21 January, 2025


Sri Lanka’s War In Its Last Phase: Where WIA Figures Defeat The Gross KIA Estimates

By Mango

Millions of words have now been written about the numbers of Tamil civilians killed during Sri Lanka’s victory over the Tamil Tigers in May 2009; probably more words than the millions of bullets fired during the war. But something didn’t ring true.

Missing from this civilian casualty toll inflation is any mention of an immutable fact of warfare: the ratio of dead to wounded. This was first analysed in a ground-breaking study in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in 1999, which examined casualty ratios in wars from 1940 to 1988. The study showed that the “number of people wounded is at least twice the number killed and may be 13 times as high” depending on the conflict type, weapons used and other factors.

Applying this ratio to Sri Lanka’s civilian casualty numbers during the last stages of Eelam War 4 shows a truly appalling misuse of civilian casualty numbers by international humanitarians, whose jaundiced view on Sri Lanka’s victory has led them to disregard basic mathematics, statistics, facts and logic.

Counting the Dead and Ignoring the Wounded

The number of wounded vary from 18,479 to 440,037. Odd.

Tamil Civilian Casualties KIA-WIA Estimate

Casualty Chart, KIA to WIA including Sri Lanka Army’s own casualty data © The Carthaginian Solution 2013

Spot the Glaring Error 

KIA to WIA Ratio Chart

KIA to WIA at 1:3 ratio with data shown by release date order, from 2009 to 2013. © The Carthaginian Solution 2013

The United Nations in Sri Lanka’s Casualty Numbers

In 2009, the UN’s “Crisis Operations Group” in Sri Lanka first established the numbers of Tamil civilian casualties with any degree of authority and confidence. They estimated 7,721 killed and 18,479 wounded arriving at a killed to wounded ratio of 1:3. This is a low ratio and is in line with the fact that wounded civilians in the combat zone did not have quick access to high quality medical facilities.

This screenshot shows an unarmed civilian work group lead by an armed, uniformed LTTE cadre – May 2009

This screenshot shows an unarmed civilian work group lead by an armed, uniformed LTTE cadre – May 2009

The Darusman Report’s Casualty Numbers

This report’s authors gave credence to the 40,000 dead civilians meme in a masterful display of officialese stating, “A number of credible sources have estimated that there could have been as many as 40,000 civilian deaths. …. but multiple sources of information indicate that a range of up to 40,000 civilian deaths cannot be ruled out at this stage.” Oddly, none of the Committee’s highly qualified members noted the discrepancy between the number of dead civilians and the lack of correspondingly (high) number of wounded survivors.

Gordon Weiss’s Casualty Numbers

In his book “The Cage” Gordon Weiss (ex-Colombo based UN staffer), upped the ante by raising the civilian dead total to between 10,000 and 40,000. Applying a conservative ratio of 1:3 (dead to wounded), we arrive at wounded totals ranging from 30,000 to 120,000. Weiss merely noted in passing that the UN counted about 20,000 wounded Tamil civilians, and completely ignored the stunning implication this has on his inflated civilian deaths numbers.

Frances Harrison’s Casualty Numbers

Frances Harrison (ex-Sri Lanka based BBC hack and ex-Amnesty International staffer) raised the civilian dead total even higher ranging from 26,000 to 146,679. Assuming a ratio of 1:3 (dead to wounded), we arrive at wounded totals ranging from 78,000 to 440,037. Here things start getting slightly insane as there were only 330,000+ civilians held hostage in the No Fire Zone.

Civilian helper helping to camouflage a LTTE personnel carrier, overseen by an armed LTTE cadre dressed in civilian clothes

Civilian helper helping to camouflage a LTTE personnel carrier, overseen by an armed LTTE cadre dressed in civilian clothes

Using Harrison’s upper estimate of 146,679 ‘civilians’ dying and thus producing 440,037 wounded gives a total 586,716 people killed and wounded. This is almost double the number of civilians thought to be in the No Fire Zone area at the time.

Sri Lanka Army’s own Casualty Numbers

The Security Forces admitted 5,285 combat deaths (KIA) and 28,189 wounded (WIA). This gives a dead to wounded ratio of 1:5, which is broadly in line with the BMJ study. Troops had access to better medical care than the wounded civilians, thus explaining the 1:5 ratio, when compared to the 1:3 ratio applicable to civilian wounded. Comparing this ratio to a well-equipped Western force like the US Army in Iraq, which by 2012 reported 4,487 US soldiers killed and 32,223 wounded since in 2003, produced a dead/wounded ratio of 1:7.

