27 April, 2024


Sri Lanka Still Remains As One Of The Highest Risk Nations: Association Of Medical Specialists

Covid-19 pandemic – Farsighted way forward for Sri Lanka

As we all know, our country still remains as one of the highest risk nations (Red list) with regards to COVID pandemic. We have just started to witness the positive impact of sustained lockdown with gradually declining case load, oxygen requirements and mortality.

It is quite clear that the brunt of all ill effects of lockdown was borne by the hardest hit poorest stratum of our country. While feeling strongly for them, one must not ignore that a further period of extension of these travel restrictions will be required to reap the benefits of all the sacrifices of the entire nation. Therefore, we feel that due consideration should be given to long term gains overlooking short term losses when the extension of lockdown is reviewed.

As a country, our aim should be to move to the “Green Zone” from the current “red zone” in a sustainable manner as quickly as we can. With this in mind, the AMS would like to request the decision makers to seriously consider taking this lockdown further to the beginning of early next month, as previously suggested by the widely represented local experts who scientifically analysed the data they received from credible international sources, when the WHO facilitated such brainstorming. If the relaxation of current restrictions happens too soon, there is a high possibility of severe spread of the disease resulting in sudden rise of hospital admissions making the health care facilities unable to cope with such high number of patients. This can unfortunately increase the death rate specially with the identification of the delta variant as the dominant culprit throughout the country.

Vaccination of school children with a view of reopening schools should be dealt with utmost caution. We endorse the recommendations of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians regarding the vaccination of “high risk groups”. However, vaccination of all school children needs further substantiation of international studies weighing risks and benefits.

As of today, if this age group needs vaccination Pfizer Biontech should be considered as the most suitable vaccine and this should never be rushed without taking time for critical analysis, more so in the younger age groups – especially the 12-15 age group.

When schools re-open hurriedly, children in common conveyance systems with their playful behaviour will invariably result in another wave due to “school clusters”, while not forgetting the fact that the crowd that is added to spread the disease will be far more than the number of school children.

Revival of tourism is undoubtedly a need of the hour as a solution to the present economic crisis. However, well calculated, broadbased and transparent mechanism should be introduced to attract tourists from all over the world. Therefore, a sound methodology should be adopted to ensure that Sri Lanka is safe for all and not only for few countries of choice.

We have witnessed much debate and recommendations regarding a third dose. We as a professional organization strongly believe in social equity and justice. We feel that it is morally incorrect and unacceptable to consider a third dose for otherwise healthy and young people until the entire vulnerable population (those above 60 years and those with recognized risk factors for severe Covid in any age) are vaccinated. In addition, we must ensure that the above mentioned risk group who received two dose of Sinopharm should receive a third dose of Pfizer or similar vaccines. We believe this as a reason for comparatively higher percentage of fully vaccinated older persons (Over 60) have died of COVID-19 in Sri Lanka.

The mindset of the young 20-30 year old needs to be changed with effective education to focus on the fact that Sinopharm vaccine gives them excellent immunity based on the data available, and the need of the hour is for them to receive the Sinopharm vaccine faster to make Sri Lanka Covid free sooner than later.


Dr LakKumar Fernando                                                                                      Dr R Gnanasekeram
Association Of Medical Specialists                                               General Secretary-AMS

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  • 8

    This so called Association of Medical Specialists clearly does not know how to analyse Data, or the difference between flu and Covid like the useless PCR test.
    AMS are part of the Medical and Vaccine Mafia and Big Pharmaceutical companies and their local partners to spread Fear Psychosis about PCR-test ‘Pandemic”, lockdown and destroy the economy of the country.
    If these doctors are afraid to get ill Covid-19 which is like a seasonal fle they should resign. Doctors who are afraid of illness are like soldiers who don’t want to fight the enemy and vacate post. They violate the Hyppoccirtic Oath to help people and should be fired rather than permited to spread lies with fake PCR tests and data. The US CDC has withdrawn authorization of the PCR test because it is a scam and cannot distinguish Flu from Covid.
    The US Department of Justice fined vaccine manufacturer Pfizer some years ago for 2.5 billions $$ for its role in the Opioid Crisis and failure to disclose contents of its drugs.
    These AMS Con-doctors are an ignorant bunch paid by big pharma that also funds WHO and clearly are part of the Covid-19 vaccine and biotechnology business mafia.

