6 December, 2024


Srisena Whole Heartedly Supported Shirani Removal – I’ve Not Retired, Resigned Or Vacated My Office: Full Text Of De Facto CJ’s Statement

Removed De facto Chief Justice Mohan Peiris says that the President Maithripala Sirisena whole heartedly supported the entire process of removing 43rd Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake.

Issuing a statement today he said;”I have not retired, resigned or vacated my office of Chief Justice, but, due to exertions by external forces reinforced by an extra judicial chain of events, find myself displaced from office by an unconstitutional process having functioned continuously in my appointment for over two years. There are times when might overtakes right and the helpless have to succumb to injustice.”

We publish below the statement in full;


I have not retired, resigned or vacated my office of Chief Justice, but, due to exertions by external forces reinforced by an extra judicial chain of events, find myself displaced from office by an unconstitutional process having functioned continuously in my appointment for over two years. There are times when might overtakes right and the helpless have to succumb to injustice.

De facto CJ Mohan Pieris

De facto CJ Mohan Pieris

Maintaining the dignity and decorum associated with the office of the Chief Justice and ensuring its respectability and propriety is my prime concern. As the pinnacle of our judicial administration, it should be preciously safeguarded in its pristine purity; now and for the future – in the need to preserve justice as a wholesome entity. I abhor and despise and do not encourage the enactment of street dramas or of invoking vengeance by resorting to horrific practices of the occult or encourage rabble rousing on pavements by a few members of the legal fraternity with their storm troopers or rouse the judiciary to come to the assistance of an affected Judicial Officer, as witnessed in the recent past. Offering patronage to such events demeans the office of the Chief Justice. It promotes division or dissension within the Bar for selfish returns.

I look upon myself as a Chief Justice and a citizen, who was empowered to carry out the solemn duty of ensuring the sovereignty of the people in the midst of great institutions such as the Judiciary and the Bar. These Institutions must retain their dignity perennially – not for a passing hour or a day of glory and must not descend to a pedestrian level.

I look upon the example set by Chief Justice Neville Samarakoon Queen’s Counsel, who held his head high and never sacrificed principle or sought to divide judges and lawyers on the plight that befell him.

I was appointed to the post of Chief Justice after my predecessor was removed by the required Parliamentary majority (155 to 49) as reflected in the Hansard of 11.01.2013 that carries the following endorsement.


At the stage of debate, on 11.01.2013 a query was raised by two opposition Members of Parliament regarding the wording of the resolution that was being debated upon. Thereafter, the Hon Speaker considered this matter and pronounced the following ruling on the validity of the resolution;

“කථානායකතුමා ගරු ඇමතිවරුනි, ගරු මන්ත‍්‍ර ීවරුනි, අදාල ස්ථාවර නියෝග හා ආණ් ඩුක‍්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථාවේ ප‍්‍රතිපාදන මම අධ්‍යයනය කර බැලූවෙමි.

ජනාධිපතිතුමාට යෝජනාවක් ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම සඳහා මා වෙත මන්ත‍්‍ර ීවරුන් අත් සන් කොට ලබා දෙන ලද යෝජනා සම්මතයට අමතරව අලුත් යෝජනාවක් ඉදිරිපත් කළ නොහැකි බව මම ප‍්‍රකාශ කරමි.

දැනට ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇති යෝජනාව හොඳින් අධ්‍යයනය කර බැලීමේ දී මෙම යෝජනාව ඉදිරිපත් කොට ඇත්තේ ආණ් ඩුක‍්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථාවේ 107(2* ව්‍යවස්ථාව සමග කියවිය යුතු 107(3) ව්‍යවස්ථාව සහ 78(අ) ස්ථාවර නියෝගය යටතේ බව ඉතා පැහැදිලිව සඳහන් කොට ඇත.