How Do You Define A Civilian?

There were at least three types of civilians caught up in combat in the No Fire Zone. LTTE cadres (in uniform and in civilian clothes), semi-trained LTTE auxillary forces and press-ganged civilians who carried out military duties for the LTTE.  When killed in action, all could (and would be) counted as civilian casualties. In the LTTE’s glory days, cadres killed in action were often stripped of their uniforms and dressed in civilian attire to increase the ‘dead civilian’ count. But it’s doubtful if the LTTE had time for such niceties as they fought to stave off annihilation, in May 2009.

LTTE cadres dressed in civilian clothes firing a ZU-23 heavy machine gun

LTTE cadres dressed in civilian clothes firing a ZU-23 heavy machine gun

This captured LTTE combat video (above) from May 2009 shows all three categories of civilians in action in the “No Fire Zone”. Screenshots taken from the video clearly show the various types of civilians at work, helping to shore up the LTTE’s defensive line.

So How Many Civilians Were Killed?

The best guesstimate predicts between 10,000 to 15,000 dead (including LTTE cadres), which ties in with the UN’s casualty total of 15,000 to 20,000 wounded civilians.

Show Me the Money… er…. the Wounded

It’s entirely possible that over 146,679 Tamil civilians were killed in Eelam War 4. But for that to be true, (and allowing for the large margin of error evident in anything to do with casualty numbers in Eelam War 4), those who make that claim have to conjure up at least another 440,037 wounded Tamil civilians, who – so far – are proving difficult to find and are conspicuous by their absence.

Source data notes:

(1) “The UN’s Country Group in Sri Lanka established a total figure of 7,721 killed and 18,479 wounded.” International Crisis Group.

(2) “The United Nations Country Team is one source of information; in a document that was never released publicly, it estimated a total figure of 7,721 killed and 18,479 injured from August 2008 up to 13 May 2009, after which it became too difficult to count.” [paragraph 134, Darusman Report]

(3) “..by late June, when all civilians were inside the [post-war IDP] camps, a collection of aid agencies had made a preliminary calculation of 15,000-20,000 wounded civilians”. p. 321, “The Cage”, Gordon Weiss

“I believe that between 10,000 and 40,000 [deaths] is a reasonable estimate. I think most likely it’s somewhere between 30,000 to 40,000 [deaths] , Gordon Weiss on Australian TV & interviews

(4) “..anywhere from 26,000 to 146,679 people unaccounted for, presumed dead.” p.238, Frances Harrison, “Still Counting the Dead: Survivors of Sri Lanka’s Hidden War”

(5) Sri Lanka Government’s post-war census report recorded that about 7,400 people died of undefined or “other” causes during the months leading up to the end of the war. Source: http://www.statistics.gov.lk/PopHouSat/VitalStatistics/EVE2011_FinalReport.pdf

(6) from July 2006 (Mavil Aru) to May 2009 (Nanthi Kadal) 5275 were KIA, 28,189 were WIA, and 140 were MIA. This is for the whole operation…. almost one-fourth of the Army losses that occurred during the entire two and a half year operation were sustained in the final stages. My note: KIA and MIA have been combined as generally, those missing in action are presumed dead. Source: http://www.army.lk/docimages/image/LLRC_2013.pdf

Latest comments

  • 21

    Sri Lanka should withdraw from UNHRC membership rather than wasting time with all those jokers coming out with astronomical figures. Just let them fly a kite.

    And should even consider leaving UN in Toto as well.

    • 16

      Withdrawing membership of UNHRC will not allow Sri Lanka go Scott free: They will be punished by different ways for the genocide of Tamils.

      • 5

        Sri Lanka played China card against India,
        Now it is playing China, Russia cards against the Western allies and India.

        Do you think they are smart or dumb?

        Time will tell very soon!

      • 7

        It is very unfortunate Sri Lanka had to face an enemy like the LTTE. It is the worst kind of enemy conceivable. The Tigers were not simply inhuman killers, they were the most diabolic as well. Sri Lankan forces had to deal with an enemy that was trapping its own people and dragging them along as human shield, and was firing at them when they tried to escape to safety. And at last when he was cornered, the blood thirsty psychopath Prabakaran in an act of final revenge butchered his own people to be shown to the world as victims of war crimes committed by Sri Lanka.

