12 February, 2025


Save Democracy From Two-Thirds Disaster

By Lucien Rajakarunanayake

Lucien Rajakarunanayake

President Donald Trump, whose nonsense about the spread of Covid-19 in the US, is now using the major disaster it has caused, to get the coming presidential election postponed, with less than 100 days left.

In Sri Lanka that has so far tackled Covid-19 effectively, saw our Elections Commission postpone the General Election by more than 3 months, and is now moving to the polls – with just three days more.

Campaigning is fast moving to the close. The rival parties and alliances are readily violating the crowd control limits on the Covid threat, and rushing with the cheap parades of promises to the voters to grab a parliamentary majority. The issue that has become the core of electoral politics is the Two-thirds Majority. 

The Podujana Peramuna – Pohottuva – campaign has the Two-thirds as its demand from the voters. They want the victory that President Gotabaya Rajapaksa obtained in the Presidential Election last November, to be even bigger, to wholly manage the Parliament. Issues of a fast shrinking economy, rise of unemployment, fall of tourism and all related crises are ignored in the call for two-thirds in parliament.

With the main political rival of the Pohottuva – the UNP is so hugely divided, as the Elephant trails hanging on to the wire of the Telephone. Ranil Wickremesinghe uses courtroom judgments to bolster a hugely weakened party, and the Sajith Premadasa team is twisted with a range of unreal promises. The JVP-led alliance of the NPP, having better thinking and good people, is much further behind in the overall national politics. This gives the Rajapaksas a clear lead — but their search for Two-thirds is putting that lead into major doubt, in majoritarian politics. 

The theme of the Rajapaksas is the Sinhala-Buddhist dominance, which saw the huge majority that Gotabaya Rajapaksa obtained to be president. The Sinhala-Buddhists are certainly more than two-thirds in the overall population and  the electoral registers too. But, is this workable  in an election based on Proportional Representation or PR? 

As the campaigns draw to a close there is the need to think more of Democracy, than any of the big players in this campaign are willing to allow. The electoral process is the fabric of democracy. We have seen a shift from ‘first-past-the post (FPTP)’ to the PR system. And, we have also seen the major threats to Democracy from the two-thirds result.

The two last elections under FPTP in 1970 and 1977 saw the dangers of two-thirds power. Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike who led the United Left of the SLFP-LSSP-CP to power in 1970, used the two-thirds to extend the term of that parliament from five to seven years – with the next election coming in 1977 and not 1975. That was the two-thirds at play. The also saw the abolition of the Civil Service that did a lot for clean administration, and replaced it with the Administrative Service – which has led to the dominance of political (and even family related) appointees, with the current shift to those in present and retired uniforms to drive the government. 

The 1977 election –  held two years later – saw the huge victory of JRJ led  UNP, getting a five-sixth majority. JRJ would have benefitted much from the earlier polls delay. That huge majority brought the new Executive Presidency, which showed the dangers of such electoral majorities. JRJ used that majority to postpone the next general election by six years! The new constitution axed the powers of parliament, giving huge dominance to the President. It saw the enabling of cross-overs in parliament, and did away with the process  of by-elections. 

These two results give sufficient proof of the dangers of a two-thirds result in electoral politics. The crude behaviour of MPs in parliament, the loading of allowances, luxury vehicles, and bill payments of MPs also followed the two-thirds result. Parliament was not the voice of the people, but the voice of those in power, and none other.

The issue before the voters in just four days time – is that of the Two-thirds Majority and nothing else. To refuse it, is to give more strength to Parliament and Democracy.

The Pohottuva has big talk about removing the 19th Amendment – passed by a two-thirds obtained with inner-parliamentary understanding, and not an electoral majority. The majority of those in the Pohottuva parliamentary team before dissolution, voted for it. There was only one opponent, with a few absentees. SLFP/Joint Opposition leaders and members , left party leaders and members, UNP leaders and members and the minority Tamil and Muslim party leaders and members all voted for it. Such understanding is the core value of a two-thirds parliamentary majority.

