Spotting A Racist Is Easy – What To Do Next Is The Hard Part
Identifying racists is easy. Condemning racists is easy. But now for the hard bit: what do we do with them?
Identifying a racist is often easy enough. Rather self-defeatingly, they tend to give themselves away in the time-honoured and fool proof method of doing something racist. Read more in the Independent
{“Spotting A Racist Is Easy – What To Do Next Is The Hard Part”}
Racists do hide behind ‘democracy’ and ‘fundamental/human rights’.
Pre-WWII, racism was taken for granted by the racists till Hitler who said “We are a Master race”. Rest is history.
Racism is still around but is deemed illegal in most countries. Australia for example claims to be non-racist! So does Trump.
The Burmese Junta genocide of Rohingyas is race based. The oppression of Uighurs in China?
Ethnicity, exploited by politicians, is tribal instinct.
To cut a long story short: In SL, we started seventy years back with this language/religion-divide. The ‘divide’ now is: us (the elites) and them (the rest).
The elites have the huge financial clout. Their political clout is on the wane – at least signs of.
The fight/struggle for minority’s language rights against majority’s language, that’s above 75% as well be seen as racial, especially when it’s gone to the extent for seeking PCs or separate country.
Native Vedda/February 10, 2019
Real Revolutionist
What are you really saying?
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga/February 10, 2019
It is very easy to understand Native/Kala/Angoda Veddah.
The way Tamils (Northern) show themselves to the majority community should be changed.
They must give the impression that they are & their language equally important or more than equally important in a friendly manner.
They should have done it @ the beginning.
Tamil had been the linking language for Sinhalese before the arrival of European invaders
Unfortunately the arrival of Indian Tamil people (estate workers) in very humble manner developed negative impression about Tamils in Majority’s mind.
The failure of the Tamils themselves to maintain the dignity of their Language was the root cause for present problems.
When attitudes for cast system is considered Northern Tamils are the worst.
Native Vedda/February 11, 2019
Real Revolutionist
“The way Tamils (Northern) show themselves to should be changed.”
Okay I can appeal to them through newspaper adverts begging them not to show their naked bums to you the majority community.
If their is caste problem among the Tamils, it’s their problem and not yours. Why don’t you get loss? Why don’t you tell majority community to stop printing caste details in their matrimonial columns and treat their fellow human well, Rodias, …… ?
“The failure of the Tamils themselves to maintain the dignity of their Language was the root cause for present problems.”
Again why don’t you get loos?
Fathima/February 10, 2019
Ho brotherrr,…no…those don’t come under racist category, those come under “fighting discrimination” category. Don’t be confused.
nimal fernando/February 10, 2019
I confess; I’m a racist.
It’s this thang I carry in my mind …………. I won’t let my children marry a Tamil, a low-caste Sinhalese, a Black, a Chinese, ……………….
Shouldn’t I be stoned to death?
Oh what the heck ………….. let me cast the first sotne …………..
Fathima/February 9, 2019
Spotting A Racist Is Easy – You find a lot in CT comments
Well, the human being has it in blood, it’s the ability to suppress it with the help of acquired tolerance & commonness.
Highlighting differences promote racism & sadly that’s what’s happening in the world.
Rationalist/February 10, 2019
It should be Made compulsory for Aspiring Politicians to have their DNA tested and made Public, before an Election!
It would then be found that Sri Lankans cannot be isolated into Groups based on Race or Language!
Hamlet/February 10, 2019
Sri Lankans educated in Sinhala and Tamil, only study to Pass Exams; not to gain Knowledge of what is Happening in the Rest of the World!
So DNA and Other Modern ways of Thinking have Passed them By.
The Mahavamsa written all those years ago is the accepted Theory of Descent, of present Day Sri Lankans, who have just celebrated 71 years of Independence! Independence from Whom?
Fathima/February 10, 2019
In Sri Lanka, if one DOESN’T want to be named a “RACIST”, he always has to go/talk against his own community no matter the community is right or wrong in a given scenario.
In a place where Rationale or intelligence has hardly any meaning with an average IQ sitting between Borderline Mental Disability and Low, people always go by a person’s name before making a decision
This is a common practice among Sri Lankans in all communities.
Mano/February 9, 2019
Should we need a Magnifying Glass Scrutiny to look for Racism in Sri Lanka? Just have a look at the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. One need not have to look elsewhere.
Nathan/February 10, 2019
Sadly naked racism and concocted and manipulated history and total ignorance led to Ceylons disaster. Majority voice does not mean it is correct. This is the fallacy of Westminster Parliament in a multi-ethnic society. Sadly Sri Lanka topped the world list as one of the most racist countries in the world and also that resorted to ruthless violence against the helpless Tamils and even Muslims.
