By Mohamed Faizal –
It is the greatest of men who take to politics, and they do so due to the fear of being ruled, in their abstention from politics, by those who lack greatness and are below them. That was Plato talking.
Greatness of a ruler is not found in him simply being a ruler, but in being able to produce wise laws – laws that are good for everyone, both at present and in the future. If there was no wisdom in his laws, then there is no true greatness in his rule – whatever is perceived as greatness is only an illusion, which would soon be exposed; his foolish laws would cause a lot of suffering to his people, who would later curse him for it; and history would judge him unfavourably. Such a ruler who may temporarily be able to delude his people, before being eventually exposed, is an imposter, says Rousseau.
Rousseau also says that for a ruler to attain true greatness he must be not only wise, but also inspirational: since people don’t generally understand the wisdom in the laws of a wise ruler, a ruler deserving of true greatness must be able to make his people believe in his wise laws. He cites the example of Prophet Muhammad as one such a great ruler. Only a few might have truly understood the wisdom in his laws, but he inspired everyone to believe in them.
When people continue to believe in the wisdom of a ruler, he becomes immortalised: his death doesn’t harm his kingdom; despite his physical death, people continue to preserve and propagate his kingdom; if there is a decline in his kingdom, they try to revive it; and if there is a collapse, they try to re-establish it.
Today’s electoral system, which is being touted as the best system, belies Plato. In it, it is the lowest who have the greatest chance of winning; the greatest have none. Elections becoming almost unanimous with lies, deceit, fraud, intimidation and other forms of violence, the lowest take to it like a fish to water, while the greatest run away from it as if it were a leper. Surely, the rulers born of such a system are not the greatest. That might appear to be quite a harsh remark to make, but that is the truth, which any objective observer can see for himself. Our rulers, being not the greatest, aren’t taking up political positions for fear of being ruled by those who lack greatness and are below them, but for a different motive – perhaps it is wealth.
The ocean of lies, deceit, fraud, intimidation and other forms of violence, which a politician waddles through before being elected to an office, after all, doesn’t give him more than a few years in office. The gross legal income a politician would receive for his complete tenure is likely to be only a fraction of what he would have spent on his election campaign. What can we now expect from him? It would be foolish to expect him to spend his time on improving the quality of life for the masses he loathes – he certainly loathes the masses who fell for his lies, deceit, and fraud, and acquiesced to his intimidation and other forms of violence.
Unlike the general masses, politicians aren’t foolish: they know where their self-interest lie, and they know how to secure it. They spend their time in office recovering the money they spent on election campaigns and charging the public for whatever labour they put in to win the election. The relationship between these rulers and the masses is no different to the relationship that exists between the conqueror and the conquered; for the conquerors always get the conquered to foot the bill for the conquest. This is evident for some of us to see, but we have taught ourselves to quickly push this painful truth out of our consciousness.
A truly great leader unites all his people. What unites different people are common thoughts, which a ruler nurtures in his people via his laws. Uniting people of different languages, religions and ethnicities – such as we have in Sri Lanka – is a challenge which only a great leader can successfully accomplish. He does it with his wise laws, which treat everyone equally and benefit everyone equally. He inspires his people with belief in them.
An imposter on the other hands, unable to foster cooperation, only creates inter communal divisions. He incites racism, opening up chasms between communities and destroying any good relationship that may exist between the communities, but at the same time unifying individual communities internally. In the electoral voting system we have today, uniting internally the community that is numerically more than half, is enough to easily win elections. That is precisely what the imposters do: create intercommunal disunity and intra-communal unity.
These imposters make pompous claims to be nationalists and pretend to be religious, the goal of which is to deceive their people. Their claim to be nationalists is false, for they pit one community against the other and work against the national interest. Their claim to be pious is false too, for no pious person would ever seek political greatness by standing on the dead bodies and destroyed properties of other communities, as a result of the racism he aroused.
If the anti-nationalism of the ruler is hidden in his racism, his impiety is glossed over by the prelacy. A marriage of convenience exists in this country between corrupt politicians and the prelacy. Their marriage is so convenient that they keep forgiving each other: the sinful politician and the criminal priest keep forgiving each other so that they can continue sinning and committing crimes. The politician forgives the criminal priest and gets him out of the prison so that he can re-offend, while the priest forgives the sinful politician and erases all his sins, making it impossible for god to hold him to account after his death.
It was the divorce between Christianity and politics which led to the revival of what was Christian Europe. Conversely in secular Sri Lanka, the unholy marriage between politics and Buddhism is taking this country down a very slippery slope.
A politically mature nation is like a mature man, who is weaker in his sensualities, but stronger in his perceptive abilities. The governing force in a mature man or a mature nation is not emotions, but thoughts and ideas. Such nations are the least likely to react violently to any problems; in the unfortunate event of a conflict, they only resort to legal means. With politically immature nations, it is the opposite – they are too quick to resort to violence; on their frenzied march against their perceived enemies, the first thing they torch are the nation’s courts of law. Is it now too difficult for us to appreciate what sort of nation ours is? It is a politically immature nation with an abundance of irrational and emotional people, where our politicians with their callous realpolitik have got all of us to sit on a supersized powder keg, from which only a divine intervention can save us all, it appears.
Saman / November 29, 2019
This may be a dream of someone but even I would not have a dream of this.
Racism, jealousy, hatred, and multifarious virus are the driving forces of people in our country.
As you mentioned wisdom is the prime fact which we lack in our society.
Most of them are rich in literacy and numeracy but mentality is very contrary to what they have learnt.
From 2015 to 18th of November in 2019, Anuruddha padeniya and his associates began to strike and destroyed many many lives of innocent patients.
JVP group and other political groups which even they can not have dream of come to the power in their lives protested and disturbed commuters and innocent people for last five years.
