15 February, 2025


SLMC’s Basheer Segudawood Clarifies, Says He Called For A Muslim Unit Not A Separate State

Chairman of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) Basheer Segudawood who sparked a fresh controversy following his call for a separate Muslim state at a meeting held in Kathankudy recently, has said that his statement was misconstrued and he only called for a separate Muslim unit and not for a separate state for the community.

Basheer Segudawood

Basheer Segudawood

Issuing a statement today, Segudawood said, “In the said meeting, what I mentioned was, about a separated Muslim unit (MuslimAlahu in Tamil) as it is still being canvassed by the Tamil political parties for a merged North & East, as well as powers for self-determination for the Tamil community. This probably has been translated to read as a Muslim separate state in other languages. I do not perceive this to be an act of deliberation, but a mistake in translation.

However, the Tamil media has carried the news the way I conveyed,” he said.

Segudawood said that Muslims have always been for a united Sri Lanka and even when Lord Soulbury referred to the separation of Ceylon, based on ethnic identity, Dr. T B Jaya declared that the Muslims are happy to live together with their brothers as one country.

“Until the emergence of the internal war and the subsequent turbulence the Muslim community faced, a need for a separate identification politics did not arise. History has provided ample evidence to prove that the welfare of the Muslim community has been largely depending on the leaders of the country. In the past few years we have faced discrimination and adversities. The country’s leadership has been blowing hot and cold in the past, when issues of Muslim security and welfare were brought to their notice,” Segudawood said.

He also noted that whenever a call is made towards Muslim aspirations, it is referred or inter twined with “Jihad” which has never been an entity in Sri Lanka. “It is said in a fashion to portray the community as a violent race. There is no evidence on record to prove the existence of Jihad or anything similar to that has been a security threat to the state or any community any day.

This has been a ploy by a few with ulterior motives to provide ammunition to rubble rousers to have political mileage,” Segudawood charged.

He emphasized that as political leaders of the community, it is their responsibility to provide a permanent and lasting solution. He emphasized upon the need to create a system for the community’s welfare, rather than looking for mercy from political leaderships. “We as Sri Lankans have experience, in witnessing suppression and discrimination resulting in violence. So, Muslim leaders should ensure the generations to come should not have a need to take this as precedence to win their rights. We are morally obliged, to ensure a peaceful future and harmonious living for our future generations,” Segudawood said.

He emphasized that when the Tamil community is demanding justice for the injustice caused during the end times of the war, the Muslim community is also demanding justice for loss of life and possessions, inflicted in the 1990s. “So, two different solutions cannot be provided to a more or less an identical problem,” he said.

He charged that even with the present governance, only the Tamil issue is given due consideration and importance, and not much is spoken about the Muslim aspirations. “Both communities have grievances and unresolved issues. Hence, both need to be addressed in the correct perspective,” he said.

“So, it is a totally fair call to demand for a separate Muslim unit, if a similar solution is to be granted to another community as a solution for their grievances. This will safeguard the community as well as the Muslim political parties, which are today a force to be reckoned with. I am of the view, that in such an event where we fail to record our demands, Especially the SLMC, will eventually be reduced to the name board, with having no tangible impact to make in politics,” he said.

He also noted that the call for a separate Muslim unit was initially mooted by SLMC’s late leader M H M Ashraff . “With the birth of National Unity Alliance (NUA), the initial call for the Muslim identification politics was transformed into national politics. With time, space and circumstances, considering the Social and economic security and the welfare of the community, the leaders took timely and appropriate decisions, to suit the need of the hour,” Segudawood added.

Latest comments

  • 5

    Basheer Segudawood appears to be back-pedalling now that his wishes had been rejected by his flock. The Muslim community in Sri Lanka does not deserve leaders of this calibre and the sooner they throw him out the better.

