16 January, 2025


Sri Lankan Malays Fight For Parliament Representation

“Bangun” (Wake up) Movement launched by the Malay Community in Sri Lanka called all the Malays living in Sri Lanka to join hands with them in order to fight for rights deprived by their community over the past.

During a presser held in Colombo on Thursday (28), President of the Bangun, Attorney at Law T.K. Azoor said their first and the main demand is restoring Malay representation in Parliament.

T.K. Azoor mentioned that Sri Lankan Malays have faced numerous obstacles which they believe is because their concerns are not being articulated at the proper fora in the best possible manner. Therefore, he believes that if their representation in parliament is restored, it would provide them with the opportunity to forge ahead and be on par with the other communities to work for national unity and development.

The Malays have not been having representation in Parliament since 1993 [26 years] since Mr. M. H. Amit resigned to give way for Mr. Gamini Dissanayake to re-enter Parliament.

“It is very clear that the Malays have lost a lot during this quarter century. The money allocated to a Member of Parliament by the Decentralized Budget can be used very effectively for the development of the community. The amount of money deprived by not having a Malay MP for the last 25 years is Rs.250 Million,” Azoor said.

He criticized that despite two republican constitutions promulgated in the past without a Malay participating in its deliberations, even in the present constitution-making process, the Malays have been left out and efforts to make representations as members of the public have been totally disregarded.   

He recalled the following Malay representatives who once adorned the Legislature: Dr. T.B. Jayah 1924 – 1930, Legislative Council; M.K. Saldin 1931 – 1936, Legislative Council; Dr. T.B. Jayah 1936 – 1947, State Council; Dr. T.B. Jayah 1947 – 1950, Parliament; Dr. M.P. Drahaman 1956—1960, Parliament; Dr. T.B. Jayah March 1960 – May 1960, Parliament; B. Zahiere Lye July 1960 – 1965, Parliament; M.D. Kitchilan 1966 – 1970, Senate; and M.H. Amit 1989 – 1994, Parliament. 

The turbulent history of Sri Lanka’s tiny Malay community had been brought to the fore by the 2016 visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues to the island nation. The UN Special Rapporteur Rita Izsak-Ndiaye presented the request of Sri Lankan Malaysians to award them separate minority status in the Sri Lankan constitution. 

However, many attempts have been made to revive the local Malay language and culture by organizations such as the Sri Lanka Malay Confederation. 

According to the Sri Lanka Census of Population and Housing, 2012, 40,189 Malays are living in Sri Lanka and 14,444 of them are reported in the capital of Sri Lanka. However, the Bangun Movement criticizing the data published by the Census Department alleged that although the data shows a decrease of 26.7% in the population of Malays for no valid reason, there are close to 80, 000 Malays in Sri Lanka.

Malays in Sri Lanka are Islam by religion. In Sri Lanka, they are however classified as Muslims and not Malays. 

Latest comments

  • 16

    Very GOOD IDEA…

    Why not ask for a separate STATE in Slave Island? And appoint T.K Azoor as the President?

    • 21

      what about the the burgher community ? Why dont they have any representatives yet in Parliament?.
      What about Chinese community in Colombo suburbs ? Do they have any representatives ? I think it is high time, to allow these hidden voices to come up and fight for their rights. If anyone born to lanken soil should have the right to be SRILANKEN.
      Those blatant politicians just abuse the votes of those to grab power, after getting elected, as is the case with BP Sirisena, does nothing further abuse our tax payers funds.
      I think, if Gallow to be brought back, president Sirisena and lunatic Rajakshe to be executed first us all to feel PEACE and Harmony in the island.

      • 5

        The Burghers had representation in the Parliaments of 1947 to 1956.
        Many of them were driven to Australia by Sinhala Buddhist chauvinism.
        The Chinese are not permanently settled in significant number.
        The Attho deserve representation.
        There are others that deserve at least regional representations including the African Community in some parts of the coastal region.

      • 7

        I don’t mind seeing a Malay in Parliament. I may even vote for a Malay candidate. However, he will not get my vote because he/she is a Malay. That person will have to be the best candidate.
        I will not vote for a Malay who is fighting for Malay rights; in fact, I will not even vote for a guy who is fighting for Sinhalese Rights.
        Quite simply, I will not vote on communal lines.

    • 11

      Ha..ha..ha… I don’t know to take this news serious or funny, but a great start for a weekend…

    • 14

      what is wrong if the Malays ask to be represented in Parliament. What is wrong ????
      They to are a part of Sri lankan heritage and culture. In the good old days the Malays were a part of the public service and it was well administered unlike now with all the bloody effing porn watching wankers who earn a salary looking at FB and Porn eight hours day.
      You sound a bloody racist bugger and God forbid if there are more wankers like you wanking off in dark corners.
      It is a pity that Racist Arseholes like you live in a lovely country with a lovely culture, Sinhalese, Tamils, Moors, Malays, Burghers etc.
      Your Racist attitude should be taken and shoved up your bloody shit filled stinking arse.
      If i can come over and find you in that lovely country i personally will shove your racist attitude together with your porn filled mobile phone up your rear in public so that you will know what it is to be shamed in public.

      Come on Malays !!!! you all deserve to be represented in Parliament and your culture is terrific same as the Malays of Malaysia.

      And you AshyD !!!! you are just another Racist Choothiya Bastard and by the way stop wanking off at night. It is bad for your health.

      • 14

        We Malays never asked for Slave island and are not crazy to become President. We are only asking for our deprived rights taken from us.

