17 January, 2025


Sinhala-Buddhism & The Nation State Of Sri Lanka 

By Lucian Arulpragasam

Lucian Arulpragasam

Our Genetic Commonalities

It has been proved by DNA studies conducted by Professor Kamani Thennekoon and others (cited in her article dated Feb. 2019 in The Island) that: “Most DNA studies comparing both the Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils show no large genetic difference, suggesting that both populations have a common ancestry native to the island”. Further, “The study of genetic admixture revealed that the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka have a higher contribution from the Tamils of Southern India (69.86%) compared with the Bengalis of northeast India (25.41%), whereas the Tamils of Sri Lanka have received a higher contribution from the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka (55.20%) compared with the Tamils of India (16.63%)”. Three conclusions flow from this. First, the Sinhalese also came from South India and are, for the most part, of Dravidian origin (69.8%). Second, the Sri Lankan Tamils have been in Lanka for a very long time – because the study finds that: “Sri Lankan Tamils showed a closer genetic affiliation to Sinhalese than to Indian Tamils”. Third, the Sri Lankan Tamils are genetically as much Sri Lankan as the Sinhalese. No politically motivated tying of the Sri Lankan Tamils to the Tamils of South India can alter this fact.  

The conclusions of the above genetic studies are also borne out by (Sri Lanka born) anthropologists. Professor Gananath Obeyesekere, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at Princeton University (USA)  who states: “Except perhaps for the oldest stratum of settlers prior to 500 BC, almost all subsequent settlers in Sri Lanka came from South India, mostly from Tamil Nadu, Orissa, and Kerala and quickly became Sinhalised. In fact, some of the most vociferously anti-Tamil castes among the Sinhalese were post-fifteenth century migrants from South India. By contrast, the Tamils of Jaffna and the East Coast have been in Sri Lanka from at least the tenth to the fourteenth centuries AD, if not earlier”. This same view is echoed by Professor H.L. Seneviratne, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Virginia (USA), who goes even further, stating: “In the broad perspective, one look at the ethno-demographic spread of peoples in the subcontinent makes it quite obvious that the Sinhalese are a variety of Tamils, as are other ethnic and linguistic groups of South India.  ………. In particular, it is striking that the Sinhala Buddhists have forgotten the fact that it is in South India that Buddhism survived centuries after its disappearance from the north.” (The Island,Jan 2014).  It is also significant that many Tamils in Lanka were Buddhist at least up to 500 CE.

In light of the above studies, it is strange that the writer knows from three different Sri Lankan Tamils, who were actually asked to go back to ‘their country’ by separate Sinhala Buddhists. The Sinhalese have distinguished themselves by embracing the noble religion/philosophy of  Buddhism. However, if we are talking only about race, the Sinhalese should be asked to return to ‘their country’ too. Their racial and religious claim to the island rests only on the doubtful text of the Mahavamsa, which is disputed by many.

The rest of this article seeks to show how the majority community is trying to hijack this country as being solely its own, thus denying the minorities of their Lankan inheritance. The Sri Lankan Tamils have been in the island for over 2000 years. They seem to be part of the same migration from South India that brought the people who later got Sinhalised in the island.  

We are not talking about who came first to the island. We are dealing with two communities/ nations already in the island – and what should be the relationship between them. It is the British that placed the Tamils together with the Sinhalese in a unitary state, and granted all political power into the hands of one community (only), that has actually torn us apart. Acting in the belief that Ceylon was one nation, the British set up boundaries of a unitary state together with a parliamentary system, providing an easy way for the Sinhala-Buddhist majority to take over the state. Tisaranee Gunasekara in her ground-breaking article has painted the picture correctly (Groundviews, February 7, 2023) entitled: “The country we have lost to Sinhala-Buddhism”. She is writing from an all-country perspective, which is badly needed: I am writing from a minority perspective. The British have put the minorities in the same colonial cage (the unitary state) as the Sinhalese, thus empowering them to throw away the key! 

Independence and the Rise of Sinhala-Buddhism as a Political Ideology

In the states of Europe, the racial and religious rivalries were settled over 300 years of wars and bloodshed before they became nation states. It took 300 years after that for democracy to emerge. In the case of Ceylon, existing racial and religious differences were swept under the rug, so that a ‘nation state’ could be proclaimed, to be crowned by democracy. Independence was granted to Ceylon on Mr. DS Senanayake’s undertaking that Ceylon would be a secular state, governed by the rule of law and protecting minority rights.  Sinhala-Buddhism as a political ideology has reneged on that undertaking. This amounts to a constitutional coup d’etat by the Sinhala-Buddhist majority, reneging on its promise of a secular state, and hijacking the state that the Tamils and Muslims too call their own. In effect, the British put the Tamils into the same colonial cage (of a unitary state) with the Sinhalese – and gave them the power to throw away the key! The Sinhala people’s complete control of the electorate will ensure that the colonial cage of the unitary state will never be unlocked. The point is that we always start with the assumption of the unitary state that the British left us – although our own history should teach us otherwise.

Colonial Boundaries Determine Election Results                                                                                   

The British left us with our current boundaries – which we all take for granted. However at one time, Ceylon was part of the Madras Presidency of India (Tamil Nadu today). If the British had left us like that, our official language would be Tamil, while Hindi would be our national language! Would any Sinhalese have accepted that? We start with what the British left us– a unitary state. However, given the rise of Sinhala-Buddhism supremacy, the minorities would definitely have been better off if our boundaries had been left as they were when the first colonizers (the Portuguese) came to the island. Why always start from the boundaries of the unitary state that the British left us – and no other?

Creation of Conditions for Sinhala-Buddhist Domination 

In their hurry to leave after World War II, the British wished to believe that they were leaving behind a nation state in Ceylon. They willfully mistook their own history in order to do so. 

Second, the British (and also the French) left behind a unitary state, which they preferred for centralized control and administrative convenience. On the other hand, if we had been under American influence, we would have inherited a more devolved constitution – or even a federal one, as did some countries in Latin America.

Third, the British and French left behind parliamentary constitutions modeled on their own. In Sri Lanka, It took little time for the majority Sinhala-Buddhists to capture Parliament and to divide the country by the Sinhala Only Act (1956). The 1972 Constitution followed, which ordained that sovereignty resided in Parliament, where the Sinhalese had a permanent and monopolistic majority. 

Fourth, the British Constitution has no Bill of Rights. In any case, safeguards for the minorities under our constitution/s could be abrogated by a 2/3rd majority of Parliament, which can always be conjured up by raising the Sinhala-Buddhist cry. Moreover, what is the use of constitutional safeguards when organized violence can achieve even more? 

Finally, the British created the boundaries of a unitary state. 

The above vulnerabilities in our constitution have been seized upon by the electoral majority to change the nature of the state to conform to its own image (only). This has had the effect of dividing the Sri Lankan nation along racial and religious lines. 

‘Electoral Democracy’

All our constitutions implicitly assumed that the democratic process would be able to solve any communal differences that would arise. On the contrary, each General Election has only exacerbated our communal differences. Unfortunately, we have achieved only electoral democracy – and not the rest of democracy. . 

