17 January, 2025


Sinhalese, Tamils And Sri Lanka: Yet Needed Paradigm Shifts

By Rajasingham Narendran

Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

The war between the LTTE and the government of Sri Lanka was over on 19th May’2009, leaving unimaginable devastation and a terrible human tragedy in its wake. The pursuit of an independent Tamil Eelam– an illusion- initially floated by the democratic political leadership of the Tamils, thereafter passionately pursued by various militant-terrorist groups, including the LTTE and finally carried forward in a highly organized, but fatally flawed manner by the LTTE, had proved to be just what it was- just a terrible illusion!

What it has cost the Sri Lanka in terms of financial, development, human resource, political and institutional degradation, quality of governance and abandonment of ethical norms, has not become a subject of in-depth studies as I had expected. The financial and social cost to the Tamils for pursuing or being compelled to pursue the illusion of Eelam, will never be known in its true dimensions, unless there are such scientific studies.  Politically motivated speculations, accusations and demands have to yield to objective and scientific studies. The government and the academics in this country stand indicted on this score.

The destruction wrought on Tamil society in the north and east of the Island, in social terms by the LTTE, independent of the ravages of war, are so deep and wide that it will be almost impossible to describe accurately or quantify in a reliable manner. The state role in the war has no doubt made a bad situation worse. However, this could be considered largely unavoidable in the circumstances. It was a brutal and ferocious war. The bad chicken laid an egg, which hatched into an equally bad chicken! The badness of the chickens multiplied with time, making it very difficult to identify which was worse.

Within the approximately four years since the end of the war, the physical scars in terms of damaged and destroyed infra-structure have almost disappeared, although pockets of damage are yet visible. The physical damages in terms of the human body remain yet problems, and have not received the attention they should have.  While the physical injuries may heal faster and be overcome, Tamils in particular have to find ways to deal with thousands of handicapped and disabled over several decades. The orphans, widows, large number of women-headed households and the ex-female LTTE cadres rejected by the Tamil society are yet a social problem of immense proportions. The psychological scars left on the people will take generations to heal. However, the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, cannot be seen anywhere better than in the Vanni.

This destruction also involved not only the history of individuals and families, but the efforts of generations of Tamil intellectuals. Further, the intellectual, spiritual, mystical and cultural traditions in the north and east that had evolved over thousands of years of Tamil history, were trashed, trampled and destroyed. The deliberate cultivation and enabling of the dregs of Tamil society by the LTTE has also left the unique value system of the Tamils, in tatters. These losses can never be fully regained.  The people can be seen dealing with their problems in their own way. The strong faith they yet have in their religions is contributing much to this healing process. The belief system centering on the principles of  Karma, is no doubt a big blessing.

The total destruction of the caste system has been cited as a benefit accruing from the decades that were dominated by the Tamil militants and the LTTE. However, while the caste consciousness is subdued, it has not disappeared. The caste structure is slowly, but steadily being replaced by a class structure based on affluence. The emigration and displacement of the standard bearers of the Tamil culture and identity – the middle and upper classes- has compounded the damage to social norms and structures. The Tamils in the north and east may have become largely a less caste conscious society, but in the process they have also become a society lacking in ‘Class’ (high quality). The failure of those who had drifted towards the south in the war years and at least the older sections of the Tamil Diaspora, to return to the north and east, have hindered the process of societal healing and restoring the status quo ante. This may be also a blessing in disguise, as new social norms and structures, more attuned to the times will evolve, though rather slowly.

Although I expected the Tamils of the north and east may need several decades to recover and become a normal people, the process has been much faster than expected. I had expected the brain-washing that was part of creating the illusion of Tamil Eelam will be the most difficult to overcome. But it has been otherwise.  While a significant number of Tamils were disgusted with the LTTE and the other militants, now masquerading as democratic political groups, the illusion of Tamil Eelam had become part of the mental makeup of most Tamils born since the 1960s. Migrations and bitter experiences have undermined this mindset considerably in the north and east. It is a mindset yet haunting the Diaspora more than the local Tamils.

Many Tamils yet continue to harbour doubts as to whether the Sinhala polity can be trusted to play fair by them and accept their linguistic and cultural differences as part of the Sri Lankan mosaic. The hardest task for Sri Lanka will be to win the trust and confidence of the Tamils. Tragically, this was not recognized as an important pillar of the government’s policy after the war. Although the state has done much to restore infra-structure and rehabilitate the IDPs and the LTTE cadres, since the war ended, and these are much appreciated by the Tamils it has failed to recognize the changes in the local Tamil psyche over the past four years and has not done what was needed to win their trust and confidence. A paranoid security consciousness is undoubtedly a barrier to taking simple measures to win over hearts and minds of the Tamils, in the short haul.

On the other hand, the Sinhala polity has its own fears of Tamil intentions for the future. This has not dissipated. The Sri Lankan armed forced fought a hard and costly battle to overcome the LTTE- a formidable enemy- much to the delight of most Sinhalese. While a majority of Sinhalese harbours no malice against the Tamils and accepts them as fellow citizens of equal standing, every single Sinhalese to the last man and women, is against the concept of a separate state for the Tamils. For years most Tamils will be considered ‘Closet Tigers’ and separatists by the Sinhala polity. This is natural as the Sinhalese were also the victims of Sinhala extremist propaganda and the LTTE propaganda and terror tactics. The Tamil Diaspora and the Tamil political formations have not done enough to allay these fears in the post-war years and have deliberately kept the embers live, with their words and actions.

While there were divisions among the Tamils on the question of Eelam, there was unanimity among the Sinhalese against the very thought of the Island being split asunder. The civil war fought over three decades and won on the battle front on behalf of largely the Sinhalese by the Sri Lankan armed forces (the potential gains for the Tamils are incidental), will make it very difficult for the Sinhala polity to view any exercise at devolution of political power without suspicion that it is an alternate path to a separate state for the Tamils. This paranoia has to be recognized by the Tamils, as an unavoidable reality. There will also be many in the Sinhala political and the Buddhist religious establishment who will nurture and validate these fears, either through ignorance, short sightedness, malice or political expediency. We are seeing more of such reactions in the present point in time. The shortsighted or likely deliberate unwillingness to offer acceptable political solutions to the Tamil problem will haunt this country for a long time. A window of opportunity was no doubt missed. This is unpardonable. Statesmanship was expected from Mahinda Rajapakse and he preferred being a cheap politician..

Tamil politicians of the past and present, and the Tamil militant movements- I should now say of the past- including the LTTE, failed to understand the deep seated Sinhala attachment to the concept of ‘ Sinhala Dwipa’ ( The ‘Sinhala Theevu’ of Bharathiar). The ‘Sinhala Dwipa’ is a concept that is at the core of the Sinhala psyche. It involves the attachment of a people, speaking a language spoken nowhere else, to the land they consider special because of its association with Lord Buddha. We can debate ad-infinitum whether the association with Lord Buddha is fact or fiction and whether the Sinhala language is as unique as believed, but it will make no difference to what the people believe.

The concept of ‘Eelam’ is no different, although it was hijacked by the Tamil politicians and militants, to define an unrealizable illusion. I remember the elders of Jaffna at one time believed in a similar concept of special identity and uniqueness, when confronted with Indian (mainly South Indian) influences. ‘Vaitru Valiyai Nambinalum, Vadakathayanai Nambathey’ (‘Even if you trust a stomach ache, do not trust the northerner’) was their constant refrain. Although there were significant linguistic, religious and cultural affinities, there was deep felt aversion to being overwhelmed by South India (north of Jaffna) by most Jaffna Tamils. Erudite Tamils in Tamil Nadu also recognized the antiquity and quality of Tamil spoken in the north and east of Sri Lanka, and the uniqueness of Sri Lankan Tamils. I also recall an elderly school principal describing the Tamils of recent Indian origin who had come to Jaffna as refugees after the 1977 riots as the ‘Fifth Column’.  This unique identity concept believed in by most Tamils here, although sharing a language, religion and some aspects of culture with the Tamils of Tamil Nadu, has been substantially blurred by the repeated attempts to draw in Tamil Nadu to play a role in our political problems.  I think this has given a new lease of life to the Sinhala minority complex in terms of Tamil Nadu.

The association of Lanka with the Ramayana and Ravana with Saivaism was another dimension in the Tamil sense of belonging to the Island. The location of four of the five (Pancha Easwarams) ancient and revered Saivite temples in Sri Lanka and the presence of the ancient Murugan temple in jungles of Kataragama supported Tamil beliefs. The fifth Easwaram in Dondra in the South does not any longer exist. The Tamils who believe Sri Lanka is their land and has been their home for thousands of years, consider they are also unique and have a special affinity now for the parts of the Island they inhabit. This is the ‘Eelam’ that is mentioned in the Sangam poetry, is part of Tamil lore and is at the core of their passions.

The concepts of ‘Sinhala Dwipa’ and ‘Eelam’ are similar and define a passion for an Island by two groups of people who are closely related and speaking two different languages that are also closely related in many ways. Subramaniya Bharathy – a Tamil poet of great stature from South India– had no qualms about calling the Island ‘Sinhala Theevu’ and dream of not only constructing a bridge over Palk strait but also reconstructing the Adam’s bridge to form a highway ( “Sinhala Theevinukore Paalam Amaipoem , Sethuvai Meduruthi Veethi Samaipoem”) to Sri Lanka. Both the Sinhalese and Tamils of Sri Lanka, having lived on a small island close to giant India, had obviously developed a sense of uniqueness and a degree of anti-Indianism, to protect their culture and way of life.  The overwhelming Sinhala identity of the island was never in dispute.  Once again the Sinhala polity has been quite irrational in not recognizing this. The Sri Lankan government has miserably failed to recognize this entrenched and historically valid belief, in the aftermath of the bitter war.  This is unfortunate and sad.

The Sinhala politicians and influential elements in the Sinhala polity had failed to understand the passion the majority of Sri Lankan Tamils had for their Island and thoughtlessly and sometimes maliciously hurt and insulted these Tamils to their very core, by asking them to go back to India, where they were accused of having come. What should have been a struggle or even war for the rights and place of Tamils within Sri Lanka was unfortunately and thoughtlessly permitted to become struggle/ war for a separate state by the Tamil leadership of the day. The short sightedness of the Tamil politicians of yore in seeding the concept of an independent Tamil state within the Island and firing the imagination of disgruntled and immature youth in its pursuit was one of the tragedies of Sri Lankan history. This has not been yet recognized as a failure and grievous mistake by Tamil politicians even today.  The continued allusion to an Eelam even as part of political rhetoric or ploy should be eschewed by Tamil political formations, if reasonable alternate solutions are to be pursued.

The failures of the Sri Lankan Sinhala leadership to sense the direction in which the Tamil struggle was evolving and take wise political decisions to remove the root causes, was a further tragedy. The wise steps Jawaharlal Nehru’s government in India took to politically diffuse the separatist movement in the Madras state (now Tamil Nadu), is an example the Sri Lankan governments should have followed. Pride, prejudice and sheer stupidity came together among both the Sinhalese and Tamils to foment an unnecessary, costly and beastly war that has almost destroyed the Tamils as a people and left the Sinhalese severely diminished in terms of their humanity and political maturity. I do not think we have learned our lessons yet.