තව ද, මෙම යෝජනාවෙන් බලාපොරොත්තු වන්නේ ඉහත සඳහන් විෂමාචාර චෝදනා හේතුවෙන් එම විෂමාචාර චෝදනා පිළිබඳ පරීක්ෂණ කොට එම චෝදනා එකක් හෝ ඊට වැඩි ගණනක් ඔප්පු වී ඇතැයි විශේෂ කාරක සභාව විසින් පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට වාර්තා කරනු ලැබුවහොත් ශ‍්‍ර ී ලංකා ප‍්‍රජාතාන්ත‍්‍ර ික සමාජවාදී ජනරජයේ අග‍්‍ර විනිශ් චයකාර පදවියෙන් ගරු ආචාර්ය උපති ස් ස අතපත්තු බණ් ඩාරනායක වාසල මුදියන්සේ රාළහාමිලාගේ ශිරානි අංශුමාලා බණ් ඩාරනායක මහත්මිය ඉවත් කිරීම සඳහා යෝජනාවක් අතිගරු ජනාධිපතිතුමාට ඉදිරිපත් කළ යුතු යැයි සඳහන් වන බැවින් මෙම යෝජනාවේ පරමාර්ථය ඉතා පැහැදිලි වන අතර ආණ් ඩුක‍්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථාවේ 107(2) ව්‍යවස්ථාව සමග කියවිය යුතු 107(3) ව්‍යවස්ථාව ප‍්‍රකාර යෝජනාවක් ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට අද දින න්‍යාය පත‍්‍රයේ අඩංගු කර ඇති යෝජනාව ප‍්‍රමාණවත් වන බව මම ප‍්‍රකාශ කරමි.

එම නි සා අද දින න්‍යාය පත‍්‍රයේ විෂය අංක 1 යෝජනාව දැන් ඡුන්ද විමසීම සඳහා ඉදිරිපත් කරමි.”

This Ruling is final and conclusive and those who exercised their vote on the same are debarred from contesting its validity. It is pursuant to this Ruling that the House proceeded to vote on the aforesaid resolution as clarified by the Hon Speaker.

I would also like to point out that the Hon. Prime Minister, Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe also participated in the debate and voted on the resolution, but against it.

It is also evident from the Parliamentary proceedings of that debate, which went on for two consecutive days, that the House deliberated on the Report of the Parliamentary Select Committee that had found Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake guilty of some of the charges. Such report had been duly tabled in Parliament on 08.12.2012 and all the members were furnished with copies of the same. Further the procedure as set out in the Constitution and the Standing Orders was duly followed.

Thereafter the former Chief Justice was removed by an order of the then President and I was appointed by a warrant to the post of Chief Justice on 15.01.2013, with the concurrence of the Parliamentary Council which comprises of Government and Opposition Members.

This Ruling is final and conclusive and those who exercised their vote on the same are debarred from contesting its validity.

It is pursuant to this Ruling that the House proceeded to vote on the aforesaid resolution as clarified by the Hon Speaker.

I would also like to point out that the Hon. Prime Minister, Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe also participated in the debate and voted on the resolution, but against it.

It is also evident from the Parliamentary proceedings of that debate, which went on for two consecutive days, that the House deliberated on the Report of the Parliamentary Select Committee that had found Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake guilty of some of the charges. Such report had been duly tabled in Parliament on 08.12.2012 and all the members were furnished with copies of the same. Further the procedure as set out in the Constitution and the Standing Orders was duly followed.

Thereafter the former Chief Justice was removed by an order of the then President and I was appointed by a warrant to the post of Chief Justice on 15.01.2013, with the concurrence of the Parliamentary Council which comprises of Government and Opposition Members.

It is significant that Hon Rajitha Senaratne was a member of panel of inquiry that probed the charges against Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake and found her unanimously guilty with the other members on some charges and acquitted on others and The Hon President Maithripala Sirisena spoke and voted in favour of the removal of the former Chief Justice.

