20 February, 2025


Social Democracy, The NPP’s Tasks & Global Extremism

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

The first illustration I have reproduced today is from a publication called ‘weforum.org’ (World Economic Forum) related to the Pew Research Centre and shows how satisfaction with democracy (which I am using as a stand-in for human-rights-and-social-democracy) has been shifting across the world from 1996 to 2020. One can be sure that dissatisfaction is continuing to rise in the current post-Covid, near-recession, unpredictable inflation, uncertain central bank interest-rate, global context. The short period from 2004 to 2008 when there was decline in pessimism corresponded to the dot.com bubble. After that bubble burst pessimism has continued to rise again steeply.

Courtesy World Economic Forum

I guess it’s correct to say that in recent times there has also been a tilt to right-wing populism and racist trends in some parts of the world and a loss of sympathy for leftist ideas. The old order, that is religion, and race are reclaiming their place. Socialist and humanist values such as “From each according to his ability to each according to his needs” have a hard time raising their head. In truth it has always been like this, since, alas, history only inches forward over millennia. Gautama’s manifest truths have not made much progress but the 30 million deities of the Hindu pantheon are basking in the noonday sun and putrefying on the banks of Mother Ganga. As a card-carrying agnostic I had better shut up before I get lynched and had better stick to moaning about the apparent global drift to the right. 

Courtesy www.statista.com

The second illustration I have replicated shows the level of satisfaction with democracy in 12 countries. Clearly except for the first three (India, Germany and Canada) the scores are not impressive. Right across Western Europe, the USA and all the way to Greece, people are cheesed off. The most unusual case is India at the top of the list which proves that its millions of phoney idols are doing a good job ladling out opium by the shovel-full to the masses. It also proves, rather frighteningly, that Modi-nationalism, “Making India Great Again as in the days of the Mahabharata”, is still a saleable commodity.

I have made the point that human story inches forward very slowly and that in this post-Covid, near-recession global context it pushes the world backwards. I cannot hold back from repeating it because it is so pertinent to my case today. Society and history stutter as they progress. A fine example of how to fight this is Brazil, the most important of the South and Central American countries. The remarkable Lula was framed and wrongfully imprisoned in 2018 but freed on appeal when the charges were exposed as trumped up. Dilma Roussff who had succeeded Lula as President was herself, again wrongfully, removed from the office of President in 2015-16. This was the state of affairs!

Hundreds of thousands if not up to a million supporters filled the streets of Sao Paulo (the nation’s 11 million strong largest city) calling on Lula to defy the arrest order and not to turn himself in. There was no way the authorities could have reached him because of the throngs blocking every street. But at that point Lula made a remarkable decision notwithstanding his popularity rating of 87%. He decided that democracy must have its way. “Let them arrest me, let’s go to trial. There is no way forward if the people themselves do not grow up. The millions of you must fight on. They can pluck a flower here and a hundred rose there, but can they prevent the coming of spring?”. The wisdom of this decision payed off when Lula, probably the most popular politician in the world at the time, won the Presidency again just a few weeks ago despite another raft of conspiracies against him by outgoing President Bolsenaro.  I am making a song and dance about this because there are lessons here for National People’s Power (NPP) to pick up. The NPP must defy extremists in yellow robes and religious and racial fanatics. Democracy, as Lula declared in 2018 cannot grow up until the people themselves grow up.

Last week (5 Feb) I resolutely argued that the NPP should boldly declare that its political platform is Social-Democracy. If not, what? Obviously not capitalism. Then what – a one-party state, a USSR-type rigid centralised economic-and-authoritarian system, or a theocratic-state and feudal dictatorship as in Saudi Arabia or the Gulf countries, or a Burma style military regime? All balderdash! The NPP should declare its philosophy to be social-democracy and tell the JVP to line up behind it. 

This is the context in which Lula’s defiance of his own nearly million strong mobilisation chanting “Don’t turn yourself in” has resounding meaning. It is not the authorities, the crooked Congressmen, nor the corrupt bourgeois politicians that he primarily sought to educate. His primary mission was to educate his own base and the people of Brazil. Often one hears it said in this country “If the people themselves are narrow, corrupt and racist, then nothing can be achieved”. Lula by accepting the challenge of democracy was demanding that his closest mass base take up the challenge of standing up. “The fresh air brings vigour and the open spaces have a splendour of their own” to quote Russell speaking in another context


I have said that National Peoples’ Power must openly declare that its economic and political philosophy is social-democracy. I need to define my terms more carefully and to remind readers that there is a window of say three months before the next election (Local Govt or Provincial) for a thorough internal discussion. The NPP/JVP’s electoral prospects are improving by the day and three months is time enough. The NPP must hold a formal Conference and adopt a definitive statement of programmes and principles; to say this is the primary purpose of my article today. It is a contribution to the formulation of such a Resolution and I look forward to inputs from other comrades. 

