22 January, 2025


Sumanthiran Debunks Maharaja’s False Report: Says Channel Deliberately And Mischievously Misleading Public

TNA Parliamentarian M.A. Sumanthiran said NewsFirst, owned by Killy Maharaja‘s MTV/MBC Media Network, has deliberately and mischievously misled the public by distorting a speech he made in Jaffna.

NewsFirst reported a speech by Sumanthiran under the title “The Possibility of a Divided Nation“. The report said Sumanthiran, in his speech, talked about the possibility of the country being divided in the future. NewsFirst described Sumathiran’s speech as a “controversial statement”.

“This is mischievously and deliberately misleading! I spoke extensively on why the Tamils should abandon ‘the eelam dream’ and should assure the country at large that we are NOT for separation,” Sumanthiran tweeted today, debunking the false report.

The NewsFirst misreported Sumanthiran’s speech just a few days after several civil organizations staged a protest opposite its office demanding ethical and fair coverage. MTV/MBC Media Network hit out at the protestors saying they were funded by NGOs and it even went to the extent of getting a comment from former President Mahinda Rajapaksa under whose watch Sirasa studios were set on fire.

Latest comments

  • 64

    I was a sirasa viewer from inception but for the last two years stopped watching it as it was painful to listen or watch their interpretation which is way off reality. They try very hard to force feed the viewer to accept their thinking which is bias and self serving. Every Tv viewer should boycott these stations to make them realise that they no longer report for us to decide but they decide what interpretation we should be fed

    • 41

      Sometime I watch Sakthi TV Tamil Minnal program.
      That fellow Renga insults the intelligence of viewers thinking they are fools.

      • 31

        he was a terrible guy from what i heard as not only is he an MR stooge he had also preyed on many girls working for shakthi tv as news readers and then dumped them once he was satisfied

        • 8

          I hope ye guys realize what’s going on now ……… is a long journey

          Some writers like Sarath, Lacille, Shyamon, Sharmini, Emil, OC, NV …………….. and some others are trying to usher in the Lankan post-gullible age …….. it may be the start of another 2500-year journey

          Like Moses ………. making the transition from chaotic 70-years of independence and the dystopian Rajapakse-era …………….. to some perhaps never-reachable promised-land.

          Mad Max: Fury Road :)) ……………. Maharaja, Dayan, Malinda, Jimsofty, wannihaim, et al ………….. tied up at the back of the convoy ………. to forcibly take them into reality …….. and some semblance of truth :))

          • 8

            Anybody with a minimum of brains can see the gap between “We report, you decide” and what the Maharajahs actually broadcast. I have seen the self-serving nature of the channels since inception. Their first target was the then ETV, which was broadcasting interesting BBC stuff full-time.. The Maharajahs had it shut down on the promise that they, as BBC franchisees, would fill the gap. But it never happened.
            A couple of years ago, they went tooth- and -nail for one Muhunthan Canagey, the then TRC director, on grounds of “national security” because he refused to give them frequency rights.
            And of course they have such intellectual giants as T. Rusiripala, Faraz (who can’t keep his pants up without braces) and Dr. DJ to provide what is termed “public opinion”.
            If one wants a case for broadbasing media ownership, one has only to look at the monstrous “CapitalMaharajaOrganization” (as it grandly calls itself) which grew out of plain old Rajandrams in Bankshall Street, better known for washable Parker ink than brainwashing.

            • 5

              These maharaja people are shameless.
              Not just ruined lanken MEDIA world, but have the audacity to loud ” if they would annoy, us the SIRASA, we know how to reveal lot more”: as if they have not exposed enough, but naked people Kiliyaas had no guts to go back to 2008 and reveal all the bond bank scam losses since then?.
              In retrospect, I now know that SIRASA was instrumental in that 52 day black RAJAPAKSHE coup.
              None of the mentioned are interllectual to the world – DJ is a loser from the begining on, Rusilipala should better wear a CHEETHAYA and Blouse. Asath Shalley is the other, he doe s not know what he s been talking today, He more close to prisoned BBS head, betraying entire muslim community. And Faraz is an idiot, not knowing the least about the issues but to repeat it every morning.

      • 25

        Let alone today, all srilanken MPs should be treated equally. If not, those who stand against this should be exposed. Here, these TNA MPs are treated as if they are no MPs why ?
        We are all srilankens _ Sirisena is the president to all- they repeat these on the stage, but practice they are miles away from that.. All these should not be to the books and just icing covers for the international communities.
        By practice, president should PROVE the world, that his actions would not support BP Mahinda Rajakashe ‘s extremists friendly, racism friendly movements.
        SIRISENA has betrayed us the 6.2 mio shamelessly, that alone is beyond all ethics and morals. But SIRISENA and his media groups to worsen the situation.
        Enough is enoug, we should all support anti-Rajpakshe groupss today.

        • 2

          Babansingho: Sira is in a pathetic situation. As expecte the Boots are too big and he is suffering.

