites possibly because if they are shot or beaten to death by political super stars and Army, their children will be helped to reach a relative or an orphanage by the public, who are present on protest sites. How, in those circumstances, one is seeing similarities between the Tamil parents’ actions and the Sinhala Parents’ actions? And how dare this Evil is falsely propagating a sophistry to fool the entire world, that the Sinhala Parents bring their children only to use them as cannon fodders, after watching Leader Prabhakaran.

    The wild fox said to UNHRC that he is going to locally investigate the missing persons, provide justice to Tamils parents and reconcile the Sinhala and Tamil Communities. The reason is while most of the Tamil parents are protesting to recover their children who were handed over to the Rapist Army, the younger generation of Sinhala Families are protesting to a systemic system change. Evil Ranil was careful enough not to pay attention, recognize and mix the Tamils’ main problem (their children handed over to Rapist Army are missing) with the Sinhala communities’ problem, the basic amenities for life are in dire shortage by the robbery and embezzlement of government money by UNP & SLFP factions, for the last 75 years.

  • 1

    So, the southern parents want change in the political direction. It is a very complex issue to put forward to readers that how Ranil making fools out of Sinhala parents by comparing them with the Tamils parents who lost their children to Rapist Army, and Evil subtly issuing a murderous threat to the Sinhala Parents’ Childrens, in the public places. Let us try to understand step by step, to see if we can parse Evil’s game, though it can turn out to be boring and hinder the understanding.

    When Evil went to New York and issued a threat to UNSG Ban –Ki –Moon that “tear the Dharusman report or else!” Ban ki- Moon replied, “please, don’t expect the report to vanish into thin air in the UN office.” In another words, as the IC have come to know certain facts about what happened in the Nanthikadal genocide, so, if there are provisions on the international law and if UN is willing to serve justice to Tamils, then they need not to mind about what the Evil fox was howling about. That is what was the subtle reply of that time’s UNSG.

  • 1

    From the time Old Rowdy gave the promise to UNSG in Colombo, that he will take responsibility for what happened, until now the Old Rowdy and Evil have done so many Harry Potter magics, in Langkang, at Geneva and at New York City but locally nothing for to take responsibility and Reconciliation. Interestingly, so far 9 resolutions were passed in UNHRC with the title of “Reconciliation & Responsibility”, yet the ball that has stood up in the air, has not fallen in anybody’s court. Evil Ranil is seeing that uncertain stand of UNHRC as a victory for Langkang. At the end of the war LTTE and the Rapist army both used child soldiers & rebels. But about 25,000 soldiers’ bodies of the Rapist Army were buried or burned with the dead Tamil civilians in order to dodge the payments for the Sinhala Parents of the fallen soldiers. For those bodies, Sinhala community was told they had gone missing in action.

    Now he is threatening the Sinhala parents not to take their children to protest, because there the Rapist Army will separate the Children from them and will kill them, as they killed Balachandran and the other handed over children to the Rapist Army from the hands of the Tamil parents.

  • 1

    Towards the end of the war LTTE and the Rapist Army both used under aged, but Karuna, one time a close friend of Evil Ranil, recruited the children before anybody else, with the support of Appe Aanduwa. He never accepted that or returned the children. To cover up this crime, Rapist Army and Karuna had been in touch with a Colombo Tamil woman, who was at UNESCO. This employee worked with Old Rowdy to hide Karuna’s case in order to get a favor from Old Rowdy for recommendation to stand in the UNSG election. In LTTE’s case it accepted and worked with UNESCO to send back the children to Karuna, the one who started to recruit children in order to take on LTTE. Then Old Rowdy, Evil Emperor & and the Tamil UNESCO employee protested Karuna from war crime accusations. After the war Karuna was sent to the UK on a diplomatic passport to seek refugee status. It was said the UNP Appe Aanduwa, with its fake CFA, supplied women for Karuna and split from LTTE.

  • 2

    Ranil now earnestly believes that by telling all unimaginable lies, and keeps confusing the Sinhala Parents he can turn them against the younger generation, the protesters. And he still believes that if he somehow creates a knot for all issues connected with LTTE, he can make Singhalese to ever stay charmed to anti-Tamil pipe and not to disturb politicians from robbing and embezzling the government money. Evil has to understand that if there is something true in his words, he can let the foreign judges and lawyers come in and tell them that it was the LTTE who carried out war crimes. Instead of fooling the innocent young people & whose parents are protesting together, if he convinces the IC judges then the Langkang problem with the international community will be gone forever. There won’t be any semi-annual pilgrimage to Geneva spending poor people money. If the IC judges are not convinced, they have the authority to take action on Langkang & they are going to show that authority in many ways. But if Evil sheepishly thinks that by blocking the investigation he can be acquitted, that will not happen. If they have authority to take action on Langkang and if Evil Ranil refuses for local inquiry, they will carry out one out of Langkang and punish the criminals. That is a matter of no brainer for nursery nincompoops.