        • 2


          why don’t you like the rajapakshes and dilshans father,just marry sinhalese women an become sinhalese.that is the only solution in a democracy if you feel discriminated and don’t have the numbers to survive..many tamils will also start doing that in the future.Moors will not as they are stubborn unlike ma;lays.The jews will not and were persecuted and ethnically cleansed from europe.

          Ps.Don’t forget you were all hindus in indonesia until the sufi’s arrived there.

          • 2

            Shankar, “Don’t forget you were all hindus in indonesia until the sufi’s arrived there”

            Thank God Shanker for reminding Malays that they were former Hindus many centuries ago. They were really smart to move away from every form of idol worshippers, treated as low-caste, and women to jump into funeral pyre of deceased husband.

            Thank God.

      • 1

        Vengeance Vernon,

        It would surprise you, THAT I WAS BORN A MALAY TOO !! But for me the buck stops there!
        The people of this world have one thing in common and that is we have limited capacity to reason in our heads. Our brains would not grow any larger and that is why we are still clinging onto outdated beliefs.Which we call Religions. They are outdated and has to scrapped, put into the dustbin of history.

        One billion Neurons, in our brain nothing more nothing less.

        We are always trying to divide ourselves, first “we are born into religions, race, caste and even politics by chance and not by choice”. We divide ourselves within borders defining each country, then we have ethnic divide, religious divides, caste divides, race divides,etc etc . The list goes on, and on with never an end.

        My contention is that we humans should each follow the laws of the land that we live in and put aside all the other nonsense.
        That does not mean that we have the perfect world and that our Parliament has members who sleep with Buddha’s Dharma, the Bible, the Koran or the teachings of all the Hindu deities under their pillows.
        We will never have the perfect world.

        That said my comment was written in JEST and I am sad that you are a MORON who cannot read between the lines.
        If you had done so you would have taken my comment not as a RACIST one but as a JOKE.
        Your sense of HUMOR is flowing down the drain. Take life COOL, man it would do good to your mind and soul.
        Ha ! Ha!
        Have a Good Day

    • 7

      We Malays never asked for Slave island and are not crazy to become President. We are only asking for our deprived rights taken from us.

      • 4

        Yours is a just cause: do not waste time with provocative comments.
        Press for it.
        Get your leaders to talk with other community leaders.

  • 11

    Bangun, keep Banging,

    Yes. Wake up. Ask for an appointed MP to represent your interests. After some time, Some will become corrupt politicians, and be prepared to replace them.

    See what is happening to Muslim Women. They represent 5 percent of the population, and no representatives, and the politicians, Muslim and non-Muslim alike are suppressing them, and treating them as slaves and chattel, in the MMDA.

  • 3

    Welcome ! Welcome ! All Malays of Srilanka. OFCOURSE you are part of Srilanka too. If The Raja ballas of Modamullas from the Borneo can change their names and evolved into Buddhism why not the true Srilankan Malays take to the Parliament??
    So now the Racist Buddhists have one more minority to fight against . Kudos to you all Malays.

  • 8

    Ignoramus Modayas only knows of Muslims in their eyes. Malays too a Minority forgotten community of Srilanka.
    They have a right for their grievances to be addressed as the same as Tamils or Muslims. The Burghers were chased away by the racists of SL but still there are SLankan Burghers living among us , they need to raise their voices.

  • 6

    Yako, what the heck????
    “T.K. Azoor mentioned that Sri Lankan Malays have faced numerous obstacles which they believe is because their concerns are not being articulated……”
    What concerns?
    Besides, the Sri Lankan Parliament is NOT represented according to ethnicity but according to political parties.
    There you go. One by one those who migrated to Sri Lanka, are NOW seeking ownership of the country.
    There should be equal distribution of citizens in all parts of the country.
    Sinhalese are not represented in North/East while Tamils, Moors and Indian Tamils are overly represented.
    This discrimination to Sinhalese should be rectified by resettling them in North/East in equal number.
    1.) As per 2012 statistics, in the Western Province, there are 450,505 Moors, 335,751 Tamils, and 61,826 Indian Tamils, totaling 848,082 while there are only 32,331 Sinhalese in the Northern Province.
    The discrimination caused to Sinhalese in the Northern Province in numbers, is massive” 815,751!”
    2.) Similarly, according to same statistics, there are only 359,136 Sinhalese in the Eastern Province.
    The discrimination caused to Sinhalese in the Eastern Province as against Western Province, in numbers, is massive “488,946!”
    Why don’t Sinhalese open their mouth against this discrimination?
    Indonesian origin Malays (Jaa people) represent less than 0.20% of the entire population and the current lot migrated to Ceylon as a result of Dutch hiring them as guards of their army. During British period, some worked in hill country estates.
    If all migrants and invaders of Sinhalese Buddhist Sri Lanka think that they have a right to represent Parliament, soon we will have a Portuguese, a Dutch and a British in Parliament, too!!!!
    Sinhalese have a good rapport with Malays.
    Don’t try to ruin it with stupid claims.
    Who is behind this? Basil, again?

    • 4

      Who cares about the latest statistics?
      Not only in N-E but also in Polanaruwa and Anudharapura Tamils were in majority even during the 19th century.
      Tamils are living in many parts of SL for centuries there is a ruin of Hindu Temple in Mawanalla area …Portuguese sailors have noted and recorded about the shining golden Gopuram of a Hindu temple in Dondara.
      There was no Ampara district before the 60s ..Tamabalagamam became Tambalagama…Manal Aru became Weli Oya …Thiriyai became Thiriyaya you think Tamil will such their fingers to watch this forced colonization of Modayas.
      Invaders are the descendants of deported criminal Vijaya ( according to comic book Moahavamsa ).
      South India is in stone throwing distance today mean 2000 years ago people would have walked through the connected land mass.
      Don’t parade your carrot brain ignorance here.
      Better you go to your ancient land that’s today’s Kerala once the Tamil Sera Kingdom.
      Buddhist Sri Lanka ????? He He He
      Buddhism died here the moment your grandfather and father burned defenseless Tamils pouring petrol and dance around burning wailing souls.
      If Buddha visit here today he will jump from Mihintale and commit suicide.
      You have no right to say that you are a Buddhist ..SUNDAY SILL MONDAY KILL.
      The biggest mistake was Tamil King Devanampiya Nissan accepted this blood-sucking religion.
      You, Coward, ran away when LTTE was at its peak hiding in the UK after political asylum vomit here.