It should at least be recognized now the time has come for a paradigm shift in the thoughts, social arrangements and political process among the peoples of Sri Lanka. The war that ended four years back has only proved how stupid we have been. Our failure to take many remedial actions, shows that we yet choose to be stupid people.  In a narrow sense an unnecessary war has been both lost and won by the citizens of the same country! Whether wars should have been fought over the issues under dispute, will be viewed with much distaste by future generations? Our intelligence and wisdom are in question.  In a broader sense the war itself was a loss for all peoples in Sri Lanka. If the last war and the attendant misery that it has entailed have not jolted us into rational thinking and pragmatic reactions, we are doomed as a nation.

Recognition and enforcement of the right of Tamils to be Tamils and Sri Lankan citizens of equal status should be the foundation on which the future Sri Lanka is built. This concept should apply to every other community in Sri Lanka. The voice of the majority of citizens, and not only the voice of the majority among the Sinhalese, should be heard in the corridors of power. What is good for all Sri Lankans should be the concern of the government and not exclusively what is good for the Sinhalese, because they are a numerical majority with greater influence on electing politicians to office. The structures of state should be insulated from the short term thinking, partisan attitudes and paranoia of governments in power.  In Sri Lanka this distinction is becoming increasingly blurred.

Power should be devolved on the existing or modified provincial basis, for the people in different areas of the country to manage their internal affairs. There should also be mechanisms to share powers at the centre. Within the frame work of a united and if necessary unitary Sri Lanka, every citizen should be equal and should be equally protected, wherever he or she may choose to live. The right of every individual or community to be what they are and live according to what they believe must be respected within the boundaries of just law. Any activity that impinges on the rights of any one citizen or a community of citizens should be a criminal offence punishable to the utmost extent possible. Every citizen should have the right to live wherever he/she wishes in the Island, in peace and security. The rule of law should guarantee the rights of every citizen in the Island and protect them from the ravages of political expediency, communal or religious extremism, security force excesses and bad governance.

The Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and others in Sri Lanka and the Diaspora should come together in our millions, to lend our hearts and souls to reconciliation on a national scale. The government should not be held solely responsible for this task. It has let us down badly in the past four years and it is time we take the lead. This would heal our wounds faster than anything else would. The yet lukewarm reconciliation process is a tragedy that should activate us to come together to become Sri Lankans in the true sense of the word. Those who have backed the war from both sides of the national divide- whether Sinhalese or Tamil- are aware of the misery they have caused. They cannot continue to pretend otherwise.  The war-affected Tamils and the Sinhalese, albeit mostly soldiers, have become familiar with each other over the past four years. They are learning each other’s languages and understanding the differences and similarities in their cultures. They are not estranged anymore. This new relationship should be recognized, fostered and capitalized.

The government should be forthright with the people and declare its intentions on political solutions and its contours. The opportune time to carry out the necessary political reforms in Sri Lanka was in the immediate aftermath of the war. The government dithering has already cost this country much. The minorities should be politically empowered and given a role to play in national affairs. The Tamils in particular have to be won to the cause of a united Sri Lanka. The Tamils may be down, but their aspirations yet remain valid. This would be the best insurance the nation could have against future insurgencies. The Tamils have to be trusted for them to become trusting. Tamils have not yet been given the time, space and the choices to evolve a new political leadership committed to work for their current and future needs, within a united Sri Lanka.  Old politics have returned, encouraged by the foolishness of the government and this has ominous implications.

Tamils on the other hand have to concentrate their efforts primarily towards recovery as a people, recovery of their economy and re-building their social fabric. This cannot be done without the support of the Sinhalese and the Sri Lankan government. Tamils cannot behave like the proverbial street dog that had been badly abused in the past, and as a result whines and begins to run with its tail tucked between its legs every time someone raises his hands innocently (akin to Pavlov’s reflex)! Tamils should stop seeing a ghost behind every shadow and being on the defensive. Tamils should also not continue to harp on past grievances and complain about what they perceive as problems unique to themselves. Tamils have to learn to look around and see whether other Sri Lankans- Sinhalese, Muslims and others- share the same problems. Tamils have to regain their confidence and commit ourselves to a united Sri Lanka, without any reservations.

Tamils have to regain their place as an important component of the Sri Lankan mosaic. Tamil while learning their Tamil better, have to also learn Sinhalese and English. Tamils have to regain their culture, while learning about the cultures around them. Tamils have to become an outgoing people, instead of being insular and struck within their shells. Tamils have to stop being eternal complainers and find solutions to their problems from within. Tamils have to assert ourselves as a force for progress and democracy within Sri Lanka. Tamils need not become a supine people as a result. They should stand up fearlessly for their rights when justified. Tamils in the Diaspora should return and participate in the reconciliation process, without continuing to encourage the re-emergence of a past that has been devastating to their compatriots and relatives living in Sri Lanka. Tamils have the golden opportunity now to become a better people with a new vision.

Tamils have to also recognize they are not a homogenous people. The days of domination by the Jaffna Tamils over other Tamils are gone forever. The needs of the Jaffna Tamils are not the same as those of Tamils living in other parts of Sri Lanka. There are Jaffna Tamils, Vanni Tamils, Mannar Tamils, Batticaloa Tamils, Trincomalee Tamils, Amparai Tamils, Colombo Tamils, West coast Tamils (now being classified as Mukkuwar by some in the Sri Lankan government) and Hill Country Tamils. There are also different kinds of Tamils within Jaffna. Each with different needs and different priorities, but linked by a common language. The needs of the Muslims, who speak Tamil and live amongst the Tamils, are also different. Tamils have to accept the diversity amongst them and the fact that they have different aspirations in terms of their geographical dispersion. This is also true of other communities.  Tamils have to find a unity in their diversity, while Sri Lanka as a nation should also strive to find the unity amongst its diversity. This has not yet happened in post-war Sri Lanka and the government and the Tamil political parties have to share responsibility for this failure.

The concept of the north-east merger was never viable and has been rendered obsolete. The north and east will remain separate and it will be futile and foolish to demand a merger. The Tamils in the east do not need it and do not want it. The Tamils have to come forward to participate in national politics and seek membership in the national parties of their choice. Tamils have to strive to become national leaders acceptable to the Sinhalese and other peoples in Sri Lanka. Tamils and Muslims in Sri Lanka should be able to produce their own Narasimha Raos and Manmohan Singhs, as the minorities in India have. We have a long way to walk to achieve this. It is not going to be easy, but it has to happen.

The Sinhalese on the other hand should learn to treat the minorities, as a people who have been entrusted to their care. The Sinhalese should not view the minorities as enemies, competitors and usurpers. The minorities do not need special favours and dispensations. What they need is to be treated equally and be provided the opportunity to play in a fair game. How well the minorities do in Sri Lanka, will be a reflection on the greatness of the Sinhala people and the religion they practice –Buddhism. Sinhala politicians should begin to reflect the true nature of their people. Buddhist monks should reflect the essence of the teachings of Lord Buddha, in their words and deeds. They should be a force for unity rather than be foster fathers of divisiveness.

All Sinhalese should learn Tamil and begin to interact with the Tamils and Muslims living amongst them. The Sinhalese should visit the north and east in greater numbers to understand the Tamils, and their way of life, and identify their concerns. Sinhalese should begin to learn they share much in common with the Tamils. The Sinhalese should stretch a hand of friendship towards the Tamils. Every positive gesture and word from the Sinhalese, however small, will go a long way in healing our national wounds. What Sri Lanka has to become is largely in the hands of the Sinhalese and it is up to them to shoulder their responsibility towards our common mother land and the other people, who are also her children. The right of being a majority in a multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-religious country like ours also involves the need to be inclusive, tolerant, considerate and magnanimous towards the minorities.


“ United we will prosper, divided we will all suffer” (translation)

*Dr. Rajasingham Narendran is a Veterinarian who holds a Ph.D from the University of Guelph , Ontario, Canada in Applied Physiology and Endocrinology.  Has served as an Assistant Lecturer and  Lecturer at the University of Peradeniya, Research Associate at the University of Guelph and Associate Professor at the King Faisal University in Saudi Arabia. Subsequently, he has served for many years  as a Senior Executive in the food industry in Saudi Arabia. He is currently retired, lives in Sri Lanka and takes on occasional consultancy assignments in Saudi Arabia. He is also freelance writer on Sri Lankan issues.

Latest comments

  • 0

    While all this fine to write and read, is the schism that exists between the people created by the politicians of both sides be allowed to heal by the politicians and their hangers on?

    Also the writer does not address how he himself as part of the “diaspora group” contributed in heaping more misery on the people just rebuilding their lives…….it is easy for the people (Tamil’s) like him having earned their money abroad (nothing wrong with that) to prescribe solutions without knowing the ground situation in the Vanni. This understanding does not arise by visiting Jaffna for a few days during their “holidays” either.

  • 0

    Dr RN
    “The Tamils may be down, but their aspirations yet remain valid” – Could you please let us know what are their aspirations?

    • 0


      Did you read the article, before posing this question?


  • 0

    Dr. Rajasingham Narendran,

    I am relieved. We still have citizens of your intelligence and reflection among us in Sri Lanka.

    May I humbly request you to publish this great piece in mainstream Sinahla and Tamil media, if possible.

    Rural Sri Lanka, Sinahalese, Tamils and Muslims need to start reflecting along the lines you have drawn in this article. They must be exposed to this kind of thinking. To rescue them and Sri Lanka from the extremist, destructive propaganda that is holding sway right now.

  • 0

    Dr Narendra,

    As I mentioned earlier in one of the articles you are the most intellectual person on this forum.

    The article you have written here is fantastic and no one can disagree.

    I think you are a true Sri Lankan and personally I will vote for you if you contest for a presidential election. I myself have mellowed down a lot in terms of views etc after reading your articles.

    • 0

      We may have had disagreements but what I like about Dr. Rajasingham Narendran is; he is a good Tamil and a good Sri Lankan. That’s what we want. I am afraid, I cannot say the same for Sumanthiran and co.

      • 0

        “he is a good Tamil”

        You agree then that he has good toileting habits because you were previously expressing concern at the state of Tamil nadu for their lacking of adequate sanitation, which as Tamils we are happy you highlighted and brought to our attention.

        “I cannot say the same for Sumanthiran and co”

        Their lack of deference to the ruling family is a major fault

        • 0

          Sinhala and Tamil people may have fought, brawled and cried separately for a long time. But if it is not for wretched people like you who pull our North towards a toilet Nadu, Rajapakse would have drawn a rabbit out of his hat at the end of the war and come up with a solution for all of us to laugh together.

          • 0

            Leela it is Rajapaksa who messed up, not the people you mention. If you have any influence with Rajapaksa could you speak to him and get him to change his mindset. All in Sri Lanka will be most grateful to you.

        • 0


          Take your hat and your bitterness. Go somehwere else. Live in your bitter past forever. You have nothing to contribute to Sri Lanka. Except your will for endless revenge. We don’t need it.

          Sri Lankans, Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and others that inhabit this beautiful country are looking to forge a better future. For all of us.

          Dr. Rajasingham Narendran skillfully describes the road we should take to a great future for all Sri Lankans.

          We may have minor setbacks along our path. But, Sri Lankans know where we are heading. Nobody can stop it. Not this time.

          Dr. Rajasingham Narendran count on my vote and my full support should you decide to run for President of Sri Lanka.