    • 3

      Basheer Segudawood

      RE:SLMC’s Basheer Segudawood Clarifies, Says He Called For A Muslim Unit Not A Separate State

      Most Sri Lankan Muslims have not yet adopted the Iblis-Satan Following Wahhabism and its Clones ideology. So, they still have a lot of critical thinking and analytical skills left. Locally, you may have a critical mass of Stupid and ignorant Wahhabies, but fortunately it s not the case yet.

      In Wahhabi Saudi Arabia, there are many Wahhabies who have a hard time thinking independently, without theit Wahhabi Ulema, who can’t think to begin with.

      Regression Plot: The regression plot for GMAT scores and L&V’s (2012) Estimated National IQs is shown below.Saudi Arabia 311 and Iran 520, USA 532 and Turkey 550, Sri Lanka 490.


    • 2

      Muslims are well united under Koran and their Islam religion.

      They are practicing their religion in every sense.

      What other unity they want?

      • 1

        Dankottuwa Manike

        “Muslims are well united under Koran and their Islam religion. They are practicing their religion in every sense.”

        The problem is understanding, comprehension, especially for the Wahhabi Saudis.

    • 2

      The sooner you throw out these nincompoops who asks for either separate units or states the better.
      We are all Srilankans and have the right to live and earn anywhere in the country without discrimination and complete freedom in every respect.
      These nincompoops must be wiped out from national politics if they are trying to “topple the apple cart”

  • 4

    Oh dear!

    Aren’t you in a bit of a pickle?


  • 5

    Get out of Kattankudy, Lot of Muslim brothers live with Sinhalese!
    Do not bring unnecessary divisions. You idiots are killing each other as sunnis and shias.
    By the way are there any Sinhalese living in Kattankudy?

    • 5

      srinath gunaratne

      “You idiots are killing each other as sunnis and shias.”

      What has Basheer Segudawood got to do with Shias and Sunnies who fight each other in Iraq, Pakistan, Bahrain, Yemen, ….. ?

      Can one blame you for the atrocities which being committed against Muslims in Burma, assuming, of course, you are a Sinhala/Buddhist?

      “Get out of Kattankudy,”

      It is the Islamic Republic of Kathankudy. How dare you order them to leave their country.

      This is our ancestral land. How soon can you vacate my island?

      • 0

        “What has Basheer Segudawood got to do with Shias and Sunnies who fight each other in Iraq, Pakistan, Bahrain, Yemen, ….. ?”

        I believe Kattankudy does have a connection with the Saudi Sunnis as the Muslim leaders here received huge funds I expect, to alleviate the sufferings of the poor but the monies were squandered on planting palm trees along the roads (which soon died) and building mosques for which there was no demand and opening madrassars to promote Wahhabism – all to earn brownie points from the Saudis. The Muslim poor like E.g.Rizana Nafeek, remained in their cadjan huts and resorted to go to Saudi Arabia and get abused.

    • 0

      srinath gunaratne

      “By the way are there any Sinhalese living in Kattankudy?”

      Even Muslims do not want to live there.

      The Wahhabies follow the Satan, Devil. Iblis.

  • 1

    This guy was never elected at an election! He was always on the National List.However,after the Parliamentary Poll in Aug:2015,the SLMC took stock of the man and he was excluded from the National List.
    His call for a separate Muslim Province[South-Eastern] with a new district of Kalmunai was to put Rauf Hakeem in difficulty.The guy is smarting!
    It was the late M.H.M.Ashraff who lifted him from the gutter and gave him a place under the Sun!

    • 1

      How far is it true Basheer really has a Tamil Estate parentage which is why he was accepted in the Tamil militancy?
      Even that old disgrace Azwer is said actually to be of Sinhala parentage brought up by a Muslim family from Harbour Labour quarters in
      Bloemendhal Road, Mutwal (close to the Thel Tankiya)


  • 3

    Segudawood, mind your business, you, your SLMC and it’s splinter groups used the name of the community for all yours’ selfish greed – power and perks. Please leave the community alone, as it was before, we are very safe and comfortable with our representatives in the major parties in the country. They are good and capable hands to handle our affairs. We as a minority, it’s always good, safe and sound for us to live in peace and amity with all the communities in the country as it was before for many years. Again, please for God Sake stop stirring the boiling pot for your greed.

