17 February, 2025


Saboteurs Of System Change

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

At a time when the country is getting ready to face a Presidential and or General Election, an opportunity for voters to choose between retaining the old ethnonationalist socio-political system, which had for decades allowed misgovernance without accountability and brought the economy to the point of bankruptcy, and getting rid of that system in favour of a secular and pluralist democratic polity with accountability as the pillar of governance, a renewed voice for federalism from the north threatens to be a saboteur. Ilankai Thamil Arasu Katchi (ITAK) or the Federal Party’s newly elected leader Sivagnanam Sritharan’s resolve to take his party back to where it was before 2009 and to reject the Indian inspired 13th Amendment designed to empower Provincial Councils, is diametrically opposed to the policy of his predecessor Rajavarothayam Sampanthan who strove to find a settlement to the Tamil issue through negotiations within an “inseparable and undivided Sri Lanka”. One could assume that President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s halfhearted initiatives to reach ethnic reconciliation were also based on that premise. Therefore, irrespective of the merits or otherwise of Sritharan’s shift towards a federal solution to which neither the majority Sinhalese nor minority Muslims ever agreed, the timing of Sritharan’s declaration is significant. Although the Tamil issue still remains unresolved, fortunately for the Tamils as well as other minorities, the unprecedented economic disaster, which has tightened its grip and refuses to loosen anytime soon has brought home the realization among a new generation of Sri Lankans, that the economic crisis and the ethnic crisis are intertwined and that they are the products of a socio-political system constructed on the edifice of ethnoreligious nationalism in the name of democracy. It was that realization which propelled that generation of young and educated Sri Lankans to stage the Aragalaya in 2022 with an uncompromising demand for system change. As a result, there is now a political party NPP that is prepared to add substance and shape to that demand to cause a paradigm shift and herald a new era in the country’s post-independence history. It is in that context Sritharan’s U-turn towards federalism and the role of the two Muslim parties SLMC and ACMC raise the spectre of organized sabotage.    

Sritharan’s U-turn is significant in the sense that his renewed cry for federalism could turn out to be just the manna from heaven to any policy bankrupt presidential candidate from Sinhala south to win the support of southern voters by rekindling the old fear of an impending ‘Tamil Danger’. So far none of the parties in the field except NPP has a distinct and inclusive agenda not only to revive the economy, but also to cleanse national politics of its ethno-national edifice through social revolution and take the country along a new direction towards secular democracy and economic development. This is why to those parties that are suffering from policy bankruptcy Sritharan’s call for federalism would be an unexpected gift. However, according to the latest but credible opinion poll taken in December last year, NPP’s leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) is reckoned to be the leading runner in the race for presidency, and his party registering a winning chance to capture government. It may be because of this threat from NPP that behind the door discussions and frantic manoeuvres by king makers are said to be taking place to narrow down the race to a direct battle between two or among three individuals including AKD. In the meantime, NPP is reported to be making inroads into the vote banks of minority communities also. This is why one is compelled to think whether Sritharan is trying to sabotage NPP’s chances by proposing to nominate a Tamil candidate for the presidency. Is he trying to be a mischief maker or saboteur?

To the two Muslim parties SLMC and ACMC however, politics is business. In fact, they are the products and beneficiaries of the prevailing system and they would coalesce with any major party that promises their leaders cabinet positions and their community preferential treatment. They are presently coalescing with Sajith Premadasa’s SJB and one could expect them to support Premadasa if he were to be nominated. But, RW who wants to protect the system in vogue is fully aware of Muslims’ historic affiliation with his UNP. It was that affiliation which prompted observers to comment that “eating biriyani and voting UNP” is the essence of Muslim politics. RW is therefore busy recapturing Muslim votes that were lost to SLMC and ACMC. A number of instances beginning with his lenience shown towards a Muslim parliamentarian who was caught red handed smuggling dutiable goods into the country to the handover of the controversial Punani campus to another corrupt Muslim politician and right down to his speech in support of a Palestine state at the NAM Summit in Kampala, illustrate that they are all calculated moves to recapture the Muslim vote bank. But AKD through NPP’s partner Muslim Social Justice Party is said to be making inroads into that bank also.       

Sritharan’s cry for federalism also does seem to be at odds with the aspirations of diaspora Tamils evidenced by the six statements of the Himalaya Declaration agreed between the London based Global Tamil Forum (GTF) and Sangha for Better Sri Lanka (SBSL) in December 2023. To translate those statements and ideals into action would mean system change, which is what the new generation is demanding and NPP seeking to deliver.     

As pointed out already, there is a notable absence of policies and programs other than every leader’s reiteration of the mantra that he or she would work with IMF and adopt its economic revival agenda with appropriate changes to parts of it after negotiating with that authority. While they all isolate the economic crisis from the general malaise that has paralyzed the country, only NPP views that crisis as part of a poly-crisis and a permanent solution to the economic crisis lies in throwing out the existing system. NPP’s approach towards IMF is therefore tied to the party’s commitment to effect system change. That is what one gathers from the speeches and media messages relayed by NPP leadership. In short, NPP reflects the thirst for a radical change through ballot. And that is why the coming presidential and/or general election promises to mark a turning point in the political history of Sri Lanka. Those elections would see a direct clash between a generation of geriatric leaders who grew in and groomed by a society stratified by castes, ethnicity, religions and so on, and a younger, talented and globally connected generation to which the society of their elders has become alien. This intergenerational dichotomy may sound political rhetoric and difficult to fathom by many. But it is well recognized global phenomenon that continues to trouble many a regime.  This is why when the country is at the cusp of breaking away from the old order the three ethno-religious minority parties are appearing to be trio of saboteurs.

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia

Latest comments

  • 20

    AA , with all due respect, there is no system change to sabotage.

    • 3

      ‘AA , with all due respect, there is no system change to sabotage.’
      There isn’t even a system.

  • 8

    I feel that Ranil indirectly sponsored Sritharan’s success through Rajapaksa loyalists Wigneswaran and Gajendrakumar. This is a dangerous act. By this, Ranil is now able to avoid settling the minority issue by declaring that LTTE’s aims have come back to the North and the East. He will use this at the next UNHCR review to show he could not implement the requests because we are going back to old times.

    If the Tamils truly wanted a settlement to the minority issues, they should have elected Sumanthiran, a polished and honest politician who understood the ground realities of the country.

    We are back again to square one, the times of Prabaharan!

    • 9

      Had you had just said, ‘If the Tamils wanted to settle the minority issues, they should have elected Sumanthiran’, I probably would have let it pass. But, you spoilled it by saying that Ranil indirectly sponsored Sritharan’s success and the rest of the bunkum, you have said!

      • 3


        Unfortunately, most Sri Lankans do not see behind the scene moves. I am sorry to say you appear to be one of those.

        • 3

          I admit that I don’t enjoy the behinds!

    • 14

      Such drama by Buddhist1, turning the harmless slogan of federalism into an armed struggle for a separate country!

      • 4


        Facts are stubborn!

  • 6

    “Therefore, irrespective of the merits or otherwise of Sritharan’s shift towards a federal solution to which neither the majority Sinhalese nor minority Muslims ever agreed,…”
    Indeed, how can even the Tamils agree to it? Tamils have been running to India like pathetic little children and and complaining “Oh Miss, the Big Bully Sihala haas been hitting us with state terror (true) and moving into our corner etc etc, and we want nothing to do with the bug bully, but want to seperate and do things by oursselves in our little Eelam”. But the Indian Miss says, I know what you want – it is the Indian model. “Oh Miss, the Sinhala Bully does not want it, we and our up-start leader do not want it”. Then the Indian Miss says “We know what is good for you, we will impose the Indian model as the 13th Amendment whether you or the Sinhala and Muslims want it or not, by force- we will send the Indian Army”. But the Tlalaivar and the “boys”, and Premadasa too fought the Indian army and sent it home and killed Rajeev Gandhi too. The Talaivar launched wave after wave of atatcks on the Sinhala Bully but he hismself got crushed in the 4th Eelm war, leaving the Tamils very weak, their leaders completely suspect in the eyes of the Sinhala, and also the Indians.

    • 17

      You seem to be a talented story / script writer. Why waste your skills here ????

    • 15

      Hey SebastianSR,

      Ah, the return of the infamous Sebastian S Rasalingam, a character who suddenly appeared in the SL media scene some 15 — 20 years ago and kept repeating a story about his Jaffna Dalit origin and caste oppression; his anti-LTTE and anti-Federalist views were lapped up by the pro-MR/GR press.

      He claimed that he married an upcountry Tamil woman and was treated better among the Sinhalese than Tamils. The same one who didn’t know enough Tamil, insisting that the word Arasu in ITAK stood for a separate country, not realizing that it could very well mean Federalism ( The word ‘Samashti’ was probably not widely used at that time, or it was probably felt that the ordinary people wouldn’t understand it.) SR kept saying ‘Kacchi’ for ‘Kadchi’ or ‘Katchi.’ After being told by me at that time that a Tamil from Jaffna wouldn’t use that spelling and that he might be a paid propagandist making up a story, he is now using ‘Kadchi.’

      And for someone who claimed he was a Dalit, he conveniently ignored the fact that, by the mid-2000s, the poor Dalits who didn’t have enough assets to find a way to emigrate formed a significant part of the LTTE cadre.

      • 12

        Agnos and others, these are the Tamil patriots and hypocrites out there to save their community.

      • 2

        “…he conveniently ignored the fact that, by the mid-2000s, the poor Dalits who didn’t have enough assets to find a way to emigrate formed a significant part of the LTTE cadre.”

        It just confirms what I said earlier, that the Vellalas used these people for revenge against the majority community.

        • 9

          Lester, the Jester, in the Kings’ Court in Devinuwara (Dondra Head),

          (PART I)
          Lester, the Jester, in the Kings’ Court in Devinuwara (Dondra Head),
          “…he conveniently ignored the fact that, by the mid-2000s, the poor Dalits who didn’t have enough assets to find a way to emigrate formed a significant part of the LTTE cadre.”
          “Talking SHOP” as usual!!?? No conceptual understanding of the Issues!? These ‘nincompoops’ have an INATE ability to conveniently FORGET or listen to bedtime stories concocted to put them to sleep when young by Grandma’s!!!???
          Events and contributory Reasons for the Calamity that has become Sri Lanka over, 75 years of Independence and especially 65 years of “Mismanagement and Misrule” of the country!!!??? NOW Trying as usual, “PASS the BUCK” and be NOT accountable for their follies!!!?? Usual deception!!??
          Delve into History and Archives, YOU WILL BE ENLIGHTENED!?? The primary cause was, First Language Policy (1956), Second Standardisation and District Quota (1970) Third, utter Low down agricultural policy vis-a-vis Free economy, destroying the agricultural youth as Import of Chillies, Potatoes and Onions (main agricultural produce of Northeast) was made uneconomical and unsustainable!!! The youth mostly Non-Vellala, was made to migrate to

        • 10

          (PART II)
          greener pastures – for (1st – Sinhala Only) gain Employment and Studies due to (1 and 2 above) and then “Sustainable Life” due to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd above!!! The Non-Vellala sect was the richest during the 1970 – ’77 period, which when denied in 1977, enabled them with the surplus cash to proceed overseas!!! These, people were those released/freed from ‘the shackles’ of “Castism”, in 1960 – 65’s by Sirimavo and FDB, (Famous Temple entry to Dalits) and then becoming the NEW Rich 1970-77 period (Onions, Potatoes, and Chillies), with their dreams and vision ‘SMASHED’ ONCE AGAIN!!! They then, in turn became financiers of Succeeding Generations, of their clan, kith and Kin to go overseas, which was REPAID on gaining employment overseas!!?
          These issues culminated in 1956 definitely, IF NOT, 1948 Indian citizenship act, which would dare say is the start of these Machiavellian Machinations, with perhaps intent to commit HR violations, even if we discount acts TANTAMOUNT to GENOCIDE!!!???
          Further LTTE, was the child or consequential event of the 1972, 1ST REPUBLICAN CONSTITUTION, “UNMAKING OF EQUAL CITIZENS”, SUBTLY REPEALING “Section 29” of the Soulbury constitution

        • 10

          (PART III)
          Which assured and Guaranteed, MINORITY RIGHTS AND SAFEGUARD THEREOF!!?? 15 Years after the initiation of the DISCRIMINATORY LANGUAGE POLICY, MADE BY THE GRETEAST “MOLAKARU”, Oxford ever produced!? Then, the balance is history and all consequential, like a DRIVERLESS LOCOMOTIVE RUNNING AMOKE, with NO Control!!!
          Don’t blame the Jaffna Tamils and the Vellala of the North, for the PROGROM that somebody else started, but didn’t KNOW HOW and WHEN to APPLY THE BRAKES TO CONTROL IT!!??
          You must recite these stories to “APPE KANA GAMARALAYATA”!!!????
          Before anyone graduates to talk about, “CONVENIENTLY IGNORED THE FACT that, by the MID-2000S,” One must also relate to what happened from 1948 to 2000!!!???
          Otherwise there is only one word to describe – OBFUSCATION IN ALL ITS GLORY!? And THAT’S NOTHING NEW, IN THIS SORDID HISTORY

  • 13

    “an opportunity for voters to choose between retaining the old ethnonationalist socio-political system… and getting rid of that system in favour of a secular and pluralist democratic polity”
    Where is the promise of the alternative?

  • 19

    “a renewed voice for federalism from the north threatens to be a saboteur. “
    Is not Sumanthiran an advocate of federalism? Is not Sampanthan?
    13A is dead for all practical purposes unless it is resurrected by some political miracle after 37 years of morbidity. The FP/TULF/TNA has been conning the Tamil people for the whole period.
    ” Rajavarothayam Sampanthan who strove to find a settlement to the Tamil issue through negotiations within an “inseparable and undivided Sri Lanka”. “
    Does the author think that federalism is separatist?
    That will make the FP is the oldest separatist party in the country which in fact endorsed secession in 1976, with Sampanthan elected on that ticket in 1977.
    I think that it is about time that the author did some serious research to avoid dropping political bricks.

    • 15


      “Does the author think that federalism is separatist?”

      The author has joined the bandwagon of people in SL who made a harmless demand for regional autonomy look like it is something sinister.

      The burden is on such people to show they can proactively address the issues that the Tamil people face within the current or proposed political system – the chokehold of the military and police on Tamil life in the North-East, the daily harassment, the lack of basic human rights, and political freedoms, lack of human security – economic and physical, return of private lands and reparations, the inability to use Tamil language in dealing with government and the military, etc.

      • 3

        On language I have a different take. Check among Tamils if any of them care if Tamil is absent as long as there is identification in English?
        Most products carry stickers in Sinhala if the text on the label is all English.
        That is not government policy, but the dealer knows the reality.
        As for lack of basic human rights I do not think that a Sinhalease without means is any better off than a Tamil.
        That is not to deny oppression of minorities, but to say it is not exclusively ethnic minorities.

  • 14

    Saboteurs Of System Change
    … a renewed voice for federalism from the north threatens to be a saboteur.
    Ameer Ali, I have a lot of respect for you. You are hurting it by your above stand.
    Federalism is THE ONLY change that is needed to let Sri Lanka face its challenges.
    Whether it should be a SINGLE Step or MULTI Step Process could be debated.

  • 12

    Dr. Ammer Ali,
    When did you become a Buddhist Sinhala nationalist? It looks like that you are now an enemy of NPP and Tamils. Such a blind accusation against the current leader of the Federal party and Tamils will definitely going to make a negative impact on NPP. What you are saying is that NPP will continue with the same policy as of UNP and SLFP in terms of Tamils. In otherwords, NPP is against devolution of power.
    Do you understand the meaning of Federal Party?

  • 9

    I can agree with most of the contents of Ameer’s article. New Tamil and Muslim leaders should emerge within the NPP so that they will have full participation to system change without leaving it to bae a Sinhalese only cause.

  • 20

    This business of system change that Ali and the JVP go on talking about has to be explained. System change seems to be more of the same. We have not seen much about the new economic policies, constitutional change or the settlement of the ethnic/religious issues. Sritharan is not changing anything. The constitution of the ITAK or the Federal Party was always for federalism. So, Sritharan is not effecting any system change. The onus is on those who talk about a system change to explain what it is. Anura ran to the Mahanayake with a tray of flowers the other day just like all Sinhala politicians. Is he making a system change or hankering after Sinhala votes in the traditional way. About the Muslims, being good business people, it is always Vaasi pathete hoya . It is logical for them. No system change there.

    • 3

      ” Sritharan is not changing anything. The constitution of the ITAK or the Federal Party was always for federalism. So, Sritharan is not effecting any system change.
      Sorry Cicero,
      Tamils are not calling for any system change for their side, but only constitutional change to devolution of power. Their support for the system change is for the betterment of the brethren race Sinhalese and for the betterment of the country as whole. That is the reason they don’t favor IMF loans also, because that loan will only indebted them more but will not bring any change in their life. No Change in any of Tamils position will cause any differences in the country’s current situation. It was Tamil who kept the country as the Switzerland of the East. But that time is over and gone as the “past”. When their contributions were discarded by the UNP-SLFP Unions, the country fell into a hell hole, and do keep borrowing from China, Japan, India, Paris Club, Western stock exchanges, IMF, WB,ADB……….. All their power to make any difference in the country is nullified by the 1972 constitution. That is why the Vattukottai convention was brought there. Any talk, any writing, any action taken by aboriginal Ceylon Tamils will not make any difference in the country’s characteristics any more, in the near future. Knowing that fact well, Tamils abandoned participating actively.

      • 3

        ” It was Tamil who kept the country as the Switzerland of the East.”

        That’s a new one. What exactly are these spectacular contributions?

        • 3

          Probably because most of the fund raising of Terrorist Tamils were in Switzerland? Where they amassed enough black money through various illegal trades? Still would that warrant calling Sri Lanka Switzerland of the East? Dr. Ali makes rather dubious claims at times. This is not the first time.

          • 14

            “Dr. Ali makes rather dubious claims at times. “
            It is easy to make snide comments out of ignorance, but the fact is that Tamil plantation workers brought in most of the country’s foreign earnings in the past.
            Even now, minorities own the majority of export enterprises. Check out the members of JAAF.
            Why other communities don’t pull their weight is a good question.

            • 10

              It wasn’t Dr. Ali who said that, but Mallaiyuran.

              • 4

                “It wasn’t Dr. Ali who said that, but Mallaiyuran.”
                Wasn’t worth the effort taken to make the comment then.

              • 3

                On the otherhand my explanation probably is more valid then!?

              • 10

                Some people here reminded me of “Kopikade Dayavati” (the irresponsible 80s teledrama character from the 80s SLTC series) in this forum today.
                They themselves have misquoted Dr. Ali. But later you revealed it was a misquote. But the same person turned to others and insulted him just because he was a Tamil. We can only be ashamed if we see things like this happening again and again.
                Mallai, sorry, some of our sinhalayas are real poisonous type.