          I am a Sinhalese Buddhist. I am looking forward to the day we elect our first President of Tamil origin.

          • 0

            Roger Harding

            “I am a Sinhalese Buddhist. I am looking forward to the day we elect our first President of Tamil origin.”

            You are confident this is not going to happen hence you can say whatever you like.

            Would you support a Veddah for a president?

            • 0

              Sure! He can attend UN in amude with short axe on shoulder.

            • 0


              I hope a Sri Lankan of Tamil origin will have the charisma to take the whole of Sri Lanka by storm. And ride the wave all the way to Temple Trees. I hope that opportunty will come along in my lifetime. I am so ready as a citizen for that day.

              Lack of understading how the 21st century life works in the modern world is a drawback for an eventual Vedda President.

              But, I see a potential Minister of enviroment emerging from among the Veddas. A Vedda minister can show the world how to lead a zero carbon lifestyle.

            • 0


              “Sure! He can attend UN in amude with short axe on shoulder.”

              Why not?

          • 0

            This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

          • 0

            Roger harding,you and others here are asking Dr.Rajasingham to run for president and that you will vote for him.Do you realise the danger you people are putting him into.I for one will sorely miss his bright comments when he lands in welikada just like Fonseka when he went from hero to zero te moment he wanted to become the president.The good relationship that the good Dr. has built up with mahinda will evaporate in a puff of smoke.Not only his open invitation to drop in and have a cup of tea with the president whenver he comes to colombo will be withdrawn,trumped up charges of treason etc will be set up against him,he will be interrogated in the 4th floor as happenned recently to premechandran,and when he pulls out a grenade to throw at the police they would have no option but to mow him down.Though he will die in a blazing glory in a hail of bullets and the tamils diaspora will seize this opportunity to intenationalise the issue of a tamil zero to hero being killed by the brutal regime ,I doubht Dr.Rajasingham will be greatly enamoured at the turn of events though he has become a tamil matyr.

            So please don’t put this brilliant gentleman who has given us tidbits of valuable advice from time to time into deep trouble.

  • 0

    Oh! Didn’t know Dr.Narendran is a Veterinarian and is in SL. Why don’t you join the SLFP ? You are badly needed there !

    • 0

      not a bad idea,when you compared with since independence the so called tamil leaders have never joined governance in the center like the muslims and indian tamils, thus essentially isolating their tribal minded people from political power(then propagating the consequences as discrimination)..it would be a nice change …

      • 0

        “thus essentially isolating their tribal minded people from political power”

        Indeed, the big fault of the Tamils was not following the example of the enlightened sinhala, who are well known for electing rational leaders like MR as shown by his non-tribal patronage of the Bodu Sena spreading goodwill to the muslim community.

    • 0

      He is a Dogtor

  • 0

    Dr RN,
    After May 2009 – I hear that 89 Tamil villages had been renamed with Sinhala names – this does not bother you?

  • 0

    Dr RN
    In the last sixty years more than three hundred thousands Tamils died in Sri Lanka. They were killed by bombs, guns, swords and knives. Many Tamils went through physical abuse, torture, isolation and rape in the hands of the Sinhala soldiers before their death. Thousands of Tamil women were raped. More than fifty thousands were maimed. Many thousands have become orphans and windows. More than a million had to flee the country in order to save the lives.
    Majority of the homes, schools, public libraries, churches, temples and hospitals in the North and East of the country have all been destroyed by the bombs and shells fired by the Sri Lankan military. Most of the lands where Tamils lived are now looking like giant grave yards.
    Sri Lankan military has caused a great environmental disaster in Tamil lands by uprooting millions of trees and destroying the wild life.
    In the middle of the last century, More than 30% percentage of the population in Sri Lanka was Tamil speaking (Indigenous Tamils, Upcountry Tamils and Muslims). This has now been reduced to 20%.
    More than 20% of the land that was originally belonged to the Tamils were forcefully be taken away and given to the Sinhalese. Hundreds of Tamil villages and roads were turned into Sinhala villages and their names have been changed to Sinhala.
    30% of the Tamil land is currently occupied by Sri Lankan Sinhala soldiers.
    Tamils were once the majority in two eastern districts but they have already become minority as the successive Sri Lankan governments have been changing the demographics in Tamil districts by implementing Sinhala settlements.
    These are just facts that speak for themselves. Racist Sri Lankan regimes have persecuted the Tamils for a long time and they have also been very successful in ethic cleansing in the last sixty years.

    These facts does not bother you.

    • 0


      Facts no doubt bother me. I have refered to the chicken-egg-chicken sequence to describe this history. However, the past is not my preoccupation or concern now. It is not in our hands to rewrite. I am concerned about the future and how we should collectively act to forestall a bitter and very unsavoury history repeating again.

      It would be indeed very welcome if you enunciate your path towards a future that is pragmatic and achievable.


      • 0

        Yes, collectively live as slaves for ever, thats what you prescribe Dr. If what Anpu said is true, naming 89 Tamil villages to sinhala names and resettling Tamil’s land with sinhalese, it is nothing but cultural genocide, when govt is doing that, what you intended in your article will never become reality. and you expect life between wolves.

  • 0

    So that what you look like. I imagined you a little older. A wizened oldman, zipping up and down the A9 speaking on issues that ought to be articulated. Or is this picture a little a little out of date? Have you joined the ranks of the scribes that write here and left the gallerey?

    • 0

      Bedrock it is an old photograph. I have lost the cheeks and have grey hair now. I have avoided taking photographs or getting photographed since I saw the rotting and maggot infested bodies of my mother and brother killed by the IPKF in 1987. I get photographed only for official purposes- passport , visa etc.,- now. I cannot of course avoid getting photographed in public occasions. Further, I spend a lot of time in what you call the gallery, now. I in fact consider it a privilege and hence a balcony.


      • 0

        You may try and avoid photographs but there is evidence of you online (videos) of your boot licking the government (lauding them)……your credibility is in tatters and whatever you write or say will always be tainted by that.

        • 0

          What was laudable then, remains laudable yet and will remain laudable in the future.


          • 0

            Continue licking. It is good bussiness

        • 0

          And you ‘LAUD’ing on what Vedda?

          • 0


            Please bear with me.

            Why does my name crop up in your tittle tattle?

  • 0

    Dear Dr Narendran,

    “United we will prosper, divided we will all suffer” (English)

    Thanks for your thoughts and clear analysis of what has been going on. As you have said “The war that ended four years back has only proved how stupid we have been” on all sides. Although we have expected some positive change after May 2009, it has not come unfortunately due to power ambitions and influences of the extremists on the Sinhala side. We should not allow our younger generations or our children to take the same ‘stupid’ path or suffer the same fate.

    Please keep on writing.


    • 0

      Doctor, why couldn’t you too promote you thoughts here. It is indeed verily most welcome in the time in need, for journalism should not contrive the truth.

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    All politicians are a curse to mankind.

    The Tamils have suffered enough and continue to suffer because of them.

    We have believed and been taken for a good jolly ride by them.

    The fault of the Tamils was to silently watch LTTE kill – thinking they were doing what they were doing on behalf of the Tamils – That was so far from the truth. LTTE or Tamil politicians do not care a penny nor does the Tamil Diaspora…

    Now the Muslims are making the same faults…

    I believe the Buddhists have wisely given to them who are causing the rift – Wahhabis…

    These Wahhabis are just like the LTTE.

    Our mistake was to silently allow the LTTE to do the damage.

    The Muslims must not fall prey … they need to come out and say NO to wahhabis… if they are so united in coming fowrard against the Buddhists of late… why cannot they come out and saying something against the Wwahhabis… when they know that these are the culprits?

    i think the muslims are hiding a lot of agendas from the people… and unnecessarily making an issue of blaming buddhists..

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      “The fault of the Tamils was to silently watch LTTE kill – thinking they were doing what they were doing on behalf of the Tamils”

      Indeed the sinhala were not guilty of this at all. The channel 4 killing fields documentary was much praised here in the UK for showing the true humanitarianism of the sinhala-dominant army at work and definately not killing children, old people and raping on an industrial scale. Their heroics were so extensive that Channel 4 has been so kind as to make a series of programmes which the SL high commission in London has very kindly made no attempt to block from transmission despite having the means to via the independent media regulator and law courts.

      “LTTE or Tamil politicians do not care a penny nor does the Tamil Diaspora…”

      Indeed we in the diaspora are animalistic creatures that scoff and laugh wildly when our relatives back home ask us for some money. Like robots, we show no emotion and are indifferent to the suffering of even members of our own family

      “Now the Muslims are making the same faults…”

      Indeed these people had the audacity to follow different cultural practices to the sinhalese buddhists thus are obviously a threat to their way of life. Hopefully the SL govt should deal with them like they did the tamils and ignore the concerns of nearby islamic nations who were supporting Sri Lanka in the UN when they achieved a great diplomatic victory by losing in the UN human rights council

      “i think the muslims are hiding a lot of agendas from the people… and unnecessarily making an issue of blaming buddhists.”

      Sri Lanka is very lucky to have a strategic mastermind as Gotabhaya leading the security services. His long sabbatical in the evil USA has given him much experience in dealing with various forces and his coolness under pressure, especially when asked difficult questions by journalists, is well known to all his admirers. All Sri Lankans should be thankful having such a personality directing the peaceful Bodu Sena in their activities

    • 0

      Idiot, you’ve got a Leistered mindset.

  • 0

    “The Diaspora should come together in our millions, to lend our hearts and souls to reconciliation on a national scale”

    Indeed we should! The restrictions placed on us by the enlightened Rajapaksa clan including on dual citizenship, visa charges every time we land on the island and monitoring our movements at hotels, does much to inspire confidence. The justification to have increased military presence in the North due to our activities abroad is very much welcomed and completely valid. Foolish indians are handing out overseas citizenship cards like candy to their people abroad to encourage investment. The SL model of treating 1 million+ tamils as suspicious criminals will lead to much greater prosperity in the long run.

    “The days of domination by the Jaffna Tamils over other Tamils are gone forever”

    Gospel truth you speak! As a beleaguered minority, further reducing our numbers along regional lines will most certainly bring greater reward in the long run than aiming for unity and using that as a basis to press for increased collective rights. We remain hopeful that the Rajapaksa family will show mercy on us and not exploit these divisions to increase their power and influence whilst further reducing Tamils to a pathetic state

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      We Sri Lankans pay visa fees when applying for visa to many other counties, including those of which you are citizens. What is wrong with foreign passport holders paying a visa fee to enter Sri Lanka? Further, visa procedures are computerised , simple and straight forward. Many in the Diaspora , known or related to me, have visited Si Lanka in the past two years and travelled around the country. They have not been harassed or intimidated in anyway. Last week a friend from ,Australia and his family traveled 2500 km though the length of width of Sri Lanka , including Jaffna, Vanni and the east, in a van and spent nights in hotels on the way. They did not have any problems. Have you faced any problems, whilst visiting here in the past two years? I so, please write about it in detail. If what you have said here is based on hearsay, it has to be discounted as far off the reality.

      Further, if you refuse accept realities here and are not ready to seek appropriate solutions, you are in a deep rut.

