17 January, 2025


Smart Patriotism And The Marginal Majority

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

At 58, I have reached legitimate anecdotage. My parents read Grimm’s Fairy Tales out to me at bedtime, but my maternal grandmother from Moratuwa told me stories in Sinhala and was the only one to do so. She related Martin Wickramasinghe’s story “Rohini” to me. It is a romantic martial tale set within the Dutugemunu saga. She couldn’t have been a Sinhala Buddhist chauvinist. She was a Catholic, originally from Nuwara Eliya, married to a highly literate Buddhist from Panadura. She named her favorite son Athula, after one of Dutugemunu’s warrior-heroes. Far from being a recessive Sinhala xenophobe, Athula wound up a Dean in a North American university and the first non-white President of the World Confederation of Physiotherapists. Those are some part of my roots. That’s where I’m coming from.

Patriotism is love of country. There is dumb patriotism and there is smart patriotism. When the dumb patriot says “my country right or wrong”, he/she means that whether it does right or wrong in the moral sense, he/she will defend it. When the smart patriot says it, he/she means that whether it is in the right or in the wrong, it is his/her country; the only country she really has or belongs to. It is where he is coming from. It is the place he identifies with. It is where he is rooted. It is home. He will not defend everything its government or state does; but defend the country, he will. In that sense the smart patriot loves his/her country unconditionally though it may be a ‘tough love’. Obviously in the case of dual citizenship, this applies twice over, with its necessary modifications and complications.

The dumb patriot thinks his country is the best in the world and even the greatest. The smart patriot does not and his love of country is not based on blind faith or an intrinsic, unwarranted sense of superiority. The smart patriot is constructively critical about his country but is fiercely loyal to it all the same. He will criticize it but will unconditionally defend his country from the hypocritical criticism of foreign powers and institutions responsible for or blind to far worse crimes.

Nationalism is an ideology born of love of nation. It recognizes and respects a collective identity. It often results in political projects sourced in the interests of that nation. Neither patriotism nor nationalism need be recognized as the highest values. Nationalism can be unproblematic when there is only one nation in a country. It is far more problematic when there are multiple, often competing claims to nationhood within a country.

Patriotism and nationalism are far from coterminous with chauvinism and/or racism. Chauvinism is a hierarchic narcissism. It is intensely self-centered and self-referential. It regards its own nation as intrinsically higher and superior to others. It brooks no critical interrogation of its past or present. Racism is the aggressive, even violent extension of chauvinism. It is actively hostile to others; to those apart from its own collective. Racism stands for the subordination and suppression of other communities.

There are patriots and nationalists who are oblivious to chauvinism and racism. There are anti-racists and anti-chauvinists who are dismissive of patriotism and nationalism. I advocate neither and am neither.

I stand for a patriotism that is compatible with both nationalism and internationalism. I stand for a nationalism that is compatible with internationalism. This is smart patriotism. Smart patriotism is perfectly compatible with cultural cosmopolitanism, though the latter is not a condition of the former.

However, neither patriotism nor nationalism is compatible with political cosmopolitanism. The difference between cultural and political cosmopolitanism is that political cosmopolitanism does not respect national borders and national sovereignty while cultural cosmopolitanism does. Cultural cosmopolitanism embraces the world as a cultural melting pot; it celebrates diversity, interface and fusion; it is truly global. It also respects the sovereignty of countries and nations and opposes the hegemony, intervention and interference of the superpower over the rest and into the rest.

Lakshman Kadirgamar was a cultural cosmopolitan and a political patriot who recognized and leveraged nationalism, including Sinhala nationalism, in the cause of anti-elitism and anti-Western hegemonism.

I am a Sri Lankan patriot who is also an internationalist. I am a Sri Lankan patriot who recognizes that you cannot be a Sri Lankan patriot while being opposed to Sinhala nationalism. Indeed a Sri Lankan patriot has by definition to recognize Sinhala nationalism and its centrality. The main motive force of Sri Lankan patriotism is Sinhala nationalism but it is not the exclusive force or component within Sri Lankan patriotism.

