15 January, 2025


Sri Lankan president under investigation in Australia – ABC news

By Colombo Telegraph –

The Australian Federal Police force has opened an investigation into war crime claims leveled against three prominent Sri Lankans including the country’s president.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GoAnh1_u4CA]

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    It looks like the Australian Government is trying it’s level best to ensure that the Commonwealth Games 2018 will be awarded to the Gold Coast. It is obviously being assisted in this regard by the other Western Countries such as Canada – many of which appear to have woken up after a 30-year old slumber to ‘human rights violations’ in Sri Lanka.

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      There never were violations man. It is all the figment of your Tamil imagination. There were 30 Tamils students to 30 Sinhalese students in every leading school whereas there should have been 30: 90 when the population is taken into account: There were classes with 15 Bughers and Moors and Malays designed to discriminate against the Sinhalese so that at any given time 60 non Sinhalese students were allowed elite education facilities to 30 Sinhalese. This was colonialism’s way of allowing you to get to the top rungs of society and ruling the masses. It did not work because after independence the Sinhalese were able to work there way into the jobs that were reserved for your kind. There was Christianity allowed to dictate which of the Sinhalese got places in the schools and so on. 1983 came because you cowards blew up an army truck. and killed the soldiers who were returning on leave.

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    Allegation of war crimes were first leveled against Sri Lankan national & military leaders in the aftermath of the liberation in May 2009 of Sri Lanka from three decades of brutal Tiger Terrorism .. They came from western particularly UK & Canada based international tiger Diaspora, that remained largely intact despite defeat in SL.. They were able to level these allegations with little or no evidence, misusing the democratic freedom of speech. The objective was to wreak revenge for the defeat by destabilizing Sri Lanka & detracting from it’s very successful efforts at recovery and reconciliation between the Tamils & Sinhalese.

    The Tigers have secured powerful media and political allies to orchestrate these allegations ,using their electoral strength and their ill gotten war chest. of billions. The cry now emanating from Australia (Dompost 18/10 ) is a part of this campaign..

    However, as acknowledged by US embassy in Colombo, no Sri Lanka based Tamils have been complicit in these allegations Instead , in the recently released “Lies -Agreed upon” documentary , about fifty representatives from the 300,000 Tamil hostages rescued from the Tigers, against whom these crimes are alleged to have been committed, have categorically denied all of these allegations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5O1JAfRXew

    Dr.Chula Rajapakse MNZM


    United Sri Lanka Association,

    141 Knights Rd., Lower Hutt .18/10/11

    04 5699390, 0274 768 797

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      Sri Lanka should treat Australia as an adverse Government for accepting the lies of the LTTE backed diaspora allegations. It does seem that the Australian Government choses to send troops to Afghanoistan to support NATOs attacks on unarmed and harmless civilians and in the same breath accomodates accusations of a responsible government’s dealings with one of the most vicious terrorists groups ever.As a Lankan patriot I hope more Australian soldiers are killed by the” terrorists” so that they will walk in our shoes even just for a while.
      Thank you Dr Rajapakse for standing up for the Rights of the Sinhalese people as a whole. We can see that they have been discriminated against since the white man stepped onto our shores in 1505. May the Triple Jem bless our land and our people.

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    First of all, Kumaraswamy should go through a lie detector because it appears that she is acting trying to grasp the viewer’s sympathy. Even the Admiral seems that he had memorized what he has to speak. Both are even. Case dismissed.

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    In a democratic process, apply rule of law, accountability and justice are paramount. As a Lawyer, MR should know this.
    If MR is not a tyrant or a war criminal, MR should face the legal challenges rather than hiding and running like a rat until the day comes!
    There is no doubt there are many more Tamil victims and others will come out and file lawsuits in global capitals seeking Justice. Tamils are a very determined race and will not rest until Justice is delivered.
    God bless the victims!

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      If the Tamils are a determined race looking for Justice then why did you allow the LTTE to committ so many atrocities against innocent Sinhalese civilians. You have lied and sworn, cheated and defrauded the people of every country you haver been to… is that how you are seeking justcie? Admit it that you people have moved out because the borders of many countries were closed to your people and therefore the charges of being victimised was a great way to climb over the hurdles and live on the tax payers’ money? In 1975 a Tamil visited Paris and learned that it was very easy to get 5 years benefits as a political refugee. I knew him from our days at Kotahena and he set up an Agency in Jaffna. To make it more real the LTTE made their appearance… only nothing went to plan and now you will face the consequences of being a race of lying, cheating frauds.

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