    • 8

      These Doctors who want to destroy the country with lock-downs because they are scared to get Covid-19 are not Doctors. They are like soldiers who refuse to do their job and fight when the enemy is in sight. They violate the Hippocratic Oath that requires helping patients, rather than locking down countries so that people with be impoverished and starve to death due to poverty, malnutrition and famine.
      Also they do not mention the big Data scam at the National Drugs authority, or the fact that the local authorities do not know what the soc-called Covid-19 vaccines contain because the National Drugs Authority Data Base was wiped. Yet their post Girl Malavika is marketing vaccines under the veneer of third rate science and junk data comparing untested and untrialed gene therapies called vaccines developed at “warped Speed”. She is a disgrace to the medical profession.

      • 5

        Neelika Malavige ignorant Colombo University Poster Girl of the Global Vaccine Mafia in Sri Lanka, who promotes vaccines with big-pharma funded WHO’s pseudo science and Fake experts, is a disgrace to the medical profession!!
        She wants a posting with the WHO in Geneva, never having studied over seas.
        Neelika and the rest of these bull shit artists paid by big Pharma please check these links and stop talking bullshit like a Pfizer booster would be good after 2 Sinopharm shots!
        US Department of Justice (DOJ) fined Pfizer which settle four separate illegal marketing cases between 2002 and 2009 related to the OPIOID crisis in the US, and GSK which which funded and owns the SLMA drugs and vaccines policy of Sri Lanka, payed a record $3bn in 2011. In one of the worst examples, Warner-Lambert (later bought by Pfizer) made $2bn annually marketing the epilepsy drug Neurontin for uses that were not approved and not medically effective.


        • 5

          Dinuk, Opioid crisis and neurontin has nothing to do with Covid and vaccination. You just dropped names to show readers that you have knowledge. Opioid crisis existed for decades and was not just created by pharma manufactures, who kept innovating potent synthetic types for pain management,but also by doctors who excessively prescribed for millions of abusive patients, and a illegal black market created to keep such abusive practice going until sudden death ,complications of overdosing (Micheal Jackson) , drug related crimes became number one public health problem. Billions of money was spend in rehab, treatment, hospitalization, incarceration – – etc. Neurontin is a medicine still widely in use for certain epilepsy and neuropathy. When Pfizer tried pushing doctors to prescribe for conditions not approved originally by FDA (like bipolar disorder, which you must be familiar with) they were sued. It is not a crime to prescribe medicine for conditions not approved as long it can be clinically proven to be as effective or better, over other available/approved medicines. Many medicines get approved after such use by doctors and pharma does it’s studies to show efficacy for FDA approval.

      • 4

        National drugs authority data base was wiped out by crooked businessman supported by politicians, involved in corruption, black market, price hike, hoarding, supplying low quality/expired meds – – -etc and nothing to do with Covid. This practice has been going on for decades and has now come to light because of the crisis created by pandemic and economic meltdown. You in general seems to be jealous of people in higher authority, particularly women. Is there any reason ?? To by next comment add the example of Ivermectin, chloroquine (SJ knows well) which were empirically used in the beginning of Covid treatment. It is not a crime to prescribe outside of FDA approval in such situations. When found ineffective it was discouraged.

      • 4

        Dinuk, though many health workers including doctors have sacrificed their lives serving patients, you are a retard to think doctors are same as soldiers. We didn’t take Hippocratic or any other oath to die while serving. It’s lunatics like you who end up killing us. You may have suicidal wish, if so go get help, but stop talking rubbish.

    • 5

      Dinuk: You have very well-argued to defend our President’s decision to hand over the “COVID 19” administration to the “Task Force” headed by the Army Commander – Major General Shravendra Silva. Our President must take your advice: “They violate the Hyppoccirtic Oath to help people and should be fired rather than permitted to spread lies with the fake PCR tests because it is a scam and cannot distinguish Flu from Covid”.

