16 January, 2025


Sirisena Govt Must Sensibly Engage With Non-Resident Tamils

By Rajasingham Jayadevan

Rajasingham Jayadevan

Rajasingham Jayadevan

The new government of President Maithiripala Sirisena has taken heartening steps to deal with serious issues such as good governance, accountability and to bring an end to the autocratic governance of familial rules embodied in deep rooted hate feelings.

This encouraging process must be strengthened to deal with wider issues and the government that is in the transitional process with the 100 day good governance programme must transit into a much more stable government after the parliamentary elections soon to deal with further fundamental issues.

The government needs to undertake positive and serious steps to engage with the Non Resident Tamils (NRT) with the sincere intention to deal with the issues affecting them and Sri Lanka. Instead of taking the hostile path of clobbering all the fair minded NRTs to the agitating and screaming Tamil groups, the government must seek to give wider focus to listen to the silent voices of the majority NRTs.

Tamil London

*Tamil diaspora in UK – File photo 

Of the successive governments, former President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s government wholly alienated the NRTs and kept on oxygenating the hard-core Tamil groups to such a scale that it polarised the much needed relationship into crisis point and to the scale of no return. The former Foreign Minister Prof G L Peiris was a god given professorial clump to diabolically harp on the NRTs on the whole to market the government’s anti-NRT feelings down south in Sri Lanka.

The You Tube display (below of November 2014) of the conditioned minds like that undermined the will of the fair minded wider expatriate Tamils was melody for the Mahinda Rajapaksa government. The government’s measurement of the NRTs based on such displays is canard and only alienated the resourceful and intelligent NRT community. The unemployed, a funeral orator, a charity thief (under investigation) and those extensively benefitted from the extension of the war are not the true projection of the wider NRTs.The new government must expand its scope to engage with the wider NRTs and move away from the rots that are rotting the very meaning of the Tamil Diaspora. Any sincere engagement must not be conditioned upon focussing on the branded Tamil groups. Far reaching efforts must be made to listen to the wider NRT views and to address their needs and issues honestly.

Overall, concern of the political resolution to the historical conflict that gave birth to the massive NRT, is an uncompromising issue that must be addressed in a sincere manner.

The NRT must be recognised as a stakeholders to issues involving the Tamils and facilitated without any divisive intents or manoeuvrings.

Wide ranging issues impeding the NRTs to engage, contribute and play their due role must be addressed sensibly.

As a priority, the new government must undertake the bold step to annul the proscription of over 400 NRT’s on the allegation of involvement in the LTTE activities. This proscription was an electioneering gimmick and a knee jerk reaction of the former government to teach the Tamil Diaspora a lesson and was not carried out with a sense of honesty and judicial far-sight. This idiotic proscription list of the former Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa consists of persons who are dead, dying, sick and much of them have walked away from the LTTE soon after the war ended. Can someone in the government or even Gota explain how many of in the above video footage- some of whom are hard core mavericks are included in the proscription list? This shows the callousness of Rajapakse’s terror regime that progressively lost its senses to find fault with anything and everything to cover-up its own progressing misdeeds and degeneration.

There is a feeling of hope within the wider NRT community that needs to be harnessed with sincere intentions. If this opportunity is missed, it will be hard to find another prospect and the lethal branded Tamil Diaspora will be a painful thorn to deal with.

Latest comments

  • 18

    Why Sirisena should engage with Tamils.

    what does Tamils have done to Sri lanka.

    They complained since 1915, humiliated sinhala people, they wanted homeland, then destroyed the country for thirty years.

    NOw, do you think, sinhala people blind and deaf and would vote politicians who want to make happy Tamils and neglect all the Sinhala concerns ?

    Do you think, Tamils’ use of foreign countries to bully Sri lanka would counter act every thing that tamils did ?

    • 34

      Why should anyone listen to the Sihala Urumaya??

      What have you done and are doing to Lanka with no popular vote base but fear the lion the relative of the tiger.

      During WW2 your leaders assisted the fascist Japanese to bomb Colombo which they did.
      You hid in Tamil Nadu your place of origin and like Franco you returned to kill the Tamils so that your past history of blood and gore erased- so the caravan of Jimbo moves on with murder weapons of the mercenary turned terrorist.

