17 February, 2025


Sajith Premadasa Undressed The Liberals And How!

By Malinda Seneviratne

Malinda Seneviratne

The word is used, well, liberally. ‘Liberal’ can be and is used to describe an economic system which takes the ‘market’ as ‘god’, all-loving, all-compassionate, perfect and so on. Then there are people who take the word as a proxy for ‘free’ and ‘freedom,’ as in there are no rules, no bosses, no one with a cane ready to whip your bottom if you do step out of line. Well, no lines either!

In Sri Lanka, though, liberals or rather those who call themselves liberals are a bit different. They do worship markets, they don’t give two hoots about convention and indeed disparage anything that is even remotely associated with convention: norms, values, culture and heritage for example.  Well, Sajith Premadasa seems to have ripped off the liberal facade.


These liberals ranted and raved against corruption and misrule. Sajith Premadasa, Deputy Leader of the UNP (no less!) knows all about his party’s role in the Central Bank bond scam.  He’s ok with it. The liberals are ok with it too.


They used to rant and rave against the likes of Sajin Vaas Gunawardena and Mervin Silva, as many who support Sajith have ranted and raved. Well, Sajith has embraced them, given them party-organizer posts and is quite snug (and smug!) having them share his political stage. They are good boys now. The liberals are ok with all this.


They used to rant and rave against Patali Champika Ranawaka. He was called names: Sinhala Buddhist racist, chauvinist, extremist, war-monger for example. Well, Champika has been promised the prime ministership in the event Sajith wins. Patali is a good boy now. The liberals are ok with him.


Liberals would decry anyone who said things that could be called ‘nationalistic’ or ‘patriotic’. ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel,’ they quoted. Again and again. Well, look who is the chest-beating, feet-stomping patriot now!  Why, it’s Sajith Premadasa. Liberals who were spouting anti-nationalist rhetoric are ok with it now.


Liberals, for a long time, took issue with anyone who talked of the ‘ranaviruvo’ (war-heroes). They made caustic comments about human rights violators not being heroes. They picked up and re-chanted Chandragupta Thenuwara’s contention that the ‘ranaviru gaaya’ (fascination with war heroes) should be buried once and for all. Then, suddenly, Sajith Premadasa beat his chest and said, essentially, that he himself suffers from and is proud about his ranaviru gaaya! The liberals are ok with all this.   


When President Maithripala Sirisena announced that he would implement the death penalty, liberals cried out in horror.  How brutal, how nasty, how uncivilized, how yucky! That’s how they responded. Well then, Sajith Premadasa says he will not hesitate to execute people involved in terrorist activities. This means, by the way, that had he been President at the time the LTTE was defeated, he would have executed some 15,000 LTTE cadres who were either captured or had surrendered to the security forces. The liberals are not saying ‘chee, chee’ now. They are ok with it.


Liberals like to think of themself as champions of rationality and science. Not for them the hocus-pocus of religion (well, they are ok with god-related religions, but that’s another story), palm-reading, crystal-gazing, superstition or astrology. Well then, Kabir Hashim takes out an astrological supplement in the ‘Lankadeepa’ for some Rs 2.3 million. He gets some unheard of astrologers (probably paid them too) and fills it with wild predictions of Sajith winning. The liberals are ok with it.


For decades liberals with even a basic knowledge of economics ranted and raved against the welfare state. They were silent of course about the state subsidizing capital and capital interests, but were livid about handouts and other subsidies. Well then, Sajith Premadasa comes out to play Santa Clause or rather promising to play Santa, saying he will give this, that and the other. No talk of where he’s going to find the bucks. Nothing of the fact that it will be the people who will have to pay for all this. The liberals are ok with it.


Liberals love animals. Especially elephants. They are ok with eating dead animals (chicken, cattle, pigs, fish, crab, prawns, sprats, goats etc). They are ok with dog-shows and horse-races. Now then, Sajith Premadasa wants to sign a declaration on animal welfare and animal rights. He goes for this in a carriage driven by ponies. Liberals are fine with this.


Liberals love trees. They are all for conservation. Protection of protected areas and so on. Well then, Sajith Premadasa stands proudly, arm in arm, with those who have engaged in the wanton destruction of forests. Liberals are ok with this.

The liberals are ok with the following: welfarism, hocus-pocus, capital punishment, ranavirugaaya, scoundrels scampering to their proverbial last refuge, animal cruelty, deforestation, racism, extremism, crooks and theft.

Liberals. Is that an accurate description? Sajith Premadasa has demonstrated that it’s way off the mark. He has stripped them down to their skins. And lo and behold! We find rank conservatives who really don’t believe any of these lovely notions they swear by and claim to champion. Party loyalists. Nothing more.