            • 4

              Old Codger,

              Anyone is capable of slave labour. It doesn’t take a massive intellect. Are you aware that the USA fought a civil war over slave labour? In that case, cotton was so important to the economy of the southern part of the US, that they tried to secede. In the larger scheme, the British used either slave labour or cheap labour all over to reap monopoly profits at the expense of any ethical consideration. West Indies/Caribbean, Australia, Sri Lanka. Also, the British imported opium from India to China, causing millions of Chinese to become hardcore addicts, while at the same time forcing China to export tea at super low prices.

              • 10

                “Anyone is capable of slave labour. It doesn’t take a massive intellect. “
                Is that why you slave in the West? I wouldn’t comment on your intellect. You said it yourself.

            • 2

              OC – I always thought it was the British that established the plantation sector! My badd. You know history isn’t my string suit.

              • 1


              • 3


                People talk about Gotha causing famine, the British were expert at that. They caused a potato famine in Ireland and another in 1943 (Bengal). Combined together, these famines killed at least 3 million people. Now what they did in Kandy is forcibly take away land from the peasants there, then import cheap labor from India to work on the plantations, with the (white) British owners earning monopoly profits and the workers getting close to nothing. OC thinks is a great achievement, for some reason. Cheap labour is essentially subsidized labour, but with zero protection for the workers, there is an opportunity cost somewhere. China is better off now than in 1970, but can their middle class compare to the middle class in the USA? The West also exploited cheap labour (Industrial Revolution) but then passed labour regulations, realizing that the social cost is not worth it. Today you mostly can find this kind of labour available in only the developing countries, where people have the same mind as OC.

                • 4

                  Lester – Slavery is a mind a set. But OC is a little naive to the ways of the world. And often his naivety precedes any better judgement. But he isn’t atleast vicious like some others.

                  • 10


                    “But he isn’t atleast vicious like some others.”

                    You mean he is not like Gota, Weerawansa, Weerasekera, Mahinda, Basil, …..Rana-viruses, Lohan, ….. lieutenant Wijesuriya, …. Ampitiye Sumanarathana, Gnanasara, ….. VP, …..

                    • 2

                      NV – I wasn’t necessarily comparing him with those that you have mentioned but if you want to do so, please go ahead, I have no objections.

                • 8

                  Science, medicine, engineering, information technology and all other fields have advanced tremendously today but there is much more to be discovered in many fields. i always believe what is unknown to human beings is ocean-like than the little they have touched and discovered.
                  If someone was comparing slavery in previous centuries and early/late blight types epidemies dating back to 1931, he or she should definintely rethink and update their knowledge.

                  Today, “Down syndrome” patients live for more than 60 years, even though it was less than 40 years ago, thanks to modern medicine. Thanks to modern medicine, HIV AIDS patients are living longer. In some research projects we have even found a few people who were in mid ninties who lived with HIV for 5 decades. So I know what I’m talking about. Today we are well enslaved to Google and other browsers for work tasks. While Google monitors work behavior at the desk, analysts inform employers in Europe to build their impressions of their employees.


                  • 8

                    Besides, Modern slavery is through directly targeting the psyche of a person whose level of eduction can be varied, even unestimably harmful everywhere today through cyber connections.

                    Human behavior is controlled and manipulated by them, allowing anyone to be caught on camera regardless of individual rights in Sri Lanka or low holding law and order countries.
                    It is impossible in Europe and the rest of the developed world.Their analysts notice them and implement the steps for the improvement of the sytems but safeguarding the rights of its people.

                    It is directly aimed at the psyche of human consumers. People who are weak and lack some knowledge are easily influenced.

                    That is what is being displayed in the Sri Lankan society which has now sadly reached a dangerous level.

                    As far as I can see they don’t have enough psycho-social analysts to highlight the degree of the danger in order to harm be prevented. This could lead to a hopeless and unprecedented if the effect goes viral.

                    To everyone s note, Old Codger is always updated with the most up-to-date information. He is like a dictionary to many. Go back to CT’s archives and clear your doubts.

              • 9

                No, it wasn’t the British that started industrial agriculture. The Portuguese and Dutch did it on a smaller scale earlier. They too imported Indian labour, which is where some “Sinhala ” castes originated, including Lester’s ancestors, though he refers to them as slave labour nowadays.
                If you want to make serious comments, they must be based on provable facts. Lester makes up his own to fit into his own prejudices, and often gets caught.

                • 2

                  OC – okay then, it was the dutch and the protuguese. But that wasn’t the point Lester was making or me for that matter. I don’t see any reason to get personal. He was merely referring to the skill levels of the labour force and their relationship or contribution to the economy. It is you who are nit picking on minor issues and loose the focus on the broader issue that he is trying to highlight. I haven’t been paying attention to all the comments Lester has been making, but from the ones I have seen I haven’t come across any facts he made for himself. On the contrary he defended his claims at least some of them quite masterfully. One such instance I can recall was the issue of the income of the Chinese migrants, particularly in America. The data you pulled out showed that you haven’t grasped the argument Lester was making. May be he has biases and prejudices, that everyone else too has. I know that he is a Mahinda and Ranil supporter from the comments he make and I am neither, that is not a reason for me to condemn everything he says, if that’s what you suggest and expect. He brings in his own perspectives and I have seen often evidence to back them up, that often challenges the dominant narrative here.

                  • 3

                    It isn’t my fault that you didn’t see the point of Lester’s argument, which was that Indian immigrants perform worse than Chinese, allegedly because of their “low IQ” .
                    According to him, the Brahmin caste performs best. The data showed that Indians perform better than Chinese in the US. The fact that Chinese are also comparatively high earners is irrelevant. You are free to ask him what he thinks of Brahmins.
                    Everyone has prejudices, but not everyone uses lies as backup.

                    • 0

                      OC – Your answer above shows me that you still have not grasped what Lester was saying. So with out that it is difficult to establish whether he was lying. From what I saw your data wasn’t relevant to the point he was making. If you are not intetested in getting it clarified from him, neither am I. It’s you who keep calling him a liar not me. On the otherhand Leelagemalli makes various generalised comments accusing Sri Lankans, Sinhalese, the Buddhists, the Young etc etc. No one calls him a liar or a racist or fascist. Wonder why?

                • 3

                  Old Codger,

                  “They too imported Indian labour, which is where some “Sinhala ” castes originated”

                  My ancestors were definitely not imported by Portugese or Dutch. But I am sure (the remains) of some descendants of yours can be found around the proximity of Nandikadal Lagoon.

                  • 4


                    “My ancestors were definitely not imported by Portugese or Dutch. “

                    Then did your ancestor’s come with Chola’s Velaikkara Padei (mercenary) or if earlier with Rama’s army engineers?

                • 1

                  Thanks OC.
                  I couldn’t stop laughing…Lester’s ancestors could be from those roots. I reiterated that we are all mixed race, despite wearing multiple labels for our IDs.

                  Btw, RUCHIRA or similar and facts and figures?

                  You better forget it. He claims the most “negative thumbs up” to date. In those days, EAGLE EYE broke the record. However, reborn as EE’s favorite, RUCHIRA has broken all records this week.

                  Ruchira’s name means ” appetaizing”: However, his behavriour has made him devil to most on this forum today.

            • 3

              OC – “Even now, minorities own the majority of export enterprises. Check out the members of JAAF.
              Why other communities don’t pull their weight is a good question.”
              That’s interesting. Yes that would be an interesting thing to find out! I fully support such an endeavour.

              • 10


                “That’s interesting. Yes that would be an interesting thing to find out! I fully support such an endeavour.”

                Please don’t waste your precious time.
                Instead start a riot, loot and then burn down their businesses and houses, if possible rape their women folks, burn them alive, find out if they have a library with large collection of old books and send your ministers to view these libraries, ……..

                It is as simple as it is, …… soma could help you.

                • 3

                  Dear Native Vedda,
                  “Please don’t waste your precious time.
                  Instead start a riot, loot and then burn down their businesses and houses, if possible rape their women folks, burn them alive, find out if they have a library with large collection of old books and send your ministers to view these libraries, ……..”
                  I am not into any of these. I believe these are UNP values. It is them who used state sponsored thugs to carry out such atrocities in the past and the black mark they created in the history of the rift between the Sinhalese and Tamils had to be borne by all Sinhalese irrespective of whether they endorsed such activities or not.
                  I am sure you can do better than this. I am being extra kind not to take it as a provocation to incite violence and create further disharmony between ethnic groups.
                  Hope your day was good.

                  • 4


                    “It is them who used state sponsored thugs to carry out such atrocities in the past ……”

                    If it was them (UNP) what did the others do to stop repetition or find the culprits, name, shame and punish them?

                    Did Banda and his party have the thugs arrested and charge them after 1958, 1977, 1983 riots and destruction of properties and Jaffna library?

                    I believe the Sinhala/Buddhist majority is satisfied with what they have perpetrated and pat themselves on their back for a good job done in the past 76 years.

                    I suppose they wanted a bankrupt country in the first place. Ponna is a good scapegoat.

                    Nothing personal.
                    Have a good day.

                    • 0

                      Native – Banda I thought was long dead by 1983. Failure of state isn’t the same as failure of people. Or failure of Sinhala Buddhists. It isn’t me who is trying to maintain and further preserve the same status quo that existed for 75 years and that had now resulted in banckruptcy too. Some blame Banda for being a Christian and Mahinda is hardly an epitome of Sinhala Buddhism. His wife is Christian if I am not mistaken and his Children are educated in Christian schools and his grand children are even baptized. Hardly the ethos of any Sinhala Buddhist Hardliner. Ponnas relevance is in the history of communal politics and the political climate that existed pre independence and its subsequent change. If you want to view the ethnic crisis in the light of historical events and people you can’t cherry pick them to fit a skewed narrative. Banda and his policies were often regarded as the origin of communal politics and disharmony often forgetting events predated that in which Ponna and his politics seems to play a significant role.

                    • 0

                      NV – You may want to read Jehan Perara’s newest post in which he describes how back in the early 1900s, the Sinhalese electors voted for Pannambalam Ramanathan to the only seat that was offered first time for the local citizens in then existing colonial legislature ignoring the Sinhala contestant. Where was the Mahawamsa reading Sinhala Buddhist Racism/hegemony back then? How and why did the things deteriorate?

              • 8

                “That’s interesting. Yes that would be an interesting thing to find out! “
                I could tell you in a general way, but it would upset a lot of people.

                • 3

                  OC – Upto you to decide. As for me I am all ears.

                • 0

                  OC – Is your concern others getting upset or the thought that the rebuttals that you may possibly get might upset you? Human mind is a tricky thing, you may want to pay some attention b4 you open any cans of worm!

                  • 2

                    I will give you a couple of examples, and you may comment. The Sinhala grouse is that the British discriminated against them in employment. But I think they knew a thing or two about Sri Lankans.
                    Take the Police and the Railways. In colonial times, the Police were officered by Burghers, with many Malay lower ranks., and Tamils/ Burghers were preferred in the Railway.
                    What do we have now? ALL officers of DIG rank are Sinhala Buddhists. I believe two are on death row for murder. Lots of other officers have been arrested. The CID is a mess.
                    Do I need to say anything about the Railway? You only have to go look at the tracks overgrown with weeds, which have not been trimmed since the Indian Tamil weeders left.
                    As to business, governments tried and failed to “indigenize”. That is why the export sector at least is minority dominated.
                    I hope you get the point. Some cultural traits don’t fit into the modern economy.

            • 3

              OC – “It is easy to make snide comments out of ignorance,..”
              I thought my efforts to blend in (and fit in) to the culture that prevails here would be appreciated. I guess that’s too much to expect, even from an old codger. ;)

              • 13

                You don’t need to “blend in” with the likes of Lester the Fascist.If you think the culture is negative, it is up to you contribute to improvement.
                The point is that the Tamil plantation workers did bring in the major part of the country’s earnings in the past. Whether the British earned more or not is irrelevant nit-picking. Lester is trying to prove that the plantation workers didn’t make a major contribution to the economy.Whether they were slaves or not, we should not demean them as low- IQ morons, as Lester does. Don’t you think they deserve some gratitude?
                Be careful who you blend in with.

                • 3

                  Old Codger – I am not sure if you undetstand English any more. Who said I am blending with Lester. And what does it even mean to say that you blend in with someone. You usually blend in with a group. I do not know what makes you call him a Fascist. It is such negative practices that contributes to the deterioration of culture. I think you are missing the forest for the trees. I don’t think the issue addressed was about labour. I agree with Lester when he states estate Tamil’s contribution was in supplying cheap labour and it was the British that established the planation sector. Estate Tamils are not the only ones that contribute to the economy through their unskilled labour. Host of women (mostly) that work in the Middle East doing jobs like House Maids and Garment Workers too make significant contributions to the economy. That is the reality. Truth lies in the fact that we don’t have human resources with advanced skills neither do have entreprenuers or local investors at a scale that could significantly contribute to the economy. Hence what we could offer is cheap unskilled and/or semi skilled labour to foreign investors to propell our economy. The resulting relationship we so built with the global north is a one that some call neocolonialist. That was the gist of Lester’s argument and I don’t see any fascism in it. I judge him by the comments he make as I don’t know him personally. May be you know things that I don’t, to label him a fascist.

                  • 13


                    “Estate Tamils are not the only ones that contribute to the economy through their unskilled labour. “

                    Are you being serious?
                    Come and spend a few days with them and see how long you can last picking tea leaves, under the weather, harsh working condition, …. leach invested environment, with very poor pay, … .

                    The lazy middle and upper middle class complain about their HARD WORK all the time and expect reward in return. These women who work in the tea plantation put up with “Musculoskeletal Discomfort” without a murmur from early morning till night. I suggest you respect those who really work hard for pittance, ….. stop insulting them being cheap labour as if there is something wrong with them.

                    If they are given level playing field am sure they can perform far better than you lazy lot.

                    Up country Tamils have been contributing to this island and Great Britain for nearly 200 years. Go check statistics, you will find they still contribute a substantial % of the GDP.

                    “That was the gist of Lester’s argument and I don’t see any fascism in it.”

                    Mostly Lester has no argument, just lies, damn lies, and no statistics. Lester is not the only one who believe in speculation and suffer from paranoia. Now he has a partner in you, …..

                    Have a nice day.

                    • 6

                      Big thanks 😊 NV.

                    • 7

                      This is why I feel compelled to say that the majority of Sinhalese are cruel. THat picture is being entlarged and contrast whenever I am forced to read from ARUCHI and LESTER.


                      I had the opportunity to visit the Hanthane tea factory and observe the homes of those destitute families living in poverty.
                      That was 30 years ago. Again, I couldn’t believe my eyes, but what I was forced to see on a YOUTUBE video about them a few months ago was the same…… we talk high about out “buddhistic values”:…. i have no words to explain, most of our people (sinhalayas) are beasts.

                      Sanitation and housing have not changed much in 3 decades, they live there under hut styles. I hope that they will have some empathy for the poor people of our country in the future of Aruchiya or such a life.

                      They are being made poor for the benefit of brute-style politicians. As 2020 was ahead of GE, our eyes could not imagine how they could kill and lick Thondaman’s corpse at his funeral to show artificial sympathy.
                      Thondaman’s Tondowa, the torch bearer of the Rajapaksas, failed to provide any salary incentives to those people.

                    • 3

                      NV – both labour and IQ classifications exist. I did not invent them. Contribution to economy made by various labour segments is one thing and the hardships workers endure is another thing altogether. There was no disrespect involved in discussing contribution to the economy from various sectors. Nowhere in the statement made to point out there are other types of unskilled labour have I implied that the plantation workers do not have issues or do not undergo any hardships. Lester is right this is the kind of mentality has kept us down all this time, including the estate workers. There’s no point in harping about the hardships of estate workers here, if you want to make a difference in their lives take the matter up with the planters themselves and spare us from your holier than thou attitude.

                    • 4


                      “This is why I feel compelled to say that the majority of Sinhalese are cruel.”

                      Get your facts right. Sinhalese gave citizenship to ALL Indian Tamils after India (their home country) refused to take them back. Why don’t you ask Diaspora Tamils to help them, instead of funding suicide terror?

                    • 8

                      Joker aka Lester,

                      “This is why I feel compelled to say that the majority of Sinhalese are cruel.”

                      Get your facts right. Sinhalese gave citizenship to ALL Indian Tamils after India (their home country) refused to take them back. Why don’t you ask Diaspora Tamils to help them, instead of funding suicide terror?”

                      I believe your geographical location is somewhere in europe despite the fact that your knowledge about the world is mostly not updated. From what you add is far obsolete and out of the updates. When we cross question you would not provide us with source. That has become usual modus operandi.

                    • 8

                      You mention about indian tamils being given citizenship in SIRLANKA…. are u not ashamed to mention it ? we are called buddhist but we act like barbarians why ? They are not even 1 million. Dr Merkel let over 3 millions of syrians into the country amidst heavy protests and most o fthem were given citizenship as of today……….

                      Our eyes could not believe but was how lanken buddhist racists monks the way how they treated 200 and 300 of Rohinja refugees… remember ?

                      Did not you know that over 80 000 srilanken tamils were given refuge in Germany alone since war broke out in srilanka since 1983.? I think more of them are given the right to claim for citizenship as of today.

                      How many millions of tamil srilankens were given refuge by EUROPE, North Ameriica, Asia pacific and scandinavian countries gave asylum to lankens since 1983 ? Many of them are given citizenship of those country, however, lankens have later considered those plantation tamils be given the citizen rights.

                      We shoudl really be ashamed as majority folks and majority govt elected sofar.

                  • 11

                    ” Estate Tamils are not the only ones that contribute to the economy through their unskilled labour”
                    It was Lester who asked :”It was Tamils who kept the country as the Switzerland of the East.”That’s a new one. What exactly are these spectacular contributions?”
                    I pointed out that they did , in the past, contribute to the major part of our export earnings. Lester tries to make out that their contribution is insignificant, and once dismissed them as “low -IQ, low-caste”. That, in different words (sub- human), is what the Nazis thought of the Jews. Fascist or worse. You tell me.

                    • 2

                      OC – I think he gave a quote from a journal article that described them as low – IQ ans low caste. You are trying to stretch definitions and other ppl’s narratives to fit your own. Nazism had nothing to do with caste or IQ it was based on racial supremacy a concept drawn out of eugenics. Something similar to Wigneswaran and others are trying to do when they cite various DNA studies to make various claims.