  • 2

    While refusing to release the Tamil PTA political prisoners, he is using the same provisions to arrest the protesters and putting them in prisons for nothing. Then how is he expecting the Sinhala parents to believe his words that they are copycatting Prabhakaran and Tamils, so they deserve punishment, and his punishment is only for bringing to the protest site, but denial of their right to protest against their government?

    The Evil says rebuilding the country first & anything else like UNHRC resolutions are after that. Japan has not been engaged yet to mediate with creditors. Evil delaying making a deal with Japan purposefully. India and China do not want to get along with the Paris Club.It was only in last week Langkang CJ let go the Central bank burglars scot free. Ranil refused to bring back the Old Rowdy’s $19B foreign deposit. To hide his total failure in economic initiations, Evil sowed the maximum racism to fool the Sinhala Buddhist Modayas, by pointing at the Tiger which died long ago.

  • 1

    Sinhala Parents are carrying their Children in hand to the protest (From the very start of the protests, we advised those parents against taking children to protest knowing the Langkang police and Army brutality.) but Tamil parents brought their children from homes, internment Camps & other hiding places and handed over to the Rapist army because of the tricky promises the government gave. Is there a valid reason why Evil took the missing persons’ parents as the example to the Sinhala parents taking their children to protest? He is labeling the parents as ill willed and wicked minded. The response from Protesting parents is that they want to reorganize their group into a better group to deal with Batalanda Ranil’s brutality, promised.

    In his effort to split the Sinhala Community from Tamils, and weaken them in their protest lines, he says the Southern parents are behaving as cruel as the Tamil parents do. Tigers have been using border restrictions for a long time. When they started to lose, they were redrawing these de facto lines and controlled Tamils moving out of their borders. These lines were not accepted by the UN staff who were there, and they wanted Tigers to stop it so the civilians could move around to find relief from war.

  • 1

    Earlier Aanduwa restricted food and medicine to the war area people as part of its war crime. Aanduwa had the plan to kill as much as Tamils possible by starvation and shelling, chemical bombing, cluster bombing, Thermobaric bombing……… Appe Aanduwa getting the location coordinates of the concentered places like Hospitals, refugee camps like places from ICRC to shell and kill maximum Tamils with less bombs. UN staff told LTTE that blocking people getting relief from that war horror in their own way is a right violation & war crime. UN staff’s involvement in finding relief from war brought fear in the mind of Appe Aanduwa and they ousted all UN & ICRC staff out of Langkang. So, after the war, in order to protect it from the war crime accusation of killing 150,000 innocent civilians of all demography, Aanduwa started a propaganda that LTTE committed war crimes by holding the Tamils, who the Rapist army’s enemies, away from their hands, inside its clandestine borders, At the end Rapist Army forced Tamil parents to hand over all the teenage Children and forced vanish.

  • 3

    Dear Paul,
    As you have said above: “…and tells us what the time is!”
    I know that sounds crazy, and if 25 people do it, everybody will be upset!
    However, I get the feeling that Colombo Telegraph is working quite heroically, against tremendous odds, and we have lots of enemies. I hope that they will tell me if I’m wrong. Very occasionally, just twice in all these years, they’ve warned me.
    I think that they have limited staff and resources. Sometimes we find delays frustrating, but we don’t understand the problems that they possibly have. So, please tolerate my eccentricities. I don’t really mind the jokes at my expense.
    The time now: 17:16. The updates have come – 49 comments for this article now. This was not the case 20 minutes ago when I started writing.

    • 3

      PART TWO
      Now, here’s AKD yesterday: 64 minutes in Sinhalese (the only language he appears to speak in.) I have heard 43 minutes. Does this sound strange? He talks about some Electrical Engineers who earn more than 400K per month now having problems paying for expenses they’ve taken on. Some in the audience seem bored. A 400 gram packet of milk powder is Rs 1,150/=. Plenty in the shops now, but many poor parents don’t have the money to buy that.
      See the contrast. I don’t think
      it suggests approval. Just facts.
      There had been a small NPP meeting in my village yesterday. I couldn’t go, owing to minor problems faced by me. Rain was one. I telephoned in the night. Successful. No major speakers, but the need to be ready to vote or to demonstrate non-violently was recognised. Now, let me be scolded again!
      Unimportant people like me have a contribution to make:
      “They also serve, who only stand and wait” – John Milton.
      Panini Edirisinhe

    • 4

      Sorry Sinhala_Man, I was only joking. That’s the only thing the politicians haven’t managed to ruin – yet.