The Hon Maithripala Sirisena in fact whole heartedly supported the entire process during the debate and in fact went on to state thus ;

Hansard of 11.01.2013, Column 528

ගරු මෛත‍්‍ර ීපාල සිරිසේන මහතා…………

ගරු කථානායකතුමනි, අග‍්‍රවිනිශ් චයකාරතුමියට එරෙහිව ඉදිරිපත් වී ඇති චෝදනා සම්බන්ධයෙන් පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ විශේෂ කාරක සභාවේ විමර්ශනයෙන් පසු ඉදිරිපත් කරන ලද නි ර්දේශ මත ගරු සභානායක නිමල් සිරිපාල ද සිල්වා අමාත්‍යතුමා ඉදිරිපත් කළ යෝජනාව සම්බන්ධයෙන් ඊයේ ආරම්භ කරන ලද විවාදයට අපි අදත් සහභාගී වෙනවා. අපේ රටේ ව්‍යවස්ථාදායකය, විධායකය සහ අධිකරණය කියන ආයතන සුරක්ෂිත කිරීමේ, ආරක්ෂා කිරීමේ මෙන්ම ඒ ආයතන හරහා සිදු විය යුතු වගකීම් සහ යුතුකම් නි සි ලෙස ඉටුවීමේ කාර්යය දෙස වගකීමකින් බලා සිටින, කටයුතු කරන ආණ් ඩුවක් විදියට අපට පැහැදිලිව පෙනී යන කාරණයක් තිබෙනවා. විපක්ෂය මේ විවාදයට කරණු ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමේ දී මෙන්ම, ඊයේ දවසේ පාර්ලිමේන්තුවෙන් බාහිරව කරන ලද විරෝධතා සහ මේ යෝජනාව සම්බන්ධයෙන් පාර්ලිමේන්තු විශේෂ කාරක සභාව තුල කටයුතු කළ අන්දම යන මේ සියල්ල ගත් විට විපක්ෂය කටයුතු කරන්නේ ව්‍යවස්ථාමය හෝ නීතිමය පදනමකින් නොව, ඉතා පැහැදිලි ලෙස දේශපාලන අරමුණක් සහිතව බව අපට පැහැදිලිව පෙනෙනවා. මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ ජනාධිපතිතුමාගේ ආණ් ඩුව විදිහට අපි කටයුතු කරන විට, විපක්ෂය සුපුරුදු පරිදි සියලු දේට විරුද්ධ වෙලා තිබෙනවා,……….

This is quite contrary to the position taken up now that my appointment was purportedly void ab initio. I am saddened that this machination comes after attempts to coerce me and later intimidate me into stepping down.

It must be noted that I could only have been removed from Office in terms of the specific provisions contained in Article 107 (2) of the Constitution after an address of Parliament.

Lastly, it appears that the Executive has now sought to arrogate to itself a non existent power by usurping the power of the legislature and thus engage itself in an unconstitutional process in an endeavour to remove me as the Chief Justice. This is unlawful and violates the principle of the separation of powers which is a fundamental feature of our Constitution and renders the exercise futile. As such all consequential acts will be tainted with illegality.

Mohan Pieris

Latest comments

  • 37

    This would have some credibility with readers if the (de facto) CJ had not bargained for a diplomatic post. His so-called dignity took a big drop.

    • 25

      De facto Chief Justice Mohan Peiris

      “Issuing a statement today he said;”I have not retired, resigned or vacated my office of Chief Justice, but, due to exertions by external forces reinforced by an extra judicial chain of events, find myself displaced from office by an unconstitutional process having functioned continuously in my appointment for over two years. There are times when might overtakes right and the helpless have to succumb to injustice.”

      If you truly believe what you claim, you should have stuck to your guns, and stay put.

      The reason why you moved over, it tells something,

      The problem you have is that you are part of the Medamulana maRa Gang,

      Remember, you are part of that MaRa gang.

      • 4

        – “The reason why you moved over, it tells something”- Amarasiri

        “There are times when might overtakes right and the helpless have to succumb to injustice.” – Mohan Peiris

        It is no doubt that CJ should be removed from the post for his unbecoming conduct and various allegations. But did the government followed correct way to remove him is questionable. And this has set a bad example and in future new governments will use this as an example to get rid of CJs!

