14 February, 2025


Sirisena Says Sri Lanka Will Face UNHRC Resolution With Collective Strength

President Maithripala Sirisena today declared that Sri Lanka will face the UNHRC resolution with the collective strength of all sections to protect and preserve the national pride as well as the pride and dignity of the armed forces that had made numerous sacrifices to safeguard the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.

Maithripala Sirisena

Maithripala Sirisena

Addressing the nation to mark the 68th Independence Day celebrations at the Galle Face, Sirisena said; “The government is fully committed to safeguarding the nation as well as the pride of the heroic armed forces.”

Sirisena noted that it is because the country failed to address the post conflict issues that should have been solved after elimination of terrorism in May 2009, that Sri Lanka is facing this UNHRC resolution. “The (then) government did not take the required steps after the defeat of the terrorism in 2009, and in January 2015, the people gave me the mandate to fulfill that task and now we have to take effective steps to build reconciliation and harmony and coexistence between the communities,” he said.

Sirisena emphasized that if the then government had taken the steps that should have been taken after May 2009, Sri Lanka would not have faced the resolution at the United Nations Human Rights Council in September 2015.

“The government is determined to face the UNHRC resolution with the collective strength of all sections to protect and preserve the national pride as well as the pride and dignity of our armed forces that had made numerous sacrifices to safeguard the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country,” President Sirisena said.

The President said it is the duty of all Sri Lankans to remember with the highest respect, and pay due honor to all members of the security forces who sacrificed their lives in the war on behalf of the motherland. He added that the nation should be grateful to the armed forces as well as the government leadership in defeating the terrorists to protect the country.

Sirisena called on everybody to act with wisdom for the sake of the future of the country and not to use the democratic freedom to entertain illogical, petty, foolish ideas of grabbing power through shortcuts. (By Munza Mushtaq © CT )

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  • 7

    As President it is appropriate that he makes a patriotic and rousing speech. At the same time however he must abide by the undertakings that HIS government gave the whole world in Geneva last September. This tightrope will test his true statesmanship abilities.

    • 2

      Go to hell, Golding or whoever.

      Yes, His government gave the so-called “promise” to get the frucking yankees of the nation’s back.

      We, and our Maithree will not surrender our nation to these American conspiratirs who want to colonise us and screw uis.

      • 9

        The General Manager of the Bank of Ceylon (BOC) is flying the racist Sinhala Only flag (the lion flag without the orange and Green that represents minorities) at the official residence of the Bank of Ceylon GM which is a Government property.

        This clown who is a Rajapaksa stooge and laundered monies for them obviously support Sinhe Le and should be removed from the post of General Manager of the BOC.

    • 5

      When the President himself says that, to safeguard the “pride and dignity” of the forces, it is necessary to prevent the probing (hide the truth), then does that not by itself a confession that what the forces did was in President’s own assessment both “shameful and lacks dignity”?!

      • 0

        “the forces did was in President’s own assessment both “shameful and lacks dignity”?”

        Even the ultra racists like SinhalaLe, JHU, Ravaya and many supporters of the looter of the country’s wealth know that the armed forces starved, maimed and killed more than 400,000 civilians and journalists under the order of the looter’s younger brother but they are in a narrow well under the illusion that they have the right to do whatever.

        They simply do not know that without the financial support of the international community they cannot survive.

        President Sirisena wants to face UNHRC with the support of the minority parties but TNA and SLMC may fall into the trap. These minority parties must insist that ethnic problem and reconciliation must be resolved before facing UNHRC.

  • 7

    No worries next stop International Investigation


    • 3

      How long have you been mouthing “international investigation” ??
      Your confidence is truly touching!

      • 2


        wait ..be patient…

        UN passed the resolution without voting simply believing Modaya`s promise about investigation….and now dragging back..as usual …

        Remember 60 years they have fooled Tamils now fooling the world….

        There will be no inquiry so the World will arrange its own inquiry ….

        Do you know what hap end to Charles Taylor ex-butcher of Liberia finally ???

        UN move slowly but definitely grind at the end ..

        Just they have given some oxygen to this cursed Island ….


      • 0

        Err .. he’s been largely right though, hasn’t he.

  • 5

    It has been discussed at the UN that if the war inquiry and the reconciliation process, which is due to happen within the country is not allowed to happen with participation of foreign judges, then this inquiry will happen under UN sponsorship at the ICC and SL can send its team of judges and lawyers to attend those hearings at The Hague. It looks like Hobson’s choice for SL.