      This song is Assaya Gonne tic tic – Mr Fox Jimbo I love hunting just for the thrill from bird to beast.
      Be come a cannibal Jimbo- Less is More fascist Japenese your main funder

    • 12

      I agree with Jim on this one !

      besides we surely don’t need drug traffickers/credit card thieves/ ATM scammers/ Human smugglers/Prostitution ring operators/ extortionist which makes up the majority of the Tamil Diashora crowding back to Sri Lanka. Of course there is few academics who should be welcome.

      look at the articles published in CT by Tamil Diaspora there is nothing about way forwards or reconciliation with that kind of mind set we are better of leaving them to the worry of their adapted countries.

      Diashora can see coming colors not good, pressure on their comrades who are living illegally to return is mounting.

      Tamil Diashora in a blink of an eye will support another terrorist movement to bomb and create mayhem in any part of Sri Lanka, including Tamil dominated areas.

      • 30

        Yakko Pan_Islam the postmans son he is a commisionners son that you are envious of – I have never heard of them running “Prostitution ring operators”

        The muslims have run harems from the inception of Islam the faith of Polygamist.

        It’s time to revitalise the BBS in stealth to bring the muslims under the chisel and hammer of the Chinese.
        They are the experts for dog skin and meat and they operate like ants who are really pigs.

      • 21

        wrong comment in Right place by this thoppi……after 8th Januray all thoppi color changed to Green….about prostitutes go and see in Iraq,Syria,Lebanon today also on the streets of Istanbul even 13 years muslims girls are being sold as wives by the same muslims terror groups like ISIS,BOKO HARAM and AL Qaida ….to generate funds for their fanatic CALIPHATE….when all european air forces will go for carpet bombing these fanatics will die like street rates…

        by the way highest number of rapes in Asia is among muslims malays in Malaysia even they don’t spare step daughters …

        think twice before write …who are the majority of girls in the Maradana borthels …muslims from east

    • 8

      Hello Telugu’s

    • 34

      Mr.Srisena should first engage with the Tamils who voted him to power. He is yet to do that.

    • 4

      Softy softy and that is why Ranil and Sirisena came to the North and begged for votes from the Tamil people and won the presidency because of the Tamil votes. The Tamil people were foolish enough to vote for Sirisena because one could trust the Tiger but not a Tiger with the sheep’s skin.

  • 11

    Now these traitors want to ‘engage’ to get their Eelam quicker. First stop screaming about bogus genocide and remove your separatist motives. Otherwise, leave Wellawatte, Kotahena and other areas in the South and get your Eelam. You do not deserve any better leaders than the terrorist Prabhakaran. Get your Eelam and live with your ugly Caste system in the North. But leave the South. You have no iota of love for our country. We do not need you guys. But we at least need the South, if you want Eelam in the North. But we will fight for the just borders of the country. You can have North and only the North. Now stop saying that Eelam is for ‘Tamil speaking people’. East is not for you. You have done enough for us in the way of terrorism.

  • 18

    Mr. Jayadevan- Surprised with your idea that President Sirisena and his govt. should engage with Tamil diaspora in a dialogue on matters concerning the problems faced by Tamils in Sri Lanka, which is not necessary as TNA is capable of handling the issues with the govt. in power. What is expected is financial aid from rich diaspora in the west.1) How many factories they have built in N/E and given employment,
    2) How many technical schools they opened to give technical education
    to the youth of N/E, 3). How much of money sent to restore the age old
    temples, which were damaged during the war.4) how much of money sent to orphanages, to feed disabled and malnourished children.5) how many
    Doctors and medical institutions came out to SL and helped the sick and much more can be put in print.
    You have written meaningful articles in the past and this overshadows
    all of them. What is the diaspora interested in Sri Lanka in general,
    other than their concern for their relatives and friends. They should
    engage themselves with bodies dealing with humanitarian issues in the
    international arena and make themselves known to them so that the foreign govts.are made aware of what is going on against the Tamils,
    instead of meddling with the govt.in Sri Lanka. If they are patriotic to their cause, they should give up their nationalities and return to their mother land like, some Indians and Chinese are doing. The Tamils are certain that this time the govt. means business and wants to solve the burning issues and move forward. What is required is patience from Tamils of both sides right now.
    They should put themselves in the position of Tamils in Sri Lanka and
    talk sensibly as any utterances abroad,The Tamils feel the retaliatory
    effects, locally.

