20 February, 2025


Sri Lanka’s Dehumanization & Legalizing Prostitution

By Mohamed Farhaan

Mohamed Farhaan

Mohamed Farhaan

Now Sri Lanka is thinking about decriminalizing the prostitution. When I read some pieces relate to this subject I often think. Are we relapsing to the era of darkness or are we going further on civilizing ourselves?

Of course it won’t be a big deal to legalize prostitution in a country like Sri Lanka because that is the only fulfillment which is left to be fulfilled in order to become a full mature capitalistic nation!

The problem is who is thinking about legalizing prostitution? The answer is not that supernatural but it tells lots of notions and stories about those civilized so -called ideas and the people. Whatsoever somebody has to feed the Perversion of elitism.

Dehumanizing the women and pushing the men in to the deep belly of insensitivity. Capitalism and Neo Liberal ideas encourage materializing everything that exist in this world. Nature is not that poisoners as human inventions. Tobacco is not much harmful as nicotine loaded tobacco. Human poisons nature. Legalizing prostitution is the further step of Neo liberal consumerism. What we and our NGOs and activist don’t consider to understand is, in an insensitive way that we are working on implementing the very idea of global capitalism.

Sex workerOften it is being argued as empowering the women and protecting the women who are prostituting but that are not what’s happening. Women are being tortured. They often end up physically injured with severe diseases. That leads them to a high stage of depression. Finally they would leave this world and this life in desperation. On other hand sex traffickers, pimps, and other collaborators of this scam are personally torturing these woman and treat them as commodities.is this what we are going to give them by promoting the very idea of this global capitalism.

The people who choose prostitution are the ones who are being denied the access of decent living and a necessary healthcare. Poverty is not an aphrodisiac. These women come out of desperation. A last option to put the food on the table for their kids and their siblings.

What we do is we go there and dig up falsifications. We come to our own kind of conclusions to shape up their lives to serve our perversion. We make theories and new ideas out of their vulnerability or their stage of desperation.

Accepting this dehumanizing of poor is completely a self-serving propaganda for corporate pimps and other corporate big shots. Legalized brothels are not as local as your neighborhood whore house.it is an industry that generates large amount of money more than what our modern retailers’ do. Bank and investors involve in this soul corrupting business. In this high tech world the customers of these legitimized whore houses pay their amount by credit cards. It is the center for distributing the corporate alcoholism. It’s a great mess .this is where we have to ask whom are we working for? Does our civilized conscious consider this as a further step of human civilization where

Humans are being sold whole sale as cows for meat. What kind of message are we trying to put out for our next generation. Already Sri Lankan economy and the way it is practiced have created a large space between middle class and upper classes inequality at its peak. On daily basis an average Sri Lankan consume adulterated debase groceries for his basic needs because none of middle class man could afford to buy the right food. Then think about the bottom level bread winners. Top of everything our intellectuals and ruling elites are dreaming about another version of Thailand in this core of class divided country.

None of our human rights organizations or Women right activists stood up or fought against this legitimized dehumanization. What they have been doing is teaching those poor women “how to use condom or how to have safe sex” is this an encouragement or a protecting campaign? Some film director said “fear is the condom of your life which doesn’t let you have the real happiness” it’s a humor but yet it makes sense. Yes it is a fear of re-productivity, overwhelming population, and in a way it destroys the human race. It’s a bedridden death of mankind. Our intellectuals are on a free marketing for corporates and fear fueled authorities. Who is manufacturing condoms it’s a highly grossed business in modern world. Every largest corporation has a condom factory too! It is additional information! Artists became symbols for their products and activists have turned themselves as marketing professionals. Fueling and carrying the very idea of that male chauvinism, depraved misogynistic notion in the name of feminism and human rights. This wasn’t the notion of Frieda Kahlo or Virginia Wolf’s or other hard core feminists. They stood up for humanity, equal rights, through their art and activism. Activism is all about humanism.it is there to take political positions on defeating evilness and ripping off hegemonies. Finally our contemporary activism indeed has done something progressively which is it substituted the word “prostitute” by “sex worker” how great! a hard struggle of the century it took them hundred years’ this mostly sounds like calling for a new slavery paradigm or encouraging exploitation. Which serve the large part to implement the last stage of Wall Street legitimized gangstaristic economical theories?