      • 4

        Simon, the clown in a Uniform Army commander, Shavendra Silave is useless to fight Covid-19 or any national security threat because he is essentially brainless.
        Covid-19 is a bio weapon beyond all doubt for which Bio-terrorist Fauci’s NIEAD has the patents on Coronavirus 2 sequences, with its partner in crime in Gain of Function research, China. Both US and Chinese Biot terrroism industry and big Pharma are trying to cover up their crime against Humanity. That why another clown in Hong Kong called Dr. Malik got a Chinese Nobel Prize recently for marketing Covid-19 vaccines for China! Ha, ha, ha!

        In the final analysis however, Covid-19 is a US Deepstate Over the Horizon (OTH), hybrid, cyber and propaganda war operation to extend US military-business-security interests in the Indian Ocean Region and the world at this time, destroy the rise of emerging economies (BRICS) and Asia led by China and make America Great again fronting Big Phama and US Corporations, contractors and Big Pharma.

        • 4

          Dinuk: Thanks. I was making a little fun to keep us relaxed. Hope you understood my wit. I agree that any “Pandemic” is “Big Business” and a “Blessing in Disguise” to many stakes-holders. What a world of “Business” and “Fun”?

        • 4

          Dinuk look up for the diagnosis for these symptoms, grandiose delusions, circumstantial thought process and speech, hypervigilance, paranoia, flight of ideas , racing thoughts, poor insight and judgment, mood swings from euphoria/dysphoria to dysthymia.

        • 0

          Guys, can anyone please explain what Dinuk has written above. 1) NIEAD ??? NIAID national institute of allergies and infectious disease is just an institute like cardiology, neurology. 2) According to Dinuk partner in crime is China and U.S got help from Chinese to destroy their own country.(BRIC ?? unless it’s Chile and not China) 3) Until now Dinuk called Covid as hoax, but here says it’s real , caused by bio terrorism. 4) In Dinuk’s final analysis it’s US deep state OTH, have anyone heard such entity ????.

        • 1

          Dinuk, do not underestimate our army commander or his intelligence. He is an extremely intelligent person with a mental and physical stamina not many can match. He has no science education as far as I know, but yet he grasped the principals of the pandemic control and did successfully deliver the assignment given to him. It was the corrupt politicians and Brandix that re-imported the virus from India and the outbreak of that import came in early October 2021.
          When it comes to WHO – its one of the most corrupt, inefficient and incompetent organisations on this planet, and its extremely dangerous to trust this organisation. The making of a local outbreak of SARS-Cov-2 into a global pandemic is the total responsibility of WHO. They totally failed and did things the opposite direction of taking protective measures.

      • 0

        Simon, Dinuk ment doctors violated “Hypocritical Oath” , not the Hippocratic violated by the task force. He/She is damn right.

    • 2

      Sri Lanka is the world’s risk nation in the world next to New Zealand World’s Human Rights Organization said. The world’s number one Human Butcher is the USA. Thanks to Afghanistan and Vietnam who gave very good lessons to the USA

      • 5

        Here comes the next patient N.Perera, says “Sri Lanka is the world ‘s risk nation (you are absolutely right buddy) in the world, next to New Zealand world’s human rights organization said ( absolutely wrong). Did they call you to tell this. Dude how many of you are out there like Dinuk. Not a surprise right now there is doctor shortage.

        • 0

          chiv, what about the answer to my other question? The world’s number one Human Butcher is the USA? I am expecting an answer from 2nd class citizen like you.

          • 2

            N. Perera, sorry I do not respond to first class citizens.

      • 3

        N. Pererass

        “Thanks to Afghanistan and Vietnam who gave very good lessons to the USA”

        Did you, or your family or your Ranaviruses fight for Vietnam or Afghanistan?

        “Sri Lanka is the world’s risk nation in the world next to New Zealand World’s”

        Sri Lanka is the well-known prostitute in Hindian ocean if not in the world, every Tom, Dick and Harry who passes this island has easy access and get free or cheap services from Xi-nhala leaders. From Time to Time Foreigners visit the island, grope it, take whatever is freely available, then stick two fingers up and leave …..
        Xi-nhala leaders are so addicted foreigners they are prepared to ………………….. with your help.