The futility of the minority vote was confirmed by the recent Presidential election, where President Gotabaya was elected, despite all the minorities voting against him. Thus, the minorities are damned if they vote – and doomed if they don’t! It is not a coincidence that the voting results in the last Presidential election showed conclusively the separation between the two nations inhabiting our island. In fact, the actual vote in the past Presidential Election was stratified in exactly the same way in which Prabhakaran intended dividing the country, with the north and east voting resolutely against President Gotabaya. It also shows that the members of the Tamil and Muslim minorities do not want to live under Sinhala rule, despite having lived together with the Sinhalese in a unitary state for over 75 years. 

 To be fair, we can argue the opposite of all the above. If by some chance, the Tamils held the majority in Parliament, they would probably have done the same thing as the Sinhalese: accumulate all power to themselves and make the state look like them too.  Hence, this is not only a communal problem, but also a constitutional one. 

Different Nations in Our ‘Nation State’

The Sinhalese were the first to claim that they were a different nation, a race with an ancient Buddhist heritage, with a different race, religion, language and culture from the minorities. The political dominance of Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism has advanced in three stages. The first is for Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism to be equated with Sri Lankan nationalism. The second stage is for Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism to be equated with the Sri Lankan state. The third stage is for Sinhala-Buddhism, acting in the name of the state to take over the Tamil-speaking north and east. This has resulted in an Army of occupation that prides itself on belonging to a  different race, does not speak the language of the governed, nor practise its religion, and rules against the will of the governed. It is true that there are individual Sinhalese who have given up so much to make a positive difference in the lives of the Tamils in the north and east. 

The problem is that there is not only a Sinhala-Buddhist nation in Sri Lanka, but also a Sri Lankan Tamil nation, with differences of race, religion, language and culture from the Sinhalese. This Sri Lankan Tamil nationalism has been accentuated by the war that lasted over 25 years. The Tamils do not wish to be ruled by a constitutional system that allows the Sinhala Parliamentarians by a vote among themselves (the Tamil MPs will always be out-voted) to decide the fate of the Tamils in the North and East. There is also the Muslim community, with a distinct religion and culture, with a heavy presence in the Eastern Province. This community, after being shamefully victimized by the Tigers, is now feeling the brunt of Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism. Sri Lanka’s tragedy is to deny the reality of our plural society – and to think that these differences can be resolved by military force or by mob violence. The aragalaya is over now; and it is time to step back into our separate communal identities, as Sinhalese, Tamil or Muslim!

The Policies and Politics of Sinhala-Buddhist Supremacy

The chief priests of the Asgiriya and Malwatte chapters have vetoed any attempt at devolution. Is this only race; or is this politics or religion talking? Thus the political ideology of Sinhala-Buddhism seems to work politically, racially and ‘religiously’. This combination of populism, authoritarianism, racism and overt militarism, backed by the clergy, marked the rise of fascism in Spain, Italy and Germany. 

Sinhala politicians have convinced the Sinhala majority to reject federalism or even devolution. However, our unitary constitution has served only to divide the country. Although the territory was ‘unified’ by the war in a unitary state, never have the people been more divided. And this is after 75 years of our unitary constitution! 

Devolution or federalism might be the only means of keeping the country together under democracy. It can be held together by the military – but for how long? The whole argument of this article is that the Sinhalese people do not have a God-given right to determine the rights and future of the Sri Lankan Tamil people. They have this power only by virtue of the power left to them by the British, the betrayal of the promise made at independence, and by victory in the recent civil war – albeit by using the internal and external resources of the state.

There only three possibilities left:

1.   An independent state for the Sri Lankan Tamils and Muslims.                                                                                          

2.  A devolved or federal state: this option may be our last chance to survive as a democracy.               

3.  A colony in the north and east, held down by a Sinhala Army, ruling a people against its will. We know that this is not the intention of the Sinhala people; but it is the reality on the ground.

If the first two alternatives are rejected, there is only the last alternative left. It would be a‘colony’ ruled by an army, that prides itself on being of a different race, that does not speak the language of the people, nor practise its religion, ruling against the people’s will –  in fact, the definition of a ‘colony’. The majority in the electorate does not seem to care that its desire for a Sinhala-Buddhist state has resulted in a state that is racial, sectarian, authoritarian, militaristic, permanent and corrupt – the aragalaya notwithstanding. The Sri Lankan Tamils, who voted against this outcome, remain trapped in the same colonial cage with the Sinhalese, in a state that is spinning out of control.  


Latest comments

  • 17

    75 years of immorality (people, state and systems) leading to dysfunctional, failed , bankrupt nation. Given the fact, that there is no possible recovery,the ownership is transferred in piecemeal to loaners. Must be a fulfilling and rewarding exercise.

    • 16

      The picture is very appropriate. Seems like , Ranil is being interrogated (or is it humiliated?) by the bosses of Maha Sangha.

      • 9

        Apparently Maha Sangha sent a letter to Ranil, issuing a diktat to conduct election.

      • 11

        The picture shows Ranil being interrogated by the Batalanda Commission set up by Chandrika, whose husband ironically enough was killed by the JVP. Such is politics.

        • 6

          Believe Chiv is referring to the picture on the CT Home page of this article, not Batalanda??That’s an entirely different article and picture!!!

          • 8

            Mostly the images are chosen arbitrarily by CT and not by the writer. So it has no or close relation to the article content. That’s what I noticed from previous articles.


            • 5

              Thanks for the clarification

              • 4

                Bro Mahila,
                Do you think traveling to Sri Lanka these days is safe? Not that anyone would stab and take my life. The numbers of tourist arrivals become higher by day as I read it day before yesterday.
                I am looking forward to going there in June or earlier.
                I must go to some charity that will soothe my soul on behalf of my beloved mum.

                • 0

                  leelagemalli ,

                  Just out of curiosity , it looks like wherever you live right
                  now , you love your mother land profoundly if I am right .
                  My guess is , you should be over sixty and left for wherever
                  you are now , after seeing the rule of JRJ . You look such a
                  die hard UNPer !

                  • 7

                    How do I become a UNP?
                    Perhaps you too are now infected with the “Sinhala Man Syndrome”. Unfortunately, I am against JVP (they killed my own brothers in 89-92) but not NPP. It does not mean that I want to be a UNP member. I simply see that the danger before our people today is incalculable. That is why the election should come after settling the recession and bringing it to some good level. Also I don’t see any kind of compromise nature in Janata Vimukthi Peramuna which proves to me that they are living in their “dream world” and not with the people of Sri Lanka.
                    And I’m not over sixty. I’m in my mid fifties with 10 more years to work. Many of us are tired of seeing MEDAMULANA dogs still being supported by masses in that country. It is my mission to see that they are punished with the maximum penalty in the near future. period.