What has happened to our senses of imagination we think that prostitution cannot be wiped out from our social and economical arena? Or is it an inevitable nature of this planet? Or human life! Very simple but sensitive questions! That we are slob enough to ask ourselves. If these questions are tough to be answered then this world must be a cruel place! We can answer these questions but our corporate fueled education system and lacked sociological ideas don’t let us think. We are controlled. Our minds are inactivated. Our sexuality and humanism has been hijacked. Our imagination cells are dried up. But some people have come out from this ignorance, carelessness they have shown us a path, an alternative imagination and that finest imagination has come true in somewhere in this planet!

Norway, Sweden and Iceland have criminalized the consuming of sex and invented rehabilitation centers to rehabilitate former prostitutes. Now those individuals can apply jobs in varies fields according to their qualifications. Canada is seriously contemplating within itself to criminalize this dehumanization. china is the work shop of capitalistic nations but they criminalized the prostitution and sent those woman to sweat shops to make iPhones (!) it’s a different argument but in an illegal way it is still being operated.at least this corrupted Chinese regime has alternative imaginations to bring up new ideas to upgrade such desperate people’s lives .their modern slavery and other systematic errors are another argument.

Being radical against this misogynistic corporate propaganda is not being a conservative.it is a brave stand to oppose or defeat this oppression against the humankind. Some corporate douchbag could claim this idea as some kind of old school thinking but it isn’t. Because this radical stand could eliminate the ideas of neo liberal capitalism it could save us from human depravity in order to sustain in this world. I think we still cry for fellow human, we still throw some food on homeless men, we still pour water on thirsty animals mouth, we still stand up to support the victims of disasters, so we are still humans still we got love towards fellow human! So why can’t we stand up for these desperate people? Our elites and other corporate pimps can legalize every kind of dehumanization after we have lost all these emotions and stop shedding tears for fellow human!

Latest comments

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    Mohamed Farhaan

    RE: Sri Lanka’s Dehumanization & Legalizing Prostitution

    “Now Sri Lanka is thinking about decriminalizing the prostitution. When I read some pieces relate to this subject I often think. Are we relapsing to the era of darkness or are we going further on civilizing ourselves?”

    Very good question to ask. This is not entirely a prostitute’s problem. It is a society problem, just like drugs and drug addicts. This is where religions should step in, to put the fear of Hell or Apaya, as guidance. However, it will not make much progress, especially for the Rajapaksa Cronies.

    Are we going to get/buy a “wife or “rent’ a shared “wife”? As a result, what is the price, the society as whole is paying?

    Do you want you wife, mother or sister to be labelled a prostitute? No!

    “Then, the society need to have economic opportunities for these women to make a living. That is what Norway, Sweedn and others have done.
    Norway, Sweden and Iceland have criminalized the consuming of sex and invented rehabilitation centers to rehabilitate former prostitutes. Now those individuals can apply jobs in varies fields according to their qualifications. Canada is seriously contemplating within itself to criminalize this dehumanization. china is the work shop of capitalistic nations but they criminalized the prostitution and sent those woman to sweat shops to make iPhones (!) it’s a different argument but in an illegal way it is still being operated.at least this corrupted Chinese regime has alternative imaginations to bring up new ideas to upgrade such desperate people’s lives .their modern slavery and other systematic errors are another argument.”

  • 5

    Look who is talking ! [Edited out]

  • 8

    What a load of crap!

  • 3

    If the government gives promises on curruption freed brothal industry from capital barons for decriminalized prostitution,job security for prostitutes and pension scheme for after their retirement. Will you accept it ?

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      Don’t forget the Tax revenue that the state could have.

  • 3

    Way to go.

    We need to understand that in our country we have the highest suicide rates and one of the highest per capita consumption of liquor.

  • 6

    Mohamed, it’s no surprise that prostitution has been termed “the oldest profession in the world”!

    Whatever stilted ‘reasons’ you may have against decriminalizing prostitution, there are many of us who disagree with you. Your repetitious slogans of “Capitalism and Neo Liberal ideas, Elitism and Global Capitalism,” sort of betrays your prejudices, and really have nothing to do with prostitution being made legal.

    You say that women are being “dehumanized. Women are being tortured ..and often end up physically injured with severe diseases. That leads them to a high stage of depression. On other hand sex traffickers, pimps, and other collaborators of this scam are personally torturing these woman and treat them as commodities..”

    However you don’t seem to realize that this is exactly what happens when prostitution is illegal and is happening now around us! And one way to reduce or end this is to decriminalize.