      • 4

        Invaders and migrants are always minority.
        The rest in your comment is repetition to which I have answered umpteenth times. Therefore, I don’t waste my time.
        Tamils think that lies repeated will one day become truth. Well, we have already proved that it is not.
        In the last line, you are talking about yourself. You should be tried for war crimes.

        • 3

          @ Chompa Coward

          My toes are laughing.

          WAR CRIMINALS are Sinhala cardboard Army.
          Once this trial is over there should be an inquiry why Tamils took up arms and who is responsible so the whole masscare of Tamils since 1948 should be exposed.
          Hiding in London minority among minority but vomiting against Tamils.
          If any one want to buy a property in Colombo they should have money Tamils are buying because of this. Before 1956 there were more Tamils in Colombo than Sinhalese.
          Why don’t you come back from London shanty and construct affordable housing to Sinhala maids in the Middle East ?
          Many Tamils from London are in construction business in Colombo.
          FYI I am not a coward like you hiding in UK.
          Why did you ran away from your so called Mother land coward?
          Modays will never learn even after 30 years lesson .

          • 3

            If there was evidence, the LTTE diaspora could have given it to UNHRC.
            What they tried to do was, to have a deal with Ranil and Mangala in 2015 to make them agree to try our Army for war crimes. However, they could not go far as they are unsubstantiated allegations and also due to vehement protest from Sinhalese.
            About Tamils from London doing businesses in Sri Lanka, yeah, we all know they have invested black money belonging to LTTE. It is common knowledge in UK that they have deposited black tiger money every post office in London. Well, about Sri Lanka, LTTE’s proxies will lose their black money big time. Wait and see.
            You should be tried for war crimes. No sympathy.

            • 1

              @ Chompa

              Everyone can imagine go ahead.
              He He He
              Meet a good psychiatrist soon
              I thought only Mondayas in SL is afraid of LTTE but now I know even London Modayas too.
              Fool war crime is being accused by the UN and other international organizations, not by LTTE.
              Why don’t you collect money from your Coolie friends in London to start a counter-propaganda also try your sisters in the Middle East who do the double job


    • 2


      One by one those who migrated to Sri Lanka, are NOW seeking ownership of the country.

      History appointees are Requesting to Re-enter Parliament. Resigned to give way for Mr. Gamini Dissanayake

    • 2

      You as one who has been practising the oldest for decades, should better have dealt with various customers coming from Malay, Burgher, Tamil, Sinhala, Muslim and all ethnic groups right ?
      . So you could be one of the best suitable ambassadors to enlighten us the CT readership with lot more hidden information, as to why lanken politicians never touched these areas until TODAY.????????????????????????????
      As one living in the west for long, we SINHALAYA always keep on boasting about us, but having done nothing much for protection of the minorities for some various reasons. Why cant we yet today, see it right ?: With almost 50% of rural folks being misled to follow BP Rajakashe manthra and ruin this nation is what we experience in south and other parts of the country yet today or am I wrong regarding this information ?

  • 6

    Separate state next…….

    • 3

      Retarded. Lt.
      Did you move to be a golf caddy for the rich and famous because you couldn’t have your own private state within Sri Lanka? And now you find that golf is not the ideal occupation in a country that is reputed to have 11 months of winter and one month of bad sledding! Aiyo, aiyo!

      • 2

        the kind of brainwashed sinhalaya would never be able to straighten their tail even it would have been put in a bamboo sheath. Their attitudes are more or less like their finger prints or gentics. Just imagine that octagenarian from Downunder (Eagle Eye by his avatar to CT by real life he is none other than that HLP Mahindapala) or the like men would be ready to shed their last breath being that racial. That is what I cant understand yet today. These aforementioned men have seen it having being able to live in abroad, nevertheless to behave like frogs in a well, should be typical to islanders for some reasons.
        Likewise, even if canadian foreign offices would have treated them the migrants as second citizens (we know it perfectly well in Europe, how they treat the migrants even if you may contribute as any other indigenous people)..

    • 1

      Dear former Army Big Boss,
      – let me remind your last posts, on that CHILD abuse issue by peterite-rugby coach.There, I thought you sound to be an unbiased person,who according to you have served for the lanken forces.
      Recalling my last post to you,
      You still owe me responses to my previous posts.
      You may please reveal us from what you know if there had been a MIG plane purchase or not ?
      You would not lose anything by having make aware the truths, please reveal for the sake of us CT readership – many of us are from abroad so, this is just for the credibility of the information.
      Also please dont cane your sons or any young ones, even if your parents may have done it for your also in your adolesence.
      Please learn the good from Canda and just share it with rotten srilanken colleagues so that ours can turn out to be a civilized nation.
      wishing you a nice weekend from Berlin, Germany

  • 9

    A positive feature of the Soulbury Constitution was the 6 nominated MPs for smaller groups.
    It was abused from Day 1 by appointing persons loyal to the ruling party.
    They were a neglected lot by the 1960s and totally abandoned by the 1972 Constitution and the one that followed.
    Had a system of election been there for Burghers, Malays and others, the communities would have benefitted more.
    Most Burghers left in the face of surging Sinhala Buddhism.
    The Malays (more Javanese than Malayan) once asserted their identity, and spoke and wrote in Malay. There was a Malay periodical too. I remember daily Malay language programmes on Radio Ceylon (Tamil) in the 1960s.
    The community was backward for lack of modern education and inadequate advancement into the professions.
    Malay assertiveness has since weakened and what remains strong is a cultural identity amid attempts to assimilate them to the Muslim nationality.