                    • 3

                      leelagemalli ,

                      Thank you for providing answers to fifty percent of my
                      curiosity . You maintain that you work with good
                      professionals and I respect that . But I don’t understand
                      why a man of such calibre rush to utter something like
                      what you have said on your second line ! What is that
                      ” Sinhala Man Syndrome ” ? All I said was ” I guess ” !
                      I had never been personal with anyone before and that is
                      not my way and that is why I started with ” out of curiosity”
                      and signalled ” my guess ” . So , no need to press panic
                      button ! Looking at the amount of comments and the
                      amount of replies to comments by leelagemalli on each
                      and every topic on this forum , made me and some of my
                      friends think that L M enjoys loads of free time ! Enjoy !

                    • 3

                      You may be right. Sorry for my mistake. I like most of your comments. I’ve had the flu for about a week now, but I’m also currently on vacation. I spend a lot of my free time with CT these days. This week I had the opportunity to add many more ideas. I go back to work next week and resume my vacation (a few days to London (central) and then to NY).
                      By Sinhalese Man Syndrome I mean that guy attacked me and OC for no good reason. He is a staunch NPP supporter. Even today, I strongly oppose the Janata Vimukthi Peramuna, not the NPP.
                      In 1989 my friends were killed by JVP and I left the country then. I travel back home very often (2 times a year for charity work) I miss my friends whenever I go back home.
                      If Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna is the main party of NPP, there is no doubt that it will not succeed. That’s my opinion. I have been studying them for the past 3 decades.


          • 5

            You’re right. I mixed up the articles.

      • 9

        I got to read more these days. Blind beliefs and our own myths have destroyed the minds of our people in the last 2 decades like never before.
        There I learned that our Sinhalese people have been racist against minorities since the day they were conceived.
        Some burghers are heard in their adulthood but not in their mother country Sri Lanka because our Sinhalese people did all harm they could getting them out of the island. These are just mlechcha acts of our sinhala race. Our people will crucify me right there, but I must state but the truth.


        They migrated to Australia, United Kingdom, America and other areas that welcomed them. The same was the case with Tamils and Muslims with the concept of civil war in 1983.
        It resonates with the majority today and has made them sufferers. The Sinhalese are suffering more than other communities because of the austerity measures necessary to avoid future danger.

    • 15

      Lucian Arulpragasam

      “We know that this is not the intention of the Sinhala people; but it is the reality on the ground”

      The Sinhala/Buddhists (a newly concocted identity by Aryan Public Racist Anagarika Dharmapala) don’t give a damn about Tamils, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sinhalese or Buddhists.

      The reality, as far as the Hindians are concerned Sri Lanka is a Sinhala state of Hindia (Akhand Bharat). North East is part of Tamilnadu.

      • 14

        In the meantime China considers the island being a friendly neighbour.
        However China might change its mind and treat this island as being part of Greater China. SJ prefers the second option.

        • 3

          Take a good nap. You may soon be OK.

      • 13

        Oh C’mon Native! ……. Why always blame some long-dead homeless guy when Ranil is the one going and sitting meekly in front of these yellow robed parasite Mafia!

        If Ranil was a good leader and wanted to set an example to his people ……. he would ignore them. ……… Like the great Mao who put them all to work in the paddy fields to earn a honest day’s wage (Mao himself would’ve been avoiding work ….. but that’s an entirely different shindig.)

        Are you afraid of ending up in jail under Ranil’s PTA?

        Blaming long-dead …… and Gunduvindu (whatever his name is: what a name!) is the safer option.

        • 9

          nimal fernando

          “Why always blame some long-dead homeless guy when Ranil is the one going and sitting meekly in front of these yellow robed parasite Mafia!”

          The public racist Aryan Anagarica Homeless mentally and physically waek Dharmapala planted poison seed. Like other fascists leaders he could not face the Imperialists and ran away from his “Homeland” died in Hindia. He praised the Japan and Germany, praised the dictatorships, dreamed of a building an Aryan Sinhala/Buddhist …… whatever it is.

          Stupid people including intellectuals thought he was a genius and protector of Sinhala/Buddhism and Sinhala/Buddhists. However he thought Ponnampalam Ramanathan was the protector.

          Ranil has no choice.
          Ranil wants to be both a liberal as well as a Sinhala/Buddhist both at the same time.

          Do you want him to be a Leader like Thiruvengadam Velupillai Prabaharan?

          • 2


            “Do you want him to be a Leader like Thiruvengadam Velupillai Prabaharan?”

            Sure! …….. What would have VP done if someone stole 72 out of 300 million given by benefactors especially to buy medicines for the sick? …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f94YfHGY4FM

            Ranil doesn’t give a shit about corruption or anyone else; other than himself ……. he’ll do anything under the sun to remain in the presidential-chair as long as he can.

            Having less power-cuts after paying 60% more for electricity ……… and getting 20 litres of gas at 4 times the previous price ….. and getting taxed to the gills ……is something only Lankans will see as great “economic management!”

            I suppose they are jumping for joy in the streets, eh, Native?

            • 3

              nimal fernando

              “Sure! …….. What would have VP done if someone stole 72 out of 300 million given by benefactors especially to buy medicines for the sick? ……..”

              Thiruvengadam Velupillai Prabaharan would have demanded his fair share of the theft.

              UNP former MP late Ruban Canistus Jayalath Jayawardena got on famously very well with LTTE. During the negotiation time Jayalath’s aunt/mother in law was awarded a multi million rupees worth contract to build/repair A9 road. The mother in law built the road and got paid. LTTE sent a message to Jayalath to pay its share of the project. Please note LTTE did know exactly how much profit Jayalath made out of the project, accusing Jayalath of shoddy work. In fact LTTE was “reimbursed” .

              • 2

                Oh C’mon Native! ……. You are mixing apples with oranges: don’t be disingenuous. You are better than this!

                Keheliya and other crooks in parliament/politics robbing to enrich themselves is not the same as VP collecting money for his cause. They are two different things.

                VP ultimately even sold himself for 30 pieces of silver – Gladly handed by your boy Ranil’s current favourites, Tiran and Basil. :)) …….The money wasn’t for himself but for his cause.

                Your hatred of people shouldn’t blind you to the truth!

                • 1

                  nimal fernando

                  Now take a few minutes and a deep breath and tell us the difference for Vishnu Krishnarajah when he was Sri Lankan and now being a Canadian?


                  • 0


                    This guy has bought his fancy Merc and his other luxuries by working hard utilizing his business acumen/ingenuity.

                    While your man lazy Ranil practice/does nothing but deception ……… and imports his fancy Mercs and enjoys his other luxuries by diverting money from the starving and sick citizens.

                    How much is Ranil paying you? …… It better be worth it, Man! :))

      • 8

        Native Vedda,
        Where are you?
        Truer buddhism is restrict to the books so long, srilanken yellow pets would not become real “BUDDHA putharayas that spread dharama than myths”. The danger is thousand times multiplying than the harm of the COVID pandemic.
        I firmly believe today that witchcraft and astrology were very low in Sri Lanka from the late 70’s to the late 80’s, but for some crafty hypocritical copies, they turned it into a totally myth controlled den over time. Who was behind this if not the rascals in Beliyatte. ?
        whose funds abused Mahinda for his so called myth-worshiping missions ? were they from their own funds ?