Past is past if all are prepared to start a new chapter. But looking at the guys who are running the country and the clergy I doubt it very much.
Deshapremiya/February 10, 2019
“Spotting A Racist Is Easy – What To Do Next Is The Hard Part”
The hard part is not for us but for the authorities to take action against those like Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara and many others who hide behind the Cheevaraya. If we had a chance at justice and had a say in the punishment, we know what to do next. The rope that will be used for the noose does not need a standard or “premithiya”. We know the next best action that will put a stop for fascists to operate.
Eagle Eye/February 10, 2019
Father of racism is Chelvanayakam who was an illegal immigrant. In order to achieve his political ambitions, he brought forward Seperate State, Federalism even before the country gained independence. When he realized that there is no solid basis for the ‘Traditional Homeland’ claim, he started a project to distort history of Sinhale.
Step father is G.G.Ponnambalam who told Demala people not to learn Sinhala.
As a response to rising Demal racism, there was a reaction from few Sinhala politicians.
I must say racism in this country is nothing compared to UK which is champion of democracy and human rights. In UK, you can hear White people including children shouting at black/brown people ‘Paki Go Home’ but in this country Sinhalyo do not shout ‘Demalu Go Home’ in public places.
Samson Gunawardhana/February 10, 2019
What about your legality in Australia Mr Eagle Eye -AKA HLP Mahindapala,? Do you think you have good reasons to claim refuge in Australia ? Even if you are in your 80ties, you obviously cant grasp it yet how racial you have been all along ?
I think Father of RASCISM and EYTREMISM in current day is Mahinda Jarapakshes. I have enough evidence to prove it.
President SILLYsena himself endorsed not once several dozens of time, those riots against MUSLIMS ( in Kandy 2018) were inflicted by a group of supporters working with Rajakashes. Sarath Wijeesekara was the master mind since he wanted to present some facts before last UNHRC session in Geneva. Those travelled to Geneva were close confidiantes but extremist leaders of sinhala society.
Hindians are well aware of the capacties of BP Rajakashe, that is why the BP Rjapakshe is on a visit in India these days. THere, BP Rajakshe seems to have audcity to utter BS about the relationship betweeen India and Srilanka to have been jeopardised by CURRENT govt.
Native Vedda/February 10, 2019
Eagle With Blind Eye and stupid head
“I must say racism in this country is nothing compared to UK which is champion of democracy and human rights.”
Could we have the copy of your comparative studies on Racism between UK and Sri Lanka. Does it mean you will have to have the edge on competitive racism?
Nathan/February 10, 2019
Blind eagle, come on man you are comparing UK and Lankawa. UK land belonged to the whites and they toiled and developed it. Partly due to their ignorance shouted as blacks or Pakis, etc. But as you know the black and Pakis and other migrants did upset their way of life, their system and ruined their order. Not only the whites but even I will shout at these migrants if I live there. If I see you there certainly I will shout at you as Blind Eagle, go back to Ceylon.
Coming to ceylon, come on Moda Eagle, who is kalla thoni, you or Chelva. You have a written history of coming by boat as destitute or chased away for wontoness from Orissa. I am sure you must have been taught by Ellavawala Ignorant Thero of a bogus history. Or did that fool Gamone -Pulle tell you this? There is no such thing as Sinhalese in SL and when Vijayan arrived it was all Naga and Yakksa. I wont waste my time educating a Blind Eagle like you but if possible read some good books and not what was written by Mr.Mahanama.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga/February 10, 2019
Kallathonies are the peole like Nathan ho brave the high seas and have come to Sri Lanka to seek greener pastures in the 50s to 70s from Tamilnadu and do collecting of botal pattara and later starting thosa kade and this is recent history that you all have come here. In the early days, Dutch brought you all from Tamilnadu to work in Tobacco cultivation and later the British brought to work in Tea plantation as slaves.
In the history, you al have come here as plunderers, smugglers and captured during invasions from south india.
When we say no to the distorted facts by 1st terrorist Chelvanayagam and later on GG PONNABALAM and currently TNA Bunch of jokers and Tamil diaspora, we are always called as racists and then ho you all are hen distorting facts and telling full of lies? Tamil masses deceived by those whims and fancies until annihilation of LTTE IN 2009 and I am confident that no more deceiving of Tamil masses anymore.
Paul/February 10, 2019
So Nathan, read your words you are as racist as Eagle!.
By the way ‘UK land belonged to the whites and they toiled and developed it’ shows your total ignorance of history. Have you never heard of slavery? Did you know Britain had black slaves as long ago as the 16th century?
Native Vedda/February 11, 2019
“Have you never heard of slavery?”