        • 0

          I understand that the latest Channel 4 movie on unbelievable, but true, cruel and ghastly Sri Lankan genocide scenes of Tamils (taken by Sri Lankan soldiers) during the war is coming soon.

          Let it tear the masks of the embedded writers and analysts propping up the genocidal regime and its henchmen.

          These are the barbarians and the state the writers want Tamils to reconcile with!

          Better to perish than living under the jack boots of these barbarians.

          This movie must be shown in Geneva in March 2014.

    • 5

      You the people would even call CW to cancel lanken membership in coming months being cocooned from the real world. Then all lanken players and fans may have no chance to exercise their abilities. This frogs may ruin the nation if they continue the rule this way.

    • 10

      Well done John!
      Sri Lanka should leave UN or Sri Lanka should be expelled from UN, Commonwealth and SARRC. Sri Lanka should be isolated from the civilised world. UN should impose economic, travel and military sanctions and impose no-fly zone.

      If you have the guts, can Sri Lanka come out of international organizations? What will happen to Gota’s and Basil’s US citizenship and Mahinda’s Swiss Bank accounts?

      • 0

        The kallathonies are studying Korean because only nuclear can fix it.

    • 0

      If you make SL out of UN, they might stop you sending your mother & sister as housemaids out of SL, and stop buying your exports . If that happens, how are you going to feed your children or buy medicine for them. Think carefully before becoming isolated, you are no near of self sufficiency of even basic human needs..

    • 0

      That’s a good idea and would be very consistent with the fact that ICRC wasn’t allowed to go into the warzone after 19May 2009 when those who couldn’t get up and walk were left behind by those who managed to straggle out.

    • 0

      John The SATAN;.
      On what hand you are going Fly the KITE.

      Tell that to Jarpassa clan also, On a Queue they will fly KITES Because they do not know any thing better than that.
      You Shit eating Pigs and THIS Amba AETAYA So called Mago seed canot Fool Us, We were there, you bloody Hyenas.
      We were Helping Those unfortunate Tamils, when they came out from Nandi Kadal. we were at Vauniya hospital seeing Them.
      Some Security Forces members gave unforgettable help for them, And Rishard collected and cheated Massive some of Money Providing Ransid food for war battered IDPS.
      Tell those to your KONDE Baendapu Chinese Jarapassa Shit eating Pigs.

      withdraw from UNHRC membership,????????//.
      Yes very GOOD idea and proposal For Killer Jarapassa Clan and opposition will Second it,
      because Sufferers will be Poor masses,
      You John the Satans Doing Paid services and Arse liking jobs to feed your families with out any shame.
      as YOU Kudu Mudalais, Car racing uneducated degree thieves, Mongol Babies, so called child psychologist Bum faces and Shit eating Pigs of US passport holders, who given oath to safe guard U S constitution can Abduct, Torture, Take Ransoms, Kill, Rape, do womanizing, Do people smuggling, Support LTTEers, Loot peoples money from government, Sur withdraw from UNHRC membership supress the masses And eat our flesh and drink our blood, rule without any hindrance. after ransacking Sri lanka Shit eating PIGS like Dhaja Jarapassa.

      Why do not they publish LTTE records taken by the Army After the war and most infomations Are with KP, Karuna, Pilalyan, and other Governmant LTTE Goons????.

      Why NO any ACCOUNTS on Money, Golds and jewellery taken by the Army and handed over to central banks or any Jarapassa Looters?.

      Why the Jarpaassa Goons are Afraid to actions, Punish,and publish a list of Sinhaleese and muslims killed by Security forces and Jarpassa goons? .

      This was the Second Tsunami Loot for the Jarapassa Shit eating Pigs.

      “And should even consider leaving UN in Toto as well”.
      Another good idea from a buffalo’s Head F king Jarapassa.

      Because All the Jarapassa SHit eating Pigs can depend on wages of House maids and Malabari Jarapassa Pigs can Sell their Wives and mothers also to feed them selves

  • 10

    What is the difference between “146,679 Tamil civilians were killed” and 146,679 Tamil Civilians not accounted for?

    • 2

      That’s because he is Mango the troll not Karuthakolamban which comes into season after the UNHRC, I suppose so. ;)

    • 2

      Being economical with the truth!

  • 6

    ” The study showed that the “number of people wounded is at least twice the number killed and may be 13 times as high” depending on the conflict type, weapons used and other factors.”

