21 January, 2025


SriLankan Airlines: Cabin Crew Promotion Uproar As HR Head Pradeepa Kekulawela & Chanaka Olagama Dance The Jig

The Flight Attendants Union of SriLankan Airlines (FAU) has vowed to file a fundamental rights case against the management of the airline after it found its own Human Resources Department headed by Pradeepa Kekulawela and Head of In Flight Services Chanaka Olagama, to be in violation of their signed Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Cabin Supervisor promotions that was concluded recently.

Ajith Dias – SriLankan Airlines

The FAU blamed the Head of Human Resources Pradeepa Kekulawela for continuing to conduct a second back to back and flawed interview and selection promotional process where several of its members were unfairly knocked out.

Earlier the Cabin Managers’ promotional intake held a few months ago was also riddled with many anomalies where even that concluded interview and selection process will now be unnecessarily argued legally between the FAU and the airline’s management in the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka.

According to the MOU signed between the airline’s management and the FAU, the promotional criteria for both Cabin Managers and Cabin Seniors are based on 60% seniority, 20% Written Examination, 10 % Performance Appraisals and 10% Interview.

However many members of the FAU are of the view that Senaka De Soysa the Manager In Flight Services had copied a model similarly used by Emirates Airline to promote its own Cabin Crew. However In Flight Manager De Soysa’s carbon copy of its Middle Eastern competitor’s promotional strategy lacked finesse as opposed to how Emirates Airline conducts its own programme.

The current style implemented by SriLankan Airlines for its promotional process is very subjective and could easily be manipulated to the management’s advantage to promote whomever they wish.

A FAU source when contacted by Colombo Telegraph said “We have credible evidence to prove that our members have been victimized. Majority of the interview and selection criteria has been completed in violation of our signed MOU with the management. For instance two of our members, Shiny Narandeniya and Dilini Wickremarachchi, were well within the top 40 candidates as they had got good marks for seniority, had done well in their exams and had excellent marks also based on their appraisal. But at the interview they were penalized twice, one for a medical leave taken, which was addressed and rectified by the yearly appraisal system in place and the other for a passenger complaint they had in their personal file respectively. Firstly they were penalized on a performance based perspective earlier and then once again further marks were reduced from the actual interview scores after the process had ended. Strangely another four candidates much junior to them and who also scored a few marks less than them at the exam and was placed well down the list was promoted. This unfair practice was employed to discriminate many and to help facilitate those connected to the management.”

“The written examination did have 50 multiple questions. However 10 questions were cancelled when our President of the FAU Dinesh Fernando appeared at the examination hall and pointed out that those 10 questions were not in keeping with the MOU. By this time majority of the candidates had completed the exam and had departed. Accepting their blunder, the management then decided to give all the candidates full marks for those 10 questions. This is a bloody joke. They should have held a fresh exam all together. Also according to the MOU the examiners had to mark the papers and inform the candidates of their marks within an hour of concluding the exam. Here again they did so after four hours, which again was in violation of the MOU. It is this kind of unprofessional and unethical practice that Pradeepa Kekulawela has earned a reputation for being a simply unjust professional. Despite the findings of the Weliamuna Report and being severely exposed in it for his corrupt ways, he continues to curry favour with Chairman Ajith Dias. Mind you now Chairman Dias’ has even decided to hand over the entire Crew Rostering Department to Kekulawela. This is despite not been able to run even a straight forward interview and selection process”.

Meanwhile the FAU also pointed out another flaw to the management where the non-disclosure of the required number due to be promoted had not been advertised in the Staff Vacancy Notice. This was the first and only time that this omission took place after the signing of the MOU, which the FAU also queried in a subsequent letter addressed to the airlines management.

The tendency of the Management of In Flight Services is to promote a lesser number than is required and force the Cabin Crew to work in higher grades on board the aircraft. This shameful management practice of reducing cost whilst compromising service quality on board is done in order to reflect a glossy profit and loss departmental balance sheet.

The President of the FAU Dinesh Fernando could not be contacted for a comment.