                    • 8

                      “Lester tries to make out that their contribution is insignificant, and once dismissed them as “low -IQ, low-caste”. That, in different words (sub- human),”
                      That was 19th Century – 200 years ago, under the YOKE of Western Colonial Shackles!!!???
                      So, 75 Years after Independence from Colonial Britain, The Sri Lankans are doing in Middle-East/West-Asia, France, Italy, UK and Europe!? LOW IQ – Menial, Sweeping Streets, Cleaning Toilets! Definitely not working in CAVENDISH LABORATORY High IQ Jobs, in “Astro-Physics or Quantum Theory” where Notable discoveries, proved to have discovered including discovery of the electron, neutron, and structure of DNA.
                      Not saying, there weren’t EXCEPTIONS!? There were noticeable ones, including personally a one of my School Classmates!!!???
                      What is surprising in this entire episode, the GAP of ‘200 YEARS’, didn’t make a DENT in Outlook!, by people themselves or “POWERS THAT BE”? CALAMITOUS OUTCOME!!!???
                      Change, in Erudition, (despite Billions spent – FREE education – Misadventure)!!!???
                      BTW, Advent of Immigrants – “LOW -IQ, LOW-CASTE”, Necessity – Regional Inhabitants, whilst in their Emancipated CUNNING WISDOM, against “Putting their Shoulder to the Wheel” Imperative for seeking alternatives!!!???
                      The Locals, 19th Century didn’t contribute to success – No qualms, whatever 21st Century in West Asia?? Another, 200 YEAR GAP!?
                      CIVILISATIONAL PROGRESS!??????

                    • 7

                      Lester asked “What exactly are these spectacular contributions?”
                      I showed them. Do you not agree?
                      Don’t go on a rant about their “low intelligence “. Do you have any documentary evidence of that? That was not the point.
                      Nazism is indeed based on notions of racial supremacy, like claiming g that “Aryans” are more intelligent than Jews. BTW, when did even Wigneswaran use DNA studies to prove Tamil “superiority “?
                      Lester never quoted from any reputable journal. It’s his own opinion.. If, given your own claims about being a socialist JVP supporter, don’t you see some inconsistency in agreeing with a person who describes a community of under-privileged workers as low-caste /low IQ?
                      BTW, I just remembered, the Nazis’ full name was the National Socialist Party of Germany.

                    • 7

                      Aiyooooooooooooooooooo Lester

                      “Get your facts right. Sinhalese gave citizenship to ALL Indian Tamils after India (their home country) refused to take them back. …………………..”

                      Not until Hindians caught JR by his b***s and forced him to grand citizenship to all those who have lived in the island for many generations.

                      You should visit Sri Lanka once in a while and update history, current affairs and find out who is who and who steal the state and the people.

                    • 2

                      Dear OC – to add a little bit more to this conversation, insignificance placed on labour comes from capitalist ideology not from Nazism or Fascism.
                      So going back to the very first response I made to your comment: The credit of the contribution of the plantation sector makes to the economy goes to the capitalist who invested in it, the colonial era planters. Labour is insignificant. They are paid for their labour. Hardships they endure are part and parcel of the contract. You know who has worse working conditions? Mine workers in African mines that extract the metals that are essential in the supply chains of the smart phone you use day in and day out. Take a moment show gratitude to them as well next time you take a call or browse the net with it. I don’t know if Lester is fascist but your biases are very clear.

                    • 1

                      OC –
                      As far as Caste & IQ are concerned. I do get what you are trying to say. There’s no direct relationship between the two. Their inability to perform high skill work comes from being born into a lower cast that deprived them of opportunities. Given correct circumstances they may perform equally well similar to perhaps any other group.
                      May be it’s best if you clarify with Lester of his view on that.
                      But his other comments suggests that he doesn’t subscribe to caste discrimination and is infact critical of it.
                      It’s easy to mis understand and unintentionally miscommunicate when making conversations especially when there are constrains.
                      So it in my view is better if you can seek specific clarifications when in doubt rather than making generalised judgements as to whether someone is a racist or a fascist.
                      On the matter of CVW & DNA – So far there’s no such direct claims, and such claims are never direct hence the danger but judging by the Tamil narrative that is currently taking shape, serious concerns arise where it is headed, one being what I mentioned, another is getting quite obvious with the comments made by your friend Dr. You Know Hoo.

                    • 2

                      “May be it’s best if you clarify with Lester of his view on that.
                      .But his other comments suggests that he doesn’t subscribe to caste discrimination and is infact critical of it.”
                      Isn’t claiming that Brahmins have higher IQ suggest something else? Why does he mention people’s caste in a derogatory way? Of course I have taken it up with him, but it makes no difference.

                    • 3


                      “Lester is right this is the kind of mentality has kept us down all this time, including the estate workers.”

                      Come on where did you get this stupid idea?
                      Lester has never been right.
                      He is a card carrying member of racists, first among his peers, …. Weerawansa, Rathna, Champika, ……. Weerasekere, Gmanpilla, …… Gota, …

                      Now we know why you support Lester.
                      Plantation workers were kept down by your politicians irrespective of their party affiliation, 1948 it was not Plantation Workers Mentality that kept them down it was your leaders who decided deport them by disenfranchising them, kept in estate lines, denied state jobs, ….. forced to work for a pittance under very difficult working condition, ….. punished with violence through no fault of their own, ……

                      Then in the 1960s they were deported en-masse after serving this country for many generations, …..

                      Now you are telling them it was their choice that they were and are suffering. They never had a choice.

                      “There’s no point in harping about the hardships of estate workers here, if you want to make a difference in their lives take the matter up with the planters themselves”

                      Are you sure you know what you are talking about?
                      Its time you started learning the facts.

                      And we have good teachers in this forum, from whom I am learning, and will continue to learn, I suggest you too.

                    • 2

                      “Mine workers in African mines that extract the metals that are essential in the supply chains of the smart phone you use day in and day out.”
                      These Africans do not work on tea plantations in Sri Lanka and supply us with 1.5 Billion USD even today.You seem determined to deny any gratitude to these Tamil workers, instead claiming that the plantation owners who pay them deserve the credit. By that logic, the Arabs who pay Sri Lankan housemaids deserve credit for our foreign income too.
                      Let me ask you straight out- do you or do you not think Tamils make a major contribution to the economy? If not, who does?

                  • 2


                    “Truth lies in the fact that we don’t have human resources with advanced skills neither do have entreprenuers or local investors at a scale that could significantly contribute to the economy.”

                    Yes, this is the point. As I said, anyone can pick tea. Hard work, but not requiring much intellect. And it is a fact that these estate workers were drawn from the low-castes in India, often illegally.

                    “Over seventy five per cent of the Indian Tamil workers represent the lowest levels in the South Indian caste hierarchy…”


                    IQ is debatable, but bus drivers are not the ones doing research in theoretical physics.

                    • 3

                      OC does not differentiate between skilled and unskilled labour. He assumes all labour is equal. He does not realize that if a guy like Chamath Palihapitiya wanted, he could set up shop in Sri Lanka and easily attract billions in FDI. Why doesn’t he do that, simple, because the ROI is much better in other places.

                      OC has an interesting opinion of Prabhakaran:

                      “It useful to compare Velu and Wijeweera. Both were bloodthirsty psychopaths. But VP, burdened with sanctions, managed to produce homegrown submarines. His subjects ran tractors on cooking oil. What did Wijeweera do? Beats me.”

                      OC’s idea of “progress” seems to be a wanted terrorist building amateur submarines in the jungle, while the rest of the population survives off slave labor from plantation workers.

                    • 6

                      “He does not realize that if a guy like Chamath Palihapitiya (CP) wanted, he could set up shop in Sri Lanka and easily attract billions in FDI. Why doesn’t he do that, simple, because the ROI is much better in other places?”
                      So, Chamath P had vision as INVESTOR, RoI is very important as an Investor to safeguard Investment Interests and Continuity!!! Sensible and rational thinking and we respect that as Positive in CP!!???
                      So why didn’t “The Great Messiah, Patriot and Nationalist Patriotic Leader” realise that factor, in his endeavour to UNLEASH a “HEAP” – referred as “HEAP”, because it was Ill-Planned ASSORTMENT, DEVOID of “EIA and RoI Studies”, in respect of all his projects before agreeing to sign, as we were committing Public Money!? If DOWRY/INHERITANCE FUNDS, HIS ACTIONS WERE EXCUSABLE!!??
                      WHAT MORIBUND FOOLISH VOTERS, ELECTING, RE-ELECETING OVER AND OVER, UNLIMITTED ROBERY DISCLOSED 2004 Hambantota Development fund (HDF) to LPP 1, 2, 3, E01, HPP, Mattala AP, Weeraketiya Stadium etc.!!?? ELECTED 2010, ROBBERY AND LOOTING DISCLOSED 2014, then RE-ELECTED 201 SAME CROOKES9!! The voters appear to be in HARAKIRI (JAPANESE) MOOD!!!???
                      Whither Sri Lanka??? God knows best!!!??? God Bless one and all! Seek Salvation!!
                      Buddham Saranam Gachchami!!!

                    • 7

                      As even you can see, Lester is now trying to cover his racist tracks. The paper he qoute DOES NOT comment on IQ, but on caste. Lester tries to make out that “low-caste” people are also of lower intelligence.

                    • 2


                      You called me a “fascist”, but at the same time (and by your own words), you expressed admiration for Prabhakaran. Do you consider him to be some kind of freedom fighter? Kindly enlighten the readers with your wisdom.

                    • 5

                      “you expressed admiration for Prabhakaran. Do you consider him to be some kind of freedom fighter? Kindly enlighten the readers”
                      A terrorist or fascist can at the same time be a good engineer or organiser. I stand by what I wrote. Do have the good grace to recognize good qualities in those you oppose.

                    • 0

                      Old Codger,

                      You are deflecting, which suggests some ulterior motive. The question is binary. Do you consider VP to be a terrorist or freedom fighter?

                  • 2

                    Lying as usual?
                    “Sinhalese gave citizenship to ALL Indian Tamils after India (their home country) refused to take them back. “
                    280,000 had been repatriated to India, and 160,000 granted Sri Lankan citizenship.

                    • 2

                      I think VP was a terrorist, in the same way I think you are a fascist.
                      But that doesn’t mean that VP wasn’t a good manager, or you a good sewage worker…..

          • 13

            When a person joins hands with a racist for moral support, I begin to have doubts about the morality of the person.

            • 2

              SJ – If you are referring to me, let me state I have not joined hands with anyone here neither have I sought moral support from anyone. I am not sure who the racist you refer to here either. That said you are free to make your own judgement of others – who ever you are referring to here.

              • 14

                It is nothing personal.
                Endorsing prejudiced utterances of a well identified racist does not impress me.
                BTW, o.c. noticed it before me, and if you still do not know who it is, I will not waste my breath.

                • 2

                  Identified Racist?identified by whom? And how? What was the criteria used?Who decides who is a racist or not? You and OC?
                  FYI I am.not here to impress anyone and that goes to you as well. No one asked you to waste your breath. You are free to use you breath in a manner you see fit.

                  • 4


                    Maybe the criteria is “panchama.” Did you know that in the 1960’s, under the “Jim Crow” system, the “Blacks” in America had to sit in the back of the bus. While this was going on, at the very same time, the “panchama” (low-castes) in Jaffna could not even sit on the seats, they had to sit on the floorboards. I always thought Sri Lanka was better in this regard (e.g. we had women’s rights in dinosaur days) but apparently this is not the case.

                    • 6

                      “we had women’s rights in dinosaur days) “
                      Maybe. But we still don’t have women bus drivers or conductors, even of low IQ.

                    • 2

                      Lester – yeah I am familiar with Jim Crow and Red Lining practices that existed in the US. Wasn’t aware of Panchama and that they couldn’t occupy seats in buses in Jaffna. Seems like a sign of a great culture.

                    • 2

                      That practice was in the DEEP South too!!! Why Ignore???

                  • 7

                    “FYI I am.not here to impress anyone and that goes to you as well. No one asked you to waste your breath. You are free to use you breath in a manner you see fit.”
                    None has been impressed yet, which could be confirmed without any reservation than attributable, self-served accolades is Nauseous and is “orifice dependant” and may cause serious impairment, if not Serious Sickness/Malady!!???
                    In the circumstances we would leave you to your devices, whilst wishing you utmost enjoyment of the Delectable Forum Ambience, which we crave, your contribution allows us to USE ‘OUR BREATH’ as it seems fit, or as we perceive, very generous gesture, must admit – which permission, we were looking forward so long, though controversial, undoubtedly enjoyable due to identifiable different character!!!

                  • 9

                    I am not going into anyone’s personal life, and I do not care to know who anyone is either. It is only views expressed that matter here.
                    If you cannot recognize one whose views are consistently full of communal hostility, I am wasting my time saying any more on the subject.

                    • 2

                      SJ – I can see a lot of communal hostility here and it is not confined to any single person. As I said b4 please feel free to do as you please. No one is expecting you to waste your time.

            • 6


              “OC’s idea of “progress” seems to be a wanted terrorist building amateur submarines in the jungle, ……”

              Had the state created a level playing field for them, allow them to unleash their potential, invested in people, invested in education, skill development, ….. they would be producing world class submarines.

              Those who ruled this island while sitting on their brain and on bank balances could not see beyond their nose. Hence VP’s boys went on an engineering adventure. They should have been working for a thriving ship building industry only if the Sinhala/Buddhist ruling class understood the potential in every citizen/person.

              • 1


                We don’t know who built the takaran submarine – could be Diaspora or NGO assisted – or if it was tested in an actual battle. Takaran plane is more interesting. It went to Colombo and flew back without refueling. I will give some credit to that one.

                “Had the state created a level playing field for them”

                Correction: had the Vellalars not discriminated against them, then run away to Europe and Canada to fight a proxy war, yes, the “talent” could have generated something other than bra bomb and headless corpse.

              • 2

                “Those who ruled this island ‘WHILE SITTING ON THEIR BRAIN’ and on bank balances”
                That wasn’t by accident??? No!! But by ADVANCED DESIGN FEATURE incorporated to SATIATE the quest of “Thana Kola Eating and Punnakku Guzzling” type!? These are formidable but fortunately excellent design Features!!?? Extra Pressure curtails Thinking sensibly!!!???

            • 0


              Who did the “panchamas” join hands with when they needed moral support? Was militancy their only way out?

              • 2

                Militancy is no crime when confronted by oppressive violence.
                That is what people like Mandela resorted to.
                What is bad is failing to recognize who the real enemy is.

            • 2

              old codger

              “….. or you a good sewage worker…..”

              Please please please stop insulting sewage workers.

              Lester a born racist/bigot who never uses his rational faculty of look for facts.
              Many moons ago he continued attack Muslims.
              Now the his target is Tamils, particularly the hard working up country Tamils.

        • 2

          Remember Don Stephen went and meddled with the Muslims, who were British rulers’ favorites? Who let that dog out that time? Ha Ha ha!
          Even dogs have some faith, man! But Don Stephen forgot right away once he was out of prison.
          Didn’t you import free rice from China for rubber? How much was the Langkang dollar exchange rate when Tamils were the permanent secretaries? How much was the Langkang loan number when 60% of the government jobs were held by Tamils?

          Who got you the free arms from the West, India, and China? I hear Kadirgamar’s coffin rattling because your boss when the unarmed Protestors surrendered the President place he ran to Uganda. Why Uganda?
          The best thing the Tamil government workers did to Lankang was not taking the office jeep in the daytime and drop off the kids at school, take the wife to the fish market, eat lunch at home, bring back the kids home and tie mom in side house and leisurely go for a matinee show with the girlfriend like the typical, proper Sinhala Buddhist Intellectual officer.
          As I always say, your mouth barks but tail wags. True nature of the dog.

    • 4

      If Dr. Amir launched this attack on Tamil leadership aiming at an impending election, then it was premature. If not, he is only portraying the latent Tamils- Muslims relationship, influenced in the past by the UNP-SLFP Union’s Sinhala Chauvinists, for their advantage. Tamils select their candidates and influence their parties’ policies. In 2015,Sampanthan Aiyya and CBK (better recognized Sinhala leaders by Tamils than any other Sinhala leaders) campaigned together in North East for Yahapalanaya CC candidate, The Tamils voting in that election was only 43%. But in the earlier provincial election it was 80%. Yet they did know that it was only a 13A election, under which, as described by Mr. 40%, the elected ones cannot effect even the municipality light post bulb changes. It was Sritharan who helped Sumanthiran PC to win his election last time, as per the media. If that is true Sumanthiran, (better orator, prominent lawyer, multi linguist, recently led many of Tamils’ protests against Appe Aanduwa, appeared in many biased cases against Tamils) being eliminated in the next election is highly possible. If Sumanthiran is gone, all the remaining Tamil leaders in the North East are hard core Nationalists. Many are past rebels, fought for Tamil Eelam along the LTTE, in the past. The NPP need to recognize this if they want to avoid the 2019’s Sinhala Buddhist only election in 2024.

    • 8

      Thanks for the balanced comment above, Cicero.

      It is common in Sri Lankan mlechcha politics for all politicians to be selfish and favor the favored side.

      It’s all because people are more stupid in their thinking than they appear.
      THese are not real democracies in our region, but criminal political businesses in the guise of democratically held elections.
      The powerful NPPers, thinking that they will be ostracized if they criticize the stupidity of Sinhala Buddhists, do not even raise it louder.
      – Additionally, NPPs do not appear to be reporting MAFIA style media fraud on mainstream television channels. These people are most interested in the interests of their constituents. Seizing power is their opiate. There is no plan that focuses on national-level policies that are in the public interest.
      Our NPP propagandist, honest but naïve man, “Sinhala man” too praises that you have expressed it intelligently.

      However, he doesn’t seem to share with us why the JVP-NPP won’t share with us what their “real differences” are for permanent solutions to the nation’s long-standing cancer problem, which is nothing but the Tamil-Sinhala conflict. ?????

      And he does not say a single word about how the Anura Kumara led group is driving the “saffron forces” out of the crucial politics of this country????

    • 6

      Dear Cicero,
      PART ONE

      Although I read this article yesterday, I did not respond because I don’t know enough about Jaffna society. I know the thinking of the Sinhalese people in the South, although the Mahanayakes don’t mean anything to me. Please let us set about electing a government in a rational way.
      Just three days ago, you told me this: “I admire AKD.” I must not quote three words without allowing readers to see it in context:
      It is there in response to a question I asked you. I have been asked by Colombo Telegraph not to abuse individuals, and not to provide links; I’m trying very hard to be both polite and constructive. I hope that this comment will be allowed to stand; otherwise, old man that I am, I will stop commenting altogether. I tried to be balanced when making comments on Mr Soma Palan’s article on Prostitution, which WAS still open. Many had commented without even reading the original Daily News article. The last comment that is now visible was made by me, linking readers to the article.

