Scottish Referendum: A Revolution, Yes, But No Blood Will Be Shed
Emotions will run high in the referendum but we won’t see armed militia in the Highlands if the cause of independence is lost
What will history call the movement for Scottish independence if there is a Yes vote next September? The Czechs have already claimed “velvet revolution” and we can’t just refer to our big moment as “The Campaign for an Independent Scotland”. More than a few of us, of course, would like the nationalists to adopt a more aggressive attitude in rebuffing the campaign of disinformation being sewn by the unionists. The fact remains though that the Scottish revolution (and that’s exactly what it is) will go down in history as the most peaceful and reasonable of modern times.
Read more in the Guardian
Sanjay Karuna / September 3, 2013
“Scottish Referendum: A Revolution, Yes, But No Blood Will Be Shed”
Yes David Cameron, no blood will be shed. But you have no threat like Sri Lanka has, from the North. TamilNadu is waiting to hoist their flag in Jaffna and fight for Independence from the rest of India!
manisekaran / September 3, 2013
Nonsense, as usual brainwashed and whipped in fear psychosis. And false propaganda!
abhaya / September 4, 2013
just like the LTTE eh