    Depending on the conflict type as the study says.

    The 3rd Reich is believed to have killed around 6 million Jews, so following the argument put forth by the writer one will assume there should be much more then 6 million wounded Jews . Yet this need not be the case because in that particular situation the purpose was to kill as many incarcerated Jews as possible in the confined setting of the camps, and as such simply causing injury was not the plan, it was all out killing.

    In a similar vein, the shelling of the tightly packed and confined space of the No Fire Zone was designed for all out killing. The follow up killing was in the manner of not allowing adequate aid to get through , so persons who managed to surivie the shelling faced death by disease and injury.

  • 6

    ” How Do You Define A Civilian?

    There were at least three types of civilians caught up in combat in the No Fire Zone. LTTE cadres (in uniform and in civilian clothes), semi-trained LTTE auxillary forces and press-ganged civilians who carried out military duties for the LTTE. “

    This reveals the bias of the writer. What proof does the writer have that most of the civilians were carrying out LTTE duties. What I have read is that most of the civilians were people escaping the fighting between the LTTE and the Army and needed a safehaven.

    The writer parrots a line Sinhala Nationalists often parrot, that every Tamil is LTTE in one form or another.

    • 4

      ci·vil·ian (sĭ-vĭl′yən)
      1. A person following the pursuits of civil life, especially one who is not an active member of the military, the police, or a belligerent group.
      2. A person who does not belong to a particular group or engage in a particular activity.
      3. A specialist in Roman or civil law.
      Of or relating to civilians or civil life; nonmilitary: civilian clothes; a civilian career.


      Like for example we the people in the country – civilians
      Rajapakshes – they are not civilians but facists, born to destroy any kind terrorists or groups of people using various inhuman tactics. Now their mode has been paving the way others to become facists. Latter is more dangerous than the former.

      • 0

        Mango means
        The Karuna, Douglas KP troll who went on sabbatical leave from UK for almost 6 months discharging his duties of journalism from the gutter preparing the ground for UNHCR ¬gooo`ta photo is just to kid us.

  • 7

    War should have ended in Jaffna not Vanni.

    Then we don’t have to put up with TNA and Jihad Viggie.

  • 9

    Great analysis Mango!

    • 4

      How can that be a great analysis ?
      It is a comparison based on the date already found in the mentioned reports. If anyone carried out it examining the numbers by their own checking the remaining ones injured in camps or hospitals, one could call it as – a great analysis. Anyway, do you perhaps have any idea where these camps are held for those over 100 000 that were injured. We have not had the chance to read about them since then, or may be I have missed it. Can you please add more about this please ?

      • 4

        where are these nearly 47000 injured are held ? Where exactly the camps are located ?

    • 10


      Mango Modaya quote from a non existence report as

      The Darusman Report’s Casualty Numbers.

      When this report published and by whom?

      My Elders are aware of a report by the title

      “Report of the Secretary-General’s Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka.”

    • 2


      So Mango the UK sanatorium specialist is finally back as journalist.
      After the Paris assassination both Dayan and Mango went away.
      The interesting thing about mango was he gave us running commentary Paris London just to create chaos and Blacker was asking for translations.

  • 10

    I also see now that some of the usual LTTE refugee madayans have gone bonkers and have started comparing a war zone to gas chambers in a desperate attempt to explain away the unexplainable LOL

    • 8


      Ask yourself a question; MR proclaimed that the SLA soldiers were carrying weapon in one hand and UN HR book on the other! He bragged zero civilian death! Under pressure with evidences, he then caved in admitting to 8,000 civilian deaths. How can one believe such an individual? No amount of analysis and piles of articles will absolve from the responsibility!

    • 4

      The comparison is apt because the gas chambers were designed to kill, and the shelling in the confined zone and subsequent withholding of aid was designed to kill, so there need not be more injured persons than killed.

      The entire refutation of the writer rests on the presumption that there allways in all cases needs to be more injured than killed.

      • 2

        Right so in every other conflict where the killed:wounded ratio holds true the attacks weren’t designed to kill LOL
        Do you understand why you’re referred to as a madayan now LOL

        • 0

          Which of these “every other conflict” was specifically desinged to kill of large number of civilians? As I mentioned with the Nazi example, one would expect the number of injured Jews in the camps to greatly outnumber the dead yet we have not heard anything to this effect in the Western media who very prominently mention the Holocaust frequently.