    • 3

      Dinuk, take your medicine and call doctor. Feel pity for you. By the way doctors believe in prevention not getting infected. If all of them get sick who will treat you ??? I am sure they all took the oath to serve but not to die while serving.( not worth for a person like you)

    • 1

      Regardless of politics, u need to let the medical experts to take crucial decisions focusing on medical issues. That was seen done by previous govt whoever’s whatever being said about them today. But ballige puthas in current leadership due to their ultra stupid behaviours, let the innocent lives be caught by COVID maraya. If one of those Rajapakshes war taken, things would have run better for the nation, for some reasons divine forces seem to be stand still yet today😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  • 8

    Part 1
    Leadership has not the least knowledge about COVID and its containment. They dont care about the world norms. So how can people ever dream of a life.
    They prioratised myths and alternative medicine being misled by any simple simons.
    In the current context, high risk situation will remain as it is, so long govt would not let leading health experts to control over COVID containment.
    They dont seem to seem to take it serious. Rajapakshes would not know of a value of a human life. From what I hear, how helpless some families have become today – due to lack of proper medicine and care, we cant believe our eyes, but the truth as it is people suffer more today than prior to 2019. History has shown for what they the Rajaakkshes are talented at, nevertheless, people s total ignorance paved them to loot this country again from where they were stopped by 2015.
    Alone current entourage of MAHARAJA et al is a huge waste to the state at this critical phase of srilanken economy, with no foreign reserves left tob e a gurantee in order to order next essential goods for its people.


    • 8

      Part II

      Also while being on a merry-go-round in Italy, Maharaja has been making every arrangement to manipulate his FAN groups in order to paint the picture in favour of his survival politics. Collossal sums should have been spent to decorate them and set as „ there are still people to support Maharaja“. His men have hired srilanken migrants (most of them are believed to be doing surivival jobs in italy- Italy is not a country where srilankens are welcome for top jobs due to langauge barriers and various other reasons, most of them are labourers). Ifo ne would travel to Rome, Milano or any cities today, would come across srilanken labourers that roam in such cities without jobs. This is what I myself observed afew years ago while visiting Rome for few days.
      To everyone eyes, those who could remain alive are dying today, not having injected with the vaccine. Sure vaccine is proved to be relieving a huge portion of the patients though it is not a 100% gurantee, However, experts are not given a place to improve the awareness of the people. Politicians and millitary men have been ruining this country today.

  • 14

    Does the association of medical specialists know why Neelika Malavige and others resigned from the Covid-19 task force? Do they question why on every television channel in Sri Lanka the daily covid deaths are always quoted in absolute numbers and never as a ratio of fatalities per million population? All TV channels also show absolute numbers of fatalities in countries like the US (pop 300 m), Indonesia (pop 250 m), India (pop 1300m). Does this body question the DGHS as to why the fatality numbers are never divulged on a district basis or even a name list of the daily 150 – 200 deaths with their residential town so that the public will know if their loved one who died is on the list or not? And if their relative’s name is not on the daily list, do they have a public domain where it can be inserted with proper authentification so that the public will know, and transparency is established and they can regain the trust they have lost with official statements and statistics?

    • 3

      “Do they question why on every television channel in Sri Lanka the daily covid deaths are always quoted in absolute numbers and never as a ratio of fatalities per million?”
      Good question. It enables the powers that be to pat themselves on the back, comparing themselves to countries with bigger populations. The media are just as culpable, picking up YouTube videos of people allegedly being dumped in mass graves in Italy and India, and showing them as “news”.

      • 1

        Dear OC’
        What is the role of the ministry and the authorities regarding media and unsubstantiated data being passed to the public? If they pick the data from social media? Just image that bugger who is believed to have run an amok in prisons lately was verified by a group of SJB mps nevertheless LR had the audacity to deny the incident????,,,,,,🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃☹☹☹☹☹☹😡😡😡

  • 4

    As a country, our aim should be to move to the “Green Zone” from the current “red zone” in a sustainable manner as quickly as we can.