I firmly believe that a patriot must oppose chauvinism and racism. I also believe that one must never confuse nationalism with chauvinism or racism. I am a Sri Lanka patriot. Within the ensemble of identities and affiliations that constitute me, I am also a Sinhala nationalist who detests Sinhala racism and chauvinism. That is why I supported Premadasa and Mahinda Rajapaksa while opposing the JHU and the BBS.

Patriotism and nationalism are quite different from xenophobia. Xenophobia resents any external influences on one’s culture. Nationalism recognizes that one’s culture is the product also of external flows and influences and welcomes these while protecting the country’s political sovereignty from external domination.

Sinhala Buddhist chauvinism strives to establish a dominant place for that majority at the expense of the minorities and attempts to keep the minorities in a subordinate place. That is reprehensible and must be combatted. Sri Lankan patriotism and Sinhala nationalism attempt no such thing. Sri Lankan patriotism only wants the unity, integrity and territorial integrity of the country, which if it is to be sustainable, cannot but entail recognition of the rightful place—neither exclusive nor domineering–of the Sinhalese. It recognizes that the Sinhalese are a very old nation, with an old language, a long continuous written history and are heirs to a highly developed ancient civilization. They exist in a large collective only on the island of Sri Lanka. Their language is spoken by a large collective only on this island. They are two thirds of the population of the island. This is their home and the only one they have. In the sub-region and the region as a whole, the Sinhalese are a minority, dwarfed by the landmass and populace next door in Tamil Nadu from which incursions and annexations have originated many times in Sinhala history and have been responsible for the collapse of the great hydraulic civilizations and the retreat of the capital. This is the geography and history of the Sinhalese.

A Sri Lankan nation cannot be created by Sinhala Buddhist civilization alone, but history and culture, demography and democracy have conferred a central role upon the Sinhala Buddhist people. To make or regard this as exclusive is chauvinism even racism, but to strive for a Sri Lankan nation of which the Sinhala nation and Sinhala Buddhist culture and civilization are not recognized as the core, is ridiculously artificial and dis-organic.

Most certainly, democracy cannot trample upon rights of the minorities but nor can democracy be misused or overlooked to install the rule of a minority and to marginalize the Sinhala majority and its interests. A minority or minority bloc cannot be turned into a majority, nor can a majority be turned into a minority. A majority cannot be cowed into behaving as if it were a minority in its own country (by which I do not mean the country belongs exclusively to the majority). Democracy cannot be manipulated to trample on the natural role and rightful status of the majority. Still less can the social minorities, including classes and elites, be enthroned over the majority with Western support, as was the case under colonialism and the neocolonialism until 1956. It must be remembered that nations, especially ancient ones such as the Sinhala nation, have a much older existence than democracy even in ancient Greece.

A majority on this island, in the modern world–system and its regional subsystem, the Sinhalese are a structurally marginal minority. This is their—our—existential situation.

One of Mahinda Rajapaksa’s great historical merits was to leverage the weight of a rising China and resurgent Russia to compensate for that structurally marginal situation of the Sinhalese and offset the systemic advantage that secessionist Tamil nationalism enjoyed owing to its numbers in Tamil Nadu and its embedding within the Western democracies. Here he was only following perhaps instinctively, the dictum of Kautilya, that the main threat to any state comes from its immediate neighbor– one with whom the given state shares a border– and that this threat must be countervailed by allying with a power that is further afield and with which the given state has no border. It is the triangle of the factors (A) a strong leader from the Ruhuna (B) the Executive Presidential System and (C) the alliance with Eurasia i.e. China and Russia, that enabled the Sri Lankan State, its army, and the Sinhala nation to defeat the fascist-separatist LTTE, warding off Western pressures for a cessation of hostilities and a return to negotiation.

It is no accident that factors (A) and (C) have been overturned and that factor (B) is sought to be downsized if not dismantled by today’s elected puppet administration. Whom does it benefit and what will be the strategic and historical fate of the Sinhala nation? What will be their—our–existential destiny?

Latest comments

  • 5


    Mostly you are already smart and probably will make correct decisions now as Sinhalese are smart now. Basically all your articles I briefly looked at the last three and they are correct.