    Decriminalizing prostitution will allow this ‘service’ to be ‘cleaned up’, with standards that must be adhered to in terms of hygiene, permits, licenses, tax payments and all responsibilities that any legal business is responsible for. This will allow women (or men), who choose this profession to be free of pimps, abuse, getting hooked on drugs, being exposed to STDs, etc. Besides, what right does anyone have to determine what any man or woman can choose to do with his or her body? There is much more to be said in favor of decriminalizing prostitution, but I’ll not get more involved.

    You end with “Our elites and other corporate pimps can legalize every kind of dehumanization after we have lost all these emotions and stop shedding tears for fellow human!”, which is nonsensical, when much of prostitution is happening on the streets and has nothing to do with “elites and corporate pimps”.

    • 3


      “And one way to reduce or end this is to decriminalize.”

      Another way to reduce it punish the ones who procure sex on the streets, at the hotels, .. from Madams,……….

      I wonder whether the men who want prohibition of prostitution really want to ban it? Most of them use this noisy demand to wipe clean their guilt.

      By the way why do men’s willy works faster than their brain?

      • 1

        Native V: Isn’t that what the intention is at present?

        And you’re probably right about most of those who want to ban it doing it out of the guilt syndrome. A lot of folk use prostitution to satisfy their desires, but do it secretly. Why? Is the question!

        No idea about the speed of Willies vs speed of thought, but come to think of it, you probably have an interesting point to consider!!!

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    Legalizing prostitution have huge impact to society. It can increase other illegal activities that can affect to society like narcotic related problems and psychology of the children whose mothers become legal prostitutes.

    One can say whether it legalize or not brothels operate and above problems can prevail in the society. But it’s a problem regarding to rulers of the country. May be powerful people don’t let people who work on legal institutes to work according to law.

    Anyone who support to legalize prostitution must think further about Children of the country. Also after prostitution is legalize there will be both legal and illegal brothels like illegal alcohol and legal alcohol in Sri Lanka.

  • 0

    Dick Cheney rationalized the slaughter of nearly 3000 civilians in the Twin Tower attack by “believing” that America needed to engineer a “new Pearl Harbour” – and the Twin Tower tragedy was meant to depict the 1 billion Muslims as a powerful enemy of the United States. The Youtube is full of this. If you have the time read this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfXecU3v-70

    As far as decriminalizing Prostitution is concerned, that will be a far easier task to rationalize, as some commentors here have proved. Organized Prostitution takes advantage of women made desperate by the social and economic structure of the State, unable to find food for their children. It is the most unthoughtful and inhuman, who can suggest that prostitution should be legalized.

    For all practical purposes, Prostitution as far as the Organizers of this vice are concerned, is already decriminalized. They never get prosecuted. It is the poor prostitute woman who is caught humiliatingly copulating with a client, who is arrested in the ‘raid’ which is conducted for cosmetic purposes.

    So do not speak of decriminalization. It is not merely hypocricy, but a free pass to those who have access to large Capital to engage in this “Enterprise” without the age old shame associated with it. Once ‘legalized’ do not be shocked to see brightly illuminated billboards declaring “Maharaja Brothels – Perversions Unlimited”.

    • 1

      Navin, “hypocrisy” describes those who outwardly profess morality but who engage surreptitiously in what they condemn as ‘immoral’.

      Sounds familiar?

      As you indicate, right now it is the poor victim that is being prosecuted and harassed by pimps, others with vested interests and subject to infection of STDs. Proper legalization will put an end to this part of the problem.

      Check out the list of countries where it is legal and where it has ceased to be a social problem before you give us your take on what the future holds, should it be legalized here.

      • 0


        I have no doubt your comments are made in good faith. A large number of people hold your views too.

        But with a corrupt police force legalization will not bring benefits for the people who physically provide the service. They will be exploited more.

        The answer is not legalization of prostitution, but by improving the economic structure of the State, so that no one has to stoop to this degrading and dangerous occupation. If you can satisfy yourself personally that even a single girl / woman whom you have identified is a prostitute because she enjoys the work, then you will be justified in believing prostitution should be legalized.

        • 0

          Navin: Thanks for the vote of confidence!

          However, not everyone who has a job “enjoys” their work. A lot of them do it out of sheer necessity, so how does that “justify” what you postulate?

          • 0

            If you are employed as a “suffering” clerk in an office compelled to follow stupid instructions from the moron of a department manager, would you consider yourself a prostitute, exposed to shame, dishonor, humiliation, insult, indignity, disease, physical abuse?