          • 1

            LOL adey madayan, disregarding for a moment your circular logic of “designed to kill a large number of civilians and hence 150,000 dead” and “150,000 dead so designed to kill civilians”, you are still trying to cover your exposed posterior using clear polythene.

            Since apparently you’re such an expert on the Holocaust, can you tell us about that time when they put 450 people in a gas chamber and 300 of them walked out feeling alright LOL Wait, did that ever happen? Well it must have since according to you it’s also what happened in Sri Lanka LOL

  • 8

    Why are all these fellows are trying all kinds of tricks to hide that genocide of Tamils took place, and about 147,000 Tamil civilians perished in directed shelling and bombing of civilians, hospitals, food queues and schools?

    Allow an independent international investigation on Sri Lanka to establish the truth. However much these idiots try to cover up, truth is coming out.

    There are many mass graves in the North-East with men, women and children it. There are some with young women who were raped and killed.

    Wait til Channel 4 and Callum Macrae come out with the latest documentary.

  • 11

    The UN delibarately reported low casualty figures during the final war. This is well documented. So you need to ignore the UN statistics.

    The BMJ article qualify that the study has severe limitations.
    for example when USA dropped the nuclear bomb over the two cities Nagasaki and Hiroshima there were no casualty or minimum casualty, both cities were wiped out. Now if we retrospectively apply the ratio of 13 wounded to 1 killed.The conclusion is no one died as there were near zero wounded civilians.

    The ration quoted for Sri Lanka in the BMJ is 3.3 to 5.7
    so you cant apply the law of averages to Sri Lanka when we have the actual ratio as collected by BMJ. Not sure what the source of BMJ is.

    Further the key message from the BMJ study is very critical and you have conviniently omitted it.

    And here it is:
    (1) Mortality from firearms varies according to the context in which they are used

    (2) In war the number of people wounded is at least twice the number killed

    (3)The number killed may be greater than the number wounded when firearms are used against people who are immobilised, in a confined space, or unable to defend themselves

    (3)Recognising how the wounded to killed ratio varies has implications for recognising war crimes

    (4) Combining use of weapons that are designed to incapacitate with use of conventional weapons requires examination under the law of war

    This article in fact points towards a case for war crime in Sri Lanka.

  • 7

    This is fallacious. The 1:3 dead to wounded ratio is in a normal war; not when people are asked to gather in a safe zone and slaughtered. When that happens there can be many dead and only a few wounded.

  • 6

    …Key Message 3 is valid for Sri Lanka. Civilians were confined to a no fire zone by the GOSL and then they were bomebd out like hell.

    • 9

      They were not bombed. The tigers, hiding behind women and children with their heavy weapons, were bombed. What did you expect the government to do? Let them all go free so they could continue their murderous campaign? That’s war pal. Read up on Dresden. Blame the tigers and their financiers abroad.

      • 9

        Read what the UN Humanitarian Mission Said. They sent message to Gota that the civilians have moved on to the No Fire Zone and thier are no combatants, they gave the cordinates of the location.

        Gota sent a thank you message with Kfir planes full of bombs and dropped them indiscrminately

        • 4

          After the UK, US, EU, India, UN etc did their best to save the LTTE do you think the Government believed what the UNHM said? What would Prabhakaran have done if he was on the verge of capturing Tamil Eelam? Back down so civilians could be saved?

      • 1

        The UNHRC personnel were given assurance. Not just that the UN convoy with food and medicine was also giving thier cordinates to the Defence secretary to avoid bombardment.
        But Gota was playing stra war games with them every time they gave hime a new cordinate.

        • 2

          If Gota wanted to get rid of the Tamils he would not have arranged the internment camps. He would not have had the army lead thousands of Tamil civilians to safety. He would not have allowed food and water to be distributed by the soldiers. You can’t have your cake and eat it.

          • 0

            that is to eye wash the people like you and IC.

    • 2

      How did 300,000 make it out of hell mostly unscathed LOL

      • 2


        “How did 300,000 make it out of hell mostly unscathed LOL”

        Only 300,000 made it out of the hell hole however rest perished.