However a source from the Human Resources Department when contacted said ” I do agree we could have conducted this interview in a far more professional manner. Our Head of HR Kekulawela will have to sort this mess out, if not he will have to bear the consequences”. (Chamindri Karannagoda)

Latest comments

  • 10

    dogs may bark but the caravan moves on

    • 7

      Needs complete clean up.

      1,500 crew for just 20 aircraft with quite a few destinations within 3 hours. Needs an urgent review !!!

      Also average cost of a stewardess is Rs 500,000 with allowances and needs review.

      • 6

        Jagath Fernando – I concur. The cost of servicing Namal Rajafucksha’s “flying angels” (during his father’s TERROR of office) is much more!!

    • 4

      RE: SriLankan Airlines: Cabin Crew Promotion Uproar ——————-
      Emirates is NOT interested in the Rajapaksa Cronies and now ‘Good Governance” mismanaged Sri Lankan Airlines. They are taking to a couple of Japans Airlines. The Airline needs foreign management and control, for it to be profitable. MaRa and cronies blew it with Emirates due to idiotic Ego. What is their IQ?———————————————This Sad Saga of the Paras, with average IQ of 79, continues with Sri Lankan Airlines——–

  • 6

    What a mess on all these draining institutions dirty politics put the burden on public

    What a funny side is that most of the corruptions are by majority community so called inhabitants along with the corrupt saffron clads

  • 6

    How can it be subjective when only 10% is on the interview! Even if someone gets 0% at the interview, you do well at the exam you get the marks you deserve, appraisals you have signed for and the marks are clear, number of years you worked is written in stone!
    Lets close down this airline and get rid of all these blood suckers on the poor as there seems to be a group that seems to ask for more and more without doing their damn job. They are as good as the blood sucking doctors.

  • 8

    What about that Shiraz Rahim who once forced the FAU to push management to force wear “Abaya” for all Muslim girls?… Posh English but headless skull… :D

    • 2

      The only reason I travel SriLankan Airlines is because during the 10 hour flight from London to CMB, I maintain a non-stop erection. My erection only secedes once I land at Katunayake and all this without a single pill of YOHIMBE.

      And if some idiot decides to cover these beautiful girls with a drape of cloth, there goes my happiness. I don’t think any Executive at SriLankan Airlines will allow this, when you get into the plane when they announce “Have a safe and Pleasant flight” this is exactly what they mean. They want you to have a rollicking time while on-board and because I always travel Business class, the prettiest ones are sent there.

      Only the ugly looking Girls are servicing the 3rd class passengers.

  • 9

    FAU is now trying to collect money from all crew members saying that they will fight for the crew through Lanka’s too labor lawyer. And his cost is 2 million. And they collect 2000 rupees from 1500 crew members every month. Per month they earn 3 million from their usual collection and why do they need more??? Probably they do more jigi jigi from the members money. Hane hane FAU…. ;-)

  • 9

    It’s clearly indicates that the proper top managers are not suitable for their position
    Very sad this Air line goes on a nose, dive

    • 1


      The only way to save the airline is to sell the Girls to the Business class passengers. If we are offered that, I will definitely pay a premium on my LHR-CMB flight.

      • 8

        Rtd. Shamal Perethaya,

        Desperate desperados like you will go to any low extent to satisfy your lust even at the cost of your own daughters or wife. I bet you being in London, you are a loser in dating a decent pretty woman. While being proud in calling yourself Rtd. Lt. of your country you are disgracing your country’s national carrier when they are in a turmoil. Hypocrites like you should have been shot even before Prabhakaran. “Fiddling while Rome burns”

  • 4

    The morale in SriLankan Airlines cannot plunge any lower
    “……………However a source from the Human Resources Department when contacted said ” I do agree we could have conducted this interview in a far more professional manner. Our Head of HR Kekulawela will have to sort this mess out, if not he will have to bear the consequences”……………”
    If there is some truth here, the HR Department be disbanded.

  • 8

    Why is Pradeepa Kekulawela still employed by SriLankan?

    There is more than enough evidence to fire him and bring charges against him for his actions.