I have said in previous versions of this column that National Peoples’ Power must openly declare that its economic and political philosophy is social-democracy. I need to define my terms more closely. Social-democracy is a twentieth-century concept and it first raised its head in a fuzzy form with the Ramsay McDonald governments of January-November 1924 and 1929-1931 in the UK. From 1931 to 1935 McDonald led a Tory dominated National Government which Labour opposed (he was expelled though with Keir Hardy he was one of the party’s founders). The National Government was routed at the 1935 elections. Altogether a sad story that Labour would rather forget. 

Aneurin (“Nye”) Bevan was a much happier experience. As Minister of Health in Attlee‘s 1945-51 government Bevan spearheaded the formation of National Health Service and was an architect of the Welfare State. Previously he was a leader of the 1926 General Strike.

Across Europe social-democracy initially emerged as welfarism in the middle of the eighteen-hundreds. Religious organisations and charities sought to protect the needy. The traditions of the French Revolution and Bismarck’s old-age pensions and accident insurance helped. Later the Nordic (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland) welfare model ensured remarkable improvements. Gender egalitarianism and income redistribution were funded by heavy taxation in the Nordic model. The huge revenues generated by North Sea oil has been diverted into improving standards of living.

There are two sides to social-democracy as a philosophy that the NPP must digest; one is welfarism that I have touched on in the previous two paragraphs, the other is the commitment to democracy against human-rights violations, narrow nationalisms, religious obscurantism and neo-fascism. The 1800s was the age of revolution when the values of the French Revolution, Marxism and progressive anarchism prevailed. A compromise with capitalism followed with the rise of Empire, colonialism and mercantilism until the end of WW-I. This was reversed by the Russian Revolution, the liberation of China, the end of colonialism in the Indian Subcontinent and more gradually in Latin America and Africa. Nevertheless, as I said in the second paragraph of this article, there appears to be a global drift to right-wing extremism in some parts of the world, mainly Eastern Europe. Therefor the NPP should internationalise its discourse and fraternise with socialist movements fighting against such trends all over the world.

It is not my intention to review this variegated history in just the three paragraphs, I only wish to point out that the NPP needs to thoroughly assimilate the history of social-democracy in preparation for the political and philosophical journey it has to undertake. Such a review will be the backbone of a political document drafted within say three months. If it puts its mind to it, it has the intellectual resources to get the job done. The JVP then following the NPP’s lead will be in a strong position to face electoral challenges. I look forward to contributions from other comrades in widening this discussion.

Latest comments

  • 4

    What does NPP stand for? NATIONAL PEOPLES POWER.

    That “PEOPLES POWER” must recognize the things people are good at are the things natural to humankind: Creativity. Invention. Adapting to changing circumstances. Thinking of the problems in the first place. Perceiving the world. Feeling emotions such as joy, love, hope, and excitement. Enjoying humor and experiencing wonder.

    If the above BASICS are recognized and the NPP evolves a system and begins a “NEW ERA” that guarantees the PEOPLE TO LIVE A LIFE OF A HUMAN BEING WITH DIGNITY, any name could be adopted to identify it.

    • 2


    • 2

      Good evening to you from Central Europe! I am bit tired of another long day, but my wish is Rajapkasa be beheaded for all the high crimes they deliberately made to this – buffaloe-nation.
      Acronyms – NPP and JJB are the same right?
      National People Power
      National People’s Force

      I respect the NPP without a doubt, but I still cannot respect the JVP. 89-92 My friends killed by JVP will never forgive JVP barbarians in this life. The other problem I see is that we should punish the Rajapaksas.That will comfort us all. We want to see them be jailed for their rest of life. One possibility would be to power the NPP.
      Today AKD and his men are behaving as if they have acquired the “Zowan status”. They dont even openly apologize for their brutal acts in 89. Taking a life of youth is never forgivable, but we dont have other options either.

      • 2

        apologies for errors,
        89-92, My friends were brutally killed by JVP, so we will never forgive JVP barbarians in this life. Taking a life of someone cannot be replaced by anyhting.

