In a farcical turn of events, IGP Pujith Jayasundara reversed his order to transfer CID OIC Nishantha Silva and withdrew the Police officers transfer.
A strong intervention by the National Police Commission last evening prompted the IGP to reverse his own order. The Commission has reportedly sought an explanation from Jayasundara as to why the officer, who was handling several high-profile investigations, had been transferred.
Hours after the National Police Commission’s intervention, Jayasuriya issued a backdated letter withdrawing the transfer of Nishantha Silva, allowing the CID OIC to continue in the same capacity.
Meanwhile, a letter to IGP Jayasundara, written by CID Director Senior DIG Ravi Seneviratne, revealed that it was Chief of Defence Staff Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne who was instrumental in the transfer of Nishantha Silva.
Colombo Telegraph saw a copy of the letter in which Seneviratne blames Wijegunaratne for framing allegations against the senior Police officer and engineering his transfer. At the last security council meeting chaired by President Sirisena, Wijegunaratne had stated that Nishantha Silva maintained connections with the LTTE.
The irony is that Wijegunartne, who accuses Silva of being an LTTE operative, is a suspect in the investigation relating to the abductions and killings of 11 youth perpetrated by a gang led by Chandana Hettiarachchi alias Navy Sampath, a close associate of Navy Sampath.
The accusation was a blatantly vengeful attempt by Wijegunaratne to axe the senior Police officer who was handling the investigation into the case. President Sirisena has wholeheartedly supported Wijegunaratne’s sinister attempt by promptly ordering the IGP to transfer Silva to the Negombo Police Division.
Summa / November 20, 2018
Sirisena is a deranged disgrace to us firstly as Buddhists secondly as Sinhalese thirdly as SriLankans.
abc / November 20, 2018
..and fourthly to the entire human race
Babalathappu / November 20, 2018
Is there any other options to get rid of this SIRISENA ?
How come this bugger Ravindra Wijegunawardhana remained not yet having called for interogations regarding those 11 lads went missing with the mediation of this bugger ?
Why president remain unchanged with entire world getting ready to stand against him.?
Today some indian programs ruled out that Sirisena fell as no others by his tricks being played to stay in power
And the fact the image tarnished through that commotion in parliament, is known to entire western world but balligeputha Sirisena stays mum
See yet today, though NCMs have been passed, SIRISENA stays like a rock not having taken the measures… which is nothing else, but sacking ballige putha RAJAKASAHE and get him caught for NEW investigations.
He can now do one good thing,, that is TO go for investigate high crimes of RAJAKASHES… but not half
Amarasiri / November 20, 2018
RE: Sirisena-Wijegunaratne Sinister Attempt To Axe Nishantha Silva Uncovered: IGP Withdraws Transfer Order
“The accusation was a blatantly vengeful attempt by Wijegunaratne to axe the senior Police officer who was handling the investigation into the case. President Sirisena has wholeheartedly supported Wijegunaratne’s sinister attempt by promptly ordering the IGP to transfer Silva to the Negombo Police Division.”
So, this is the Sirisena-Wijegunaratne Axis
What we have now is the Sirisena-Rajapaksa Axis, the Constitutional Coup-Putsch.
See how low this Sirisena has sunk? Sirisena indeed is a Traitor, Sevalaya, Mala-Pretethaya, Patholaya and Pachaya. Can Sirisena be transferred to the Angoda Mentla Hospital, so that it will do good for everybody?
Amarasiri / November 21, 2018
Sirisena Defined,
The Circle of Sirisena, the Wheel of Sirisena, the Wheel of a Madman.
1. Says One Thing.
2. Announces Another Thing
3. Does Something Completely Different.
In the meantime, his balls are dissolving……
A perfect circle (RARE) diary of a madman, love song
justice / November 20, 2018
“LTTE connection” is the popular mantra for all illegal actions against public servants, especially law enforcers.
Should the people who quote this argument, be ‘rehabilitated’ – a ‘punishment’ invented by Gotabaya R, former enforcer of the PTA?