        As someone who has always been against this nitwit (Jayasumana), I thought you would be interested in learning more about man’s hellbentness to schizophrenia.


        • 8


          No doubt primitive racist, Jayasumana behaves in his premises much similar to a “schizophrenic patient”. I have noticed the kind of people in Galle, no matter they belong to srilanken educated groups, they still go after devils and the like beliefs.
          Above video was aired in 2016 (7 years ago). Derana acted as neutral, but it was highly biased to Rajapakshes form the day of its conception.

          It was nothing but the spread of myths that led society to a state of complete immorality.
          More stupdier people, much more votes would rain for Rajapakshe poltiics.
          Derana Pachawahini TV, which was born from the “black money investment” of Lord Rajapaksa, introduced “Channa Jayasumana as the senior lecturer above Dr. Tudor Weerasinghe who had then been much senior compared to Jayasumana ( see how RAJAPAKSHE tactics works). Tudor was already a senior lecturer. As far as I can see, Tudor is an unbiased lecturer and he is very against myths like all other psychiatrists and pschyologists.


          • 6

            If we go to the mythic concept of Sri Lanka, those families who practiced witchcraft and sorcery then were associated with them from the first day, became automatically believers of them. , no matter what degree they got later, their sick behaviour was similar to that of DHAMMIKA paniya maker (Kali Amma controlled Dhammika Paniya/syrup was introduced by GOTABAYA govt as panacea). THese psycho patients have achieved their goals by hook or by crook, but betraying and manipulating the head of the innocient people.

            Channa Balusumana allowed thousands of Covid patients in this country to die without timely medication, should be made highly responsible for deliberate crimes in nthe a future govt. This man with MBBS degree nevertheless was instrumental to spread ” throwing pirith-water filled clay pots into to river branches, thinking his NATHA dewiya would save the nation”: THese men are real idiots similar to that of Brasil and Madagaskar.
            Due to the direct intervention of the responsible minister during Gota’s drama regime, he proved his biased behaviour towards myths in this hell.

    • 6

      They have just commenced enjoying the “fruits of their labour”!!! Please do not distract them!!??? Realisation, needs time!!??

    • 7

      Literate, high Intellect, emancipated groups understand what you are saying!!! How and why do you think, society devoid of wider input, than those based on Jathaka stories, would understand the analysis presented!!??

      • 3

        Mahila, Lankans need to wake up from this nightmare. Will they truelly??? I doubt it. In Lanka religion is as immoral as politics
        We have a double whammy. Out of immoral people , politicians and relegious heads can any one say who came first in what order ?? With our neighbors division took place at the time of independenc or soon after whereas in Lanka seeds were sown to harvest
        ( BANKRUPTCY) after 75 years of systematic, organized, cleansing .

        • 4

          Mahila, as you can see, I’m not discussing about who came first or after ??? Today, most developed nations, readily admit and take pride in stating that “their nation was built by immigrants”. It’s about RIGHT and WRONG. It’s about people being treated equal, have equal rights, give them the feeling that they belong to this state appreciate their contribution, meritocracy, not feel discriminated, RESPECT ( their culture, language, religion,) and togetherness. Is that too much to ask, expect or provide ??? The very first thing our political leaders did was to make upcountry stateless. With that, they went on making others (minorities) homeless, hopeless, helpless, worthless. . . . .. . Our failed nation is built on myth, distorted history, jealousy, immorality, corruption, symbiotic relation between two virulent parasites religion and politics, deception, lies. Maha Sangha will never allow our nation to progress. The foundation of Maha Sangha and nation are built on the same IMMORALITY platform There is a very small segment among Sinhalese have written extensively on this matter ( few venerable monks, people like Lionel Bopage, TG, and others ).

          • 4

            Mahila, I mostly comment, from my own personal experience. I belong to the generation where my paternal grand parents moved from Malaysia just before independence. Whereas my 95 year old mom was the first person then, from her village, to go abroad (India ) for higher studies. As expected she and her siblings returned to Lanka after their higher education,to serve the nation. By the time I reached high school our family (including my relatives) had left Lanka for good (mostly forced out). It is just a vicious cycle and we were fortunate enough to get out of it. End result,the generations after me, has no belonging to this Nation. I’m happy to see them spared of this misery.

        • 1

          “In Lanka religion is as immoral as politics”
          I wonder if it is otherwise elsewhere.

  • 12

    I don’t think I will see the day, at least in my time, when the average man on the street accepts DNA evidence of our ethnic origins. Scientific theories are too advanced for the majority of our ‘highly literate’ population. It is easier to understand myths & folklore mixed unsubstantiated historical facts of ‘Mahansa’ or the fairy tales of Buddhist philosophy, than science, otherwise, would we believe in divine intervention for an epidemic cure concocted by a snake oil merchant or a Minister, who not only endorsed it but went on to pour holy water into rivers & even pledged to sacrifice herself by jumping in to the sea for the good of the country? Pity she actually didn’t.

    • 8

      Dear Raj,
      No one who knows the ground reality of mere research projects in any field today can be 100% correct about “Mahawansaya”. No matter how many scriptures and various archaeological discoveries have been made since then, not much has been discussed and entered into today.

      While those research publications in medicine and other fields are subject to constant revision, the Mahavamsa is not. I have not seen it being revised over the centuries as it should be, even if Bible was subjected to revisions again and again. Besides, its contents are only translations, so I don’t believe them to be accurate.


      Worse of worse, although the Sri Lankan monks, including the all-time bird of paradise Samantha Badda, do a good job in the “Motivational Practice” series, they all manipulate parts of the Mahavamsa to their advantage.

      Some Sinhala Buddhist monks dare to cross-question “Why don’t we live in luxury as monks” – even though it is completely against Sri Lankan Buddhist principles.

      Jataka stories in Buddhism are merely fanciful and fabricated to convey good thoughts, however, those who read them believe that they are accurate episodes and real.

    • 5

      “the fairy tales of Buddhist philosophy,”
      Real Buddhism doesn’t have many fairy tales in it. Most of the fairy tales are bits which got added on with time, such as the caste system, and the animation bits like tree worship, in the case of Sinhala Buddhism. Like other organized religions, Buddhism doesn’t come in one flavour. You might have noticed that the Sanghanayakas appointed to various countries by the local hierarchy aren’t taken seriously by other Buddhists. You should watch this series, though I must say that the monk , even though he seems more rational than most others, is given too much of a say:

      • 5

        “Animalist bits like tree worship.”

        • 6

          Thank you Old Codger,
          I think, the lack of the show is that they never reveal the “educational background of the guys” to the viewers. The guy in the video dares to say he has an exchange with a “UFO”……this guy and MR s greed for power is very similar, I mean aharaja who destroyed an entire nation. While watching this video, I cant help thinking that we should make our staple food be “Ratathanakola”. Did you read the comments on that YouTube video?
          There are still a significant number of people in this country who would never be rational. Regardless of their education, they will remain so. That’s why some here question, it’s in their genes….?