          • 2

            Entire structure is kaputt in SL as nothing can help reverse.Social scum has taken the ground. Political criminals and media men are entwined as they can not be breakable. As is the case in World war era, gobbels media nature is governing in SL. What become common man’s opinion is what is being louded by the speakers fo DERANA, SIRASA and HIru. Pictures worth thousands words, so if Mawbima and the like abusive news papers would only please Rajapakshe anus, people would only stay behind them, so servile.
            Meaning see why cant LEGAL authorities together stand against all delays of the court cases of alleged king of thugs ?
            Unlik ein Europe, our people lack confidence and go out of their boxes and fight for the future of the youth.
            Now with Brexit issue staganating UK since then, they are caught by not being able to come a consensus. Entire rest of Europe frown at them. Once upon a time, they were the masters for the world. Today, even if brexit ended up asking them to go out of EU, today I see lot more still want to stay in EU

    • 2

      All Sinhala viewers should boycott Swarnawahini because it will become the mouthpiece of LTTE.

      • 13

        That will surely be blessing in disguise. How come Egale evil man as late septagenarian finally came with a good comment ? Did you change your psychologists or neurologists ?
        Hakkgediya man and other sorcery tricks players incl Astrologists would not have achieved their goals, if SWARNAWAHINI did not allow them to spread any nation misleading predictions or rituals.

      • 2

        They had been a gentleman -IH wrote good coments two years ago.
        He stood against the discriminations being spread in the country against srilanken muslims.
        But I respected the him as a senior diplomat and an a scholar.
        When you Egala evil man – would leave us, what good you would leave is my greater question. You can see things in a big picture yet today.
        All what you guys should do is to stand against EXTREMISTS of RAJAPAKSHE nature.
        We can achieve lot more for the NATION, if Rajapakshes would have been jailed going by their High crimes.
        The day if our legal systems would succeed it – will be the day we the nation and keep hopes for a better future in this country.

      • 1

        I agree with Eagle eye. It’s a well known story that the LTTE diaspora money was used to form the company LIKA mobile.

        And also the story continues to say the same money was used to buy Swarnawahini, through a company in Singapore.

        Hence why the recent support to the celebrations with the LTTE flag was done through Swarnawahini.

        The person came from UK for the same celebrations is the mango buddy of Rajapaksha and family.

        The other story is the funding Sirasa received from China, apparently around 34 billion, to support Gota to become next president.

        They will make sure the 20th amendment proposal will definitely not happen before the next election.

        Otherwise all Chinese investments will go down the drain.

        • 6

          Suranga Gunasekara@
          Not just SWARNAWAHINI, HIRU and DERANA even SIRASA belong to the same category highly abusive senders.
          I thoroughly believe, had not these senders abused their frequencies, people would have been better informed about the facts of ongoing issues.
          More over these senders spread Astrolgy and other socery tricksand their cultures for draging them on for a longer period now.
          The reason why SLTV failed to continue the most ADVANCED PROGRAM by name “Yatharoopa” was connected with the resistance given by above mentioned highly abusive senders.

    • 28

      About time these so called unbiased media outlets are exposed for the hypocrites they are and how they try and divide our country and spread hate through the divide and conquer propaganda strategies they use…

      They are secretly working hard to bring back the Rajapaksa Criminal Dictatorship back. I hope the poor young reporters they have brainwashed become aware of this soon and come forward to expose the evil people behind this.

      They downplay CoupeLk now they are twisting the words of an honest politician to create racist hatred dirty and cheap media propaganda shame shame shame…

      • 6

        Ranga is known as a Bootlicker. A disgrace to Tamils. got into the Parliament through UNP and crossed overnight to Mahinda. Mangala is responsible for bringing him to Politics from Campus. Killi is a danger to Sri Lanka. Sirasa should be ostracised. Although everyone was against the burning Sirasa Studios, now every one has changed their Mind. Like Mahendran he is also a white collar criminal.

    • 20

      SIRASA parrots are well trained to voice not thinking twice.They are even worst than NEW YORK road side prostitutes. May well be they are the extremly obsequeous prostitutes in the country.
      MP Sumanthiran has every right to add the way he did regarding this issue, but SIRASA parrots to stammer their stories, in favour of the masses that would go mad – is what they are deliberately up to these days. We the unbiased citizens but supporting sustainable solutions to long standing ethnic problems dont see any wrong with the statements made by Sumanthiran. These abusive media and their Motive is to stand against UNP and TNA or any other parties pleasing EXTREMISTs such as Rajapakshes led political alliances. Almsot everyone in the country and the world are aware, Rajaakshes are born racists and extremists in the country today. .
      THis they have veen dragging on over the years. NO respect to media ethics at all. The SATANA weekly political discussion is now turned out to be biased as no times before.
      Last week’s program there had been a very good question raised by UNP parliamentarian was as to why PRESIDENT deliberately keeps the BANK BOND recommendations yet away form the public?
No proper responses were discussed … just because President is the key person to prevent that from being released to the nation.
But in the same time, they keep on repeating that they are a media institution that would standy by the people. t
      Alone making such statements, after a 30 long year BRUTAL CIVIL war should no means acceptable by any kind of media institution.
      But under the DIRECT patronage of incumbent President, SIRASA TV has been ABUSING their licence this way over past 4 years. RTI to reveal why SIRASA is offered more FREQUENCIES knowing they have all along been upto abuse lanken folks ?

      • 11

        Their programme FACE THE NATION is a joke!

        They have renowned anti-government activists being invited time and again who out-number the government representative by 3-1 and they go on a Ranil / Government / UNP bashing spree which is tiresome and quite disgusting. The comment by Bunjuappu about their being worse than NEW YORK street walkers is apt and to the point.