      Please note that I have not asked the Tamil Diaspora to invest here, in this article. I did so, on earlier occasions. The window of opportunity for that is now closed. What I called for now is Diaspora contribution to the reconciliation process.
      Further, you are comparing potatoes and onions, when referring to India and comparing it to Sri Lanka. India has not fought a war against a domestic insurgency supported by any section of its Diaspora in recent years. The situation in Sri Lanka is quite different. Pretending that reality does not exist because you choose to bury your head in the sand, is self delusion.

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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        “What is wrong with foreign passport holders paying a visa fee to enter Sri Lanka? “

        I was not talking about foreign passport holders but rather those individuals living abroad who’s parents and grandparents had their origins in the island and who still have relations living there thus would like to make more frequent visits to see them compared to Mr and Mrs Joe Bloggs from Aus visiting lanka on a one-off foreign holiday.

        “have visited Si Lanka in the past two years and travelled around the country. They have not been harassed or intimidated in anyway”

        Such persons were no doubt visiting family relations as opposed to engaging in political activity (which brings its own risks).

        “in a van and spent nights in hotels on the way. They did not have any problems”

        I am referring to the new law being enacted by Gotabhaya which asks hotels to provide information on the details of the foreign guests staying there as a means of ‘protecting their safety’. If this does not reek of paranoia and monitoring people’s movements then i don’t know what does.

        “if you refuse accept realities here and are not ready to seek appropriate solutions, you are in a deep rut.”

        I apologise good sir if I have opposition to Rajapaksa family anointing themselves the hereditary rulers of SL and thereby allowed to do whatever action takes their fancy. I should follow your example and be subservient to their beneficiant rule than speaking against them or querying their actions.

        “I have not asked the Tamil Diaspora to invest here, in this article. I did so, on earlier occasions. The window of opportunity for that is now closed. What I called for now is Diaspora contribution to the reconciliation process”

        We thank you Hon. sir for not burying your head in the sand and making no mention of the ruling family as contributing to this window closing, rather employing vague statements seeking to blame the diaspora (who as you know have much power and influence over Sri Lanka’s domestic policy than the President, his brothers, sons, nephews etc). As you know the ruling family is very much taking a back-seat role these days in the country’s affairs and the sooner the diaspora takes the initiative the better.

        “situation in Sri Lanka is quite different. Pretending that reality does not exist because you choose to bury your head in the sand, is self delusion”

        The only explanation you have provided regarding the treatment of Tamils in South India to those in Sri Lanka is some vague reference to common vegetables and how we should not compare the two. Should I interprete this information as something more profoundly philosophical or rather you being reluctant to state the truth which is that the Indian govt/Nehru-Gandhi family did not view Tamils as a threat but rather one of their own thus trusted them to manage their local affairs, language, education etc. knowing that such a thing would satisfy them and not cause them to agitate for further powers. Sadly the prevailing mood amongst many sinhala (obviously not all but a fair chunk) both in govt and amongst the common man (as seen by many comments on this site), is that lanka is the preserve of the sinhala nation and that any attempt to give Tamils some regional rule is tantamount to ‘giving away’ a portion of this nation to a ‘foreign and indian’ entity to form their ‘ethnic enclave’ (whilst not seeing the irony of thinking of lanka as belonging to the sinhala only). The stupid (and tragic) part of this mindset is that such an attitude actually increases tamil self-consciousness and makes them more aware of their identity because it is seen as being under threat i.e. is a reactive process. if we want genuine reconciliation on the island, it is up to the majority community to be comfortable with having the Tamils living with them and recognise their right to their own identity and their wish to preserve it whilst at the same building cooperation within a larger country as per the Swiss model (or cheese as you seem to prefer food analogies). The Tamils in South india (who share the same religions, dress and cultural practices of their cousins in lanka) have shown how this can be done.

        • 0


          The children and grand children of those who left this country are citizens of other countries now. They are in law, not Sri Lankans. Until an equitable dual citizenship system is established, they will remain total foreigners. Many countries in the west do not permit dual citizenship as well. One cannot have it both ways most times in life. Choices have to be made and choices were made. Various reasons dictated the choice, a major one being economic betterment. How many foreign passport holding Sri Lankans, will exchange their current citizenship for being restored their Sri Lankan citizenship?

          The window of opportunity was closed by the stupidity of both Diaspora activists and a visionless , over security conscious Sri Lankan government.

          The Diasporans are not Sri Lankans anymore, though they may be of Sri Lankan origin. Some of my children are part of the Diaspora now, much against my wishes. Though they are my children, they are foreigners to this land now. They can be interested in the welfare of their community and the welfare of the country they were born of and grew up. I can see their progressive alienation from everything they were born to inherit , unfold before my eyes. This is a common problem in the Diaspora. However, they cannot and should not seek to straddle two boats and dictate terms to us as a community and a country. Their help and concern are welcome, as much as it would be from any other foreigner. The only difference is that I will welcome and make them comfortable in my home, as my children, whereas others may not be given that privilege.

          Further, you have missed the point. Haven’t I stated in my article the Sri Lankan governments made a mistake in not following Nehru’s act. The scenario now is quite different on account of the vicious war fought over three decades. What was possible and wise at one time has become very difficult, if not impossible. I do not say it is right, but understand it is reality we have to live with.


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            Oh wonderful, How come than GR became citizen again? Huh? Did he pay visa fees?

            • 0

              He has dual citizenship at a time when it was possible to get it on mere application and a fee that was initially around Rs 1000,000 and later increased to around Rs. 200,000. That scheme now stands suspended. Does India have a dual citizenship program, although it has offered several privileges to the non-resident-Indians ( NRIs)?

              You are exposing your ignorance of local issues, every time you say something!


          • 0

            “The children and grand children of those who left this country are citizens of other countries now. They are in law, not Sri Lankans”

            A very enlightened policy. As a Tamil who was born in Sri Lanka (as were my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents etc) I obviously lost my identity when I landed at Heathrow airport. Here in UK, we are known as brown englishmen and are never referred to as Sri Lankan (though our devious british govt and media keeps assigning that label to us) But when the Rajapaksa kith and kin leave for USA then returned when Mahinda got power, they have the right to become Sri Lankan again. Such a move to alienate the 1 million first and second generation SL Tamils and deny us any link to our ancestral places will bring much benefit for Sri Lanka and definately not cause resentment and bring outside pressure from western nations, who as we know suffered a great humiliation when SL lost in the human rights council. Sri Lanka is a mighty nation and can most certainly withstand such pressures

            “Many countries in the west do not permit dual citizenship as well”

            Oh wise senior I am aware of it, the Indians being among them. Those foolish persons, desperate for money, have created a path via the overseas indian card, to allow their non-residents easy access into their nation to aid economic development. Therefore let us admire the Sri Lankan regime of blocking such a path for their own expats (despite them making up a bigger proportion of the population than the non-resident indians). We all know the chinese will write unlimited checks for economic prosperity to continue on the island for evermore and thus more public works named after Mahinda and war memorials for the army.

            “Various reasons dictated the choice, a major one being economic bettermen”

            As you have, for reasons known only to yourself, declared war on the diaspora, it is expected that you will give unflattering descriptions to them as greedy individualists who left for economic reasons. To tell you of the number of uneducated persons who fled as short notice to foreign lands, few belongings and barely speaking any other language but Tamil and forced to endure cold winters in places like Canada, Norway, Denmark etc will not please you so to protect yourself you stay silent on this subject. We are very impressed by this and salute you sir.

            “stupidity of both Diaspora activists and a visionless , over security conscious Sri Lankan government”

            Oh thank you sir for finally mentioning the SL govt for we feared that you had forgotten about them. We are also impressed by your attempt to label the diaspora as some kind of uniform body which thinks and acts in the same way. This tactic of the SL govt to enforce collective punishment on this group, as they do to Tamils in the north, will definately not cause increased unity and action but will weaken the resolve of those Tamils living abroad, as shown by Mahinda being given unrestricted access to the Oxford union debating room.

            “Some of my children are part of the Diaspora now, much against my wishes. Though they are my children, they are foreigners to this land now”

            Good sir how terrible you are to your kin! Whilst i cannot speak for your family, you need to understand that if people leave a place involuntarily (as many SL refugees did) then this creates a yearning inside them which cannot be quelled. This is why there are so many millions of Irish Americans who despite many living in that country (USA) for over 150 years, still cling onto their irish heritage because their ancestors left during a horrendous famine under British rule. These people were also funding the IRA who were blowing up various parts of UK in my youth. I’m glad that the UK govt made a deal and there’s peace in Northern Ireland and most of the British soldiers left. If the Brits had enforced a brutal military solution and still kept the army there then I know for sure that any peace would be temporary and more problems would be created in the long-run

            “I do not say it is right, but understand it is reality we have to live with”

            You may have resigned yourself to the inevitability of the Rajapaksas ruling the country for the indefinite period, but many people do not have this attitude. As it is clear that people inside Sri Lanka are either too fearful or scared (even if they dislike the regime) to make any changes, we Sri Lankans living abroad should do something constructive about it not just for the Tamils, but also for the muslims and moderate sinhalese who are also at risk from the brothers. I’m happy that Prabhakaran is no more and that Tamils are focusing on non-violent methods (which is upholding the legacy of people like SJV Chelvanayakam) and building bridges with India and democratic western nations.

            • 0

              Oh! poor child Ramanan,you ran away as a child not knowing or fully understanding what was taking place.
              One evening somewhere in august 83 I was heading home after work from Bambalapitiya to Kelaniya on a route 193 bus,I saw a long queue starting from Thunmulla dutch burgur union along the Thurstan road up to Albert cresent where the Australian embassy was. They were all Tamils wanting to migrate to Australia and all they needed for a visa was proof of a one way ticket to any city in Australia. All the western embassasies did this,tell me,have you ever heard of such kindness and compassion from the suddha(white) gentlemen before or after 83? for any other nation or race on this earth? not that I know of. Enlighten me if you know I am stand to be corrected. I still can remember a wry smile came on my face without even my knowldge when I came to know where the queue ended,because,I am a Tamil too and I saw what was going on. I saw no one attacking that line!!Tell me why it was not attacked when even babies were not spared just weeks before?
              My dear Ramanan, you can’t have the cake and eat it at the same time,If you want to come to Sri Lanka and claim your rightful place, you have every right to do so and no Mahinda or gota can prevent that. Don’t take my word for it,check with your legal eagle M.A.S who is dreaming to become a future PM or better president of the dreamland. You have the right to claim your citizenship but all you have to do is renounce your citizenship in your adopted country. Are you prepared to give up your UK citizenship and come back to fight for your so called rights?
              You were referring to nothern Ireland. To whom does nothern Ireland belongs to?the British or the Irish?The British obviously will do any deal to keep as much control with them because after more than 25 years of massacre knowing very well that their day’s are numbered.
              Ramanan, from your own admission your knowledge on ground realities are limited. Dr.Narendran is in a much better position than you are to make a judgement.You have two choices.You can risk you life for the sake of Tamil people and come here and see for yourself what all this ignorant people are talking about or you can continue with your rant from your comfortable couch.

          • 0

            Oh Dr,

            You missed the crux of my question!

            First, Indian citizenship act says anyone whose forefathers lived in India after independence, their children and grand children if they are born and lived in other countries, still they are citizen to India on their return by mere application to external ministry. got it? Please read indian citizenship act 1956 and amendment 1988. I said you to enlighten what is natural citizen and by birth criteria that is followed in US and India, or in any other democratic country. do such citizenship facility availble to SL for tamil diapora children who were forced to flee?