    You know I had suggested that you start thinking about elections in 2021 and try to put in a neutral candidate. Obviously Colombo is basically run by the American CIA right now. History is long and eventually there will be justice. These guys who tried to bring back the old times with the CBK elite and kind of subservient to London and New York will fall off and their politics will die out after six years. Anyways an engineered election won’t be able to hold water in the long term.

    Don’t worry and think about who to run on the opposition ticket in 2021. Obviously Rajapaksa, the man, is out of the picture. Also I will tell you that from the Tamil perspective things have eased up without Rajapaksa who was the only one who easily proved himself to be the most brave amongst the Sinhalese.

    • 1

      See Uncle Sam riding the lion. To a smart patriot its funny:


    • 2

      Dayan, the advocate for Sinhala supremacy asks:

      ” Whom does it benefit and what will be the strategic and historical fate of the Sinhala nation? What will be their—our–existential destiny?”

      What did the Sinhala Nation achieve in the first 35 years since independence before Tamil liberation movement started in earnest?

      The Sinhala nation only sowed the hatred towards Tamils with pogrom after pogrom against Tamils! With so much suffering in the hands of the Sinhala nation the Tamil nation started the liberation for themselves.

      Whereas, Singapore moved from 3rd world status to a 1st world nation in 35 years!

      With thinkers like Dayan Sinhala nation cannot move forward.

    • 1

      I simply believe the germs heading to future destruction of a person should be born in him or her where he was brought up. By adding the way how his grannies only told then prince DJ sinhala stories hinting the boy had been away from sinhala culture from the day one. In the same manner looking at the vocabullary being eventually used by WImal Buruwanse confirms him to be a product of a very poor background though his only talent could be god given to see all facets of a problem so that audience attract him regardless of the substance of the issue.

  • 10

    The Attorney General and the IGP were truly smart patriots, weren’t they? They were highly patriotic in refusing to co- operate with MaRa and Gota to stage a coup!

    Sengodan. M

    • 2

      At least now DJ is honest enough to admit that there are more than one nationality in this island. A welcome dawning of realisation.

  • 9

    Dayan, what do you have to say about the following???

    “Samuel Johnson’s quote on ‘patriotism’ is perhaps the most famous of them all “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel”.

    Theodore Roosevelt, one of the better loved American presidents said in 1918, “To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is also morally treasonable to the American public”.

    Mark Twain said, “Each man must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, which course is patriotic and which isn’t. You can not shirk this and be a man. To decide against your conviction is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country, let them label you as they may”.

    Howard Thurman – “During times of war, hatred becomes quite respectable, even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism”.

    And finally, Hermann Goering (he should know about this!) “Naturally the common people don’t want war, neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country”.

    Extract from:
    [Edited out]

    • 4

      Below are two more relevant quotes within we can contextualise Dayan’s patriotism.

      “We have created our myth. The myth is a faith, it is passion. It is not necessary that it shall be a reality. It is a reality by the fact that it is a good, a hope, a faith, that it is courage. Our myth is the Nation, our myth is the greatness of the Nation! And to this myth, to this grandeur, that we wish to translate into a complete reality, we subordinate all the rest.”

      “Against individualism, the Fascist conception is for the State; and it is for the individual in so far as he coincides with the State, which is the conscience and universal will of man in his historical existence. It is opposed to classical Liberalism, which arose form the necessity of reacting against absolutism, and which brought its historical purpose to an end when the State was transformed into the conscience and will of the people. Liberalism denied the State in the interests of the particular individual; Fascism reaffirms the State as the true reality of the individual. And if liberty is to be the attribute of the real man, and not of that abstract puppet envisaged by individualistic Liberalism, Fascism is for liberty. And for the only liberty which can be a real thing, the liberty of the State and of the individual within the State. Therefore, for the Fascist, everything is in the State, and nothing human or spiritual exists, much less has value, outside the State. In this sense Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist State, the synthesis and unity of all values, interprets, develops and gives strength to the whole life of the people”

      The above two quotes are from Benito Mussolini(1883-1945), the fascist dictator of Italy

      • 2

        I am indeed profoundly shocked after reading this article of DR DJ! He has basically called the sinhala people to wake up as regards to this impending danger of the tamil people gaining strength. It reminds me of a pamphlet that I saw in a museum in Charlotte, North Carolina in terms of white supremacists appealing to the Whites about their perceived danger of giving rights to the Blacks! It is that profound his article it is indeed mind boggling. He as an interlectual with responsibility to the nation as a whole but he choose to exhibit cheap rotten bigotry that may cause catastrophic results!