        • 5

          Not just face the nation,
          And all other breaking news style programs are FULLY based on MISLEADING crapy headlines. No second to the POLGEDI font size head lines on MAWBIMA paper or the similar news papers in local media.
          Watawala and all other LOW LEVEL journalists that may have nothing but the talent to be EXTREMLY obsequeous to their bosses, misled the nation over the last 4 years more than earlier days.
          Paradoxially, GG govt brought more freedom to lanken MEDIA, breaking all records. Nobody can stand against it.
          Now Sirasa can be attacked NOT by govt, but by PEOPLE for all what they have done to the nation: This will be the reality IN THE DAYS TO COME.

          • 6

            Sirimal, the obese guy with his jockstraps over his shoulders is possibly the worst of them all. It is refreshing that at long last the people have stood up to reject them so dismissively.

            • 4

              His knowledge about very simple issues in lanken society is provably low.His pronunciation is very good. But that means not everyting. He is very against RW. I dont mind him being against RW or any other politicians because. I dont support any parties in the country. But these men, at the time, brutal Rajakashes stood against lanken democracy, if SIRASA is that people friendly as their boasts repeat, could do lot more for the sake of very people. right ?
              They behaved no different to those RAJAKAHSE loud speakers (Hiru and Derana TV channels).
              As I read somewhere, these channels should be subjected to close inspections.
              Channel holders should nt allow unqualified personnel to spread just what they think is right. Time has come to stand against these men.

              • 5


                Any newscaster who displays his personal likes and dislikes in official programmes is not only good for nothing, but also a heavy liability to his organisation in the end.

                He has garnered an unexpected number of votes for Ranil while insulting him, without any effort from Ranil himself.

                Keep going the same way MTV , you are doing yeoman service to the Greens!

                • 2

                  Sirasa parrots are shameless as usual. They now move an extra mile to brand TNA as teror groups ONLY because to be in good books of ABUSIVE SIRISENA and murderous MR. Else what is wrong with TNA MPS joined hand with the govt. They are also SRILANKEN MP, so long Sirasa and other senders act ethonbias, this country would never see solutions to long standing ethinc problems.
                  Last night i just peeped in that SATANA program. albeit i hate to see them on screen. Nothing was new. All along they stood against UNPrs as usual even if mountains of dirty stand against SIRISENA and MR.
                  You and I know SIRISENA would not have been the Presid anymore, if rule of law would have been working in this country. SC proved his performance is against Constitution – Breach – standing against his oath. So that alone is enough to remove the man.
                  Mujibaran UNP MP attended to Satana Pro yesterday was smart enough to leave good and constructive responses.
                  JVP representative as usual behaves they are clean as ever before.
                  I think JVPrs should finally see it right not to stand against UNP, since MR men are the most abusive above all in this country. If they would have been BEHEADED by bringing them to GALLE FACE GREEN, we would all feel – justice is ulmately served. That alone can give us a good life.

    • 4

      Recalling the attacks made on Sirasa in the high days of Mahinda Rajaakshe:
      I now think they deserved to be treated that way. Next attacks will be directly from the people since they have now realized the real face of SIRASA. See, how they treated those protesters that just wanted to hand over a letter criticizing today s media as a whole. Their SIRASA behaved as if they are above the law.. why was that ?
      Today, all is set for MEDIA freedom, but they behave even worst.
      BANK BOND SCAM coverage was once sided
      All the 51-day political COUP in the country was telecasted by them in favour of Rajapkshes, very partial as is the case with Derana THE most abusive sender of the island.

    • 4

      Fully agree. SAK Kili maharaja has an agenda to get rid of Ranil but he will fail miserably. Old foes have become his best friends and he’ll learn a bitter lesson sooner than later. Worms should invade the mouths of him and his cohorts.

    • 5

      I too have stopped watching MTV / Sirasa News for quite sometime now, as it is not a news broadcast anymore. It is OPEN political propaganda against one man and this has made me view Ranil Wickremasinghe far more benevolently than would have been otherwise the case.

      SIRASA is an unabashed, unprincipled, unapologetic anti- Wickremasinghe political tool in the hands of a few bigoted individuals in a country that cries out for an independent media. If they arent convinced of their mis-deeds, they need to just ask the intelligent average man / woman about it., without making that too, a ‘put-up’ job to convince others it is not so.

      Their NEWS Broadcasts are quite disgusting I know many, who dont watch it anymore. They have done great harm to themselves and done Mr Wickremasinghe a terrific favour in turn which he never asked, let alone deserved. Mr Sumanthiran has to be congratulated for raising this issue openly.

      I am sure, they have managed to garner many votes for Ranil Wickremasinghe, without the latter lifting one finger to help his own cause.

    • 2

      Until truths being telecasted /broadcasted within the country, people now seen as slaves of some politicians would not be able to free from the clutches fo their brutal men.
      If Rajapakshe bought TNA parliamentarians in order to complete their simple majoirity, those tamil politicians are REAL good representatives, but the very same parliamentarians would support JVP and UNP for a common issue that we need to find solutions, they will be branded as ” LTTE TIGERS”.
      Lanken media instead CLEAR this to the MAJORITy folks who have been caught by the tricks being played by those malicious politicians.
      Instead SIRASA or the like SENDERs to add fuel to the burning issue is beyond all ethics and morals. They have no right to talk about JUSTICE anymore even if they woudl have been DEMOLISHed by mob attacks in the days to come. People would have no PATIENCE any more.

    • 1

      …….and Sumanthiran is no way better.

