By Colombo Telegraph –
“In a more muted fashion, Kumaratunga and her advisers are also hitting out at GSL’s peace initiative” US embassy in Colombo informed Washington.
A confidential US diplomatic cable details the President Chandrika Kumaratunga’s accusations against the Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. The Colombo Telegraph found the cable from WikiLeaks database. The cable is written on October 10, 2002 and classified as “CONFIDENTIAL” by the Deputy Chief of Mission, W. Lewis Amselem.
The cable says “The cohabitation waters are riled again. In a September 29 speech Kumaratunga lashed out at Prime Minister Wickremesinghe. In widely publicized comments, the President effectively accused Wickremesinghe of soliciting bribes when he was education minister in the late 1980’s. Without providing any evidence, she asserted that Wickremesinghe and his staff had demanded that she pay 25,000 Rupees in order to gain admittance for her son, Vimukthi, to Royal College, a well – known local high school. The president asserted that she would not pay the bribe and her son did not gain admittance.”
“The latest presidential version of why her son did not get in to Royal College is a new one. In the past, she has asserted that Wickremesinghe had blackballed her son from getting in to the prestigious school for political reasons. She did not mention the bribery charge. Whatever the truth is regarding her son’s application to get in to the school, it is apparent that whatever happened made a deep imprint on Kumaratunga, with many observers citing it as one of the key reasons she does not get along with the PM.” the cable further says.
The cable quotes Indian HC and says “Taranjit Sandu, Polchief at the Indian High Commission, told us that Kumaratiredunga’s comments ‘had badly backfired. The PM is widely respected and few people believe that he is corrupt. Most people took the president’s remark as another sign of her own instability.’”
Read the full cable for further details;
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 COLOMBO 001848 SIPDIS DEPARTMENT FOR SA, SA/INS NSC FOR E. MILLARD LONDON FOR POL/RIEDEL E.O. 12958: DECL: 10-04-12 TAGS: PGOV PINS PINR CE LTTE SUBJECT: President Kumaratunga's swipe at the PM sparks another cohabitation dustup Refs: Colombo 1828, and previous (U) Classified by W. Lewis Amselem, Deputy Chief of Mission. Reasons 1.5 (b, d). ¶1. (C) Summary: In a recent speech, President Kumraratunga accused Prime Minister Wickremesinghe of soliciting bribes years ago. The accusation has prompted another cohabitation dustup, with the PM's supporters responding with salvos of their own aimed at Kumraratunga. In a more muted fashion, Kumaratunga and her advisers are also hitting out at the GSL's peace initiative. The sum result of the latest fracas is that it probably strengthened the PM's determination to take steps to rein in Kumaratunga's powers. End Summary. ----------------------------- Kumraratunga Lashes Out at PM ----------------------------- ¶2. (SBU) The cohabitation waters are riled again. In a September 29 speech given in the north-central city of Anuradhapura, President Kumaratunga lashed out at Prime Minister Wickremesinghe. In widely publicized comments, the president effectively accused Wickremesinghe of soliciting bribes when he was education minister in the late 1980's. Without providing any evidence, she asserted that the Wickremesinghe and his staff had demanded that she (Kumaratunga) pay 25,000 Rupees (roughly USD 260) in order to gain admittance for her son, Vimukthi, to Royal College, a well-known local high school. The president asserted that she would not pay the bribe and her son did not gain admittance. ¶3. (C) (((Note: The latest presidential version of why her son did not get into Royal College is a new one. In the past, she has asserted that Wickremesinghe had blackballed her son from getting into the prestigious school for political reasons. She did not mention the bribery charge. Whatever the truth is regarding her son's application to get into the school, it is apparent that whatever happened made a deep imprint on Kumrartunga, with many observers citing it as one of the key reasons she does not get along with the PM. End Note.))) ------------- Dustup Ensues ------------- ¶4. (SBU) The accusation has led to another cohabitation dustup, with the PM's supporters harshly criticizing Kumraratunga. Commerce Minister Ravi Karunanayake, a bitter foe of Kumaratunga's, was quoted as stating: "We know the president attacks us (other ministers in the government) and we don't take those insults seriously, but we will not allow her to cast aspersions on the prime minister." Buddhist Welfare Minister W.J.M. Lokubandara stated: "We must