      • 5

        Dear Sinhala_Man,
        You have said above – “I have been asked by Colombo Telegraph not to abuse individuals, …”
        Really? Did you abuse anyone. Funny I never noticed.
        On the contrary I made it a point to abuse couple of people and was concerned if I get axed by the mods. Nope, it passed through. Looks like they were okay with it.
        Never seen you abuse anyone compared to how others abuse people, including you…

        • 3

          I was in Maharagama yesterday attending a family function. It reminded me of you, how you write about going to Magaragama.
          Don’t stop coming here. Your contribution is valuable.
          When I first started commenting here, it was you who first noticed that I was new and even suspected I may have been previously commenting under a different name.
          And when I stopped for a brief period because I suspected the kind of things that some of the Tamils and UNPers who come here could potentially are capable of doing, it was you who noticed and welcomed my return.
          Similarly I value your presence, the fact that you call yourself Sinhala_Man. The flack that you get here for merely being a Sinhalese with an opinion is unprecedented.
          But that’s not a reason to stop.
          Hope everything else is alright in Bandarawela. Rain seems to have stopped. Sunny days I believe are ahead. Lots of good things to look forward to.

          • 11

            “The flack that you get here for merely being a Sinhalese with an opinion is unprecedented.”
            Are you serious or being sarky?

            • 1

              SJ – I will leave it upto you to decide. After all you are an intelligent, educate and accomplished man.

              • 4

                Sometimes the naivete of some comments gets the better of anyone’s intelligence.

        • 12

          “Did you abuse anyone. Funny I never noticed.”
          You should do some serious searching.
          He gets ridiculed for some of his comments– that is another matter.

          • 1

            SJ – Has Panini been abusing any one? Please do enlighten me. I’d like to know.

            • 5

              “Did you abuse anyone. Funny I never noticed.”
              I have nothing against him personally, maybe because he hasn’t been able to dig out my real identity. Some people have mood problems.
              I suggest you follow this thread::

              Sinhala_Man / June 20, 2023
              5 8
              Dear Human Touch,
              Do you really want me to show that many of the things that you say are only half-true?
              One of the most significant departures of Buddhism from Hinduism is on the matter of caste. You are extremely caste conscious. You told me, on WhatsApp, that your wife’s surname proves that you are from the highest ranks of Sinhalese society. You later asserted both your caste, and your devotion to Buddhism, in a CT comment, and I remember that a Tamil (probably Hindu) reader quoted your comment, and said, “Really!”
              Before Ranil Wickremasinghe seized power you fully approved of what I was saying, and only some last minute hitch prevented you from visiting me in Bandarawela.
              [edited out]
              You are a good electrical engineer.
              But please don’t slander me.
              Panini Edirisinhe

              • 1

                OC – Not sure what thread you are reffering to and I can’t see any abuse in what you seem to have copy and pasted from somewhere.

                • 2

                  I have left out the abuse to avoid embarrassing the recipient. Yes, it is copied from CT. You can see the date.
                  His modus operandi is to inveigle people into personal correspondence, get details, and then reveal those on CT if they disagree with him. Some sort of complex.Ask him if you like.
                  Whether you believe it or not is up to you.

        • 7

          to whom it may concern:

          “”””You have said above – “I have been asked by Colombo Telegraph not to abuse individuals, …”
          Really? Did you abuse anyone. Funny I never noticed.””””
          What can a keeper or baggage boy do better?

          Most of them do not care about what they read or hear. Often they do not read and understand what they are going to say.

          Another such Sanath Nishantha (he informed that if his bread maker is attacked he will shoot and kill more than 50 people) ….isn’t it? This feature is common in our sinhala race .. ?
          Now everything is clear that this dirty mouth is guaranteed a job in the field of keeper.
          The truth is that SM has abused the time and energy of many in CT over the years no proper reasons.
          His “little room boy times” were held above, remember ? For what purpose? For nothing else but to maintain his ego.

        • 3

          I am now in Maharagma, having travelled down by train. Interesting experience; spent much time talking to people both Lankans, and some white tourists.
          The Rules of the website prevent me, I think, from my telling you exactly where I am. All people were nice, and we talked a great deal, including a 22 year-old whom I’ve known from infancy – used to live within (literally) a stone’s throw from my house. All the talk with her was in Sinhala, her English would have been clumsy if we really tried to communicate. Her family is half “Christian”‘ she’s entered a Catholic monastery, and was very interested in what I said about the various denominations.
          Very nice kid.
          But she was communicating with the “foreigners” in various ways. I’m wondering whether to add more, because already I may have broken the rules.

          • 6

            I’m glad you’re back. Enjoy your family and good food in town! By the way, did you watch the Hindi tour of AKD?
            Douglas wanted to make barbecue out of me thinking you wouldn’t come back to CT. Unfortunately, your keeper has misled all these honest commenters. I think you should train well him again not to repeat it. That will be healthy for us all.

      • 3

        Dear S_M: Did CT ask you to stop abusing others? I haven’t noticed any such in your comments.

        Have any such directives been given to “Leelage Malli”?

        Take it easy and continue to be in this forum.

        All the BEST and have a nice day my friend.

        • 2

          Dear Douglas,
          Thank you.

        • 8


          I have commented to all his insulting comments by which I felt were offensive. I was never rude to him.
          Asked him to see the doctor, since his running amok kept us also worrying here. During my trip to Kaluthara, doubletake almost killed me. WHo made that possible, none other than SM.
          He kept saying that I was the worst person because I didn’t do his job as a “keeper”…patronizing nature is in his genetics. The people who saw it found out and finally complained to the website.

          Btw, No need to worry about your Siamese twin. Tomorrow he will bring you the latest. I am well aware that he cannot live without “CT”.

          latest will be about AKD’s Hindi tour and how much credit he earned in Hindia and all the bits. There is nothing to worry about. …..Douglas Appo , do I ask emergency to rush to take care of your health because you were too worried?

          • 3

            Dear LM: Don’t worry about my health. There are few in my family who can do that. Anyway, thank you for offering help.

            Isn’t it better to take care of oneself by himself? That is my way

            You are getting worried as to why “Hindia” (pl. don’t disgrace any country by misquoting its National Name) India has extended an official invitation to a political party that has only three MPs and secured only 3% votes at the last election. You are not alone. Be sure that Wimal Weerawanse will join you.

    • 3

      PART TWO
      After that I made a few more comments but they didn’t appear; on a subject that would normally have attracted many jibes and jokes.
      I think that we need to discuss any matter that is worth writing about seriously, and that we should never quote out of context.
      This is what you said six weeks earlier:
      “But, the question is whether there will still be votes for them. Will the “Maha” Sangha come out to keep their patrons in power?”
      That was here on the:
      The very first comment out of the near record 252 comments on that article.
      And much lower down the page you have said this:
      “AKD will draw crowds but not the votes because 6.8 million goats are still around to be whipped up in an anti -Tamil, Muslim, Catholic frenzy when election time comes around. One wonders how long it will take for AKD to tap into this frenzy.”
      Which is in keeping with what you had said at the top of the page.

    • 4

      After that,
      see what you had told Professor ANI Ekanayake in the second comment there:
      “A fine article written in beautiful prose pouring out the frustrations of a man who has seen eighty years of progressive ineptitude in the governance of the state. It combines invective with suggestions for change.”
      Please read the entire comment, but note the comment before that; the very first on that article. It is by me. In all instances note that what you say is much more popular (in terms of THUMBS) than what I say.
      Dr Ameer Ali, and I are consistent. We support the NPP, without being learned Marxists (of course, Dr Ali has been a Professor of Economics, whereas I have never been outside Asia, and my achievements modest. However, when given the chance in the University, I performed well. My corresponding with Professor Ekanayake is evidence of that, but yet there are those who think that I cannot speak about what is happening in this country.

    • 4

      As for AKD, he is consistent both as human being, and as politician.
      There is little point in his emulating Mr Nagananda Kodituwakku, whom I got to know because he was honest. Nagananda has made a mess of everything he attempted because of his ego. When addressing us, the public, he starts quoting Buddhist scriptures in Pali! We don’t understand anything of that, and in a sense, that is an insult to us.
      Anura, exceptionally intelligent, is modest. His one “fault” appears to be that he speaks only in Sinhalese. I have commented on that before, but I don’t fault him for that, and the one time that I met him, for just five minutes, I commented on it, and told him that he should stick to that policy since otherwise he would be a “kaputu kak kaak”.
      I hope that all this makes sense, Cicero.
      Best wishes,
      Panini Edirisinhe

      • 9


        “As for AKD, he is consistent both as human being, and as politician.”

        Perhaps he is a very good spin doctor, who either try to avoid controversial subjects of cover it up with eloquent wordplay.

        You know this island needs to be restructured.
        The first reform has to be on the structure of the state. He deliberately avoid it and never discuss it. People want whoever is in power to restore democratic rights of the people, which involves devolving power to the man on the street.

        As with the state presently in existence, its almost like a huge monster, with inertia, won’t move, cannot change even after periodical elections, …. In AKD’s case he wants to keep it that way, does not want to mess up with status quo, ….

        He is opposed to Federal State just to keep up with other parties, won’t change the status given to Buddhism in the constitution, would not demand to see war criminals named, shamed or punished for their active participation between 1971 and 2009, has not said anything about reducing the defence budget and personnel, ….. above all he would not apologise for what they did in 1971 and between 1987 and 1991.

        • 2

          Dear Native Vedda,
          There are certain areas in which AKD will not be able to give detailed plans until he actually assumes power, and sees the problems from the inside.
          He has been very clear about the status of Buddhism. He has not only said that religion should not be mixed with politics. He has also laid out the principles that will guide him with regard to various religion.
          As for apologies for past mistakes, he has done so. Because he has tried to set those events in a context you reject what he has said.
          Why do you so much want an opposition party which has only 3/225 Members in Parliament to actually draft legislation? He has clearly stated the principles that will guide him.

          • 2

            SM – “Why do you so much want an opposition party which has only 3/225 Members in Parliament to actually draft legislation?”
            So the UNP can steal them and present them as if they are their’s

          • 6

            “There are certain areas in which AKD will not be able to give detailed plans until he actually assumes power, and sees the problems from the inside.”

            It’s worth at least knowing what those certain areas are.
            1) Can Sinhala Buddhism be confined for racists? how would they settle growing sinhala racism in south and many other places in the country ?
            2) Surprising Dollar Earning Tricks?

            3) How would they find permament solution to ethnic issue exntending in this country ?
            4) How do their tax systems provide more relief to the public than the increasing number of low-income families?
            5) How would they interact with international community balancing CHINA and INDIA. Just because indian fears invited AKD led group to india means nothing but to show that they would be closely working with srilankens in case of lanken power changes.
            6) Above all how would they continue IMF or other austerity plans already worked on by caretaker govt ? WOULD they kick out all of them throwing the nation in to the edge of precipice again ?

          • 8


            ISLAND EDITORIAL U-turns of Reds

            Usually I do not agree with Island Editorial. However I have to agree with today’s leader comment.

            Please read it and tell us what you really think.

            • 0

              The key sentence in that Island Editorial is this question:
              “Has the JVP abandoned its ideological position on India for political expediency?”
              No, the abandonment of its earlier ideological position is not owing to expediency. There is now a realisation that the earlier position was morally repugnant.
              The NPP, under the new leadership of AKD, Vijitha Herath, Harini Amarasuria, and Dr Nihal Abeysinghe, has now evolved into something far superior to what was represented by Rohana Wijeweera’s “five lessons”. Yet they are decent and honest enough to acknowledge that the Wijeweera-Somawansa Amarasinghe phase was necessary.
              The complication is that most of us reading this now, never cared much for those earlier JVP guys.
              I don’t mind now acknowledging that; however, the NPP relies on the older, more rustic, JVP types for getting a lot of the most arduous work done. I can imagine some screaming, “Double Standards”. Unfair!
              None of us is perfect. Some compromises are inevitable. But those veterans come with a solid bedrock of values on which I know that I can rely.
              Panini Edirisinhe

    • 3

      The FP was the dominant force in the TULF which resolved to secure a separate state.
      Does it not amaze one how the FP was able to play being simultaneously for and against secession for years?
      Does Sritharan have a clue about the federalism he is proposing? The FP started to replay its now 75 year old federal tune well after the war was over.
      The national question has changed in form and content almost beyond recognition since 1949. Can the FP redefine its federalism to address the relevant issues? To say yes one has to be a liar or absolutely gullible.
      The FP has lost its initiative to its Tamil nationalist rivals and, even worse, its opponents.
      This is a pathetic bid at recovery.
      Let us watch the fun.

  • 1

    Saboteurs of System Change

    We think that experience people can run the country that has proved that they have bankrupt the country.

    Going to the moon the first time having no previous experience, has prooved that non experience has success.
    Give new politician a chance they can do the hard work of building relationships in which they can have more positive influence, The world has nothing to offer you if you don’t already have it inside of yourself.
    First time on moon with no previous experience. landing a man on the moon and returning safely to earth non experience can achieve

    • 1

      A brilliant comment, RBH59
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 12

    There are only two choices available to the poor destitute Sri Lankans who are now a nation of beggars struggling to survive. One is to keep voting for the same two groups which took turns to ruin the country every four or five years. The other is to give the extremely popular and probably the most sincere NPP a chance of a lifetime that will completely turn around the debilitating and regressive systems in place for so long. We can see if the average IQ has improved, at the next elections.

  • 5

    What a foul heading from an educated man who portrays himself as an advocate for NPP to correct political culture decay in Langkang. This type of ill willed campaigns against Tamils’ elected representatives like Sritharan will drive Tamils away from NPP in the coming election and NPP will have to present itself in the election, like Hitler King did in 2019 after staging Jihadi war in Tamil Churches and Tourist Hotels, the only savior of Sinhala Buddhism. As a matter of fact, Sumanthiran MP has not said 13A is a solution for Tamils and fully implementing it will be enough. The least he said after the hideous, Secret Solutions negotiations with Evil Emperor, was that a federal state devolution solution need not to be named as Federal Government, but the Presidency under 1978 constitution will be eliminated and the authority would be devolved to provincial councils. But one has to remember, Tamils rejected the 1978 constitution and they have reserved their position to raise against it under the Vaddukoddai Convention.

  • 4

    Federalism was proposed in the 1920s by Solomon the Telugu Christian, as a shrewd technique to maintain the oppressive the Sinhala Buddhists’ caste divisions. It was revisited by SJV in 1949 as a solution for Tamils’ oppression by Sinhala Buddhists. There were never any changes on SJV’s solution from the Tamils’ side until the Vaddukoddai convention took place. That time under different, different UNP-SLFP union’s administration, Tamils living standard had fallen from the richest in 1948 to poorest, within all three communities. Then there was separatism, Tamils having lost the hope of stopping the Fastly rolling down life on the mountain and reverting it to 1948. Unlike Dr. Amir struggled to concoct the story here, Tamils did not vote for any party yet to abrogate Vaddukoddai convention and go for anything else. From Tamil’s side, 13A was never accepted by TULF and TNA as a solution for Tamils from its inception. From Appe Aanduwa side, 13A is not their amendment to the constitution, but Rajiv Gandhi’s, so they have refused to implement that until now. Sampanthan Aiyya and others attempted to get Mr. Modi presses Langkang to implement the 13A while the negotiation to a true solution keeps going. It is because of Tamils agitation the new Ambassador said that they only tell Evil to solve Tamils’ issue but cannot override Sinhala Buddhists’ conduct.

  • 3

    Only one time in the past, in 2013 Dr. Manmohan Singh pressed Old Rowdy King and had one election for NPC. But TNA and Justice CV goofed on that foolishly, supported Evil to cancel the provincial elections permanently. While Tamils are looking for Western democracies to bring an investigation into the Genocide of Tamils, recently, disappointingly the news burst out in Langkang media that America sponsored “Himalayan Declaration” negotiations are going between Suren Surenthiran and some junior Bald heads. Because America is not being transparent, It is not clear if that is the final position of America or the Anti-Tamils elements in President Biden Administration are having upper hand temporarily. Bottom line is I am not aware of Sumanthiran having agreed with any Langkang political leadership or (like Surenthiran) with Sinhala Buddhist priests for a non-Federal solution. Sumanthiran had said that he had negotiated with Evil something, that the Sinhalese would call it as the country was divided and Tamils would say there was no Tamil Eelam in it. But that draft constitution never went through the parliament to uphold Sumanthiran’s statement. Few Tamil groups keep asking for a referendum to find the Tamils’ choice before any conclusion on any of Tamils’ issues, even the UNHRC sponsored investigation on Genocide. Unlike the UNP-SLFP Union, neither JVP nor NPP have had any negotiations with Tamils or Tamils representatives on their solution.

  • 4

    Dr. Amir spreading a false opinion about Tamils here. All over Ceylon, it is the dictator Sinhala Muslim politicians tell people what path to take. That is not how it works in the North East. There it is the people select and vote for candidates and that is how they dictate the political parties’ stands. So comparing Sinhalese and Muslims with Tamils voting pattern doesn’t work. Tamils in Ceylon have their own norms. That was the prime reason that the British Colonialist preferred to employ Tamils in the Estate and Tamils in Colombo. This is the reason Evil Like Politicians are still anti colonialist extremists and Muslims work with Sinhala Buddhist against Tamils. It must be noted that the Muslims were very close to Colonial Rulers that time, but colonists preferred to employ only Tamils. Here Dr. Amir Ali is attempting to create a permanent split between Tamils and many other leftist parties in NPP who have been with Tamils, even the time before freedom. Dr. Amir is saying that the Muslim Sinhala governments which were in power from 1948 have not approved Federal State for Tamils. Even Hakeem, who went to persuade Ms. Clinton, not to implement the LLRC commission report, came to the country and announced that the Tamils are showing their beggar wounds and begging in the Western countries.

  • 4

    Bottom line is neither SJV nor Sritharan had started a federal call in 1949 to defeat the NPP taking over the torch from the UNP-SLFP Union. So far, I did not see any authoritative statement from anyone who can call them representative of Ceylon Aboriginal Tamils saying that they have given up their demand of a political solution from Sinhala Oppressive Chauvinism. For NPP, they need to pay attention to the ad-hoc campaigners tipping and forcing the parts of the communities to get alert and go hardened. So far North East Tamils voted for any Sinhala Buddhist representative parties. Dr. Amir is using the NPP’s election campaign to re-stress the Muslim position on Tamils looking for a federal state for the North East. The NPP, if they want to get out of racial politics that the UNP-SLFP union practiced, should be alert of opportunistic individuals misdirecting the campaign.

  • 7

    Ar. Ali,
    I thought you are a Ph.D. in political science/economics, so should know better than the ordinary sinhala buddhist (SB) the differences between federalism and separate state or 13A amendment or regional autonomy. Is a pity a learned people (Prof??) like you write in CT that as if it is the newly elected president of ITAK Mr. Sritharan is talking about federalism hence a saboteur of the current wave of support towards NPP. Please site or show me whrer/when did NPP explicitly talked about how it is going address ethnic issues of Tamils with regard to use of Tamil language by Tamils in govt offices, land stealing/colonization/state sponsored Buddhist viharas every corner of NE, the three SL forces occupying the Tamil areas in NE harassing and intimidating the daily life of Tamils there. The federal proposition has been there in SL since early 1950s, not a new born concept in 2020s. I suspect that as a Muslim you will never accept the fact the Tamils hardship and discrimination in SL, because in fact you like it because your brotherhood enjoy the fruits of it and your brotherhood is 1000% against NE merger and federal/regional autonomy. You explicitly respond (as a learned political science/economics Prof) what/how would you advise the NPP to address the NE merger federal/regional proposition before talking writing about Tamil saboteurs.