    • 2

      I still have a dream as a peaceful SINHALAYA (while living in Europe)that oneday will NOT even think of us being ethnically divided.
      I have a dream that one day that this nation hold the truths to be self-evident that all of us regardless of our race, religion or other barriers are created equal.
      I have a dream that one day tamil/sinhala and others (muslims and even state tamils and all other minorities) will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
      I have a dream that one day even in the Nothern and Eastern provinces even the state of sweltering with the heat of injustice , sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed int o an oasis of freedom and justice, so that people would finally feel we are all equal
      I have a dream that my own people will be one day living as one nation where they will not judge the others by their ethinic race, religion or whatever but by the content of their charactor.
      I have a dream that our politicians will not follow the racial/extremists politics as being carried out by Rajapakshes by manipulating innocient people in the island
      I have a dream that our minorities will change their mindset about being minorities and willb e turned out to be SRILANKEN.

  • 49

    Sumanthiran is a much maligned man. But he has been steadfast in his commitment and belief to find democratic solutions to the problems of the Tamils. Few parliamentarians can match his intelligence, coherence and spirit. He may be a product of the church, an elitist in his own world, but he is more decent and sincere than 99% of the Sinhala parliamentarians. He would never lobby for a divided Sri Lanka. This is a phobia created by Gammanpila et al.

    • 36

      He is one of the very few parliamentarians I respect and can be enthusiastic about. Killy Maharaja’s network should be blacklisted if not totally banned. This is not about freedom of expression but malicious and dangerous distortion which can fuel another round of ethnic violence.

      • 6

        Manel Fonseka you hit the button. SIRASA is not only malicious, they are dangerous too in their distortions which can give rise to a lot of social instability in a country that doesnt need it.

    • 5

      How could it be a phobia created by Gammanpila, when, as clearly seen by anybody, it was Tamil Maharajah who distorted Tamil Sumanthiran’s speech intentionally?

      • 22

        @Chimpa, what is wrong with you idiot? Always moaning about Tamils. Did a Tamil man jilt you at the brothel? How do you wake up every day hating another ethnicity? You must be filled with so much poison, I am surprised that poison has not consumed you yet.

        • 1

          Tamil from the north
          Why do you add “Tamil” part to identify you here? Because you want everybody to know that you are a Tamil. Who is the idiot here?
          There is no other commenter as racist as you. Check the archives and enjoy your own “poison.”
          If you can use the word “Tamil”, why can’t I?
          Maharaja and Sumanthiran both are Tamils, like you.
          I never knew you were ashamed of your ethnicity.
          Tamil Maharaja is attacking Tamil Sumanthiran and all the Tamils here are lamenting.
          If tomorrow Maharaja corrects the version, you all will convey your apologies to Maharaja for criticizing him.

          • 3

            @Chimpa Chimpa Chimpa, you are a complete wingnut. If one uses the word Tamil in their pseudonym, does not make that individual a racist. I am a Tamil, it is a fact goof. You are Sinhalese and that is a fact. Merely because someone is a Sinhalese, that does not make that person a racist. It is what you say (racist remarks) that makes you a racist.

            By the way I dare you to copy and paste one comment I made which borders on either prejudice or racism. Do it if you can find one. I like to see what I wrote which cripples you so much, which leads you to think that I am a racist. Do it, or otherwise crawl under a rock and stay there with the Parayapaksa clan.

            • 1

              TAMIL from the NORTH
              I am not your mother to do your homework. Go in front of a mirror and see the Tamil from the north.
              If saying Tamil Maharajah is racism, then my calling you Tamil from the North is also racism. Go, get a life, man.

              • 2

                Chimpa, I wish your parents used some kind of birth control mechanism when they went behind a bush to copulate and produce a buffoon like you. You called me a racist, hence I asked you to bring one example of my many comments that had a racial connotation to it. If you had asked me to show one, I would have brought many comments of yours with racial connotations. If you were my mother, I would have hung myself from a tree. It would have been a disgrace to be linked to you in any way. Hey muttonhead, there is a difference between a Tamil calling himself a Tamil and a xenophobic mutt like you discussing a topic of concern (see heading of this article) and bringing the word Tamil unnecessarily, what does the ethnicity got to do with it? Your scull is filled with muck (feces from Wimal Buruwansa). Your parents must have had one look at you and threw you off the tree in disappointment. What was the reason you brought the word Tamil in there. So when you talk about Weerawansa (your lover) do you say Sinhala Weerawansa? Have you ever seen me ever saying Sinhala this and Sinhala that? Goof ball, when a person is bad, he/she is not bad because they are Sinhalese or Tamils. It is all to do with their upbringing. See what happened to you after your parents threw you off the tree when they had their first look at you!!! You turned out to be an absolute disaster. I have to go and sleep now as it is quite late. Please do respond and I will come back and deal with you swine.

        • 7

          @ Tamil from the north,

          That is the result of a defective sperm. Don’t take it too seriously.

          • 1

            That is another good way to identify you, same as “Tamil” from the “North.”.
            Tamil birds of a feather, flock together.

            • 4


              “Tamil birds of a feather, flock together.”

              It’s the same with you and your sinhala boss, who murdered thousands and stole billions. Go, kiss his feet and worship him. It’s extremely clear that you’ve drunk from his cup of racism.