          • 3

            I must thank you for first mentioning this program.

            • 5

              Thanks, may I ask you the situation in the country is getting worse ? should I worry if I travel to Sri Lanka in April/May?

              • 6

                I live here, and it seems safe enough. Just don’t go to Lipton Circus or the Fort railway station. If you go there, wear a crash helmet.

        • 1

          “Animalist bits like tree worship.”
          Who said it?
          Shouldn’t it be ‘animist?

          • 3

            I wonder if it will take its revenge on me for saying this, but my tab has a mind of its own.

  • 9

    For most in SL, a Federal State is a division of the country, & apart from ethnicity, there is a religious element as well. In UK, Scotland & Wales have their own Parliament but ‘controlled’ by the central Westminster Govt. & Scots, in particular, want more autonomy & demands independence. The Catholic Irish wants a united Ireland, which is opposed by Protestant Northerners who prefers British governance. It is the politics & religions that have created divisions among the same people & maybe DNA evidence may be accepted some day but the current mindset is too far embedded in nationalistic & religious sentiments to change.
    Aragalaya showed that we can be united as one people, irrespective of religious & ethnic differences, but how would it translate to political power?

    • 3

      Nationalism is not born of DNA.

      • 6

        “Nationalism is not born of DNA.”

        Only Maoists can be both nationalists and socialists at the same time.

        • 3

          Native, does that make them National Socialists? Only joking, SJ.

        • 0

          Native, rightly stating, “Nationalism is not born of DNA ALONE” . Saying “not born” is utter stupidity. DNA is the hereditary template of almost, all living organism, not just human that makes each species unique and contain genetic information for the development and function of all living organism. (basic Biology). There is a supporting document by Thambirajah ” Who were the early SriLankans ???”. How will a Lankan who has not stepped out of his comfort zone will know, about morality or countries 1) Where, both Religion and Politics are not immoral and inextricably intertwined, as in 75 years of Lankan political history 2) Where, religion is independent of politics and has no such influence on day to day governing, decision making 3) Where, there are strict laws to safeguard culture / religion/ language of minorities, laws against racial / religious/ Language discrimination , harassment 4) Governments represented by people of different religion / language/ culture 5) Do not condone immoral people enabling immoral Religion/Politics as in SriLanka. 5) Last but not least, except for few known basket cases, there are not many who can claim two major insurrection, 30 years of civil war, annual pogroms, failed , dysfunctional, bankrupt, in 75 years of their political history, worse, not to learn anything from their past blunders.

      • 8

        Dear Sensitive Readers,
        Racism, nationalism, and other traits in us may be more inherited by some groups than others. These polymorphisms are already observed by geneticists in the human genome. I know this well because I get along with many geneticists around the world.
        However, through proper awareness, even some criminals can become saints while many other criminals remain with their propensity for evil till death.

  • 6

    Notwithstanding scientific DNA studies and anything that gives the authentic and true nature of the origins of the Sinhala – Tamil populations, the flawed Mahavamsa is the basic Text book in the country. Chronicled by a Buddhist monk the Buddhist clergy have transformed Buddhism as a vehicle of Political Buddhism.
    In this backdrop Sinhala Politicians have had their hands tied and dance to the tune of the Saffron Brigade………….
    The photo showing President Ranil.W.SEATED MEEKLY BEFORE THE MAHANAYAKE SAYS IT ALL………

    • 8

      Very true. It has nothing to do with DNA. Identity is created and the 6.9 million who voted for Gota were guided by their identity. We know that the Sinhalese celebrate their caste origins. The Salagama for instance claim that they are Brahmins from Saligramam carried onshore by Muslims to officiate at a crowning ceremony. The names of Singhalese like Alagiyawanna or Weeramantry are distinctly Tamil. Kuruppu is a Kerala name. But, such arguments do not matter. The Sinhalese will live with their delusions and will not crawl out of their Mahavamsa muddle. Now Karma has it that they go with begging bowls to India and TamilNadu

      • 2

        “The names of Singhalese like Alagiyawanna or Weeramantry are distinctly Tamil.”
        The words are Tamil, but how many Tamils can we find in this country or India with the names?
        The words Veera (Tamil) and mantri (Sanskrit) entered Sinhala very early and Weeramantry need not be ‘Tamil’ name.
        Alagiyavannan occurs only once as a Tamil name in a Google search, but it is also claimed that the name was an acquired name of a Sinhalese scholar.
        However, it appears to be a Lankan Tamil and not Sinhala term.
        As for the Salagama, one only needs to read the vasagama of each person to trace his/her South Indian origins (not entirely Tamil though). The Salagama identified themselves as Sinhalese on in the 20th Century. Their rituals and customs are still distinct.
        As for other names, the large presence of Malayali names and names of craftsmen in Sinhala indicates the willingness with which the Singalese admitted outsiders into their midst over a long period.
        How do Tamils compare in this respect? (The dominant Tamil elite all along rejected people based on their origins, and now blame others for their folly.)
        Talking of Karma, what Karma caused the Tamils of Lanka their present plight? Can there really be a collective karma of any race?
        Any form of narrow nationalism imprisons its believers in their own cells of falsified history.

        • 10

          First of all, the name Alakiyavannan/Alagiyavannan is a pure Thamizh name, whether is it now commonly used or not. No one is now called Kakkai Vanna Theesan, does this mean the name is not Thamizh? Please provide proof that the name Weera Manthri entered Chingkallam very early. Please do not post rubbish, there is no such proof. Many of these part Thamizh part Sanskrit, or pure Thamizh or pure Sanskrit names are only used by South Indians, largely by Thamizh in South India and not by any other ethnic group, definitely not by North Indians. The family name Weeramantty is largely used by a Chingjalla caste or community that has a recent South Indian Thamizh origin. The Karawa. Not by old Chingkalla communities.

          • 10

            Malayali is a very recent offshoot of the Thamizh. They are the Chera Thamizh and only a very small percentage of them have other origins, partially other origins. The vast majority of modern-day Malayalis are descended from Chera Thamizh Dravidians. Be they Hindu, Muslim or Christian. Now many of them are deliberately highlighting the small amount of Aryan, Arab and other origins, to distance them from their actual recent Thamizh origin. Even a lot of modern Thamizh also have Aryan, Arab and many other origins. Even now the language is basically a highly Sanskritized form of the local middle Thamizh Chera dialect. Even when the Portuguese arrived the masses of Kerala still largely identified themselves as Thamizh or Malabar Thamizh and their spoken language Malayalam or Malabar Thamizh. This is why many European colonials used to describe Thamizh as the Malabar language. When all this migration took place, Kerala was still largely Thamizh and the modern Malayalam language was still in its infancy, evolving and confined to only a small section of the population. Your story is like someone stating Alexander the great was not a Greek Macedonian but Slavic.