Well did the slaves contribute first Industrial revolution? If they did in what ways? When and by whom the slave economy was brought to an end? Do you know who enslaved them in Africa?
By the way what was the role of Protestant Ethics Protestant Reformation(Martin Luther) and Industrial revolution?
Have you heard of monastic slavery?
Suppose you had a child who needed a blood transfusion to save it’s life, would you or would you not accept blood donated by a Chinese,’ low cast’ sinhala,Tamil, etc?
‘ And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell.on all the face of the earth, and has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the Earth..’
(Holy Bible).
‘ Under the Roof of Heaven,all men are brothers’.
Native Vedda/February 11, 2019
“(Holy Bible). ‘ Under the Roof of Heaven,all men are brothers’.”
Not in Sri Lanka.
Sunday Sil Monday Kill.
Kill the Veddah, Rob the Buddha, and blame the Suddah (whiteman/woman).
-Mahanayake approved Mahawamsa
Iqbal/February 10, 2019
Cancer of Racism was implanted by Colonialists to control the population and they are still in control but the difference is they use local proxies to do the their dirty works. These proxies within system like parasites and they show up like benevolent leaders and religious figures. Masses get duped by these proxies thinking that these are the people who are there to look after common good. They are Tigers wearing sheep skin. Until masses understand the Big picture, this will not be eradicated.
Mohamed/February 10, 2019
It is stupidity not to expect Racism when there Races, Religions and Castes.
We just have 2 types of racism. 1-Approved Racism 2-Unapproved Racism. Approved Racism are, religion and language based school system, political parties, community specific laws etc.
Nathan/February 10, 2019
Nimal Boorowa, you are a typical modaya with a warped mind and zero knowledge and loaded with bowel full of racism. Clown, I won’t reply to an absolute modaya like you and I will just let you rot in peace.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga/February 10, 2019
Yes Mr. Nathan, Racists always get upset by the true facts. when you and racists talked of distorted facts, you all are nationalistic. when we pointed out the true facts, we all are called racists. How funny this is.
Rather than getting upset, it is always good to discuss the contents in that perspective. Apart from the ancient history, I myself know how bothal/pattara karaya have come to Sri Lanka.
Plunderers/Smugglers arrival can be imagined by the level of Kerala ganja, cocaine, heroine as drugs get caught in the northern shores these days. Tamils to work in tobacco and tea plantations as slaves by respective colonialist and soldiers captured during invasions during ancient times are undeniable facts.
Nathan/February 11, 2019
Nimal modaya, I fully agree with you that you are a modaya and thus a racist and thus your total ignorance and thus your extra capability of creating new history like changing your underpants. In one way being a stupid is very convenient and simply go on creating your own story and more importantly be contended with it. I wonder whether you are a top politician?? Come on man some more of your history. Few shots of pol and presto a new history. Anyway machang no malice.
Nathan/February 11, 2019
Nimal Mallo,
When VP was ruling and when there were no SL military in N&E there were no such thing as ganja or kerala ganja or whatever. This is the result of VP’s exit and the invading military that introduced this curse. In that way you are not a racist because you wanted north and South to be of the same status. Now see the Dubai hero and there are Mulims and tamils in that team to ruin SL. Saddest thing is that there are numerous top patriots that are shitting in their pants as to what Dubai Hero is going to spit out? But we know how to cook up and cover the sins.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga/February 11, 2019
Nathan is creating his own story without an hard evidence against the contents in my comments.
What shall I say? I think that this is the best a to understand the real racists. It is better to accept the truth and think and live as Sri Lankans rather than asking separate state usually doe by people ho has no belonging to the place where they are living.
One thing is very sure that no more deceiving of Tamil masses for elam or any other.
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera/February 11, 2019
I don’t consider myself a racist. But I must admit that I don’t like Tamils and Moslems (lately). Well, I don’t like the burgher drunkards either, but they are such a small irrelevant group of people we’ll leave them out of the discussion for simplicity.
The Tamils. I don’t like them because we fought them at war. They did so much damage to the Mother land. Every Tamil should be made to pay reparations for the damage they did to Sri Lanka. I don’t like Tamils because they are so foolish. Well don’t get me wrong there are smart ones, but a majority are foolish. The British used them and left them high and dry. The Indians used them and the IPKF surrounded them and killed them like cockroaches. In turn, we used them in our proxy war against the Indians. Finally, they are struggling to even keep their own personal property let alone establishing an eelam.
The Moslems. I had some great friends from the Moslem community 20 years ago. Unfortunately, that is not the case anymore. Since they started wearing those gunny bags and growing violent beards and stopped drinking alcohol, I have nothing to do with them. Lately, they are becoming parasitic in nature. Meaning, where ever they go, peace takes a toll and they multiply like rats and becomes a burden on the rest. This has happened in Canada where I live and also in SL.