            Understand, second, most tamil dispora, were forced to flee on hostile enviornment and not they willfully withered the citizenship of SL . They are victim of state atrocity on one side, and their own militant fear on other side. Unless they had given in writing to cancel their citizenship of SL, how would you call them as citizen of another country? And ask them to pay fees? Here quetion of dual citizenship did not arise as long as they had not cancelled the SL citizenship on account of acquiring citizenship of another country.

            If GR can assume dual citizen after migrated to US, why not same can be considered for tamils who were forced to flee? Why then change that now ? As you claim if govt is interested in accepting tamils, why then hike the fees? is not that fees to be reduced and welcome them to join their mother country.

            Simple,the need to suspend that now is, they dont want Tamils to return who forced to flee thats why all this move of increasing fees, calling them dual citizens etc etc, between can you enlighten yourself the meaning of citizenship by UN charters?

            Can i ask you simple thing, can you profess what you learnt as part of your vetneray course than touching subject like citizenship? Oh poor doctor you cant even understand that meaning of citizenship?

            I love to be ignorant than arrogant in denial mode. You know you
            achieved your interior motive that i could see few SL people start
            praising you in comments.

            • 0

              The fly in the ointment is in the words ‘ forced to flee’ you use. Many fled happily. Few fled sadly. Many invented excuses to flee. The excuses varied, according to circumstances. The excuses involved the armed forces, Tamil militant groups and LTTE . Succcesful fleeing was the aim of vast swathes of Tamil sociey. It was a cherished status in society. Why the Tamils fled from Sri Lanka and how the Sri Lankan government helped many Tamils flee, should be the subject of an exhaustive study? This does not in any way imply that many did not have valid reasons to flee. However, the aspect of beckoning greener pastures looms quite large in the equation.

              Sri Lanka or Ceylon never exported indentured labour as India did in the pre-independence era. Sri Lanka was instead also a destination for such labour. India’s stance on welcoming back its expatriate labour force and their descendants was logical and moral It was also a necessity as many countries that had taken them in as indentured labour did not want them to remain. These unfortunates were leaving a poor and hungry India and were on the fringes of societies in the countries they were taken to.

              The circumstances in Sri Lanka were different. They were leaving a country that they did not want to be part of and a country that did not want them. They were also the principle backers of the Eelam wars. A former Governor of the Central Bank had adviced Presiident Jayawardene that the Tamils should be made a manageable minority in the country. This became a national objective, which was quietly adopted. Many Tamils did not understand what they were helping to succeed, as inimical to the interest of the Tamils who were left behind. This was the tragedy. It was good riddance for the government and a much sought after and cherished exit for the Tamils.

              Do you think any Sri Lankan government will open the flood gates to a permanent return of those you call ‘ forced to flee’? The new policy on dual citizenship is being designed to prevent this happening. The governent has the legal right and the reasons in terms of the war to do so, though the unsaid reason will never be acknowledged openly.


          • 0

            Thanks for long reply. However you had neither captured underlying points of my lengthy post. If SL enacted any law such that diaspora cannot return back or find hardships to return, then that law is to be on the line of genocide. And that will be illegitimate from human rights point of view. And you say all refugee willfully flee to TN to suffer here? What is your take? And unless you have exhaustive study with you , how can you support a law that makes refugee suffer to return?
            And if you are saying that SL law is valid, then you are not the one who is looking at society which entrusts the equal right to everyone, and all your writing in article is nothing but pure hypocrisy!

            • 0

              Why should they enact such a law? Are there any compulsions? Are you working on the assumption that will enact such laws? Are you trying give a new definition to genocide?


          • 0

            The diaspora have every right to be concerned about the trials and tribulations their kith & kin are undergoing back home in sri lanka,and bring all injustices heaped on them to the notice of the world.
            Most are in constant contact with those back home and know the truth of what is happening.
            They also know about the servile lackeys among tamils who whitewash the murderous regime.
            All of them do not hold foreign passports – many are permanent residents in other countries and retain sri lanka passports.

            • 0

              Please exercise your right to feel sorry as much as you want and send as much money as can to help your kith and kin. Visit them if possible as frequently as possible. These are the limits of your involvement. Do not try to make our affairs your hobby. We will survive and even do much better without your interference in our affairs. You have done enough damage already and trying very hard to do more. Your are not Sri Lankans anymore, but we are. You are becoming also less Tamil by the day, but we yet remain Tamils.


  • 0

    Dr – it’s fantastic and we do need more of the people of your stature to tell the real facts and figures to the gullible leaders and people of Sri Lanka. If we are to survive as people and nation we have to first think and act as Sri Lankan then as Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and whatever.

    Our brain dead and brain less leaders all of the shades wouldn’t do these for they keep all these going for their own survival. It’s time to a start people’s moment to take forward this work to achieve good life for all in the country.

  • 0

    “Sinhalese, Tamils And Sri Lanka: Yet Needed Paradigm”

    Great expectations in theory coming especially from an apparent animal specialist but in the light of what has been over the millennia’s as well as what is currently present, the future cannot and will not be different in this ephemeral world where only a few great people are passing through as a pleasant f**t; whilst the rest are all the real Mr McCoy’s true to form as the real experimental evolutionary pro-types behaving like pre-programmed robots seeking food and sex and becoming food whilst trying to amass wealth for them and their progeny.

    As per cutting edge revolutionary scientific thinking space and time are not what they seem to be as per our every day experience but rather far more illusory. The past, present and future may be all be existing simultaneously with gravity being the third member of intertwined and interwoven new scientific trinity.

    Hence we must come down to earth and try to be more realistic and less idealistic when dealing with modern day Ali Babas and their 100 odd thieves who are ruling the roost mostly in a self serving manner by the use of force and violence in the specialist’s laboratory, farm, zoo or country that seems to have a greater need for the likes of Rambo and the A team.

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      You have nailed well on the temple of Dr who because of his oldness, live in dormant world ( with brain full of dead cell) forever thinking SL will change.

      • 0


        “You have nailed well on the temple of Dr “

        Is it Pottu Amman in me talking?

        • 0

          no dear NV.. it is idiom and phrase in tamil which i quoted..( :-)

  • 0

    I second that call for Dr. Narendran for President!

    If only Sri Lanka had a few more individuals of his calibre among its Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslim citizens to provide the sane and compassionate voice, inspiration and leadership that our all our people, especially our younger generation, need desperately to get out of its current darkness.

    I have never voted because there never was any candidate who deserved my vote in my entire adult life. So it would be the first vote I would be casting for Dr. Narendran if he were to contest! And I would also trust him to abolish the presidency and replace it with a more democratic system where everyone’s rights were guaranteed if he ever gets there!

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    The only way for us to come together as a Nation is a good knowledge of a common language. It is not too late for English to be brought back into prominence, as we all have even a smattering of it, rather than any other foreign language. English has to be seen, not as a ‘Kaduva’ with which the majority of the Sinhalese in the South was cut off from the better Educational facilities, and hence the better Professions and Occupations available for the English educated.

  • 0

    A real time snap shot of LTTE and post LTTE situation.

    More than 50% of the Tamil population have been living in the South including the very Leaders who constantly allege genocide by the Srilankan Govt.

    The population in the South infact increased during the self rule by the LTTE.

    Even their current poxies were comfortably housed in Colombo.

    The great majority of inhabitants, which incidently happen to be 75% Sinhala people have no problem with any of the suggestions that Dr Rajasingham has made.

    Is that the position of the self claimed guardians and the sole representatives of the inhabitant Tamil population of Srilankan origin?.

    If it is there will be total reconciliation overnight.

    Unfortunately it is not the case.

    As long as the Opposition in concert with the Western powers who aided and abetted the LTTE plays politics together with Tamil politicians who are Prabakaran proxies and who demand nothing but self rule and ethnic enclaves, the great majority will have problem trusting them to safeguard their freedom and harmony that they enjoy now in a united Nation.

    Is it a surprise?.

    As Dr Narendran has clearly pointed out, any self rule for the LTTE proxiies will be viewed as providing the foundation for a divided Srilanka and the base for the greater Eelaam.

    And it will be anethema to all Sinhalese who have one and only one place on earth to bring up their children and wish to live in Srilanka as their fore fathers have done for thousands of years.

  • 0

    “The population in the South infact increased during the self rule by the LTTE. Even their current poxies were comfortably housed in Colombo.”

    Indeed this is all due to the generous nature of the sinhala masses and nothing to do with the fact that such areas were less bombed by the govt or had less restrictions placed on them. We all know of the great economic activity taking place in the North-East compared to Colombo which definately does not contain all the foreign embassies, company headquarters and other such incentives causing people to move there for a job.

    “Western powers who aided and abetted the LTTE plays politics”

    Indeed these devious govts even made a show of banning the LTTE in their countries and not undertaking much intervention in 2009 when the most amount of killing was taking place and their own Tamils were protesting.

    “demand nothing but self rule and ethnic enclaves”

    The idiotic indians gave an ethnic enclave to their Tamils and we see the results of this! The huge number of killings, murders and instability in South india between the Indian army and Tamil militants brought much shame to that country unlike the enlightened model followed by SL’s rulers. Hopefully strong action against the muslim minority by the Rajapaksa-backed Bodu Sena will increase the overall harmony in the SL nation.

    “any self rule for the LTTE proxiies”

    We thank you for your generous labelling of all Tamils as LTTE proxies and followers of Prabhakaran, who as you know was elected by popular mandate as their leader and definately was not a leader of a violent group which killed and intimidated many tamil politicians. Some less intelligent people were trying to comment that the sooner we stop assigning characteristics on a whole group of people then the sooner can we view each other as humans. Such idiots must be silenced before their dangerous talk spreads to others. We remain ever grateful for the SL govt for denying any further political settlements to Tamils, keeping massive military presence in the North and labelling Tamils abroad as traitors. The good relations enjoyed by the SL govt in its relations with western powers (where many Tamils reside) is a testament to the overall success of this strategy which certainly did not result in humiliation at the UN human rights council or Rajapaksa fleeing to the airport after being banned from entering Oxford uni campus.

    “who have one and only one place on earth to bring up their children”

    Indeed the restriction placed on sinhalese to live and bring up their children anywhere else on this planet gives brilliant justification for the strong measures of their govt against the other races who may be co-habiting with them. Such sinhala were living in lanka since the formation of the universe and the big bang and certainly do not contain large amounts of Tamil DNA or have their ethnic origins in India along with their Indo-Aryan language and Indian-based religion (like the Tamils).

    • 0

      So, Ramanan think Milliband and Kuchiners gate crashed in 2009 to congragulate MR on his potentil war win. LTTE banned? I thought ambassoder Adela is still in London.

      • 0

        You are only overwelmed of the victory yet though 4 years are gone.

        If the rulers could better concentrate on the reconciliation process – paying wholehearted efforts we would have achieved many more things. Why to just swollen – being unable to bear it – war is over, but achieving peace is light years away.

        If you re that interested in lankens to achieve sustainable peace, please Leela, help the masses with your know how that the rulers should finally be wholeearted with LLRC or any other implementations on the agenda.

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      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

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    “And it will be anethema to all Sinhalese..” – Please tell us in what way?

