19 January, 2025


Sirisena Swings Sword: Puts Central Bank Under Mangala Without Consulting Ranil

Adding a touch of drama to the no-confidence motion that is to be brought against Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, President Maithripala Sirisena is to place the Central Bank under Minister of Finance Mangala Samaraweera.

Maithripala Sirisena

The subject which is currently under the Prime Minister will be formally handed over to Samaraweera and the public duly notified through a gazette notification at midnight, Colombo Telegraph learns.

Apparently the Prime Minister, who was not consulted over this move, has protested to the President’s Secretary Austin Fernando, according to sources close to Wickremesinghe. Even Samaraweera was not made aware that the Central Bank is to come under his ministry, sources added.

Although the President has to consult the Prime Minister over ministerial appointments as per the 19th Amendment, he has complete sway when it comes to placing state agencies under particular ministries.

This arbitrary move indicates a rift between the President and the Prime Minister and could also be a sign as to which direction Sirisena is leaning with regard to the no-confidence motion.

Latest comments

  • 8

    MS is clipping RW’s wings. Good strategic move. Now Mangala should move to get Arjuna M.

    • 15

      Stupid President. Mangala is thousand times worse than Ranil. Mangala delisted all LTTE organizations overseas. He is the paw of the LTTE wild cat. LTTE diaspora has invested in various ventures in other people’s names. Mangala is more close to Rajapaksas than Ranil now. President is too blind to see the danger to the country and to his position both.
      Rajapaksa’s NCM against Rail is only a hoodwink. They don’t want to remove Ranil. Ranil is no threat to them. They only want to ousted the President. If the President thinks that Rajapaksa clan will forgive him and protect him, he is very much mistaken. If they grab the power the first thing they would do is, imprisoning President and his family. If he thinks that he would be protected by Gotabhaya as he and Dudley are buddies, it won’t happen. I know who the Rajapaksas are and what they can do better than the President. President doesn’t know of them as much as I do.
      I have no love for Yahapalanaya/Ranil. But as Rajapaksa clan’s only aim is to “abolish the Executive Presidency” and rule the country by way of grabbing the power in the Parliament, I don’t want Ranil to go!.
      Rajapaksa’s move is not for the country. They are selfish to the core. They only want to rule the country, one after another without giving any chance to anybody else. If they grab the power again, they will be more despotic and intimidating than their previous era. Lot of people will suffer. Then people will repent for giving another chance to Rajapaksa clan.
      Country has already showed their gratitude to former President in 2010 but he failed the country by becoming selfish, despotic, promoting nepotism and taking massive reckless loans without any vision.
      Contd 1/2

    • 10

      I am surprised that this government lasted even 3 years!

      But of all the past governments ……… this government has achieved the most!

      On the political front ……….. limiting the presidential terms to 2 terms …….. is the greatest achievement of any SL government since independence.

      On the economic front ……… stopping commercial flights taking off from Katunayake and landing in Mahinda Rajapakse International Airport 5 minutes later is also the greatest economic achievement of any SL government since independence!

      2 of the greatest achievements in a span of 3 years ain’t so bad.

      This is the only government that could do 2 things at the same time ……….. chew gum and walk ………..

      I hope whoever comes next ………… can top those! ……………………..

    • 5

      That is right. But one by one. First Mangala has to bring back the $18B, which he knows exactly where it is. He came to know about it when he was working with Americans. If Managala does not bring back, America will work with countries where it deposited and will get a freezing order to that funds. Mangala has to be smart before America use those funds to make Old Brother Prince, Old King to to make them to listen to it.

    • 1

      Dear Strategist,
      Don’t forget that Mangy boy too is from the same bandwagon (Old boy network) though the style of operation is different.

  • 2

    dehiwela -mt lavinia mayor is SLPP.Both SLPP and UNP had 19 memmbers each,but SLFP 7 members supported the SLPP candidate.From this you can see the future direction of SLPP and SLFP coming together in the no confidence motion too.Unity government has already split at the local government level as shown by ratmalana,Mt.lavinia,dehiwela electorates,the most important of the outer ring of inner city colombo.