    The Malay case for identity as a national minority is strong; and a people with a rich culture and customs need to be protected through proper elected representation.

    • 4

      Everybody have a right to join the National parties??? without language/race/religion??? benefit?? by having a separate representation we achieve exactly what please????

      I am not sure in every democracy you get representation for every diversity??????? I am loosing my mind………..we should all integrate???

      • 2

        National parties are subject to oppressive parochialism.
        In the Soviet Union (now Russia) and China there has been representation for all manner of minority groups. Even the much smaller Nicaragua has such recognition.
        Minority groups need a forum to draw attention to issues specific to them.
        Notably, Tamil nationalists have historically been unwilling to accept Muslims and Hill Country Tamils as distinct communities, let alone nationalities.

        • 2

          Dear SJ

          I am only supporting parties who can field a candidate through out the land……one for all and all for one.

          We Sri Lanka more than anyone in the world should know better that we can not have this divisive/identity party politics. Just count the dead mother Lankan Children pls.

          Any issues within any National party can only be overcome by working within and not from outside.

          I think we have UNP/SLFP and third dimension can be added where TNA/Muslim Parties/other Sinhala parties should loose names and seek membership within JVP and add value by contributing to maintain harmoney/peace/love and building bridges. They can then appeal to the masses on Environmental issues too. This is a huge scope need to be undertaken by ‘intelligent’ parties on a full time basis (currently left to the NGO’s) as this require policy making/law making to protect our landscape in a massive way than we think/apply currently.

          Then all of us will be left to vote for National policies free from ghetto politics will liberate us to the next level of our journey together as a one Nation.

          • 1

            Make the country free of ‘ghettos’, then there will be no ghetto politics.
            Chauvinism creates ghettos— like what anti-semeticism did in much of Europe

    • 5

      Constitutional provision for appointed MPs was meant to grant adequate representation to numerically small communities who are unable to gain representation by election in order to look after the interests peculiar to that community. Among the Malays there have been prominent educationists, professionals,freedom fighters and others who took a keen interest in the affairs of the nation.They are a broad minded community unlike the Muslims(moors) who are fanatical in their approach to community and religion.

      It is therefore very important that Malays be granted their due share in matters public.Buddhist chauvinist elements among the Sinhalese would like to believe that the entire country belongs to them and that others are non entities. Pressure from such firnge elements are so powerful that even prominent sportsmen are compelled to change their names and ethnicity in order to ensure their place in the national teams.

      Buddhist chauvinism is at it’s zenith with fanatical patronage from politicians and government officials. By a Circular No.HAP -3-Misc -05/01 dated 22nd February 2019 the Additional. Secretary to the Ministry of Local Government and Public Administration W.M.A.P .B..Wanninayake has directed all Divisional Secretaries in the country to identify any area as Buddhist Division even if there is only a single Buddhist place of worship or if there is even one single Buddhist follower in that Division and to report on or before 27th February.This is a mischievous and malicious act on the part of that administrative officer who has the duty to to serve the country without discrimination. What is the Srilankan government seeking to achieve by this ill considered step? To proclaim to this world that this country belongs to the Buddhists only and that all Grama Sevaka divisions that have a single Buddhist will result in the entire division to be counted as Buddhist?

    • 2


      Are you demanding 50 50 for the minorities?

      • 1

        What about the Native Veddas?

  • 5

    “The turbulent history of Sri Lanka’s tiny Malay community had been brought to the fore by the 2016 visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues to the island nation” – Noted

  • 12

    Malays ( actually Indonesians) were brought here by British to serve in Police and Army.
    When Police and Army were under Malays and Burghers it was one of the best-disciplined forces in the world,
    Today look at the Modaya majority Police and Cardboard Army.

    • 3

      Dutch and the British brought down Malays to attack Sinhalese and they are also responsible for massacring our ancestors.
      How dare they claim ownership of our country now!!!!

      • 6

        @ Chompa Coward

        He He He

        Why you are then cleaning the toilets of British familes in London , dare to come back to your cursed country and fight for your rights coward?

        When the country is ruled by Modays how you all dance and kill Tamils …during British rule Police opened fire at Sinhala mobs who tried to loot . But during 1983 July 13 Police and Army supported the Sinhala looters and Killers,many officers became super rich .

        It is because of Europeans you are writing here today got it?
        It was the Europeans taught your people how to dress before they were covering body with Kitthul leaves.
        It was the British who built schools to educate Modayas alas but they couldn’t enter university before Sinhala Media Education and Standardization .
        Sinhalese have weak GENE.

        What is the contribution of Sinhalese to this cursed land except smuggle and supply drugs now spread to Dubai .?

        According to the SL Consulate in Dubai, 6,000 SL citizens are in prison there he he he all are real Buddhists.

        Imagine if this country was not colonized ..he he he this cursed land will be like Papua New Guinea in Sinhala areas where they will eat human flesh.

        Remember Malays are in Malaysia,Indonesia and Brunei over 200 + Millions not like orphans like Sinhalese.

        Malays gave their life to this country.