Nathan/February 12, 2019
Retarded Lt Shemale,
Who did damage to your mother land Retard? Your banda your Mrs banda, your JR, your Preme, Your MR and now all modayas are jointly involved in destroying the country. Tamilsfought against these idiots to save lanka and as expected Indians and the west saved them in order to keep the idiots in power. They knew if there are Tamils then they cant manipulate them, cannot buy them and things will be difficult. Just see how the monkeys are jumping from branch to branch to get some perks cheating their people. Just see what is happening at SJP Hospital and an ordinary doctor playing panthu. Just see Madush the thug and he has taken the whole SL for a ride. Diplomatic passport holders and military guys and politicians are at his disposal.
Shemale, you are a shame to Canada too and their liberal policies. How can they allow a person like you who will make the country into a mess by your attitude. You are an army guy who cant see the difference between black and white. You must be a refugee and now crying for Lanka. I am sure you must have said that VP was after you and thus got your refugee status.
First get to know the peace loving tamils resorted to violence as a last resort, could not bear the injustice done to them in many fronts including regular anti tamil violence. Thank god you let our country.
Ranjith(SPRRW)/February 12, 2019
When great TOBA volcanic eruption occurred around 76 thousand years ago. All the areas including south part of India , south part of south east asia became uninhabitable. Inhabitant of south part of India including Lanka talked alone northward along coastal line of east India upto Orissa looking for shelter. They stayed there for some time as that area was not effected & was suitable for habitation. People lived there might have given them shelter & .Foods. After around 3 or 4 decade later when things got settled & sky was cleared,darkness gone. refugees returned back taking same root they talked north wards. This time root was downward toward south. Ultimately they came back led their usual life here. But they came down with taking new genes in two ways. affected genes due to Volcanic eruption ( H) & new genes floor due to mixing with Odias. That is the truth. That truth should not be harmful one to latter arrivals to south India from west Asia. Can somebody tell me how it become racist telling that eternal truth in public. That truth should not harm newly arrival to this Island from south India for various reasons. Tamils for forced colonisations and looting wealth & muslims for shelter and foods. Europeans or burgers for building empires for looting wealths of our lands. If describing true history is racism Who should be the ones who spread false histories claiming the others territories, Claiming the others languages as derivatives of theirs like that..??????????????????????????????
Nathan/February 12, 2019
Telling a truth is good. Telling a lie is bad. Telling a lie and claiming it to be true is a sin.
Ranjith(SPRRW)/February 12, 2019
If my saying is untrue, you can disclose truth.?????????????? I am very eager to listen to it or read it. You can highlight my lies and correct the readers with telling the truth. I am writing as per my educational knowledge & findings of our research. if you know the things you can describe it. I think this page open for every discussion.describe the truth you know with facts like I did.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga/February 13, 2019
Tamil claims for elam, separate state, Tamil homeland are full of lies without any evidence or facts. Right from 1933 by first terrorist Chelvanayakam, it was illusions rather than real due to mental problems of Vellala leaders and definitely not the ordinary Tamil masses.
Nathan/February 14, 2019
Nimal mallo,
Eh…you are talking of lies by others and how come that you did not see your own filthy ar….e? Come on Nimal, have you heard of Vijayan the menace who arrived in Illankai with a gang of rowdies being chased out by his appachie for rowdy activities back at home? Have you heard of Ms Kuveni, a Naga Queen, and how she was screwed up by the same Vijayan through his betrayal gene? Have you also heard according to some divine Bali speaking Buddhist clergy that the day Vijayan landed in Dukka Deepa Lord Buddha attained Nirvana? Come on Nimal, what an insinuation at Lord Buddha who taught the world how to love, how to respect fellow humans and how to be humane? Do you also remember somewhere in early sixties a commemorative stamp in the title of “Landing of Vijaya” was released in Dukka Deepa. The stamp depicted Vijayan landing in a Kalla Thoni with his cronies while Ms Kuveni relaxing at the shores of Illankai. Within a few days that stamp was withdrawn because some smart ass had told “ado modayo you are exposing the truth and thus our boru history”! Lies, lies and lies.
We all know there was Buddhsim, we also know Buddhsim was brought into Illanka towards the latter part of BCE and also know how it displaced Hinduism not only in Illanka but also in the entire India. We also know by then there were Nagas and Yakshas and perhaps veddhas and they were hindus. The so called sinhala race and language was the result of Buddhism’s arrival and then pali speaking clergy started slowly creating a language and slow formation of a Sinhala race that was entirely arose from Nagas and Yaksas and Veddhas. Because the south of Illankai was the distal part of this entire migration process Buddhsim got entrenched there and along with that sinhalas and sinhala language arose.