        • 1

          Yes and as we’ve discussed the army was using special shells which “killed 150,000” while leaving the majority of the rest, some 300,000, unscathed, managing to defy observations which have held true in every other war zone LOL

          • 0

            That is to eye wash the IC.
            remember the famous interview
            “they are our brothers and sisters”

      • 1

        is that a laughing matter?
        shows your mentality

  • 5

    I hit the return key too eary
    The key message (3) from the BMJ journal is that in a confined area

    The number killed may be greater than the number wounded when firearms are used against people who are immobilised, in a confined space, or unable to defend themselves
    146,679 civilians killed can be easily justified applying this logic

  • 5

    The dead in US turkey shoot at Muthla Pass towards the end of GW1 was proudly announced with pictures of the destroyed vehicles, as 200,000 but created dismay in the world. The figures were gradually whittled down to 20,000.
    Estimates of the dead in GW2 go as high as 1.4 million, though Blair and Bush would have us believe that ONLY about a 100,000 died in that war. The actual number conservatively guestimated is around 700,000. Yet the carnage set in motion then, still goes on. These were achieved with far greater fire power than was ever available to the Sri Lankan forces, and over a far shorter period of time. Remember that at the time they (the coalition against the Iraqis) also said “we don’t count their dead”.

    • 2

      No reply from the LTTE

  • 5

    Following is a scenario for the posters here to consider.

    Suppose the White Brazilian elite ventured into the jungle , found a native Amazonian tribe numbering several dozen and proceeded to kill every last one of them. The end result being a handfull of survivors who managed to escape the slaughter.

    According to the logic pursued by writer of this article the Brazilian elite could not slaughtered several dozen Native tribe members because only a handfull of survivors exsist.

    • 3

      LOL except 300,000 tribe members survived and the number of injured amongst them was no where near what it would have been if “150,000” were killed by “indiscriminate shelling”.
      Maybe the GOSL used special explosives which either kill people or leave them unscathed LOL

      • 1

        WHen you corral a people into a confined space and then bomb them, why do you expect there to be more injured than dead. If one jammed a room full of people and then continously strafed the room with gunfire , do you expect there to be more injured than dead

        • 2

          LOL you continuously strafe the room with gunfire but then at the end the vast majority of its occupants walk out unscathed right?

          How about a gas chamber story next where you gas 450 people, 150 of them die and the rest run in to the arms of the Nazis LOL

          Madayan, thy name is Palmsquirrel LOL

  • 5

    KIA, WIA, MIA!

    Whatever it is [Edited out]

    • 1

      Poor Fathima can only scream in frustration Kia wia miaaaaaaa

      • 3

        Poor Rajesh!

        Still no Tamil elam! :(

        • 0

          Tamil Eelam can wait.
          First things First.

  • 12

    27000 Sinhala soldiers gave their lives to rescue Tamils from Tamil terrorism.

    How can they try to bite hand that saved.

    Man’s best friends are dogs. They are better than them.

    • 3

      Sinhala soldiers gave their lives for Sinhala supremacy . Sinhala soldiers did not save Tamil lives as they slaughtered far more Tamils in the closing stages of the war than LTTE did in their entire exsistence.

    • 0

      ¬Man’s best friends are dogs. They are better than them.`

      You never seen the pet dog kill the owners child because it felt neglected.

      Animal is an animal and as the Sihala say in their own words we originate from Vijaya whose father was a lion what can you expect??

      Bestiality Breed Slaves! Hoooooo! Sound of the wolf at your door tipsy turvy.

    • 1

      Then how about 89,000 Tamil war widows?

      What did their husbands die for? NOTHING?

      You watch too much Roobavagini TV.

  • 5

    SL President says there are 15,000 Soldiers in North.
    Another Govt. official says there are 70,000 Soldiers in the North.

    They cannot even count living soldiers in uniforms.

    How can they count the dead?


    • 1

      It is easy to count dead Tamils.[Edited out]

  • 3

    Perhaps over 6 million Tamil casualties in last phase. We don’t know. We need non Chinese international inquiry .

    UNHCR need to carve out a separate state for Tamil in Sri Lanka or Tamil Nadu.

    • 2

      I heard it was 7 million, and they were all innocent civilians.

      • 3

        You’re both probably right. Paul must have heard his figure a couple of days after Mahattaya got his. The numbers will just keep climbing and climbing until someone finally takes notice LOL

        • 3

          I did. In fact it is now officially 9 million (all innocent civilians of course).

    • 3


      “UNHCR need to carve out a separate state for Tamil in Sri Lanka or Tamil Nadu.”

      Who the hell do you think you are? Who did give you the authority to carve out my ancestral land?

      Go back to your motherland Tamilnadu, reclaim your ancestral land from your cousins and give it to your Tamil brethren of Sri Lanka.