    • 2

      If the above BASICS are recognized and the NPP evolves a system and begins a “NEW ERA”
      To me it is a big IF.

  • 5

    “I have said that National Peoples’ Power must openly declare that its economic and political philosophy is social-democracy.” Declaring for what purpose. The NPP has formulated a set of well thought out policies that would meet the needs of the country. Ideological terms and references are outdated now. What is needed is practical approaches. The NPP has that.

    • 5

      Dear Simon and Mohamed Marzook UK,
      Many thanks. Our duty now is to support those who stuck their necks out when all gravitated towards the billabong ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billabong ) that Ranil was trying to keep us in.
      Those are to be found in Australia, a country which two of my sisters are happily living in. Many victims of Ranil’s education policies telephone me to get assistance to get there now. The last was just yesterday. I tell them that our language is the one which I have always heard AKD use. But could these hapless victims of Ranil please attempt to continue that conversation in English, however faltering, at my expense? They then decline to talk reason even in Sinhala.
      I respectfully disagree with Professor ANI Ekanayaka. He’s a good man, but taking the entire context into account, our duty on the 9th of March is to persuade as many as possible to vote NPP.
      Am I also a victim of Ranil? I don’t know. I’ve never been outside Asia; some experience of living in the UK could have resulted in my being of greater use here. I’ve made some of those circumstances clear. Google two words “Thomian Pharisees” to understand how that hypocrisy still survives (needs updates, I know).
      Never mind all that; vote NPP now.

      • 1

        He said “he divorced his coughing wife and married a sneezing wife”. By electing NPP (voting for) the result would be identical. They are a haphazardly banded opportunistic set of individuals/amateurs without any coherent policies nor principals lacking practical experience who will push the country further down the steep precipice.

        • 3

          Please hire a competent lawyer to sort out the land dispute that is on your hands.
          I know, dear Charles Cooray, that sometimes even the innocent get penalised in Law Courts. But that is the only legitimate way.
          I don’t know what Harini Amarasuriya, MP told you. But her response, like mine, must have been on those lines.
          Other readers, beware this social menace!

          • 1

            Panini. Voters must use their heads (reasoning) and not the heart to decide on whom to vote. The one JVP insurrection is one too many in the people’s mind. You indeed is the social menace out there all ready to blackmail anybody who fails to pick up your line. There is the great danger of replicating the North Korean Regime by choosing NPP.

            • 4

              hanchopancha: “The JVP insurrection is one too many in the people’s mind”.

              Really? What about 1958, 1983, and 1989 (Government Terror show) and the “30 Years” – that “Business Venture” of the Governments in power?

            • 5

              Can you kindly educate us a little on North Korea;s political history to help us appreciate how choosing the NPP will lead to the replication of the North Korean regime?

              • 3

                SJ…..try the Scandinavian and Vietnamese regimes.

            • 5

              Dear Hancho, I don’t think NPP rs will be like North Koreans because they are not only JVPs but other thought bearers from different ranks.

              So I support the NPP or any movement if they are at once ready to hang the Rajapaksas and their bloody henchmen including the so-called artists, media crooks.
              You are right that voters should use their heads – but the relevant question is how many of them have heads? Not even 5%, right? Unlike the youth of Europe, the youth of Sri Lanka do not use the internet for their personal development, better awareness etc. They only imitate the foolish majority.
              Even the youth will shake their heads if their foolish parents do not support the NPP. Today’s youth do not read as much as in our childhood. They imitate others, no matter what the effect. Like last time, how the ignorant young man respected a man who stayed in America and worked as a “petrol shed assistant” for 15 years.

              • 5

                My Dear LM: I am one who read your comments regularly. Your “Fight” and “Insistence” is nothing but to “Hang” the Rajapakses. Agreed and do not dispute it. There are a whole lot of “OTHERS” on my list.

                But have you thought “WHO” could and would do it? Is that “WHO”- Ranil W of UNP; MR/Basil of “Pohottuwa”; Sajith and SJB; MY3 of SLFP; Dallas & Co. of “Helicopter”; “43 Brigade” of Patali; TNA of Sambandan/Sumanthiran; JVP/NPP?

                What is your CHOICE?

                • 3

                  Dear Simon,
                  Thanks and I’m glad you enjoyed reading my comments. According to your thoughts, so am I.
                  But I regret that a proper coalition has not yet been formed to fight Rajapakse (if I would mispell last name of medamulana dogs, Sinhala man will go crazy) and his henchmen. And I have no idea if there will ever be an alliance. I repeat – people don’t understand a single thing let alone winning elections. People today seem completely paralyzed. There are plenty of sources that prove that when they decided to give us “universal suffrage”, they did so reluctantly because they had no progressive thinking about our “so-called Sinhalese nation”.