    • 2

      I might add that an indicator of how much inward remittance is flowing
      from the diaspora, is that the Index prepared by the Govt. shows for
      the first time NP has beaten WP to first place! This is
      an indicator to what the new Govt. must do, toward harnessing the unexpected economic front availble to the State. The diaspora was a
      creation, unwittingly, by SL Politics. This new Societal unit will
      only grow stonger withtime. Indian lead the world as diasporians

      The first matter is resolving the dual-citizenship issue, which was put
      on hold by the Minister – MR immediately after his Oxford debacle in Feby.2011. There are nearly 90,000 applicants pending (a loss of Rs.18 million in Revenue to the I/E Dept)

      • 13

        you Non_mental gave it up with glee for refuge in an economic environment that you created with the sihala tamil muslim with the colombo directed remote on the innocent- terror by remote from jaffna to riots at colombo to clean flight to west- exodus exodus!

        There are no dobis that rule the west.

        Less is More- the Kippers would like you to scoot anywhere but leaving your unchecked baggage – the mercenary – terror pays, next leader alive kp says terror was profitable proposition along with karuna douglas d master..

      • 5

        Punchi – The reason for NP beating WP in inward foreign currency remittances is due to people of the North are on the streets due to unemployment . Even for projects done by foreign govts,in North/East, the labour is imported from other provinces, and those govts. doing the projects never questions the govt.as to how they spent the aid money and whose pockets were filled but they call it an aid to the people of Northern province, as India did recently,the construction of rail roads to Jaffna. Media high lights it and the donors are happy. So there is a greater demand for money for survival and these monies come from their relatives abroad on a personal level and although there is a ‘show off’ by some people using the money from abroad ,majority of the Tamils in N/E are living under poverty line.

  • 16

    Not sure what engagement is needed with them,apart
    from addressing any unfair restrictions imposed on them.
    They can’t really expect to be engaged with in any special way.

  • 9

    Rajasingham Jayadevan –

    RE: Sirisena Govt Must Sensibly Engage With Non-Resident Tamils


    Sirisena Govt Must Sensibly Engage With All Citizens, Resident and Non-Resident Citizens.

    No double standards and preferences.

  • 26

    “”Any sincere engagement must not be conditioned upon focussing on the branded Tamil groups. Far reaching efforts must be made to listen to the wider NRT views and to address their needs and issues honestly.””“the government must seek to give wider focus to listen to the silent voices of the majority NRTs.”

    Sloth that deadly siren. No obligation whatsoever- its what you wanted when you applied to UK for refuge- turning back, dont turn back because you are still the animal underneath that skin- the village fox turned jaguar tiger from birth.

    July 1983 you “northern village jaguar tiger” made use of the offer made by Maggie Thatcher to the urban population of Colombo to full extent which you never were eligible to be the gun/drug trotting economic refugees of the west.

    Now you are saying you are sheep in the year of green sheep. But you are still what you are the Jaguar Tiger which Iwe see in both pictures.- never to trust lion or tiger- both are bad and evil.

    Stop your mantra style of preaching. The Jewish American pusari men and women at Bushy Hari Krishna say it more sweetly because they are dedicated and above all clean that even the all powerful Gujarati cannot govern the temple the gift of beetle George.

  • 19


    Now you want to preach “The government needs to undertake positive and serious steps to engage with the Non Resident Tamils (NRT) with the sincere intention to deal with the issues affecting them and Sri Lanka. Instead of taking the hostile path of clobbering all the fair minded NRTs”

    It was just about a year ago you two siblings were on the opposite side for the fence, with “Dr. NR” pompously bleating condemnation of the entire Diaspora, stating to the effect “I can personally vouch for Mahinda as a very honourable man who will be fair by the minorities. Mahinda has done three fourth of the things he has promised to the Tamils. My only disappointment is with the Diaspora who failed to support Mahinda in his laudable development initiatives for the Tamils.”

    Here below I repeat a comment that your sibling received, as it appeared in CT (https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/rendering-pirapaharan-relevant/#comments) exposing your sibling’s single-handed undermining of the entire Diaspora, all in servile gratitude to Mahinda for the simple reason of a royalty tour extended to you at our tax payer’s expense.

    The comment follows:

    “However, you need to also take the responsibility for stupidly and nearly single-handedly providing the necessary Tamil support to the regime in the last six years that actually contributed to the current situation where the “Sinhala-supremist” sentiments, as you identify, has overtaken the rationality of the majority in this country. Without your and Dayan’s help such sentiments would have been tamed – instead of being celebrated so shamelessly as happening today. You do owe an apology not just to the Diaspora, but to Tamils in general and in fact also to the majority of Sinhalese for your contribution in supporting the regime in bringing the country to this shameful “rogue” status – please see JC Weliamuna’s acceptance speech. “

    That comment stands valid to this day. Your sanctimonious sounding appeals remain suspect as nothing but disingenuous pleas. You owe either a sincere explanation for accepting Mahinda’s hand-out, or a heartfelt apology for that dark-hours of your past. Without either, you remain viewed as wholly disingenuous.