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K.Pillai / February 9, 2019
{“Spotting A Racist Is Easy – What To Do Next Is The Hard Part”}
Racists do hide behind ‘democracy’ and ‘fundamental/human rights’.
Pre-WWII, racism was taken for granted by the racists till Hitler who said “We are a Master race”. Rest is history.
Racism is still around but is deemed illegal in most countries. Australia for example claims to be non-racist! So does Trump.
The Burmese Junta genocide of Rohingyas is race based. The oppression of Uighurs in China?
Ethnicity, exploited by politicians, is tribal instinct.
To cut a long story short: In SL, we started seventy years back with this language/religion-divide. The ‘divide’ now is: us (the elites) and them (the rest).
The elites have the huge financial clout. Their political clout is on the wane – at least signs of.
Real Revolutionist / February 9, 2019
The fight/struggle for minority’s language rights against majority’s language, that’s above 75% as well be seen as racial, especially when it’s gone to the extent for seeking PCs or separate country.
Native Vedda / February 10, 2019
Real Revolutionist
What are you really saying?
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / February 10, 2019
It is very easy to understand Native/Kala/Angoda Veddah.
Real Revolutionist / February 10, 2019
Native Vedda
“What’re you really saying”
The way Tamils (Northern) show themselves to the majority community should be changed.
They must give the impression that they are & their language equally important or more than equally important in a friendly manner.
They should have done it @ the beginning.
Tamil had been the linking language for Sinhalese before the arrival of European invaders
Unfortunately the arrival of Indian Tamil people (estate workers) in very humble manner developed negative impression about Tamils in Majority’s mind.
The failure of the Tamils themselves to maintain the dignity of their Language was the root cause for present problems.
When attitudes for cast system is considered Northern Tamils are the worst.
Native Vedda / February 11, 2019
Real Revolutionist
“The way Tamils (Northern) show themselves to should be changed.”
Okay I can appeal to them through newspaper adverts begging them not to show their naked bums to you the majority community.
If their is caste problem among the Tamils, it’s their problem and not yours. Why don’t you get loss? Why don’t you tell majority community to stop printing caste details in their matrimonial columns and treat their fellow human well, Rodias, …… ?
“The failure of the Tamils themselves to maintain the dignity of their Language was the root cause for present problems.”
Again why don’t you get loos?
Fathima / February 10, 2019
Ho brotherrr,…no…those don’t come under racist category, those come under “fighting discrimination” category. Don’t be confused.
nimal fernando / February 10, 2019
I confess; I’m a racist.
It’s this thang I carry in my mind …………. I won’t let my children marry a Tamil, a low-caste Sinhalese, a Black, a Chinese, ……………….
Shouldn’t I be stoned to death?
Oh what the heck ………….. let me cast the first sotne …………..
Fathima / February 9, 2019
Spotting A Racist Is Easy – You find a lot in CT comments
Real Revolutionist / February 9, 2019
The majority
A bit in you too?
Well, the human being has it in blood, it’s the ability to suppress it with the help of acquired tolerance & commonness.
Highlighting differences promote racism & sadly that’s what’s happening in the world.
Rationalist / February 10, 2019
It should be Made compulsory for Aspiring Politicians to have their DNA tested and made Public, before an Election!
It would then be found that Sri Lankans cannot be isolated into Groups based on Race or Language!
Hamlet / February 10, 2019
Sri Lankans educated in Sinhala and Tamil, only study to Pass Exams; not to gain Knowledge of what is Happening in the Rest of the World!
So DNA and Other Modern ways of Thinking have Passed them By.
The Mahavamsa written all those years ago is the accepted Theory of Descent, of present Day Sri Lankans, who have just celebrated 71 years of Independence! Independence from Whom?
Fathima / February 10, 2019
In Sri Lanka, if one DOESN’T want to be named a “RACIST”, he always has to go/talk against his own community no matter the community is right or wrong in a given scenario.
In a place where Rationale or intelligence has hardly any meaning with an average IQ sitting between Borderline Mental Disability and Low, people always go by a person’s name before making a decision
This is a common practice among Sri Lankans in all communities.
Mano / February 9, 2019
Should we need a Magnifying Glass Scrutiny to look for Racism in Sri Lanka? Just have a look at the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. One need not have to look elsewhere.
Nathan / February 10, 2019
Sadly naked racism and concocted and manipulated history and total ignorance led to Ceylons disaster. Majority voice does not mean it is correct. This is the fallacy of Westminster Parliament in a multi-ethnic society. Sadly Sri Lanka topped the world list as one of the most racist countries in the world and also that resorted to ruthless violence against the helpless Tamils and even Muslims.
Past is past if all are prepared to start a new chapter. But looking at the guys who are running the country and the clergy I doubt it very much.