    • 0

      Sorry, Is not Ar. Ali, it should be read as Dr. Ali.

    • 3

      “and your brotherhood is 1000% against NE merger “
      I wonder if Ameer Ali was ever even a defender of whatever ‘brotherhood’ that is referred to.
      Dissent seems license enough to stick any label on any person.
      How sick can one be?

  • 1

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

    For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 10

      Why aren’t you civilized? Even those conceived in a test tube develop more empathy for their own circles today.
      We know very well that “Marakkalaya” is a slang word for Muslims in Sinhala. iF SUCH verbal attacks being publicly used in europe, would have been a punishable act.
      Knowing that, to further hurt them and make fun of them?
      Could it be the kind of abusive men you have been sexually abused by fellow Tamilians and muslims to create such hatred, experts say? Is it about you? You better see a psychiatrist.
      Our people have suffered a lot due to caste, religion and other discrimination, why don’t you open your eyes even today?

      HLDM, the godfather of all sinhala racism is no more,

      I really don’t know how old you are. Your hatred against minorities is like a cancer so why should Sri Lankans suffer from your hatred? we hope your hatred will disspear soon for a better society.

      • 11

        “We know very well that “Marakkalaya” is a slang word for Muslims in Sinhala. “
        Actually, it means a person who sails a ship or boat. “Maha Marakkalage” is a common ge-name among Karawe Sinhalese too. Tony’s brain is too small to allow knowledge of these things.

        • 4

          In Europe (Germany, Italy, Switzerland, France or other places) and some other countries if some taboo words are used unnecessarily in football matches or other public gatherings, it is definitely punishable act.
          I hope that Sri Lankans will be warned soon about the popular terms that point towards racism. OC, if we introduce such laws to Sri Lankans, it will increase the avenues for government revenue. The style I hear, how they call some men and women in Sinhala is beyond all ethics and morals. During my recent visit to Hell (November to the first week of December 2023) I honestly collected enough stuff. The double take was troubling with the situation our Sinhalese man was in, however, I stayed in Kalutara and managed to get safely to Europe.

          My paternal grandmother once told me, when there is no law, people behave exactly like stray dogs.

          • 0

            Before punishing people for misusing words in Sri Lanka, authorities must punish LTTE-J1HADI terrorists and treasonists who are still at large.
            Does Europe allow to celebrate NAZ1S? But in Sri Lanka LTTE (Maaveerar Naal) terrorists are celebrated and Muslim politicians who should be held accountable for Easter Sunday massacre are still at large.

      • 0

        Don’t lie! The word “Marakkala” is not a slang at all. The word is Arabic or Persian in origin but Sinhalized. Also it is believed that the word Marakkala derived from Marakkar. Sinhalese still identify Tamil speaking Kerala Muslims as Marakkala and there’s nothing wrong with it.
        “Muslim” is not an ethnicity.
        Sri Lanka’s Muslim community is made of several ethnic communities, such as Malay/Jaa, Bora, Bahai, Menon, Sindhi, Maldivian, Yonaka and MARAKKALA. In the past Marrakkala Muslims were also known as Mappila Muslims and were from Malabar coast and Coromandel in Kerala.
        Present Muslim politicians are of Marrakkala ancestry. TB Jaya was Malay and Rafik belonged to Urdu speaking community.
        Some Muslims in Sri Lanka want to erase their actual ethnic back ground because of their bogus Arabic ancestry claim.

  • 1

    Dr Ameer Ali,
    I can understand just how tricky it can be to write an article of this nature at this time; Ranil, the Usurper, isn’t allowing us to know which election is to be held first.
    Almost definitely the Presidential, but if he could, he’d like to roll up all electoral lists the way his uncle, Junius Rex wanted to. And then we are faced with the inconsistencies of many readers.
    The well-educated Cicero from Jaffna is one of them. I can tell you exactly what I mean, if Colombo Telegraph will allow me to.
    Panini Edirisinhe in Bandarawela

    • 6

      Although I appreciate your recent posts today more, some of them are really childish when you say them

      ” I can understand just how tricky it can be to write an article of this nature at this time; Ranil, the Usurper, isn’t allowing us to know which election is to be held first”

      I thought it was the ELECTION COMMISSION set the date for elections… if i am wrong please correct me.
      Is Ranil ruling the country filled with RAJAPAKSHE mlechcha supporters today?

      If that was the case, why could not he controll the financial abuses being publicly made by RAJAPAKSHE kalliya also in terms of Santha Nishantha s funeral affairs ? ?????

      If that’s the case, why couldn’t he appoint his men to his cabinet? srilanka is now ina leadershp crisis. people are not yet clear that AKD led groups would be the only alternative to make a due real change in lanken politics, even if fake Face Book acocunt holders spread biased thoughts about the opinion poll results in favour of JVP-NPP. We are deluded and we will further be deluded

      Alas, who to trust ?

      • 6

        Dear SM,
        If the AKD-led teams would really want to claim an election victory, please SM, tell them that they should read the mentality of the common people of this country correctly.

        Relying only on 5000 fake accounts on Facebook, the harvest they collect everyday is soon deceiving him and his management.

        Besides, most of them are only Z Genzer (born after year 2000) who kill and rape their own mothers and grandmothers and do that work to the Chanduranga Abeysinghe group.
        The AKD administration needs to come clean about that sooner rather than later.

        So that you can get it right and be a good advocate for them, I have put together my thoughts on how to grab Sri Lankan votes by usually twisting the mindset of stupid dominating CT sinhala section.

        Please read them and send it to your dear AKD leading groups help them opening their blurred eyes further.

        • 5

          I rarely visit FaceBook, but more to the point, I have no status in the NPP.
          I repeat: I’m a firm and steady supporter of the NPP. Period.

        • 1

          “Besides, most of them are only Z Genzer (born after year 2000) who kill and rape their own mothers and grandmothers …”
          Please don’t abuse the young. We have younger kids in our families and they are doing great. Really loveable creatures full of life. This must be the case in the German ghettos where fobs like you live. But not with the kids we know.
          Whatever the issues you have with the young I suggest uou resolve with them without generalising your petsonal experiences to a whole generation.
          The young ones are our future and they deserve to be treated with respect.
          On the contrary I know the kind who rape and kill grand mothers…

          • 1

            …and mothers!

            • 1

              … or anyone they can lay their hands on…
              And its not the Gen Zers…!

            • 12

              “I know the kind who rape and kill grand mothers…and mothers!”
              Can you be more specific.
              Is there a rapist DNA in any ‘certain kind’ of people?

              • 1

                SJ – “Is there a rapist DNA in any ‘certain kind’ of people?”
                Good point!
                Have I said anything to suggest so?

                • 9

                  “Have I said anything to suggest so?”
                  “On the contrary I know the kind who rape and kill grand mothers…”
                  Well, if you do, let us know.

                  • 0

                    OC- “Well, if you do, let us know.”
                    You also want to play Police?
                    I think they are for the authorities to investigate.

                • 11

                  You claimed that you ‘know the kind who rape and kill grand mothers…and mothers!’
                  I only wanted you to be specific.
                  One could avoid such language in civilized discussion.

                  • 9

                    Mr SJ,
                    Exactly true.

                    let me recap:
                    Poor Mallyuran was beaten up yesterday. Then I was his football. According to his little knowledge I should be a fob and otb.
                    And SM s travel to Mahargama house was misinterpreted as if he would never come back to harass us on CT.

                    Then SM was praised for no good reason.
                    Today he persecutes Old Koger. And now he is marrying the racist Lester.
                    Someone else tomorrow. What happened to this man’s little head?

                  • 2

                    SJ – May be others too should be specific in their accussations. You don’t seem to notice lack of specificity in various accusations made by others here. Civilized discussion? Here? You must be joking! If you find this civilized I can only feel sorry for you.

                    • 7

                      “You (SJ) don’t seem to notice lack of specificity in various accusations made by others”.
                      There you go shooting your mouth again. Why don’t you check what he has been saying for many years on the forum.? You can’t pontificate on others without first checking them out, whether it is SJ or Sinhala Man..You only turned up a couple of months ago.
                      For your information, SJ is more unpopular among Tamil commentators than Sinhala ones.

                    • 1

                      OC – “SJ is more unpopular among Tamil commentators than Sinhala ones.”
                      Why do you think it is? Because there’s no tolerance among Tamils here in their hateful discourse to liberation.
                      That’s why I said: “Civilized discussion? Here? You must be joking! If you find this civilized I can only feel sorry for you.”
                      Leellagemalli in one of his recent comments has said Gen Zers in Sri Lanka is raping mothers and grandmothers.
                      None of you well meaning do gooders including SJ and the other fellah that claims to be a Native Vedda, that are very concerned of everything from plantation workers to rights of the minorities and all other bull shit didn’t ask him where his proof for the claim is or didn’t tell him to be specific or cite a source for his claim or even paid any attention to it. .
                      LM is on a mission to defame Sri Lanka, particularly Sinhala Buddhists.
                      His strategy is that of a Concerned Troll. Look it up if you are unfamiliar with it. I wonder who he is working fot? And lastly sorry to break the news your Dr. friend who you hold very high too was caught trolling. A sign that there’s a concerted effort here by some to create and maintain a certain narrative.

                    • 1

                      that are very concerned of everything from plantation workers to rights of the minorities and all other bull shit didn’t ask him where his proof for the claim is or didn’t tell him to be specific or cite a source for his claim or even paid any attention to it. .
                      LM is on a mission to defame Sri Lanka, particularly Sinhala Buddhists.
                      His strategy is that of a Concerned Troll. Look it up if you are unfamiliar with it. I wonder who he is working fot? And lastly sorry to break the news your Dr. friend who you hold very high too was caught trolling. A sign that there’s a concerted effort here by some to create and maintain a certain narrative.

                    • 2

                      Do I have e to tell you yet again that LM is a Sinhalese from the South? He has more right than others to insult his own community.

              • 5

                Mr SJ,

                About 40% of sexual offending risk is explained by genetic factors, a statistical analysis found, and about 2% of the risk was attributed to environmental factors shared between siblings, such as parental attitudes, neighbourhood and education

              • 0

                I quote your above comment here that includes a comment of mine too:
                “I know the kind who rape and kill grand mothers…and mothers!”
                Can you be more specific.
                Is there a rapist DNA in any ‘certain kind’ of people?”
                Did it ever occur to you to aske leelagemalli who are the Gen Zers in Sri Lanka that rape mothers and grandmothers?
                Why is it that I am the only one that has to justify my comments when many others like leelagemalli claim various dubious things here?

                • 1

                  I can only clarify whatever I have said.

          • 11

            “Please don’t abuse the youth. We have younger children in our families and they are doing great. Truly lovely creatures full of life. This must be in the German ghettos where brothers like you live. But we are not with children. You know.”

            I don’t want to abuse anyone, but if you’re a toad to keep your eyes wide open, you’ll see them on screen in Sri Lanka.
            We Sri Lankans stayed in Europe after studying and we don’t belong to German ghettos, if you don’t know that, don’t call us that. Your comments are causing all the problems today in CT and even that has been getting racial for some time now.
            First of all, I often (2-3 times a year) go back home for charity and they are in my home country to understand the issue, so you should not educate us like ignorant bastards. That’s why I saw with my own eyes how young people behave today in the buses, on the road and everywhere in Sri Lanka. We compare it well with those days and we have contrasts. Every time we are forced to observe them, we are shocked.


            • 10

              My opinion is that You racists should not be allowed to comment on CT about racial issues. CT authorities will take care of it soon.we will be watching out.
              And what else can we expect from a man who calls Tamil people terrorists?
              One should Try to be respectful and truthful before jumping to comment. You seem like a very primitive type of person to me from day one. You really need from the level of Montessori-like practice to get the standards.

              We don’t want you to say bad things against the minorities of this country. Just few of the tamil commenters are for separate the country but most of them are not into that.
              We fought a long civil war. We must understand at least today that the real cause of the war lies with the Sinhalese. Although I was born into the sinhala race, the Sinhalese are true racists in their behavior. THey are even more racists than israel zionists.


              • 11

                Besides, the war was not only for the interests of the Tigers, but because the minorities cannot bear the institutional discrimination in the country by the racists who are always kept above the minorities.

                Btw, how can ignorant bastards of your nature attack Germans or other donor nations with generalizations knowing that Tsunami recovery was unimaginable if their donors don’t come to this country?

                Thanks to the current host government, tourism has picked up again, some sort of foreign exchange is now flowing into the country, could we have coped without the influx of tourists at the time Gota was kicked out? Truth was even daily shippments were not paid not having own funds in lanken treasory. Now thanks to tourists, the govt can keep the head above the water for the sake of our poor nation.
                we should better be known that we are another begging nation and we have to rely on other nations to come up the economic hardships.

                Let this be the last line wasting for an idiot of your sort, I won’t waste my precious time on any more idiots.

                • 2

                  “how can ignorant bastards of your nature attack Germans or other donor nations with generalizations.”
                  To begin with I am no bastard. May be that’s what you are.
                  Secondly I didn’t attack any Germans here, only pointed out young people are not rapists of mothers or grand mothers.
                  As far as Germans are concerned we all know how they killed 6 million jews in the holocaust.
                  So no one needs any schooling on that!.
                  As far as generalisations are concerned, its you who do that by calling gen Zers rapists and Sinhalese racists.

                • 2

                  No idea what tourism has got anything to do with any of these.
                  “Let this be the last line wasting for an idiot of your sort, I won’t waste my precious time on any more idiots.”
                  Good thing. I have no time for sock puppets like you either.
                  But just before wrapping up it was you who first insulted people. Calling Sri Lankans and partcularly Sinhalese and Buddhists racist. The calling young Sri Lankans rapists. And particularly keep mocking Sinhala Man for his name, for his village name and for his education and vocation and his views political and otherwise.
                  Basically it was you that constantly insult people. Along with Tamils here. I just reciprocated the same treatment.

                  • 2

                    You were also seen suggesting Panini go see a Psychiatrist in Mulleriyawa?
                    What are you a doctor?
                    Who gave you the right to publicly diagnose people of various psychiatric conditions. Were you not just insulting him? What right do you have to do so?
                    Tou may not physically live in a German ghetto but you definitely write like someone from a ghetto. The language or rather the lack of it, the style and the content.
                    You are definitely fob material, ghetto or not.
                    So next time know that when you point one finger at others rest of your fingers are directed at you.

                    • 8

                      Background : Why I asked SM to go and see PSYCHIATRIST.
                      SM attackes me because I stand against JVP who killed my friends and relatives during the 89 rebellion. It is clear to all of us that he has behaved like a headless chicken for the past 2 years.

                      The series of accusations and attacks on public platforms can be food for thought for you and not many others who focus on the “need of the hour” for the good of the public in this country.

                      He harassed us (please read what SJ commented to yours somewhere) for ID numbers and unnecessary reasons. If CT hadn’t poistioned it, he would have continued it like mad dog. In retrospect it was pathological for some reasons. Isolationism must be sick. I was an easy prey because I spoke to him a handful of times and maintained a close relationship, thinking that we could work together on Sri Lankan political affairs. That was long before he became a staunch believer in the NPP. Since he got close to NPPrs in public, more aggresive he became. You may scrutinze all what he added in the past 12 months to CT archives.


              • 2

                “My opinion is that You racists should not be allowed to comment on CT about racial issues”
                Yup. Should go to all the racists in the house including the Tamil ones.
                “CT authorities will take care of it soon.”
                Good if someone is interested in infusing some decency to the house. It’s about time.
                “we will be watching out.” – Why are you the moral police here? And who appointed you? Tiran Alles?
                “And what else can we expect from a man who calls Tamil people terrorists?”
                Glad to see that my message has hit home.
                Similarly calling Sinhalese people Chauvinists and Racist must be stopped. Being a minority is not a priviledge to insult people.
                Same rules should apply to everyone.

              • 1

                “the Sinhalese are true racists in their behavior.”
                That’s what people call hypocrisy. You object to Tamils being referred to as terrorists but have no hesitation in calling Sinhales racists.
                It’s hypocrisy and you are what people call a hypocrite.

              • 2

                “You seem like a very primitive type of person to me from day one. You really need from the level of Montessori-like practice to get the standards.”
                You might be able to find a good position at Sri Lanka Standards Institute, that gives the SLS certification. Or do you prefer to be a Montessori teacher instead? But I doubt if any parent would want anyone that looks down upon the young to be the teacher of their precious kids.
                Who do you think you are to pass judgement on others? Almighty God?
                “THey are even more racists than israel zionists.”
                Is that a German Standard? Or a European one perhaps?

              • 11

                “My opinion is that You racists should not be allowed to comment on CT about racial issues. “
                No, that’s unrealistic. This would be a very boring forum without racists, and cranks of all kinds to argue with. Might as well go comment on the Daily Mirror website.

                • 2

                  NV, OC, SJ, JIT, MF, HT, Mahila and all other logical thinkers,

                  There is a fine mechanism run by the SM to marginalize anyone who stands against the JVP-NPP. This is very well organized.
                  They cherry-pick some statements out of our previous posts and pass further to portray their picture of the person targeted. I warn you i may not come back to post very often, but please be informed. I assure you that my posts woudl better be forumulated to guarrantee some more decencies in the future.
                  Lies upon lies from SM to destroy my posts. I will consider them all quickly.. He even stammer stories about me out of gift that I have posted him long long ago. It was just meant good. I do it very often whenere i can. BUt this much of harsh reaciton was almost never.

                  It says that LM is completely against the Sinhalese nation. Although I am against the Sinhala Buddhist racists, boldI am not against the Sinhalese nation.

                  My motto is “srilanken”.. Most people living abroad do not consider as Tamil Sinhalese or others. but as srilankens. However, some eccentric characters paint the picture in favor of their ethnic race. Let me make it clear that I do not mean to be racist in any way.

            • 2

              “That’s why I saw with my own eyes how young people behave today in the buses, on the road and everywhere in Sri Lanka.”
              Are you saying you saw young people in Sri Lanka raping mothers and grand mothers inside buses?
              I don’t know about Germany but here’s what happened in London underground. A man was jailed for 14 years for raping a sleeping passenger:
              Rape happens everywhere not just ghettos but in plush city neighbourhoods too. Not just in Sri Lanka but everwhere else to.
              Portraying all young people in Sri Lanka as racists is ill intended as an attack on the youth of the country.
              Hope you have the brains to separate rapists from the innocent. Though it seems like a little too much to expect judging by your comments here.