    • 8

      The new government also losing credibility on Judiciary related incidents. For example;

      1) Mannar District Court was attacked by a mob organised by then Minister Rishad Badhiuddin! Now he is a Minister in the present Government! Why action not taken against him?

      2)There was a News that Ashad Sally threatened CJ Mohan Peiris and CJ complained to Police! What action has been taken on this? Asad told he went to CJ residence and discussed 45 minutes about his resignation? WHO the hell Asad Sally is to discuss about CJ resignation??

      • 0

        Aney Summo,

        Good governance is only on paper and is not practiced anywhere according to the Logic of this CJ himself. So why complain now?

    • 4

      “There are times when might overtakes right and the helpless have to succumb to injustice.”

      Vacancy which opened up after Mervin Silva’s departure as Court Jester was soon filled by Mahinda Rajapassa. The unceremoniously kicked out ex-President who became the new “Andare”. Making funny utterances about good governance etc.

      Now we have a new candidate, Mohan Pieris. Talking about “rights of the helpless”. My foot. Please give me a break.


    • 3

      He should not have bargained for a Diplomatic Post, but the worst thing is that the government was willing to consider the request.
      It is that which is more galling.
      Thanks better sense prevailed in the end,leading to his removal from the post of CJ.

  • 27

    But you as then as Attorny.General failed to advice MR that Parliament had not address him for removal of CJ you did not know as AG the Constitution or law

  • 22

    Forget about a CJ, even a simple magistrate should behave in a manner that he doenst leave room for doubts about his integrity.

    Did MP act in that manner. He was a joke and a disgrace to all.

  • 32

    “I look upon the example set by Chief Justice Neville Samarakoon Queen’s Counsel, who held his head high and never sacrificed principle or sought to divide judges and lawyers on the plight that befell him”.

    OMG. Neville Samarakoon must be spinning in his grave. Justice Samarakoon never went to the president’s house for celebrating the New Year or in the eve of the election like Mohan Pieris. Neither did he beg for a diplomatic post. Pieris made a mockery of the justice system and the concept of “conflict of interest” in the Seylan Bank case. As the attorney general Pieris prosecuted Lalith Kothalawala. Then he became the Chairman of the Seylan Bank after Kothalawala was removed from that post. Finally as the Chief Justice Pieris heard the Seylan Bank case and ruled against Kothalawala. All this was done according to Mahinda Chinthana.

  • 27

    You are no match to Hon.Nevil Samarakoon (Q.C) CJ. He was a man with character not like you.What were you doing in the night on the Presidential Election day at the President’s house. Some of your judgments seems to be bad in law. And we have seen you attending new year and other parties of politicians which are not suitable to a CJ as I opined.

  • 18

    De facto Chief Justice Mohan Peiris

    “Removed De facto Chief Justice Mohan Peiris says that the President Maithripala Sirisena whole heartedly supported the entire process of removing 43rd Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake.”

    So, now Sirisena supports removal of De facto Chief Justice Mohan Peiris.

    Why are you complaining, De facto Chief Justice Mohan Peiris.

  • 4

    All what this man says now is not worth reading and the Bar Association’s stand and statement made on the removal and recalling of the CJ Bandaranayake too is misleading and false.

    For more details read the news item under the heading Bar Association! Why hyde Truth to the people

    [Edited out]

  • 16


    Ask your conscience and tell this forum, why CJ 43 who was elected by MR himself after securing the 18th amendment to arrogate absolute power for the Executive, fell foul and removed for reasons known to all? We know how signatures of MPs were obtained on blank forms to commence the process of removing her with the false facade of Parliament approval that you speak off. Thereafter you went on to serve MR as his other errand boy Sajin Vass in every manner, which the whole public is aware. Therefore please do not try to compare yourself with individuals as Neville Samarakoon who had the backbone to stand up to the Executive, leaving the merits and demerits of a Referendum which is a very Democratic exercise. You made the Judiciary a mockery, being subservient to MR and helped to carry out a Selective Justice System punishing the Law abiding and allowing the MR henchmen to go scot-free be it assault, rape, murder or embezzlement of Public funds. You willfully contributed to avoid indictments on suspects on the strict advice of MR. See what happened to your action where you had the Principal Law College removed for corruption, only to be appointed to a higher position by MR, a virtual slap on your face to wit you never even objected lest you had to endure the wrath of MR. What a spineless character you are? You believe that you have stood your ground but the Public is quite aware of your servile nature and the sycophant attitude in saving your office.