The 19A does need amendments – that will need two-thirds. But one must not forget that it was 19A that reduced the presidential term to five years from six, and importantly brought back the presidential terms of office to two – and not any number that Mahinda Rajapaksa brought in, after the victory over the Tamil Tigers, and a purchased and promoted two-thirds majority in parliament. 

Do the big callers for a Two-thirds want to bring back an unlimited term presidency? Just look at many African and Latin American dictatorships – with often violent elections. Should the independence of the Judiciary and the many Commissions such as Elections, Police, Human Rights etc be removed and brought back under presidential dominance? That is what Mahinda Rajapaksa did.

These are the issues of Two-thirds politics today. We must remove faults in 19A such as the so-called National Government mockery, and give more strength to the independence of commissions, as well as the Judiciary.  The need is to elect candidates, from whatever party or independent group, who  will move in that direction, and not those who seek to undermine Democracy and People’s Power through a Two-thirds grab. 

Let us think of electing members to parliament who will be ready to cut or slash MP’s pensions; give them official vehicles, where necessary, not not duty free luxuries; cut down their holiday payments on so-called parliamentary necessity; stop those who will use privilege to seek medical attention abroad; stop giving spouses, children, nephews and nieces employment under parliamentary privilege…. The list goes on!

Fighting the call for a Two-thirds majority is fighting for Democracy. 

The fight to save and build Democracy is one that needs constant action. Let the coming election be one such big fight. 

Latest comments

  • 29

    Dear Buddhist Sinhala Voters,
    You all are told by SLPP that only Mahinda Family can protect you from LTTE terrorism, Islamic Terrorism, selling the country to America and Western countries and India.
    Who is Former Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranaiyake: Was she a LTTE Terrorist or Islamic Terrorist? No, She is a Sinhala Buddhist.
    Who is Lasantha?Was he a LTTE Terrorist or Islamic Terrorist? No, He is aBuddhist Sinhala. who wrote about a corruption deal by politician as a journalist?
    Who is Shirani Abeyasekara? Was he a LTTE Terrorist or Islamic Terrorist? No, He is a Buddhist Sinhala, Chief CID of Srilanka?
    Who is Sarath Fonseka? Was he a LTTE Terrorist or Islamic Terrorist? No he is Buddhist Sinhala, Military commander who lead the war with LTTE and defeated LTTE.
    Why they have been investigated, arrested or jailed or murdered? Are these helped to win the war with LTTE. All this happened after LTTE defeated. Then why, they did their duty for the country. But now what is happening is revenge taking of officials who worked for a government elected by you Buddhist Sinhala in 2015. Former President Sirisena was your choice, Ranil was your choice. But Both Sirisena and Ranil are safe but not you or civil servants are not safe.

    • 20

      Dear Friends,
      Please look at the picture. Pictures worth thousand words.
      All these three men are alleged high criminals
      Mahinda has broken all records of the criminals in srilanka during the last 15 years. Only excuse is his term was destined to terminate the 30 year old CIVIL war – this excuse has become the tool him to misleading propaganda to easy targets of the island nation.
      His brother, who is now incumbent president, has done nothing during last 9 months, after becomiing the president, and his criminals records are public secret, however, Mahinda s FAKE adulation paved Gotabaya to become the president.


      Sirisena GOYYA is the kep person to be blamed for EASTER SUNDAY attack which killed 300 innocient worshippers.
      That and the manner he abused his power during his term paved the way Bitch s sons to return to power and ruin this nation. I have no doubt, if current leadershiop worked on the benefit of the people, they could easily contain the SPREAD of VIRAL infection in the island nation. : Today, they have been ruining this country thinking people are stupidier than appeared to be.

      • 1

        Dear Friends,
        Please watch the video below


        I believe at least this time, more of JVPrs would get chances to represent the nation in Parliament.

      • 4

        Addressing ‘friends’?
        In this country, there are worse brother duos (parasitic ganja smoking bastards) much worse than the Rajapaksa brothers.
        So they must learn not to bark up the wrong tree!