              • 1

                On Sunday early morning I forwarded to LM a WhatsApp voicemail that I sent somebody else in an effort to draw attention to an issue where we can make a difference. No response from him.
                I don’t want to sensationalise, but I want to prevent wrong doing. LM has vaguely said that his friends and relations were killed by the JVP. Why doesn’t he give particulars?
                We know that there was violence from two sides from 1988 to 1990. The problem is that nobody comes forward to give details of particular incidents. There is no response from LM. I’m not here giving details of what I told LM and others who are identifiable. It may come out in some other context. Appeal as I might to LM to come out with details, he doesn’t respond.

                  • 2

                    SM and to his keeper ARUTHI@

                    I have nothing to gain but peace for all, why am I a sock puppet?

                    This is what happens to anyone who openly stands up against Sinhala Buddhist racism. If anyone defends minority rights, they will be branded a “tiger”: that is the culture promoted by “Medamulanism” in the last 2 decades.
                    This childish person seems profoundly ignorant, but jumping to comment that it was added is incomprehensible to me.

                    We had no whatsoever confrictions with thoughts int he past, since the immatured man is appointed by SM to defend him, we seem to be worrying. alas peace !

                    I have read somewhere that he has even added some provocative comments against SJ, OC and a few others. Not a single person considers him a knowledgeable person.
                    Douglas over to you, you would introduce him to the “his KADAMANDIYA people ” in the coming days. That will be a good match.
                    Hate, anti-minority thoughts, everything came from him in the last two days. Not from me. Everyone else knows that I prefer liberal politics even though I am against NPP. And I am basically against all forms of fascism.

                • 4

                  “On Sunday early morning I forwarded to LM a WhatsApp voicemail that I sent somebody else in an effort to draw attention to an issue where we can make a difference. No response from him.”

                  MAY BE YOU KNOW SOMEONE ELSE BY USING THE USER NAME “LM” – it should definitely be someone else. I have not had any contact s with you for the last 2 years.

                  SM, the name of god, please dont spread BLATANT lies. I have not received any messages. nor can that possible to my phone lines. You are not blind to check that phone numbers are seen blocked before adding your messages on WHATSUP. So you are caught in the act having lied to the CT readership in this regard.

                  Let every sane commenter hear the truth, I have not been in close contact with SM for the past two years.
                  I must not dig the hurt wounds of those victimized mothers and fathers. Alone looking at their faces cause me sleepless nights becasue trautmatic situations are not erased in my memory even if it was passed 33 years. But when time arises, I will have any fears to produce them before you others. . It may have something to do with the traumas and traumas that I experienced during that rebellion but survived in later life.

              • 7

                I don’t have to give you (R) any examples, you live in that country, because there are plenty on the internet, YouTube. Only the blind would ignore them. Whether it’s supermarkets, restaurants serving rice and curry, wherever you go, Z-Genzers are more likely to abuse and be abused. I have never seen such ugly scenes in Europe. And my wife has never seen them on the road. The West is governed by strict law and order. In the summer they are restricted to nude shows, but not on the street.

                The stereotypes that Sri Lankans place on white tourists are based on hippie tourists (backpack tourists) coming to Sri Lanka and Thailand to practice their hidden fantasy. Such people are everywhere, but lack of law or lawlessness leaves them more room to live in Sri Lanka.

                Last time (Nov 2023) near Kalutara, a young boy was showing his genitals to a girl and making loud jokes about 3 yards in front of me. At least 100 yards away, a young monk was on an event for a photo shoot on a rock. It was like a bodybuilding show, and I questioned, why should a saffron-clad monk do that? He then said that only to send to foreign women that send them money.
                The old local lady next to me looked at me shyly.

          • 7

            To whom it may concern (with exception of sinhala racists)

            Gen Z and Gen Y make up 50 percent of Sri Lanka’s population with 25 percent being Gen Z. As per Kantar’s National Demographic and Lifestyle Survey (NDLS), Gen Z is present in 58 percent of our households and is not only influencing the buying power shift but they are also part of a large-scale cultural shift.

      • 1

        What does this mean, dear “leelagemalli”?
        “I thought it was the ELECTION COMMISSION set the date for elections… if i am wrong please correct me.”?
        After the date for Local government Elections was set for 09/03/2023, Ranil didn’t allow the elections by saying that there was no money.
        I won’t respond to any more from you, please. .
        What criminal extravagance it was today to celebrate our supposed Independence at such cost. And all done whilst so many of us starve here. You have no right to preach to us like this, whilst being comfortably positioned in Germany.
        Panini Edirisinhe in Bandarawela, wanting to get some sleep and then catch a train to Maharagama.

        • 7

          “After the date for Local government Elections was set for 09/03/2023, Ranil didn’t allow the elections by saying that there was no money.”

          The whole world and the IMF involved in helping hand in the dire situation in Sri Lanka are well aware that at the time RW took the risk, we had nothing in our foreign exchange reserves.

          However, for some pathological reason, you struggle to know why he said, “We don’t have the money to hold elections.” How do we read your mind? how do we read the mindset of ” NAA followers” ? Is your mindset similar to the same as those who got medicine from “appachchi” in Chilaw ?

          • 10

            Yes. They can’t believe it, because this Goddam Country had the money and wherewithal to meet all luxury expenditure, this country was confronted with, WILD election promises of Politicians, Hal from Moon, all the paraphernalia except “Money for Elections”, a basic need!!! Why Not??? I also can really smell a RAT, a very BIG FAT one at that!!???
            Ranil is UNFIT for the JOB!! If can’t Hold Elections!!??

          • 2

            LM, I sampled the link that you sent me. I found it distasteful and didn’t pursue it. Is tis what you mean by treating mental illness?

            • 2

              which one ?

      • 0

        This YouTube comes up with some profoundly useful observations.
        I wonder whose thinking that is?
        However, where I differ from LM is this: for him, Ranil is a hero.
        For me: Ranil may be making some clever moves now. However, we owe the old fox no gratitude. He’s done too many despicable things for me to forgive him.

  • 7

    Relax everybody! No one bothers about caste anymore because the Lankan Masses of both sides know they each and both constitute a nice healthy mixture, and trying to promote any high-caste genes is an absurd thing to do. They are heartily sickened and ashamed that silly caste-driven family on both sides that have lead the country for too long, have brought only pain and suffering. Finally, the reality for the Masses can emerge via NPP!

    • 6

      [edited out] Ramona,
      is it your dream or reality? I love reading your dreams, but will they ever come to our hellish reality?

      My own opinion is that with a commission of good politicians (we do have good ones in our hell), NPP should come and rule the nation. However, with AKD for leadership, I am very pessimistic that he will score to be the winner. If he is not good enough to work with other members who are not corrupt but have the same opinion about the country and the people, what will happen to the nation? It is sure to be like a stagnation of Baira Lake.
      On the issue of caste and religion: Last week I was compelled to listen to my Kawa (Bodu Farmer) from Galle, who first checked whether the marriage partner of their graduate daughter was married from their caste. It doesn’t matter if the boy has contagious health problems, but the parents blindly told him to find a good girl of the same caste. I questioned myself whether these people continue to eat “Rata Tanakola” as their main meal even 3 times a day. Anyway, I let it bother me.

    • 3

      “No one bothers about caste anymore”
      Is it so?

  • 3

    Terrorist Tamils it appear that never wanted just systems, only ones that benefit them.
    Hence the original call for a separate state once the demand for a 50:50 representation in the Parliament was rejected.
    They it appear didn’t like the introduction of Universal Franchise from the very begining, because it was sure to make them lose all the priviledges they enjoyed under the colonial rule by making them a mere minority in Sinhala majority country.
    Therefore it is not surprising that they don’t even now want any just and fair systems in Sri Lanka. They want to be the priviledged. They seem to be of the belief that Ranil would deliver them their Promised Land – Terrorists’ Federal Istate of Tamil Eelam!
    If Ranil doesn’t do it himself they think they could get Modi or the criminals in Washington and crooks in Brussels to arm twist Ranil to follow through their wishes.
    If nothing works they are masterbating to the wet dream of India walking in on Sri Lanka to create their Greater India. So they could finally reunite with their criminal cousins in Tamil Nadu.

    • 3

      Continued from above…
      Hence no matter how corrupt or crooked Ranil Wickremasinghe is Terrorist Tamils are not going to withdraw their support from him. He and he alone is their last hope to their Promised Land- Terrorists’ Federal Istate of Tamil Ealam.
      Don’t forget it was Terrorist Tamils that facilitated the Mahinda victory by stopping people in the N&E from voting, who finally screwed them big time ‘returning the favour’ – it was never about justice, human rights, fair play or good governance.
      It is about Tamils being a superior race and wanting priviledged treatment, when infact they are nothing but a bunch of crooks, sick bastards – organized criminals – Terrorists.

      • 12

        ” Tamils .. (are ) a superior race and wanting priviledged treatment, when infact they are nothing but a bunch of crooks, sick bastards – organized criminals – Terrorists.”
        And you complain about Tamils saying the same about Sinhalese?

        • 8

          That is what our Sinhalese are not trained to do. These people need to go and look in the mirror.

          Unfortunately Ruchira creates new divisions or widens the gap between Tamils and Sinhalese. We the majority folk should avoid doing so.
          . The Sinhala_Man is silent on this as an advocate for peace… I really don’t know why?
          R always acts as he knows best, but this behavior alone is unacceptable. I didn’t like his patronizing nature from the beginning on if I am very honest.
          His comments in CT these few days have created a new emotional pain for the Tamil commenters.
          He calls them all terrorists. What about the wandering Sinhalese? Dr. Safi’s innocent family was inhumanly hurt by racists like Madhumadava. arawinda or the like thrash. Aren’t they terrorists?

          • 10

            It seems Ruchira is genuinely unaware of the background to the situation. But to say “I wasn’t even born in 1958” is no excuse.
            Lester keeps raising stupid questions like “what exactly is the Tamil problem? “

            • 8

              OC, thank you.
              This is why I recently asked my “biotech and beverage” entrepreneurs (Swiss and German) to start a “Tanacola Smoothie” manufacturing company.
              The demand in Sri Lanka is on a rise..Current Researchers have found that eating grass can lead to human brain development.
              It will finally usher in a good era for the ignorant. The cows will also be happy with it. Our two-legged beasts are worse than we saw. The poorer they are, the more wicked they become.

            • 1

              Hello OC – I said I wasn’t even born then not as an excuse but as a clarification in response to you stating I may have been too young to remember. I think you should pay attention what people say in relation to the context and ongoing discussion.
              That said I am aware of the key historical milestones, if you could call them that, that are behind the crisis and also the otherside of the story that Tamils often overlook in their narratives. For example GGP’s opposition to Universal Franchise and demand for 50:50 representation, and also the fact that at the time of independence Sinhalese felt that they were the victims of unfair colonial policies and practices, one of which is the English language being the official language. Hence the reason for resorting to ‘Sinhala Only’ policy. History is nuanced, looking at it through a black and white lens isn’t helpful. Particularly if you try to paint it with racial hues.

              • 5

                “For example GGP’s opposition to Universal Franchise and demand for 50:50 representation, “
                I have already shown you that it wasn’t only GGP but Sinhala leaders too, who objected.
                Sinhalese might feel discriminated against, but be honest. Some cultures aren’t conducive to productivity. Others are. Some don’t do jobs that are below their dignity. Others do. Go check in a service station, for example. Some will call the people who do such jobs “slaves”
                That your grandfather discrimininated against my grandfather is no reason for me to discriminate against you 76 years later.
                The solution is to treat everyone exactly the same, with regard to employment, education, or business opportunities. Does that happen in this country?

                • 0

                  OC – GGP’s opposition was different. It was communal.
                  “Some don’t do jobs that are below their dignity.”
                  Yes, it is upto people to decide. If they feel their worth is not recognised by a prospective employer they are free to decide not to take up a job offer. This is well within the realm of modern day HR practices and market economy. It’s called freedom of choice – a part of economic freedom, that Dr. W. A. Wijewardena in his latest post here has clearly explained. May be it’s a good idea for you to read it. From which century are you from seriously?

                  • 2

                    “GGP’s opposition was different. It was communal.”
                    Was it any worse than Sinhala opposition for caste or economic reasons?
                    ” If they feel their worth is not recognised by a prospective employer they are free to decide not to take up a job”
                    So, it is OK in your view to bring in others to do work that Sinhalese refuse to do?
                    Of course I am from the 20th century. Does it matter?

        • 1

          OC – I think you caught the stick from the wrong end. But just to be fair you do agree that the Tamils have been doing the same. My comments were a mere response to them. It was they who started it. Not me. And it is they who should stop it. I haven’t seen you pointing this out to them anywhere. Hope you have a great week ahead.

          • 9

            ” I haven’t seen you pointing this out to them anywhere”
            I have, and that includes Dr.G, as you would have realised if you had been on this forum for more than a dew months. Be that as it may, I don’t go around accusing entire communities of being “terrorists”. That is exactly what you wrote. Even Dr. G doesn’t call all Sinhalese “war criminals “. It is best to meet arguments with counter-arguments, not insults. As Voltaire put it, “Everything you say needs to be true, but not everything needs to be said”.

            • 1

              OC- Dr. G calls for an invasion – that is worse. Haven’t you seen anyone here collectively refer to Sinhalese as Chauvunist Sinhala Buddhist Racists? You friend may not have done so, that doesn’t mean there are others who dont. Sometimes I say things upfront. Many others engage such conversations behind your back offline and their rebuttals come in more vicious hidden forms. Your friend too I suspect is part of a troll network.

              • 6

                “Chauvinist Sinhala Buddhist racists ” is a descriptive term for a certain group. It is not the same as saying “all Sinhala Buddhists are Chauvinist racists.” YOU said “Tamils are crooks, sick bastards, and terrorists “
                If you can find some Tamil commentator saying “all Sinhala Buddhists are Chauvinist racists.”, please feel free to tell us.

                • 0

                  OC – Then please consider “Tamils are crooks, sick bastards, and terrorists “ a descriptive term for a certain group.
                  Behaviours of a certain group is not a reason to collectively defame Sinhala Buddhists.
                  May be you should learn to apply the same standard for everyone.

                  • 2

                    “Behaviours of a certain group is not a reason to collectively defame Sinhala Buddhists.” Who collectively defamed ALL Sinhala Buddhists on this forum in so many words? Again I tell you, produce the evidence.
                    Are you saying there are no chauvinist racist Sinhala Buddhists.?
                    OK, a simple test. Since you think I am soft on Tamils, I will name 2 Tamil racists:
                    1. V. prabhakaran
                    2. C. Suntheralingam
                    Now, can you name two Sinhala racists?

                • 2

                  “Chauvinist Sinhala Buddhist racists ” is a descriptive term for a certain group.”
                  A certain sub-group, not a group.

            • 1

              Hello OC – Just look at this comment for an example:
              “Who is the biggest and successful crook in this land!!! He is NONE but a Sinhalese and a Buddhist to BOOT!!??? Submerged in PIRITH NOOL!!!?? Made the country bankrupt, starved the populace for 1 whole year but he is the Messiah!!! What more do you want???
              What is Proof you have to support that claim?? Get Real!!
              Simple reasoning, COUNTRY SPENDS BILLIONS IN MAKING ROADS (what they popularly call ‘Carpeting’)!!?? Who are the 2 people who rob 20% of that massive expenditure!!! Sinhala Bauaddhayo!!! Well respected!! That nobody talks about!!!??? !!????”
              The person who has commented highlights a certain corrupt individual as a Sinhala Buddhist. Implying that Sinhala Buddhists are at fault for the crimes and corruption of these individuals. He does not attack the person he attacks Sinhalese and Buddhists using the crimes and corruption of the people referred to in his comments. Implying Sinhala and Buddhism are corrupt.
              How come you don’t see this?
              It is as same as calling all Tamils, Terrorist Tamils because a group of Tamils resorted to terrorism. You sure should do better than that.
              I won’t even get to personal attacks they unleash.

              • 6

                “My comments were a mere response to them. It was they who started it. “
                I don’t know about you, but if a dog bites me, I wouldn’t bite back.There are ways of getting the same effect without going to their level
                “The person who has commented highlights a certain corrupt individual as a Sinhala Buddhist. ” Exactly. He is talking about an individual (MR). Don’t you agree? I wouldn’t object if you called VP a terrorist, and that he was a Hindu Tamil.
                He did NOT say all Sinhala Buddhists are corrupt. You said all Tamils are terrorists and sick bastards.
                There is a difference, you know.
                Also, in the interests of accuracy, Mahila was responding to YOUR comment.

                • 0

                  OC – May be you should read what I have said.
                  You decide how you treat dogs and I will decide how I treat them.
                  Mahila was responding to my comment? Well b4 I came up with my comments it was Tamils here that was going on rampage about Chauvnists Sinhala Buddhist Racists. Not me.

                  • 3

                    Don’t obfuscate. Did you reply to Mahila or someone else? Did even that someone else label all Sinhala Buddhists as crooks/ criminals, or sick bastards. Leelagemalli says such things, but he is Sinhalese.

                • 0


                  ” I wouldn’t object if you called VP a terrorist,”

                  But you wouldn’t call him a terrorist yourself. Rather, a misunderstood genius building submarines in the jungle. Cat is out of the bag!

                  • 2

                    OK, I think VP was a terrorist, the same way that I think you are a fascist,
                    It is possible for a terrorist to be a genius, and a fascist to be an excellent sewage worker in the West.
                    Don’t you agree?

        • 8

          Who is the biggest and successful crook in this land!!! He is NONE but a Sinhalese and a Buddhist to BOOT!!??? Submerged in PIRITH NOOL!!!?? Made the country bankrupt, starved the populace for 1 whole year but he is the Messiah!!! What more do you want???
          What is Proof you have to support that claim?? Get Real!!
          Simple reasoning, COUNTRY SPENDS BILLIONS IN MAKING ROADS (what they popularly call ‘Carpeting’)!!?? Who are the 2 people who rob 20% of that massive expenditure!!! Sinhala Bauaddhayo!!! Well respected!! That nobody talks about!!!??? !!????

        • 1

          OC –
          “And you complain about Tamils saying the same about Sinhalese?”
          Good thing that you noticed. Mine was in response to their such claims.
          Have a great day.

      • 12

        “Terrorist Tamils it appear that never wanted just systems, only ones that benefit them.”
        Can you please identify who these “Terrorist Tamils” are today?
        “Terrorism” has been the pretext to impose a dictatorial regime in the country against which everyone is still struggling.
        Separatism is bad politics in my view, but can ever I call it terrorist in its own merit?
        On the other hand, the state used terror tactics against its opponents. What will you call it?

        • 8

          Mr SJ,
          I wonder what R was saying.. Now I doubt if there is enough bond between them to work like that. We all know the SM travels between Maharagama and Bandarawela is not frequent but once in a while.