    Today you have received retribution for your action in sending CJ 43 home. Your omissions and commissions committed by you as CJ/AG will be surely listed by the Legal fraternity as comments. What irony after you selflessly worked towards banning Web sites including CT and has finally to seek recourse in the very Web you shut. Shame! Shame indeed!

  • 15

    Mohan Peiris should realise even at this late stage that he has been eased out from his unauthorised occupancy. But,if he still persists then he should be read the RIOT ACT!

  • 7

    All politicians should take responsibility to the meshing up of justice system. It is also sad that many cheif justices also involved fully or partially helping politicians to destroy the values of law and justice. The fundamental behind for this is the rascist politics based on ethnicity. In otherwords, People were cheated by Sinhala leaders that there is no harm in violating law and justice if it is against Tamils. Unless this is sorted out this will continue forever.

  • 10

    The way you reacted in Ekneligoda’s disappearance is more than sufficient Ex AG to disentitle you to be a CJ of this country. You made a mockery if yourself and cut a sorry figure when you withdrew your earlier statement you made at a UN session that he has been living in an European country on a political asylum.

  • 5

    This clearly shows the disregard for the law and order by the current regime, This is an utter farce and I mockery of the independent judiciary!If Mahinda did this we could see the comments here,

    • 3

      srinath gunaratne

      “If Mahinda did this “

      mahinda did it all right and now it has been reversed for the better.

      Srinath why don’t you also say that mahinda’s fart smells like saffron.

    • 0

      If Mahinda did this, those who had the guts to comment would be white van victims. At least you can express your opposing opinions mow as every citizen should have the freedom to. Be glad that free speech is a thing to cherish.

  • 9

    Mr. Pieris; You say: “I took upon myself as the Chief Justice………..”

    I tell: You should never have taken that offer upon yourself, because, in your won conscience you knew that you are the most unsuitable in every respect to be appointed as the Chief Justice. At the time of this offer to you, you held various positions in the commercial sector, including as an Adviser to the Cabinet and thereby directly involved and connected with the Government and the “Appointing Authority”. What happened to your “Inner Voice”, if you had one? You succumbed to your own “GREED” for power even at the expense of surrendering your “Honour”. I doubt you had that too.

    Still this country provides you with relief. Why don’t you file a case in Courts contesting your removal and seek reinstatement? Please do that without resorting to this type of making statements. I can assure you that your case will be heard “IMPARTIALLY” now that you are out of that “Bench”.

  • 10

    Mohan go eff yourself.

  • 9

    “It must be noted that I could only have been removed from Office in terms of the specific provisions contained in Article 107 (2) of the Constitution after an address of Parliament”
    That process would have given you too much respect. Bombeli karawala should be treated like bombeli karawala – held up with two fingers as far away from the nose as possible.

    The Sirisena government was too polite to handle you in the appropriate way, that is give two across the face and shove you out with a kick on the backside.

  • 1

    What guts Mohan. What guts! U r just something else. U r God

  • 9

    Hey MP,
    Where did you see Mr. Eknaligoda?
    When did you see him?
    Together with who do you own lanka logistics?
    How did you disperse Lalith K. assests and under who’s advice?
    Why did you go to Temple trees on the 8th night?
    What qualifications do you possess to be the SL CJ?