        • 3

          Pinbatha or Pinguththaya,
          Do you have any idea about what you have been bubbling ?
          Rajakashes are the threat to srilanka and its future. Basta. Just imagine what the bitch s sons have done for the nation during the last 9 months though came with numerous pledges to the voters ?
          All like minded countries have given conessions to its people, but OUR bitch s sons kept those funds for the election campaigns. How many among the rural srilankens go through unexpected hardships today, being unable to manage for their 3 meals ? All thanks and curses go to Rajakshes becasue they are the ones who made the nation eternal debtors to CHINESE investors.
          Ethiopia or the like countries capitalized by CHINESE INVESTMENT INJECTION, but our idiots and their likeminded fellow leaders in Maldives, Uganda, Angola and Nigeria were caught by chinese debt trap number one.
          Thanks to the savings of former govt, Rajakshes will be able to PAY off the huges loans – which is making up of 5 billions of US dollars this year, but what will be after that ? All these loans and current wastages will be accumulated to the future, and the country wNOT be able to raise its head in the months to come with Rajakshes politics.

      • 1

        Let’s face it, there is a large percentage of those stupid people, who have justified, and accepted, all Rajapaksa crimes, from the killing of Lasantha, corruption, killing of civilians who protested their contaminated water, racism, war criminals being pardoned, and some given top jobs (ensuring these goons are in a place of prominence to kill if necessary), the white vans, charges against the present president for various crimes including corruption mysteriously vanishing, and so on. Only fools will think those who have committed crimes before will suddenly reform and become decent human beings.
        The Rajapaksa’s have shown openly that they are dragging this country into an authoritarian state, and these stupid voters are giving them the green light to do so. Sri Lankans are asking for trouble, they’d better be careful what they wish for.

        Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

    • 6

      Ajith : “Dear Buddhist Sinhala Voters,”

      As I understand from two wise men who post frequently in CT your appeal should be addressed to Sinhala Buddhist voters!
      or more precisely “Sri Lanka Sinhala Buddhist voter”

    • 7

      Agree Rajapaksas are just plain crooks with no regard for anyone.

      However your arguments fall apart.

      None of those people or other parties threaten to exterminate Tamil terrorists nowadays. Rajapaksas do. That is their appeal.

      • 3

        I thought has been successfully decimated in Nanthikadal in 2009. In 2020, why are we talking about LTTE.
        I am at a loss here

        • 3

          LTTE Sri Lanka Chapter was decimated in Nathikadal. But according to see eye a the International Chapter is still operational despite the ban imposed by several countries.
          The ghosts of LTTE cadres who are listed as ‘Missing’ are roaming around the world.

        • 1

          not rajakashes but collectivity succeeded but as is the case always with Rajapakshes, they ate the full cake by their own. THa tis the nation of high criminals. But today, people are – more o fthem are realizing it. Rajapakshes would do anything over the dead bodies if it is to gain power for them.
          Now not even COVID is well contained in the country compared to like minded nations such as VIETNAM, MYanmar, Nepal or those far poor afro nations, but they abuse srilanken MAIN stream media to miselead the easy targets having said they did it to the top.
          I think LANken MEDIA should react NEUTRAL taking the side of the public than being in favour of Rajapkshes rascals.

          Today the situation before us – WHAT HAVE THEY ACHIEVED for the people after grabing the power from GA;MARALA-Ranil GOVT ?
          Can we srilankens be happy of the way Rajakshes settle anything in the country today ?

          • 1

            let me correct my typo above. That is the nature of high criminals of Rajaakshes.
            See today, calling ” ape hamudurwane”; bitches sons promote Christianity within his family. Meaning this is number one hoodwinking tactics of the Rajapakshes bitch s sons. Not weeks ago, their grand child was baptized insisting sinhala buddhism. What a shameful bugger Mahinda should be, him to think that people are stupdier than appeared to be. My granny told me then, balla would never change his nature, … even if he would be trained well… that has nothing to do with training but his genetics. The very same is valid to Mahinda BP.
            Where the numbers of GULLIBLE MASSES are high, these vicious men live up their propensitites (power greediness and power intoxications) easily. Mahinda Rajakshe should be punished by DIVINE forces sooner than later if this nation to breathe in properly.