          I know well enough to see how SM works. I have known him for so long. We are well aware that some CT commenters stoped commenting because they can’t tolerate sinhala_man’s harassment (eg good Manel F and other hancho pancha).

          • 1

            Dear “leelagemalli”.
            Please don’t put yourself, hancho pancha and Manel Fonseka into the same category.
            Manel is about the most sincere and disciplined commenters on these pages. Despite all the difficult circumstances in which she operates, she is of the highest moral standing. She doesn’t fish for compliments or seek glory for herself.
            Your comments certainly seem to be popular, but why do you hate all people, especially the Sinhalese?

            • 5

              Please allow me to explain please. Clarity is important. I don’t compare myself to MF or anyone, I don’t want to. I respect her for her bold writings on the world stage.shE KNOWs that and we are in touch.
              Especially regarding the palastneina issue, we shared a lot. I am well connected with my palastinian colleagues in europe. Most of them are medical experts or medical practiioners. I don’t know any Sri Lankan living in Sri Lanka who has done as much as she does and has done in that regard. But to remind you, who opposed her in CT? She knows it very well.

              You are spreading blatant lies about me, saying that I hate the Sinhalese nation. There you are well talented. My mother said,everyone is talented to some thing special. That reminds me when you do so.
              I hate Sinhala-buddhist racial attitudes only when it comes to non-Buddhists. In fact, HUMAN TOUCH and I myself are well connected with True Buddhists.
              I know Sinhalese good people (a small fraction) and a growing number of Sinhalese racists from their conscience (I know this through my own truth-seeking missions).


              • 3

                I also regularly do some charity work (out of my own pocket) for those good and poor people. Through my colleagues in Texas and Europe, I provided funds when the tsunami hit the nation. Sum was a big one for the Galle region. I really dont know what happened to those funds.
                I can see today that some people who are in contact with me are racists within racists. The Sinhalese who treat their own people are also increasing. That too is common to them and Sinhalese traditions. We also know how you and many others treated your housemaids, domestic servants… . You may know more of them even though you are silent due to some hidden reasons.

                Most of them are Sinhala Buddhists (not really Buddhists). I know how they look down on Tamils, Muslims and Burghers. I have been in contact with many nations and I have the knowledge to look back and differenitate it today than in the past.

                I know Manel better than you. You are right there she is a respectable person; She was a victim of your posts – some time ago and because of your misbehavior she did not want to visit CT often. Let’s talk things out and clarify them. You chased everyone for no good reason.

            • 4

              “Sinhala_Man / February 20, 2023
              3 2
              Dear Dr Ameer Ali,
              Yes, I agree with almost all that you have said here. No comments on your article visible to me as I write 19:16.
              More or less the same story emerges from this article and the comments on it.

              I haven’t so far engaged in a any detailed exchanges with Raj-UK, at any time. I must do so today. He’s been making very good comments up to a few days ago – but not any more.

              I have already said there most of what I have to say to “leelagemalli”, but I haven’t revealed his name, mostly out of my decency, but also out of respect for Manel Fonseka, who thinks that names should not be revealed (and she’s in Colombo, Lanka – all respect to her for that).

        • 8

          Mr S.J.
          As someone who has been on the CT forum for so long, if I may add anything
          Don’t get me wrong, Ruchira doesn’t know what he is talking about. We have proven somewhere that he doesn’t even read properly before jumping to judgments about some commenters. His patronizing character develops over the course of several weeks.
          If there are terrorist Tamils, there must also be terrorist Sinhalese. For example, remember Dr. SAFI who was attacked in broad daylight? were they not terrorists ?

          • 2


            “If there are terrorist Tamils, there must also be terrorist Sinhalese.”

            JVP were Sinhalese terrorists/anarchists. They were given the same treatment as LTTE. Beira Lake for JVP, Nanthi Lagoon for LTTE. JVP are no longer terrorists as they laid down their arms and joined the political process. I wonder if you can see the difference. Sinhalese have no problem calling the (former) JVP as terrorists. Tamils are more reluctant to call the LTTE as such. It means there is a substantial section of the Tamil community that has not yet rejected the LTTE separatist ideology. This is not necessarily their fault. Learn how the Nazis used propaganda to indoctrinate the Germans about Jews and others. Those living under LTTE rule were similarly indoctrinated about “genocide” and other rubbish. Diaspora were also indoctrinated. In London, there used to be an LTTE bookshop. When LTTE captured some place like Elephant Pass, they made a big video and sent it to the Diaspora. Second/third generation diaspora are completely clueless about S. Lanka.

            • 10

              “Sinhalese have no problem calling the (former) JVP as terrorists. Tamils are more reluctant to call the LTTE as such.”
              Lying again? Or maybe you don’t understand Sinhala? The JVP are referred to as “karalikaruwo” or rebels, whereas the LTTE are “thrasthavadi” or terrorists.

              • 2

                Old Codger,

                JVP was classified as a terrorist organization by JR’s government and PTA applied. End of story.

                • 5

                  Dear Lester,
                  There are blemishes in the JVP’s past, and there sometimes were somewhat unsatisfactory comments about the Tamils, in the time of Rohana Wijeweera, However, there was absolutely no justification in JR blaming them for Black July 1983. That was the work of JR himself and of Cyril Mathew.
                  That banning of the JVP in 1983 was terribly dishonest; we paid a huge price for it.

                  • 1


                    It’s good that JVP came round and laid down their arms. You must also be aware, however, that JVP seriously disrupted the higher studies of many students when the universities had to be closed.

                    You are right that 1983 was planned in advance.

                • 4

                  Wijeweera commemorations are permitted.
                  VP commemorations aren’t.
                  So, a Sinhala terrorist is better than a Tamil terrorist.
                  Real end of story

              • 9

                Lying is inherited. Lester is trained to do so, his forked tongue to do so. Whatever came out WOULD not have been based on facts or truth. Btw, HOw did you get through your Engineering exams ?
                Will JVP ever allow them to be branded as “terrorists”?
                If I expose again and again how innocent youths were treated by barbarians in the 89-92 era, the Sinhalese man will make barbacue out of my flesh and bones.

            • 8

              “JVP were Sinhalese terrorists”
              You missed a government that killed and tortured JVP suspects in public in 1988-89.

              • 8

                That means, whether JVP or otherwise, the Sinhalese are terrorists.
                While some say that the Tamil people are Kallathonis, the statistics show that the Sinhalese are also from the North-East of India. So the Sinhalese is also slycomers. Why on earth bring them up again and again when they are true?

                I think srilaknens are Kalakakniyos (time wasters).

                • 1

                  Can you please explain why it is that you claim to have helped people whom you hate so much?
                  That you give in a patronising way is true. The chocolates that you gave me are proof of that.
                  Whatever credit you own for the help extended is negated by the hatred that you breathe out. Can’t you try to understand the problems that the Sinhalese have?

                  • 5

                    Dear Panini,
                    I never thought that nobody gifted you anything in your life.

                    I apologize for having hurt you by that gift. Forgive me. I usually do that very often to many. But I have not experienced the reactions of your nature as of now. But good to know it. Later is better than never. yOU ARE very special and many know it as of now.

                    That is very intesting point.

                    The name of god, please dont spread lies about me against sinhala race.

                    I am against sinhala buddhist racists only.

                    I do believe other readers woudl not take you serious. They only know that you try to portray something else here. You are tricky in that efforts.

                  • 4


                    Your thinking is unique to you. You dont talk about anything else, but my chocolates. How many more times ?
                    Btw, I have no patronizing nature. why should I ?

                    You have been behaving like that ever since.

                    Now make every effort to marginalize those who are against the JVP.

                    – I dont mind JVPrs beocming the next ruling party., but it is very unclikely.
                    I am very thoughtful person and I do want them to build a grand coalition so that the dream would really become a reality. Our common goal is to have a better govt for future.
                    Please listen to what your former head NK has got to say today.

                  • 4

                    Btw; can ANYONE tell as to why JVPrs are inconsitent today ? how can take them serious ?


                    Generally, they are not Indian and American supporters by nature. How did their thoughts become completely opposite and they became opposites? What kind of hike?

                    • 4

                      Dear SM,
                      At the moment, the big sharks are playing with the sprat like- small nation knowing that srilanka is now weakened to the core by Rajaapksism.
                      This moment can again be like that of the situation being faced by nation shortly before “easter sunday disaster”:

                      The Prime Minister of Thailand, who is friendly to China, visited Sri Lanka on the 4th and also participated in the Independence Day ceremony. As an act of mild revenge, India has done is invited AKD and in order to pay less attention to other leaders as a warning.

                      Fact checkers will see how AKD changed his mind. They opposed basically with any kind of close ties with india: However, “principle of JVP is now violated…. it was said, the 5th Principle was violated..

                      How will JVP explain it to its voters next? How can JVP suddenly get rid of their basic principles?
                      Is that becuase of poltiical immaturity ?

                      They objected those days the import of “BOMBAI LUNU” and some other goods imported from India. The bigger question is how the same AKD et al will face the growing electorate.

              • 0

                “You missed a government that killed and tortured JVP suspects in public in 1988-89.”

                JVP were not saints. There is only one way to deal with a terrorist. As part of its “war on terror, the number one HR champion, USA, would send a captured Afghan or Iraqi militant to Pakistan or Egypt to be interrogated, since torture is allowed in those places.

            • 8

              Lester the gester,
              Difference is clear to me, but your biased thinking is not. When it comes to tamils, it is terror act but for sinhaalya it is not of validity why ?
              Some speculated that the May 2022 riots were sparked by the JVP even after its democratization.

              Aren’t those mobs instigated by JVP and vanguards?

              Big lorries and buses were thrown into Baira Lake like toys.

              Are they all gangsters? Or the modern JVP? I only question as a neutral obsrever. House properties of SLPPs were burnt across the country in memory of their past. Remember?

              Why are they no longer called terrorists because the evidence is at hand? YOUR RESPONSE if a constructive one – would be great.. thank you

          • 10

            “For example, remember Dr. SAFI who was attacked in broad daylight? were they not terrorists?”
            They are terrorists no doubt!! But no proof they are Sinhalese!??? Had the opportunity of viewing signatures of a few of them!!! They seem to reflect the same THEME as that of Ratwatte in the 1815 Kandyan Convention!!???

        • 2

          SJ – May be you should tell the same thing to the Tamils and others here who call Sinhalese and Buddhists, chauvunists and racists and leelagemalli who refer to young Sri Lankans as rapists of mothers and grand mothers. You may also see my reply to OC above. Like I said b4 I didn’t start the fire just added some fuel to it.

          • 11

            This is still a country free enough for anyone to burn himself/herself in the fire that one keeps alive.

            • 2

              You keep missing the point.

              • 3

                If I missed any, it may be because it was too trivial.

            • 0

              SJ – There’s a difference between committing suicide and arsony. Then there are also pyromaniacs. Your reference to fire is closer to my actions. Ever heard of the concept – burning bush? Its a different one altogether. It’s Presbyterian in use. Sinhala Man might know. What many here does is simple arsony. A reference to fire could mean more things than one. Wisdom only suggests which is which.

        • 10

          STATE TERROR

        • 2

          Terrorism is what it is regardless whether the actors are state or non state.
          Kindly ask the Tamils here to identify the Chauvunist Racist Sinhala Buddhists that they refer to when they make their comments.
          Mine is a collective reference made in response to such claims by Tamils.

          • 9

            when someone accuse of other being racist or chauinist, he or she would look at the entire picture,if he is a normal person. In am focusing on sane people.. To my eyes, if I were born to a minority in SL, I would have gone amok, still outlouded, that majority of sinhalayas are brutally racial than the opposite. Elephant is in the room, but nobody talks about. Why ?
            :peole are more selfish in our island.
            Alone you RUCHIRA pr the kind of ones despite the fact of being talened in fine writing skills, too belong to that category, like or not. you do not seem to consider the big picture here. We have a big issue regarding minorities however some significant portion of majority people have still been saying that we dont have any ethnic issue in srilanka. Lester is one of them. If a cancer is evident, why to hide that from being preventing care and cure ?

            That then block any solutions being taken resolving the issue back and forth. It has now turned out to be like tantalus of torments.
            Not much is neeeded further said, just because of a racist megalomanic family, how much suffer we the folks have been going through in this country. WHO PROMOTED THA FAMILY ? who were the majority of those 6.9 millions that was misled by GOTA ?


            • 9

              The reasoning was them being real racists and they were supported by a human shield consisting of sinhala-buddhist racists .
              In high hit COVID days, Dr HOOLE was about to leave srilanka on his way to the airport, we were as passengers all were subject to harsher COVID precautionary steps He later announced that he had to take the next plane to the US.
              One pvt hospital in colombo had treated him and his wife so discriminately. The kind of behaivours of sinhala staffers are seen very often also today in srilanka.
              I noitce this very often when arriving in SRILANKA BIA, the manner those beasts-like immiigration officers get on with minorities. They are far more untrained officers. I am though treated well, i dont stop publicly cirticising them. Just becasue I am sinhalaya, why should I be treated different above minorities ?
              Are the minorities second class citizens ? My eyes are neither blind nor folded. I begged the bugger at counters not to do so, because few of them doing so will tarnish the entire image of all at once.

    • 14



      “Terrorist Tamils it appear that never wanted just systems, only ones that benefit them.”

      How about the Sinhala/Buddhist Terrorists JVP and the Failed state that terrorised both Sinhala and Tamil speaking people.

      “They it appear didn’t like the introduction of Universal Franchise from the very begining, ……………..”

      Another H L D Mahindapala’s Old wives’ tale among many other.
      Could you cite reference of such tales.

      I wonder whether you seriously update your knowledge of political and historical events taking place in this island.

      In case if you seriously want to learn my free advices is please give up on Mahawamsa and start reading serious materials published by serious scholars. We know it is difficult for you still no harm in trying.

      • 11

        This is a very interesting account of the goings-on in 1931 with the Donoughmore Commission, and why Ceylon was not simply handed over to India:

        • 9

          old codger

          I will read it within the next few days.
          I have access to her book “Communal Politics Under Donoughmore Constitution 1931 – 1947”.
          The book gave a distorted and very partial view of the history.
          She did her PhD under Prof K. M. De Silva.

        • 8

          Thanks, that was very enlightening.

      • 1

        Hello Native or do you prefer Vedda more?
        Its Monday and I’m getting a little busy. But I will get back to you on this soon.
        Meanwhile you could read my comments above to LM, OC & OJ and also read comments below by Lester and SJ on Universal Franchise.
        In addition if you are interested you may see the comment I have made in response to the article written by Lional Bopage recently published here on CT.
        Hope you have a great week ahead!

      • 0

        Hello Vedda,
        I said I’d get back to you on this hence this comment. Given the comments you have been making I don’t it’s worth wasting time on people like you. But you have asked to cite references. For starters why don’t you read the book by Jane Russell that you have said you have access to. Your friend Old Codger seems to recommend it. Lester has shared a link to an article by Rajan Hoole that had appeared here on CT in the past. That may also provide some insight and information to G.G. Ponnambalam and his communal politics which includes opposition to Universal Franchise and demand the demand of 50:50 representation. In addition D.B.S Jeyaraj also shed some light on to Ponnambalam and the political climate that prevailed at the time in some of his writings that is accessible online. You are free to make your own recommendations if you do not agree with what the above people and sources have to say – so called serious material published by so called serious scholars.
        By the way does Mahawamsa says anything about Universal Franchise and Tamil opposition to the same?
        You can take your condescending attitudes to treat your UNP boot lickers. I am not one of them. If you can’t engage in objective conversation, I will not respond to your comments in the future.

        • 6


          “Given the comments you have been making I don’t it’s worth wasting time on people like you. “

          Please avoid me if you find truth hurting you.
          I don’t mind facing fake patriots (racists) head on in this forum.

    • 11

      As you yourself said earlier, your grasp of history is limited to what you were told in school. That stuff is pathetically incomplete.
      This is what Jane Russell says:
      ” let me be clear. Universal franchise was not something demanded by anyone in the Sinhalese, Tamil or Muslim communities. Neither George E. de Silva nor A E Goonesinghe, who were the most insistent that the franchise be extended, thought of asking for or indeed expected to get, even a full male franchise. They argued for a franchise for males over the age of 21, resident in Ceylon, who had at least had a primary education, ie men who could read and write in the vernacular and who had some kind of income”
      Alleging that only Tamils were against universal franchise is a lie. The Sinhalese leaders were against it too, for their own casteist reasons. It was only because the Donoghmore Commission leader was a Marxist that it was granted, though nobody asked for it.

      • 11

        Sir P Ramnathan was against universal franchise, but the Jaffna Youth Congress was all for it.
        In fact the JYC called for full independence of Ceylon before the Sinhalese elitist leaders would even dream of it.

        • 2


          But people like Ponnambalam opposed the Soulbury & Donoughmore Constitution. They had unreasonable demands, e.g. 50-50 equal representation. They did not trust the majority community from the beginning. Banda tried to compromise but he was forced into communal politics by people like Ponnambalam. In general, the environment was not right for negotiation due to mistrust.

          • 8


            “But people like Ponnambalam opposed the Soulbury & Donoughmore Constitution”

            DS and few other prominent leaders opposed free education to all.

            50:50 was some sort of complicated formula according to D B S Jeyara, in order to create a level playing field in the parliament.

            I am sure most of your relatives and friends would have entered University only because of standardisation. 50:50 is similar to Affirmative action to remove the majoritarian aspect from parliamentary voting system.
            Please read:
            Jaffna Youth Congress was the First to Demand “Poorana Swaraj”( Complete Self-Rule) For Ceylon/SriLanka From Britain

            • 2


              Don’t know what planet you live on. Standardisation did not lower the cutoff for people in Colombo and some other places. Only those living in certain rural areas. Even today many students are studying abroad because of this policy. Standardisation was never based on race, despite what terror supporters claim.

              50-50 was a demand for secession. The beginning of separatism. Electoral representation should be based on demographic %, not privileges granted by colonialists to coolies.

              • 5


                Please read the following paper if you can follow the research and its outcome:

                Sri Lanka Journal of Social Science
                Vol 1, No 2, December 1978

                I know you will find it difficult to grasp the paper however no harm in trying.

            • 1

              Vedda – Affirmative action is standardisation. That was aimed at creating a level playing field.
              50:50 on the otherhand was an attempt to thwart democracy and the universal franchise that depends on the concept of equality: one person one vote. It was rejected because it was trying to create an artificial majority out of a minority. Affirmative action does not aim to do that.
              I think you should get your concepts straight first b4 anything else.
              There was nothing complicated about 50:50. Ponnambalam wanted 50% of seats in the legislature to be given to minorities by default. How he planned to implement it if allowed would have run into lot of complexities.

          • 5

            Which Ponnambaam are you Talking about?
            50-50 would have been a commendable idea if only the sharing of the second fifty offered smaller population groups like the Attho, Malays, Burghers a substantial share.
            Sinhalese politicians would have dealt with them kindly and the Tamil leaders too would have learned from that.
            Democracy cannot be tyranny in the name of a majority.