            • 0

              Navin, your line,”…. woman whom you have identified is a prostitute because she enjoys the work, then you will be justified in believing prostitution should be legalized”

              My question was if ” … A lot of them do it out of sheer necessity, so how does that “justify” what you postulate? “

              There was nothing to do with “suffering”, etc., just about “not enjoying..” the work and being forced to do it due to “sheer necessity”. Just look around.

              In any event, there are many who “prostitute” themselves without selling their bodies, so what’s the big deal? Happens all the time!!!

  • 3

    Why are only females the focus in discussions on prostitution? How about the men whose desires are satisfied for a fee my those who are now called sex workers? There are also male prostitutes who cater to the needs of females.

    Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world! There is always a buyer and a seller. It should be legalized and regulated to stop the accompanying brutality and prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. By making it a crime, we drive it underground and operate under the guise of health spas and massage parlours.

    Let us not continue to be sanctimonious idiots. The Scandinavian are handling this issue in a sensible manner, by creating the space for the practice of this profession. Sex workers are regulated, health checked and provided security, while clients are registered and photographed.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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    Have you asked the prostitutes and pimp what they think about this? Me thinks you should – before you make such comments attributing twists as to why the this piece of legislation is being considered.

    Whether -one likes it or not – Thailand has the reputation for being the sex capital with respect to women – Are you aware that Sri Lanka is touted as the best location for homo-sexuality and pedophilia.

    Emancipation is what is being suggested here.

    As it is – a prostitute has two major fears – her pimp(s) and the law. By making it legal – she will be entitled to certain rights and her pimp(s) wont be able to exploit her as is done now.

    Effectively being done here is that the trade is being regulated.

    Instead of shouting out our different opinions here, it may be better if we call all them prostitutes and have a referendum as to what they want! That would be democratic would it not.

    I am sure that we have plenty of parliamentarians who have first hand information and knowledge on the subject so we could chose the best from the lot and make him a state minister.

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      Let us CT readers decide right now which Member of Parliament is the most qualified to function as State Minister of Prostitution? Whom do you propose for the post?

  • 2

    For all those who call this article and for all those who support legalising prostitution and for all those who say it’s the oldest profession…
    since you passionately call it a profession, I suggest you grow your children saying “Dear daughter, one day you should become a great ‘sex professional’ as so and so” just the same way many parents tell their children how to study hard and become a doctor or an engineer.
    If you can’t do that to your children, shut your dirty holes and stop doing that to innocent children of some other people sho have no means of living. Rather, improve the poverty eradication schemes than sending your man or son to have fun because of your ‘sympathy’ for these creatures.

    • 2

      shi has: do not mis-quote individuals! ‘The oldest profession in the world” is a well known quote referring to prostitution (even though you may not have heard it). And there was no “passionate” pleas to call it a “profession” – just a view that has been accepted in many developed and developing countries.

      Your “suggestion” suggests that you have no objective view of this problem and your “passionate” comment about “dirty holes” just show us where YOUR head is at!

    • 2

      A rather perverse response. Recognizing a problem that has been with mankind for ever and dealing with it in a civilized manner, does not mean that we have to teach our children to be prostitutes and prostitute seekers. There are several causes for this problem, among which poverty should be counted as the major one. Greed that overpowers need and available resources is another. Societal factors also do not permit a known prostitute or a women raped to enter normal married life also contribute. There are females today who become sex workers, in order to feed their children. It is a sacrifice they make.There may be also biological and psychological factors that play a part. Who are we to judge!

      Christ was right in saying’ Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone!’

      • 0

        “Christ was right in saying’ Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone!’”

        Dr Rajasingham, with the above comment being totally irrelevant to the subject under discussion, now it is clear you definitely lost your way. Time to seek counselling!

        • 0

          Why? Did Christ not admonish those who tried to stone a prostitute to death with these words ?


          • 0

            Dear learned doctor,

            The subject of the discussion is not the guilt associated with engaging in prostitution. The subject concerns the question whether prostitution should be legalized. That is why I said Jesus Christ’s remarks you quoted were irrelevant to the subject.

            Jesus Christ by his remarks challenged the persons to stone the woman, only if they themselves could truly say they have never sinned. He referred to any kind of sin, not only adultery or other immoral sex. morality.

            Hope you understand the difference.

            • 0


              Christ was referring to any sinner and I too understood it when I quoted him.