    • 2

      There is a difference between a ‘Sinhala Buddhist’ and a ‘Sinhala Buddhist Traitor’.

      • 3

        Demented head Eagle Eye aka BP from Down under@

        Rajapakshes are the biggest sinhala buddhist traitors.
        That is becoming clear to everyone but not to you the kind of born bps that would not contrue the little about the danger being made by those rascals today. 9 months passed since bps returned to power, not a single pledge made to the gullible is fulfilled, but their only excuse has been COVID- CRISIS.
        Those who know it well, not even COVID crisis is not well managed though LOCAL media handled by RAJAPKSHE rascals, continue their self proclamations on the issue.
        I think Nepal, Vietnam and several countries could claim to have managed the CONTAINMENT of COVID within their soils much better than our bps did it. Today, being speechless before the very same nation, asking a 2/3 majority to ruin this nation further is a joke.
        Besides, BPs en joyed more than two thirds majority in the high days of MR s second term, but it ended up being rejected not only by the nation but also international community. To that time, SWAZILAND, Belarus and Angola were the only coutnries BPs were associating with. Remember ? Dumb head ? Leave us in peace, our issue is to stand against Rajaakshe family politics and save this nation from Rajapakshe politics. We should all equally against BPs in order to protect this nation.

    • 3

      Dear VOTERS,
      please think twice before going to just vote for Rajakshse representatives. They would not do anything as promised, but do lot more good work to the looting tactics as had been in the high days of MR totalitarian govt.
      We should not forget it when going to vote for their candidates in the upcoming election.

      If previous GOVT failed to implement 19 Amendment, brother duo would have ruled to the very same manner they proved prior to 2015. They have failed to do so, because the power of the independent commissions being introduced by 19A.
      Gota’s fake ABILITIES are becoming clear to the nation today, with nothing is achieved to be treated with WOW effect sofar.
      Even a DOWN Syndrome patient, so long he stays not opening his mouth, others would feel that the guy is intelligent, That is the GROUND REALITY of the ablities of Gotabaya Rajakshe.
      He or any former army man could do some work as a PUBLIC servant, so that should not be interpreted as he could make wonders to Lanken POLITICS being a real good leader.

  • 13

    Lucien, what you avoided mentioning are impunity from 1)white vanning 2)political murders 3)family corruption 4) bribes from foreign deals 10% 5) Low and Odor under family rule 6) ability to get rid of CJ overnight 7) legally harass opposition on made up charges 8) horse trading, breaking down opposition so that there is none, extending term for life 9) pardon and free murderers and other serious offenders 10) suppress free media . ——the list goes on . In conclusion say bye to democrazy.

    • 1

      10% you must be joking

      • 2

        Guys in ‘Yahapalana’ Government increased that to 30 to 40%.

    • 5

      Still better than ‘Jadapalana’ traitors who:
      • Robbed the CB two times.
      • Allowed a main culprit of ‘Bond Scam’ to escape.
      • Co-sponsored the UNHRC resolution accepting that our Armed Forces committed War Crimes.
      • Gave Hambantota Port to China for ‘Peanuts’.
      • Agreed to give East Terminal in Colombo port to India and Japan.
      • Signed ACSA and SOFA without getting approval from the Parliament.
      • Ruined the Intelligence Service.
      • Slept until Muslim terrorists blew up churches and hotels.
      • Wasted billions of tax payers’ money to draft a new Constitution with Federal features to please Tamil Diaspora and Terrorist National Alliance.
      Just to name a few.