    People often spend as many as 40 hours per week at work, New research suggests that the greatest pollutants of office/school air are humans, After all under 30 is vaccinated reopening is the need of the hour.

    It is the same as authorities can reduce pollution by using their traffic control powers,

    • 1

      I think it can be a dream, until it can turn out to be green looking atht emanner, how the authorities act on the COVID containment steps.

      What kind of pollution you are aiming at – curernt leadership pollutes almost everything. It is a curse people to have fallen that deep.
      Only god can make a change in SL – if COVID would do the job soon, the youth could thank to the virus in the future.

  • 2

    Masonic medical crooks are back sprouting their nonsense again.
    Covid is a total hoax.
    Here we see pfizers boss is a shape shifting reptilian (demon/tare/serpent seed):

  • 2

    This hoax pandemic was engineered to spiritually destroy (and many physically also) humanity.
    Divine sources have revealed through gematrix (freemasons have tampered with this also but only to a degree) that the vaccine is designed to cut off a persons spiritual connection with god. It is designed to interfere with the bodies chakra system and DNA also.
    The 5G towers are meant to send signals to vaccinated people to mind control them.
    In effect turning people into robots! (the ones who dont drop dead from the vaccine)
    Those who foolishly took the injection and having regrets should pray to the most high and repent. And ask him to cancel the effects of it. Only he has the power to override it if he chooses to.

    • 7

      Humble, I am tired after advising Dinuk and N.Perera , may be tomorrow ??? Is it okay.

  • 2

    It was the GMOA who were the ‘experts’ at the beginning, taking credit for how well the pandemic was being controlled. Now the Association of Medical Specialists who seem to have taken over as the experts to advise the govt. When every country has a team of scientific experts appointed to advise the govt., SL doesn’t seem to have any such team of experts comprised of virologists & epidemiologists. Instead, we have general practitioners & surgeons to ayurvedic doctors & even non medical pundits offering their 2 cents worth of advise. The average man on the street is confused, the govt. having endorsed snake oil & divine intervention at the beginning, continues with the vaccination haphazardly while the pharmaceutical companies & private hospitals cash in on unproven medication, such as, the ‘toffee’, sold in the black market..

    Is there a study of how many vaccinated deaths? If so, what are the conclusions? In UK, almost 84% of the adult population is vaccinated, including over 20s. Extensive study has concluded that over 15s should also be vaccinated & even recommended for 12 – 15 old as well. With the winter looming, a third booster jab will be made available for those most vulnerable. The govt. cannot force the vaccination & there are conspiracy theorist ‘non vaxers’ but the vaccination is available for anyone over 12. There are no other advisors & the govt. strategy is accepted as the single policy in combating the pandemic.

    • 1

      I was planning my travel from Germany to Loondon lately.
      There I go tto know how they have catogarized the countries today. In the end, for my good, I stayed back. One of my colleagues instead travelled to London. Even if Germany is doing well with full-vaccination marathon, they are still in amber catergory. So how can srilanken ever think of achieving GREEN list soon. So long all these would not be achieved. tourism industry woul dnot change for the good of the nation.
      All these can only be considered, if the leadership works with ” sure instinct”. Rajapkshes or th elike bastards would never have fine feelings. This should be clear to the stupid folks, at least today.

  • 3

    Do we want to save the country from Covid and kill by hunger. Specialist should answet

    • 2

      Homo sapiens would not die due to hunger. Besides, srilanka is not a country similar to the starving countries in drought affected africa. Even RATA THANKOLA is available for their last choice. That will the be a blessing in disguise because over 6.9 millions ( almost over 45% of the voter eligible voted for the high criminals knowing the crime records of them. :: Just name me any single Rajakshes in that cave is free from high crimes !.

  • 4

    Do we want to save the country from Covid and kill by hunger. Specialist should answer.
    By how much total death rate has increased in Sri Lanka during Covid.
    Should not the Specialist come out with this data rather than talking about only covid death
    Are they educated intellects or medical Basunaes

  • 2

    Do we want to save the country from Covid and kill by hunger. Specialist should answer.
    By how much total death rate has increased in Sri Lanka during Covid.
    Should not the Specialist come out with this data rather than talking about only covid death
    Are they educated intellects or medical Basunaes
    Further more numbers suggest that treatment with Aurvedic and Homeopathic preventive by boosting immune system and curative for affected seems to be better than Western pharma mafia controlled vaccines and medicines. We are not talking about quacks or kali inspired waters.
    Should not the specialist be open and not dogmatic in the interest of the nation.