      • 1

        45 years ago there was no JVP or LTTE and the temp of Colombo was averaging 18 centigrade.

        Now the temp has almost doubled and the population almost doubled. Presently, I can have the same temp of 18 in a western island with its comforts for prices that are easily affordable and language is not a barrier because English is not the only language.

        Roaming animals like dear kangaroo don’t belch and fart like buffaloes or cows.

        So my idea is let NaMo bomb the north and south even before the west can blink like the takeover of Goa and creation of Bangladesh.
        Who needs terrorist or bestiality breed slaves? None.

        Because the Tamils did seduce the retired Indian forces to become the force they were and are now blaming the dead leader Indira who is still respected in the world for what she was.

        So my idea is let NaMo bomb the north and south then we can have the same climate as we had 45 years ago.

        And Namo lets the Vaddhas take control of the island that rightly belongs to them.

        • 0


          “And Namo lets the Vaddhas take control of the island that rightly belongs to them.”

          Thanks for your support.

    • 0

      If 3,000,000 Tamils died then we don’t have any ethnic problem!!

      In vain!!

  • 7

    Ladies and Gentlemen

    Why all this debate.

    Originally there were Zero Civilian Casualty.

    The gradually Sri Lanka Government is accepting there were few civilian Casualty.

    We could have avoided all this discussions,even now it is not too late to hold a transparent impartial inquiries into the final phase of the war, to ascertain if any war crimes took place.

    To begin with Sri Lanka got emboldened after the crushed JVP insurgencies on two occasions with no international cry for investigation.

    So the Government felt they could get away with it. Unfortunately they chased too many Tamil Speaking people out of the Island Like what they did to the Estate Labour Force and Burgers. and allowed a sizable transplanted population to multiply.

    The rest need not be elaborated. Silence is moire Eloquent than a Thousand words and more potent.

  • 4

    In a war where the strategy was ‘no prisoners taken’ these ratios have no meaning.

    • 1

      Yes because no one made it out of the NFZ alive right? Manik Farm was always completely empty LOL

      • 2

        You have been very busy today off the cuff making lots of comments. Is it because its a day off for you?

        • 1

          Were you sodomized by off the cuff in your dreams or something LOL

  • 6

    Poor Fathima can only scream in frustration Kia wia miaaaaaaa

  • 1

    In a war its not a case of who won or who lost, but who is left behind…. it’s 5 years since the end of war, that SL can ill afford… Let US all gather as ONE and build a nation, that will NEVER ever see another war and leave SL a better place for our generations to come…

    BOTH parties to the WAR are guilty of genocide.. BY talking abut it in AIR CONDITIONED halls and auditoriums NOTHING can be achieved… lt’s upon us all to UNITE and forget about race, creed and religious divide to make a BETTER SRI-LANKA for our future generations t come…

  • 5

    To prove mango is wrong ,the UN is going to order a independent international investigation.i’am sure that they will use mango’s analysis to verify the figure because wasn’t there about 25 million jews also wounded when world war 2 was over?

    As one commentator aptly pointed out the difference between battle field casualties and deliberate slaughtering in a no prisoners taken massacre.

    Anyway mango has done his bit to keep the GOSL happy that he is earning his keep.Won’t make any difference when the investigation starts.

    The news blackout enforced by gota in the final stages of the war is coming back to bite him now.He better prove that 40000 were not killed.No point in using all these feeble characters who seem to be paid journos with only literary skills.Better to prove it by showing how many people were registered and how many are there now.Obviously if the difference is 20000 then he can ask how come you guys are saying 40000.I have living proof that they are still here.No other way for him to disprove the figure because he tried to be too smart with news blackout.

    Any way won’t make much of a difference for the final guilty verdict and accompanying sanctions whether it is 20000 killed or 40000.

    Even a fool can see where we are heading finally.To the iraq,iran,Libya,north korea and burma club.Iraq and libya have been dealt with.Iran and burma are on their knees and north korea of course is defiant because of its nuclear weapons but eventually will go bankrupt.Srilanka which is panting panting to join the club will of course take on all comers and vanquish them as david slew goliath.

    • 0

      “He better prove that 40000 were not killed”……….isnt the rational way is to prove that 40,000 is killed?