  • 6

    19A Good ones
    Presidents term 5 years and can only contest twice
    Constitutional council and appointment of key position with less political stooges
    preventing dissolution of parliament by president till four years
    19 A mistakes
    Defense ministry should be under the president as a leader of the country
    Giving two much power to the PM – that power should be delegated to the cabinet
    Joke of national goverment
    ability to president to parden convicted murderers

    Why Sir, King, family and slaves need 2/3
    prevent any legal action against abuse of law
    increase family wealth by billions
    suppress political opponents and workers rights
    Get Vas and Duminda out of jail and put Shani in to the prison

  • 4

    Hopefully, with the aid of all the good god’s sanity not vanity will be instilled into the heads of the now in poverty struggling even to eat one little basic meal per day will do the right thing for the wellbeing of the present and future generations.
    The Kalla kallathoni fraud of a war criminal is only a BULLY who only knows to rule by taking autocratic draconian decisions whilst sitting shitting on his NO-BRAINER of an only stone head.
    On the other hand, his older brother who’s only living on this planet for money power cum status greedily desires to behead te present president once he has his way with the 2/3rd majority and then continue to further bankrupt the already a fine Rajapuka creation the world’s most sound strongest of them all beggar colony.
    After he achieves his primary aim to soil the planet he will take the necessary formulas to rule this Kota Uda beggar’s colony with his half-caste kidnapped at gunpoint concubine of a wife to be followed by his 3 misfits corrupt to the core doubtful of caste sons of the low breed and their by-products additions.
    This will the happenings for years to come.

  • 14

    The President has shown his true colours by ridiculing Sinhalese Heritage.
    His own words are proof that he has instructed Kurunegala mayor to destroy a heritage building in the premises of a Royal Assembly Hall built by King Buvanaikabahu-II.
    The main reason for Buddhists to elect Gotabhaya was to protect Sinhalese Buddhist heritage. Today he is doing the exact opposite.
    His move to seek the opinion of the Cabinet with regard to Gunaruwan Report despite its negative assessment shows that he is actually seeking the concurrence of the Cabinet to move ahead with the MCC. This is again the exact opposite of what Buddhists expected. What guarantee do people have that he will not misuse the 2/3 for this treachery?
    Moreover, Rajapaksas have now changed their tune to justify selling our assets such as, the Eastern Terminal of the Colombo Port to India.
    The President’s inhuman treatment of the stranded Sri Lankans in the Middle East, mainly Sinhalese Buddhists, is another shock to those who have elected him.
    Under the circumstances, granting him 2/3 majority will see SriLanka an era of terror and tyranny.
    I suggest Sinhalese Buddhists “boycott the election” until Rajapaksas come to their senses.
    Sinhalese should show the President that they are not slaves to endorse his U-turn.

    • 2

      They forget all that when racism is aroused. Rajapaksa election campaign has been racism and nothing else. No other party contests in the racism domain against Rajapaksas. They have a monopoly. Just like TNA.

    • 2

      Dear Champa,
      It is the fake perception came into being in the lanken society made him the president.
      I was surprised by being listened to a video clip in which INCUMBENT PRESIDENT saying that Buwanekabahu is the son of the a businessman or something like that even if archaeological factual information prove well that the ancient building that was demolished by a bitch’s son of POHOTOTTUWA but neglecting its historial value.
      A man who has done nothing as the president for the last 9 months to hurt the turmoiled nation on the outrageous acts of ALCOHOL JONNIE’s men, is beyond all ethics and morals. All these were predicted by average people in this country prior these rascals being back to power. There were no ROYAL astrologists but that was the common sense of the people, if Rajakshes woudl be back to LOOT, the ywould do anything and everything to the core.
      Now the consequences are seen and before the people#S eyes and ears.

  • 5

    Those days all opposition Parties named the UNP as “Common Enemy – Podu Sathura). Now the whole country should realise who the CE is. Sajith, Anura, Nagananda and Pallewatte should have joined together to defeat the CE. There are no big differences in their policies – to make a joint front. And also whatever the policies are they won’t achieve anything if they are in the opposition in a authoritarian regime.

