13 February, 2025


Secret European Deals To Hand Over Private Data To US

At least six European Union countries in addition to Britain have been colluding with the US over the mass harvesting of personal communications data, according to a former contractor to America’s National Security Agency, who said the public should not be “kept in the dark”, the Guardian reveals.

According to the Guardian; Wayne Madsen, a former US navy lieutenant who first worked for the NSA in 1985 and over the next 12 years held several sensitive positions within the agency, names Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain and Italy as having secret deals with the US.

yne Madsen, an NSA worker for 12 years, has revealed that six EU countries, in addition to the UK, colluded in data harvesting.

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  • 0

    The New World Odour of the Anglo Saxons and Zionist Jews is nothing new

    English don’t want a national identity card as they are different white perhaps Henry V111 stuff.

    • 0

      “At least six European Union countries in addition to Britain have been colluding with the US over the mass harvesting of personal communications data, according to a former contractor to America’s National Security Agency, who said the public should not be “kept in the dark”, the Guardian reveals.”

      So what is new?

      WMD and all the lies.

      Iraq, Afghanistan. Iraq, Venezuela, Equador, Chile, Nicaragua, Panama, Congo Iran etc. etc.

      DeJa Vu

      This is called Western Imperialism.

  • 0

    See this. this is how many companies are;

    Apple giving out your iPhone fingerprints and location
    Posted on June 26, 2010 by Kim Cameron
    I went to the Apple App store a few days ago to download a new iPhone application. I expected that this would be as straightforward as it had been in the past: choose a title, click on pay, and presto – a new application becomes available.

    No such luck. Apple had changed it’s privacy policy, and I was taken to the screen at right, To proceed I had to “read and accept the new Terms and Conditions”. I

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