    • 0

      Full Quote. Thanks for pointing it out. Those Nazis had it all figured out, Dayan

      “Why, of course, the people don’t want war,” Goering shrugged. “Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.”

      “There is one difference,” I pointed out. “In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.”

      “Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

    • 0

      Full quote. True. Those Nazis were clever one thing, works for homelands as well.

      “Why, of course, the people don’t want war,” Goering shrugged. “Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.”

      “There is one difference,” I pointed out. “In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.”

      “Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

  • 11

    Why is this writer so bitter about everything? Even the way he describes his childhood, he sounds like something terrible happened to him.

    Never mind who came to this island first, when and all the negligible details, why don’t you assimilate the fact that this island is full of culturally diverse people and find unity in the diversity? No need to get upset with that.

    • 3

      He was dropped on his head as an infant – mucked him up for the rest of his days!

  • 9

    You have absolutely no idea of what it is to live as a minority of minorities respecting the rights of the majority while also embrassing that very country like we do where I live. So stop this insane, ignorant and cowardly abuse. It only exposes your very own chauvinism and absolute gullibility and intolerance which is a mark of mental wellbeing.
    Yes, Lee Kwan Yew will get an audience with Obama without an appointment as Singapore is a money laundering haven!! Need I say more!!
    It is hardly an example to follow nor is Switzerland as these countries continue to encourage tax evation by the ‘wealthy’from other nations with their illgotten gains, marginalising and depriving the people of those countries and forcing them into untold poverty.
    Smart Patriotism is an absolute essential must if we as a country is to raise our heads and prevent ourselves from being dragged into that hell hole where 1% of the world’s population will soon own
    99% of the world’s wealth!! These are the exact and glaring figures and it is not only the previous regime of Sri Lanka that is guilty of allegged money laundering activities.
    So see the bigger picture without this continued saga of LTTE War stories.
    I’m speaking through experience of having nearly lost my life to that War and now living with the physical and mental scars of having being brutally burned.

    • 3

      Hi Mahavamsa fan living in well like a frog…today only there are 2 people in this world who can meet US President without appointment:

      1.Chairman of International OLYMPIC committee

      2.Ex-Singapore PM Lee

      he he he today Sinhala people still in this 21st century believe Mahavamsa comedy (lion had relationship with Princess thus born Sinhabahu )say MR regime was worse than LTTE…

      MR gave a value added services like white van kidnapping,drugs sale,import of east european,chinese and thai prostitutes to make modayas happy

  • 7

    Dayan bashing is now the order of the day….he has gone through many phases from separatist to racist. In this phase though he is neither a nationalist or a patriot – just a [Edited out].

  • 4

    Dayan’s Maternal Grandee named her son Authula because she did not believe Dutugemu is patriotic enough.She could have named at least Dutuathula. She did not like it too. Further, from her children’s birth time she planned to send then to Western education and life, so she understood that if you are in Lanka a Catholic name like her will be patriotic and in America a Sinhala Buddhist’s would do that. As fixed on the birth, Mr. Authula wanted to show off his patriotism in America. He was little bit mad with his mom because he wanted him named Washington because his dedicated service was to be in America, there nobody did know not just who the Dutu King, even the Athula(who is that?) but his mother named him as Athula. (One of my Colombo bosses was Athula, a CIMA accountant. His partner an engineer from government service robbing the department and building the company. Athula, unfortunaly an honest Accountant, did not like it but never had the courage to tell that to his partner).

    Don Stephen’s, Dudley’s, Solomon West Ridgeway’s and Junious Richard’s families were not patriots that why they all named their kids like that. They all forget tell tall tales to their kids that is why they all became head of the nation.