  • 1

    Mr. Lucian Rajakarunanayake: You say: “The JVP led alliance of NPP having better thinking and good people is much further behind in the overall national politics”. Better said than done. Can you tell why NPP is much further behind? If they are “Better Thinking” and “Good” why at least the so-called “Intellectuals” (people of your type) and other “Better Thinking & Good people rally round that political outfit and campaign to bring the to govern the country? Why there is no dialogue on that in political discussions and media? We talk of chasing away all the 225 MPs. We pray that the Parliament building is submerged in Diyawannawa. We pray a Thunder and Lightening strike it. But, what we do? We are engaged in a non-ending struggle to bring back the “SAME” and their “GOONS” into that building. Even the “Intellectuals” have organized and work hard to achieve that goal. Why can’t we get REAL and usher in a CHANGE? Can you please write an essay in answer to that question. Thank you.

  • 1

    Power corrupts and two thirds majority will create absolute corruption of all democratic norms. Any amendments to the 19th Amendment must be done with the support of the opposition. The elected President should be the Minister of Defence and the Commander in Chief.

  • 2

    Why didn’t SJB ask the voters for 2/3?


  • 3

    Rajapakses are asking for two thirds majority to form a stable Government to face the new challenges the country is facing after COVID-19 and tackle the issues that he mentions. This guy cannot understand that simple truth.

    “Issues of a fast shrinking economy, rise of unemployment, fall of tourism and all related crises are ignored in the call for two-thirds in parliament.”

    • 2

      Demented Eagle Evil BP,
      They are asking 2/3 majority in PARLIAMENT is to abuse the STATE funds again, perhaps going beyond the levels MR achieved by 2015. Thanks to Good governance, govt, whoever whatever said today, now the nation is hung on Independent Election commission. Thanks to that commission only, people were rescued from Covid CRISIS to some extent. If there were no such bodies implemented by PREVIOUS govt, Rajakashes high criminals would have let people be dead to the manner experienced in the EASTER SUNDAY disaster but went for their holding elections already at the end of April.
      Once they decimated innocient tamil srilankens and then again did the same in the aftermath of the post civil war, with numbers in media journalists being driven away from the country, but today, they have been struggling to escape from the various numerous high crime investigations being in the power. Only latter purpose, thse bastards are asking for more .. not for anything else.
      Demented men of Eagle Eye nature would do anything and everything since they dont grasp the little about the HUGE danger before the nation today.

    • 3

      Eagle Eye
      You don’t need 2/3rd to form a stable government. Day to day running can be achieved with a simple majority. You as well as others ( especially Mahinda and co) know the reason for 2/3rd is to change the constitution, to enable rajapakse to be president for life, like in China. So don’t bullshit. BTW how is your Demulu wife is she able to support you well?

    • 3

      It appears that because you are too old or some other reason you cannot understand that sentence. You believe others are failing to understand your bosses.
      The first part of the sentence with 100% accuracy telling the Sinhala Buddhists’ Problems( though it did not say it was the ignored Tamils problem causing all those.) Second part is even more accurate; royals are not talking about how to correct, but planning to aggravate by seeking 2/3 to change constitution into dictatorship. Why would the Sinhalese want a dictator constitution? They are believing the non existing Tiger is going to come. So they feel secured by having installed a dictator government, it would use full military force for it its purposes, not listening to non exiting opposition.
      Best wishes!

  • 2

    A colossal 7452 candidates are contesting for the 225 seats in Parliament.!!!

    3652 who are contesting from political parties
    3800 from independent groups.

    A total of 196 MPs will be elected, while 29 will be appointed from the National List. (CK)

    The population of Sri Lanka is circa 21 million.
    I am not sure how many are eligible to vote
    on the basis of population alone 1 candidate for every 2800 people.
    on the basis of number of seats 33 candidates for every seat.
    excluding preferential seats 38 candidates contesting 1 seat
    Surely this must be a world record.
    more than that this shows how dire state of the country.

    • 2

      this may show democracy is alive and kicking in Sri Lanka but also shows the challenge to the voters !

  • 3

    What has been forgotten is that these politicians are actually your servants. You put them in power to run the country on your behalf, just as shareholders appoint company directors for a year. Once in power these servants start ruling you! After robbing you blind and getting all their yakko relatives jobs as your driver, cook and watcher, the servant now wants to make himself king. He wants to replace you. Excuse my rj1952 language.
    Would you put up with that from your servant? Not bloody likely, you’d kick the bugger out. Now think up your choicest expletives and send these thieves back to their villages, unless you really want to be their servants……forever.