              • 3

                Tamil from the North. Do not worry your head. This waht happens when children are boirn through anal coitus. So hate not our Champi

        • 2

          TAMIL from the NORTH
          Practice what you preach!!!!
          99% of Tamils and Muslims in this forum always call Mahinda, Wimal, Gammanpila, Gnanasara Thero and other Buddhist priests as SINHALA RACISTS or SINHALA BUDDHIST RACISTS, always HIGHLIGHTING Sinhala and Buddhist parts.
          When I do the same, I am racist to Tamils.
          Remember this, you, TAMIL FROM THE NORTH, if Tamils and Muslims can be racists, I also can.
          If Tamil Mahendran distorted a speech of Mahinda or Wimal or any other Sinhalese, none of the Tamils here say a word against Maharajah or Sirasa.
          Now they cry foul, because Maharajah distorted a statement of a Tamil MP.
          You, TAMIL FROM THE NORTH, remember this, you Tamil Racist, This is my country. Sinhala is my race. Buddhism is my religion. I have every right to be as racist as you and all other Tamils and Muslims.

          • 5


            What do you mean by “This is my country”? Did your dad transfer it to your name?

            Even i can say that this country belongs to me. Any objection?

            • 0

              This is MY COUNTRY, by right.

              • 4

                Chimpa: This is MY COUNTRY, by right.

                TFN: I never knew you were a comedian and a circus clown besides being a madam at a brothel. Hahahahahahahaha…………………’This is my country, by right? what a hoot…………………hahahahahahaha! There are many rooms at Angoda for mentally infirm individuals like you. Keep dreaming!!!!!!!

        • 1

          TAMIL from the NORTH
          I wanted to put my two cents against Maharajah’s and his brainwashed SIRASA’s discrimination against selective politicians, now I won’t do it. The credit goes to you.

      • 1

        Wirithanpila is the bane of Sri Lanka who can not, open that cesspit with out lying

    • 2

      You bare right in your perception of MP Sumanthiran. He spoke very clearly and boldly in his statement in saying that “Tamils should permanently give up the idea of dividing the country and work towards a united country”. He even said Tamils may throw stones at him for saying “give up the idea of Eelam for good”. He also said we should not create suspicion in the minds of Sinhalese about our intention ..He very clearly without any ambiguity stated that finding a solution to the Tamils’ problem within a united country is possible.

    • 0

      So what if he is a product of the church? That is his private matter which no one needs to question. As you say he is more sincere and and wise about the stand now Tamil politics should be presented at this stage of Tamil history in SL than some of the other Tamil politicians and the Tamil media that malings and criticises him about the stance that should be followed to thwart the malicious propaganda machinery and the deviousness of those like MaRa who misleads the Sinhalese people to be suspicious about Tamils planning to separate the country.

  • 40

    Nerwsfirst is fake news.
    The whole country knows that
    We Report You Decide!
    We Report …first of all you don’t report….you twist and lie…
    You Decide ….yes we have decided you are a fake news

  • 32

    People should boycott these stations & boycott the products they advertise

    • 2

      Boycott the products they advertise and they will soon fall in line.

      • 2


        Make it an Ethical Consumer issue.

  • 20

    Fully agree with the comment of RWKD.

  • 32

    Sumanthiran should file Legal action against News First and have them punished. That will teach them a lesson they will NEVER forget. It would also serve as a warning to other News Networks who resort to such distortions to serve their Masters.

    How about it Mr. Sumanthiran? You have News First at your Mercy now. Come on. Teach them a lesson that they will Never Forget.

    • 25

      Boycott all Maharaja products and there Silly Media coolies.
      What Gota said way back in 2009 was true. They burnt there own station to claim insurance.
      For once Gota you are spot on

    • 3


      you are dead right.That is what i also wanted to say.He should take a cue from gota who sued the leader for 1 billion rupees so as to bankrupt it.Then he found that he had fallen into lasantha’s trap because when you sue you can be cross examined for anything even what is irrelevant to the MIG deal because the defendent wants to show that you are of poor character anyway and cannot be defamed for character.So he bumped off lasantha and lasantha’s so called trap backfired on him.If sumanthiran is of unimpeachable character as i believe him to be he should sue.

  • 11

    Recently Sunday Times reported he is using undue influence in the political upper house to have getting illegally released from police custody the drug smugglers. There is not much difference in Colombo Media as White or Black; they all are gray at some level. It is immaterial what Sumanthiran said and it is not new what the News First reports.

    The reality is, there is no way to rehabilitate the News Firsts under Sumanthiran’s Ekkaya Rajya (Unitary Government). Both Sates will be going separate at some point of time after IC come to know the facts in an International Investigation. It is not Sumanthiran, it is IC will be voluntarily come forward to do that at that time. Until that Sumanthiran is good target for News First to keep its audience with it and after that to claim that “We Told You So”.

  • 4

    Oh yes, country will not be divided (unless there is dissension). But whole and united we will be Merged with the Indian (land bridge and all).

    • 3

      ramona Grandma therese fernando

      Who asked/allowed you to make important decisions by yourself?
      The decisions such as division of this island on the one hand and the merger with India is/are prerogative of the Indians.

      Why are you wasting your time?

      • 0

        NV…..he, ha, ha……

    • 0

      Ramona. frantastic. See what good it will bring us, with such a large market. On the obverse is that it will also bring some politicians who a nationalists and not those that love eating white man’s GOMA.

      • 0

        Good Lord…..how little you realize. The merger is FOR the White Man. They’d cozy us up and dumb us down with the Indian Merger. Anything more to do with China and they’d lose.