    • 7

      And, yes your honor, we hear what you say now, don’t cry like a victim now, and tell the full story. First, place your hands on the bible and say what I am going to say are truth, nothing but truth. I now put it to you sir:

      Did you go to Prez’s house with your wife on 21st Jan ? say “yes or no; do not look at the gallery or Prof GLP for that matter; he is waiting there to come next, you are all intellectuals, know full well what you do, don’t you?.

      Did you indulge yourself in a deal making effort with PM for resignation of this position?.

      Did you see the PM elect at Temple tree on the 9th Jan Morning and was asked by him “what do you do here?” Didn’t you attempted to say to him you have a sleep walk problem? Why did you flee from the scene the moment you saw him?

      Do you understand where this position rank in the order of public offices of the country? And, if a military coup was to be staged, didn’t you present yourself along with the prez as a sitting ducks?. Did you bet on Gotta than people of this county to hold on to the power by your masters?

      Did you offered your service to the new administration that if you were allowed to be held on, you will see the kuran shawls marching to the prison one by one?. Where is your loyalty and ethical morale?

      Did you believe you discharge duties of the high office as per rule of law or dancing to the tunes of the might?

      Can you type the following in your keyboard “Justice denied: The denouement of Sri Lanka’s Nimalaruban case” do a google and see what was reported re a case you had presided over? Did you agree that your patriotism had overwhelmed your judgment in this case?. Don’t you see providing the last rite by grieving parents to their dead son would bring some what an end and solace to them. Did you decide on this day that I should go and confess to the pope if I have to redeem myself as a person not alone as a CJ?

      Do you honestly believe you have what it takes to safeguard this office in its pristine purity?

      Do you know that requires not only the justice is done but also seen to be done by the people?

      Do you believe behaving in the manner that you did-accompany HE to NY and present yourself at the famous dinner party that show cased our foreign missions activities and relationships among the highly qualified officials witnessing the brawl when pimp Sajiin slabs Noni, and, the party finishes in a happy note with Shenuka’s belly dance, and then accompany all the way to Rome to confess all these to the Pope- would be seen as justice is done or colluding with Executive, let alone maintaining its pristine purity?.

      Don’t you see being a board of director while holding this office would help maintain its pristine purity?.

      Don’t you see yourself as a politician than a judge?

      Would you in all honesty put out this communique had a plum position in Switzerland was given by the PM as you begged, and did you ask Switzerland to be closest to the money that deposited?

      Can you cite an occasion when a sitting CJ was interrogated by the CID?

      Do you still believe that the police can do their duty properly inquiring you in the future cases while you are still the CJ, particularly the 650M fraud case?.

      If you are capable of citing Article 107(2) and a parliament Address for the removal of a CJ, where did you borrow you brain when you indulge yourself in the wrongs that listed before.

      Do you disclose what else did you have messed up collaborating with your masters that hasn’t surfaced yet, if a plea bargain deal can be worked out that among other benefits might get you to Brazil? Confused?.

      Do you want more …the list is going on… but session is adjourn now, rest is for tomorrow.

  • 4

    This man is a fugitive awaiting arrest and trial for the many crimes he is accused of. If as he claims the removal of Dr Shirani Bandaranayaka was legally carried out and the only way to get rid of himself was an impeachment then the fact that the present government could not muster a two thirds majority will mean that we would have to put up with a crook as CJ until he decided to kick the bucket or retire. Mind you he is accused of calling the magistrate who remanded the thugs who disrupted the young artists meeting and asking this magistrate to release the thugs on the day Dr Bandaranayaka took over as CJ and was at Hultsdorf. The magistrate made a public confession of what transpired so this is not some idle gossip. I look forward to the day this man enters his jail cell where he will spend the rest of his days. It is imperative that he is brought to book for the sake of the legal system and its future. Never again must such a monumentally devious scoundrel be allowed to occupy the seat of chief justice in this land.

  • 2

    The mohan peiris saga should not be a closed case now ,but continued further with the following

    1.The dockyard case

    2.The alleged coup.

    3.Why a CJ is at the the presidents residence.The CJ is supposed to be a independent member of the judiciary.