  • 22

    Back-stabbing for making him the President


  • 17

    It is getting a little more obvious. Back stabber Sirisena is gradually squeezing Ranil out of the picture, possibly encouraged by the Rajapaksa mob. This power plays are going to harm the country. These politicians are disgusting people, selfish, and without any consideration for the people

  • 16

    MS forgets how he became president to begin with. The double edged sword he sways will certainly swipe anyone who stands in his way.

  • 19

    ” Even if I became a president of this country I still Call Ranil Wickramasinghe as Sir and Chandrika Kumarathunga as Madam”
    M3 Paala Sorrysena at Presideantial Election rally in 2015.

    I think Sillisena is asking “Parippu” by violating constitution. He doesn’t have any Idea of what he is doing. Actually he should resign for the sake of the Country. This man is ruining the Country.

    • 4

      For the country’s sake both should resign, not just one, and leave it to a younger set of capable politicians to sort this mess out. What have all these people being doing since the PS elections. Simply getting at each other’s throats and plotting to destroy the other, whatever the consequences and cost to the country are. Is this what we want from Yahapalanaya and can we watch these battles rage while the country is simply going down the tube. None of these guys have the country’s and its peoples well being in their hearts.

      • 2

        There can be only Native Vaddas. Suddas came after Vaddas and gone. But Vaddas are still there. You can see Vadda’s comments in CT forum. So you can’t call yourself as Native. Huh haa

        • 3


          Bear with him as he is either trying to impress his partner or looking for respectability in this forum.

          By now he/she should have realised names don’t bring respectability whereas wisdom do.

          • 0

            @ Native Vedda

            “Bear with him as he is either trying to impress his partner or looking for respectability in this forum.”

            Wishful thinking but neither is the case.

            “By now he/she should have realised names don’t bring respectability whereas wisdom do.”

            @ Lapatiya

            There are still quite a few real Suddas living here, and a whole heap of ” Kalu Suddas”.

            True, this comment applies to everyone in this forum including yourself.

  • 7

    With his legs planted firmly in both camps, Mangy has to do the balancing act in the Central Bank

  • 4

    Nothing unusual taking into consideration the sequence if events during past few weeks.

  • 7

    Go for NCM against President.

  • 8

    All these troubles started the moment Ranil informed Sirisena that he planned to run for president in 2020; the same contest that Sirisena promised the people he would not contest ……. and said he would be a one term president.

    I’d believe Stormy Daniels ………… before I start believing a single Lankan Pol!

  • 10

    This is what happens when a sword is given to a monkey! Also, a leach does not understand the value of being placed in a KING SIZE bed. It slips down to where it belongs.

  • 3

    The Picture Tells it all: The Lilliputian Sirisena in front of the huge picture of Mahinda, huge in size, huge in the impact, huge in charm… do I have to go on? – I think not. Perhaps, Sirisena is indicating the size of something by spreading his hands. If so, what could it be? Could it be the sword of Sirisena? I don’t think so, because, as we know, his Kaduwa is blunt and broken. It is not a state secret. Even the Queen knows how bad it is. It could perhaps be the sword that he promised to use before the elections or the Madu Walige before that. All these are possible theories. But for a seasoned investigator like me, appearances are deceiving. So we have to dig deeper.

    In Bahiya Sutta Buddha states, in the seen there is only the seen. (Ditte Dittamantham Bhavissati). But that may be OK if you are striving to know the truth. Knowing the truth is based on telling the truth. Experience shows us that Sirisena does not have a good reputation of doing that. The truth is that he does not tell the truth. So what is the message he is trying to give?

    It could be that he is trying to tell us something about his old boss Mahinda. Like how big Mahinda’s booty is or even how big a certain part of Mahinda’s anatomy is. What exactly that part is we cannot say. But from Sirisena’s expression, one can say that the encounter he had with it has not been very pleasurable. Now that I have given you some clues it is up to you to guess what it is.

  • 1

    Hail Sirisena the saviour
    Now what do all those LTTE supporters who jumped for joy at Sirisenas election as President, got to say? Yes they will say “ what goes round comes round again”. This is great news for Sri Lanka and for all those Tamil commentators like David, Phillips, and Sinhala Koti like Shyman, etc etc.Great Times ahead for Sri Lanka. The pall of gloom has been lifted. Next item should be to get the Central Bank Robbers, and the Health Ministry scammers.