        Malays are not asking ownership they ask for their rights got it coward.?

        If you are a true Sinhalese come back here and fight don`t hide in London and bark .

        Finally now your country is indirectly ruled by Chinese no protest?
        Roads signs are in Chinese no problem?
        Sinhala girls are giving birth babies with Chinese face no Shame?
        Soon entire land will be under control of Greater China after that if your people protest
        Chinese guns will talk . Waiting for this day to laugh.



        • 2

          Cholan the LTTE rump paid coolie
          I can see that you enjoy your job in London. I wonder why can’t you live on the interests paid for LTTE ransom money.
          The rest in your comment is rubbish.
          For your information, Kuweni was knitting cotton from a hand machine when Vijaya Hora arrived while Adam and Eva of Hebrew, Islam, Greek, Arabic and Bible origin didn’t even know what clothes were until they were banished from paradise.

          • 1

            @ Chompa the Coward

            He He He

            You are qualified for Nobel Prize, sure.

            BTW what was the language and religion of Kuweni when she met the deported criminal Vijaya? according to con book Mahavamsa.

            It seems Criminal Vijaya and his thugs raped Kuweni and other women thus your Sinhala race was born. Shall we assume like this?
            This is why you have an animal mentality.

            So So it is clear now that Chompa Coward was in Mullaitivu during the massacre and participated actively when war crime talk came this coward ran to London and demanded refugee states and now working as a toilet cleaner under an African supervisor.

            You name should be first in the war crime list coward.



            Comedy book Mahavamsa hid the truth.

    • 2

      The Malays came during Dutch times, like certain caste groups of Tamils & Sinhalese.

  • 4

    If Tamil Muslims could be classified as Muslims why cant the Malay Muslims be classified as Malays. Because of their close association with Muslims most of them converse fluently in Tamil. Perhaps some interested parties want to classify the Malays as m Muslims to swell their numbers. They should not lose their Identity, however small their numbers may be. Multi Culture?.

    • 6

      K. Anaga
      Tamil Muslims? Who are they? Sonakars?
      All Marakkalayas (family name), Sonakars (Yonakas), Malays, Thambis, Lebbes, Maulanas are all called in Sri Lanka as Moors.
      However, the origin of Moors (Black Mouros) is in North Africa. Others – Berbers (Arab Muslims) were also originally from North Africa.

      • 0

        @ Chompa

        Your knowledge is exceptional.

        So you follow Kerala food,tradition , dress ( earlier Sera Tamil Kingdom) so you must be a Malayali in fact it is true.
        FYI there are 40,000 Malayalies in UK not sure they will accept you.
        Muslims here talk Tamil at home because their mother tongue is Tamil indeed they were once Tamil Hindus first isulamization of Tamils started in Puttalam.
        Malays today also talk in Tamil at home .
        Moors is a word invented by British for the purpose of divide and rule.

        • 4


          “Muslims here talk Tamil at home because their mother tongue is Tamil indeed they were once Tamil Hindus first isulamization of Tamils started in Puttalam”

          Be careful, national leader Sir Razik Fareed might come out from his grave to spit on your face. It was your GGP’s dumbest approach to fake the Tamil representation to achieve a super greedy, super idiotic and unreasonable 50/50 claim for just 7% of so-faked indigenous Tamils.

          I told you before, and telling again, “You were brought in by the colonial masters to work in plantation from TN few centuries back”. – This is the truth. Logically, if you existed in this country for 2500 years, your numbers should have been better now, but your present percentage figures suggest that of a colonial master era unlike Sinhalese.

          • 4

            Abdul Kader. J
            A good comment!

          • 0

            @ Chompa the Coward

            He He He

            You are qualified for Nobel Prize, sure.

            BTW what was the language and religion of Kuweni when she met the deported criminal Vijaya? according to con book Mahavamsa.

            It seems Criminal Vijaya and his thugs raped Kuweni and other women thus your Sinhala race was born. Shall we assume like this?
            This is why you have an animal mentality.

            So So it is clear now that Chompa Coward was in Mullaitivu during the massacre and participated actively when war crime talk came this coward ran to London and demanded refugee states and now working as a toilet cleaner under an African supervisor.

            You name should be first in the war crime list coward.



            Comedy book Mahavamsa hid the truth.

          • 3

            @ Abdul Kader

            Na NAAA so your Mowlavi at mosque told you about the Indian Tamila Plantation workers by British correct?

            Your Madrasa education limits your thinking power.

            Can you tell why the hell Mususlims here talk Tamil at home and practice Tamil traditions?

            If you are a unique race simply you are followers of Time Machine you should have your own mother tongue and traditions.

            Sir Razik Fareed`s ancestors came from Bedouin Arabia and started to talk in Tamil in the south?

            You can jump any height but you can not hide that your ancestors were Tamil Hindus converted later to Isulam.


            • 4


              Our studies are not just limited to Madrasa, it yours that is limited to Tamil and those days little English learned from licking White master to rule others. It is your limitation today, even your MPs, let alone the creeps like you, in Sinhala parliament can’t pronounce a Sinhala word when Muslim MPs are so fluent in all 3 languages.

              What is the use of your education when your unreasonable greed for piece of land, casteism and idiocy blind your comprehension? Have you ever demanded for 50/50 for just 7%? Ever put an arrogant 8th grade drop out to lead a rebellion and fund, sacrifice your assets and lives of family members? Ever tarnish the name of real mother land (SL) for getting petty asylum at the feet of Whites?