  • 7

    Noble idea from Mr Rajasingham. It takes two to Tango. There is nothing to stop NRTs to present themselves as peace keepers and talk to Sri Lankan govt, Sinhalese of different persuasions and even the radicals. Some NRTs have already done so. The radicals with hatred towards the Sinhala community amongsts NRTs is huge, that it makes it impossible for sensible NRTs to engage with pres Sirisena. Look at the massive NRT demos in UK and elsewhere in Europe with Tiger Terrorist flags and slogans of hatred for the Sinhalese! You need to have a consensus amongst NRTs to be moderate or nobody will take you or NRTs seriously.

  • 12

    Jim softy

    Sinhalese have been in control of the gvt since independence see what they have creating a very racially biased backward society and a country that can’t move forward. Stuck in the past.

    • 0


      So since 1948, Tamils and Muslims never voted in elections and elected their own reps… allowing only sinhalese the voting rights?

      Did you miss your capsule today?

  • 6

    Sinhala government should completely ignore the Tamils outside Sri Lanka and should consider actively engaging Tamil speaking people living outside North and East for any “political solution” should encompass their political ambitions as well. They must be made to understand that they will be compelled to migrate to any would be “separate state”.

  • 8

    Good point. The government should extend a hand of friendship to genuine elements of Tamil diaspora intent on reconciliation without looking for sycophants like the previous regime.

    Sengodan. M

    • 1

      genuine elements of Tamil diaspora ??? Mr Sengoda, can you tell us how we can identify them.

  • 6

    Most of the Tamil Diaspora are foreign nationals, well and truly settled abroad. Will they return to Sri Lanka ? Never!
    Why should HE Sirisena listen to them??
    -A British Thamilan (whose children, grandchildren don’t speak Tamil!)

    • 18

      Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.- Albert Einstein

      “”Why should HE Sirisena listen to them?? -A British Thamilan (whose children, grandchildren don’t speak Tamil!) “”

      Thamilan Porriki villager jaguar tiger in the sheeps clothes.

      If it is the story of an immigrant it is plausible but of a refugee its obnoxious.

      We see grand children who eat junk food working at corner shops and like “bourgeois”
      say- I don’t even speak tamil- what a rotton chorizo off 2 rotten mangoes as grand parents.

      As travelers from childhood we have learnt the importance of languages so we travel at will to anywhere on earth when on short leave even week ends but never to relatives because then it would be small talk.

      You never seen life or money before. Just your muddku ghetto in the north.

      When in China it pays to speak Mandarin even though kids there speak good english.
      Bill gates who studied Latin and Greek lamented he did not learn Mandarin.

  • 26

    This author is selfish and deliberate in his choice of words “non residents Tamils” and not “diaspora Tamils” The readers of CT may be aware that this author together with few other nutters have recently formed an organisation called “non residents Tamils of Sri Lanka. The author and his fellow nutters of “NRT of Sri Lnaka” – are non a mission to promote their organisation. That is the aim of is article and not the interest of the Tamils back in Sri Lanka

  • 6

    It is a reasonable request to ask SL Government to engage with the Non-Resident Sri Lankans. This should not only relate to Tamils but also to Sinhalese and Muslim Sri Lankans living abroad. But SL Government should never engage with those non-resident SL who are carrying or standing in front of LTTE Tiger Flag and demanding various things. If these terrorist supporting groups are truly interested in the welfare of the Tamils and Muslims in the North and the East they have to lay down the Tiger Flag and then make their demands. There is no place for a Tiger Flag in or outside Sri Lanka.

  • 7


    This truly sounds diabolical! Seems like the Rajaingham brothers are well on their second round of deceit to collect funds from the Diaspora.

    I sincerely hope the members of this newly formed NRT will have the courage and commonsense to ask the Rajasingham’s to explain why the siblings thought it fit to accept “dhana” from MR, if not as a bribe to canvass for MR. If the Rajasingham brothers were genuinely interested in first-hand observation of Vanni, couldn’t they have afford to go at their own expense?