    Dayan forefathers unpatriotic-ally giving that Portuguese names to their kids. If you drop off the name last name of your father you will become patriotic. The enlightened Dayan dropped of Mervyn De Silva from his name to show his patriotism. That is the kind of family Dayan is coming from.

    All Sinhala Intellectual opportunists had the foreign names when that was giving plenty of fruits. Then, they all changed it to Sinhala Buddhist names when that started to give abundant fruits. Which corny(ies) would call this stealthy, opportunist behavior as patriotism other clowny Dayan?

  • 6

    Young Dayan was a Minister in the North-East Provincial Council in the late 80s.He served under Varadaraja Perumal who was the Chief Minister!Youg Dayan was still younger then being in his 30s.How he worked his way up with Perumal is a mystery.Look at the number of essays he had been writing singing on behalf of MARA WHOSE FINANCIAL DEALS,Dayan has suppressed,or is Dayan telling us that MARA was given a mandate to rob after the defeat of the LTTE?

  • 3

    I am just testing this hypothesis like that of DJ’s self indulged intellectual analysis.
    Serendib ————— Cherantivu ( Cheras – Present day Malayalis)
    Serendipity — ——— Cheranpattayam
    Cheran –> Seran—> Seylan —-> Ceylon
    Solves the origin of the name Ceylon. More of a commonsense analysis of the entomylogical origins of the former names of reference to SriLanka.

  • 8

    Reading the subtexts it is very clear that Jayatilleka is “hurt” that his pet political idol Mahendra- the biggest Sinhala Buddhist racist has been ousted. Dayan, no matter what bullshit you write eloquently to “console” your self it is very clear that you are shedding tears for the Rajapakse demise. I can send you a complimentary tissue box.


  • 4

    Who said Dayan is Mahinda follower and Patriotic to Srilanka?
    [Edited out]
    His advise made Sri Lanka and Mahinda to face war crimes!
    His stand with Gotapaya and BBS put Mahinda out of the government!
    His continued writings will make sure Mahinda to face the electric chair!
    He is [Edited out] ?????

  • 4

    My oh my look who’s talking – if Dayan is no narcissist, I challenge him then to recognise the Tamil Nation!

  • 3

    The only world, the only patriotism and the absolute truth according to Dayan. Illusions of a Political Scientist in distress.

  • 2

    That a good fantasy story MR Dayan Jayatilleka i challenge you to visit this links

    [Edited out]

  • 2

    Dr Dayan De Silva coming round to Dr Nalin De Silva

  • 1

    Childish story proof Buddhism was brought by Tamil.


    and press CTRL and F to open search bar and type, Tamil inscription in Sri Lankan Buddhist Vihara mention its name as
    ‘sri jagatoppa kandan perumpalli’

  • 0

    Global diversity of civilization had been eliminated or discard or ignored by the Empire of Imperialism bourgeois of West , that domination of colonial and neo-colonial countries and nation, since 1648.

    Antonio Gramsci thought that Western bourgeois cultural values were essentially linked to Christianity, and therefor much of his polemic against hegemonic culture is aimed at religious norms and its values.

    The result of Nationalism and Patriotism of West are that different political phenomenal in the terms from that Asia Mode civilizations and its production.
    During which US and Western domination that new world order had been founded end of Second World War 1945; traditional sphere of democratic politics disappear that was complemented by transformation of neo-colonial state of form of democratic governances that its functions have been integrated into Neo-colonial mechanism of command on Global level of the Multi-National Corporations.

    On the other part of political, economic, social and cultural, that is depend on the capitalist model of democracy state, managed of exploitation functioned in by rich dominant capitalist countries.
    The unity of single government has been disarticulated and investment in a series of separate institutions like banks international organisms of planning of IMF,WORLD BANK & ADB and other traditional bodies, which all increasingly that refer for legitimacy to the MSC level of big nations power.

    Needless to say in extent that these conditions have disappeared national democratic capitalist state has self-destructed by both in the terms real democracy and political-ideology.
    Subsequently that unitary state structure of Sri lanka that will be dismantled by Majority democracy state by minority politics of separatism.
    That is why we urgently needed national patriotism to save national sovereignty of Island Sri-lanka by all classes, who are in favor of national sustainable of capitalism and its new progress of good governances.