  • 4

    Sirisena must be impeached

  • 0

    I thought the sword is missing. He hasn’t use it on his bro at Telecom who is up to no good

  • 0

    Nice read few minutes good drama

  • 1

    We pass the worst political era that our country ever experienced and the president we have never imagined to have. Cut-throatism is at its maximum which would lead to self-destruction. What a colossal mistake the ‘Yahapalana’ partners have done who could have avoided the skirmishes with all their experiences and march forward? All hopes of the people in the country have been dashed and we sure are heading for an unavoidable disaster.

  • 1

    Ungrateful Aappaya. His greed for power exposed. Whatever shortcomings Ranil has Sri lanka losing a great gentleman in politics.

  • 1

    MS clearly under siege from two sides. We, the silent majority is the fodder. Hopefully 04 April will bring about a change and we will celebrate the Lankan New Year

  • 1

    Ranil and UNP who thought to Kill SLFP by allowing Mahinda camp to get stronger and even avoiding taking action against those Culprits are getting back the taste of double games. Pres. Sirisena has been chased back to MR camp for survival. Anyway they are old relatives, Ranil should know that when playing games, you can sometimes get Hit wicket. He was against SF getting the Law or Defense in 2015, Now in 2018 Sirisena opposed the same when he wanted it. Guess it is the end of Yahapalana Govt and UNP too.

    • 0

      This comment by Nana makes sense.

      Tactically Ranil s thinking has been flawed. He has underestimated the Rajapakse cunning.

      As clever as he can be, Ranil is also monumentally foolish in very many ways.

  • 1

    The whole problem is Ranil. He always thought buying time or not reacting was smart n that it will give an impression of being a statesman. Alas now he is upto the neck. At least he should call a spade a spade and do a come or go Chicago style publicity stunt against MS double cross over . Damn it, what does Ranil has to loose .

  • 0

    Maithiripala Sirisena is digging his own graveyard.

  • 0

    Having read the main report and the comments that followed, I questioned myself as to the correctness of placing the Central Bank under the purview of a Ministry. If that has to be done, under what Ministry it (CB) has to be. In my opinion, the most scientific and appropriate Ministry must be the Ministry of Finance as it is the major Policy & Administrative organ of the country’s fiscal affairs. Now the question, most comments are directed at is the “Individual” who heads that Ministry. Why such a situation has arisen? It is obvious, that the “Individual” who holds the “Head Position” viz. the Minister has not EARNED the public confidence to be a “Leader” in the field of his subject. That situation would not change, even if the CB is brought under any other SENIOR Minister in the present Cabinet; because all of them have failed in performance. Then what is the SOLUTION? This where the need for a very strong set of “Real Professionals” come in, in whose hands the ADMINISTRATION has to be placed. In that respect, I see, at present that “Silver Lining” in the Governor of the CB. I salute him for having the courage to STAND FIRM against a Deputy Minister, in this instance Dr. Harsha de Silva, who summoned the members of the MONETARY BOARD (which is an Independent unit) of the CB to his Ministry for a discussion as regards the implementation of “Bank Clearance” work. That is the WAY it HAS TO BE. If that happens, the most scientific and logical thing to do is to bring CB to the Ministry of Finance.

  • 0

    Isn’t Mangala Samaraweera a bad one?

  • 0

    I think his plan is to get rid of ranil and then abolish the presidency so that nobody can run another term of it.he knows he will never be supported by the UNP again and better to abolish it.In a way it is good the,the country will be rid of both these jokers,but the worry is mahinda becoming the PM.From the frying pan the people will fall into the fire with gota’s white vans again.

  • 0

    I am sure that almost the entire 6.2 million people who voted for this “IDIOT” Sirisena are repenting for their mistake. Those people wanted to make sure Rajapakse clan is banished, but it is the opposite happening.
    There were past presidents like Premadasa and Rajapakse who were thugs, but had a clear plan of what they wanted.
    However, this man is fit to be only a ‘peon’ in the President’s office.

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