    • 2

      Stanley: One such servant you referred to just returned “THREE LUXURY VEHICLES” that were allocated to in her capacity as an “Ex-President”. Another such is living in a”Palace” that she has been made to “Entitle” as the surviving wife of a deceased “President”. Another two “Ex-Presidents” have been allocated two other “Palaces” for living. One of them decided for himself what type of a “Palace” he should get. They even “FEED” themselves at the expense of the taxpayers. All these in addition to “Security” contingent, office, staff, and another host of expenses. Don’t you think it is better to be a “SERVANT” than a “MASTER”? That is why the “STRUGGLE” is for. The same perhaps in a lessor but in a lucrative style applies to all those 225, we wish to kick out. Unless and until this “CULTURE” is abolished, no hope for Sri Lanka.

      • 3

        Simon you are right. It is not only the fault of these thieves, our voters too are to blame. Their attitude to the politicians is one of a subject to his king. This has been part of their culture since ancient times. They should develop a healthy disrespect and suspicion of all politicians.
        On the other hand, they can only vote for the parties presented to them.

    • 1

      Wow, Stanley my man,
      You have got your pecker up into an erection mode.?
      glad that before it late than ever the likes of you have woken up from a deep slumber of a nap to realise how bad criminal and corrupt your deities the might less about to get a painful whipping Rajapuka gang ganankarraya IRC’s.
      Except for 3 or 4 blind loyal hypocrite petty racists they are venom to major subscribers and readers of this well established prestigious webpage.
      Change colours my good man change and become a lovable member of the winning gang.

  • 1

    How is the fighting against 2/3 going to save Lankawe? Last time (December 2018) Whole Sinhala Buddhist were stimulated; they took to road; Royals saw their market sliding; then they resigned; Democracy was saved. Then how did it come to this situation? Ranil was a partner in 4/21. Every minister and many MPs did know but protected the secret. So now people want back the “Jack the Giant Slayer”.
    Modayas just vote. It is not easy to explain them the difference between. 1/2, 2/3 or even 4/5. If had somebody open enough to camping against Royals saying that 42 people in them are accused War Criminals or one Sinhala Theater owner had taken the risk of showing all “Killing Fields” movies this would not have happened.
    I tell a (real)tragedy, though it was somebody’s pain. A father goes out to work. Mother almost whole day round the village, leaving aged daughter home alone, return at last minute. They did know many men (good & bad) come in search of father in day time. One day the girl gave a birth to a child. The father and mother rolled in sand that was lying in front of the house, to repair it, throwing it in their mouths. The neighbors watched the show did not feel sorry, but said they both should eat stomach full of it. Sinhala Intellectuals should have gut to take responsibility for what happened from 1948.

  • 2

    Eagle, still doing comparison study between bad and the worse. Keep it up. Who stole more ???? Who killed more ????, Who is corrupted more ????? Looks like 70 years of Lankan politics have produced men of your caliber.

    • 1

      I in honour of his cheap vile petty racist Tamil fornicating frustrated eager-less puntak is nothing but one of the globe’s biggest hypocrites and a ponniah.
      As for me if I was conducting myself similar to him I would have begged borrowed or even stole one of Velu Annais much potent cyanide capsule and made myself a persona non grata from this wonderful earth.
      He has no self-respect a mommas coward who will hide under his Tamil wife’s underskirt rather than fight back.
      A born disgusting disgrace of a YAKKO.

  • 1

    I in honour of his cheap vile petty racist Tamil fornicating frustrated eager-less puntak is nothing but one of the globe’s biggest hypocrites and a ponniah.
    As for me if I was conducting myself similar to him I would have begged borrowed or even stole one of Velu Annais much potent cyanide capsule and made myself a persona non grata from this wonderful earth.
    He has no self-respect a mommas coward who will hide under his Tamil wife’s underskirt rather than fight back.
    A born disgusting disgrace of a YAKKO.

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