    What we want is ours constitutional command of the nation state should lead think constitutional mechanism and control declined power of national democracy by big power bullying from invisible foreign hands.

    As Sri Lankan once that we have to recognize the ‘new power of ruling holy alliances’ the decline of the traditional Republic constitutional system ,that we as nation have to explore how power is constitutionalized higher level, in other means, that how New Democratic Constitution of Third Republic begins to form.

    What is great writer of Martin Wickranasinghe said his book of ‘….Economic revolution will lead to social revolution, but not to revolutionary changes in cultural ethos. There was a complete social revolution in the Soviet Union, but it is possible to assets and prove that there was a revolutionary changes in cultural patterns? Because language is the inescapable reflex of a nation’s past and present culture ,no revolutionary transformation in the pattern of a CULTURE is possible unless the LANGUAGE OF THE NATOIN IS COMPLETELY DISCARDED…’ Revolution and Evolution by Martin Wickramasinghe 1971

  • 2

    I woudn’t waste my time reading the racist verbal diarrhea of people like DJ. DJ, through your actions you have already proved beyond doubt that you are indeed a dumb patriot.

  • 0

    Dr Dayan Jayatilake has comes with present reality of New emerging Democracy task led by national bourgeois classes of Sri lanka society.

    The struggle between National and anti-national elements and it forces is timely complex and turn and twist by UNP-Ranil.W.. MS and CBK led forces, THAT misdirected roadmap of path of capitalism.

    The victory 2015 January Presendintal election, that Road Map capitalist path has downgraded into ‘Good Governess and Rule of Law’ by neo-liberals outfits. They intentionally removed the essential part of progressive side of Capitalists will played role in future emerging Sri-Lankan society.

    By military eliminated Tamil Terrorist of LTTE-outfit 2009 May, which MR led ruling national forces given that Western label of ‘Sinhalese Buddhists- Chauvinists’ by group of Trotskyist political ideologies and so-called self-created Maoist elements alliance with leadership of neo-liberal outfits.

    New neo-liberal politics has grown is our soil since 1994 to 2005 led by CBK line of SLFP political ideology, that decaling powers of
    Sri lanka nation are indicative of a common passage from the paradigm of Modern sovereignty towards, the US led paradigm of Imperial hegemony sovereignty, back by Indian ruling classes , vital interest emerging Regional power games.

    We must first and foremost focus on the nation modern forms of sovereignty not surrender independence and Terroritoril integrity demand by neo-liberal of born in out of Sri Lankan soil by CBK-MS led SLFP POLITICAL streams since 1994.

    This forces are willing or unwilling back by TNA, MS, JHU, as well as JVP are anti- establishment outfit & EXILE SEPERATISM OF TAMIL EEALAIMIST STATE IN US; that they who want to undermine newly refine and reform capitalist democracy in national charter of emerging Nation of Sri lanka..

    Hence counter modernism’s dynamic and secular capitalism in our society fundamentalism seems to pose static one by ethnic Tamil separatism and Muslim-extremism of religious one.

    These forces are line of neo-liberal engaged in an effort to REVERSE the process of democratic modernization ,that separated from Global flows New World Order and want re-created neo-colonial World in different form led by CBK and MS political ideology of SLFP ensure new political creek.

  • 1

    Dear Usha
    I found an interesting website under the web search of “Buddhism in Tamilnadu”. Could you please publicise it in available media forums so that Tamils will understand the History of Buddhism in Tamilnadu and in extension in SriLanka? The tamilnadu researchers are much more refined and honest with their interpretations than DJ whose intentions are malicious and self centered. I comment on his articles intentionally as the viewer response is overwhelming when compared to other writers and that is the only way I can make any readership to hear my viewpoint. Atleast in that sense I thank DJ for providing this valuable opportunity. Probably he will stop writing hereafter when he realises when there are counter purposes to his intended purpose. Keep on writing DJ so that the nameless, classless, pedigreeless people like myself can be heard.

