20 September, 2024


Sri Lanka Sends A Signal

By R. K. Radhakrishnan – The Hindu –

Foreign Minister G.L. Peiris

The Foreign Office summoned the British High Commissioner here on Monday, taking exception to his comments on the “disproportionately high military presence in north Sri Lanka”.

“Foreign Minister G.L. Peiris made it clear that the British envoy John Rankin’s comments were unacceptable and constituted interference in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka,” said a senior official.

Mr. Rankin said: “We hope the military presence in the North and East can resemble the level of the military presence in other parts of the country, rather than the very large military presence we continue to have at the moment.” While comments by Western missions had been overlooked during the war years, Colombo is making a statement with the summoning of the British envoy.

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    British envoy John Rankin has a point. Why only ‘kiri’ for the north and ‘kakiri’ for the rest of the country? ;) (if you know what I mean?)

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    Why don’t they send signals to those who do real damage to the country and its people: the Stock Market looters who plunder money from NSB, EPF fund, the culprits in Cope Report, the iron robbers, the treasure hunters, the white van operators, the useless IGP and corrupt policemen who never perform their duty, the rogue judges and the list can go on endlessly?

    In fact the whole bunch of fools in the Cabinet and the parliament are robbers including GL! In fact one day people will have to summon these crooks before their jury to give verdict!

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    “interference in the internal affairs” is the Mantra for all dictators
    to shut others mouth

    Sri Lanka sent so many signals and meanwhile everybody ignores.

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    What the High Commissioner said on his video briefing about too much of military in the North is correct.
    Foreign Ministry is playing to the Singhala gallery and ego.
    They will learn it the hard way in many international fora, UN security council, UNHRC, Commonwealth and Bi-Lateral relationship.

    Send a message to the Queen!!!!


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