14 October, 2024


Shhhhhh Mr. Sampanthan, Not So Loud Please

By Sudat Pasqual

Sudat Pasqual

Sudat Pasqual

The normally ornery and intransigent Tamil National Alliance has suddenly started acting as if they care about Presidential politics in Sri Lanka. The President, Deputy President and at least one of the Deputy Secretaries of the TNA have been making coy statements about who the Alliance will support if a Presidential election were to be held next year. Wow, the TNA seem willing to take their subservient attention away from their diaspora mafia, however briefly, and actually consider acting in the best interests of their constituents in, get this, SRI LANKA! Praise is to Lord of Land and Police Powers.

Maybe the TNA feels neglected by all the hoopla and attention about a common candidate. Not many observers have paid much attention to the position of the TNA vis a vis a presidential election. Or, the TNA may be getting a whiff a of Rajapaksa blood in the political air and is jostling for a place at the trough. Separate and equal. Slurp, slurp. 

But, before you start waxing eloquent about candidate X or Z Mr. Sumanthiran et el, just chew a bit on the following, will ya?



For starters, your track record on acting in the best national interest (fyi, ealamist interest does not count as National interest) is not exactly stellar. One day you are for Ealam, then when Praba got his ass whacked you said we will be part of a unitary (but not necessarily a united) Sri Lanka, then thought you might be able to resurrect the Ealam nightmare again through your pal Navin Pillay of the United Nations and now you are not sure whether that is realistic and would like to see if someone is desperate enough to agree with you on the Thimpu principles to get elected and carve up the island.

Really, how do you fellas decide on policy matters? Schizoid doesn’t even begin to describe your behavior. It is like you guys dropped some acid (a hallucinogenic drug that distorts perception of reality) read Machiavelli’s Prince and said; ” Yo Niccolo,  you the man”. The only problem is you got your wires crossed and confused the interests of  drug peddling, human smuggling and arms dealing  Tamils living in foreign countries with the best interests of Tamils living in SL. Really?

Considering, many non-Tamil Sri Lankans have this issue about trusting you. I am not talking only about the Compassionate One’s Saffron Skin-Head Army and supporters; I am referring to the average Sri Lankan, even the ones who dislike Mahinda Rajapaksa. Only the most obtuse  will deny that the Tamil people have valid reasons for distrusting the Rajapakse regime and their ham fisted approach to post-war rapprochement but a sizable chunk are uneasy about your dalliances with sleazy foreign elements. Your behavior and obsequiousness to anything foreign, indicates that you are seeking to recreate your special relationship under the British Raj with no regard to the welfare of the country.

By the way, the British Raj is gone. Kaput. They can’t even win a Cricket World Cup.

Let me ask you this; you may be amongst us and physically with us but are you of us?

If you are honest with the answer to above, you will not be surprised if the candidate of your choice is reluctant to embrace you in public.

I think the time is ripe for you to wean yourself off the diaspora/foreign teat.

Get on Milco. You should like it because you don’t have to bend over and you don’t need to carry a bowl.

And then lets meet again.

Latest comments

  • 7

    As far as I know, not a single member of TNA holds another citizenship.


    • 2

      Suda Pasqual, You sound like a rasqual talikig about diaspora mafia:

      Who are they and where are they? Are you a Sinhalese or a suda?

  • 0

    Here is your answer, at least in part.

    [Edited out]

  • 6

    This rant doesn’t deserve a response.

    Look at a snippet.

    “…unitary (but not necessarily a united) Sri Lanka….”

    The TNA and the Tamil people at large have always said that they want a federal setup in a united Sri Lanka. Most people think federalism means it is not ‘unitary,’ while some assume that even federalism in unitary.
    Regardless, what the Tamils want is solution within a united Sri Lanka, but it is not unitary.

    Is it the TNA’s problem that many moronic people continue to misinterpret their positions and mistrust them?

    • 3

      You are right, it is best to ignore those moronic people and their rants.

    • 1

      Actually, this is the author’s mistake. When I subbed this article for The Nation, I corrected it and you will see the correct word combination in The Nation version;
      “One day you are for Eelam, then when Praba got his ass whacked you said we will be part of a united (but not necessarily a unitary) Sri Lanka, then thought you might be able to resurrect the Eelam nightmare again through your pal Navi Pillay of the United Nations and now you are not sure whether that is realistic and would like to see if some one desperate enough to agree with you on the Thimpu principles will get elected and carve up the island.” – See more at: http://www.nation.lk/edition/news-features/item/35527-shhhhhhmrsampanthan-not-so-loud-please.html#sthash.v0Hl96Y8.dpuf

  • 6

    The TNA and the Tamil people at large have always said that they want a federal setup in a united Sri Lanka.
    Although many Tamil people would be happy with federalism, Mr. Sampanthan’s brand of federalism will never get accepted in Sri lanka. As a tamil living in a southern suburb of Colombo,I think he is totally out of touch with the somewhat younger generation of Tamils. Look at what Mr. Sampanthan said in batti in 2012. That was not just federalism. Everytime he speaks, the chances of getting together with the southern polity decreases by a few notches. The likeihood that we tamils living in the south may have to face communal violence as it was during the TULF-Srimavo days increases each time Mr. Sampanthan talks about his aspirations
    (i)merging the North and the East to form an exclusive Tamil homeland (am I supposed to go there when this is done – do I become a second-class citizen in Dehiwelai?, who is supposed to protect me when there is communal trouble in the south?)
    (ii) According to sampantha, the Tamil people can also go for self-determination, a power that the Tamil Nadu politicans do not have. Does this include only the tamils in the provincial council under Mr. sampanthan, or other Tamils as well?

    The whole point is, this racial classification is fast becoming outdated.

    (iii)Police powers.
    Now, what if, after the demise of Samapanthan and others, a regional thug comes into power (and we have many such people in our community), and misuses the police powers? Does Mr. sampanthan trust Mr. Devananda? Shouldn’t there be a regional police, and a national police (as in the USA, and also in Canada. I think the Canadians have the “Royal Canadian mounted police”) and the possibility of appeal outside the power of regional judges possibly appointed by politicians. All lawyers in the tamil community are relations of each other or enemys of each other, coming from just two top castes!

    You see, I don’t trust the center or the provincial rulers!

    (iv)Mr. Sampanthan wants to have land powers. I see no problem with that, but on the other hand, we need some socialism in the North, and a land nationalization and redistribution (Bhoo-daan) may be in order instead of giving the land powers to old-time land owner elites like Sampanthan and his clan.

    Basically, Tamils need a new, modern set of leaders and not these old fogies and their hangers on like Wigneswaran who should spend more time in the Nallur temple.

    • 5

      Good points Mano ~ if every tamilian start thinking like you ~ I mean as a citizen of Sri Lanka ~ then we do not need theses egoistic old hats to put tamilians from from pan to fire

    • 2

      Well said Sir. I hope nothing untoward happens to you or yours because of the utterings of mendacious Sampandan and his ilk.

      The report that the “TNA had demanded Rs100 Crore for election expenses infavour of the Opposition candidate’ had been deleted by an over-eager ‘moderator’. It had previously been reported in Tamilnet.

      There is also some chicanary going on with the voting for/against the comments at Colombo Telegraph. That does tell us that CT is less than what it claims to be.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 1

    K T Rajasingham’s article in Asian Tribune refers to a demand for Rs 100 Crore, and mention is also made of previous payments. This must be better than ‘working’ for an NGO.

  • 0

    Shhhhhhiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttt Suda rascal

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