  • 3

    Many readers here don’t understand Sinhala. I do. I also speak it fluently.
    The NPP does have a Ms PaulRaj, who speaks all the three languages of Lanka fluently. It’s very important that as many pf us as possible cast preferences for her at any forthcoming election. It is Tamil speakers here who should identify other honest young people to send to Parliament.
    For us, who understand English, we have Dr Harini Amarasuriya.
    That’s 46 minutes, dealing with the most current issues of governance. Recorded less than three days ago. And there are English sub-titles for you, Ms Manel Fonseka!

    • 4

      Dear SM: Thank you very much for giving me that link to Harini’s interview.

      I always say and still maintain that Dr. Harini is the ideal choice of NPP to be the Presidential candidate. Hope NPP will consider it.

      I have written to NPP already. In my opinion, AKD’s speeches are fact full but not appealing. In that respect NPP must change the strategy, in that, they must GIVE the INFORMATION and ask the PEOPLE to “ASSESS”, “THINK” and FORTIFY them to exercise a FREE WILL of “CHOICE”. So far I haven’t seen any speaker giving the information and asks from the audience the questions: (1) What do you think? (2) How would you see these? (3) What would you do? (4) What do you want? (5) Whom do you think is most fitting to answer you? (6) Whom do you trust most? etc.

      • 2

        Dear Simon,
        Blessings on you for your constructive suggestions. I’m sure that what you say will be appreciated by both Harini & AKD. I don’t think that there is competition for leadership among any in the top rungs of the NPP.
        I wouldn’t want any changes made to to those providing leadership. What we need is more supporters. But what’s to be done? Decent and kindly people like LM seem so full of prejudices, and display so little intelligence that we have to write them off.
        LM lacking in intelligence? Yes, definitely. He makes claims that are unsustainable. How can a guy who lives in Germany know what happens in Lanka? Well, not impossible, if you have a network of trusted friends who will provide reliable information. Kumar David is currently in Dehiwela; but when he is in Hong Kong or Los Angeles he sends us, as BCCs, many inquiries about conditions here. The anonymous LM cannot do that. I’m one of the few who sends him reports, but infrequently now that he has found a strange hero in Ranil.
        He is unaware of what happens in his own town! That there was serious flooding was World news some months ago. He didn’t realise until I told him about the reports

      • 2

        Last week my Sydney sister (and the one in Brisbane) was in Bandarawela for two days; a very short trip to the country because her mother-in-law is 96. They leave for Katunayake tonight. Her husband remained in Colombo: it’s his mother. Incidentally, LM was asking me why I was down in Maharagama for such a short stay. To see them there – didn’t get done. Genuine concern makes him ask such things, but how does he expect to understand every detail of my life, which is genuinely full of paradoxes?
        Anyway, since my sister was here, I said that the floods there, just about two months ago, couldn’t have much affected them. Confirmed. They are rich now, by any standards, live in a good area, not much interested in the politics here; they know it’s too complicated. They can see how much time I devote to following events here. They are Aussies; they have white grandchildren.
        My Brisbane sister told us that she wasn’t going to swell world population BEFORE she married a man of Irish descent. She has been following events here, and sent me pictures of herself in an “Aragalaya” in Brisbane.
        Both attitudes fine by me!

    • 4

      Dear Sensitive Readers,

      Most people today are bilingual but SM or similar COMMENTERS seem to find it difficult to understand Sinhala or Tamil.
      That’s probably why sinhala_man repeats about his Sinhala language knowledge. I don’t understand why some people like SM can’t learn it. How can you be a “Sinhala man” if you cannot speak and write Sinhala????
      … This is similar to that Dayan Jayathilaka and his surname conundrum. He speaks highly of his father Marvin Silva. However he has failed to explain why he is not called “Dayan Silva”.


      • 3

        .And a good example for our “Sinhala man”. ##
        Japanese housewives in their 70s are reportedly going to university. But our people have failed to learn even the mother tongue despite being mandated to retire at the age of 55. Looking back, these men and women could learn Sinhala and Tamil if they really tried. I was reminded of my grandmother’s wise quote. If there’s a will, there’s always a way.