            • 11

              Lastly, both Thamizh and Sanskrit over the millennia have had a very close symbiotic relationship with each other, extensively borrowing words from each other. However, Thamizh only borrowed words but Sanskrit not only borrowed vocabulary from Thamizh/Dravidian but also its syntax and lexicon which is really significant, as all languages borrow vocabulary or words but one language borrowing another language’s syntax and lexicon show how much influence this language had on the other. Indo-Aryan is the only group amongst the Indo-European family that has the Dravidian retroflexes due to this. During the white colonial era and in the 40s 50s and 60s, it was commonly thought any word common to both languages had a Sanskrit origin and Thamizh borrowed this word, of course, naturally, Sanskrit is an Aryan language, closely related to modern Europen languages Thamizh is Dravidian, therefore Aryan more superior and loaned words. This sort of thinking started to change and many realized that many of the words common to both languages really had a Thamizh origin and Sanskrit had borrowed these words as well as the syntax and the lexicon of Thamizh.

              • 10

                Nowadays linguists and anthropologists are not sure which of these words common to both languages, has a Thamizh or Sanskrit origin as these two languages, despite belonging to different language families, have had a very close symbiotic relationship with each other and enriched each other. Now they just classify the 20% of words that are common to both languages as just words common to both Thamizh and Sanskrit and not as Sanskrit or of Thamizh origin, as they are confused and cannot distinguish who borrowed from whom. Of course, there are words that are obviously of Aryan origin, as similar words are found in other Indo-European languages and other words of obvious Thamizh/Dravidian origin, then there are words Sanskrit borrowed from Thamizh and then returned to Thamizh in a different format and vice versa. Eg; Poosai or Poochai( offer flowers ) to Puja/Poojai. Amma( mother) Ambal. There are social, regional caste/tribal divisions and exclusions amongst Thamizh and amongst the Chingkallams and all other people. This does not excuse the state and other apologists and self-hating Thamizh to use as an excuse for the state to discriminate, marginalize and commit structural genocide and war crimes against Thamizh.

  • 7

    Quite possible , at the picture , the way Ranil and the Monk facing Ranil are
    talking about an expected ship load of Yellow Robe Donation from China !
    Already , we got school uniform fabrics and Police uniform fabrics from
    China , our President and Minister Tiran Received the Donation ! Ranil’s
    underwear is reportedly on its way from India and there will be an official
    ceremony of hand over the item ! And after that , wait and see how faster
    Ranil can run !

  • 5

    I do not know history, – our history.
    I don’t think that a discussion (call it an argument, since that is what it would end up as) is going to be of any help in resolving our differences.
    Every citizen is a Sri Lankan; no more Tamils, no more Sinhalese.
    Why are we reluctant to live in modern times.

    • 6


      “Every citizen is a Sri Lankan; no more Tamils, no more Sinhalese.”

      Good idea, however in Sri Lanka unity in diversity means every citizen has to convert to Sinhala/Buddhism and become Sinhala/Buddhist and expected to perform their duties, turn a blind eye to murder, robbery, genocides, cheating, ….. tolerate nepotism, impunity, ….. corruption, ….

      • 3

        Native Vedda,
        There are 3 Thumbs up for you and 3 Thumbs down for me.
        What should I read.

  • 3

    Thanks, Lucian Arulpragasam, for a wonderful article. I’m too tired to comment tonight, but I will, tomorrow.
    I was a bit surprised not to see Karthigesu Indrapala also brought in,
    but, as it is, this is complicated enough, isn’t it?
    Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

    • 8

      Thanks LA for your thoughtful piece. However, I am very pessimistic about AKD’s public platform promises despite today’s miserable economic downturn.
      How can a good governance government, which is currently branded as a bankrupt state with a completely shrunken economy and mired in various other problems, have any hope in the future? However, it will be another era of multi-promise as we do not see a way for the rulers to get their funds once they come to power.

      Sajith also has high hopes, how to become a leader and get money. The JVP-dominated NPP will not be helped much by their inadequate international relations. Even if a mandate is obtained, it will not be easy to save the wastage, punish the robbers and collect money from them as promised by the Janata Vimukthi Peramuna. The cancer situation in our society is worse than it seems.


      • 9

        .30 years ago I myself visited the Hantana tea estates and observed with my own eyes how the Tamil people in the estates were suffering from poverty. Nothing seems to have changed to uplift their lives since then.

        We should all be ashamed of not doing enough for the plantation Sri Lankans for decades. Although many other things were promised and votes were obtained, only giving a salary increase not even 1000 rupees per day was a big problem. The biggest problem would be, how such concessions will next be possible, becuase current state of country s economy is miles away from economic revival.
        Yesterday I had to listen to a discussion of economics experts on the current situation. Barring a miracle, the debt settlement gap will be a nightmare for Sri Lanka, they say. All this is becoming clearer day by day than in the past.

  • 5

    For 75 years the Sinhalese have played ethnic politics. They deluded themselves. Their leaders sent their children to the UK to study including the Borulugoda Lion, Premadasa and SWRD while the Sinhalese kids were fed Pali, Buddhist Civilisation and Sinhala, not fit for any productive occupation. Now, they all want to go abroad to the UK and US (not China) but don’t have the language skills. Karma has caught up. Will they get wise?
    No, the “Maha” Sangha will not let them get wise. They will feed the poor Sinhalaya more of the same rubbish while they wax fat.

    • 10

      Rarely do I see our people speaking the truth. That is unfortunately unique to our srilanken culture.
      I need not mention the failure of the Sinhalese majority. I am ashamed to be Sinhalese. It is common knowledge today that they were racists from the beginning. However, there were always minority Tamils and Muslims as those rogue Sinhalese politicians also had torchbearers to continue their evil politics. This means that it is not fair to place the blame solely on the majority of politicians.
      If we look at Ali Sabri (Current FM) who single-handedly defended 34 criminal court cases filed against Gota during the Yahapalana government. Today Sabri is doing a good job in external affairs but his character is not genuine.
      The other such politician in recent times is Douglas Devananda. They supported many criminal politicians in recent governments.
      And I have also met African counterparts in Europe, who were formerly colonial plunderers, sporting more or less smiling tendencies in each of their countries. I think that’s the nature of any colonial population looking back.

      • 8

        Leelagemalli, I agree with you

    • 1

      “Their leaders sent their children to the UK to study including the Borulugoda Lion”
      When did Philip send his children abroad for studies?
      While SWRDB was alive, all three of his children were at school in this country.
      Keep lying like this, and Karma may catch up with you.