Kumar R. / November 20, 2018
It was inevitable that the Sinhalese, who were repeatedly hoodwinked by the wicked, hiding under the cover of “protecting Sinhalese interest”, would one day learn the truth of the different “gonnibillas” thrown about by the regimes – Tamils, LTTE, Indian invasion, what have you.
When rogues are successful they become even bigger rogues – they don’t turn around and get reformed!
If the majority continues to gobble up all the scare-tactics and let the wicked win even further, the nation will only become even more messier, poorer, divisive and dirtier. That is if indeed there is an even lower bottom to sink to, than where we re now!
Up to the majority to wake up some time.
vithura / November 20, 2018
This was the modus operandi used in NE over 30 years to arrest, detain and make several Tamil youth disappear. Old habits die hard!
Ajith / November 20, 2018
Every Sinhala Buddhist Fundamentalist knows that they can cheat rural Sinhala masses using LTTE, Federalism, seperation, Tamils, Muslims for another hundred years. Most of the rural Sinhala do not understand who is Buddha and what are the teachings of Buddha. They still believe Lord Buddha is a Sinhala and a Sinhala Monk is right even if he rapes his sister or wife. They believe Mahinda is next to Buddha. Is it a crime if Buddha kills Lasantha? For 50% of the Sinhala, it is not a crime. The 50% include Vasudeva Nanayakara (both Mahnida & Vasu are good friends) and PhD Dayan and Prof. GL Peries.
SheltonW / November 21, 2018
I think you miss spelt- it is Vesideva ?
vetmahadeva / November 21, 2018
For Whom the Security Council Meetings are held? Is it for the Public Security or for the few selected Individuals?
Nishantha Silva’s removal from CID, reveals the real blatant reason for Dismissing the “Government” and replacing it with a purported government of real culprits. Another, fact that had emerged is that Ravinthira Wijegunartnae, The Chief of Triforces, has tossed up the usual rhetoric mantra as of “LTTE accomplice” of Politicians to cover up their own sins of anti social activities against Mr. Nishantha Silva An Honest excellent inquiring officer of any high profiled Criminal Activities – in A Security Council meeting, that ended up in emancipating a transfer order, of this truly Patriotic officer. Therefore the Security Council meetings are not held for monitoring the Public Security concerns, – in contrary it discusses only to – how to protect the suspects/ or culprits of all cold-blooded criminal activities against the public, at the expense of Public Fund. A ridiculous situation at the helm. If Ravinthira Wijegunartnae, The Chief of Triforces, is honest or of not have done anything wrong, and or if he wanted to avoid arrest he should appear in front of Magistrate and tell his story behind, giving refuge to a suspected main culprit. Here Mara, Gota, and Sira are all out to protect him from just appearing in front of a Magistrate. Thus, Kidnaping, Ransom Collecting, and Killing of 11 students including a Sinhalese couldn’t have occurred without, the consent of Mara, Gota, and Sira, and executed by Sri Lankan Navy, unless otherwise proved in a Court of Justice.
PARAGON / November 20, 2018
MOST of the government servants who are holding HIGH POSITIONS are torn between devil and deep sea.THE IGP IS IN REAL TROUBLE. most police officers my be having sleepless nights wondering what to do next morning DUE TO THE FOOLISH ACTIONS OF MARUSIRA.TRANSFER ORDER OF IP NISHANTHA OF CID AND CANCELLATION OF SAME LATER SHOWS WHO THIS IDIOT MY3 THE HEADLESS HEAD OF STATE OF MOTHER LANAKA who has become STEP MOTHER OF CHINA-JAYAWEWA TO law and order in lanka.
rbh / November 20, 2018
Withdrew the Police officers transfer…
Reversing an order that was to be transferred itself prove to be something ordered is unfair
Lapatiya / November 20, 2018
Another trump from Polonnaruwe “Garandiya”
Buddhist / November 20, 2018
NPC should not stop at this and should investigate fully who ordered, ,why and when for this transfer and make the report public. Unless NPC does it this practice of protecting murderers and rogues will continue. This action of the President clearly shows that he is protecting Rajapakse and other murderers.
Vetmahdeva / November 21, 2018
Yes, NPC, shall sue Wijegunaratne as for the interference of NPC’S State affairs, this will cople with Magistrate’s warrent and relevant people and public knows what all these dramas for!