    If they are not able to defend their action (accepting what seems like a clear case of bribe, and as pay-back, drumbeating on behalf of MR for several years), can they explain what made them change their mind and confidence in MR, if not the fact that Gota set his wolves after the siblings as they failed to live up to the promise to collect Diaspora funds.

    Finally, if the brothers now feel they made a mistake, such confession may be acceptable, provided they show genuine remorse by volunteering to reimburse the money that was spent by Sri Lankan taxpayers for the siblings’ royal tour, entirely! They should donate that plus a reasonable penalty to the rightful owners of that fund, the displaced in Vanni.

    Without doing any of that, the Rajasingham’s have no right to collect even a penny on behalf of any Tamils, whether they collect it from Diaspora, NRT or any other. Hopefully the NRT members would have the courage, intellect and integrity to make sure the Rajasingham brothers, with selfish motivations, do not take even one sincere soul down the same old garden path for the second time!

    If the NRT members fail to do that, it will only show the NRT membership is nothing but selected hand-maidens of the Rajasingham brothers, willingly complicit in the despicable initiatives of the siblings.

    • 11

      Kumar R
      The newly formed NRT of Tamils is indeed a hand picked closed shop organisation of the Rajasingham brothers trying to hood wink the Diaspora Tamils to their undiyal

      • 7

        Rajash so you are back after sabbath,

        “NRT of Tamils is indeed a hand picked closed shop organisation “
        Deja vue no need to spend time on that as it is now clear.
        Make it happen ◕ man is a bundle of relations, a knot of roots, whose flower and fruitage is the world◕

        “” trying to hood wink the Diaspora Tamils to their undiyal “”

        Lord krishna: It is lust: it is wrath, born from the “passion” mode: know that this, all-devouring, all-defiling, is here our foe.

        Peace has no name or form: What I crave for is eternal emancipation from that veil of ignorance which shrouds the spiritual light of the soul; a veil, which can be destroyed only by the knowledge that You, the Supreme Soul, is the soul of all.I bow to You, Who protects those who resort to You for shelter; but Whose path is inaccessible to those whose senses are directed towards material objects.”

        Go to Bushy as a hindu (don’t fall victim to stupidity think of Tin Tin) of class and knowledge surpass the double agent gate keeper Guajarati woman who would come forward to take you up to see swami room go it good manners but then concentrate on your one mission my peace and island home then you see the first American priest who would discuss kataragama and its inner charm- you are in too meet the best of the best Boston Brahmins in the future- enjoy that place its serene and HerM is the direct power behind; she has been like Lord Krishna at times of trouble not kukul Charlie. Surpass the tiger and hindian if you are in UK good luck to thee and remember Polonius advice to his son Hamlet To Be or Not to Be.- There is no better force on earth its clean enjoy a meal meditate there see the shop the lake then feel that these stupid ghetto concepts don’t haunt- they have all alternatives(your goal is you homeland – beat them to it like hamlet by being clean of politics you can rock the boat. we are established in the west for 1/2 centenary & score so its only fair not to see the island in tears- minority always manages well if not greedy.

        • 4

          “Rajash so you are back after sabbath, “
          Now that you asked , I was in fact in Sri Lanka on a long holiday. Travelled around the Island. Had the odd chat with the taxi drivers, and tuk tuk drivers and vendors of Wellawette market

          Generall every one seems happy that the “Narakka Minusus” are out but they are still apprhensive what may happen in the general eletions.

          It’s not my intention to write an article in CT about my chat with tuk tuk drivers in Colombo, I shall leave that to publicity seekers.

        • 5


          The Tamil diaspora spread across the world live in countries with freedom of sppech and democracy. They all have the freedom to get together with their friends and start Non Resident Tamil Organisations.

          I have no issues with that.

          The issue is when they all expect and demand that the Govt of Sri Lanka to sensibly engage with them all. That is a Joke!!!

          The Tamils should be nmore sensible and engage within themselves. Instead of forming yet another Tamil Diaspora organisation and demand the Govt of Sri Lanka to engage with each and every one of them

          These guys are publicity seekers.

          • 3


            “The Tamils should be nmore sensible and engage within themselves. “

            That is the true principal of born free and freedom with responsibility is democracy that works.

            “These guys are publicity seekers.”

            That is on the surface. Like kumar david started common peoples candidate and it was waylaid.
            They are upto the same- quest for power and idleness using the media not the popular vote- hijack like the terrorist breeding under vp.