            • 0

              SJ – “50-50 would have been a commendable idea if only the sharing of the second fifty offered smaller population groups like the Attho, Malays, Burghers a substantial share.” –
              Not sure what you referred to as the 2nd 50. However the demand for 50:50 was against democratic principles. Hence the rejection. So is your suggestion.
              Tyranny should be dealt within a democratic framework, not by adapting undemocratic ones.
              There are other democratic methods, and concepts and values that align with it, for that – like having checks and balances on the executive; separation of the executive and the legislature; rule of law and independance of the judiciary; equality, human rights and freedoms of the individual (socio political and economic); ensuring and respecting the sovereignty of the people; an educated and well informed polity that is participatory; transparency; accountability; media freedom etc etc. These values should be enshrined in the constitution and practiced by the elected leaders and the citizenry alike. It is through such efforts you deal with tyranny and not by granting priviledges to minorities.

              • 0


                Finally it boils down to personal virtues of the people and those that are elected to represent and govern them. Virtues like sincerity; integrity and honesty… and culture…

                • 0

                  You speak as if leader’s of other ethnic groups have some inherent virtue that could safeguard against tyranny and they would be just in their ways of governance and are not corruptible. And it is the Sinhalese that are tyrannical.
                  Finally the level of democracy that prevails may be best measured by the freedoms the minority groups enjoy in that society but that does not suggests the freedoms of minorities could be ensured without first ensuring the rights and freedoms of the majority. Failure of which may lead to a situation like aparthied society that existed in South Africa. Replacement of majority tyranny with a minority tyranny.
                  Democracy is the key ideology hence it is regarded as the best mode of governance so far invented
                  albeit it’s short comings.
                  Ponnambalam opposed to it.

          • 6

            I fear that there is some serious time warp in your mind, besides mixing up names.

        • 6


      • 10

        We know that the godfather of the racists in Sri Lanka was HLDMahindapala and he is now no more. THere is a vacancy to be filled out.
        I started to think today that Ruchira has filled that vacancy as of now. Another racist is born to CT. And he didn’t read properly so there were some comments full of complete mistakes and misquotes.
        He is practically clueless but his head is swollen. This patronizing nature may be engrained his genetics. TO belittle the other, he is used to question, ifwhat was being explained is clear to the commenter, but each time it is revealing he is the only person who is not clear.
        Above all, he calls tamil srilankens as terrorists. Is man from another planet?

        If they are all terrorists, how can they run Colombo where a large part of the Tamil population lives?

      • 1

        OC – Thanks for the blog post linked. It’s a long one and font is too small to be read on a mobile device. Will read later and get back to you on that.
        Not sure if the rest of the blog gives any more information to the contrary, but commenting solely on the quote you have taken from the blog, not asking and/or expecting universal franchise is not the same as opposing it. I am sure you could make a distiction between the two.
        You may also see comment/s by Lester on the topic.
        Have a great day and a week ahead!

        • 0

          SJ also have mentioned that GG Ponnambalam opposed it. :)
          That’s it for now.

          • 7

            GGP voted against it but there are other details about how he let down the HCT.

            • 8

              Sorry I thought that you were talking about the Citizenship act.
              Where did I say that GGP opposed universal franchise?
              Frankly, I am getting a little tired of this stupid game.

              • 0

                SJ – Sorry Ramnathan not Ponnambalam- my mistake. But Ponnambalam did oppose universal franchise.

                • 4

                  “But Ponnambalam did oppose universal franchise.”
                  You will not give up on that, will you?
                  Believe what you like.

                  • 0

                    SJ –
                    “You will not give up on that, will you?
                    Believe what you like.”
                    No I will not give up easily. If you have anything to say to discredit my belief you are free to do so. If that’s a legit argument I might even change my belief. Making vague remarks like “believe what you want” is unhelpful….

        • 8

          The elitist leaders did oppose universal franchise. Russell says so clearly.
          Lester as an authority? Don’t make me laugh.

          • 2

            OC – I skimmed through Russell’s blog you have shared. He doesn’t elaborate a lot on opposition. But let me clatify: the opposition by Ponnabalam was for communal reasons. He it appears considered Universal Franchise as a threat to the Priviledges that Tamils enjoyed upto then, as the democratic process would reduce the Tamil representation to a minority, hence his demand for 50:50 representation. That’s what I wanted to highlight. Lester has been saying this that’s why I directed you to his comment. Russell’s blog does not highlight this aspect of opposition from Ponnambalam, may be his other writings address it? Have you read any of his other writings on the topic, other than this blog? DBS Jeyaraj’s blog also covers this. If I can remember right he is of the view that if Ponnambalam et al sought for a Federal status to the North and East at that time, instead of 50:50 representation they could have essily got that. But they didn’t – because they all had priviledged positions in Colombo and they wanted to maintain that. Sinhala communal politics from the way I have gathered so far was a rebuttal for this.

            • 9

              Most of your claims arrive without supporting evidence.
              Have you really read what Jeyaraj wrote?

              • 1

                SJ – “Most of your claims arrive without supporting evidence.”
                – I thought you advocated specificity just a little while ago?And yet here you are making generalised accusations.
                I have read some of what Jeyaraj has written but not all.
                I am just being polite here in responding to you, because you have been so far interacting with me in a relatively decent manner compared to some others.
                But FYI I am under no obligation whatsoever to continue to do so to comments you make with rather accusatory tones, which in my opinion are not what civilized conversations are made of!

              • 0

                SJ – FYI
                “Post -.Independence developments coupled with the wisdom of hindsight suggest that the Sri Lankan Tamils may have missed golden opportunities by not demanding Federalism during British rule.One reason for the Tamil leadership not opting for a federal north –east then was due to the fact that the Tamil political hierarchy of that time was essentially composed of the Colombo based elite. With Tamils enjoying a larger proportion in prestigious professions, government jobs and commerce in Sinhala areas, the dominant Tamil elite did not want to be confined to the North and East through Federalism. The Tamil leadership perceived the community as being “all – Island” rather than “regional” hence the Tamil Congress was named All Ceylon Tamil Congress.Subsequent events proved how short – sighted this pre-independence belief was.”
                PS: Anymore comments made in the future with unreasonable accusatory tones will not be responded to.

                • 6

                  Write a few more pages if you like.
                  But several claims will remain unsupported.

                  • 0

                    SJ – Your original accusation was that I had not read what Jeyaraj has written. And when I quote him of what he has written you change your position stating its unsupported. What are you really saying. Give me a source that contradict what DBSJ has written and I am happy to accept and change my position.

            • 2


              Yes, the opposition from Ponnambalam was for communal reasons. One of the Hooles has written: ” The Tamil traditionalists had already equated universal suffrage with mob rule and Sinhalese domination. ”


              I have been saying all along here, GG Ponnambalam was the primary instigator of ethnic tension and Hoole agrees:

              “But unlike Ramanathan who was too much a statesman to give offence to the Sinhalese, Ponnambalam showed no reservations on that score. The Youth Congress’ Communalism or Nationalism was a response to Ponnambalam’s 197 page 50-50 speech in 1939, demanding 50 percent representation for the minorities. It describes Ponnambalam’s ‘Nazi style’ propaganda, beguiling the Tamils as an advanced people tracing their origins to Mohenjadaro in the Sindh, and then using innuendo to demean the Sinhalese. ”

              Ponnabalam made an inflammatory speech in 1939 at Nawalapitya, which permanently changed the trajectory of the Youth Congress for the worse and saw the emergence of communal politics. The basis of that speech in 1939 was DMK ideology, very much pervasive in South India at the time. This speech is also the reason for the infamous 1956 “Sinhala-Only”.

              • 0

                Lester – Thanks for the link to the article by Hoole. That’s the impression I too have and it is a one that prevails amongst most Sinhalese too. Let’s see what OC and the others have to say. ;)

              • 5


                “Ponnabalam made an inflammatory speech in 1939 at Nawalapitya, which permanently changed the trajectory of the Youth Congress for the worse and saw the emergence of communal politics. “

                Was that why Two cabinet ministers from Colombo took large number of thugs to Jaffna to burnt down Jaffna Library along with the collection of 95,000 rare books and manuscripts, and organised riots in up country?

                Was that why Sinhala/Buddhists organised riots in 1915, 1958, 1961,1977, 1981, 1983, ….. 2013, …. and wars in 1971, between 1987 and 1991, 30 years to 2009?

                Was that Up Country Tamils were disenfranchised in 1948?

                Is that why Sri Lanka found itself in financial difficulties (bankruptcy due to mismanagement or theft)?

                Ponna’s Nawalapitya speech must have been so powerful it triggered all those above events including the 1915 riots.

                Being a numerically permanent Sinhala/Buddhist majority (you have more stupid people than than the minorities put together) have an inherent problem, whoever elected to office believe they could do anything and getaway from its consequences.

                Sri Lanka has been a failed state for a long time and it still continues as such.
                You should start looking answers within not under Ponna’s a**e who died 47 years ago. The country is being run by Sinhala/Buddhists since its independence (1948).

                You blame Ponna and Vellala for all its ills.
                Are you still sitting on your head?

          • 0

            OC – your friend Vedda says Jane Russell’s distort history. So whom are we to beileve? Jane Russell, Old Codger or Native Veddas versions of hostory?

            • 4

              Jane Russell (BTW, a “she” not a “he”) is perceived by some Tamils to be pro-Sinhala. But in this case it is irrelevant.

              • 0

                OC – Did I say it was a he? If I did it would have been a mistake. In what case? Are you referring to?

                • 2

                  “OC – Did I say it was a he? If I did it would have been a mistake. In what case? “
                  Yes you did .

            • 4


              “So whom are we to beileve? Jane Russell, Old Codger or Native Veddas versions of hostory?”

              Look you don’t have to believe my words, read her book and then tell me how you felt about the content.

              • 0

                NV – You could also recommend the serious work of the serious scholars you referred to. Facts don’t change because of opinions. History can not be viewed through black and white lens. A glass could be half empty and half full at the same time.

    • 7

      “Hence the original call for a separate state once the demand for a 50:50 representation in the Parliament was rejected.”
      That’s a space (1947 to 1976) of 30 years between 50:50 and Vaddukoddai Resolution!!! According to you that 30 years Nothing happened or evolved!!??? READ HISTORY, though your favourite PM and Education Minister decreed against History being in the curriculum and Blackened-out Teaching of History in schools since 1971, fearing that future generations would learn about the Killings of 35,000 youth and the Kelani and Mahaweli Ganga was depositing the Bloodletting along with the sand to the sea at Colombo and Trincomalee!!!
      1948, 1956, 1958, 1974, 1977, 1980 and 1983!!! If you do not have the intellect to understand the significant relevance, then we may accept your submission,
      “call for a separate state once the demand for a 50:50 representation in the Parliament was rejected” as acceptable of an Irrational and Inadequate Mind for cohesive thinking of Issues and forgive your misdemeanours!!!??

    • 2


      “So they could finally reunite with their criminal cousins in Tamil Nadu.”

      I would point out that Tamil Brahmins in India rejected the fake freedom struggle. Under Jayalalitha, the LTTE was and still is a banned terrorist organization in Tamil Nadu. Openly supporting them was a criminal offense. I am not sure why SL Tamils cannot take the same position. Here is an excerpt from an interview:

      Q. What about the Sri Lankan Tamils in the State?
      A. We have already enunciated our policy with regard to Sri Lankan Tamils – refugees and the militants. The LTTE is just another terrorist group and we will deal with the menace as we would with any terrorist organisation.

      Smart lady, she has no hesitation. A terrorist is a terrorist, trying to decipher their ideology is a waste of time, just hunt them down and use them as fertilizer.

      • 0

        Lester – True. But the Tamils seem to rely on Tamil Nadu and India for moral and other support. Hence my particular reference to them in the comment made. The latest is inviting or rather waiting for India to invade Sri Lanka.

    • 4


      “So they could finally reunite with their criminal cousins in Tamil Nadu.”

      Two errors:

      1. I want them to go back to their ancestral Homeland, which is South India.
      2. I want their distant cousins the Sinhala/Buddhists also to go back to their ancestral
      Homeland In South India.

      • 1

        NV – Let’s first reunite the first cousins then we can think of the distant cousins.

  • 2

    I know most of the columnist in Colombo are ignorant. But I never thought they are so stupid to brand Global Tamils Forum (GTF) as the representative of diaspora Tamils.

  • 4

    “Although the Tamil issue still remains unresolved, fortunately for the Tamils as well as other minorities….”

    What exactly is the Tamil issue? One should clearly define the issues before offering solutions. There are safeguards in the (Sri Lankan) constitution that protect the rights of the minorities. One might argue, the PTA and military presence in NE violate these safeguards. The PTA is necessary, as the Easter attacks prove. As I recall, LTTE operatives tried to assassinate Sumanthiran as late as 2018, so the security risks are there. Then there is another issue, if the Tamils get devolution, what about the Muslims? They also deserve something. Now there is another issue that definitely deserves attention. The Muslims who were driven out by the LTTE should be allowed to resettle and offered compensation for their hardship. They were the victims of ethnic cleansing over a decades-long period.

    • 10


      “What exactly is the Tamil issue?”

      It is people like you who believe just because you have numerically more stupid people among the Sinhalese they should be allowed to destroy the island through the parliamentary system.

      The 50:50 mechanism would have prevented stupid people being given absolute power to destroy the island.

      • 0


        Let’s begin with basics. What is the status of a “Vedda” according to Thesawalamai Law?

        • 10

          May I add another issue: What is the status of a “Lester” in Sinhala?

          • 1

            Sinhala is a language, not a set of laws.

            • 5

              Is Sinhala without a grammar?
              I am surprised.

            • 6


              “Sinhala is a language, not a set of laws.”

              The Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
              CHAPTER IV
              18. [(1)]The Official Language of Sri Lanka shall be Sinhala.

              If this is not law what is?

        • 6


          ” What is the status of a “Vedda” according to Thesawalamai Law?”

          What has Thesawalamai Law got to do with “Vedda”?
          You must be suffering from all sorts of inferiority complex, must be feeling very insecure, ……
          Are you looking for assurance from me?
          Please go away, go back to South India, which is your ancestral homeland.
          You might feel very secure under Stalin’s protection.

          • 1


            As I recall, you rejected the Sri Lankan Constitution because it says the State will “safeguard” Buddhism. According to you, this declaration is equivalent to Nuremberg Laws. So I am asking you about the alternative. What kind of law will be applied to a federal state for Tamils? Thesawalamai Law. Under Thesawalamai Law, Sinhalese and Muslims cannot own land in Jaffna. That is not the only discrimination. Caste is also there. If a scholar like Hoole (native of Jaffna) is rejected for VC in this day and age, what will be the outcome for a vedda? Even with 1983, you cannot deny Tamils had it better off under the SB down south than in the casteist prison under Vellala control.

    • 8

      (Part I)
      “Then there is another issue, if the Tamils get devolution, what about the Muslims?”
      Muslims aren’t a Race or Ethnic Divide!!!???
      They are a section of People in Sri Lanka following the ISLAMIC FAITH, instead of following, Buddhism, Hinduism, Borah, Catechism, Parsi, or Jewish faith!! They are classified those following religious faith of ISLAM – Prophesied by Prophet Mohamed, BUT ETHNICALLY CLASSIFIED – TAMIL!!!
      95% are ethnically, “TAMIL ORIGIN”, from Eastern Province (EP), with smaller proportion from Beruwela (WP), Kalpitiya (NWP) etc. They were BY Profession TRADERS and MERCHANTS during the time of Sinhalese Kings and in addition the Malays from Malaya and Sarawak are Royal Guards of Kandyan Kingdom, inhabiting mostly Matale, Akurana!!
      as their race of origin is TAMIL, they should be accommodated in the Northeast Council (NEC) enjoying UNFETTERED EQUAL RIGHTS as Tamils in NEC!!!??? That is their birthright, and none should deny or obscure that right!? Since of late interested parties who practice devious means of Obfuscation TO DERIDE AND CLAIM THEIR HEREDITORY ORIGIN OTHERWISE!!!??? Also, the LTTE action in Kattankudy Mosque Massacre – ABHORRING AND CONDEMNED!!?? There is no space for such action and the Muslims should be welcomed to the fold!!!???

    • 8

      (PART II)
      That is the only way to solve that problem, because the MAJORITY (95%) of THEM FOLLOWING Muslim Faith, speak and communicate within themselves and within their family in TAMIL, None Other!!
      THIS HAS BEEN ELABORATED SINCE AT LEAST 1956!!! 70 LONG YEARS!!! There should be SUPEFLOUS material available in PARLIAMENT ‘ARCHIVES and HANSARD’ – All grievances explained in detail, narrated in colourful Lexicography for any and all to understand!! FULLY AGREE with you, unless one has GOOD understanding and comprehends the PROBLEM and ISSUES NO solutions could be PROFESSED, ADDRESSED AND/OR CAUSE REDRESSED!! NO DISAGREEMENT ON THAT!! Easier Option is LAKE HOUSE PRESS ARCHIVES!!! COMPREHENSIVE from 1931!!??? Apologetically, lack of Space and Time PROHIBITS such exercise herein, therefore will not attempt!!!
      Whilst agreeing with you on the Laws and Statutes, been already in Place for all safeguards – except singular exception being the Rome Statute of the UNHRC being Non-Inclusive for some reason!!!???

    • 7

      (PART III)
      The problem lies with the execution or implementation of the Laws, which LACKADAISICAL, non-compliant selectively in the case of minorities and NOT in an EQUITABLE MANNER – DUE BIASED DECISION MAKING IN THEIR ENFORCEMENT!!!
      Case in Point, Buddhist Priests in eastern and northern Provinces, enter Private Property, have done damage to Property and Persons with impunity, the Police, Grama Sevaka would LOOK ON as if they are viewing some even from the Next EVOLUTION!!?? NO ACTION OR Restraining the Offender!!?? Probably taking cover under Chapter 2 of the Constitutional Provision, though it casts SUPREME POSITION to Buddhism, but they don’t have the Intellect to Understand that doesn’t mean – INCLUDES Buddhist Monks!!?? Poor souls they are forced to REACH BEYOND their Intellectual Capacity in Performing Policeman’s duties!!! What a Comedy and Comical Syndrome!!!???
      This is only one of many thousands, has been amply demonstrated and documented but to no avail – sometimes constrained to feel, whether addressing issues to Nincompoops! Opportunism ‘PERVADES’, Material Issues of concern overlooked – conveniently or otherwise, IGNORED/FORGOTTEN!!!??? Next occasion, One wants to WIN an Election, POP the question, “WHAT exactly is TAMIL issue”??
      The perverse CIRCUS continues obdurate Perfection of Purpose
      Whether that’s Obfuscation is MOOT point!!!???

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