6 February, 2025


Sri Lanka Police Continues To Function Without An Official Spokesman

As the country’s 34th Inspector General of Police (IGP) Pujith Jayasundara completes his second month in office, the Sri Lanka Police, the primary national law enforcement agency continues to function without an official police spokesman.

IGP Jayasundara

IGP Jayasundara

Just two weeks after taking over office, Jayasundara issued a gag order on the police media unit, including on police spokesman ASP Ruwan Gunasekara, after he had revealed to the media about the discovery of several arms hauls in the North among certain other sensitive information.

Even though it has been over a month since the IGP suspended the media unit, steps have not been taken to appoint a new spokesman, who has the authority to speak to the media.

When the Colombo Telegraph contacted the Police Media Unit, an officer who took the call said that the unit is allowed to only issue statements and no one has been authorised to speak to the media even if it was necessary to clarify a report.

“The IGP has appointed a committee comprising of ASP Ajith Rohana, ASP Ruwan Gunasekara and ASP Priyantha Jayakody, who oversee the functions of the media unit, but we have not been informed of an official police spokesman, but maybe if you speak to them directly they will speak to you, but otherwise the media is only expected to carry whatever statements we issue from here officially,” the officer said.

In early May, IGP Jayasundara suspended the media unit. No official explanation was given for his decision.

Latest comments

  • 1

    What Yahapalanaya No spokesman for IGP, No legal adviser for Police commission, No acknowledgement from JSC, No Replies from Police commission. This is a administration of the four monkeys See no evil, do no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. Public money spent for an eye wash,

  • 1

    Well, have we missed anything important? NOT, I think.

    Most of the time the spokesman said most when he said nothing at all.

  • 2

    It is better without a police spokesman.

    Less lies and less obfuscations we need to hear.

    • 1

      This is right. Even very right for a nation whose every 2 nd is easily manipulative, so stupid, and gawky. No matter the rumouers have meaning, they just go viral. That is how Mr Buruwanse, condom tester of Mr Madamulana consolidated his powers. Else, we perfectly, know the average knowledge of Wimal Buruwa. And expecting him to be correc tis a lso wrong considering the background he is coming from.

      In terms of Police statements:
      1)To make statements in terms of any incident within a shorter period of time, subjectively than objectively can mislead the nation as had been we faced it under Mr Medamulana adminsitration.

  • 1

    “In early May, IGP Jayasundara suspended the media unit. No official explanation was given his decision.”

    So why shouldn’t we inundate the country with gossip and rumors abut police actions?

    IG will be compelled to give an explanation.

  • 1

    Why the Police also need a spokesperson , when Rajitha does a fine job…

    • 0

      KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera

      “Why the Police also need a spokesperson , when Rajitha does a fine job…”

      Because crooked politicians find the exercise of retracting what they said in front the camera is becoming very difficult.

      Therefore they want crooked official to be the front line soldier of a grand facade.

      When did you last play balls with your mates?

      Handicap or backhanders?

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