  • 5

    As the saying goes, the Sinhala politicians are, as usual, climbing back to the top of the murunga tree.

    What is critical for national pride is the INTEGRITY of the State and its forces, not VAIN pride and FEIGNED dignity!

    The impartial investigation is needed, NOT because the affected Tamils and their kith and kin are still unsure of what happened in Mullivaikal.

    The impartial investigation is needed NOT because the internationals, particularly India, US, Norway and Britain do not know what happened at Mullivaikal, — after all they were in the front-lines witnessing what happened.

    The impartial investigation is NEEDED only because that is the only way the Southern Sinhalese will wake up to the reality of what exactly happened at Mullivaikal, and what the Sinhala Government is trying so hard to hide from the Sinhala masses!

    If that truth is made known to the Sinhalese, then the well informed Sinhalese can and will make the fair and just judgment on their rulers. That will be the only course for true reconciliation between the once united segments of population of this blessed nation, now facing increasingly mutual suspicion.

    And, that precisely is the reason the Government is so much against the impartial investigation. Not because they want to hide the truth from the Tamils, or from Indians or from other Western and Eastern nations that all took part in the humanitarian tragedy. The Government’s sole need is to hide the truth from no other than the Sinhalese masses- because that would spell the doom for all the politicians, whether MR, Sirisena, Ranil, Sarath or even JVP!

  • 1

    My Dear Kumar,
    I understand the frustration of the effected population and your analysis is somewhat correct. It was the MR’s government who opposed to an ‘Independent’ inquiry and did everything they could to hide the facts because of the ‘Jarapassa’ family involvement in various deals and frauds.
    “If that truth is made known to the Sinhalese, then the well informed Sinhalese can and will make the fair and just judgment on their rulers”

    The above mentioned ‘well informed Sinhalese’ were and still are aware of the truth and as a result they chased away the culprits on the 8th Jan 2015 and again in August 2015.
    The wheel of ‘true reconciliation’ is rolling, so be patient as it is a ‘Virtue’. May all beings well, happy and free from suffering! Metta!

  • 0

    What is the reason behind that we have to working on collectively basis by so-called “war crime” was fabricated and concord by TNA ,LTTE-terrorist and back by US resolution of support by Indian BJP- RAW & UK?

    Why we are having no accountability of War Crime against Tamil ruthless Terrorist killed and assassinated hundred thousands Sri Lankan civilian by LTTE fascist gun rule politics.

    MS is ignorant and uneducated politician by products of CBK-SLFP line of neo-liberal politics of family vandalism..

    MS turn into puppet of New Liberal politics that against rich values of democracy of Sri Lanka.

    MS is now in the hands of US and Indian RAW. He cannot take any decision by himself. He is stooge of Tamil politics.

    • 0

      Sirisena Yatawara,

      The call for independent investigation was never restricted to investigating just one side. The investigation request has always been for a comprehensive one – to investigate actions of both sides in the war. It is entirely your imagination, if you ever thought otherwise.

      However, what is true is that only the Sri Lanka state, with DJ acting as the mouth piece and a rather loud and empty one at that, who objected to such investigation. The other side in the war welcomed the comprehensive, but impartial and independent investigation – they never object to it. Frankly, that difference in stand alone is a rather vivid indictment on culpability!

      Who do you think derailed the independent investigation of the Group of eminent persons headed by judge Bagwathi – who insisted on including Kathir’s murder as well as the bus-massacre at Kepptitikolawa (sp.), both blamed on LTTE, but never allowed to get to a fair and just investigation. Did the LTTE or the Diaspora oppose or help derail those investigations?

      As an aside, it is laughable that you would characterize as “uneducated politician by products of CBK-SLFP “ while seemingly backing MR, Namal, Yoshitha, Sagin, Gota crowd – it is difficult to say whether your comment results from idiocy, or a naïve effort at deception! Possibly both!! CBK was at least qualified to sit in a PhD class at a University, although her claim to having been enrolled in one was just a canard. The most instructional class that Gota had ever had the privilege of attending in the US apparently was how to stock cigarettes and pop at a Seven-Eleven!

  • 1

    @Srisena Yatawara

    An elected government must obey international rules and regulations during the time of crises…and war…

    But not necessarily for an organization labelled as terrorist…… full stop…got it?