            Keep it up we are watching these pipsqueaks. since his ancient letter in the name of tamils of the temple drew a response from cameron (like Tony for mittal unknowingly) who has been mislead with the press worldwide and the workers facing jail while the owner goes free- mad Murdoch.

    • 2

      Proverbial hate basing possibly with kudu swallowing is reflecting serious neurological symptoms in your discharges. Unless you tell us what exactly your medical conditions are, we can not help you in any way.

      A nursery school starting in my land with my own infrastructural funding will commence in two weeks time. If you wish, you may submit your application for the post of caretaker there. You will get the job only if your application is suitable for the position with two acceptable referees giving good references. Your application will be assessed independently under strict guidelines.

      Even if you fail this time, we will positively engage with you to ensure that you will succeed in any future applications.

      If you have any serious behavioural problems, please do not submit any applications.

      I am planning to visit Sri Lanka to celebrate my release from captivity in Vanni. Do you like to join me? We can travel in a tuk-tuk to Pudukudiyiruppu where I was held 10 years ago and from there we can go and meet the various stake holders in the troubled land to see how we can positively help to rebuild Sri Lanka.

      • 9


        Never a forthright answer! That alone confirms how disingenuous your motives are.

        (a) Did you siblings not condemn the whole Diaspora as a singular entity while you were under MR’s spell? Is it only now that you realize it is only few elements in the Diaspora that were extremists, while others were sincere?

        (b) Did you not receive as bribe a luxury trip and vacation at tax payer’s expense, and as pay back promise to canvass for Diaspora funding? Did your inability to amass funding contribute to your anger over the Diaspora? And did that last only until Gota set his wolves to hunt you down for your betrayal on the promised funds?

        (c) Do you not owe to repay that money spent on your vacation to its rightful owners, the desperate, displaced people in Vanni?

        I am sure you will not answer these – but you can be equally sure, these questions will continue in your trail until you decide to come to terms with it and not merely ignore hoping they will go away.

      • 8


        While you “plan to go to (vacation)Sri Lanka and to celebrate”, hope you realize how much of critically needed food and medication was denied to the displaced in Vanni because of your last luxury vacation, as the MR Government doled out the money to you instead, for their nefarious intent!

        Enjoy the celebrations! God will bless You!!


      • 1

        Enjoy your holiday and celebrate your release from captivity. Remember there are still innocent Tamils held in captivity being tortured and languishing in the prisons and camps.

        I am sure you will wear a T shirt printed ” I am a NRT not a Diaspora”

        Do us a favour though , please don’t come back and don’t rubbish article in CT about your holiday and celebration.

        There are many individuals and diaspora charity organisations who visit the NE of Sri Lanka regularly and donate funds for good causes and managing various charity projects.
        The difference is that they don’t brag about it.

        • 1

          may I add … “from..your self inflicted.. captivity”

        • 1

          correction ..”Do us a favour though , please don’t come back and write rubbish article in CT about your holiday and celebration.

          • 0

            Both Rajash and Kumar R are the same persons. One person writing in two false names. Remain well exposed now.

            This chap must be having personal grudges with Rajasingams and states that he will continue with his hate campaign when Rajasingams write.

            I know both Rajasingams and cannot understand why this person is showing much hate towards them. All what is said repeatedly is venom and hate and the person is discrediting himself in these columns.

            I appeal to the Rajasingams not to respond to this hate man any more. Let him speak to himself in these columns. Petty minded man who has no other preoccupation.

            • 2

              Hello Anandan

              obviously you are not Anandan.

              Anyhow what does this guy Jeyadevan bragging about “….I am going to celebrate my release from captivity…”

              he thinks he is Nelson Mandela?

              he may fool people who come to his Wembley temple and people like you.

              for gods sake go and get a life….

              but you are right…I should not waste my time commenting on his stupid blogs.

            • 1

              Oh Anandan,

              What a “Sherlock Home” you think you are?! No, not even in your wildest dream Buddy!!

              Here is, in essence, what I asked the Rajasinghams: Why did you consider it appropriate to accept a handout from MR regime, knowing very well that was a bribe. Why else would MR give a free vacation on tax payer money to a Diaspora member? I certainly intend to continue to ask that until Rajasinghams make up their mind to come clean: defend it if they think it was appropriate; else accept it was a mistake and apologize. That is taking responsibility for your actions. I have no reservations openly warning all Tamils that they should be very wary about anyone who refuses to take responsibility of his own actions, and still wants to take some leadership initiatives such as NRT on behalf of the Tamils. In what sense is my question inappropriate, irrelevant or wrong?

