19 February, 2025


SIS Submits Report On Rajapaksa’s Buddhist Temple Based Neo-Fascist Movement

“The State Intelligence Service has submitted a detailed report regarding the newly formed Mahinda Rajapaksa led ‘Buddhist Temple Based Neo-Fascist Movement'” one of Maithripala Sirisena’s advisers informed Colombo Telegraph on condition of anonymity.

Mahinda Rajapaksa RAccording to the report after Mahinda Rajapaksa‘s presidential election loss in January 2015, he commenced visiting a colossal amount of Buddhist temples on the pretext of seeking support for the concluded general elections in seeking the premiership.

The detailed report sates that the sole purpose of these visits was to seek help in safe guarding himself, his immediate family and his brother namely the former defense secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa for the on going cases relating to abuse of power, forgery, murder, fraud, corruption and malpractices through the creation of a Buddhist Temple Based Neo-Fascist Movement.

Moreover the damning report states that the formation of this Buddhist Temple Based Neo-Fascists Movement was so well organized, that if in the event any Rajapaksa family member was arrested by the authorities, the entire cadre which also includes certain Buddhist monks could take to the streets within minutes, even leaving their places of work by communicating using secret codes.

No sooner the general elections were over, the FCID promptly resumed their investigations by summoning Gotabaya Rajapaksa for questioning.

The report states that Mahinda Rajapaksa led forces are rampantly recruiting numbers to make a strong cadre that could almost instantly commence blanket protests in the Buddhist dominated areas of the island.

The report clearly states that this Buddhist Temple Based Neo-Fascist Movement was an independent Mahinda Rajapksa led body and has no connections whatsoever with the Bodu Bala Sena or the Ravana Balaya.

According to the President’s adviser this intelligence report is currently being studied by other experts, as the threat this poses could have serious repercussions through mob led protests and violence.

Latest comments

  • 78

    Unless you take away his civic rights and/ or put him behind bars he will cause immense problems to the new govt.
    Ranil and the others do not have that ” killer instinct” which MR had in abundance.

    • 55

      MR and his cronies should be investigated for war crimes, mass rape, murdering Journalists, Human Rights defenders and ordinary civilians and executed in order to ensure rule of law and justice without further delay to put an end to the abuse of power in the future by anyone.

    • 15

      Leon, you have said a mouthful.

      This lack of killer instinct can be translated as inefficiency; the eventual downfall of Ranil & HE the President.

      MARA knew a Sarath Fonseka let loose could be a lot of trouble and promptly gaoled him in the most disgusting manner. Now we have MARA attending the PM’s swearing in !!! What gddamed gumption!!!

      Mark my words, MARA will run out both anil and the President. Just give him time!

    • 14

      Dear Sirs,
      Ranil & Mahinda are genuinely very friendly, though in Politics , they are in opposite camps. Mahinda-Maithree is a pretention. Follow the photos taken at PM’s swearing in ceremony. Maithree is scared and imagines things about Mahinda, may be an ……….. complex…so… these bogus allegations and inquiries. The whole world knows that Mahinda is 10 times more popular than Maithree, though the latter is very powerful now. In any case, a lot of Muslims, some Tamils and a lot of Buddhists are behind Mahinda. I hope Maithree will give a free hand to the UNP , while watching MAHENDRAN’S Departure and RAVI K. control in some form, stay without giving positions to defeated cronies, build a strong friendly opposition, without displaying his immature traits and taking impulsive illegal action.He is always given wrong legal advise and advice for moves.

      He displayed his ignorance of the importance of the London High Comn , when he offered the position to Sangakkara, just because he was recognized as a world famous Cricketer.WHAT A SHAME…is this Yahapalanaya?

    • 22

      Unless you take away his civic rights and/ or put him behind bars he will cause immense problems to SRI LANKA!

  • 40

    A political “saffron brigade” as appears to have been established by MR, will be the death knell of this a religion, as has been practised in Sri Lanka, until independence, after which its values appear have been eroded.
    This MR’s new venture may even ‘throw up’ our own “Virathu” – the violent monk of Burma.
    Devout influential lay Buddhists must nip this in the bud.
    The Mahanayakes should forbid politics in temples and monks in politics.

  • 10

    They took out Mahinda Rajapakse and now it seems the target is buddhist monks, JHU and BBS.

    They all will be risiculed.

    Mangala Samraweera has stopped $ 18 billion hidden overseas typr stories.

  • 11

    new opinion poll released states these would be following seat projection if elections were held today
    unp coaltion-122

  • 13

    This is the movement that INDIA has been supporting with a well known disk jockey as the head of this deep state. It must be CRUSHED quickly and cleanly.

  • 16

    The whole stride of events in Mahindas mind must take shape to find a logical end. MS
    is prepared to declare Emergency law and have all those connected placed under House
    Arrest as the first step, and the logistics of the intelligence services put into
    action. Let the Voters have a taste of Hero Mahinda and Gota combine for once, all within an year of his demise from politics. A greedy man in a hurry, with a tail.

    • 6

      Well said. Now we are seeing the real dictator in president Sirisena. This type of bull-shit allegations made by the “state intelligence: :) (who are obviously planted by Maithree and Ranil) wont go far. The people are already realizing they have been fooled (once again).

      Next stop: Supreme Court for MS and RW.