Sajith Premadasa knows. Champika Ranawaka must know too. Sajith is not exactly endowed with an intellect that’s anywhere close to Champika’s. Ask Champika about liberals, liberalism and what’s under those masks. Ask him if they are bunch of humbugs. He will smile in that sly way he does and change subject with a snide comment. Read it as ‘yes’.

Latest comments

  • 17

    Sorry, couldn’t read every word of the usual rant from someone who obviously has ambitions to invent and maintain Sri Lanka’s Third Reich, with the help of his immediate paternal ancestor when that individual comes rushing out of the woodwork to defend his sonnaboy.
    By the way, have you been able to find the money that you claimed your (now-dead) female friend had told you I’d got from the British? Assumed also that, in a fit of generosity, you’d be prepared to share some of that moolah with me.
    Or have you been too busy concocting rubbish for those you expect will soon be able, again, to pay you your stipend?

    • 2

      Emil Aiyya,

      What about those two Private Secs of your beloved Democracy , Honesty and Integrity, peddler UNP Ministers, Dr Harin and Dr Jayamapathy , getting busted by Yahapalana Police for distributing Mud Newsletters?

      At least this Journalist writes facts in this esteemed Web Site.
      He does not send his servant boys to deliver those UNP Mud Leaflets to Temples and poor Villagers Homes…

      Did you get any in your Neighborhood?.
      Or are they all hard core Elite, who are now in Keselwatta Kid’s UNP?

      • 3

        “this journalist” ?. You got to be kidding….. Your “journalist” gave an affidavit in support of the journalist killer in the case filed by Lasantha’s daughter to bring the journalist murderer to justice.

    • 1

      Hail Gota!
      Bring him back soon. Give us our land back.

    • 6

      Malinda Seneviratne
      has used the word liberal liberally without understanding the great depth of insight or the the contribution of Liberals throughout the history.

      He prefers living in dark ages than in an enlightened era and world.

      If not for Liberalism he and his family would still be tied to serfdom, enslaved under feudalism, ……………… living in a economic system that is inefficient, recurring shortages for food, medicine, bicycle tyres, lack of innovation and still be having rice porridge three or four times of the day if lucky, ……………………………

      Can someone take him back to dark ages and leave him there where …………….. no democracy, ….

    • 7

      Another Rajapaksa lackey.

    • 2

      Mr. Emil van der Poorten,
      Mr. Estate Labourer,
      Mr. ajith,
      Can’t you all at least try to counter some arguments………..
      Without trying to point your finger to Sun and Moon and crying foul……..

      • 5

        S. C. Pasqual

        “Without trying to point your finger to Sun and Moon and crying foul……..”

        The Awakened one also pointed to the Sun and Moon in relation to Truth.
        Read his quote: “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth”.

        Why are you so upset about the sun, the moon, and the truth?

  • 11

    Is that free laptop computer you got from MaRa in good order and working condition still? If GoRa is elected president you can get it replaced with the latest high-tech model. Really worth ingratiating yourself with that party.

    • 3

      Will all the shortcomings of “Liberalism” will be overcome by electing a well known serial-killer?

      Is the panacea for “Liberalism” ………. mass murder?

      Only in the sunny isle of paradise full of ………. subpar IQ79 -1 “intellectuals!”

      Harvard, notwithstanding ……. should have gone to MIT and done a challenging discipline. :))

      Truth is stranger than fiction!!

  • 5

    Well-written and so true!

    Liberalism is indeed a disease!!

  • 11

    I thought free laptop liberal Malinda is already in USA to sign the agreement for Gota to sell the USA and get his free insurance of Rs. 1 billion. We have not forgotten the period of robbery and wholesale selling of Srilanka during the period of 2005 to 2009 by Mahinda Family.

  • 5

    Good One , Buddy..

    When Mr Poorten says he couldn’t read it . I knew it was all true .

    Anyway one question, mate.

    Is Telling the Truth and acting , sorry, I should say behaving accordingly part of this Liberalism and the forte of UNP Liberals?.

    Because the Colombo Media exposed the latest UNP Heavy Artillery attack on Nandasena as one of the biggest Porkies in Srilankan History
    Which is even bigger than the Porkies which Dr Ranil’s UNP dished out in 2015.

    The White Van Driver and the LTTE Gold courier, whom the Heavy UNP Minister Dentist Rajitha rolled out in front of the Colombo Media to fire the Salvos at Nandasena were wearing fake Beards and fake Ray Bans.

    Now Minister Rajitha apparently is desperately trying to smuggle them out of the country..

    BTW , the Beard which both were wearing looked exactly like our Wahabi bro Zaharan’s Beard..
    Wonder whether it is just a coincidence?…

    • 4

      If idiocy was funny, you’d be comedian of the year. Fortunately for the rest of the world, it isn’t and you will continue as, perhaps, the biggest idiot being printed in CT.