        We need a large market of important things, not Indian market things and catering to Indian weddings and Bollywood productions. The only thing we need is plenty of money from our ports to develop our own local market. With India, it will be 0.001 space technology : 1-billion toe-rings.

        • 0

          Ok Upali….It has been noted that right now, the Indians/West are in the process of psychologically boosting up the Lankan population towards the Merger. For example, Govis have been told that they are the salt of Sri Lanka and that their intellect and exclusive lineages will be assured – that India has a deep respect for them, and will strive to the utmost to preserve their heritage. (Divide and rule plan no. 1).

          Hope the fools won’t fall for it, for once the merger occurs, it will all be on meritocracy to keep the monies up to standard for the West.

          It is hoped that Govis will examine the reality of their situation, and not be fooled by mere flattery. Merger with India will mean the Masses will have to work very hard indeed for the Indian conglomerate……assurance of high-caste etc. will give way in a hundred years to a neo-caste system, where our Masses will fall into the very low-caste category.

          Sigh….., how much easier it will be with China.

        • 1

          Ramona, How foolish you are. You have seen what our politicians had done since 1977. All groups participated in the action. Both the UNP and the SLFP ( or whatever coating it wore). What we have got is Goma be it from the West or East.The Bird brained jokers who masquerade as leaders and politicians in our country will realise that they are nothing but miniscular jokers to be stepped on and crushed. At least then we will not be fed with GOMA either from the West or the East.

  • 16

    In LANKA ‘Media Freedom’ is a long forgotten privilege. Some media, greedily going after wealth have included misrepresentation as part of this freedom.
    TNA has again and again, repeatedly espoused extensively on why the Tamils should abandon ‘the Eelam dream’ and assured the country at large that they are NOT for separation.
    SLPP is on a Goebbelsian mission to propagate the view that separation, which they say is on the cards, must be prevented with force. Some media publicise this because that is where the money is.
    This ‘separation’ is in the minds of those who created a Sinhalese-Only Armed Services and very nearly so Police.
    Will we ever learn from, the debacle that was, the Sinhalese-Only SriLankan Airlines?

  • 6

    Sumanthiram is telling Demalu to abandon Elam because these Vellala elite politicians do not like to go and rot in Elam. If it comes to a point of separation Demalu will get only about 12% of the land which is same proportion out of the total population. These Vellala elite politicians prefer a confederation rather than a Separate State because they do not want to give up the luxurious life they enjoy in Colombo living with Sinhalayo. If they can have a confederation they can play racists politics in the North and East to come to power and live in Colombo.

    The biggest stumbling block for Sinhala and Demala ordinary folks to live in harmony is these racist Vellala elite politicians. It is high time ordinary Demala folks rise against these crooks. If you come forward, Sinhalayo are willing to support.

    • 1

      [Edited out] writing in capital letters are discouraged -CT

    • 9

      EAGLE EYE- is it correct to call MAHINDA RAJAPKSA as singala vellala racist since he and his family came from remote modamullana and enjoying all luxurious comforts in colombo or call him singala karawa half budist half christian PERCY MAHINDA since he is trying all his best to divide ordinary singla and demela living in harmony.

    • 4

      Eagle Eye. Correct! That too.

    • 2

      separation will mean re-housing tamils at menik farm.

  • 12

    We like Sumanthiran or not, he has earned the respect for stabilizing the chaotic Lankan political theater.

    One funny thing about Sumanthiran is that he still hasn’t established himself as a charismatic leader in North.

    When he visits to North, he has to change his western style dress and try to look like a traditionalist to sell his vision to locals. Then he has to reverse that sequence when he returns to South. It is a tall order because he has to walk on a sky high virtual string while maintaining his balance from a deadly fall. I’m sure, there are so many losers in every level are waiting for his fall from Lankan political theater.

  • 10

    Since MP Sumanthiran spoke in Tamil many had to rely on the translation provided along with it. Is there any way to get his speech in English on CT?

  • 3

    TNA has been acting duplicitous – saying one thing to the Tamils and another to the Sinhalese. They stoke the very core of Tamil nationalism and their members openly go around praising ltte (and allowed by their leadership) when it suits them in the north. They talk about undivided, indivisible country and ltte war crimes in the south. Will they take any legal action against those who they think are misrepresenting them? No, because they have mastered the art of deception and have benefited from these different interpretations. I think even JVP, as racist as it may be toward the Tamils, is more reliable when finding out the current state of affairs in the island.

  • 5

    May we know the special Tamil problems in Sri Lanka to find special solutions democratically?

    • 2

      I have asked this question several times in this forum but so far I haven’t got a response. There are several names to this non-existing problem. National Question; Tamil Problem; Minority Problem; Ethnic Problem. This problem is like what we call in Sinhala ‘Higannege Thuwalaya’ (Begger’s wound). Demala politicians keep on scratching this wound from time to time so that they can fool the ordinary Demala folks. The real problem of ordinary Demala people is oppression from elite Vellala crooks who think that they are high caste and have the right to oppress low caste people. In order to cover that issue, Demal politicians create Sinhala phobia among Demala people.