      • 8

        ignorant vis8, just leave rw alone. Since he elected as the pm ,he is talking about developing the country. never mentioned anything about mara crowd. shut your mouth [Edited out]

      • 1

        please do not call srilankans are fools. you youself is a damn fool

  • 28

    If the MAHASANGHA fails to notice all the evils practised by some of the Monks in the name of sacred religion Buddhism there’s a threat for this religion to be destroyed by these wayward Monks.
    The biggest Sangha has a duty to maintain the true religious beliefs in the name of Lord Buddha.
    They too have a responsibility to see the religious values are maintained and followed.
    Sri Lanka is a Muticultural country with the majority of Buddhists but the religious intolerance was flared up by some of the Buddhist Monks too.
    Does the Religious books says not to respect other religions?

  • 21

    There were and are countless allegations of extreme corruption and crime of hitherto unknown proportions against the Rajapakse clan and his cronies who carried on as if they were the owners of Sri Lanka and the people were all slaves who should bow down at their feet and never look them in the eye. The nation was plundered and bled by the Rajapakse regime and he turned a blind eye to everything that was wrong. He lost the presidential due to his own folly and ended up like the king who had no clothes. Greed and guilt pursuaded MR to seek public sympathy and win votes for him and his party and still there are a countless number of foolish people in this land who cast their precious votes to bring him back to power so that he can screw them and the nation further and also to sweep all his past crimes under the carpet. Unfortunately MR lost and good fortune has dawned on the people, foolish and the wise alike to look beyond the dark days of the past with hope. Let the people unite as one to build this broken nation as one country for all Sri Lankans irrespective of their cast or creed, race or religion. Let us wash ourselves from the evils of separatism and divisions.

  • 26

    Mahavansa culture is a bit similar to the Taliban. A crafty bugger like MR can easily tap into these gullible minds.

    • 13

      Is it time for the Mahasangha and The Malwatte chapter to WAKE UP from their slumber to get the Buddhist Religion in par with how Lord Buddha wanted his followers to behave and OBSERVE TRUE BUDDHISM. ?


      The Chiefs are too old to teach the wayward young Monks .So there’s no one . The extremists Monks runs amok and the MODA followers finishing up the destruction as the Young prelates orders.

      Destruction , steal , intoxication with drugs and alcohol , paedophilia. Rape,and murder are common among these people.

      “” Time for the wise old prelates to wake up.””

  • 17

    There must be some substance to this accusation.

    Why does Mahinda Rajapaksa go about visiting a large number of temples just after losing an election? Running to Buddhist temples just after losing an election is not the rational behaviour of any politician.

    An uprising led by a collection of well paid monks can possibly lead to civil war. The authorities must take action without further delay. A special task force must be created to combat this new menace. Police must pay a visit to incumbents of these temples and put them on notice that the authorities are aware of their activities with disgruntled politicians. Their temples must be searched for weapons and seditious material. If the finances of most of these temples are investigated I assure you, a great many funny businesses can also be unearthed.

    Martial Law is not needed and must not even be considered. Martial Law will go against ‘Yahapalanaya’ and may lead authorities to commit the same horrendous acts against the citizens as MR did. If the special task force acts decisively there will be no need for Martial Law.

  • 15

    Remember the assassination of Mr. S.W.R.D. Bandaranayake? Who masterminded it? A Buddhist priest along with a Cabinet Minster. Anything is possible. Since the investigations have commenced, we will see in the coming days and months how twist and turns such actions would take. Those in “Authority” have to be prepared for the worse and that is how any such threat could be faced.

  • 17

    Government should expose these so called Buddhist priests who are still going after former President for financial gains. People should be made aware of these temples where the priests are trying to create troubles under the cover of Buddhism. The Mahanayake’s of Asgiriya and Malwathu chapters should request the buddhists not to be misled by these Rajapakse worshipping priests. Government should warn the public and these buddhist clergy if any person comes out on the streets to prevent justice being carried out against these corrupt leaders, strict action will be taken.

    • 7

      Anti Corrupt

      Well said,,,,,,, all these high priests are too old in their 90s …the Buddhism is not important for them now at their age. ,
      Awaiting for Nibbana???

      Is there a leader to instil the goodness of Buddhism?? Or are they rewriting religious books with a new twist to suit the present day Monks??
      Then certainly they’re not Lord Buddha’s teachings. Full stop.

    • 0

      How about going after Reshard Badudeen and stop the eradication of national wealth. you pigs are the destroyers of the nation.

  • 0

    eXPOSED >>>>>>>> sHOWBITHA………..he criticised the Prez MY3 for backdoor appointment of loosers to parliament…………

    Hina…. hina….hina … hina… Hathara hina……. Sunil of Gypsies.

  • 9

    Its high time that MS and RW take a serious note on this since all srilankans need the country to be taken forward on the correct path.

    Sirs, enough Is enough……….

  • 1

    This is another Mahinda phobia ‘bull s**t story to denigrate Buddhists. Who need Temple movements? people who know what greatfulness will defenitely will be on the streets the moment these pathetic scarecrows of the west touch him.

    • 3

      An empty threat? what IF he is touched? would u go around TORCHING places of worship of the minority community and their businesses and belonging? comes to mind..Aluthgamata ABA saranai…

      for a start, BEFORE ANYTHING arrest MR, GOTA and The Robed thug who also has the same stage acts as those of MR.( how they use their hands while addressing the crowds) THIS is Cutting the heads or a triple headed serpent. the rest will settle down…once done.. torch the main 3 satans for a Better SL to prevail..

      IF killing VP has brought about a calm environment in the WHOLE of SL, KILLING MR,GOTA and Galagodaththe would be a much noble thing to do, so that the country would be in peace.. YES ! it will.. try the formula…

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