  • 2

    I think every Pandit is missing the most important point. Civilians were asked to go into the no fire zone, and they did as they were told and were forced to do so. If the Government declared a no fire zone and got the civilians into the zone then its the Government’s duty to protect them at all cost. At this time, the LTTE tigers were cornered. So what the Rajapakse brothers had to do was to lay siege of the no fire zone. But without doing so the Rajapakse brothers (President as the Commander of the armed forces and the Brother as Defence secretary) ordered the brutal attack, which they later claimed for liberating the masses. Any stupid person will figure this out. So we should not miss the most important point, which is all the international pressure is on to find out why and how the masses were attacked in the no fire zone by both the Rajapakse brothers and the LTTE.

    • 5

      First, the Tamil terrorist did not allow the people to move to the no fire zone. They forcibly kept them and used them as human shields. Whoever tried to escape were short by these brutal murderers and at the same time some terrorists moved to the no fire zone with their artillery and started shooting. The SLDF had to return fire. These are all well documented. What happened here is what we called “collateral damage” in the west!
      By the way do you expect the SLDF to lay down arms and surrender/stop the offense because of the civilians? If they did, by now more than 100,000 more civilians would have been killed by these suicide murdering terrorists. Did the US and UK stop bombarding Iraq and Afghanistan because of civilians? Have they even now stopped drone attacks on these countries killing so many civilians? Why Sri Lanka is an exception?

      • 1

        You have no idea how the Jewish Spielberg makes movies because you don’t wash. Phew!!

    • 2


      How can the LTTE attack the Tamil Civilians in the NFZ when they had buried all their heavy artillery by then?

  • 2

    The whole analysis is wrong as the write misses the point where these civilians were held.

    They were concentrated in a small strip of land. Now pull the stats for that . . .

    • 0

      How did the civilians get concentrated there?

      • 0


        “How did the civilians get concentrated there?”

        Good question, surf and search Defense net or ask the armed forces.

  • 2

    There seems to be quite a number of experts writing comments about the casualties of the war. Some appear to have been physically present at Nanthikadal and elsewhere. In their debate they even cast personal abuse at each other. Really, the war has not ended.

    • 2

      That is part and parcel of spice colony slaves.

  • 4

    1) A person wearing Bata slippers carrying a gun, is a civilian.

    2) A person wearing Tennis shoes, instructing people wearing Bata slippers to set up a twin-barrelled anti-aircraft gun, is a civilian.

    3) A person wearing a pink bush shirt, helping people wearing Bata slippers to camouflage the twin-barrelled anti-aircraft gun, is a civilian.

    4) A person wearing a check bush shirt, firing a twin-barrelled anti-aircraft gun over the earth bund, is a civilian.

    5) A person wearing a blue sarong, following a person wearing Bata slippers carrying a gun on his way to the earth bund ,is a civilian.

    Yes, I remember the video in question and mentioned by Mango in his article. It includes all these types of civilians. It could be worth it showing it in Geneva.


    Mad Dogs:
    1) People who used to buy DVDs such as above, and thought they were invincible.

    Poor Stray Dogs:
    1) At 0.47 on the video.

    • 2

      Johnny Eelam Emotions,

      In search of solace you take refuge at random!

    • 3

      I think if we define LTTE then the defintion of civilians become easy.
      All Tamils are LTTE the rest is civilians.

    • 0

      HOW do u know it was BATA the brand? could of been DSI or any other brand… a pair of slippers is NOT called BATA slippers…. BATA is just a brand like Guess USA, CK, ARMANI CROCODILE, CONVERSE.. REPLAY.. :) AM JUST BORED… DONT TAKE NOTICE..

  • 2

    It is like he said she said…..the only way to find the truth must surely be a truly independent investigation which this writer resists. As Ven Sobitha says the innocent will not resist,

  • 3

    Terrorist combatants were estimated to be close to 40,000. Did all of them die? How many of them survived and come forward now claiming that they were terrorists? How many families claim their loved ones were terrorists?
    Whoever, claiming missing family should produce proof by birth certificates, school records, employment information, Bank accounts, ID/passport and a blood sample from the parents or siblings for DNA identification and written statement confirming the information given is authentic and if found to be false a prison term of 20 years.

  • 1

    Mango the para military hasn’t heard why the rich
    anywhere in the world don’t pay taxes.

    As to why Tax consultants offices flourish.

    Even in the UK when the returns are sealed and signed it is normal for the tax office to accept that as the true figure.

    But here Mango is working for the Authority and reverse engineering the true story.

    `Gooo`ta `Booo`ts and his blind skunk.

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