              Here is how Rajasingham responded: “possibly with kudu swallowing is reflecting serious neurological symptoms in your discharges. Unless you tell us what exactly your medical conditions are, we can not help you in any way. “

              In which one do you spot hatred, as an excuse to cover up for the inability to take responsibility for one’s own actions?

              Rajasinghams and their henchmen like you and possibly even Sivanathan, working for handouts have no capability to engage in an objective discussion, and so have to go on extracting dim-witted assumptions from various orifices to make a living, sucking up to anyone who can offer some grub, however trivial.

              I have asked Sivanathan why my question was either inappropriate or irrelevant. I ask you that as well. If you have a modicum of sincerity or integrity, you would answer that. Else, like Sivanathan, and many other henchmen of R brothers, you will quietly, impotently crawl back into one of the orifices – obviously your only comfort zone!

  • 3

    I believe that the Sirisena government have a few men who could be the interlocutors in dealing with the NRTs. They are the two Governors of North and East – Messers Palihakkara and Austin Fernando, Mr Paskeralingam and Minister Swaminathan. It is well known that these persons are genuinely interested in peaceful co-existence and open for discussion.Why not the Sri Lankan government on one hand and the NRTs like GTF think of this possibility?

    • 13

      22Messers Palihakkara and Austin Fernando, Mr Paskeralingam and Minister Swaminathan.22

      Pick_it pick_it, gold in all folk holes fox hunt tic toc here we come,
      Its the Spanish who took horses to the US and let them loose Tonto!!

      It’s always all in the pot of gold that keeps silenco (very buddhist) on all commissions to president to pm to minister `towards party so & so sent you thats fine bring it on- any stinker could perform that task when everyone could call passa the king before the night of january 2015- Heyna the spotted one seuvera.

      Why not the Sri Lankan government on one hand and the NRTs like GTF think of this possibility?

      How slime flies!!

  • 1

    It is pathetic to see the responses appeared against NRT. SriLankans who are living abroad must starts from inward looking. Last Presidential election clearly demonstrated the way country should be taken but some extreme elements from both sides playing dirty politics to do mileage during upcoming election. Some words like federalism, Diaspora become dirty words in SriLankan political dictionary. So we need find some meaningful word to promote reconciliation and unity. We can call all of us as SriLankans but the country needs to reconcile differences with Tamils in SriLanka and abroad. Thats why the organisation called itself as Non residents of SriLanka ( Tamils ). SriLankan government have to develop good relationship with the NRT in order to find amicable solution to the problem. In singhala polity always wants to mixed up LTTE and Diaspora as same entity but it is not. There are many moderate Tamils like to engage with present government to solve the problem but they are not prepared to go and challenge with extremes. It is SriLankan govt. duty to neutralise them. Recently we have seen few elements burned some Tamil politicians photos. Who are they? Jeyadevan clearly indicated through some visual display , is it not enough to categorize their political values? Wimal Weerawanse, Gamoonpila and others want this kind elements to flourish. NRT members should think their future in terms of economic well being of the motherland, after all it is ours too. This is golden opportunity to build up Nava Lanka with united voice. NRT can contribute immensely in various fields. We need to have clear vision and agenda to put pressure on SriLankan authorities.

    • 13

      notorious refugee tam`ills- terrorist with black money

    • 9

      Sivalingam “Some words like federalism, Diaspora become dirty words in SriLankan political dictionary..”

      so lets rename the Diaspora to NRT ….you are a NUT

      Mr Sivalingam Tamil is a dirty word in Sri Lanka ….

      so why dont you and Jeyadeva come up with an alternative for Tamil…hey presto all our problem will be solved

      cockroaches may be? ….!

    • 6


      I fully agree that, identified as Diaspora, the Tamils living abroad have been much maligned and that is indeed a critical issue, and a corrective measure is imperative. At the same time, you do need to first understand why and how “Disapora” became so maligned.

      It was convenient for the Government to create that image – create the image of a common enemy to placate locals, and to distract internationals. So, the Government did that, with GL, DJ et al in full support. However, who truly helped consolidate that perception? It was no other than a handful of Tamils who willingly, and shamelessly undertook that betrayal just for a mere “bag of gold” – a free vacation, if you must!