Deshapremiya / February 10, 2019
“Spotting A Racist Is Easy – What To Do Next Is The Hard Part”
The hard part is not for us but for the authorities to take action against those like Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara and many others who hide behind the Cheevaraya. If we had a chance at justice and had a say in the punishment, we know what to do next. The rope that will be used for the noose does not need a standard or “premithiya”. We know the next best action that will put a stop for fascists to operate.
Eagle Eye / February 10, 2019
Father of racism is Chelvanayakam who was an illegal immigrant. In order to achieve his political ambitions, he brought forward Seperate State, Federalism even before the country gained independence. When he realized that there is no solid basis for the ‘Traditional Homeland’ claim, he started a project to distort history of Sinhale.
Step father is G.G.Ponnambalam who told Demala people not to learn Sinhala.
As a response to rising Demal racism, there was a reaction from few Sinhala politicians.
I must say racism in this country is nothing compared to UK which is champion of democracy and human rights. In UK, you can hear White people including children shouting at black/brown people ‘Paki Go Home’ but in this country Sinhalyo do not shout ‘Demalu Go Home’ in public places.
Samson Gunawardhana / February 10, 2019
What about your legality in Australia Mr Eagle Eye -AKA HLP Mahindapala,? Do you think you have good reasons to claim refuge in Australia ? Even if you are in your 80ties, you obviously cant grasp it yet how racial you have been all along ?
I think Father of RASCISM and EYTREMISM in current day is Mahinda Jarapakshes. I have enough evidence to prove it.
President SILLYsena himself endorsed not once several dozens of time, those riots against MUSLIMS ( in Kandy 2018) were inflicted by a group of supporters working with Rajakashes. Sarath Wijeesekara was the master mind since he wanted to present some facts before last UNHRC session in Geneva. Those travelled to Geneva were close confidiantes but extremist leaders of sinhala society.
Hindians are well aware of the capacties of BP Rajakashe, that is why the BP Rjapakshe is on a visit in India these days. THere, BP Rajakshe seems to have audcity to utter BS about the relationship betweeen India and Srilanka to have been jeopardised by CURRENT govt.
Native Vedda / February 10, 2019
Eagle With Blind Eye and stupid head
“I must say racism in this country is nothing compared to UK which is champion of democracy and human rights.”
Could we have the copy of your comparative studies on Racism between UK and Sri Lanka. Does it mean you will have to have the edge on competitive racism?
Nathan / February 10, 2019
Blind eagle, come on man you are comparing UK and Lankawa. UK land belonged to the whites and they toiled and developed it. Partly due to their ignorance shouted as blacks or Pakis, etc. But as you know the black and Pakis and other migrants did upset their way of life, their system and ruined their order. Not only the whites but even I will shout at these migrants if I live there. If I see you there certainly I will shout at you as Blind Eagle, go back to Ceylon.
Coming to ceylon, come on Moda Eagle, who is kalla thoni, you or Chelva. You have a written history of coming by boat as destitute or chased away for wontoness from Orissa. I am sure you must have been taught by Ellavawala Ignorant Thero of a bogus history. Or did that fool Gamone -Pulle tell you this? There is no such thing as Sinhalese in SL and when Vijayan arrived it was all Naga and Yakksa. I wont waste my time educating a Blind Eagle like you but if possible read some good books and not what was written by Mr.Mahanama.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / February 10, 2019
Kallathonies are the peole like Nathan ho brave the high seas and have come to Sri Lanka to seek greener pastures in the 50s to 70s from Tamilnadu and do collecting of botal pattara and later starting thosa kade and this is recent history that you all have come here. In the early days, Dutch brought you all from Tamilnadu to work in Tobacco cultivation and later the British brought to work in Tea plantation as slaves.
In the history, you al have come here as plunderers, smugglers and captured during invasions from south india.
When we say no to the distorted facts by 1st terrorist Chelvanayagam and later on GG PONNABALAM and currently TNA Bunch of jokers and Tamil diaspora, we are always called as racists and then ho you all are hen distorting facts and telling full of lies? Tamil masses deceived by those whims and fancies until annihilation of LTTE IN 2009 and I am confident that no more deceiving of Tamil masses anymore.
Paul / February 10, 2019
So Nathan, read your words you are as racist as Eagle!.
By the way ‘UK land belonged to the whites and they toiled and developed it’ shows your total ignorance of history. Have you never heard of slavery? Did you know Britain had black slaves as long ago as the 16th century?
Native Vedda / February 11, 2019
“Have you never heard of slavery?”
Well did the slaves contribute first Industrial revolution? If they did in what ways? When and by whom the slave economy was brought to an end? Do you know who enslaved them in Africa?