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    Good analysis by Dr. Narendran, We Tamils too should put their house in order & look at the whole issue fairly & plan how should Tamils live with Sinhala majority for nest 200 years at least, it’s only understanding & honoring each other, rather than asking parts of this small country, as matter of fact over 50 % live among southern sinhala masses, ironically more & more people went during 30 years of war.

    What we Tamils need is new thinking & strategy, not idiotic confrontation with the Majority people.

    Enough is enough, our children, grand children need not suffer by playing second fiddle to opportunistic politicos who visit Jaffna only for politics but live in Colombo or overseas & their kids in US Universities.

    Best person to follow is Saumyamoorthi Thondaman.

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      “50 % live among southern sinhala masses, ironically more & more people went during 30 years of war”

      Indeed this had nothing to do with the lack of any meaningful economic activity, huge military presence and violent action in the North-East nor the location of big business in the capital city.

      “What we Tamils need is new thinking & strategy, not idiotic confrontation with the Majority people”

      Indeed the burden should be on us, a minority barely scrapping 11% of the total population, broken by war and looking to flee the country. We should not ask the majority community of 75% to amend their attitudes nor the ruling family who control all the levers of power but rather shift all the responsibility on ourselves. Our foolish muslim brothers have not learned this lesson either.

      “who visit Jaffna only for politics but live in Colombo or overseas & their kids in US Universities”

      We remain thankful for the ruling family not doing such activities as going abroad to USA for medical treatment, green card and holidays. The sooner we bend ourselves to the whims of Rajapaksa clan the better and forget these half-baked ideas of democracy, having a free press and living without fear

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        You forgot to answer this only ?

        “Enough is enough, our children, grand children need not suffer” Please reply.

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        What’s your solution after 35 years costly war ? Separatist illusion & put our sons & daughters, next generation Jaffna tamils on death road & untold misery ?
        India took us for a ride & West as well, just to use us as a tool & discard it. Only thing I can do is, pray to god, let Tamil leaders have wisdom. Amen.

  • 0

    Narendran is a full-time apologist cum whitewasher of the police cum military state.
    He jealously safeguards the reputation of the army,while saying that most of the war widows and their daughters are practising prostitution.
    He invents stories of visiting diaspora finding everything “normal”.He even says that there are brothels in jaffna.He denies “sex slaves” of the army seen by diaspora recently.
    He is careful not to protest against the militarisation of the north and east,denial of basic human rights and rule of law,ongoing disappearances,attacks on media offices & personnel,attacks on students,denial of the right to return to their homes by IDPs,land grabs by the military,illegal sale of tamils’ lands to foreigners & southerners,illegal prevention/supervision/regulation of personal/family lives/livelihoods of tamils,compelling tamils to “protest” against their elected leaders,prevention of mothers & relatives travelling to colombo to demand action on their disappeared relatives by the army & police,ignores/whitewashes the travails of IDPs being even now driven from homes,demolition of hundreds of hindu temples & stealing of statues of deities,erection of buddha statues & buddhist temples in place of hindu temples,assaults & murders of hindu priests by the army,and denial of elections to enable the north and east to elect leaders so as to continue the military provincial governments.

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      Is that all? Surely you can find some more words in the dictionary to add more to your list.

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    This is the realization that needs to dawn on many minds regardless of their race for our beloved country to prosper in peace,for our children to live in peace.
    Dr.Narendran has inadverntly or intentionally omited a main paragraph that must neccessarily have been included.
    The involvement of outsiders in our internal quarrel. This was essentially a dispute within the house and outsiders should have no role in it.
    They are the one’s who turned a quarrel in to a war and whithout realizing that we will still be in the same dark hole for time to come.
    Still the Tamil politicians are on the pilgrimage to the very same manipulators who messed us up from the very begining.
    Since the end of the fighting I see only one shortcoming from the government,that is there triumphalism,which could have been better with out. The rest you blame them for are actually the fault of the Tamil politicians. They are nerver settled on one idea. Changing their demands to suite the manipulators.
    Trying to hound the Rajapakses on war crimes charges was as big a mistake as the war itself. That was done purely to satisfy the west especially Hilary and Blake, to the rest of the manipulators right down to Vaiko,that got the Rajapakses in the reverse gear or in to their shell and now blaming them for inaction won’t serve any purpose. After fighting and losing a war for a seperate state,how intelligent is it to demeand from the victor the very same things you fought for and lost. These are the works of the manipulators and we must recognize it and decide now to stay away from them if we are to get anywhere in the near future.
    The geneva resolutions are only tools of the manipulators just to prolong our suffering. They are not interested in the well being of the Tamils or other Sri Lankans.
    If what you suggest today was suggested by the Tamil Politicians in unison at end of 2009,where do you think we would be today!

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      Nak writes: “The involvement of outsiders in our internal quarrel. This was essentially a dispute within the house and outsiders should have no role in it”

      Indeed for we remember how the SL army defeated terrorism single-handedly with zero loss of life. They definately did not need extensive military help from China, Pakistan and India. The efforts made by the likes of Kadirgamar to have the LTTE banned in western nations thus choking their fund-raising had no overall consequence on the war ending

      “the Tamil politicians are on the pilgrimage to the very same manipulators who messed us up from the very begining”

      Exactly- can you believe they are now asking questions in parliament about the activities of the bodu sena on the muslim community. Why such persons cannot be arrested and made to pay for their actions is beyond me. Hopefully Gota can start getting some arrest warrants sorted out.

      “I see only one shortcoming from the government,that is there triumphalism”

      Yes that was the main problem. Subverting the judiciary, launching attacks on critical media, rampant corruption and nepotism by the ruling family were much smaller issues.

      “After fighting and losing a war for a seperate state,how intelligent is it to demeand from the victor the very same things you fought for and lost”

      We remain thankful for Nak for reminding us that Prabhakaran was our elected democratic leader and the LTTE our national army. Some people (definately not Gota) was spreading some nonsense about rescuing northern tamils from the clutches of terrorism on a humanitarian mission. Such liars need to be exposed.

      “The geneva resolutions are only tools of the manipulators just to prolong our suffering. They are not interested in the well being of the Tamils or other Sri Lankans.”

      Indeed how dare they make critical remarks about Rajapaksa ruling family and their beneficiant rule over the island. It is the right of all democratic leaders to put their face on the currency, jail their presidential rival, attack critical media, sack their leading judge and appoint one’s brothers, sons, cousins, neices and nephews to various jobs in the govt. Their patronage of the Bodu Sena shows their commitment to buddha’s dharma and must also be appreciated

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        No offence to Kidiragamar, who I consider a great patriot.

        The US and its allies had no choice. They had to ban LTTE after 9/11. And they did it but for the name sake. They made sure Don Juan and Dona Katharina not capitalise the situation and finish the war then. I don’t mean they were capable of it.

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          “No offence to Kidiragamar, who I consider a great patriot”

          Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel – Samuel Johnson

      • 0

        Ramanan, you are yanne koheda? malle pol!
        I said It was a quarrel within and then there were no Indians, Chineese or Pakistanis. The chinese and Pakistanis and many others got involved only after aunty Indira’s dhal curry which the northies glady whacked and got whacked back without hodi(curry) from the Innocent People Killing Force! remember?
        And don’t try to feed us hay,they were never choked for funds and even today vaiko and many others of his ilk are running on fuel pumped by diapora cash cow.
        Bodu bala sena has not hurt any one. If they have there are many Muslim ministers,opposition politicians,legal luminaries who can take action against them on their own with out police or gota. Why are they not doing anything? Because they are scared of Gota and have their tail between their legs with knees shuddering?
        Why? because it’s all noice and no substance.
        nepotism,corruprion and interference in judiciary were not inventions of Rajapakeses,they are happening even in your mecca of freeworld the US of Aggressesion.The world we live in is not perfect and the day it becomes perfect you will still be imperfect!
        Those who needs to be exopsed have already been exposed,hope and prey you are not among them.
        Didn’t you read what Dr.Narendran has said,first read and try to understand what he said before rushing to make stupid comments.

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    We should stop entertaining ethnicity based demands and political solutions. Otherwise face the TNA-SLMC-BBS music. Now TNA and SLMC are not alone. They have a friendly companion in BBS.

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      “We should stop entertaining ethnicity based demands and political solutions”

      Of course we shouldn’t, only by the minorities.

      It wasn’t wrong to entertain ethnicity as an criteria when SLFP enforced Sinhala only language policy which subsequently devastated the island.

      It was also not wrong to give constitutional protection to Buddha Sasana as if BUddha himself assigned the responsibility of guardiaship to the ethnic Majority.

      It wasn’t also wrong to make millions of up country Tamil minorities as stateless on the basis of their ethnicity, by the Majority.

      If anything the Majority ethnic group should have deported themselves first to India, on the basis of first in first out.

      Of course we should stop entertaining ethnicity based demands and political solutions, only because my people are the last in the pecking order, even while our ancestral land is being grabbed, looted, destroyed, and our people are relocated and our livelihood is obliterated.

      I like you and your one sided majoritarianism.

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    This is “Dogtor Chindanaya.”

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    You will be branded as a traitor by the LTTE lovers.That is what happened our late LK.One does not have to have many grey cells to realize that.Just see the responses by some Tamils.

    I met many Tamils living abroad whose children could not speak or understand Tamil.These second and third generations are known as coconuts. (brown outside , white inside).They never paid a visit to Sri Lanka yet had very strong views about the ethnic conflict.They wanted to be white British but got offended when the English folk ask them ‘where are you originally from?’

    We will never heal our scars by ruminating the past.LTTE lovers like that.Your article goes a long way towards a reconciliation.

    I believe Tamils Sinhalese Muslims and others can all live together in harmony. People like you will make it happen.

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      “I believe Tamils Sinhalese Muslims and others can all live together in harmony. People like you will make it happen.”

      Doesn’t the island belong to my people?

      Why do you stupid people always talk about Kallathoni Tamils Sinhalese and Muslims as if my people don’t exist?

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      That is an old Tamil habit. Read our history. G.G. Ponnambalam was called a traitor by S.J.V. Chelvanayagam and Alfred Duraiappa was called a traitor by A. Amirthalingam. Amirthalingam was considered a traitor by V. Prabaharan. The nasty tradition continues. The Tamils demand democracy, while they are quite undemocratic. They are quite intolerant of pluralism in opinion and ideas. The person with a contrary opinion is condemned and the message is never debated. This is why we are where we are now. It seems to be a genetic aberration.


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    First of all it is the Tamils who need to extend their hand and reconcile withe rest of the nation for all the atrocities perpetrated on them over a period of 30 years. It is an open secret who was behind the 1983 pogrom against the Tamils in Colombo and other areas.

    Tamil community’s non realistic and non historic demands as well as their non identification with Sri Lanka and constant running to their cousins across the Palk Straits, cement the fact that their recent origins are from across the waters. These keep the Southerners ever suspicious of their intentions.

    Almost all their demands – ” a little now more later” does not give confidence to the South that their demands however well couched will not lead to the ultimate creation of a border and Eelam – a corruption of the word Sihalam. This purported border has travelled ever southward as per current fancy of the Racist Tamils. Compare the 1980 Tamil Stamp issued clandestinely in Jaffna and the one issued by the LTTE in early 2000.