      Now you know where the Rajasingham’s apparently came into the picture. I have cited in a comment above where, I believe as late as last year, “DR.NR” signed off saying “MR has already done at least 75% of what he promised (the Tamils). My greatest disappointment is that the Diaspoara completely failed the Tamils, failing to fund and support MR in his development needs” I hope that shows from where MR got his biggest support in vilifying the Diaspora. This is the reason for my first response to Rajasingham, when he now conveniently tries for the very first time to bifurcate the “good and bad” Diaspora in the article, having until now condemned the entire Diaspora as a single “suspect” entity if not enemy.

      So while NRT seems a sensible approach to avoid the distraction of “Diaspora”, the whole initiative inevitably becomes a colossal suspect, primarily based on Rajasingham’s interest if not spearheading of the initiative. Why? Only because of the siblings’ disingenuous, presumptive, often even idiotic postulations and pronouncements. Here below are a few golden sprinklings:

      1. “What I said must be right (defending the tuk-tuk postulation) because, my dad and his (Dayan’s) dad got along well, over the media.” The clause “over the media” made me laugh – because, I suspect he was unwilling to reveal that the two actually never met!

      2. “I understand the Sinhalese better because my parents and I have moved from city to city”, implying of course the others responding are mere frog-in-the-well, die-hard immobile locals planted deep in Jaffna. Little does he realize how much more embedded and integrated within the Sinhala community many of his distracters are – thus I describe him as grossly, naively and idiotically presumptive.

      3. “I studied Veterinary, and in that process I gained special (superhuman) ability to understand people” — an ability apparently not available to us, the lesser mortals! Wonder how low the other veterinarian’s would hang their heads hearing such a stupid claim.

      These are just a few quick examples from these grossly unscientific “scientists” desperate to sell themselves as intellects.

      Sivalingam, please read Rajasingham’s response within this blog (not addressed to any one in particular, I suppose intentionally) – and see how off-tangent he needs to go just to avoid answering direct questions.

      Following that I have reiterated few questions that I have repeatedly asked the siblings over several months now. Let me know which of the question is either inappropriate or irrelevant as Tamils consider whether to support the NRT initiative, particularly if Rajasingham’s are to play a significant role in NRT’s activities. I will truly appreciate your candid view.

      I appreciate your effort to help out in this situation where many in the “dreaded” Diaspora were critical of either NRT or Rajasingham or both, and it is in view of my appreciation that I felt the need to explain why I, and perhaps others, take issue with the initiative as presented by Rjasingham. Past history of the main players has to be a critical concern, and errors need to rectified rather than pushed under the rug. Just blatantly disparaging anyone who asks relevant questions does not bode well. Rajasighmas will need to grow up some time. I have no doubt you would let them know that.

  • 1

    The tamils who left Sri Lanka and now domiciled in Indian Camps not required to be settled in Sri Lanka as Government has already given citizenship to tamils who came to work in Tea Plantation in lieu of this through an agreement with India through J.N. Dixit then India high commissioner of Sri Lanka.

    • 9

      Nimal Tissa Wijetunga,

      Dixit big shit no shit no more no more! Its AAP at NDelhi.

      Not Quite Right In the Head

      Go to Ward X – the morgue!!

  • 2

    The radicalized Tamil diaspora are so far out of touch with modern day Sri Lanka, they have no valid voice or say in what goes on there. They educate their children with hatred for Sri Lankans of Sinahlese background, use propaganda to garner support and raise funds. This lot is whipping a dead horse. They made their statement with their feet, and left the country behind. They should stay there and shut up. Integrate with the people and culture of where they now live. They have lost their right to represent Sri Lanka in any form.

  • 3

    Srisena should engage with reality first which is the majority will never allow any politician to grant Tamils equal right. If that were to happen Sri Lanka will explode.

  • 3

    It is sad to see so many comments that are against reaching out to the Tamil Diaspora. They are a source of substantial wealth and talent and could help Sri Lanka in its efforts to grow, however with the Rajapakses police state still in tact it is unlikely any of them will return. From what I can tell the Diaspora is doing well for itself, its kids are being educated in private schools and on track to join the elite of wealthy countries. Sri Lanka would benefit from welcoming them back.

    • 8

      kiss and tell Kp’s wealth to thief and land sold by army loutish terrorist trained by ever loving allied forces of WW2

  • 2

    Non resident Tamils? What for? They left the country for their own good, so let them go. No need to brink maapliaas back and put them in one’s own pocket. Huh, some people want the cake and eat it too.

  • 3

    Well when he comes to London he will engage with you in the temple. Please keep the till ready. Never know he may drop a coin or too.

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