understand that we cannot have cohabitation with the president under the present circumstances." According to press reports, the weekly cabinet chaired by the PM on October 2 also turned into a hotbed of anti-Kumaratunga invective. In obviously leaked reports, various ministers were cited as calling for Kumraratunga's immediate impeachment, among other things. ¶5. (C) The ferocity of the response to her accusation, including the generally negative press play it generated, put the president a bit on the defensive. Her staff asserted that she had been misquoted, but video feed of the speech showed her making the bribery claim. Her staff then took another tack -- Harim Peiris, one of the president's press spokesman, told us that "she was just joking." Be that as it may, the damage had been done, with many finding the president's remarks beyond the pale. Taranjit Sandhu, polchief at the Indian High Commission, told us that Kumaratunga's comments "had badly backfired. The PM is widely respected and few people believe that he is corrupt. Most people took the president's remarks as another sign of her own instability." ------------------------------------- Chipping away at the Peace Initiative ------------------------------------- ¶6. (SBU) In a more muted fashion (compared with her Anurahapura remarks in any case), the president and her advisers have also been criticizing the GSL's peace initiative. In the latest salvo, the president's office publicly issued a letter she had sent to the PM dated September 27 in which she expressed concern over two matters. First, she warned the PM not to take any rushed steps related to "high security zones" that might affect "national security." (Note: At the recent talks in Thailand, the two sides agreed to form a joint body to examine high security zones in the north and east, with the aim of allowing increased numbers of displaced persons to return to their point of origin.) Second, she asked to PM to look into press reports that the Tamil Tigers had held a large graduation ceremony for military cadets on September 19 in the Trincomalee area (see Reftel). ¶7. (C) In addition to the president's letter, Harim Peiris spoke to the press regarding the peace process, stating that the Tamil Tigers needed to be disarmed before the GSL agreed to the formation of an interim administration for the north and east. Explaining his stance, he was quoted as commenting, "A heavily armed LTTE taking over government-controlled areas is untenable." (Note: It is widely expected that the Tigers would dominate any interim administration formed for the north and east.) Reacting to Peiris' comments, Jehan Perera, the head of a local think-tank, told us that the disarming of the Tigers could not even be considered at this point as the group would not even hear of it. To make such a demand, "could end the peace process," Perera averred. ------- Comment ------- ¶8. (C) For his part, the PM did not publicly comment on the president's accusation, although he was said to be infuriated in private. The sum result of the latest fracas is that it probably strengthened the PM's determination to take steps to rein in Kumaratunga's powers. Already, the PM is moving a bill in Parliament meant to constrain the president's power to call new elections. It is not clear whether the bill has the needed support, but the latest outburst by Kumaratunga probably helped the PM's cause. ¶9. (C) In terms of the latest soundings re the peace process, the president seems to be trying to appear as skeptical and hard-line toward the Tigers as possible in order to accuse the GSL of naivete if the process is somehow derailed. She seems a bit tentative on the subject, however, perhaps because she does not want to alienate a public which strongly supports the GSL's peace initiative at this time. End Comment. ¶10. (U) Minimize considered. WILLS
ashok / October 19, 2011
However it is a known fact that an underworld thug was associted with Ranil and ran the Education Ministry at that time.This thug called Gonawala Sunil was released by J R Jayawardena while he was in prison for raping a doctor’s daughter.This convicted criminal pardoned by JR(the president of Sri Lanka at that time) commited many crimes with the blessings of JR’s government. He bribed parents who want to send their children to Colombo schools especially Royal College. His killers came as parents to get a letter from him and also with him innocent people died who came to get letters by paying him money to get a place for their children at Colombo schools.
Palawatta - kandy / October 19, 2011
it is unlikely Gonawala Sunil asked bribe from CBK. she is the most notorious political character in Sri Lanka.
pam / October 19, 2011
Are you hallucinating?