    • 2


      “it’s always good, safe and sound for us to live in peace and amity with all the communities in the country as it was before for many years.”

      Not really many years, have you forgotten 1915 and 1990?

      • 0

        wow 1915! where u even born then dummy?

        • 3


          “wow 1915! where u even born then dummy?”

          I know for sure, that once upon time Dinosaurs roamed around this earth.

          I wasn’t born then.

          There is something called black hole. I never been there before intent to visit before my death.

          Only those who have hole in the wrong place happen to ask these stupid questions.

          • 0

            nice starman argument, divert the subject to extinct dinosaurs which is irrelevant. pat yourself on the back, you must be pretty smart, huh?

            • 2


              “you must be pretty smart, huh?”

              Do you think so? I am not, in fact I am bit thick.

              However I am willing to learn.

              Do you think you are smart?

              Just re-read your typing and let me know.

  • 0

    Can we for a moment forget the messenger and look at the message, forget his motives and assess the plea?
    Is there no case at all for a Muslim Unit or even several– Not to provide posts and portfolios but to address problems of Muslims as a distinct ethnic group?

    • 2

      ‘Is there no case at all for a Muslim Unit or even several…’

      No, none at all. It will lead to civil war.

      • 2


        “No, none at all. It will lead to civil war.”

        Would another civil war a novel experience?

        Can’t the jubilant, heroic, …. armed forces handle it? They had had 45 years of experience killing their own people?

        I am confident they are capable of killing more people.

        The only problem with them is that they are reluctant to fight a war against an invading foreign army.

  • 3

    I like the bit where Mr Segudawwod says he wants justice for the injustices inflicted on his people in the 90s.

    But it is is not in the Bedouin Prince’s brief to the Yahapalana Bosses.

    As I right?..

    Mr Sudawood further says there was no issues living as equals with the majority until the last regime did a few bad things..

    I am sure an Economics savvy person can help us here, with stats regarding the average net worth and per capita home ownership of Muslims against the same for the great majority of the Sinhala inhabitant population bar the Elite,for us to work out whether Mr Segawood’s last statement has any merit.

    Inclusion of the Elite will distort the averages because their net worth have been mainly due land ownership and other special privileges which were granted to them free of charge by our pre independent rulers…

  • 1

    Muslim politicians, such as Basheer Segu Dawood, who have self-appointed themselves as leaders of the community; do not any political vision or plans beneficial for the Muslims. They make inconsistent utterances now and then with the sole objective of harnessing some votes from the Muslims in areas which they come from so that they could get some political position. Be it a Muslim province or a unit, none of them are viable and will be useful for the Muslims. The Muslilm community should realise the changing face of politics in Sri Lanka and developtheir thinking and political engagements accordingly.

  • 0

    Divisive politics based on ethnicity, language or religion in a small country like Sri Lanka will only lead to bloodshed and no peace.

    Just because of the antics of a small coterie of thugs dressed in saffron robes violently calling for the reduction of Muslims to serf status, the Muslim community should not call for radical steps to protect themselves. Such polarisation will lead to nothing but another civil war and the entire country including innocent bystanders are sure to bleed.

  • 1

    democracy is a numbers game , Waite till we breed Muslims like piglets , then we have numbers and we will get the whole country not just one province

    • 0

      Such rumbustious talk only proves one thing, you possess genes of a bigot just like your Mahason Yaka Gnanasara, and not of good stock. Giving birth to children is a much considered joy to any parent irrespective of religion, and should never be considered a future burden but a blessing in disguise. With a greater strength of 70 percent in majority population, you buggers are worried and concerned of a population overrun from a less than 10 percent Muslim population. Go tell all your Buddhist monks 50,000 of them, supposed to be abstaining from sex just to prove a point, to get married and have children, there are 50,000 women with no husbands, because of what they preach and practice. Don’t blame Muslims and their breeding habits for your own miserable failures.

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