By the way what was the role of Protestant Ethics Protestant Reformation(Martin Luther) and Industrial revolution?
Have you heard of monastic slavery?
Sandy / February 10, 2019
Suppose you had a child who needed a blood transfusion to save it’s life, would you or would you not accept blood donated by a Chinese,’ low cast’ sinhala,Tamil, etc?
Sandy / February 10, 2019
‘ And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell.on all the face of the earth, and has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the Earth..’
(Holy Bible).
‘ Under the Roof of Heaven,all men are brothers’.
Native Vedda / February 11, 2019
“(Holy Bible). ‘ Under the Roof of Heaven,all men are brothers’.”
Not in Sri Lanka.
Sunday Sil Monday Kill.
Kill the Veddah, Rob the Buddha, and blame the Suddah (whiteman/woman).
-Mahanayake approved Mahawamsa
Iqbal / February 10, 2019
Cancer of Racism was implanted by Colonialists to control the population and they are still in control but the difference is they use local proxies to do the their dirty works. These proxies within system like parasites and they show up like benevolent leaders and religious figures. Masses get duped by these proxies thinking that these are the people who are there to look after common good. They are Tigers wearing sheep skin. Until masses understand the Big picture, this will not be eradicated.
Mohamed / February 10, 2019
It is stupidity not to expect Racism when there Races, Religions and Castes.
We just have 2 types of racism. 1-Approved Racism 2-Unapproved Racism. Approved Racism are, religion and language based school system, political parties, community specific laws etc.
Nathan / February 10, 2019
Nimal Boorowa, you are a typical modaya with a warped mind and zero knowledge and loaded with bowel full of racism. Clown, I won’t reply to an absolute modaya like you and I will just let you rot in peace.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / February 10, 2019
Yes Mr. Nathan, Racists always get upset by the true facts. when you and racists talked of distorted facts, you all are nationalistic. when we pointed out the true facts, we all are called racists. How funny this is.
Rather than getting upset, it is always good to discuss the contents in that perspective. Apart from the ancient history, I myself know how bothal/pattara karaya have come to Sri Lanka.
Plunderers/Smugglers arrival can be imagined by the level of Kerala ganja, cocaine, heroine as drugs get caught in the northern shores these days. Tamils to work in tobacco and tea plantations as slaves by respective colonialist and soldiers captured during invasions during ancient times are undeniable facts.
Nathan / February 11, 2019
Nimal modaya, I fully agree with you that you are a modaya and thus a racist and thus your total ignorance and thus your extra capability of creating new history like changing your underpants. In one way being a stupid is very convenient and simply go on creating your own story and more importantly be contended with it. I wonder whether you are a top politician?? Come on man some more of your history. Few shots of pol and presto a new history. Anyway machang no malice.
Nathan / February 11, 2019
Nimal Mallo,
When VP was ruling and when there were no SL military in N&E there were no such thing as ganja or kerala ganja or whatever. This is the result of VP’s exit and the invading military that introduced this curse. In that way you are not a racist because you wanted north and South to be of the same status. Now see the Dubai hero and there are Mulims and tamils in that team to ruin SL. Saddest thing is that there are numerous top patriots that are shitting in their pants as to what Dubai Hero is going to spit out? But we know how to cook up and cover the sins.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / February 11, 2019
Nathan is creating his own story without an hard evidence against the contents in my comments.
What shall I say? I think that this is the best a to understand the real racists. It is better to accept the truth and think and live as Sri Lankans rather than asking separate state usually doe by people ho has no belonging to the place where they are living.
One thing is very sure that no more deceiving of Tamil masses for elam or any other.
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / February 11, 2019
I don’t consider myself a racist. But I must admit that I don’t like Tamils and Moslems (lately). Well, I don’t like the burgher drunkards either, but they are such a small irrelevant group of people we’ll leave them out of the discussion for simplicity.
The Tamils. I don’t like them because we fought them at war. They did so much damage to the Mother land. Every Tamil should be made to pay reparations for the damage they did to Sri Lanka. I don’t like Tamils because they are so foolish. Well don’t get me wrong there are smart ones, but a majority are foolish. The British used them and left them high and dry. The Indians used them and the IPKF surrounded them and killed them like cockroaches. In turn, we used them in our proxy war against the Indians. Finally, they are struggling to even keep their own personal property let alone establishing an eelam.
The Moslems. I had some great friends from the Moslem community 20 years ago. Unfortunately, that is not the case anymore. Since they started wearing those gunny bags and growing violent beards and stopped drinking alcohol, I have nothing to do with them. Lately, they are becoming parasitic in nature. Meaning, where ever they go, peace takes a toll and they multiply like rats and becomes a burden on the rest. This has happened in Canada where I live and also in SL.