              Sri Lankan Moors and Tamils as two distinct ethnic groups. Our tradition and culture are mixed of Sinhalese, Tamil and Arab heritage. For example, we eat Sinhalese Kiribath, some of us wear your traditional Thali and we eat Arabic Kabsa in a sahn of six people at home and in an special occasion. Most of settlers picked up the Tamil language from wherever they settled. Tamil is only a mother tongue of majority not for all, it doesn’t mean it is the only mother tongue, Sinhalese is also some of ours mother tongue, all influenced by the areas of our settlers.

              Simple, why don’t most of us look like Tamil Nadu counterparts? And if you mix the Tamils of Jaffna and other areas with Tamil Nadu counterparts, you won’t be able to pick the Sri Lankans among them.

              Poor you, still deceived to accept Selva, GGP and VP as your leaders, in fact they are the curse for your peaceful co-existence.

            • 0

              Cholan says, “You can jump any height but you can not hide that your ancestors were Tamil Hindus converted later to Isulam.”

              If Moors ancestors were Hindus and accepted Islam, the Moors must be very proud of the transition.

              Hindus are idol-worshippers, treat most as lower-caste (except Brahmins), tell their widows to jump on the husband funeral pyre, worship cows, etc.

              If what Cholan said was true, Moors should be bloody happy.

        • 2

          This guy doesn’t know the difference between Malays and Malayalies.
          I can’t stop laughing.
          Otherwise I could have added more to this comment.
          The word “Moors” was not invented by British.
          It was Portuguese who first put all South Indian Muslims under one name, which is Moors. Later Indonesian origin Malays were also added.

          • 2

            Hooooooo man, Malayalies are kallathonies, while Malays are Indonesian origin.
            Learn the difference first.

          • 1

            @Chompa the Coward

            I know the difference between Malays (no such race all Indonesians ) and Malayalies who spoke Tamil till a few centuries ago.

            Indeed during British time, the administration wanted to include Muslims as Tamils but rejected by their so-called elite leaders.

            All over the country media of instruction at Musulim schools is Tamil even today also most teachers are Tamils.

            But I can’t stop laughing about Mahavamsa comic book which tells a lie about Lion mate a Princess thus Sinhala race was born. You nuts still believe this.

            Another imagination is about a deported criminal Vijaya who previously landed in Mannar using his latest GPS. but missed many sea coasts between Orissa and Eelam.

            Tourists visiting Dalada Maligawa come out and laugh about the size of Buddha’s tooth even a man of the size of a coconut tree cannot have size tooth. This is science.


      • 2

        Champa when were you born ? Yesterday ? You haven’t got a clue just barking up as always.
        The history books says that Srilanka is classed as of multicultural , multi religious , ethnicity with Sinhala, Tamils, Muslims, Burghers, and Malays as inhabitants in this order. Chinese are not on the list.
        Nothing says about who came first and last. Just pick your choice and go round and round the mulberry bush changing the Mahawamsa and history books.
        Nothing else. No one can erase or deny history.
        Your hobby is fabrication and denial which is not good for your excistence.
        Just shut up and try to live peacefully and let others live peacefully too. The country belongs to all these ethnics.

        • 2

          Sri Lanka is NOT a multicultural country and never been.
          Sri Lanka is Sinhalese country.
          Before Portuguese came to Ceylon, all Sinhalese were Buddhists.
          The present lot of Tamils and Moors are migrants, beginning Dutch era.
          And now there are only two communities, speaking two languages, i.e. Sinhala speaking Sinhalese majority who are inhabitants and Tamil speaking Tamil and Moor minority, who are migrants.
          You should know your place.
          Nobody can make me shut up. If I shut my mouth, all lies will be accepted as truth.

          • 2

            In your bed time stories, read it again and again you will see only what you want to see black and blue.
            So go back to bed read until you sleep, only jump up when you want to rewrite and fabricate lies on tales of SL history on CT for CT readers .
            You’re hard core nut hell bent on destroying our nation . Greedy bugger from the Modaya family.

          • 2

            That’s only in your head not anywhere else . . News to everyone except to you that SL is Sinhalese country?? No! No! Never! Absolute bullshit. Psychos believe in their own beliefs until their head cracked due to excessive built up pressure.
            I’m sure you’re heading towards it.
            When will you grow up to be as intelligent as a Chimpanzee Champ the nut case!!
            Your mType will never have peace in your mind or let SL live in peace.
            Are you one of the gun runners ? Drug runners ?? awaiting for another war??
            Feel sorry for your mentality ! Hope you Rot in Hell. Honestly. Vile !

      • 2

        I am not as knowledgeable as you you are with regard to SONKAR. I only recollect that in the good old days ‘Muslims’ were referred to as SONAKAR in Yalpanam (Shorten form SONY). It was/is a very respectable Term. The term Muslim/Islam was not in use to my knowledge. There was also road by the name of ‘Sonakar Theru’ in Yalpanam, where quite a few Sonakar resided. Even in Colombo Sir Razik Fareed started a cultural society by the name of ‘Sonakar Kalachara Nilayam’ which is situated in Colombo Fort. I am only interested in how the Sonakar came to Srilanka and what language they spoke. This has been clarified with reasons on numerous occasion by me, in the CT, previously. In the olden days most of the Muslim men wore Red cap with a tail like thing hanging behind. Women did nor wear Abaya. They simply covered their heads with end of the Sari fall which is called Mottaku. This mottaku was worn by Indra Gandhi and some of the North Indian South Indian women too. (Just for your information please).

  • 6

    This may be the only country in the world that majority (74%) do not have any rights.
    Malays were brought to this country by colonial pigs to fight against Sinhalayo. They burnt down Sinhala settlements and massacred Sinhala men women and children. If you guys are not happy, go and complain to those bastards who brought your ancestors to this country. Sinhalayo did not invite your ancestors to this country.
    We should give Eastern Province as an ‘Autonomous Region’ to Vedda Eththo who lived with Sinhala people in this country for thousands of years.