      • 4

        Evil Eye,
        There are thousands of problems if i may list and share you.. I am a sinhalaya living in Europe. I live several countries in Europe. If you want I can bring a list of facts about the ground realities of Tamil SRILANKENS: This means not that I stand for their political problems. But I have met number of tamils and Muslim srilankens that have really been cornered by embassies.
        (Let me repeat that YOU RE BORN BP; WP TO US, since we are well aware of the problems of our minorities and only a new constituion could resolve the problem):
        If my reports would release, some of them could cost their jobs.- to be honest.
        Tamils are in general not respected by the consulates/embassies whenever they go there to get their passports or other issues done.
        While I was living in Switzerland some tamils came to me asking for assistance.
        Then I drove them to the embassy, just becasue they were known to me long. Now dont brand me as a LTTE supporter. Nor were those tamils LTTERs.
        You guys are born racists, you would not see it right even if you pass your later day life now.

    • 0

      Ask Sirasa TV people they will get that fellow Renga to tell you about the special problems that Tamils have.

    • 1

      NTW: Reams of pages have been written about the ‘special Tamil problems in Sri Lanka’. If you are still ignorant about these problems you are a Prize Donkey!

    • 2

      From the day that ungrateful woman set her son of 25 yrs to kill a 75 year old man, this problem had been festering. The liar Mahanama aggravated the problem.

      That woman was made pregnant by a safron robed guy. the man in saftron was cooked in oil and the hot number throw into the sea. She landed at magampura and a man, who was consierd ugly and no woman was ready to marry him, provided solace to the Hot number. After sometime when she realised that the man she had married is ugly she brainwashed the safron robed man’s son to kill Tamils to spite the fact that her legal husband was also a Tamil. It was she who concocted the story of lying in the foetal posistion.

      the un grateful woman is called VIHARA MAHA DEVI

      The GOSL had been ill treating the tamil population since 1948.

  • 2

    Yahapalana govt wrote, editd and presented the constituion so many times. Now say NO such constitution. when the Ruppe is toilet paper for tourists, It is important to discuss the constitution. Sumanthiran is the TNA leader. so, Ranil tried to help Sumanthiran and score point. Even Kiriella said that EKIYA is every where Ekiya. Some how, only 56 MPs out of 225 attended the parliament. So, Ranil .lost. Now Ranil is blaming Mahinda Rajapakse because MR criticized that Orumiththanadu caluse is still there. TNA advisor SAMBANTHAN also said, there is no need of a constitution when we go to the election. So, Sumanthiran is stuck in TNA now. It is true, Sumanthiran gave a one and half hour talk about the constituion in Jaffna. SRI LANKAN CAN GIVE FULL POWER DEVOLUTION UNDER THE EKIYA (UNDEFINED IN SINHALA, INSIDE THE CONSITUTION), IF THEY OFFER PORTS TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES, THAT IS STILL LEGAL. CAN WE STOP THEY ARE DOING OTHER HUMAN RIGHTS, OR ANY OTHER ACTIVITIEES.
    IT IS SUMANTHIRAN WHO ASKED RANIL to bring the fundamental rights court case against the parliament dissolving. There five components to the PEOPLES’ SOVEREIGNITY. Seven judges usurped the Grandest of all, can not be compromised right that is peoles’ ability solve problems by voting. Judges said FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE 13 PEOPLE (SOME ARE FOREIGNERS) OR GROUPS superior to the peoples sovereinity of voting rights. I Ranil is concerned that now would come out and voters would under stand how they are lopsided in their right. I heaa he had said Mahinda Rajapkase to not to talk those things inside the parliament because, they both recognize maithripala is their enemy (God Munneswara)

  • 1

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  • 6

    That man Sumanthiran should never be trusted. The man is an out and out liar. He is in politics to line his own bloody pocket and nothing else. Him and Sumpanthan got bunch oh goons with them in the legislature. I am waiting for the next round of false promises. I wrote him an open letter whic was published in the Colombo Telegraph and I missed his visit to Canada. Next time he comes around this part of the glob I shall make sure he answers some of the questions I have for him.

  • 6

    If the country is economically and ethically developed will there still be a separatist threat? I don’t think so. Look what happened to the separatist struggle in Quebec. It is now a dead moose, not because of Federalism but Quebecers were concerned about their economy, jobs, relationships, and other negative repercussions. That’s why Quebecers made a wise decision not to separate from Canada and that’s why Canada is called a developed country.
    Most Sri Lankans don’t care about the constitution because they don’t see any relevancy between the so-called experts’ proposals and country’s future development. They don’t trust any of these guys because whatever Ranil and his men have done in Sri Lanka put the general public in more and more trouble. Just look at the 19th amendment!
    Taxpayers pay to law makers to do a clear, incontestable, and transparent job, but they did a lousy job and the country (not politicians who find loopholes in it now) was in shut-down mode until the Supreme Court made a decision! Therefore the general public don’t trust any of these guys who try to change the constitution. For them enough is enough!
    The reason is very simple: if a lousy job is done with these proposals, there will be border issues, police and land issues, security issues, trade issues, and drug issues (Kerala Ganja on news now and many suspect MP Sumanthiran gave the call to Police to ‘speak’ about alleged drug traffickers). As a lawyer he may have that right but as the chief spokesperson of the TNA dealing with the constitutional proposals he should have been more cautious!
    Therefore, only a new government (whether UNP, SLFF or SLPP) with a clear mandate should start this process. JVP and TNA should not act like Pirabaharan at the negotiating table!

