21 January, 2025


STF Head In Hot Water After He Threatens Media

IGP Pujith Jayasundara on Saturday ordered disciplinary action to be taken against the Head of the Special Task Force DIG Ranjith Perera, after he allegedly threatened the media for not giving him and his team sufficient publicity on the recent billion rupees worth cocaine haul.

DIG Ranjith Perera

DIG Ranjith Perera

Perera had reportedly threatened journalists saying his team which ‘took care’ of the underworld; also knew how to ‘handle’ certain journalists with links to the underworld mafia. Perera had been agitated that the media had not given his team sufficient publicity over Tuesday’s cocaine haul, which according to Perera was discovered following a tip off the STF received.

On Saturday, in a hurriedly convened press conference in Colombo, Colombo North SSP Ajith Rohana and SSP Priyantha Jayakody apologized to the media regarding the incident.

“This statement is a personal statement by DIG Perera, and the IGP, the Police Service including the STF condemns this statement, and we apologize to all media including the journalists for his statement,” SSP Ajith Rohana said.

Latest comments

  • 12

    Well the fault lies in the DIG or whoever for not naming the culprits that imported this deadly stuff(including the politicians that were sponsoring these villains. If the names were given out, I am sure we all would know about it and the word will get round including the name of the DIG.

    • 0

      It is really nice to see police reacts promptly against his pvt talks about the service.

      That way police has corrected it. At the time, Meeharaka governed the nation, no nothign the kind was the case. No matter Mervin or other like could add their thoughts to air no matter anyone woudl get hurt. I remind the days that UNHRC leader was visiting, she was attacked verbally by proposing her to become the bride of Mervin. … that was really a betrayal of the nation. But then president, Mr Madamulana did not even react adding any words. he let it happen. That he promoted criminals in this country.

  • 0

    Is his mother and father are brother and sister!

  • 14

    If found guilty, get this thug out soon before the whole Police Force is tainted.

    • 6


      Where was he on 9 November 2012, on the day 27 were killed and 40 injured?

  • 14

    This police thug thinks that Rajapaksa is still in power! He should be sacked.

  • 4


    Please publish the transcript of what he said.


  • 6

    The drug haul was substantial but the media certainly treated the matter unenthusiastically. No coverage in today’s papers.

    The annoyance shown by Special Task Force DIG Ranjith Perera is understandable. He reacted as he would have couple of years back. It is a withdrawal syndrome.

    SSP Ajith Rohana handled the 2011 Khuram Shaikh murder at Tangalle. He did exactly as expected and was rewarded with Police spokesmanship. He lost the job but wants it back – another withdrawal syndrome. Was his hastily convened press conference to apologise on behalf of DIG Ranjith Perera and IGP Pujith Jayasundara authorised?

    • 2


      I strongly defer. The police and military are there to serve the nation and not seek or for that matter demand publicity. It demeans his position and insults the credibility of the entire police force.

      Having said that it would have been nice to see the media give due recognition to the officers.

  • 4

    The matter is that all and sundry have become journalist and most of them have no ethics, decipline and honesty in reporting. They ony report only if they are paid or bribed.

    There were great jounalists in the past likes of Manik De Silva,Rajakarune etc etc etc who stood up to honesty and could be counted. Today there are no such persons who could stand up and be counted. This was brought about by the Rajapakse’s who want the so called journalists to report only want they wanted reported.

    The drug trade and the traders have these so called journalists in their pockets, paid highly and they write as if the STF are the drug traders.
    In the police high ups were also in the pockets of the drug traders. Take for instance Anura Seneviratne, Vas Gunawardena and others in the SSP & DIG ranks who are paid to cover the drug traders.What about the politicians who were protection money by the drug traders.
    DIG Perera should eliminate them first and then the jounalists because the journalists are also under the police & politicians to cover up the drug traders.

  • 2

    Look at this fat bastard. Who appointed this fat obese village clown as chief of the STF. The government could not find anyone else to lead the STF?

    • 1

      Tamil from Scarborough,

      Good one… Does he look like your Premacandran or Pirahaparan or Rudrakumran for you to get so cut up ?.

      Do you want him to look like Suren Durendran or Vellala Kid Abraham?…

      • 2

        KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera

        “Do you want him to look like Suren Durendran or Vellala Kid Abraham?…”

        No need to go that far. Policemen must fit and healthy, not sporting beer pot belly, unable to run down the street chasing a criminal or a bad guy.

        Is this dude genetically predisposed to storing fat?

        I suggest you take him for vellala walks on the Vellala beach near the Vellala garden every vellala mornings.

        At least you will have something to wake up in the mornings.

        • 0

          Dear Native.

          That is how I keep fit and trim And play 18 holes without any sweat.

          But I feel sorry for your Vellala mates who are struggling to walk from Yarl Dosai Den to Mirage All You Can eat Buffet, which is now filled with ex Mao crowd.

          I know PM Rudrakumara’s subject don’t have the Dosh to come to Wella Gardens yet.

          Where do you reckon Surendra’s mates eat and sleep?.

          Are they still using those Lodges in Maradana?…

  • 2

    Tamil from the north.

    These are the types who are left behind from that golden age with exemplary Policemen,we have had from all sections of Srilankan society.
    One of the reasons,for mass exodus of people seeking greener pastures,is not only for economic reasons, but also due to the plunge in standards,in all aspects of Social life of Srilanka!

    • 1

      Thanks Plato, I am sure there are intelligent life on CT such as you and dumb mutts such as KA Sumane and Sach. My family and I ran away from there in absolute disgust, certainly not for economic reasons. We were quite well off and lived a very comfortable life and moving to the west was an economic shock as our quality of life dropped. But the freedom we experienced in Canada gave us the courage to move up again in our economic standings in the society. I hate racists to the core, whether they are Tamils or Sinhalese, does not matter. Racists pigs should be exterminated. This beautiful country was destroyed for what? The brain drain for what? It broke my heart when the Tamils were slaughtered, then the poor Sinhala youth were slaughtered and then the Tamils again. Some pariahs are still trying to carry this garbage on to destroy the entire country. These dogs are relentless in their pursuit for destruction. Before they win, we need to shut them down.

      • 0

        Tamil from Scarborough,

        You silly fool…Do you know how a perch fetches even if it is next to Wellala Canal?..

        I bought mine on the Seaside for 10 Mil and I can sell it to your mates now for 20 Mil.

        I must thank you guys for creating that opportunity for us Southern Dalits to get in to Elite Real Estate.

        Good to hear you have made it in old Sioux Turf.

        It breaks my heart too, to think of how those innocent natives were massacred and their lands were destroyed to raise beef cattle

        I hope you don’t east Steak & Kidney Pie even..

  • 1

    Sad to read/hear this news item and all the post comments.
    The journalists along with the culprits behind this drug mafia must be laughing from the other end of their body while the STF and SL police lock horns on this petty issue of media coverage.
    What police, STF and media should do is to try their best to get hold of all the cannibals behind this drug mafia and bring them to media and before the law rather than playing mockeries by making the whole world laughing.
    All have forgotten their noble duty.

  • 0

    “STF Head is in hot water …..”

    Many important things are emanating from DIG Ranjith Perera’s statement.

    1. “We know journalists having links with underworld mafia.”

    This must be correct unless why should police apologize to media men?

    (Because Police are afraid of them)?

    2. Can a high ranking official maintain such a personal idea?

    Where’s team effort?

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