Gonawala Sunil was shot dead in 1987.
theja / October 20, 2011
She is also guilty of agreeing to pay out the bribes.
Sanath G / October 20, 2011
Chandrika. Get MR out of power please. we can have a fun.
GURU FROM INDIA / October 19, 2011
just dirty system what is the position today .pol buruwa minister of cabinet
Lalantha Silva / October 19, 2011
It is shame, this kind of small issues sabotage the peace process. now CBK and Mangala all suffering for it. they deserve it!
Dayan Perea / October 19, 2011
“Our leaders need to, must, rise above emotional responses and adopt objective, rational policies even now.”
Pre-requisite for peace, stability and prosperity is a democratic and pluralist state-by Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga – last july. :) :)
Gunasekera / October 19, 2011
Everyone knows she is a pathetic compulsive liar given to making grand statements without facts. The sad part is she thinks she is really smart but she is not; she possibly did not even get a basic degree in France but claims she was sitting for a PhD.. Someone needs to really expose her. She insults the Rajapakses out of envy and class hatred. Not to say Rajapakses and the Duminda case and Gotabaya have done good by covering up for Gotabaya, but for her to say these reflects on her mental stability. WE all know Ranil and his perversions and Gonawela Sunil and how he used such people to strike terror. But no one believes Ranil was corrupt. He was a silent dangerous man with Gonawala Sunil but this story is typical CBK. She still runs her mouth off and make absurd claims.
Uneducated bastard / October 19, 2011
But Sanath Gunathilake is not from her Hamu class, no? ;)
pam / October 19, 2011
Why can’t we just ignore this useless and immoral woman?
What kind of perversions for Ranil? :-))))))))
Thambimuttu - US / October 19, 2011
@ Pam, This is the woman who still talking peace and human rights.
Jaliya Silva / October 19, 2011
This was from Face book group call “Meena sha thavath katha” Mr Suren Raghavan commented under this story in FB like this;
Suren Raghavan Year 1996,
I was the anchor for the first live political program on SL TV. Janatha Adhikaranaya on ITN
MY guests were Karu Jayasuriya and Joseph M Michael Perera
I was question them on the national education policy and the Mafia type process in entry to elites schools like RC and STC
I was shocked when the producer from the studio told me that the President was watching the program wanted to speak to me. I was connected with her on my earpiece mike
she wanted me to raise issue of Ranil – when he was Min of ED blocking Vimuklthi’s entry to RC
I was in fact lost. That was my ideological position of an ‘independent’ anchor
God gave me intuition I suggested that she directly ask the question. She asked how could I am here at TT now I told I could connect her call direct to the show and go on air open mike’
she asked and accused Ranil. Karu and Perera were made speechless but tried to defend
following week Ranil raised this accusation in the Parliament
I was asked to report to the Parliament where I met Mangala S for the first time.
I explained my position, as I was not a paid worker but a volunteer who wished to see peace and justice in this country
Then the following show was made as to question my integrity and me by that wolf like Lucian Rajakaruna and Editor of Silumina (I forget his name – man with a big stomach)
the X group led by Gunarathna in their magazine accused me
NIrmaal Ranjith wrote සුරෙන්ගේ දේශපාලන පතිවතේ නුල කැඩෙ
On the next program I said
පතිවතේ නුල කැඩුනත් අසාධරණය හමුවේ නිරුවත්ව මුනිවත රකින්න තරම් දේශපාන නපුන්සයෙක් නොවේ මම
When I went to the BoC HQ for some personal banking, the GM who was passing stopped and congratulated me for standing up. Before I left that bank nearly 30-35 people came and said
we need people like you- for your Sinhala and fearless media
That was the time I still admired and hoped CBK will change my country but…..
Kamlanee / October 19, 2011
well said Suren!
Uncultured rascal / October 19, 2011
She was a bastard to PM Ranil. now all are paying the price giving power to another rascal.
Salinda D / October 19, 2011
oh, poor Vimukthi. Since you were a big boy, you should told your mum not to do that.
yaso / October 19, 2011
Reiterating that she was not greedy for power, Kumaratunga said she was the only former President living in a government residence paying for everything with her personal money.