                  Namal Baby publicly declaring that they have not stolen a single penny is ridiculous. At the same time, JVP says again that the value of Rajapaksa’s pet dog necklace is two crore rupees. Did they have such wealth before 2005? Despite ruling Germany for 16 years, Angela Merkel has proven to have no wealth. How can only Mahinda Rajapaksa and his family collect so much when others have failed?


                  • 2

                    Although real change can be made against the Rajapaksas, the Sri Lankan media is still completely dormant on this matter. Nor would they ever do the due, even if people would fall dead everyday. Media and Rajapaksa clan are in a symbiosis act.

                    You may have noticed that I am a bit quiet these days. Before, I was physically everywhere (airports, driving, business meetings), but I didn’t hesitate to add my two cents worth. To tell the truth, I am fed up with the Sinhalese nation. “sinhala_man” didn’t mind bothering me, I added mine every day. However, I am fed up with our people now.. “Even if the elephant is in the room, no one can see it – they are behaving without any feelings today.” Even if I get a few more votes, I don’t think I will win more than others. My predictions are always right. Therefore, I am very pessimistic about the future of our country.

                    I don’t know how the NPP/JVP will increase state revenue if they are against “taxes”. Their theoretical claims are nowhere near practical. That is why I am still floating with JVP/NPP.

                    • 2

                      Dear LM: Thanks. Regret I didn’t have an answer to my question. Never mind. I will pursue that “FORCE” to achieve the intended results for the country. Take rest. Cheers!

            • 3

              What’s wrong with North Korea? Here is some NK music. Don’t you wish our girls were as nice and the audience as disciplined? We also have a few MIG-17’s lying around.

          • 2

            Panini Edirisnghe/ Sinhala_Man/Snake_Man. I think I have a duty to alert the intelligent CT Readership to treat you with a pinch of salt. I must recall their attention how you tried to fool them explaining what ROBOT which is an acronym for Radio Operated Bionic Terminal with some fancy tales as if you are the know it all man. In other words you have proved your self to be the real SOCIAL MENACE.

  • 9

    The “Happiness with Democracy” ratings do not reflect anything about democracy itself, but how people in those countries view their governments, all of which would have used the term “democracy” to gain or remain in power. The NPP is the only viable option left, for the beleaguered stupidos to elect, after having repeatedly been fooled by those of the UNP, SLPP, SJB, UFPA etc alliances which are different only in name. (They are all good friends as Ranjan Ramanayake famously said). If that chance is missed on 9th March, the stupid idiots who vote for other parties will have merely brought even more sorrow into their pathetic lives. An NPP victory now would almost certainly precipitate a parliamentary election that would help determine Sri Lanka’s fate.

    • 3

      Countries of our nature, where the majority are violent and uncivilized, should not be given much democracy until the nation is somewhat developed.
      I say this because I have closely studied the countries of the former Soviet Socialist Republic and their easy readiness to implement democratic governance in those independent countries after the wall was broken in the early 90s.

      I have always believed that when humans are not governed by rigorous law and order, their behavior is no different from that of other primates.

      Just imagine how some tourists from Europe behave when vacationing in Pattaya (Thailand) and Hikkaduwa (Sri Lanka) or similar places in those developing countries. Most of them simply don’t care about law and order. When they return to Europe after their holidays, where law and order is strictly enforced, they automatically switch back to civilized-mode. ……
      Lawlessness has made our country a drug hub for the world today, and are the biggest threat to our parents in hell today.

  • 2

    In my view, & as history would show, alliances don’t work, particularly, if the ideology is different. Is the NPP a separate entity, an extension of the JVP or a diluted version of JVP, distancing its violent past? In all this, where does AKD stand? Certainly, he contradicts & waters down the Communist ideology as depicted in the JVP website.

    Citizens of SL have tasted all the mainstream parties & they all turned out to be the same at the core, some much worse than others, therefore, the JVP, with the NPP to satisfy the moderates, seem to be the only option left but if we get it wrong, we could be opening the door to a new North Korea. Therefore, I would prefer the JVP/NPP to be in the opposition but not on the driving seat. We need a new set of capable people with integrity from the civil society on the driving seat, or, in the absence of which, is there a lesser of the evils? A dilemma to ponder.