    This individual has won HR awards – he needs to be stripped of all his awards. The only thing he should be awarded is a prison cell.

    Who is protecting him and why?

    A Culture of Impunity and Zero Accountability.

  • 7

    UK Citizen: Why single out this individual? There were so many named and recorded evidence against such by the Weliamuna Report. The problem arose as the PM chose not to pursue the findings and inquire into what was said in that report and far more worse getting the present Chairman -(the selected individual by PM) to state in public that those “Findings” (allegations) had “NO BASIS”. That scenario is comparable to the “Bond Scam”. That is same “shit” with a different” fart”. As regards that “HR Award” you mentioned: It is similar to the “Award” that our ex Finance Minister received from a journal- “The Best Finance Minister of the South Asia”. There is is no need to strip him of it, because just as much as the ex Finance Minister was stripped of his award by the public, this too is being done by the public and the employees of SriLankan Airline.

  • 7

    Head of HR is the meanest head of the airline alone with the olagama, he can make the airline a sexual favored place overnight. How many women HHR has dated in the cabin crew? People know the truth. How many women in the staff offices? Dulari dahanyaka was promoted overnight for what? What knowledge she has about analysis? Question the people in HR and check their affair? Favorism at the peak for this woman and whoever willing to sleep. People who stood against these harassmesnts have either left the department or the company already. HR is the dumbest unprofessional department, with so much of sexual favors. HHR is responsible for all this and his pimps buddhika manage too. It’s highly tome to strip him off and send to jail. The money he waste is so shameful, afterall its all our money! Recently they recruited management trainees and I am sure most of his friends kids must have joined (just like hansini joined as an intern and became an executive overnight) and the graduation was held at watersedge!!! When there is a burning issue with so much of cost incurred to the country why can’t they have the function in a auditorium inside the company? This is the problem! They are flying high and don’t feel the pain the innocent tax paying people suffer in this country

  • 5


    I know it’s not very Sri Lankan to single out individuals – perhaps that’s one of the reason things are the way they are.

    The article is about the actions of one man and he needs to be held accountable. for those actions imho.

    I agree with what you are saying but that is part of the bigger picture.

    It starts with individual accountability – that’s how you reinstate the Rule of Law.

    HR was the worst department in the Airline – I see nothing has changed.

    • 3

      Not much has changed since your days,isnt it Douglas ?

  • 7

    This HR head is fully responsible and accountable for all undue appointments and promotions as he has no spine to challenge as the HHR. His slippery hands always stretched on agreeing to every Chairman CEO or head of divisions to do the unfair, unjustified decisions . This bleeding company needs a stronger person to stand up for staff., during EK days Sunil Dissanayake stood by most staff decisions . Kakulawala though he sits in every interview he has no say or power to take decisions as a man. This useless ” patholaya” must be kicked out .

  • 10

    UL needs be shutdown & reopen without any trade unions. All flight & cabin crew union members shoud remember that they were given free type Rating & traning at company cost, looked after from infancy to where they are now in their career.

    Where UL right now is because of poor management & unions.

    Aviation industry is small, everyone know each other, If UL has to shutdown because of Flight & Cabin crew unions. UL should circulate names of all union members of Flight & Cabin crew to all Airlines around the region to see how they would suffer being unemployed & for being the cause to let other employees & families suffer because of there demands.

    I need to mention that majourity of the pilots at UL don’t respect employees at lower grades. I wish them to work in any of the three leading competitors between Asia & Europe to see how employee are being treated equally.

    Some top level members of Flight & Cabin crew union members are pampered by the rostering manger who is one of the biggest crooks & I am still wondering how these people survive even with the new management.

  • 1

    Sri Lankan Air Lines needs to transfer successful H R practices from successful air lines such as Emirates for its survival. If the Manager In Flight Services has copied a model used by Emirates Airline to promote its own Cabin Crew, his decision is correct. No company that does not use performance evaluation and the interview as the primary criteria for promotions in in-flight services can survive. The choice before the Board of Directors is to get the acceptance of the employees to re-structure the company based on the best practices in the industry or perish, in the absence of any takers for this sick company.

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