    • 1

      Yes there were Tamil Buddhists in the past ..the well known Tamil classic MANIMEKALAI is story of a Tamil Buddhist Nun written by a Tamil Buddhist monk Seethalai Saathanar this books clearly tell about Nainaatheevu as Nagadeepam probably built by Tamil Buddhists .

      Even there was a Buddhist Univertsity in Kancheepuram in Tamil Nadu 1500 years ago …

      Why suddenly Tamils gave up this religion is for research may be they have witnessed incidents like Nadi Kadal many times in the past.

      Even in Sri Lanka many Buddhist temples might have built by same Tamil buddhists.with the donation from Tamil rulers..not the other way Mahavamsa comic book fabricate.

      The first Kannaki(Pathini) temple was built in Eastern province was funded by a Sinhala king similarly Maha Parakirama Bahu gave lots of donations for the construction of Rameswaram temple in Tamil Nadu..

      Only in SL hindus and buddhists worship godess Kannaki(Pathini) indeed Kanaki worship started in then Tamil Sera Kindom (to day Kerala) SILLAPATHIKARAM is one of the 5 ancient classics tell about the story of Kannaki.

      There were 7 Siva temples in SL in the past including one on Dondera which was noted by European sailors for its glittering gold Gopuram and another one was in Varakapola .there are still ruins except Thiruketheeswaram and Tricomale temples which centuries old others would have destroyed like what happened in Mullaitivu including centuries old Tamil books by Sinhala rabids like MR & GR.

      Why there are no Tamil Buddhists and why there are no Sinhala Hindus in Sri Lanaka (indeed there were in the past) is for research.

      Only in SL there are hindu deities in Buddhist temples this is because in those days it was common practice that SL Princes married South Indian hindu royal women so it is for her this arrangement was made .So mothers of many Sinhalease are Tamils .

      Even today during private ceremony in Thailand Royal family the priest dressed in hindu attire sing tamil Thiruvempavai songs written in Thai language this is the result of ancient marriages between Thai and Chola royal families so rituals continue even after 2000 years.

      The ex-PM of Malaysia Prince Tungu Abdul Rahman manytimes proudly said he is from the family chain of Thai-Tamil Chola royal marriage …during 11th 12th centuries Chola were so powerful in Asia indeed the first who had navy in SE Asia.Even today there are many ruins of palaces and temples in Kedah,Malaysia built by Chola rulers which is under UNESCO heritage list.

      Buddhism is a philosophy not a region Buddha himself was a Hindu later Buddhism became as a religion but in SL this buddhism is commercialised and used for racisit political propaganda ..

  • 1

    ” dumb patriotism and there is smart patriotism.”

    Last refuge of scoundrel is patriotism and the rotten Middle that dayan personifies himself is that he is warrior class (crusader) the Dog of War.

    The story of his cat_O-lic apple and half maggot Satan.

    patriotism is an emotion, as opposed to a rational thought process.- period disk jockey you are setting the land on fire like Guy Faulkner.

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    Dayan knows very well that a state, small or oppressive, eg Sri Lanka has a seat in the UN and is much more powerful than the numerically much larger Tamil Nadu or the diaspora embedded in any powerful country. He symbolised it in Geneva.
    Is he now instigating the Sinhala Buddhists wno voted for MS so that they would vote for MR in April?

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    DJ, so many people say that you shouldn’t write because you have promised them that you won’t WRITE. These brilliant people don’t know that you don’t write actually, what you do is TYPING..

    I don’t think these people would be able to grasp the wisdom in your analysis.

    Only the highly intelligent aliens in Andromeda galaxy will understand your analysis.

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    “I am a Sri Lankan patriot who recognizes that you cannot be a Sri Lankan patriot while being opposed to Sinhala nationalism”
    The question is simple DJ – can you be a Sri Lankan patriot while being opposed to Tamil nationalism.
    “A minority or minority bloc cannot be turned into a majority, nor can a majority be turned into a minority. A majority cannot be cowed into behaving as if it were a minority in its own country”
    Dj you are clearly hurt about how democracy worked in the last election, probably you expected that majority is always the winner in democracy, so sad.

    you are nothing but a political DJ!

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