    • 6

      Dilshan, right now no country has locked down the way Lanka is doing. Reason, Lanka from day one is managing it’s own pandemic in reverse order. Who is responsible for this blunder is none other than the fool, who was elected by 6.9 million retards, and the task force created by him consisting of war heroes (not the real heroes). When there was no reasons to shut down in the beginning to until few months ago, Gotha did for political and electoral gains and when a lock down was needed during the peak of crisis, country cannot afford due to economic bankruptcy. The doctors and medical experts who were recently included in the task force to satisfy public, resigned because they were treated like dummies by Dr, Shavendra. Vaccine procurement was delayed due to not having forex and 800,000 from Western province alone received their second dose past date. Vaccine drive itself was mismanaged, and Gotha got all his priorities wrong. Just think, right now in Kerala ( same size and population as Lanka) they have 20,000 to 30,000 cases daily but their is no medical crisis and current numbers are well manageable. Where as Health Ministry is warning of a crisis with just 2 to 3 thousand daily cases due to inadequate health services. Currently the private sector is fully involved in Covid management because govt alone cannot do.

  • 0

    Sri Lanka did virtually eradicate Coronavirus by the end of the first lockdowns and and the first wave. From about end of June to end of September 2020 the country was virtually free of new infections and deaths, except for a few new cases – the graph at worldometers dot info shows that from Sept 14th to Oct 20th there were no reported deaths – the death toll remained at 13, i.e. from the onset of the pandemic in early March to October 20th 2020, over 7 months. There were many days that no new infections were found in this period, until the end of September 2020. Then in early October 2020 the outbreak in Brandix Apparels happened – the source for infection was factory workers brought here from India, without any quarantine or testing, which was an illegal act according to the prevailing pandemic law – the country was in a total lockdown, even the airport was closed (the airport opened only end of January 2021).

    • 0

      From the import of the Coronavirus by Brandix and the outbreak of the Coronavirus infection in their factory, it has been an increasing tragedy….. No proper investigation was done against the Brandix leadership as to how they managed to bring the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic into the country, when the country was under a total lockdown. Rightfully speaking the responsible Brandix owners and the officials and politicians who were involved must all be charged for mass-murder, and the economic losses the country has endured must be billed to the multi-billionaires in Brandix and the corrupt politicians.
      Blaming our army is totally wrong – they worked day and night with total dedication. So please note that our army commander Shavendra Silva and the army did complete the assignment given to them successfully, already by the end of July/August 2020, but corrupt business owners like Brandix owners and corrupt politicians re-imported the virus. Its not the fault of the army or the health professionals. Its totally the fault of corrupt politicians and corrupt businessmen who meddle with scientifically accepted and agreed upon methods of controlling the pandemic.

  • 2

    This lockdown is meaningless. Only thing not happening is ships being on our roads. If we go to any suburb of Colombo you can see all shops open including textile shops and the roads are full of traffic. Even if interprovincial travel is prohibited there will be enough local covid clustres created due to lax attitude of law enforcing authorities at these shopping centres. It is better open the entire country if this is the way the lockdown is enforced.
    AMS demanded the closure of the country without ever considering the useless way it is enforced.
    Dilshan says ” save of covid and kill by hunger”. This is absolute rubbish. Did anyone die of hunger during earlier lockdowns?

    • 0

      You are right that Lockdown is meaningless. Even government is not interested. It appears that the government itself need Covid to cover up its failure. Recently, the arrack shops were opened and people were queing in the shops to buy arrack and minister said he does not who gave permission to open the shops and military and police did not do anything to arrest these people who are violating curfew rules. Later I read a news item another minister said it is the government ordered to open these shops and a gave a funny explanation that the illegal arrack business is recently increased and people are dying because of drinking these poisonous drink and that is why they gave permission to get Corona in the que.

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