Sirisena was elected by the enormous help of UNP voters and other minorities as the president. After becoming a president this uneducated and uncultured man became ungrateful and ingratitude.
Look at Weerawansa….there are many educated and professionals in the realm of governing party but this Buruwansa was offered a considerable ministry.
Yellow robe racists implanted very virus thoughts in poor people and changed attitudes.
No wise people at all.
Aftermath repercussion is very dangerous and unimaginable.
Unfortunately future generation is in danger.
niro / November 29, 2019
One law that should be passed is ” only two children ” policy for Muslims. Any Muslim who has over two will be given a 10 year sentence and be steralized. The children no 3 onwards will taken by the state. Another law should be the ” one. Wife ” policy.
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / November 29, 2019
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Hamlet / November 30, 2019
Niro:- Why ” only two children ” policy for Muslims. Why not an ‘Only two Children Policy’ for all Sri Lankans?
We are fast running out of Space, and resorting to encroaching on Forests! How is Sri Lanka Proposing to accommodate more than the current Level of Population?!
a.Muslim / November 30, 2019
“Any Muslim who has over two will be given a 10 year sentence”
These are good ideas. So you suggest this sentence after the child-birth or before that? Sterilize after completing the 10 years sentence or sterilize & send to jail? Why did your great mind forget to suggest collect sperm from prisoners and export to develop our economy?
soma / November 29, 2019
Mr Faizal
Why don’t you pray for the divine intervention in the Middle East? There are 33 billion (yes, thistun kotiyak!) gods to manage our affairs.
Shamil / November 29, 2019
Citizens of all communities should look within and get rid of their corrupt leaders.
It is not just the Sinhala leaders who are totally corrupt, and the Saffron brigade.
The Tamils and Muslim’s leaders are as bad, if not worse, as they get funds from foreign countries like Saudi Arabia and the US and EU to promote Divide and Rule and loot projects in Sri Lanka.
Rauf Hakim, Hizbulla and Bathudeen are funded by the Saudis to attack Sufis and the destroy liberal Islam in Sri Lanka. This is part of the US-Israel-Saudi project against Iran in the Middle East and also to use the Lankan minorities as the Cats Paw in the MCC, SOFA, ACSA project to set up US military bases and servicing hubs in Mannar and Eastern Province of Sri Lanka to fight the trade and cold war on China. TNA also takes funds from US and EU and USA wants the land of the minority communities for its project – so Muslims and Tamils should beware of the US-EU-Japan_India-Australia fake aid projects to dived and rule Sri Lanka
a.Muslim / November 30, 2019
Hisbulla is too rich with Saudi money. His tactics is to collect money from Saudi showing developing Islam in Sri Lanka, and do few things for 2% of that money, and rest in his banks. This is how too many madrasas mushroomed in such a short period of time as many greedy Muslims started doing this. They get rich, Muslims become extremist without knowing why. Sinhalese are upset seeing more & more Muslims becoming extremists and start to live in different world.
BukiPaala / November 29, 2019
Do you know because of “Suraksha” 6,000 school children who lost their mother/father received Rs. 200K each only in 2019? Total claims paid during 2019 are over 2 Bn?
This is another example to say how shitty yahapalana was in terms of PR.
Lafir Al Mathani Anver / November 29, 2019
Only Late PM Dudley Senanayake And PM Dahanayake Can Be Fit To Patriotic,Caring,Non Racial And Without Any Greed For Power And Wealth In Highest Office In Post Independent Srilanka So Far.
Ayathuray Rajasingam / November 29, 2019
Lafir Al Mathani Anver,
You have forgot to include Sir John Kotalawala.
VADC / November 29, 2019
Allmost all muslim majority countries established themselves as islamic kindoms and repulics ex: islamic kingdom of saudi arabia, islamic republic of pakistan, ir iran etc; but when they are minority in certain countries they demand secularism like in sri lanka, india, usa, uk, europe, etc; and then they maintain special laws for themselves in those countries in sri lanka mmda, in india muslim personal law, in uk etc; they govern by the religion but they reject other religion’s authority bloody hypocrites, practice what you preach !!!
Marwan / November 30, 2019
From start to finish, a massive fraud was perpetuated on our people, playing on religious emotions, just to ride into power. This is an indisputable fact and history will record it as such. People of minority faiths became the scapegoats, ‘bogeymen waiting to get you. and rob you off your unborn future generation’, and thus, have shamelessly achieved their objective – by hook or by crook. Even the Head of EC conducting this election was in their pockets, and the limitless money to spend had no bounds. The people deserve the rulers they get, and so this country will remain skewed and fractured with mistrust and skepticism, with minority representation blown away to the wind. What a tragedy to befall our nation.
K.A. Sumanasekera / November 30, 2019
I thought the Kathankuddy Caliphate was working on them , until Zaharan and Ibrahim Boys put the spanner in the works..
kali / November 30, 2019
It is the greatest of men who take to politics, and they do so due to the fear of being ruled, in their abstention from politics, by those who lack greatness and are below them. That was Plato talking.
*** What is wrong with you.
You are either born GREAT or achieve GREATNESS.Gotha is neither. Yes I agree some fear being ruled but in the case of Gotha he chose to rule not beacause of fear of being ruled, in their abstention from politics but to escape Prosecution. from US Courts. He is not out of the US Courts. It takes only a right thinking US Judge to put in in the hole. Hitler chose politics to Kill and the same iwth Gotha.
Sri Lanka papers are gloating that Modi will be the first leader to arrive in Sri Lanka but do the papers also know that he wil be th last leader to arrive except those br Lesotho, Botwana and Nigeria. What an honour.Modi will be landing at Jaffna Airport.