    Sri Lanka has been a separate geographical and political entity for many millennia whereas India is not. The fact that there never was a separate Tamil Kingdom in Sri Lanka with distinct boarders with the rest of the country is historical fact.

    Today in Sri Lanka we all want to live as one nation. Just as Tamils and Muslims freely live anywhere in the South, the Sinhalese and Muslims too want to live freely in the North and East without being told that we don’t belong there – This is a constant theme in Tamil demands since early 1900s. This type of demand is not congruent with more Tamils living, educating their children in Tamil and doing business in Colombo and her suburbs than the Sinhalese. All Sinhalese and Muslims including students who studied at the Jaffna and Batticaloa University were driven away by Racist Tamils.

    One writer talks about naming 89 villages with Sinhala names. I do not know about the authenticity of this statement. Even if it is true, place names have changed many times and there is evidence how this have happened in recent historical times. I have attached a link below which shows the Sinhala version of the same story. The truth is that history shows that ” there were more foreigners than native in the Jaffna peninsula during Dutch times than the natives”. Here the natives they were referring to were the Sinhalese and the foreigners – the Malabar Tamils who have been brought from India to tend the Dutch Tobacco plantations. So it is futile to talk of Tamil Land in Sri Lanka. This is a divisive concept and one that will keep Sri Lanka constantly embroiled in ethnic discord.


    Then there is the grouse about the place given to Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Although this is only in paper, if not for the fact the majority in Sri Lanka are Buddhists from historical times, the situation of other minorities would have been a different history altogether. If one simply imagines that situations reversed – a) Sri Lanka a majority Hindu nation, b) a majority Muslim nation and c) a majority Christian nation – how would other minorities would have been treated has to be seen only by looking at similar situations elsewhere in the world. If not for the Sinhala Buddhists – the muslims in Sri Lanka would have been history and for that matter Roman Catholics too.

    Tamils in the eyes of the rest of Sri Lanka are an extremely privileged minority. The problems of Sri Lanka are common to all her inhabitants- poverty and landlessness are two most prominent. In this scenario talking about about a separate land, and extreme forms of power devolution for 50% Sri Lankan Tamils now living in the North and East is a non issue.

    The current leadership must have the courage as well as the wisdom to do away with any sort of solution that will lead to any form of division of the country on ethnic lines. There is no way that Sinhalese will reconcile with Unilateral Declarations of Independence or a thousand Mavil Aru’s now or ever! Devolution of power at Village level has worked well for thousands of years and there is much promise for that in the future.

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      Please reread, review and retract most of what you have written as history.

      One does not need to reiterate one’s stupidity time and again, whenever the opportunity presents itself. The Tamil/Sinhala stupidity has long been well established, without a shred of doubt.

      Narrating revisionist history has become an industry in itself. There is great demand for and supply of fictions set up in historical background.

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      Dear Ratnapala,

      Buddhism is the religion of the majority.People try to forget this. Should we accept Sri lanka as a Buddhist country?

      There is a tragic case now being investigated in Ireland. An Indian doctor named ‘Savita’ died a few months ago due to sepsis (serious infection). She was carrying a dying fetus but the doctors denied abortion on the grounds that their was a fetal heart sound. In Ireland abortion is a serious issue as they consider it is against Catholic teachings.The sad fact is that she was told ‘this is a Catholic country’ when she and her husband requested a termination of the pregnancy. by the time the fetal heart stopped it was all over for her.

      Ir shows that these countries who preach justice to the world behave differently when it comes to domestic issues. They consider Ireland is a Catholic country. UK is an Anglo Saxon country.Malaysia is a Muslim country. So where do we Sri Lankans stand?

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        Dubdoc, immediately after the savita incident, they held meeting to change constitution? like that did it ever happen in SL to address the real problem of Tamils? question your conscience before questioning others..

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      “Tamils in the eyes of the rest of Sri Lanka are an extremely privileged minority. ” – Could you please explain what you mean? Thanks in advance.

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    How interesting is the Vertinerary Surgeons apologetic and advisory article specially to the Tamils and Tamil diaspora… It is more of a joke if Narandran thinks even 1 or 2% of the diaspora will agree with his advise.

    Let me inform Narendran for the nth time that there can be NO Reconciliation unless and until there is Truth, Justice and Accountability. This rubbish of forgive and forget will not work with the majority of the Tamils unless the above 3 conditions are fulfilled. He may conveniently forget about what the Indian soldiers did to his mother, brother and his relatives and continue to enjoy the cordiality and his life as if nothing has happened whether one has to believe whether he is allowing himself to be photographed or not.

    @CT, When you publish writer’s photos please publish current or nearly current photos and not ancient ones. [Edited out]

    Narendran after years of attacking the Tamil Freedom fighters of 30 years, due to personal and other ideological reasons now is unable to agree with any other Tamil or Sinhala political groups in Sri Lanka or the diaspora. So he literally is stranded and is virtually “KOTA UDA” politically. As far as the Tamil diaspora is concerned he is our very own Quisling, Vichy, Benedict, and Ettapan combined with no appointed or elected role to play even like Pillaiyan, Karuna, KP, Daya Master, or Devananda… He is becoming the younger version of unelectable politician Anandasangaree and the difference could be only a dozen years..

    The Tamil diaspora does not need his advise about reconciliation with the racist-chauvinist-extremist- state terrorist GOSL who are now accused of war crimes (Finally) by many respected officials and members of the international community. This is what the Tamils For Justice predicted for many years and it has finally come true, and the wheels of justice is turning slowly.

    There are plenty of “holes” and inaccuracies in his article and it is no point in my debating it.

    However as far as foreign citizens running this country is concerned, it cannot be just waived off as if they have informed Narendran that they have dual citizenship.. When the Rajapakse brothers or US born Moragoda accepted their US citizenship there is no question that they take allegiance to only one flag and one country. Also to one TAX MAN. All Global income needs to be reported to the US Tax authorities immaterial whether there are double tax agreements or not. They are also subject to the Dept. of Justice and US courts have full jurisdiction over them, especially when they stand accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

    The US DOJ/IRS also views income and wealth accumulated from bribery, corruption and kickbacks/commission very seriously. US DOJ will prosecute such individuals who are US citizens or permanent residents like the former army commander if there is sufficient evidence after investigations by US authorities for which they do not need UN or US government authorities approval, FYI.

    It seemly does not matter nor are they protected in any way whether they have dual citizenship or not and when they received such dual citizenship.

    There is a lot of private progress that is going on within the US although publicly it is only the State Department who makes any statements which are more diplomatic or symbolic like the recent 20% cut in foreign aid to Sri Lanka.

    I would suggest, that instead of giving us the Tamil diaspora advise Narendran should join the government in any capacity and give them the advise to first make peace with the victims of state terror for at least the past 3 decades, compensate those victims in some way, and more importantly protect them from terror, rape, molestation, intimidation, harassment and every form of discrimination.

    Protect them from plunder, theft and losses of their own land, fields, homes, boats and even bicycles. (And our Tamil girls/women’s modesty/virginity.) They live in fear. Allocate funds from the budget to build schools, universities, and hospitals as roads, railways, ports and airports in the North-East are not the people’s priority. (That is the military’s priority with wide and good roads connecting all the military camps, ports, airports and railways). They need their homes rebuilt and repaired which was damaged by the Rajapakse regime. The GOSL instead are stealing and wasting the foreign funds that are being allocated by various governments, agencies and private sector to the people of the North East…

    This is in a nutshell the initial steps the Sinhala regime needs to take to make peace with the Tamil people, elected party (TNA), and Tamil diaspora… Bare Words Butters No Parsnips and what is needed is real and credible action by the GOSL which is a national and international obligation and responsibility.

    [Edited out]

    Donald J Gnanakone
    Tamils For Justice.

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      Thanks for your opinion. My article is premised on the following factors:

      1. The irrelevance of the Tamil Diaspora in Sri Lankan affairs.

      2. The belief system of the Hindu Tamils -a predominant section among the Tamils-that is founded on the concept of Karma. This helps accept the worst and heal. This approach is more forward looking and comes naturally to most of our people. It is ingrained in their psyche.

      3. The approach of the western and predominantly Christian world is based on the more humanised version of the Judaic ‘ Eye for an eye , tooth for a tooth’ approach.

      4. The need to forget the past and forge a new future based on current realities.

      5. The political solutions sought in the past have little relevance to the present and future ( they also failed because they were not even appropriate to the times they were formulated).

      6. Reconciliation is the priority at this point in time.


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        I would rather be alone, than be untrue to myself! You are once again referring to Veterinary Surgeons, in a rather condescending and derogatory manner. You have done this several times before, when referring to Dr. Nadesan. I contested you on that issue. I am proud I am a Veterinary Surgeon and have been blessed to spend a considerable time of my life with animals. They, as part of the creation you believe in and over which God spent almost five days, are much better than the creatures he designed on the sixth day, before he rested! It was a privilege that make me respect them more than many humans. Further, it is a nobler profession than many are. I am quite disappointed that you chose to yet remain in the gutters in your thought process. Your sojourn in the US has apparently not done much good to you.


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          It would have been better for you to pick holes in what I have said than try to make holes in me! It would have definitely been a learning experience for me and many readers. Why don’t you write a repost summarising your interpretation of relevant history and possible solutions? You allude to knowing so much and it is time you shared it with us, the lesser and foolish beings.


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          This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

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          Dr RN,
          Veterinary is a noble profession. In fact it is much more difficult to treat animals than humans.Animals cannot talk similar to very small kids.I have more respect for animals than humans as they will never pretend.
          You should ignore all these derogatory remarks.You are taller than them.Decent Sinhala Tamil and others respect you.That is what matters!

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      Hello again Uncle Donald,

      How lame.

      People who subscribe to ideologies of primmitive racism and eternal revenge such as yourself continually block reconciliation in Sri Lanka.

      Good luck with trying to nail Sri Lankans with US passports such as GR, BR etc. I got nothing against it.

      However, if USA is the last bastion of Justice like you claim. Then DOJ & IRS better start with Geroge W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. All guilty of war crimes. Of a magnitude, MR can never achieve in a lifetime.

      People like Dr. Rajasingham, Anandasangaree or Kadirgamar are not responsible for this fiasco in Sri Lanka.

      People like yourself are. On both sides.

      Uncle Donald please… Get your ass out of the Nile before you get bit by a crocodile.

      Otherwise being the very humane man Dr. Rajasingham is. He will have to rush to Egypt. To rescue the poor crocodile. From your venom. As you know, your kind of extreme, Tamil, ethno nationalistic, racism is very toxic.

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        @Harding… You are funny and your humor is overwhelming.
        However you have recognized the danger of messing with me. Congratulations.

        If the Sinhalese or even Vertinerary surgeon Narendran thought that the Government sponsored race riots in July 1983 targeting the poor and rich Tamils would be just forgiven and forgotten they are all totally and sadly mistaken.. I have written many times that my personal and financial losses were thousand times more than the average Tamil family in Colombo. I would not add any more to that conversation, but I made it very clear to that UNP regime and organizers of the riots that there will be a heavy price to pay.

        History, Karma, and Kaali has proven me right in 30 years.

        In 1983 I had many countries to chose from to settle down to carry out the promise and not the threat I personally made to them and decided to chose the USA. This was not for the purpose of business and making money like many professionals who ran to different parts of Africa and Middle East to work under harsh regimes, rules and conditions to make MONEY.