    • 4

      Raj-UK: You have read the “JVP WEB”. I see another article in this page referring to that “Web”.

      Don’t be guided by it. That “NPP” you see today is a “DIFFERENT” outfit, but organized with JVP on an “AGREED” policy and a “WORKING PROGRAM” mainly centered on the ideology of “PEOPLES SOVEREIGNTY”. The people have been presented with a “EIGHT” point program, viz. (1) Introduce a New Constitution (presented to people at a referendum) (2) Change the Political Culture (as a social service) (3) Free the country from corruption, waste, etc. (4) Make the Public Service efficient and updated. (5) Re-organize the Economy with the participation of Small/Medium Entrepreneurship and move out the State from engaging “Business” operations, but retain essential services (health, education, energy, etc.) (6) Make the Judiciary and Law Enforcement “Independent” (7) Bring all who have committed “Economic Crimes” before the Law and Re-coupe the assets that were taken away from the people. (8) Re-Build the “Image” of the country with an updated “Foreign Policy”

      The above are ALL that “JVP/NPP” agreed upon to implement under a Government formed with the participation of the PEOPLE. Nothin LESS nothing MORE. To do this, they must form the Government and NOT man the Opposition.

      • 0


        OK, the NPP is different & has an ‘agreed’ policy with JVP, so when it comes to JVP communist ideology, how would they compromise? Why can’t the NPP go alone without the baggage of JVP ghosts from the past? Compared to UNP/SLFP/PPP & even SJB, the NPP have come out with a plan but its not a strategy with an ‘action plan’ & numbers, so I will consider it as ‘on paper’ only.

        Sorry, Simon, as long as the JVP tag is there, I have my doubts. People have short memories & some may even applaud the JVP but for me, the JVP should be buried with their former leaders. If the NPP is capable why do they need a failed terror organisation from the past to back them?

        • 3

          Raj-UK: I have enumerated the “AGREED AGENDA”. Anything in that “Agenda” that falls within “Communism”?

          That “Agenda” is not “Numbers/paper only”. It is published and explained to the people and “PROMISED”. If that “Promise” is not fulfilled, that is the “END” and the “Political Chapter” of JVP is “CLOSED” forever. JVP too has said it in saying “Give Us One Chance Only”.

        • 2

          Dear Raj-UK,
          I’m at a loss with you. You’re a really good guy, but how on earth am I to get my arguments into your head?
          Frankly, I have no idea!
          Best wishes,


  • 3

    “The NPP must hold a formal Conference and adopt a definitive statement of programmes and principles;”
    The NPP should not only hold a formal Conference and definitive statement of programmes and princiles but also clarify the roles of religion religion, language, race, security ( military, Naval, air, Police), system of governance etc.
    Currently not a single political party touch the role of buddhism and its impact on governance. Just saying that our political party is for justice, equality etc.etc. For example, recently the Monks and major Maha sangha forced the government not to implement 13th amendment or giving police and land powers to Provinicial Councils. Did theNPP/JVP ever discussed or publicly announce how they are going to do with the threat from Maha sangha? Currently more than 95% of the armed forces, naval, and airforce are represented by Sinhalese. For example, a family recently had a robbery in their house and there was not a single Tamil speaking police went to investigate the robbery. We all know how a muslim doctor was treated by politicians, officers and Monks against that doctor and against their community. Does the NPP/JVP has a programme to avoid these mal practices. Are they able to challenge the problems faced by the minorites or unprivilaged communities? Outside is simple but Inside is more complex.

    • 3

      Ajith: ” NPP must have formal conferences………”

      Yes. They had a few of those viz. (1) Policy and Action Plan on TOURISM – held at Galadari Hotel. (2) INDUSTRIAL Policy and Action Plan. (3) EDUCATION. (4) NATIONAL SECURITY. (4) JUDICIARY & LAW ENFORCEMENT.

      There will be more coming up in the coming months. Please note all these “Conferences” are aimed at a “Parliamentary” election and not for a Provincial election. Also, the “Policy & Action” plans are not “FINAL”, but subject to amendments depending on the “INPUT” by the participants.

  • 3

    “If it puts its mind to it, it has the intellectual resources to get the job done.”
    Resources like who? Any evidence of potential?
    The JVP then following the NPP’s lead will be in a strong position to face electoral challenges.
    There were other daydreams of the old left when it joined the SLFP as an ally on quite a few occasions.
    The JVP has to get its ideological house in order. Otherwise its parochial venom will pervade the NPP.

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