Nathan / February 12, 2019
Retarded Lt Shemale,
Who did damage to your mother land Retard? Your banda your Mrs banda, your JR, your Preme, Your MR and now all modayas are jointly involved in destroying the country. Tamilsfought against these idiots to save lanka and as expected Indians and the west saved them in order to keep the idiots in power. They knew if there are Tamils then they cant manipulate them, cannot buy them and things will be difficult. Just see how the monkeys are jumping from branch to branch to get some perks cheating their people. Just see what is happening at SJP Hospital and an ordinary doctor playing panthu. Just see Madush the thug and he has taken the whole SL for a ride. Diplomatic passport holders and military guys and politicians are at his disposal.
Shemale, you are a shame to Canada too and their liberal policies. How can they allow a person like you who will make the country into a mess by your attitude. You are an army guy who cant see the difference between black and white. You must be a refugee and now crying for Lanka. I am sure you must have said that VP was after you and thus got your refugee status.
First get to know the peace loving tamils resorted to violence as a last resort, could not bear the injustice done to them in many fronts including regular anti tamil violence. Thank god you let our country.
Ranjith(SPRRW) / February 12, 2019
When great TOBA volcanic eruption occurred around 76 thousand years ago. All the areas including south part of India , south part of south east asia became uninhabitable. Inhabitant of south part of India including Lanka talked alone northward along coastal line of east India upto Orissa looking for shelter. They stayed there for some time as that area was not effected & was suitable for habitation. People lived there might have given them shelter & .Foods. After around 3 or 4 decade later when things got settled & sky was cleared,darkness gone. refugees returned back taking same root they talked north wards. This time root was downward toward south. Ultimately they came back led their usual life here. But they came down with taking new genes in two ways. affected genes due to Volcanic eruption ( H) & new genes floor due to mixing with Odias. That is the truth. That truth should not be harmful one to latter arrivals to south India from west Asia. Can somebody tell me how it become racist telling that eternal truth in public. That truth should not harm newly arrival to this Island from south India for various reasons. Tamils for forced colonisations and looting wealth & muslims for shelter and foods. Europeans or burgers for building empires for looting wealths of our lands. If describing true history is racism Who should be the ones who spread false histories claiming the others territories, Claiming the others languages as derivatives of theirs like that..??????????????????????????????
Nathan / February 12, 2019
Telling a truth is good. Telling a lie is bad. Telling a lie and claiming it to be true is a sin.
Ranjith(SPRRW) / February 12, 2019
If my saying is untrue, you can disclose truth.?????????????? I am very eager to listen to it or read it. You can highlight my lies and correct the readers with telling the truth. I am writing as per my educational knowledge & findings of our research. if you know the things you can describe it. I think this page open for every discussion.describe the truth you know with facts like I did.
Nimal Tissa Wijethunga / February 13, 2019
Tamil claims for elam, separate state, Tamil homeland are full of lies without any evidence or facts. Right from 1933 by first terrorist Chelvanayakam, it was illusions rather than real due to mental problems of Vellala leaders and definitely not the ordinary Tamil masses.
Nathan / February 14, 2019
Nimal mallo,
Eh…you are talking of lies by others and how come that you did not see your own filthy ar….e? Come on Nimal, have you heard of Vijayan the menace who arrived in Illankai with a gang of rowdies being chased out by his appachie for rowdy activities back at home? Have you heard of Ms Kuveni, a Naga Queen, and how she was screwed up by the same Vijayan through his betrayal gene? Have you also heard according to some divine Bali speaking Buddhist clergy that the day Vijayan landed in Dukka Deepa Lord Buddha attained Nirvana? Come on Nimal, what an insinuation at Lord Buddha who taught the world how to love, how to respect fellow humans and how to be humane? Do you also remember somewhere in early sixties a commemorative stamp in the title of “Landing of Vijaya” was released in Dukka Deepa. The stamp depicted Vijayan landing in a Kalla Thoni with his cronies while Ms Kuveni relaxing at the shores of Illankai. Within a few days that stamp was withdrawn because some smart ass had told “ado modayo you are exposing the truth and thus our boru history”! Lies, lies and lies.
We all know there was Buddhsim, we also know Buddhsim was brought into Illanka towards the latter part of BCE and also know how it displaced Hinduism not only in Illanka but also in the entire India. We also know by then there were Nagas and Yakshas and perhaps veddhas and they were hindus. The so called sinhala race and language was the result of Buddhism’s arrival and then pali speaking clergy started slowly creating a language and slow formation of a Sinhala race that was entirely arose from Nagas and Yaksas and Veddhas. Because the south of Illankai was the distal part of this entire migration process Buddhsim got entrenched there and along with that sinhalas and sinhala language arose.