Cynthia / November 21, 2018
This is the deal that has derailed Sri Lanka!
Dionysus / November 20, 2018
The damage must already be done to CID OIC Nishantha Silva. He must feel vulnerable and insecure now. He must wonder who will be there to back him up in future. It will be understandable if the reinstated OIC was to drag his feet and merely mark time till retirement comes around. So this is what we must look forward to in the political chaos that’s been created. Crooks and murderers will all prosper. After all, we have individuals against whom cases of fraud and theft have been lodged who are now being called ministers again. Will judges be next in line to receive transfer orders?
Babi Aachchi / November 20, 2018
For once, and only once, the Police Commission has done us proud.
in / November 20, 2018
Please bring this people in front of people and let them punish for their sin. Wearing uniform is not giving any power to challenge criminal law. In front of all law must be equal. Lot of senior officers in the services and police do politics because they no they can be safe after any crime.
Ad / November 20, 2018
Siri saner?
Socrates / November 20, 2018
Sorry ? saner ?
renu / November 20, 2018
This brave Police Officer must now act according to the instruction of the Judge who wants him arrested and produced in court, No one should be above the law
Native Vedda / November 20, 2018
You were p***** off when the thug in uniform using his bare hand tried to neck snap the unarmed journalist.
This is what you typed:
“Navy Commander Attacked Journalist On Human Rights Day on the orders of the Yahapalanaya.
Undignified and a disgrace to the Rank he holds and to his predecesors.”
You don’t seem to show any interest in this story. Is it because it is related to 11 innocent Tamil boys?
Native Vedda / November 20, 2018
Mark, janaka, Rabok, Sas, Chamuditha Senanayaka, colin, …………
You defended the behaviour of this thug in uniform when he attacked or tried to neck snap an innocent unarmed journalist in December 2016.
The thug needs you.
You should have known when you saw him zealously serving his masters that he had something to hide. He should invoke Sinhala/Buddhism if he wants to protect his bum, visit the Mahanayakes with gifts.
Siliputha / November 20, 2018
Hats off to police commission. This pakaya silisenas should go home
kudson / November 20, 2018
the dirty rotten scumbags who murdered lasantha, eknaligoda and the 11 including the 4 juveniles from Kotahena
must be brought to justice
including the scumbags who have been protecting these murderers
so many abducted and murdered during gota,s tenure
we need justice as a nation we demand this
Diyanii / November 20, 2018
“The worst President ever”– that title belongs to Sirisena !!! as Sri Lanka slides back to an era of violence again. Gods help Sri Lanka its over to you now to save our country.
JD / November 20, 2018
Police department, because of politicians, does not like Offcials who work according to their conscience. So, more than once good officials have been transfeered. On the other hand corrupt officials can hang onto their positions. CT knows that.
Vetmahdeva / November 21, 2018
Yes, NPC, shall sue Wijegunaratne as for the interference of NPC’S State affairs, this will cople with Magistrate’s warrent and relevant people and public knows what all these dramas for!
David / November 21, 2018
What you expect from a President of Social Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka. Father of nation who only safeguard only his interests and the crooks associated with him. If he is a victim then he knows the pain. He will suffer the pain at the next presidency election. What goes around will comes around like boomerang.
Gerome / November 21, 2018
Somewhere along the road ” Janadipathi Thaatha ” aka ” Dicks Joy ” has lost his way.
As Mervin Silva stated in a video on you tube the best place and job for him is a flower shop in Anuradhapura. His days are numbered and the count down begins.
Sri lankans should not hound the guy because he like RW is a poofter.
What Sri Lanka needs is a able bodied, straight forward , honest, simple minded politician to run the country.
Whether such a politician can be found is left for the voters to decide. ???????????????????
I am not a Sri lankan citizen but i have enjoyed many a good holiday in the resplendent island.and hope that i can do so in the years to come.
The public service of the country needs to be revamped, public servants need to understand that there services reflect back on them and the country and every good act takes the lovely island to progress.