  • 6

    These Sirasa and Maharajah crooks need to be eliminated. They are only interested in filthy lucre and will sell their bums to you know whom for a few bucks. Disgraceful SOBS and Kallathonees who will prostitute democracy and the citizens rights for political favours. Time Ranil took a strong view on these bastards and closes down their media units for deliberately publishing false statements. What these pricks have done can create racial hatred and intolerance and time to enforce the laws that exist to have these morons locked up.

    • 3

      Hiroo Therana and Seerasa are despicable channels run by mafia dons and drug cartel barons supporting sillysena and the rajafucksas.
      None of the media Channels are supportive of UNP and its development work.
      Its gonna be a herculean task to win any elections without a balanced coverage.

  • 4

    Maharajah’s TV network is a corrupt organisation. People sometimes sent me some episodes in Minnal programme. I must say Ranga comes out as a charlatan and not a journalist fit to head such a programme. He is like a brothel keeper who parades the prostitutes who share his agenda and go to the depths of the barrel to find dirt to splash at serious politicians. I sometime wonder whether the Tamil community has sunk so low that these illeterate apes are the best that Maharajah can find to lick his backside. Sad times.

  • 1

    This Sumanthiran case is the Newest DEBACLE OF Ranilsthan in which Ranil is the eternal PArty LEader, eternal MP and UNP constitution is the Sri lanka’s Crap constitution. Ranil tried to Score with the CRAP constitution with 107 People (Seven people he bought from SLFP/SLPP). but he lost as only 56 people were there in the whole parliament. All 56 people were multi religious and they worship everygod including Allah, christian or Catholic almighty, Hindu or buddhists. So poor Ranil, another Scrrw up. Mahinda Rjapakse went with that as usual. but, Even the bond Scammer Hector Appuhami says there is no such constitution but Kiriella says they have all the support for constitution. People sasy UNP party constitution is the Sri lankan constitution and Ranil;s name is every whered in that. Ranil is the Eternal PArty Leader, he is the Eternal election loser and his only escape is if Maithripala Says OK to SAMUHA AANDUWAA.

  • 1

    Boycott the products they advertise and they will soon fall in line.

  • 3

    Sirasa and mtv are no longer a media institute, it beheves and act as another political party. Most of the speakers of maharaja are either working in presidential office as advisors or given governor posts. They once spread a false news about jvp too very recently. So now they are doing it for tna too. The license of sirasa, hiru, mawbima and divaina should be temporarily suspend. You cannot run a country when politicians hidden under media spreading fake and dangerous news ( this is a new form of terrorism).

  • 1

    “Shakthi” TV/FM are spending megabucks to advertise and promote their channels in the northern province. But people there just don’t buy their news. In fact, the people of the province turn to other local print/electronic media as well as digital sources for news, despite the fact that Killi Maharaja comes from Jaffna. Indeed,”Shakthi” TV/FM have lost their credibility.

  • 2

    I understand many of these Sirasa journalists are bending to politicians one or the other way shamelessly and selling their own self-respect if they have as such.

    Unfortunately many of the other journalist on TV and Print and Social Media too same.

    it is very hard to find the difference between journalists and politicians today.

    They all need to learn how to have a dignified life and doing a dignified job instead of being sold to the owners of the media outlets’ political agenda that is against the common good of citizens.

  • 1

    Journalism should be practiced free and fair whilst maintaining without fear and favours. Majority of the media institutions in Sri Lanka are faced with numerous challenges put them on questionable practices in reporting. As the government media institutions always reporting news which is favourable to the government in power whilst private media institutions are accountable to the top management in terms of profitability and long term sustainability as a business venture. Therefore practicing of ethical journalism in Sri Lanka is a distant dream. Especially when top management of private media companies developed animosity against particular individual or group of individuals and become cynic attitude to character assassinate individuals cannot be ethical journalism. The media institution Sirasa and its associate partners should practice ethical journalism and maintain as much as possible neutrality when reporting.

  • 0

    Deeply divided between that politics of People’s Majority of Sri Lankan and TNA that newly created political platform working towards which Federalism and Eealm that road map by suddenly and suspiciously. This is a dangerous political game play by Sumathrain of member of TNA.
    While its blessing comes of partition of Island is that POWER derived from south manipulation by of that UNP-RW , JVP and CBK’s of “SLFP”. This is a disharmonizing efforts Political federalism of TNA as that FIRST SETP by “Newly Proposed Constitution” move by jointly UNP leader RW and CBK. Nevertheless that TNA spokesmen of MP of Sumantahran is a sole agent speaking on behalf New Tamil Constitutional federalism in public . This not voice of Tamils, it is voice of outside forces.

    The voice of TNA political game change that currently moving out of Gun-Rule politics being change into that New tools of so-called “unitary charter of Constitution of State” is lying the public.
    Indeed that Island shifted for a Oriwatahnadu by TNA political proposal nothing else be surprised, it is a another Tamil Nadu inside ours Land !@
    The division and partition of Island on Ethic and Religious demarcation are is that hegemonies politics of USA UK and EU agenda to created most weakest puppet regime Indian Ocean.by blessing of UNP-RW and CBK!@
    Well, it is a wish of Diaspora of Tamils wanted to seized an oppounity seeking Tamil Speaking state for through out the world. Needless to say JVP and UNP are great splitters of nation politics advocated by leaders of RW and CBK are bastion of that First Tamil regime in part of Island.
    Sri lanka would be better place to live than so-called mired of Tamil Eealm quixotic pursuit democracy .

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