    4.The Pradeep Eknaligoda case.Why did he say he was living abroad.

    5.Pradeep eknaligoda-did Mohan pieris have a hand in his disappearance.

    This joker must be sent to jail as an example to all other educated lot who may connive in future to corrupt and undermine the institutions of this land.Who knows he may have been the one who coveted the CJ post and planned with gota to get rid of shiranee.The transition was quite smooth wasn’t it after her ouster with mahinda making a show that he wanted the other backstabber shiranee,but who got it ultimately.

  • 1

    Maintaining the dignity and decorum of the highest judicial office….? Really, Mr. Mohan? Is that how you behaved in the past two years? Quite the opposite , the way the citizens view it…. Weren’t you just a political stooge, a mere puppet of the Raajapakse clan….bending the law to please the clan of thugs? Check the blood on your hands from insulting the sovereignty of SL by being present at temple trees on the night of the elections.
    You demeaned the dignity of the judicial system by bootlicking. What right do you have to preach? So stop whining while licking your self inflicted wounds.

  • 0

    The Post of CHIEF JUSTICE anywhere in the World is a dignified post. The ultimate fate of Case whatever the context depends on him or her. The recent Two appointees and the appointments are a disgrace as how the procedure was concerned.
    Where CJ 44 is concernced he brought upon himself the utter disgrace he his now faced with. Ironically, he has said a gem of line ” There are times when MIGHT takes over RIGHT and the HELPLESS have to succumb to it “.
    One sit back and enjoy the time when you helped the might take precedence over the right and the meek .. situations are numerous during the last two years.

  • 2

    Mohan Pieris is no longer EVEN the Ex.Unlawful CJ. He is now a Puppet on a string! The strings are being pulled from the centre of the Universe-MEDEMULANA!

  • 0

    Not only did Mohan P bring in MARA principles to H’dorp,he even let it percolate to appeals court Abey.

  • 0

    So is mohan coming or going?

    He should not even mention the name of Neville samarakone.

    Mohan if you read the comments you can sense the verdict of the people.

    please leave and get lost into oblivion!

  • 2

    You are a man of disgrace as the government did not want you, you should have quit from your position even if Srisena supported Rajapakse’s move. Further what business you have got to do with Mahinda when elections results are released? You lied to your teeth to the international community about the crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by the Rajapakse regime. Its time for you to pay!

  • 4

    This shameless slimy snake should be sent to jail for all the decisions he made and now telling M3 that he will give judgements according to what M3 wants not realising that all r watching M3 and this shameless fellow . Yes his in laws might still support him but not the true public.

  • 0

    I think we should bring Crocodile Dundee from down under and finish off this crocodile once and for all.

  • 1

    Mohan Peiris’ s wife is the Company Secretary of Sumal Perera’s Access group ! No conflict ? When Mohan was AG all bail applications were handled by ‘MP’s juniors and wife. Of course MP granted bail if proper fees were paid by poor suspect!Mohan should be arrested for corruption

  • 0

    Dear Mohan
    Sad to say, a man of principle you are not. A shameless goon you are. In spades. Your classmates from St Joseph’s and later Royal are hanging their heads in shame and have been doing so ever since your dishonourable behaviour became public. Your wife’s lawyer colleagues are in dismay at the revelations as they emerge. They are in a state of utter disbelief at the scale of your misbehaviour.

    To what God do you pray, Mohan? Surely as a person professing to be a catholic, you should know that you have insulted the faith by your shameless antics?

    Go in peace my man and hope to god that justice will be kinder to you when the summons to answer for your sins comes, either in this world or the next, than that you’ve dispensed to others in your brief and shameful time on the bench.

    Now go home in shame and savour in your ample leisure, that lovely quote at the foot of the scoreboard on the Royal College grounds:


  • 1

    “There are times when might overtakes right and the helpless have to succumb to injustice.” Well Mohan, you know this more than anyone else. We the people had to succumb to the might of MARA ably aided and abetted by you.

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