    • 1

      Eagle Eye!
      Why not give autonomy to the East? .
      ‘Majority do not have any rights’. is it similar to Israel controlling the the whole of Arab nations?.

  • 2

    Attorney at Law T.K. Azoor, President of “Bangun” (Wake up) Movement launched by the Malay Community in Sri Lanka called for restoring Malay representation in Lankan Parliament.
    Good luck.
    This time make sure the representation is permanent. The call is late but better than continuing to sleep.

    • 5

      K. Pillai
      Well, if you think 40,000 out of 22 million should be given a seat in the parliament, let’s go ahead and hold the next general election based on ethnicity, instead of based on political parties.
      We shall form a political party exclusively for Sinhalese Buddhists and let’s see the result.
      Now there are 51 minority MPs in Parliament. In the future, not a single minority MP will be elected to Parliament from Sinhalese areas. Do you like it? Well, we have no problem.
      Man, you guys don’t know what you are asking.

      • 2

        @ Chompa

        If your Modaya politicians want they are ready to lick the feet of poor Malays.
        Like they are sucking the feet of Mususlim MPs now.
        Malaysian PM during his visit to Colombo even donated a big sum for Malays.
        Go and see the poor condition these people live today.
        Idiot you live in the 6th-century mindset up vomiting anti-Tamil venom from London shanty now to Malay also.
        Go and see a Psychiatrist ASAP

        • 2

          We Sinhalese very well know where this will lead.
          We have a history of such attempts.
          1. Portuguese first came to Ceylon looking for cinnamon and requested the Sinhalese King to give them a small place enough to lay a cow’s skin and ended up claiming the Kingdom of Kotte and our lucrative trading business while occupying a part of our territories for 153 years, dividing our country.
          2. Dutch was invited to supply war assistance to chase Portuguese at a price, but they too cheated and occupied Portuguese forts and other coastal areas for 156 years, dividing our country.
          3. Dutch handed over their coastal areas to British as a strategy, following the collapse of Holland rule to French Army, and the British ended up invading Kingdom of Kandy and occupied our country for 145 years, massacring our ancestors, blatantly breaching Kandyan Convention and dividing our country.
          5. Dutch and the British brought down South Indians for tobacco cultivation and labour and Malays to work in the Dutch and British Armies and also in estates. Tamils and Indian labourer migrants ended up claiming a part of our country in the North and in the Hill Country, while Malays are following suit now.
          6. LTTE which was comprised of migrant South Indian Tamils terrorized the country massacring civilians for 30 years seeking to divide the country for a separate Tamil Eelam.
          For over 500 years, we have seen where this type of “bogus claims” lead.
          There is no way Sinhalese allow anyone to divide this country ever again.
          We have a right protect our Sinhalese Buddhist heritage for our future generation!!!

          • 4

            As a Malay I am saddened that you have much misconception about Malays. We are the most friendly community of all other communities, especially the Sinhalese. Look at the number of Malays who laid down their lives protecting the motherland during the separatist war. Haven’t you seen the numerous Malay families living among 99% Sinhala Buddhists in so many parts of the country without a single problem among them? All they are looking now is to restore the only Malay representative in the Parliament in a legal way, not to fight with anyone, just to safeguard the community’s interests which I am sure the majority Sinhala Buddhists will not oppose. WE ARE NOT ASKING FOR DIVISION OF THE COUNTRY, WE ARE WITH YOU TO PROTECT THE UNITARY STATUS OF OUR MOTHERLAND.

            • 1

              Tuna Kamiss
              Of course I don’t have any misconceptions.
              Like many other Sinhalese, I am fed up with minority communities abusing our good heart, generosity and equanimity.
              I never believe Malays have any problems for being Malays, the same way Tamils have any problems for being Tamils.
              I think it is high time Sinhalese Buddhists have a political party exclusively for themselves.

  • 1

    As a champion of amity, I am for representation of every ethnicity, every religion in the country in deciding the national interest of the country. Further every step should be taken to protect and preserve the group in the context of one country, whether its cultural cum customary practices, preservation of scriptures, documents and artifacts etc. But requesting quotas, either in Parliament or in the Cabinet, will the ideal be achieved? Our experience has shown, especially in the recent past, the so called representative / s first job is to fatten him/her self. Damn the public duty and trust placed on you and earn for seven generations. I know of a gentleman who was in the public service, had to share a room in the hotel with a very junior officer of another religion when they had to travel out of Colombo on duty. One of them was fasting in the day and certain religious observances had to be made in the course of breaking the fast. The considerate senior had already purchased a packet of quality dates and volunteered to be out of the room temporarily thus enabling the junior to perform his religious rites in the privacy that he wishes. My hats are for that kind of considerate and understanding individuals who can accommodate the views and feelings of others. In the long run we should build a nation of the considerate who would champion the cause of the unrepresented in the National fora. The country would be much better off with that kind of mutual understanding.

  • 2


    Contest elections to win seats.

    Another trouble maker in the offing?

  • 0

    what is wrong if the Malays ask to be represented in Parliament. What is wrong ????
    They to are a part of Sri lankan heritage and culture. In the good old days the Malays were a part of the public service and it was well administered unlike now with all the bloody effing porn watching wankers who earn a salary looking at FB and Porn eight hours day.
    You sound a bloody racist bugger and God forbid if there are more wankers like you wanking off in dark corners.
    It is a pity that Racist Arseholes like you live in a lovely country with a lovely culture, Sinhalese, Tamils, Moors, Malays, Burghers etc.
    Your Racist attitude should be taken and shoved up your bloody shit filled stinking arse.
    If i can come over and find you in that lovely country i personally will shove your racist attitude together with your porn filled mobile phone up your rear in public so that you will know what it is to be shamed in public.