        If you had really made an effort or realized that you wasted more of your precious time, valuable time by gossiping, you could have learned “Sinhala”.

        There is a rare inspirational story of a MP by name, Dissanayake. He has been living under trees without proper shelter, food and parental care. It means that he came from a very poor parent’s home. Despite the facts, he has ended up becoming a BA degree holder. All this is his reality which gave him the opportunity to do his BA degree, …. This story is very inspiring for those who are lazily looking for excuses to justify their failure to study.

        • 2

          On a lighter vein:
          It is not just your grandmother who says that if there’s a will there’s always a way. Very many do.
          They are the lucky ones!
          If you ask me, if you have a WILL from wealthy elder you might have a way. Otherwise, no way.

      • 1

        Now, LM, you get me angry.
        My oral-aural communication skills of Sinhalese are excellent! I have told you that many times before. However, you keep repeating this nonsense (only just seen this); do it any more, and I’ll be furious!
        I can read (vocabulary not bad), but just don’t try to write anything; but can fill a form in ungainly letters. I don’t find Tamil difficult; impossible! I’ve given up all efforts to learn it.
        Why can’t you, in Germany, just forget a country that you don’t understand (possibly never did) and for whose people you have utter contempt?
        I don’t like Dayan Jayathilaka, but let his name be his own business. Many people drop their Portuguese-origin names, which their ancestors took on about 400 years ago. Those Portuguese were not racist in outlook; the Dutch (and the Germans) were, although, happily, things are changing. the Dutch discouraged miscegenation to the maximum. The Portuguese made huge efforts to convert to Catholicism; can’t you see the results?
        Now, can you please SHUT UP about topics which are beyond you!

      • 1

        DJ’s full surname is De Silva Jayetilleka. His wife uses that name. His father Mervyn only used the De Silva part. His uncle is Neville De Silva the journalist.
        Perhaps Dr. DJ wants to sound more “Sinhalese “.

  • 6

    May I ask you now if the majority of people in this country respect “JVP/NPP” and its current leader “AKD” as you say,
    if that is the fact, why on earth, they the JVPrs , now discuss about “Dr HA” being made to be their coalition “leader”?


    • 2

      This KKS Perera seems to be floating the idea. I have seen some articles by him that didn’t make sense although he writes well.
      This is a matter for the NPP to decide, not me!
      Why should I give forth opinions on every every matter that comes up? Let either of them lead, or contest the Presidency; I will vote NPP.
      However, I have given readers a 12 minute explanation for what the JVP did in 1968 to 1990. I’ve worked out how old AKD was at each stage.
      I feel that in the NPP they work out issues of this sort democratically. Why do you pose such questions? Don’t you realise that the usual motive is thee causing of dissension within their ranks.

      • 5

        Whenever I listen to Sri Lankan news from Parliament, what I feel is that they are like a pool of poisonous reptiles.

        We are a very unfortunate nation. It’s tragic than it appears.

        We have not been able to build any major or minor consensus. I think that is the main issue today. Not even buddhist monks ( so called buddhagama monks) succeed to come to a common ground. Whether in the Parliament or anywhere, the people are failing in this regard and there is not even an inch of improvement from them.
        So how do we agree on a common goal? That is what we should work for…. The religious forces of this country should come together to achieve the goals. if not today when ?

        • 2

          …. The religious forces of this country should come together to achieve the goals.
          ?? ??
          Not a good idea.
          You are expecting / inviting cobras to provide protection for children.
          Not good; not good, at all.

    • 4

      LM. I doubt if Dr. HA can recognize a cobra if she sees one. Dr. N. M. Perera hung on to a sari tail too at his own peril.

      • 1

        You hate me, Harini and Nagananda, because you tried to get us to solve your land problem.
        I told you clearly that only a lawyer can do that for you. If you repeat these snide insults, I shall write to the Editor of CT, together with details of your land dispute, and ask him to allow me to exercise my Right of Reply. I’ll show him these warnings that I have given you.
        You wanted LM also to contact you. About a month ago, when LM showed awareness of your age, you faulted him for looking at your letters to me. Yes, I forwarded them to him (and to absent-minded Manel Fonseka) with a warning that you’re life is centred upon this land dispute (where you may genuinely have been diddled) but that you are vile, vicious and vindictive!
        So now, cry!

      • 3


        There is no doubt that SM is suffering from mental illness. If anyone reads his comments these days, everyone with sense will feel that SM is sick.
        He uses bold letters to tell the world about his family problems. Why on earth do CTs allow gossip like that in CT texts?

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