    • 0

      I also suggest tutories be opened next to the village temple and mosques to teach enhanced sex techniques[Edited out]

  • 1

    Here’s a list of countries where prostitution is legal:

    Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Bonaire, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Curacao, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Macau, Madagascar, Mali, Mexico, Monaco, Nepal, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Senegal, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, St Martin, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Uruguay, Venezuela.

    It hasn’t proved to be a ‘problem’ in those countries that have a more enlightened view of something that is a ‘social’ problem in many countries where it is illegal.

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      The citizens of Sri Lanka are the most hypocritical puritans in the whole world! So there is no point in comparing our country to those enlightened countries.

      • 1

        Very interesting!

        So now we have ENLIGHTENED pimps, racketeers, mafioso and prostitutes.

        Perhaps the commentors here advocating the legalization of prostitution have already attained enlightenment. Pray tell us Dr Rajasingham, as an educated, refined, cultured man, sitting under which tree do you meditate?

        • 4


          Once upon time there lived a prostitute opposite a bo tree. A seer sat under the tree and kept watching the prostitutes’ door counting the number of customers entering the house.

          One day both died and went to god’s Registrar of Deaths. The prostitute was asked to enter heaven. The seer was asked to go back to earth. Seer protested claiming that he was a seer and had already renounced all worldly possessions. He wanted to go to heaven.

          The registrar explained, the prostitute while sleeping with men had always prayed to the god. However the seer while praying the almighty kept an eye on the prostitute.

          What is important, purity of mind or piece of flesh?

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    Legalization without rule and regulation is impossible. To enforce it a special force needed, to pay them part of the prostitutes service will be taxed then actually those people also indulge in aiding and abetting legal rape of women.
    I agree with Farhan in this materialistic set up for every problem we have tariff solution, not non tariff. Who will volunteer to check diry linen?

  • 1

    Dear Farhan,
    Your argument that legalising prostitution in Sri Lanka would dehumanize the women involved can not be accepted. Already the society has dehumanized them when they started involving in prostitution. No one can stop prostitution unless you wipe out the demand for prostitution.

    What the activist ask is to give some legal protection for these sex workers.Otherwise the people who would benefit from prostitution is the “Mudalalis”.

    You are thinking based on the heap of so called social values, so were forcibly taught. You need to think OUTSIDE THE BOX.

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    “Poverty is not an aphrodisiac. These women come out of desperation. A last option to put the food on the table for their kids and their siblings.”

    Mohamed Farhan, you are living in your head and not in the real world. You have obviously not spoken to any of the young girls who are happy to provide sex for Rs 10,000 or more. These young ladies from Sri Lankan villages know that they can use the clonstructed sexuality of males to earn the money that they want to “enjoy” life. Their idea of “enjoying” life is expensive clothes, haircare, cosmetics and food. They do not spend their whole lives prostituting themselves but marry someone they like. They often keep in touch with their clients and use their bodies to supplement their family income. Many have built houses and a few have made visits to other countries.

    This is the lifestyle of most of the prostitutes that I have spoken to. They do not need prostitution to be legalized. They know how to make the best of their lives. Sex will remain a potent money-spinner as long as males continue to be highly sexualized by their mothers. The girls have every right to make the best of a situation that is loaded in their favor while men go broke trying to live out their constructed sexuality.

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    The question we need to ask is whether anyone is victimized by the practice and conduct of prostitution as an income generating occupation for sex workers, for whose services there is a never ending demand.

    In fact, victimization in this service sector usually occurs only when these activities are prohibited by governments. Victimization of practitioners, and those who provide support services and the clients rarely occurs wherever this trade is legalized.

    A crime is committed only when someone is victimized. Victimization of those involved in these activities can be eliminated or minimized drastically by regulating this trade instead of banning it outright. That is the enlightened way to solve ‘social problems’ like this.

  • 0

    You really paid Rs 10,000 for a f…?


    • 1

      Where are you living Navin? Yes 10,000/=. These are not women who are broke and need money to put food on the table for their kids – most of them are not yet married and have no kids. Many of them come in their own cars. Yes they come to your apartment or house. No need to meet up in some seedy hotel. They can handle themselves socially and they look nice because their beauticians do a good job. I do not know whom this Farhan is speaking about.

  • 0

    We have people who use prostitutes sitting in parliament. Male and female. We have had a President who was an alcoholic and a Speaker who was bisexual and used call boys through one infamous Minister. I mean if we de criminalise prostitution and the business becomes mundane where will our politicians go to look better than the common person? [Edited out]

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