The world can’t help Sri Lanka only the voters can. !!!!!!!!!!!!
Jay / November 21, 2018
Well said, Gerome. It is sad to see the beautiful country with lots good people – Sinhalese, Moors, Tamils , Burghers , etc.; ruined by bad politicians and bad policies. What Sri Lanka needs is ” Modi” like person to lead from the wilderness.
Justice / November 21, 2018
The likes of Mervyn Silva aka walking souls with absolutely nothing descent to talk about, emanates a gross stink every time they open their mouths, should be chased out of public life once and for all.
People .. wake up .. don’t vote for idiots like these in the future !!
Ajay / November 21, 2018
How will the families of the victims feel when they see this picture of the President sitting like a meek monkey beside the big ugly bear who is a suspect in the brutal murders of their children? In fact all law abiding citizens should be outraged by the audacity of these criminals abusing their public offices. No wonder the average Sri Lankan feels insecure in his/her own country. But this is nothing compared to what is to come. A Rajapaksa dynastic dictatorship bolstered by Sinhala-Buddhist supremacy and China’s black money is looming large on the horizon.
Ratna / November 21, 2018
Whom shall be deal away with now! That what is what the picture says.
Dissa / November 21, 2018
IGP has a duty to instruct his officers to be independent and arrest RWG and those who have involved in parliament misbehaving. I fact he was supposed to get arrested Roger and gang who interfered to control media including Rupavahini,ITN,SLBC and Lakehouse.
Spring Koha / November 21, 2018
I wish I could shout “REJOICE” at this IGP volte face.
But I am too Sri Lankan, too old, and too sceptic.
The fact is that all the investigations are unlikely to solve any of the blatant crimes committed by any of the devious bastards still clinging to power – one way or another an unseen hand will come out of shadows.
Lasantha, Thajudeen, et al, RIP.
“…gang led by Chandana Hettiarachchi alias Navy Sampath, a close associate of Navy Sampath” does this makes sense? How can Navy Sampath be a close associate of Navy Sampanth?
Umberto / November 22, 2018
Please re-read the passage fully, before you exhibit your poor knowledge of the language.The clause ‘ a close associate of Navy Sampath’ refers to Wijegunartne, by the commas after Wijegunartneand before …a close associate……
K.Pillai / November 21, 2018
Arm-twisters are at it yet again with a vengeance. The timing just cannot be coincidence. Guess why.
The silver lining is CPC showing independence.
There is a real possibility of CPC getting muzzled. Back to square one.
K.Pillai / November 22, 2018
{…………… a letter to IGP Jayasundara, written by CID Director Senior DIG Ravi Seneviratne, revealed that it was Chief of Defence Staff Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne who was instrumental in the transfer of Nishantha Silva}
No prosecutions what so ever!
Hang down your head IGeeeeeP,
Hang down your head and cry
Poor boy you are bound to die
Good Sense / November 22, 2018
The facts presented here are not up to the mark from my perspective. There has to be a feud between the Inspector and the CDS, each flying allegations against the other. But the reality of the matter is after all these apparent efforts by the Police, do the results hold water? Take the death of Wassim Thajudeen. Initially both the Police and the JMO held that it was an accident. A panel of Doctors reversed the decision of the JMO who got a suspension of the rights to practice as a Doctor. There is a statement of the former OIC of Narahaenpita alleging that the seniors wanted him treat that as an accident. Both him and the DIG got remanded about an year and they are out on bail. What is the conclusion? There are other deaths in which top brass of the Navy were implicated and got remanded for a considerable period of time and is now on bail. NO CONCLUSION. The case in point is the CDS’s alleged involvement in facilitating the escape of another Navy personnel. As I have commented before once the Police merely stated in court that they had evidence to that effect Unfortunately, the Police should have been required to present the same instead of a judicial pronouncement that arrest him if you have evidence. If the evidence is satisfactory a warrant for the arrest should have been issued. Now it has become a battle between the forces and the Police which is not good for the country as a whole. We tend to blame even the Attorney General’s Department for not prosecuting after the supposed conclusion of investigation by the Police. Up to now the only successful conclusion appears to be the Silredi affair which is under appeal.