“Finally, Ranil Wickremesinghe shook hands with me in front of the media and agreed with the draft and when I asked he would support it in parliament, he said ‘I suppose we will,’ However, every one knows what happened when it was presented to parliament on August 3,” Kumaratunga said.
dumindage redda / October 20, 2011
[Edited out]
Those non educated politician thugs who live in a country that chants pirith from morning to night we curse you. Duminda will die every second of his life and it is the best punishment one can give for him.
නරිදෙව / October 20, 2011
මුන් ඔක්කොම රට කාපු රාජකීය සාන්ත බ්රීජට් ගොන් නාම්බන් / නෑම්බියන්.
LLA / October 20, 2011
in this news
ChandrikaK accuses Rajapakse as ‘uneducated and uncultured rascals.’ For one thing Rajapakses never brag about their education and their family apishness. But I remember very well how Lasantha Wickramatunga elucidated us about Chandrika’s education. He said; Chandrika was never educated at Sorbonne but studied in a French education institute called ‘Science Por’ and she had never done any kind of Phd research which she claimed bogusly.
I say; Chandrika is jealous of Mahinda Rajapakse and for that reason alone she is blind and cannot appreciate what Mahinda had done and is doing for this country.
She talked about President Rajapaksa abusing power. She had forgotten to what extent she had habitually rundown the very constitution that she swore to protect. Remember, even at the very last minute, she tried her very best to interpret its wording to hang on to power for few more months.
She is said to have said that governance had broken down and corruption was appallingly bad. What nonsense she is talking about; haven’t we seen all her cherished egalitarian qualities during her infamous Wayaba electioneering. She presents as if she is a Samaritan. Yet we all know that her erstwhile confidantes and body guards had been of the type Baddegane Sanjivas. This lady thinks we are born again Christians like her.
As for her rule, other than waste, corruption and evil deeds, what worthwhile accomplishment she could claim as she had initiated and completed during all those wasteful years. Insofar as we are concerned, she couldn’t fulfil anything but had botched up everything. The bread that she promised to give at Rs.3.50 was made to raise more than twenty fold by the end of her rule.
The electricity board that was running at a profit before her time was ruined to run at a colossal loss for sheer lack of vision. In the name of appeasing minorities she gave into evangelists and tiger backers and cancelled building the much needed Norochcholai coal power station and resorted to expensive diesel generation. And we had experienced long drawn out blackouts and puffed up bills.
The US ambassador Butenis may wish or like to think the mood and the thinking in the country was changing. But if she think President Rajapaksa feared Chandrika’s influence and had restricted her movements, she is nothing but a fool. Let me tell Butenis that Chandrika cannot win even a municipality today. If Butenis wants to know why in specific, she should read that Ivan’s book called ‘Bandit Queen’.
Appuhami / October 20, 2011
What “culture” does this stupid woman have? Just because she was born to an affluent family and studied in a prominent Colombo girl school, does she think she’s highly educated and cultured? She’s nothing close to her mother who in fact was a cultured woman; but this Chandrika woman is like a pavement hawking basket woman who has no scruples nor culture at all.
Parami / October 20, 2011
Corruption?? Water’s Edge comes to my mind! Ah and of course the wonderful little book “Queen I’d Deceit”……. These dirty politicians think that ppl r fools n cannot remember the past !
Prageeth Sanjaya / October 22, 2011
oyaga ratata oya sawaya karanata aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii adiraja wadi ratawal wala bath kanawata wada hodi taman ipaduna rata hallllllllllllllllll
Prageeth Sanjaya / October 22, 2011
oyaga tata ratata itu karana giya sawaya wachanayan kiyana baha minisu a nisa adatat vijaya kumara tunga mahatmayata adarai kawadawat oyalagan aaaaaaaaaasawaya apa ratata itu wanaha rata aduru yugayakata yana ma kalawat oyala ma ratata sawaya karana apa ratata api adaraiiiiiiiiiiiii
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