  • 1

    Where is the collective strength when the PM & President have interpreted the resolution in two different ways? Who is fooling whom? Looks like the President is speaking to the people of Sri Lanka while the PM is addressing the so-called international community.Both are giving two different messages. We are confused.

  • 3

    This is also was in his speech.

    “I must firmly state that after 68 years, we have to resolve major issues that Colonial rulers left us in 1948”

    Colonial rulers used their religion and committed genocide all over the world.

    Having said that – when British left they left the country in a good state. They left a fairly good constitution.

    What the sinhalease leaders did – they used Buddhism and started doing what the colonial rulers did when they captured the island. Started destroying Tamil culture,…. Tamil Genocide.

  • 0

    Yes definitely we have to respect and accepts international Laws and Rules, that is part of Global Governance by UNO.

    But not that US governance only by the Rule of GUN oriented democracy. Its want count for democracy’. It has nothing to do with MS political of poverty by misrule of rule of law by several centres of Sri Lankan state.

  • 1

    it seems donkeys have failed to study the UN resolution carefully …..

    In the last paragraph it is clearly mentioned…

    …In the case of there is no credible inquiry the council has the right to demand for an International inquiry…

    Prince Hussain the head of Humanitarian commission soon coming to this cursed island not to eat kiri bath and appam…..he he he …


  • 1

    Today UK government branded a ruling by a UN Panel on Julian Assange as ridiculous. An international UN panel decided that he has been ‘arbitrarily detained” and should be set free. Looks like UK and some powerful countries have the luxury of cherry picking UN decisions to fit their advantage. Wonder SL cannot say the same about all UN rulings that don’t fit us? I guess for that you need a leader with a backbone to stand up against these accusations and question why UN rulings are not abide by certain countries but showed down the throats of others (by the same ones who call them ridiculous). Is anyone like that around?

  • 0

    Sirisena called on everybody to act with wisdom for the sake of the future of the country and not to use the democratic freedom to entertain illogical, petty, foolish ideas of grabbing power through shortcuts.

    I have told this once before and I shall repeat it again. The Hon. President should fire his current speech writer and get a new one. If in fact he is writing his own speeches he should refrain forthwith.

    On his first 18th of May speech he said that it is only fitting that the civil war ended near the water as it has started due the water…? What was all that about Mr. President.

    On his United Nations speech he went on to say that there is no reason good enough for anyone to pick up arms…? Sorry Mr President there is a point of no return for every one. Quite the wrong sentence.

    Then came the speech about the breasts and bras. Well less said about the better.

    Mr. President you’re a Buddhist and a Sinhalese and I respect your right to be so. When you’re a president and go public and say that you will be consulting with Mahasangum to run the country, Sir let me tell you as a Tamil with my relatives still living in Sri Lanka I am worried.

    The President said it is the duty of all Sri Lankans to remember with the highest respect, and pay due honor to all members of the security forces who sacrificed their lives in the war on behalf of the motherland. Mr. President so every body who is of the contrary opinion are not Sri Lankans. Let me digress and give you another similar sounding Quote – Dissent in times of war is treason. War Hero Gotabaia Rajapaksha said this in a BBC interview. I am sure Mr. President you would not be associated with this war hero.

    He added that the nation should be grateful to the armed forces as well as the government leadership in defeating the terrorists to protect the country.

    Lets have a look at this concluding line. The line you hoped would bring you the applause and possibly even an encore call. Mr. President please do not overuse the word terrorist. it is beginning to get annoying. I shall elaborate on this in a couple of lines.

    Let me own up to the truth and the reality of the situation. No doubt there were patriotic Soldiers of conscience who paid the ultimate price. Nobody wants to investigate them Mr. President. There were some soldiers while loading the trailers with dead bodies of female who may have been combatants or surrendered LTTE Terrorists (it might be easy for you to understand) uttered words saying he would like to fuck a particular corps. Naked unarmed men with hand tied behind the back were being executed. Not a single soldier was court-martialled.

    Mr. President Some of the members of the armed forces did turn terrorist themselves and there is no escaping that fact. Channel 4 documentary the killing fields proofs that quite conclusively.

    What about the missing people? Mr. President You only have only 269 people in your custody and yet there were thousands taken under custody at the end of the war and seen alive a year later and now mysteriously vanished. Mr. People up north who are citizens of Sri Lanka will not be remembering them with any respect.

  • 2

    All these LTTE supporters can go to hell. There will not be an international investigation period. Why should we pay for eliminating terrorism. MR should be given the Nobel Peace price.

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