      • 7

        I don’t know if his father, who died in 1972, had anything to do with it, but this is what Wikipedia says about Dinesh G:
        “Educated at Royal Primary School, Colombo and Royal College, Colombo, he went on to study at the Netherlands School of Business.[5][6][7][3][4] He also graduated with a B.B.A. from the University of Oregon, and whilst in the United States, became involved in student activism, taking part in anti-Vietnam War protests.[3]”

        • 5

          OC, thanks for saving my time. Now do a search on “father of Lanka’s socialism” Philip . G . Says his father wanted him to study in U.K to become a Barrister, ( like contemporary Pukka Sahibs) instead he went to the U.S to study Economics in Uni of Illinois. Apparently he was radicalized there (thanks to U.S) . He even joined the league “against Imperialism” in NY. He then went to U/K to participate in mass agitation and anti colonial movement. (such thing is not even possible in Lanka, a foreigner protesting / agitating against host country). Why do all these people and their children go to the West instead of Russia / China / Cuba, where they can be better/ more radicalized in becoming a pseudo socialist / communist ??? Does it matter whether Banda was alive or dead or uneducated SiriMao, who send their children to West ??? In case of Philip , except one other four of his children became cabinet ministers, Mayor and now PM, who also went to the U.S for his radicalization. “Social Nepotism”. LM, must be right saying rarely do Lankans speak truth, and when others do they intimidate saying “Karma may catch up.

          • 5

            “Philip . G . Says his father wanted him to study in U.K to become a Barrister, ( like contemporary Pukka Sahibs)”
            The key to that is his father, who was a feudal lord, not a socialist of any sort. It was the done thing for feudal lords to send their children to England to study. One could get radicalised in England too, like Pieter Kueneman, N.M , or even Nehru.

        • 2

          Thanks for the correction.
          My comment was, however, in response to one about Leftist politicians sending their children abroad for education, and related to school education.
          At the time of Dinesh G’s university education abroad Philip was no more part of the Left. By 1963, after the collapse of the ULF, thanks to NM Perera’s deal with Sirimavo B, he was bitter and had lost interest in the left movement.
          He was a member of the so-called hath-havula led by the UNP.
          Dinesh probably was awarded a scholarship, and since the 19660s there were plenty going in European countries other than UK.

          • 5

            What is your point if you have any??? Father and son of Lankan pseudo socialism are UßA returnees not Russia China or Cuba. Rest of those Pseudos are UK return pukka Sahibs. But, Contemporaries of Philip’s are 1) Nehru, thogh social around ladies never claimed to be a Socialist. 2) Raj Narayan, is one of most respected Social Reformer”. This helps to understand, reasons for Lanka to beg today.

            • 3

              Nehru was a “Fabian Socialist”, one of the many varieties of socialism. The LSE, where he and NM studied, was a radical place at the time. Given European colonial repression at home, it isn’t surprising that students were radicalised. One could become President of the University Union in England, but not be allowed to enter a club in Colombo.

              • 1

                OC, I do have some idea because, two of my maternal uncles did their higher education in U.K , around same time. (one a specialized surgeon and other was at Imperial College). Sorry I got the names mixed up . Not Raj Narayan 2) Jeyaprakash Narayan, referred to as “People’s leader”, Independent activist, theorist, social reformer and remembered for leading opposition against Indra Gandhi 3) Krishna Menon, academic, non career diplomat, former Defence Minister, considered as second most powerful man after Senior Nehru, coined the name Non Aligned Movement, Chairman of Indian delegate at the U.N and one time member of U.K’s Labor Party . 4) Others include Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Tan Malaka of Indonesia, Ramgoolam of Mauritius who played prominent role in their respective country. Apparently Philip received his training in Marxism from Scot Nearing in the U.S

          • 1

            “At the time of Dinesh G’s university education abroad Philip was no more part of the Left.”
            Since he died in 1972, he probably can’t be blamed anyway.

      • 3

        “When did Philip send his children abroad for studies?”

        Dinesh Gunawardena Education
        Dinesh Gunawardena was educated at Royal Primary School, Colombo, and Royal College, Colombo. After school, Gunawardena studied at the Netherlands School of Business and graduated with a diploma in Business Management.

        Dinesh Gunawardena then joined the University of Oregan and graduated with a BBA degree in International Business. While in the United States of America, he became involved in student activism and took part in the anti-Vietnam war protests.

        Anura Bandaranaike had his early education at Royal College, Colombo and thereafter obtained a degree in History with First Class honours from the University of London


        • 4

          While the specific comment was on Phillip G and his children.
          many left leaning politicians have their families ensconced in America or western democracies? Nothing wrong except the hypocrisy.
          Those who have seen the arrogant smugness of America and the tyranny of the left regimes know that hapless are only encouraged by their leaders and cohorts not to find a solution but merely to change masters.The proponents find funding and favour in a newly crafted religion that replaced the old…..its blowing in the wind !

        • 2

          Thanks for your attempt, but do you think you will be successful in educating the Sri Lankan Voters that the SL politicians in General are HYPOCRITES!!??
          If ever you make even an attempt in that direction, you will encounter the “Wansa the Weeraya” trying to prove that you are the hypocrite or even suggest as a “Thrastavadiyo”
          Thanks to the assistance of those hypocrites this country’s progress is stunted for ever!!! THE DECLINE IS VERY VISIBLE NOW!??
          However, the ‘SO-CALLED’ Patriots and emancipated politicians are blind to it!!?? Or is it intentional and deliberate to keep the population under their ‘JACK BOOT’??? HOW LONG!!

          • 0

            Mahila, crooked politicians are not alone. See how equally hypocritical 40 % benefactors are trying hard to enable a broken failed bankrupt system where 60 % is facing food crisis..

    • 3

      (Part I)
      “Sinhalese kids were fed Pali, Buddhist Civilisation and Sinhala, not fit for any productive occupation. Now, they all want to go abroad to the UK and US (not China) but don’t have the language skills. Karma has caught up. Will they get wise?”
      In addition may I contribute my 2 cents worth!!!
      As far as I am aware and substantiated by evidence, they FED the bright kids who wanted to enhance there knowledge of science and achieve greater heights in life for themselves and benefit for Mother Lanka, the infamy of learning 1961 rubbish in 1995 (atleast, if not even later – period of 25 years because of INEPT politicians and administrators doing their bidding)
      Cite the case in point to emphasis my point – Physical Chemistry by H L Hayes, a TEXT BOOK used in GCE O/L and A/L studies, had this narrativein the forepages of the BOOK in 1885!!!
      “Translated into Sinhalese/Tamil by Official Languges Department of Sri Lanka of the ORIGINAL Publication of PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY – H L HAYES 13TH EDITION” BY ORIGINAL Publisher in the UK!!
      The same timeline 1995, the original Publisher in the UK, had published the 26TH EDITION of the

      • 5

        The idea that every standard textbook could be translated into Sinhala came from small minds unaware of anything outside their humanities education. Imposing their ignorance on science and technology subjects, which change faster than translators’ ability to keep up, was a huge mistake.

        • 2

          The idea of translation of standard textbooks was to ensure that the course content could be covered in the mother tongue in fields in which very few or no textbooks were previously available.
          That policy did not work out well. However, several good text books in the sciences in S & T appeared in course of time. But all of it was wrecked by private tuition and state monopoly of textbook writing since the l;ate 70s..

