14 October, 2024


Sharma’s Office Denying Vital Information To CMAG Violates Extended Mandate – Canada

Canada has responded strongly to a statement by the Commonwealth Secretariat that legal opinions sought by Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma on the impeachment of Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake were provided in confidence to his office.

“I very much agree with the estimable Mr Uku that ensuring the Secretary General is well informed on sensitive issues is an appropriate Commonwealth practise. But his logic,to the effect that the Foreign Ministers who make up the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group,have no similar right to be well informed makes little sense,” Canadian Special Envoy to the Commonwealth, Senator Hugh Segal said, in response to the statement.

Senator Hugh Segal

“Do the Ministers report to the Secretary General,or does he advise them at CMAG?” Segal charged.

The Canadian Senator told Colombo Telegraph that the new remit for CMAG,approved at Perth in 2011(unanimously,including Sri Lanka) was very clear. The Perth CHOGM gave CMAG sweeping powers of decision over taking proactive action regarding member states whose adherence to Commonwealth core values were on the decline.

“Denying CMAG ministers vital information,such as the legal opinions on the impeachment issue,goes directly against the spirit of that remit,” Segal told Colombo Telegraph.

The Commonwealth Spokesman Richard Uku clarified Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma’s position on allegations exclusively revealed in Colombo Telegraph last week that his office hid legal opinions on the impeachment of Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake even from the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) possibly because they could impact unfavourably on Sri Lanka.

Related posts;

Exclusive: Secretary General Hides Two Key Legal Findings On CJ Impeachment From CMAG

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Latest comments

  • 0

    This is true

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      Sharma should resign and CHOGM moved to another venue. Sharma clearly does not believe in the RIGHT TO INFORMATION, like the Rajapassa govt. he adores!

      Colombo taking over as Chair will be the death knell of this irrelevant colonial vestige of an organization – Commonwealth of Clowns and military dictators- that seems to be promoting corruption and lack of transparency in the third world dictatorships for which it is a platform..

  • 0

    Does Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma have the power to control the information reaching the members of the Commonwealth?

    Or, is he there to serve the members’ interests?

    It appears that his office acts in a manner similar to some security agencies (which came to the limelight recently)in the Western countries, which hide information from the elected representatives!

  • 0

    Why is Segal the Canadian barking?? Seen the moon?
    I am of the view they had no truck with the CHOGM and was not attending.

    In the very first place do the Commonwealth members have any iota of core values??????????????????
    What action was taken to protect this value when Tonly Blair was caught with his pant down lying about the Weapons of Mass Destruction.

    Had Canada got into his pants by that time ?

    CMAG bunkum & core values.

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    Sharma is acting like a dictator. Power has corrupted him. He is degrading and destroying the Commonwealth. He must be replaced if the Commonwealth is to survive.

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    As usual Rajapakse would have bribed Sharma. Its time Sharma resigns his position as he has acted in violation of the established ideals of Commonwealth. Canada is a member of the Commonwealth and has the right to question the decisions of the Secretary General.

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    This is what happens when an absolute Hambanthota Villege Kelawedda……possum crooks with no reputation at all, came to power using illegal and fraudulent means.
    He bribed even terrorist LTTE VP to come into power. Also he imported 65 UNP MP’s to his party using bribes to pass the 18th Amendment…….all through by fraudulent means.

    Medamulana the biggest world famous Cunning Foxes and crooks Paradise in the whole world will give trouble to everybody that come into contact with them and where ever they go……Nothing but trouble.

    CW SG Sharma should have known what happens when one sleeps with dogs…….sure to get ticks next day.

    Read the following web to see How President Rajapakse influence and force others to take up positions which they had no experience at all.


    Same what he did to CJ DR.Shirani Bandaranayake’s husband Pradeep Kariyawasam to be the Director at NSB and later trapped and Prosecuted him in TFC stock purchase scandal to punish CJ Shirani Bandaranayake. This is Rajapakses Condom theory politics.

    Rajapakses are the biggest investers in Colombo stock exchange with their looted Black and ill gotton money using shadow individuals and phony companies.


    Also 46 cents out of each rupee earned as Taxes goes to Maintain Rajapakse Family Dynasty and their political Goons.

    CW SG Sharma should have known what happens when one sleeps with dogs…….sure to get ticks next day.

    Now your reputation as well as your Job is on Cutting Knife.

    God save you and your job CW SG sharma.

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