    • 3

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      When and why did Malinda become another of your Mango Friend?

      “Now Minister Rajitha apparently is desperately trying to smuggle them out of the country..”

      Probably Namal Baby is helping them escape.
      Namal used to operate a luxury liner to carry refugees/bogus asylum seekers from Down South to Down Under with the help of the Sri Lankan Navy until Australians caught the defense secretary the national hangman by his b***s.

  • 3

    Nakedness of so called liberals (and they are not liberals)……………Remember the fake yahapalanaya? All of them are together again with a slight variation with JVP (we might still see now pink coloured AKD making a somersault). The very reason why Sajith needs to be defeated (because HE is FAKE).

    • 2


      We know you love to live in two worlds, one there is no democracy the other in modern world enjoying the modern inventions, amenities, ……….. internet, computer, ….modern mode of travelling, medicine ………….. media, …. voting system.

      Aren’t you a stupid moron?

  • 3

    The credibility and motivations of this writer need to be questioned. A rational, enlightened, sensible, level-headed, balanced, impartial and intelligent journalist will not stoop to such low levels! So I guess this writer does not possess any of these attributes attached to a respected and credible journalist? It’s suggested this Journalist attends a ‘refresher course’ on authentic journalism and be educated and enlightened!

  • 3

    The concept of liberal vs conservative does not really apply to Sri Lanka.
    In the west most white liberals will go out of their way to accomodate minorities.
    Not so in Sri Lanka where the vast majority of sinhalese are communal minded racists. Including the rich sinhalese who live in colombo, eat at american restaurants, watch american tv and drive around in german cars. These same liberals will also put on white garments and go to the vihara weekly and have buddha statues in their homes and car dashboards.
    These same so called ‘liberal’ sinhalese are the cause of the recent drama in the peppermint cafe in colombo. A place where only the rich Sri Lankans afford to eat regularly. Some of them had complained to the muslim owner that tamil staff working there were speaking to each other in tamil in front of them. A sign was then put up saying speaking tamil inside the cafe was prohibited. This kind of behaviour would not be tolerated in a western country and any business owner who did it would be in serious trouble. Thats the difference between liberals in the west and so called ‘liberals’ in Sri Lanka.
    Sri Lanka is not by any stretch of the imagination a ‘liberal’ country just because some of its population act westernized in the cities.

  • 3

    Malinda Seneviratne is basically a more sophisticated version of HLD Mahindapala.

  • 3

    malinda was also very very liberal when he shamelessly signed an affidavit for GR to produce in the U.S courts. “shankar” can tell us more about his Jekyll Hyde personality. Three-Faced journos like malinda are an absolute disgrace.

  • 2

    If a writer is to gain any credibility, he must improve his writing style to be consistent with what readers can benefit from while informing, engaging and inspiring them. I do not see that happening in this article. The writer has brought forth a word “Liberal” and vainly attempted to apply it sarcastically against a contender for the Prez position. It almost appears as though the other contender has no such affiliation with liberalism, being an American citizen for many decades.

  • 0

    Undressed in broad daylight…….

    • 2

      S. C. Pasqual

      “Undressed in broad daylight…….”

      Not really, it is the aspiring emperor’s “New Clothes”.

  • 3

    Another Rajapaksa lackey.

  • 0

    While greatly appreciating the effort of the writer I would like to point the followings.
    Liberalism –
    Evolved from teachings of Philosopher John Locke which says each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property and government, society or religion must not violate these rights.
    Muslim society have their own lines, Buddhist society have theirs…… To prosper Buddhists must learn to respect Muslim society lines. And other way around too…
    Another simple way of putting it is Although I don’t smoke…. And I might against smoking………. But I must respect the rights of the smoker.
    Economic liberalism –
    Evolved from teachings of Adam Smith (An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776)) advice minimum interference of government in a market driven economy, and it did not necessarily oppose the state’s provision of basic public goods or welfare.
    Basically in theatrical liberal economy decisions are made by individuals or households rather than by collective institutions or organizations.

  • 1

    S. C. Pasqual

    Do you really understand liberalism, free market economy, economic liberalism, …… planned economy, free loaders, …. invisible hand, how price mechanism works, … how consumer surplus is distributed, …. choices, ….. market efficiency, decision making, monopoly and profit maximisation….?

    • 0

      No…… I don’t.
      I don’t understand how my car engine works. But that doesn’t stop me from driving it everyday to work.

      • 1

        S. C. Pasqual

        “No…… I don’t.
        I don’t understand how my car engine works. But that doesn’t stop me from driving it everyday to work.”

        If that is the case why did you plagiarize from others?

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