          • 7

            OC / Mahila, the wrecker in chief of Lankan education are 1) uneducated weeping widow SiriMao and her companion Baddu Mohammed, who’s only educational qualification was B.A., Aligarh Muslim University India. On arrival from Aligarh in 1938 Baddu gave a speech at GalleFace Green urging the Muslims to learn Sinhala because it would be the ONLY official language after Ceylon became independent ( Obviously plans were made before independence ). He further reasoned ” If this is done all the misunderstanding will disappear, there will be perfect harmony between SB and Moors. The adoption of Tamil has not benefited the Muslims.On the contrary it has proved a disadvantage to them. Under self govt the national language should be Sinhalese.” The Muslim community received his proposals negatively. So to earn their confidence the same year, Baddu arranged one of the largest demonstration of that time among Muslims at GalleFace in support of Arabs in Palestine. This explains why Bandas hired him for their “Sinhala Only” project.HEIGHT of HYPOCRISY.

            • 6

              You are right on the money!!
              Goes back to atleast <1931 if not earlier- when Ponnambalam Ramanathan, became a state Councillor of the “Educated Ceylonese Electorate”!!!
              None realised the stupidity of elimination of the most acceptable international language to continue in Tandem with the new Official Language, which the country already had exposure to and resources to sustain continuity, without difficulty, ensure Innovation, Technology, Applied Science, Medicine etc., was kept pace with in their progress and advancement!!!??
              Stupid, Backward, Insular thinking mind at work to ensure that Minorities (Both major minority communities were Tamil Mother Tongue) deprived substantially and were “kept at bay” was the only basis of such mutative thinking of the emancipated majority!!!
              Outcome was the complete converse!!!
              The minorities in addition coupled to standardisation instituted after 14 years of language policy, being deprived of higher education locally (selection not on Merit basis) left in droves overseas!
              Being those with higher ability and intellect than those entering local universities due to standardisation, qualifying from foreign universities with good results, being employed with ease, decided to stay on!!?? Cream of SL Youth!!!
              Ultimate looser Sri Lanka due to the illusionary Patriotism of those EMANCIPATED SB ELITES!!??

          • 3

            “That policy did not work out well. However, SEVERAL GOOD TEXT BOOKS IN THE SCIENCES IN S & T APPEARED IN COURSE OF TIME. But all of it was wrecked by private tuition and state monopoly of textbook writing since the late 70s”.
            Whilst not disputing the fact, “several good text books in the sciences in S & T appeared in course of time”, which is appreciated and very commendable too!!
            However, what is abominable is, administration controlled by Sinhala Buddhist (SB) Politicians since independence, deprived Sinhala students to BE CONFINED TO EDUCATION WITH OUTDATED TEXTS FOR 50+ YEARS!!!??
            “PATRIOTISM AT IT’S ZENITH”, to future Sri Lankan generations – current day leaders – INADEQUATE KNOWLEDGE, compared to rest of world!!??
            The bigger question is, how many other prescribed texts suffered the same fate in the process!!?? Physical Chemistry by H L Hayes is only 1 prescribed recommended texts of the 8 subjects for GCE O/L examinations in 2 languages!!!??
            What MOCKERY in education of SL future generation, particularly Science and Maths subjects!!??
            To call this TREACHEROUS act as “PATRIOTIC DEED” by any means is PATHETIC INSOLENCE!!!???
            Have to disagree with regret!!????

        • 2

          Fully agree with your sentiments!!
          There are glimpses of that in the pronouncements of the current incumbent of this esteemed portfolio too!!

          • 4

            “There are glimpses of that in the pronouncements of the current incumbent of this esteemed portfolio too!!”
            Yes, the man said a few months ago that “Artificial Intelligence” should be taught to schoolchildren! Probably he thinks it’s a way of passing exams without studying?

    • 3

      (Part II)
      Same in 1995 in ENGLISH and was available at Lake House Book Shop (LHBS) to enable the rich students following science in ENGLISH in Colombo private International schools!!!
      The difference in content was vast – a case in point only as example, the original Book in English for instance from 1965/66 had a complete NEW Chapter in Nuclear fission and fusion – which notably ABSENT BY INTENT OR INTELLECTUAL LAPSE, in Sri Lankan version Sinhala/Tamil publication even in 1995!!??
      What was the need?? To create Imbeciles so that the rulers – imbecilic POLITICIANS could have a peaceful and good time forever!!!
      Less said about the standardisation, is best, which was brought in to the education assessment and university education, progression system as temporary measure in 1970, to even out inequalities in the education and socio-economic imbalance in various regions!!! Still continues after 54 years in place – because our politicians had no time for the education and progression of our Kids since 1970, who by now have become OUR LEADERS AND GOVERNMENT MINISTERS AND ADMINISTRATORS!!?? RW Education Minister 1980’s
      Would any politicians have gumption to take responsibility for lapse!!!

    • 3

      (Part III)
      That individual needed to vanish through the RESTROOMS on that occassion because, he had TOO MUCH OF PUFF until then, which got deflated due to that puncture caused by agricultural scientist and engineers in Soil Mechanics – for A BETTER TRIM!!?? Never seen HIM IN PUBLIC after that!?
      The greatest patriots of this country, architects of Organic Agriculture duping of the president and the downfall of Gota and the country to starvation, in collaboration with Politically intent, uneducated intellectually bankrupt religious monks, leading GR up the garden path to Oblivion!!!??

  • 6

    The rogues in saffron robes focus is on emasculating and denying minorities rights, The reality of this approach is that the ceylonese tamil diaspora has become a wealthy and powerful diaspora vis a v even the sinhala land government and that the sinhalas are the ones who are now downtrodden, backrupt destitute in sinhala land, and unskilled and semiskilled labourers of the world.

  • 4

    Gus ,

    You are right . People of our country has the ability to prosper like any other
    part of the world but there are limits too . They need to first get back to where
    they were right before the colonisation because that was the real them . The
    Saffron Brigade is in delusion that they are the ones for the world to follow !
    And the local politics and them are like hands in gloves . The truth about them
    is , people feed them and clothe them Directly , meaning people are in the
    mislead and such people can not prosper in this ever changing world .
    Colonisation in one sense may be cruel but it was them who showed us the
    new world that everyone including the Saffron Brigade is dying and killing
    to achieve ! They want to bury truths and teach their followers myths in order
    for their continuous survival on which depends our rogue politics which
    today is facing public anger and outrage !

  • 7

    Shavendra Silva and 178 monks heading to Navatkuli jaffna to open up a Vihara tommoriv.
    This is so called building the nation with military

    • 2

      How many soldiers accompanying?

    • 4

      Why is thumb down though

    • 6

      If not for the accompaniment(s), opening ceremony may have NO PARTICIPANTS to listen and non-event!!!??
      Good thinking by Shavendra to ensure they accompany!!?

      • 0


  • 1

    “A colony in the north and east, held down by a Sinhala Army, ruling a people against its will. We know that this is not the intention of the Sinhala people; but it is the reality on the ground.”

    You are wrong in this. It is the ulterior wish of Sinhalese and Hindia so that genocide of remaining Tamils can be finished off by structural genocide with relative ease by, where any sort of armed or violent response by Tamils (not that Tamils can provide one for now) are eliminated when in thought process.

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