        My purpose in life changed in July 1983 and business was not a priority. I was a young bachelor so had little family responsibilities since other family members were already well off and well settled. Although I bought a travel business in Manhattan Beach and settled down 1 block from the beach I did not lose my focus but concentrated on what I wanted to accomplish.

        As one can observe the results are mixed and there is unfinished business. That does not mean that I was war mongering but worked on peace deals from June 1996 silently without fanfare. There was good results but the Tamils dropped the ball sometime in the 2004 period and culminated it with installing the Rajapakses in power.

        Again there is blame to go all around as I said before, details of which is not to be discussed in this forum or at this time.

        Hey Harding I am not afraid of any freaking Mother …. crocodile or Kabaragoyas or Sinhala Malaperethayas. Nor the Tamil quislings and Ettapans. I have dealt with such venomous creatures all my life and know how to deal with them… Of course the Vets can save the crocodiles, Kbaragoyas, and rabid dogs in Sri Lanka or Africa where the River Nile runs a long distance.

        I love the river Nile and never missed the opportunity to take a cruise on the Nile whenever I visited Cairo which I did many times. BTW my brother and I set up a shipping office in Cairo way back in 1976 and that was much before all the 1 Million housemaids and others rushed to the Middle East for jobs. We closed it down after 1983 for several several reasons.

        Those crocodiles in Africa from South Africa to Egypt are much better animals than the Pariah dogs of Sri Lanka, and especially the two legged ones.

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          Donald J Gnanakone,

          Martin Luther King, Jr. said ” Non-violence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.

          Buddha said “Do you really think that once you have killed all your enemies you will be happy? What will you do then with the hatred that still lives in your heart?”

          Hope above will help you heal somewhat. After being driven by hatred towards Sinhalese Buddhists. For 30 years.

          Cheers buddy!

          • 0

            Ben Hurling

            “After being driven by hatred towards Sinhalese Buddhists. For 30 years.”

            Why haven’t the Sinhala/Buddhists learned this gem of teaching in the last 2,500 years? They have a 100 years of raging hatred for themselves and others.

          • 0

            Let the Sinhala Buddhist practice their religion properly. Then they will be healed and we will have real peace.

            May I remind you what Prabhakaran the Tamil leader once said nearly 3 decades ago. If Jayawardene was a true Buddhist, I won’t be carrying a gun. The same applies to the Rajapakses and no Tamil in Sri Lanka are carrying any guns except those with the Tamil quisling groups and traitor groups like Devananda, Pillaiyan and Karuna..

            So where does the problem lie?

            And why the Tamil Girls and women are getting raped and molested?

            • 0

              I am against violence by political cronies and violence against women. Be the Sinhalese, Tamil or Muslim.

              These are huge challenges in Sri Lanka today. That we must overcome.

              Inciting Sinahala Tamil hatred is hardly the way to go about tackling these terrible problems.

        • 0

          Enjoy wallowing in mud till kingdom come. I have also experienced the 1977 riots in which I lost everything. I had a narrow escape with my life. However, life as a refugee at St.Sylvestor’s college taught me that I was yet better off than the poor estate Tamils who had lost their meagre possessions. I had as my asset an education that had been been given to me free up to the PhD, by Sri Lanka. I have recounted my experiences with the good, bad and the ugly in this country, elsewhere. These experiences have taught me to rise above the forest and see problems from an enlightened perspective.


          • 0

            That is why you are prepared to forget and forgive the Indian IPKF who did what they did to your mother, brother, and relatives.

            I am a different breed of a Tamil. It must be the DNA. My father’s father is from Valvettithurai and other grand parents from the coastal villages of Point Pedro.

            I did not receive FREE EDUCATION from Sri Lanka. From St Thomas’s Prep, to St John’s College and Acquinas it was all private college and @18 I left the country and became an Airline Pilot in England. My family and I contributed for decades to Sri Lanka, and also in employment both in Sri Lanka and overseas by the hundreds and thousands.

            Anyway, see what you can do with your excellent government connections Narendran to protect our Tamil girls and women from molestation and rape by the sinhala state terrorist. This is not wallowing in the mud bud innocents blood and tears you seem to disgracefully ignore.


            • 0


              Your reply confirms why we are different. I have attended eleven schools in my school life all over Sri Lanka . Except for one all were provincial schools. Further, to this day I have no relationship , excellent or otherwise , with politicians. I have shunned such relationships deliberately, although several have crossed my path over time. I am sure you have acress to the politicians here, yet, given the background you describe.

              Hamden lane and Collingwood place were not very far from in each in space, but were quite far apart in many other ways!


            • 0

              Donald Uncle

              St Thomas’s Prep, St John’s College and Acquinas may be private. But, subsidised by the government to a certain extent. So called semi private schools.

              Your burning desire to protect our Tamil girls and women from molestation and rape sounds noble. But, hollow at the same time.

              No group has inflicted more destruction on our Tamil girls, women & kids than the so called “LTTE Freedom Fighters”. Apparently you hold them in such high regard.

    • 0

      Oh my dear donald,
      DR is an old bag. Typical fool for long time, forgive him. He is suffering from early stage of …., please forgive his foolish statements.

  • 0

    I thought readers would be interested in an earlier version of this article written about four years ago in June 2009 transcurrents.com/tc/2009/06/sinhalese_tamils_and_sri_lanka.html

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      Thanks. I had referenced it at the end of this article. However, CT had left it out. The present article is an update on what I wrote in 2009.


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    Why are we Tamils forced to live with the Sinhalese. There has never been a united Sri Lanka. This is a modern invention by the British. We are two different people and we lived in separate kingdoms for centuries.
    Each race should have the right to self-determination and no race should be coerced into integration with another race just because they are a majority.
    Sinhalese can be the majority in their country and we Tamils should be the majority in our own.
    We cannot achieve true peace through coercion and violence. The Sinhalese have to understand our desperate situation and our true desire to be a sovereign nation.
    True mutual understand and respect are only possible when all groups enjoy the same freedom.

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      Let us take segregation a step further. While we are at it. Why not?

      Each Tamil caste should have the right to self-determination and no caste should be coerced into integration with another caste.

      Now how about that? Would be the ultimate racist Utopia. Let’s do it. Would be so much fun.

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        @Harding. Don’t write about something you have no freaking idea, and rubbish.. Caste system existed for centuries among the Tamils as well as the Sinhalese.

        Tigers tried their best to eradicate it, but went about the wrong way and was too harsh. And sometimes it was petty and even selfish which the leadership was unaware of what really happened in towns.

        But when Kittu was in charge of Jaffna and operated from the GA’s bungalow/office there were no such complaints…. The Indians and Sinhalese systematically killed off the Tamil leadership among the freedom fighters. The IPFK smartly did the worse damage starting the war with the provocative action against the Tigers by handing over 13-14 Tamil leaders arrested at sea, to racist minister Lalith Acidatmudali. Forcing them to commit suicide which started the fighting between the IPKF (Innocent People Killing Forces) and the Tamils.

        Narendran’s mother, brother and relatives including his so called library were brutally killed and destroyed respectively. Many Tamils were raped, molested and tortured by Narendran has decided not to write about it because he is now in the forget and forgive mode. But he does not want to forgive the Tamil freedom fighters for any of their mistakes. I agree there has not been a single perfect liberation movement in the history of the world and in the 20th/21st century fighting against world powers supporting a racist regime.

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          ‘ So-called Library”? These words give an insight into your value system more than anything else you have said over the years! The forgiveness I have advocated encompasses all those who have played a role in the conflict, including those who killed my mother and brother! I have highlighted the LTTE crimes, inorder to show that its role has not been any less dastardly. It is multi-sided story that is being increasingly narrated in a very one sided manner by the likes of you. The LTTE was no liberation movement. If you have not understood this yet, you will never understand .

          Further, this article is not a treatise or a thesis on the conflict and the war. It is only an attempt to provide an aerial view of the conflict and identify a direction for the future.


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          Donald Uncle

          Thanks a lot for the inforamtion about the horrific events Dr.Rajasingham Narendran has gone through at the hands of IPKF etc.

          So far, I have not noticed Dr.Rajasingham Narendran volunteering this kind of personal info in this forum or elsewhere. I am sure he has his reasons. Which I fully respect.

          Anyway, uncle Doanld you just increased the degree of respect I have for Dr.Rajasingham Narendran ten fold.

          I know I would not have been able forgive. Like he has. Based on what I read, you can’t either Doanld uncle.

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            Roger Harding,

            I have divulged details occasionally. An article titled ‘ Open letter to the Sinhalse ‘ a few years back in the Asian Tribune had the most details. There was much reason to forgive, because I was also given the opportunity to experience the decency of various people amidst the tragedy. Many probably did not have this opportunity. Further, family circumstances and my father’s job, entailed close interactions with persons of all communities throughout my life. This has given me the opportunity to see the greater goodness amidst the evil.

            Thanks for your kind words.


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              Roger Harding,

              Herewith find the link to the article ‘Open Letter to the Sinhalese’. I am unable to track the Asian Tribune link and hence have given the Tamilweek link instead.


              Some questions listed at the end of this article relate to federalism. While, it is yet a desirable option, the post-war circumstances- human resource, economic and attitudinal- I think may not make it workable nor attainable.

              Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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    Dr Narendran,

    Thank you for your perspectives on this, our national tragedy. I am probably from the generation of your children. Growing up during the time the war was in full swing; I had little appreciation on how it started. By way of their actions, the normal definition for the LTTE is a ‘terrorist organization’ and that is how I viewed them. The tamil sympathizers of the the LTTE were known then as ‘kotti’ (even today, it is disgraceful to find some non-tamil Sri Lankans labelling Tamils who fight for their rights as ‘kotti’). During my higher studies in Canada, the many Tamils (also of my generation) had an equally demonised view of the Sinhalese (and I viewed them as ‘brain washed’). Having not lived in Sri Lanka for majority of the last 30 years, it has taken only the recent crisis which has engulfed the Muslims for me to look back and educate myself and atleast start to appreciate the true essence of the conflict. Reality is then (as it is todays) majority of the Sinhalese are not racist and neither are majority of tamils. It took the actions of a few with government backing to push almost the entire tamil community into the cluthches of the radical LTTE. 30 years on, I beleive the South still needs to own up to and redress the crimes committed by the few in creating this conflict and acknowlegdes the collective failure of the community. Until this happens the south can not claim to have compassion for the sufferings of the tamils and effective reconciliation will not not happen until this conflict is but a distant history. Further I am worried about the majority of my generation (who having not experinced the tragic beginnings), few of whom will be able to study, rationalize and understand the conflict from all its dimensions. The Diaspora of my generation are even further away, not being here, their chances of reconciling are even more remote. Unless, the Sinhalese leaders step up and do what is right immediately and redress the crimes of 83 and earlier, I believe it will only be during the generation of my children that we will achieve true peace. By that time most of you (of my fathers generation) would be long gone.

    I am no expert in this topic, but this how I understand it at this point in time.

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    Donald Uncle,

    The way Dr Narendran and you write articles tell a lot about both of you.

    Dr Narendran shown what a highly educated grounded person he is. You on the other hand is an uneducated rich arrogant man

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