    Come on Malays !!!! you all deserve to be represented in Parliament and your culture is terrific same as the Malays of Malaysia.

    And you AshyD !!!! you are just another Racist Choothiya Bastard and by the way stop wanking off at night. It is bad for your health.

  • 1


  • 5

    Malays have always been accepted as an integral part of Sri Lankan society. They have produced distinguished members of the armed forces, outstanding sportsmen and women , entertainers , and in more recent times professionals. Ask the ordinary fun loving Malay whether they need ‘ representation ‘ first before creating another division in our troubled land .

  • 5

    The goal of achieving ‘Parliament representation’ is laudable, but the proposed strategy to be adopted for this purpose is a non-starter.
    Attempting to obtain representation directly by issuing demagogic statements aimed at the Malay community may be perceived by the other communities as divisive politics which in the case of the (mainly-Moor) Muslim Political Parties failed miserably and moreover was a key contributor to the growth of extremism on both sides of the religious divide. The Bangun Movement should instead focus their efforts at doing so indirectly as an integral member of one of the National Political Parties such as the UNP, SLFP, SLPP or the JVP.
    Questioning the credibility of Census data or whining about the possibility that the Malay community may have been deprived of the opportunity of receiving Rs 10 million a year is empty rhetoric.
    What are the factors that influenced the members of the Bangun Movement to agitate for Parliament representation at this point in time ? Was the Bangun Movement disappointed that since 1993 a member of the Malay community did not get an opportunity to reap the financial benefits that are available to any Member of Parliament ?

  • 1

    So, there is a Malay Community still exist in Sinhala Sri Lanka? It is time they learn what happened to the Tamils before talking about political rights?

    Suppose Azoor is made a Nominated MP, what does he hope to achieve? A Minister, Prime Minister or His Excellency Presidential Post? At present the Parliament is short by a Joker. Let us make this a Grand Opportunity.

    • 2

      “So, there is a Malay Community still exist in Sinhala Sri Lanka?”
      Stop being cynical.
      At this rate, you will soon ask if there are the Attho and Burghers.

  • 1

    Firstly becoming a MP does not mean a minority gentleman Can convince the majority MPs to consider listening and implimenting the minority greviances and fair play.

    Equality and FairPlay should be implimented in Sri Lanka’s co values and laws speacialy implimented.

    Minority socity will be not ellected through democratic Process ( voting system). Here an additional method should be in place,

    As I read in north Malay worriors came to Northern region to fight agains tamil King , by Singelease King .? Long before British arrival.

    Head counting as per todays statistic should not define local owners ? Some silly idiots write like children that Singelease only have all rights, What about vethas they are only few people so they just came to Sri Lanka?

    We should run through political ideology and avoid by race, cast, religion and language.

    All Sri Lankans should get equal rights and shine as a super star. This is very hard even in the developed nations. We all should try and prevent writing the comments in racial angles.

    Be good to each another listen to others day to day problems, worries and Be a good citizen and be a human.

    Best wishes to Harmoney and Happy living to Malay socity.

  • 2

    Significant Malay presence in Sri Lanka dated as early as 13th century, when Chandrabhanu Sridhamaraja, a Malay of Tambralinga managed to occupy northern part of the island in 1247, nonetheless the followers of Chandrabhanu would mostly assimilate to the local population.[2] Many of the ancestors of present-day Sri Lankan Malays coming from soldiers posted by the Dutch which later continued by the British for colonial administration to Sri Lanka, who decided to settle on the island. Other immigrants were convicts or members of noble houses from Dutch East Indies (present day Indonesia) who were exiled to Sri Lanka and who never left. The main source of a continuing Malay identity is their common Malay language, the Islamic faith and their ancestral origin from the Malay Archipelago. Many Sri Lankan Malays have been celebrated as courageous soldiers, politicians, sportsmen, lawyers, accountants and doctor

  • 1

    Now there are only a few Parsis left in Sri Lanka. Surely they deserve a seat in Parliament. If not a seat at least a bench would do. How about squatting on the floor?

    Can’t you see how idiotic and dangerous racial and religious parties are?

    • 1

      If you think that you are funny, I think that you are funny in a rather foolish way.
      There are sufficient fora in which any significant minority can be represented.
      The case for Malays is historical: they had MPs sent to Parliament from 1947 to 1960.
      If Parsis want representation they will ask and the case will be worth considering.
      The most idiotic of the lot are the majoritarian chauvinists.

      • 0

        SJ, not only have you no sense of humor, you also do not understand how humor can be taken to ridiculous extremes and used to emphasise a very serious point.

  • 2

    My contention is that we are in the 21st century and have had four major religions lording over us for thousands of years. Hinduism is supposed to be 10.000 to 30,000 years old, Buddhism is 2,500 years old, Christianity is 2020 and Islam is around 1400 + years old.

    What have all these religions done to mankind SWEET NOTHING.

    Apart from religion we segregate ourselves on skin color, racial lines, caste lines, language lines, and many more when we can them. political lines is also another.

    Why do we need all these nonsense surely we are intellectual enough to integrate and step forward as human beings.

    Cant we do that?

    P.S – We have a bunch of 225 – Sinhalese (Buddhist & Christians), Tamils (Hindus and Christians), and Muslims (Fortunately only Moors) they are ALL CORRUPT in one way or the other.

    Do we need to put a poor Malay among this GARBAGE and let him / her get CORRUPTED too?

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